#' Checks for isotopes in a \code{msmsWorkspace}
#' @param w A \code{msmsWorkspace} to work with.
#' @param mode \code{"pH", "pNa", "pM", "pNH4", "mH", "mM", "mFA"} for different ions
#' ([M+H]+, [M+Na]+, [M]+, [M+NH4]+, [M-H]-, [M]-, [M+FA]-).
#' @param intensity_cutoff The cutoff (as an absolute intensity value) under which isotopic peaks shouldn't be checked for or accepted as valid.
#' Please note: The cutoff is not hard in the sense that it interacts with the intensity_precision parameter.
#' @param intensity_precision The difference that is accepted between the calculated and observed intensity of a possible isotopic peak. Further details down below.
#' @param conflict Either "isotopic"(Peak formulas are always chosen if they fit the requirements for an isotopic peak)
#' or "strict"(Peaks are only marked as isotopic when there hasn't been a formula assigned before.)
#' @param isolationWindow Half of the width of the isolation window in Da
#' @param evalMode Currently no function yet, but planned. Currently must be "complete"
#' @param plotSpectrum A boolean specifiying whether the spectrumshould be plotted
#' @param settings Options to be used for processing. Defaults to the options loaded via
#' \code{\link{loadRmbSettings}} et al. Refer to there for specific settings.
#' @details text describing parameter inputs in more detail.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{intensity_precision}}{This parameter determines how strict the intensity values should adhere to the calculated intensity in relation to the parent peak.
#' Options for this parameter are \code{"none"}, where the intensity is irrelevant, \code{"low"}, which has an error margin of 70\% and \code{"high"}, where the error margin
#' is set to 35\%. The recommended setting is \code{"low"}, but can be changed to adjust to the intensity precision of the mass spectrometer.}
# \item{\code{evalMode}}{This parameter sets what should be done after the isotopic check. The option "add" adds failpeaks if they are isotopic peaks of previously matched peaks.
# "check" checks matched peaks with formulas for isotopes and removes them if no isotopic peaks have been found for all formulas. The formula is also
# adjusted, if the one with matching isotopes doesn't have the lowest dppm. "complete" does both.}
#' }
#' @return The \code{msmsWorkspace} with annotated isolation peaks
#' @author Michael Stravs, Eawag <michael.stravs@@eawag.ch>
#' @author Erik Mueller, UFZ
#' @export
checkIsotopes <- function(w, mode = "pH", intensity_cutoff = 0, intensity_precision = "none", conflict = "strict",
isolationWindow = 2, evalMode = "complete", plotSpectrum = TRUE, settings = getOption("RMassBank")){
# Load library and data
data("isotopes", package="enviPat")
if(!(intensity_precision %in% c("none","low","high"))){
stop('intensity_precision must be specified as either "none", "low" or "high"')
precisionVal <- Inf
precisionVal <- 0.7
precisionVal <- 0.35
# Load filtersettings
filterSettings = settings$filterSettings
# get the adduct additions
adductProperties <- getAdductProperties(mode, msmsPeaks@formula)
allowed_additions <- adductProperties$addition
mode.charge <- adductProperties$charge
