
Defines functions getIsotopeCluster getderivativeIons findIsotopesPspec calcIsotopeMatrix

Documented in getIsotopeCluster

##Functions for findIsotopes
calcIsotopeMatrix <- function(maxiso=4){
    stop("Parameter maxiso is not numeric!\n")  
  } else if(maxiso < 1 | maxiso > 8){
    stop(paste("Parameter maxiso must between 1 and 8. ",
          "Otherwise use your own IsotopeMatrix.\n"),sep="")
  isotopeMatrix <- matrix(NA, 8, 4);
  colnames(isotopeMatrix) <- c("mzmin", "mzmax", "intmin", "intmax")
  isotopeMatrix[1, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 1.0, 150)
  isotopeMatrix[2, ] <- c(0.997, 1.0040, 0.01, 200)
  isotopeMatrix[3, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 0.001, 200)
  isotopeMatrix[4, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 0.0001, 200)
  isotopeMatrix[5, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 0.00001, 200)
  isotopeMatrix[6, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 0.000001, 200)
  isotopeMatrix[7, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 0.0000001, 200)
  isotopeMatrix[8, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 0.00000001, 200)  
  return(isotopeMatrix[1:maxiso, , drop=FALSE])


findIsotopesPspec <- function(isomatrix, mz, ipeak, int, params){
    ## isomatrix - isotope annotations (5 column matrix)
    ## mz - m/z vector, contains all m/z values from specific pseudospectrum
    ## int - int vector, see above
    ## maxiso - how many isotopic peaks are allowed
    ## maxcharge - maximum allowed charge
    ## devppm - scaled ppm error
    ## mzabs - absolut error in m/z
    ## matrix with all important informationen
    spectra <- matrix(c(mz, ipeak), ncol=2)
    int     <- int[order(spectra[, 1]), , drop=FALSE]
    spectra <- spectra[order(spectra[, 1]), ];    
    cnt     <- nrow(spectra);
    ## calculate error
    error.ppm <- params$devppm * mz;
    ## for every peak in pseudospectrum
    for ( j in 1:(length(mz) - 1)){
        ## create distance matrix
        MI <- spectra[j:cnt, 1] - spectra[j, 1];
        ## Sum up all possible/allowed isotope distances + error(ppm of peak mz and mzabs)
        max.index <- max(which(MI < (sum(params$IM[1:params$maxiso, "mzmax"]) + error.ppm[j] + params$mzabs )))
        ## check if one peaks falls into isotope window
        if(max.index == 1){
            ## no promising candidate found, move on
        ## IM - isotope matrix (column diffs(min,max) per charge, row num. isotope)
        ## STN: isn't it rather:
        ## IM - isotope matrix (column diffs(min,max) per ISOTOPE, row num. charge state)
        IM <- t(sapply(1:params$maxcharge,function(x){
            mzmin <- (params$IM[, "mzmin"]) / x;
            mzmax <- (params$IM[, "mzmax"]) / x;
            error <-      (error.ppm[j]+params$mzabs) / x
            res   <- c(0,0);
            for(k in 1:length(mzmin)){
                res <- c(res, mzmin[k]+res[2*k-1], mzmax[k]+res[2*k])
            res[seq(1,length(res),by=2)] <- res[seq(1,length(res),by=2)]-error
            res[seq(2,length(res),by=2)] <- res[seq(2,length(res),by=2)]+error
            return (res[-c(1:2)])
        } ))
        ## Sort IM to fix bug, with high ppm and mzabs values 
        ## TODO: Find better solution and give feedback to user!
        IM <- t(apply(IM,1,sort))
        ## find peaks, which m/z value is in isotope interval
        hits <- t(apply(IM, 1, function(x){ findInterval(MI[1:max.index], x)}))
        rownames(hits) <- c(1:nrow(hits))
        colnames(hits) <- c(1:ncol(hits))
        hits[which(hits==0)] <-NA
        hits <- hits[, -1, drop=FALSE]
        hits.iso <- hits%/%2 + 1;
        ## check occurence of first isotopic peak
        for(iso in 1:min(params$maxiso,ncol(hits.iso))){
            hit <- apply(hits.iso,1, function(x) any(CAMERA:::naOmit(x)==iso))
            hit[which(is.na(hit))] <- TRUE
            hits.iso[!hit,] <- t(apply(hits.iso[!hit,,drop=FALSE],1, function(x) {
                    ini <- which(x > iso)

