
Defines functions MetaspotsByGroups ConstructMetaspots

Documented in ConstructMetaspots MetaspotsByGroups

#' ConstructMetaspots
#' Computes metaspots in a given Seurat object containing spatial transcriptomics data.
#' This function is called by MetaspotsByGroups and should NOT be run directly!
#' @param cur_seurat A Seurat object
#' @param mode "sum" or "average"
#' @param assay Assay to extract data for aggregation. Default = 'Spatial'
#' @param slot Slot to extract data for aggregation. Default = 'counts'
#' @param layer Layer to extract data for aggregation. Default = 'counts'. Layer is used with Seurat v5 instead of slot.
#' @export
#' @import proxy
#' @import Seurat 
#' @import SeuratObject
#' @import Matrix
ConstructMetaspots <- function(
  mode = 'sum',
  assay = 'Spatial',
  slot = 'counts',
  layer = 'counts'

  # get expression matrix:
    X <- SeuratObject::LayerData(cur_seurat, assay=assay, layer=layer)
  } else{
    X <- Seurat::GetAssayData(cur_seurat, assay=assay, slot=slot)

  # check to make sure this is just one sample:
  if(sum(unlist(lapply(Images(cur_seurat), function(x){nrow(cur_seurat@images[[x]]@coordinates) != 0}))) != 1){
    stop("More than one sample present in grouping. Please specify a metadata column with group.by indicating different ST samples.")

  # boundaries
  row_range <- range(cur_seurat$row)
  col_range <- range(cur_seurat$col)

  # loop boundaries
  col_bounds <- col_range[1]:col_range[2]

  if(length(col_bounds) >= 4){
    col_bounds <- col_bounds[which(1:length(col_bounds) %% 4 == 0)]
  } else if(length(col_bounds) == 3){
    warning('The selected grouping is spatially constrained and might fail the metaspot aggregation step. You may wish to change the group.by parameter to form larger groups.')
    col_bounds <- col_bounds[2]
  } else if(length(col_bounds) >= 1){
    warning('The selected grouping is spatially constrained and might fail the metaspot aggregation step. You may wish to change the group.by parameter to form larger groups.')
    col_bounds <- col_bounds[1]
  } else{
    warning('No columns specified. Need to change the group.by parameter.')

  # even or odd cols?
  if(all(col_bounds %% 2 == 0)){even = TRUE} else{even = FALSE}

  row_bounds <- row_range[1]:row_range[2]
    row_bounds <- row_bounds[row_bounds %% 2 == 0]
  } else{
    row_bounds <- row_bounds[row_bounds %% 2 != 0]

  # note: even number rows go to even number cols etc
  coords <- cur_seurat@meta.data[,c('row', 'col')]

  # compute distances
  distances <- proxy::dist(coords, coords, method='euclidean')

  tmp <- distances[distances != 0]
  min1 <- min(tmp)

  bcs <- c()
  unique_cols <- unique(cur_seurat$col);
  unique_cols <- unique_cols[order(unique_cols)]
  combine_list <- list()

  tmp <- lapply(1:length(col_bounds), function(i){
    x = col_bounds[i]
    tmp <- lapply(1:length(row_bounds), function(j){
      y = row_bounds[j]
      cur_coords <- coords %>% subset(row == y & col == x)
      out <- c()
      if(nrow(cur_coords) > 0){

        cur_bc <- rownames(cur_coords)
        bcs <- c(bcs, cur_bc)

        # get cur distances:
        cur_dist <- distances[cur_bc,]
        cur_dist <- cur_dist[cur_dist != 0]
        cur_dist <- cur_dist[cur_dist == min1]

        # find neighbors that are close to this spot
        ix <- which(unique_cols == x)
        other_bcs <- coords %>% subset(col %in% unique_cols[c(ix-2, ix+2)] & row == y) %>% rownames
        cur_neighbors <- c(names(cur_dist), other_bcs)