# "default" isotopes (i.e. those with the highest abundance)
defIsotopes <- c("107Ag", "27Al", "40Ar", "75As", "197Au", "11B", "138Ba", "9Be", "209Bi",
"79Br", "12C", "40Ca", "114Cd", "140Ce", "35Cl", "59Co", "52Cr", "133Cs", "63Cu", "164Dy",
"166Er", "153Eu", "19F", "56Fe", "69Ga", "158Gd", "74Ge", "1H", "4He", "180Hf", "202Hg",
"165Ho", "127I", "115In", "193Ir", "39K", "84Kr", "139La", "7Li", "175Lu", "24Mg", "55Mn",
"98Mo", "14N", "23Na", "93Nb", "142Nd", "20Ne", "58Ni", "16O", "192Os", "31P", "231Pa",
"208Pb", "106Pd", "141Pr", "195Pt", "85Rb", "187Re", "103Rh", "102Ru", "32S", "121Sb",
"45Sc", "80Se", "28Si", "152Sm", "120Sn", "86Sr", "88Sr", "181Ta", "159Tb", "130Te",
"232Th", "48Ti", "205Tl", "169Tm", "238U", "51V", "184W", "132Xe", "89Y", "174Yb",
"64Zn", "90Zr")
# Get the ppm limit from the settings
ppmlimit <- filterSettings$ppmFine
# Get the cutoff from the settings
cut <- filterSettings$fineCut
cut_ratio <- filterSettings$fineCutRatio
# Extract matched and unmatched peaks from the aggregated peaks
matchedPeaks <- peaksMatched(w)
unmatchedPeaks <- peaksUnmatched(w)
wEnv <- environment()
# lapply over all runs
lapply(w@spectra, function(spec){
# Find parent formula and cpdID
parent_formula <- add.formula(spec@formula, allowed_additions)
id <- as.numeric(spec@id)
specNum <- 0
specEnv <- environment()
# lapply over all extracted MS2 spectra
lapply(spec@children, function(msmsdata){
specEnv$specNum <- specEnv$specNum + 1
# Extract currently relevant peaks
currentMPeaks <- matchedPeaks[(matchedPeaks$cpdID == id) & (matchedPeaks$scan == msmsdata@acquisitionNum),,drop=FALSE]
currentUPeaks <- unmatchedPeaks[(unmatchedPeaks$cpdID == id) & (unmatchedPeaks$scan == msmsdata@acquisitionNum),,drop=FALSE]
rownames(currentMPeaks) <- 1:nrow(currentMPeaks)
} else {
message(paste0("Compound ", id, " in spectrum #", specEnv$specNum," does not have matched peaks, so no isotopes can be found"))
plot(currentMPeaks$mzFound, currentMPeaks$intensity,type="h", main=paste(id,findName(id)), col="black", xlab="m/z", ylab="intensity", lwd=3)
rownames(currentUPeaks) <- 1:nrow(currentUPeaks)
# Generate isotopic patterns of the matched peaks
# sort out possible isotopic peaks according to
# isolationwindow and intensity
isoMPatterns <- lapply(1:nrow(currentMPeaks), function(index){
.findPattern(currentMPeaks[index,,drop=FALSE], defIsotopes = defIsotopes, intensity_cutoff = intensity_cutoff,
precisionVal = precisionVal, ppmlimit = ppmlimit, isolationWindow = isolationWindow)
# Name the isopatterns
names(isoMPatterns) <- currentMPeaks$formula
# Which isotope patterns still have theoretical intensities above the cutoff?
peaksToCheck <- which(as.logical(sapply(isoMPatterns,nrow)))
# If there are no peaks left, then abort for this spectrum
message(paste0("The already annotated peaks of compound ", id, " in spectrum #", specEnv$specNum," are not intense enough to search for isotopic peaks"))
plot(currentMPeaks$mzFound, currentMPeaks$intensity,type="h", main=paste(id,findName(id)), col="black", xlab="m/z", ylab="intensity", lwd=3)
# Now, look for isotopic patterns in unmatched peaks with all specified parameters
# Which peaks have no formula annotation within the dppm as of now?
peaksNoAnnotation <- currentUPeaks[which(is.na(currentUPeaks$dppm) | abs(currentUPeaks$dppmBest) > ppmlimit),]
