## Function to calculate correlation between allelic dosages, both by scan and by SNP
## Allows for comparison between imputed datasets, or between imputed and observed -- i.e., where one or more of the datasets contains continuous dosage [0,2] rather than discrete allele counts {0,1,2}
## Modeled off of GWAS Tools function 'duplicateDiscordanceAcrossDatasets'
## Sarah Nelson, UW GAC, January 12, 2015
## Development notes:
# uses getAlleleA and getAlleleB - user needs to name the desired snpAnnot allele columns to 'alleleA' and 'alleleB' prior to making the GenotypeData object (e.g., if the fields are initilaly named "alleleA.plus" and "alleleB.plus")
# only works for samples duplicated once (i.e. dup pairs not multiples)
# currently can handle reversed A/B alleles but not strand flips - could be extended in the future to handle strand flips, either via use of defineDupVars function directly or by incorporating ideas of defineDupVars into the internal .commonSnps function
# return a list - first element is data frame of correlation by variant,
# second element is data frame of correlation by sample
# TO ADD - warning message that strand flips at strand ambiguous SNPs will NOT be detected; recommend excluding strand ambiguous SNPs from the comparison
# alternatively, could try to do something smart like calcluate allele frequency and switch where counted allele is clearly different at A/T or C/G SNPs
# 11/5/15 -- updated to return r (correlation) rather than r2
## Internal functions
### I. Identify overlapping variants
# using GWASTools:::.commonSnps
### II. Extract genotypes as count of A allele
# arguments: geno data object;
# list of desired scanIDs
# list of desired snpIDs
# returns geno matx in same snp x sample order as input lists
.dosCorSelectGenotype <- function(genoData, scanIDs, snpIDs) {
scanSel <- getScanID(genoData) %in% scanIDs
snpSel <- getSnpID(genoData) %in% snpIDs
geno.init <- getGenotypeSelection(genoData, scan=scanSel, snp=snpSel, drop=FALSE,
# for females, set Y chrom genotypes to NA
if (hasSex(genoData)) {
# snpSel and scanSel are T/F vectors flagging selected snps and samples,
# in dataset order rather than requested order
females <- getSex(genoData)[scanSel] %in% "F"
ychr <- getChromosome(genoData, char=T)[snpSel] %in% "Y"
if (sum(females) > 0 & sum(ychr) > 0) {
geno.init[ychr, females] <- NA
# order to match input lists
geno.init <- geno.init[as.character(snpIDs), as.character(scanIDs)]
# dupDosageCorAcrossDatasets
# inputs:
# - list of GenotypeData objects
# - vector of common subject ID columns
# - vector of common snp ID columns
# - vectors of scans to exclude (optional)
# - vector of snp IDs to include (optional)
# - block size for by-snp calculation (defaults to 5000)
# - block size for by-samp calculation (defaults to 100)
dupDosageCorAcrossDatasets <- function(genoData1, genoData2,
match.snps.on=c("position", "alleles"),
subjName.cols="subjectID", snpName.cols=NULL,
scan.exclude1=NULL, scan.exclude2=NULL,
snp.exclude1=NULL, snp.exclude2=NULL,
verbose=TRUE) {
# perform initial checks as specified in duplicateDiscordanceAcrossdatasets
subjName.cols <- .checkNameCols(subjName.cols)
if (!is.null(snpName.cols)) snpName.cols <- .checkNameCols(snpName.cols)
.initialChecks(genoData1, genoData2, match.snps.on, subjName.cols, snpName.cols)
# find duplicate scans
ids <- .duplicatePairs(genoData1, genoData2, subjName.cols,
scan.exclude1, scan.exclude2,
if (is.null(ids)) {
warning("no duplicate IDs found; check subjName.cols")
# unlist duplicate scan info into a data frame (assumes 1 pair per subject)
samps <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=length(ids), ncol=3))
names(samps) <- c("subjectID","scanID1","scanID2")
samps$subjectID <- names(ids)
for (k in 1:(length(ids))){
idk <- ids[[k]]
samps$scanID1[k] <- idk$scanID[idk$dataset==1]