        # update list of barcodes:
        combine_list[[cur_bc]] <- cur_neighbors
        if(length(cur_neighbors) < 2){

        # aggregate expression profile for these spots:
        cur_X <- X[,c(cur_bc, cur_neighbors)]
        cur_X <- Matrix::rowSums(cur_X)

        if(mode == 'average'){
          cur_X <- cur_X / (length(cur_neighbors) + 1)

        out <- cur_X

      } else{
      list(cur_bc, cur_neighbors, out)


    if(length(tmp) <= 1){

    # get bc-neighbor results
    bcs <- unlist(lapply(1:length(tmp), function(k){tmp[[k]][[1]]}))
    cur_neighbors <- lapply(1:length(tmp), function(k){tmp[[k]][[2]]})
    cur_neighbors[sapply(cur_neighbors, is.null)] <- NULL
    names(cur_neighbors) <- bcs

    # combine expression results
    cur_X <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(tmp), function(k){tmp[[k]][[3]]}))

    list(bcs, cur_neighbors, cur_X)


  # get bc-neighbor results
  bcs <- unlist(lapply(1:length(tmp), function(k){tmp[[k]][[1]]}))

  cur_neighbors <- list()
  for(k in 1:length(tmp)){
    cur_neighbors <- c(cur_neighbors, tmp[[k]][[2]])
  names(cur_neighbors) <- bcs

  # combine expression results
  if(length(tmp) <= 1){
    warning('Metaspot aggregation failed for this grouping.')
  agg_X <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(tmp), function(k){tmp[[k]][[3]]}))

  # cast to sparse matrix
  agg_X <- as(agg_X, 'sparseMatrix')

  # transpose expression matrix:
  agg_X <- Matrix::t(agg_X)
  colnames(agg_X) <- bcs

  # get metadata:
  cur_meta <- cur_seurat@meta.data[bcs,]

  # make metaspot object:
  metaspot_obj <- CreateSeuratObject(
    counts = agg_X,
    meta = cur_meta,
    assay = assay
  if(slot == 'scale.data'){
    metaspot_obj <- SeuratObject::SetAssayData(

  # add neighbors:
  metaspot_obj@misc$spot_neighbors <- cur_neighbors

  # compute sparsity:
  agg_X[agg_X > 0] <- 1
  X[X > 0] <- 1
  density_agg <- sum(Matrix::colSums(agg_X) / (nrow(agg_X)*ncol(agg_X)))
  density_orig <- sum(Matrix::colSums(X) / (nrow(X)*ncol(X)))

  metaspot_obj@misc$density_agg <- density_agg
  metaspot_obj@misc$density_orig <- density_orig



#' MetaspotsByGroups
#' Computes metaspots in a given Seurat object containing spatial transcriptomics data.
#' @param cur_seurat A Seurat object
#' @param group.by A character vector of Seurat metadata column names representing groups for which metacells will be computed.
#' @param assay Assay to extract data for aggregation. Default = 'Spatial'
#' @param slot Slot to extract data for aggregation. Default = 'counts'
#' @param layer Layer to extract data for aggregation. Default = 'counts'. Layer is used with Seurat v5 instead of slot.
#' @param mode determines how to make gene expression profiles for metacells from their constituent single cells. Options are "average" or "sum".
#' @param min_spots the minimum number of spots in a particular grouping to construct metaspots
#' @param wgcna_name name of the WGCNA experiment
#' @export
#' @import proxy
#' @import Seurat 
#' @import SeuratObject
#' @import Matrix
MetaspotsByGroups <- function(
  assay = 'Spatial',
  slot = 'counts',
  layer = 'counts',
  mode = 'sum',
  min_spots = 50,
  wgcna_name = NULL

  if(is.null(wgcna_name)){wgcna_name <- seurat_obj@misc$active_wgcna}

  # check group.by for invalid characters:
  if(any(grepl('#', group.by))){
    stop('Invalid character # found in group.by, please re-name the group.')

  if(!(ident.group %in% group.by)){
    stop('ident.group must be in group.by')

  if(!(mode %in% c('sum', 'average'))){
    stop('Invalid choice for mode. Mode can be either sum or average.')

  # check that the image coordinates are present:
  if(!all(c('row', 'col', 'imagerow', 'imagecol') %in% colnames(seurat_obj@meta.data))){
    stop('Spatial coordinates missing from seurat_obj@meta.data, must have columns named row, col, imagerow, and imagecol.')