                    ## Here the following condition was previously:
                    ## if(!is.infinite(ini) && length(ini) > 0){
                    ## The fix for issue #44 assumes the follwoing:
                    ## "There is at least one hit" Not sure why
                    ## ini as return value of which() would contain inf at all

                    if(!is.infinite(ini)[1] & length(ini) > 0){
                        x[min(ini):ncol(hits.iso)] <- NA  
        ## set NA to 0
        hits[which(is.na(hits.iso))] <- 0
        ## check if any isotope is found
        hit <- apply(hits, 1, function(x) sum(x)>0)
        ## drop nonhits  
        hits <- hits[hit, , drop=FALSE]
        ## if no first isotopic peaks exists, next
        if(nrow(hits) == 0){
        ## getting max. isotope cluster length
        ## TODO: unique or not????
        isohits   <- lapply(1:nrow(hits), function(x) which(hits[x, ] %% 2 !=0))
        isolength <- sapply(isohits, length)

        ## Check if any result is found
        ## itensity checks
        ## candidate.matrix
        ## first column - how often succeded the isotope intensity test
        ## second column - how often could a isotope int test be performed
        candidate.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow=length(isohits), ncol=max(isolength)*2);
        for(iso in 1:length(isohits)){
            for(candidate in 1:length(isohits[[iso]])){
                for(sample.index in c(1:ncol(int))){
                    charge <- as.numeric(row.names(hits)[iso])
                    int.c12 <- int[j, sample.index]
                    isotopePeak <- hits[iso,isohits[[iso]][candidate]]%/%2 + 1;
                    if(isotopePeak == 1){
                        ## first isotopic peak, check C13 rule
                        int.c13 <- int[isohits[[iso]][candidate]+j, sample.index];
                        int.available <- all(!is.na(c(int.c12, int.c13)))
                        if (int.available){
                            theo.mass <- spectra[j, 1] * charge; #theoretical mass
                            numC      <- abs(round(theo.mass / 12)); #max. number of C in molecule
                            inten.max <- int.c12 * numC * 0.011; #highest possible intensity
                            inten.min <- int.c12 * 1    * 0.011; #lowest possible intensity
                            if((int.c13 < inten.max && int.c13 > inten.min) || !params$filter){
                                candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 - 1] <- candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 - 1] + 1
                                candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 ] <- candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2] + 1
                                candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 ] <- candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2] + 1
                        } else {
                            ## todo
                    } else {
                        ## x isotopic peak
                        int.cx <- int[isohits[[iso]][candidate]+j, sample.index];
                        int.available <- all(!is.na(c(int.c12, int.cx)))
                        if (int.available) {
                            intrange <- c((int.c12 * params$IM[isotopePeak,"intmin"]/100),
                            (int.c12 * params$IM[isotopePeak,"intmax"]/100))
                            ## filter Cx isotopic peaks muss be smaller than c12
                            if(int.cx < intrange[2] && int.cx > intrange[1]){
                                candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 - 1] <- candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 - 1] + 1
                                candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 ] <- candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2] + 1                        
                                candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 ] <- candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2] + 1
                        } else {
                            candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 ] <- candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2] + 1
                        }#end int.available
                    }#end if first isotopic peak
                }#for loop samples
            }#for loop candidate
        }#for loop isohits
        ## calculate ratios
        candidate.ratio <- candidate.matrix[, seq(from=1, to=ncol(candidate.matrix),
                                                  by=2)] / candidate.matrix[, seq(from=2, 
                                                                                  to=ncol(candidate.matrix), by=2)];
            candidate.ratio <- matrix(candidate.ratio, nrow=nrow(candidate.matrix))
            candidate.ratio[which(is.nan(candidate.ratio))] <- 0;
        ## decision between multiple charges or peaks
        for(charge in 1:nrow(candidate.matrix)){
            if(any(duplicated(hits[charge, isohits[[charge]]]))){
                ## One isotope peaks has more than one candidate
                ## check if problem is still consistent
                for(iso in unique(hits[charge, isohits[[charge]]])){
                    if(length(index <- which(hits[charge, isohits[[charge]]]==iso))== 1){
                        ## now duplicates next
                        ## find best
                        index2 <- which.max(candidate.ratio[charge, index]);
                        save.ratio <- candidate.ratio[charge, index[index2]]
                        candidate.ratio[charge,index] <- 0
                        candidate.ratio[charge,index[index2]] <- save.ratio
                        index <- index[-index2]
                        isohits[[charge]] <- isohits[[charge]][-index]
            }#end if
            for(isotope in 1:ncol(candidate.ratio)){
                if(candidate.ratio[charge, isotope] >= params$minfrac){
                    isomatrix <- rbind(isomatrix, 
                                       c(spectra[j, 2],
                                         spectra[isohits[[charge]][isotope]+j, 2], 
                                         isotope, as.numeric(row.names(hits)[charge]), 0))
                } else{
        }# for(charge in 1:nrow(candidate.matrix)){
    }# end for ( j in 1:(length(mz) - 1)){