samps$scanID2[k] <- idk$scanID[idk$dataset==2]
# find duplicate variants
message("Matching variants on ",paste(match.snps.on,collapse=", "),"\n")
snps <- .commonSnps(genoData1, genoData2, match.snps.on,
snpName.cols, snp.exclude1, snp.exclude2, snp.include)
nsnps <- nrow(snps)
nsamps <- nrow(samps)
message("Calculating squared correlation of allelic dosages at ",
prettyNum(nsnps, big.mark=",") ," overlapping variants in ",
prettyNum(nsamps, big.mark=","), " duplicate sample pairs\n")
# make a flag for where datasets are counting different allele
# will conform second dataset to first by taking (2 - dosage) at these variants
swapAB <- snps$alleleA1!=snps$alleleA2
message("Detecting that the two datasets are counting different A alleles at ",
prettyNum(sum(swapAB), big.mark=",")," variants\n")
message("Getting genotypes:")
#### using getGenotypeSelection
scanIDs1 <- samps$scanID1
snpIDs1 <- snps$snpID1
geno1.matx <- .dosCorSelectGenotype(genoData=genoData1,
scanIDs2 <- samps$scanID2
snpIDs2 <- snps$snpID2
geno2.matx <- .dosCorSelectGenotype(genoData=genoData2,
# sanity checks on snp and sample alignment across matrices
stopifnot(allequal(rownames(geno1.matx), snps$snpID1))
stopifnot(allequal(rownames(geno2.matx), snps$snpID2))
stopifnot(allequal(colnames(geno1.matx), samps$scanID1))
stopifnot(allequal(colnames(geno2.matx), samps$scanID2))
# adjust for potentially different allele A in second dataset
geno2.matx[swapAB,] <- 2-geno2.matx[swapAB,]
#### calculate r by snp
message("\nCalculating correlation by SNP\n")
# also keep track of how many samples went into calculation
snps$dosageR <- snps$nsamp.dosageR <- NA
last.row <- 0
nblocks <- ceiling(nsnps / snp.block.size)
for (i in 1:nblocks) {
if(verbose){message("Block ",i," of ", nblocks)}
idx <- (1:snp.block.size) + (i - 1) * snp.block.size
# account for where there may be less snps in the block than the block size,
# i.e., for final block
if(i %in% max(nblocks)) {idx <- (last.row+1):nsnps}
# print(idx)
r.block <- diag(cor(t(geno1.matx[idx,,drop=FALSE]),
# r2.block <- r.block * r.block
## add how many samples went into calculation
nonmiss.geno1 <- !is.na(geno1.matx[idx,,drop=FALSE])
nonmiss.geno2 <- !is.na(geno2.matx[idx,,drop=FALSE])
# now rowsums!
ngeno1 <- rowSums(nonmiss.geno1)
ngeno2 <- rowSums(nonmiss.geno2)
# both geno1 and geno2 need to have non-missing data for
# that sample to be used in calculating r
# resorting to apply
dt <- matrix(data=c(ngeno1, ngeno2), nrow=length(idx), ncol=2)
ncalc <- apply(dt,1,min)
snps$dosageR[idx] <- r.block
snps$nsamp.dosageR[idx] <- ncalc
last.row <- max(idx)
# print(last.row)
#### calculate r by sample
message("\nCalculating correlation by sample\n")
last.row <- 0
samps$dosageR <- samps$nsnp.dosageR <- NA
nblocks <- ceiling(nsamps / scan.block.size)
for (i in 1:nblocks) {
if(verbose){message("Block ",i," of ", nblocks)}
idx <- (1:scan.block.size) + (i - 1) * scan.block.size
# account for where there may be less samples in the block than the block size,
# i.e., for final block
if(i %in% max(nblocks)) {idx <- (last.row+1):nsamps}
# print(idx)
r.block <- diag(cor(geno1.matx[,idx,drop=FALSE],
# r2.block <- r.block * r.block
## add how many snps went into calculation
nonmiss.geno1 <- !is.na(geno1.matx[,idx,drop=FALSE])
nonmiss.geno2 <- !is.na(geno2.matx[,idx,drop=FALSE])
# now colSums!
ngeno1 <- colSums(nonmiss.geno1)
ngeno2 <- colSums(nonmiss.geno2)
# both geno1 and geno2 need to have non-missing data for
# that snps to be used in calculating r
# resorting to apply
dt <- matrix(data=c(ngeno1, ngeno2), nrow=length(idx), ncol=2)
ncalc <- apply(dt,1,min)
samps$dosageR[idx] <- r.block
samps$nsnp.dosageR[idx] <- ncalc
last.row <- max(idx)
return(list(snps=snps, samps=samps))
} # end function definition
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