  # check assay:
    assay <- DefaultAssay(seurat_obj)
  } else if(!(assay %in% names(seurat_obj@assays))){
    stop(paste0('Assay ', assay, ' not found in seurat_obj. Select a valid assay: ', paste0(names(seurat_obj@assays), collapse = ', ')))

  # check slot:
  if(!(slot %in% c('counts', 'data', 'scale.data'))){
    stop('Invalid input for slot. Valid choices are counts, data, scale.data.')
  } else{

    # check the shape of the slot
    slot_dim <- dim(GetAssayData(seurat_obj, assay=assay, slot=slot))
    if(any(slot_dim) == 0){
      stop(paste(c("Selected slot ", slot, " not found in this assay.")))

  # setup grouping variables
  if(length(group.by) > 1){
    seurat_meta <- seurat_obj@meta.data[,group.by]
    for(col in colnames(seurat_meta)){
      seurat_meta[[col]] <- as.character(seurat_meta[[col]])
    seurat_obj$metacell_grouping <- apply(seurat_meta, 1, paste, collapse='#')
  } else {
    seurat_obj$metacell_grouping <- as.character(seurat_obj@meta.data[[group.by]])
  groupings <- unique(seurat_obj$metacell_grouping)
  groupings <- groupings[order(groupings)]

  # remove groups that are too small:
  group_counts <- table(seurat_obj$metacell_grouping) < min_spots
    warning(paste0("Removing the following groups that did not meet min_spots: ", paste(names(group_counts)[group_counts], collapse=', ')))
  groupings <- groupings[table(seurat_obj$metacell_grouping) >= min_spots]

  if(length(groupings) == 0 ){
    stop("No groups met the min_spots requirement.")

  # split seurat obj by groupings
  seurat_list <- lapply(groupings, function(x){seurat_obj[,seurat_obj$metacell_grouping == x]})
  names(seurat_list) <- groupings

  # compute ConstructMetaspots
  metaspot_list <- mapply(
    cur_seurat = seurat_list,
    MoreArgs = list(mode=mode, assay=assay, slot=slot, layer=layer)
  names(metaspot_list) <- groupings

  # remove NULL
  remove <- which(sapply(metaspot_list, is.null))
  if(length(remove) > 1){
    metaspot_list <- metaspot_list[-remove]

  if(length(metaspot_list) == 0){
    stop('All metaspot aggregations failed.')

  # combine density information:
  if(length(metaspot_list) > 1){
    density_agg <- unlist(lapply(metaspot_list, function(x){x@misc$density_agg}))
    density_orig <- unlist(lapply(metaspot_list, function(x){x@misc$density_orig}))
    density_names <- names(density_agg)
  } else{
    density_agg <- metaspot_list[[1]]@misc$density_agg
    density_orig <- metaspot_list[[1]]@misc$density_orig
    density_names <- 'all'

  density_df <- data.frame(
    group = density_names,
    agg = as.numeric(density_agg),
    orig = as.numeric(density_orig)

  spot_neighbors <- list()
  for(k in 1:length(metaspot_list)){
    spot_neighbors <- c(spot_neighbors, metaspot_list[[k]]@misc$spot_neighbors)

  # combine metacell objects
  if(length(metaspot_list) > 1){
    metaspot_obj <- merge(metaspot_list[[1]], metaspot_list[2:length(metaspot_list)])
   # need to join layers if this is Seurat 5
      metaspot_obj <- SeuratObject::JoinLayers(metaspot_obj)

  } else{
    metaspot_obj <- metaspot_list[[1]]

  # add density and neighbor info
  metaspot_obj@misc$spot_neighbors <- spot_neighbors
  metaspot_obj@misc$density <- density_df

  # set idents for metaspot object:
  Idents(metaspot_obj) <- metaspot_obj@meta.data[[ident.group]]

  # add metaspot object to dataset
  seurat_obj <- SetMetacellObject(seurat_obj, metaspot_obj, wgcna_name)


smorabit/hdWGCNA documentation built on July 20, 2024, 8:58 p.m.