# What is the mean of the dppm of the currently "OK" peaks?
# (Used for calculating the score parameter for intensities)
dppmMean <- mean(abs(currentMPeaks[currentMPeaks$filterOK,]$dppm))
# If there are any peaks without annotation:
UPList <- .findMatchingPeaks(peaksNoAnnotation,isoMPatterns[peaksToCheck], dppmMean)
} else{
# If there are no peaks, fake an empty dataset
UPList <- list(matrix(character(0),0,29))
# If conflict is "strict", end here (And plot, maybe)
if(conflict == "strict"){
# Generate matrix of peaks that should be added
additionMatrix <- .peakReasoner(list(matrix(character(0),0,29)) , UPList, currentMPeaks)
plot(currentMPeaks$mzFound, currentMPeaks$intensity,type="h", main=paste(id,findName(id)), col="black", xlab="m/z", ylab="intensity", lwd=3)
points(additionMatrix$mzFound, additionMatrix$intensity,type="h", col="green", lwd=3)
# If there is something in the matrix
# Add all the peaks that could be annotated as isotopic
wEnv$w@aggregated[additionMatrix$index,] <- additionMatrix
# Now check the matched peaks for the patterns and put all peaks in a matrix
MPList <- .findMatchingPeaks(currentMPeaks[currentMPeaks$filterOK,], isoMPatterns[peaksToCheck], dppmMean)
# Generate matrix of peaks that should be corrected
correctionMatrix <- .peakReasoner(MPList, UPList, currentMPeaks)
# If there is something in the matrix
# Add all the peaks that could be annotated as isotopic
wEnv$w@aggregated[correctionMatrix$index,] <- correctionMatrix
# If the newly annotated peaks should be plotted, plot them
plot(currentMPeaks$mzFound, currentMPeaks$intensity,type="h", main=paste(id,findName(id)), col="black", xlab="m/z", ylab="intensity", lwd=3)
points(correctionMatrix$mzFound, correctionMatrix$intensity,type="h", col="green", lwd=3)
# Pattern finding and evaluation of these patterns inside the checkIsotopes function harmed readability and complicated debugging
# So modularize this function
.findPattern <- function(aggregateRow, defIsotopes, intensity_cutoff, precisionVal, ppmlimit, isolationWindow){
# Find pattern and mass
outp <- capture.output(pattern <- as.data.frame(enviPat::isopattern(aggregateRow[,"formula"], isotopes = isotopes)[[1]]))
mass <- as.numeric(aggregateRow[,"mzCalc"])
# Find index of monoisotopic molecule and
# normalize abundance that monoisotopic molecule has always "1"
mainIndex <- which.min(abs(pattern[,"m/z"]-mass))
pattern[,"abundance"] <- round(pattern[,"abundance"] * (100/pattern[mainIndex,"abundance"]),3)
# Add the formula of every isotope to every row in the pattern
pattern <- .annotateFormulaToEnviPatTable(pattern, defIsotopes)
# Sort pattern by abundance
pattern <- pattern[order(pattern[,"abundance"],decreasing = T),][-mainIndex,]
# Look up which patterns have their m/z inside the isolation window +- 0.5
# and delete all others
keepMzIndex <- which(pattern[,"m/z"] < mass + isolationWindow + 0.2 & pattern[,"m/z"] > mass - isolationWindow - 0.2)
pattern <- pattern[keepMzIndex,,drop=FALSE]
if(nrow(pattern) == 0){
# Calculate the expected intensities according to the abundance
# See which expected isotope peaks have an intensity higher than the cutoff
# Find the absolute intensity ranges
intensities <- apply(pattern, 1, function(patternRow){
as.numeric(aggregateRow[,"intensity"]) * as.numeric(patternRow["abundance"])/100
roundedInt <- round(intensities,digits=-2)
keepIntIndex <- which((roundedInt + roundedInt * precisionVal) >= intensity_cutoff)
pattern <- pattern[keepIntIndex,,drop=FALSE]
pattern$minintensity <- roundedInt[keepIntIndex] - roundedInt[keepIntIndex] * precisionVal
pattern$maxintensity <- roundedInt[keepIntIndex] + roundedInt[keepIntIndex] * precisionVal
pattern$expectedintensity <- roundedInt[keepIntIndex]
pattern$monoisotopicFormula <- aggregateRow[,"formula"]
pattern$monoisotopicIndex <- aggregateRow[,"index"]
pattern$monoisotopicMz <- aggregateRow[,"mzFound"]