getderivativeIons <- function(annoID, annoGrp, rules, npeaks){
  #generate Vector length npeaks
  derivativeIons <- vector("list", npeaks);
  #intrinsic charge
  #TODO: Not working at the moment
  charge <- 0;
  #check if we have annotations
  if(nrow(annoID) < 1){
  for(i in 1:nrow(annoID)){
    peakid  <-  annoID[i, 1];
    grpid   <-  annoID[i, 2];
    ruleid  <-  annoID[i, 3];
      #Peak has no annotations so far
      if(charge == 0 | rules[ruleid, "charge"] == charge){
        derivativeIons[[peakid]][[1]] <- list( rule_id = ruleid, 
                                           charge = rules[ruleid, "charge"], 
                                           nmol = rules[ruleid, "nmol"], 
                                           name = paste(rules[ruleid, "name"]),
                                           mass = annoGrp[grpid, 2])
    } else {
      #Peak has already an annotation
      if(charge == 0 | rules[ruleid, "charge"] == charge){
          derivativeIons[[peakid]])+1)]] <- list( rule_id = ruleid, 
                                              charge = rules[ruleid, "charge"],
                                              nmol = rules[ruleid, "nmol"],
                                              name=paste(rules[ruleid, "name"]),
                                              mass=annoGrp[grpid, 2])
    charge <- 0;

getIsotopeCluster <- function(object, number=NULL, value="maxo", 
  #check values
  if(is.null(object)) { 
    stop("No xsa argument was given.\n"); 
  }else if(!class(object)=="xsAnnotate"){
    stop("Object parameter is no xsAnnotate object.\n");
  value <- match.arg(value, c("maxo", "into", "intb"), several.ok=FALSE)

  if(!is.null(number) & !is.numeric(number)){
    stop("Number must be NULL or numeric");

  if(!is.null(sampleIndex) & !all(is.numeric(sampleIndex))){
    stop("Parameter sampleIndex must be NULL or numeric");
      nSamples <- 1;
  } else if( all(sampleIndex <= length(object@xcmsSet@filepaths) & sampleIndex > 0)){
      nSamples <- length(sampleIndex);
  } else {
      stop("All values in parameter sampleIndex must be lower equal 
         the number of samples and greater than 0.\n")
  if(length(sampnames(object@xcmsSet)) > 1){  ## more than one sample
      gvals <- groupval(object@xcmsSet, value=value);
      groupmat <- object@groupInfo;
      iso.matrix <- matrix(0, ncol=nSamples, nrow=length(object@isotopes));
        for(i in 1:length(object@pspectra)){
          iso.matrix[object@pspectra[[i]],1] <- gvals[object@pspectra[[i]],object@psSamples[i]]; 
      } else {
        for(i in 1:length(object@pspectra)){
          iso.matrix[object@pspectra[[i]], ] <- gvals[object@pspectra[[i]], sampleIndex]
      peakmat <- cbind(groupmat[, "mz"], iso.matrix );
      rownames(peakmat) <- NULL;
        colnames(peakmat) <- c("mz",value);
        colnames(peakmat) <- c("mz", sampnames(object@xcmsSet)[sampleIndex]);
        cat("Warning: peak table contains NA values. To remove apply fillpeaks on xcmsSet.\n");
   } else if(length(sampnames(object@xcmsSet)) == 1){  ## only one sample was 
      peakmat <- object@groupInfo[, c("mz", value)];
   } else { 
     stop("sampnames could not extracted from the xcmsSet.\n"); 

  #collect isotopes

  index <- which(!sapply(object@isotopes, is.null));

  tmp.Matrix <- cbind(index, matrix(unlist(object@isotopes[index]), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE))
  colnames(tmp.Matrix) <- c("Index","IsoCluster","Type","Charge","Val")

  max.cluster <- max(tmp.Matrix[,"IsoCluster"])
  max.type    <- max(tmp.Matrix[,"Type"])
  isotope.Matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow=max.cluster, ncol=(max.type+2));
  invisible(apply(tmp.Matrix,1, function(x) {
    isotope.Matrix[x["IsoCluster"],x["Type"]+2] <<- x["Index"];
    isotope.Matrix[x["IsoCluster"],1] <<- x["Charge"];

  invisible(apply(isotope.Matrix,1, function(x) {
sneumann/CAMERA documentation built on April 5, 2024, 2:33 a.m.