# Calculate the expected mz range of the isotope peak
mzCols <- t(sapply(pattern[,"m/z"], ppm, dppm=ppmlimit,l=T))
colnames(mzCols) <- c("maxMZ","minMZ")
pattern <- cbind(pattern,mzCols)
.findMatchingPeaks <- function(aggregatedPeakMatrix, isoPatterns, dppmMean){
# Only unique mzs (peaks can be annotated multiple times and will therefore be included multiple times)
# It doesn't matter which one, so take the first
aggregatedPeakMatrix <- aggregatedPeakMatrix[sapply(unique(aggregatedPeakMatrix$mzFound), function(mz){
which(aggregatedPeakMatrix$mzFound == mz)[1]
# Iterate over all supplied patterns
lapply(isoPatterns, function(pattern){
do.call(rbind,lapply(1:nrow(pattern), function(index){
patternRow <- pattern[index,,drop=FALSE]
# Find peaks that fit the specified intensities and m/z
pIndex <- which(aggregatedPeakMatrix[,"mzFound"] < patternRow[,"maxMZ"]
& aggregatedPeakMatrix[,"mzFound"] > patternRow[,"minMZ"]
& aggregatedPeakMatrix[,"intensity"] < patternRow[,"maxintensity"]
& aggregatedPeakMatrix[,"intensity"] > patternRow[,"minintensity"]
# Note these Peaks
candidates <- aggregatedPeakMatrix[pIndex,]
# If there are any: Change parameters in the aggregated matrix
# General parameters that need to be changed
candidates$dppm <- (candidates$mzFound / as.numeric(patternRow[,"m/z"]) - 1) * 1e6
candidates$mzCalc <- patternRow[,"m/z"]
candidates$formula <- patternRow[,"formula"]
candidates$matchedReanalysis <- NA
candidates$filterOK <- TRUE
candidates$good <- TRUE
candidates$dppmBest <- candidates$dppm
candidates$formulaCount <- 1
# New parameters (are used to make peak reasoning easier, we would
# need to find them out later anyways, so do it now when it's easy)
# 1) The monoisotopic formula of the now added peak
candidates$monoisotopicFormula <- patternRow[,"monoisotopicFormula"]
# 2) The calculated expected intensity (added for debug reasons)
candidates$intCalc <- patternRow[,"expectedintensity"]
# 3) Produce "scores" in the range of dppm and scales nicely
#candidates$dint <- (max(as.numeric(candidates$intensity),as.numeric(patternRow["expectedintensity"]))/min(as.numeric(candidates$intensity),as.numeric(patternRow["expectedintensity"])))^2
maxInt <- max(as.numeric(candidates$intensity),as.numeric(patternRow[,"expectedintensity"]))
minInt <- min(as.numeric(candidates$intensity),as.numeric(patternRow[,"expectedintensity"]))
candidates$dint <- (maxInt/minInt) * dppmMean
candidates$monoisotopicIndex <- patternRow[,"monoisotopicIndex"]
candidates$monoisotopicMz <- as.numeric(patternRow[,"monoisotopicMz"])
} else{
candidates$monoisotopicFormula <- character(0)
candidates$intCalc <- numeric(0)
candidates$dint <- numeric(0)
candidates$monoisotopicIndex <- integer(0)
candidates$monoisotopicMz <- numeric(0)
.peakReasoner <- function(MPList, UPList, currentMPeaks){
# Unlist the possible isotope peak lists for the previously matched and previously unmatched peaks
adjustmentMatrix <- rbind(do.call(rbind, MPList),do.call(rbind, UPList))
# Remove peaks with a much too high dint
dintRemoval <- which(adjustmentMatrix$dint>50)
adjustmentMatrix <- adjustmentMatrix[-which(adjustmentMatrix$dint>50),]
# No isotopes found, abort
# Now we need to remove rows from this matrix, so that 4 conditions are fulfilled:
# a) Values in the mzFound can not occur in monoisotopicMz (because an isotope can't be monoisotopic)
# b) No monoisotopicMz can have more than one index assigned (because this would mean a peak has 2 formulas)
# c) All unique mzFound can only be included once
# d) The number of indices must be minimal (it is highly likely that the monoisotopic peak with the most
# isotope peaks is correctly annotated)
uniqueMonoMz <- unique(adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicMz)
uniqueMzFound <- unique(adjustmentMatrix$mzFound)
checkAllMzFound <- function(){
all(uniqueMzFound %in% adjustmentMatrix$mzFound) && all(table(adjustmentMatrix$mzFound) == 1)
# Condition a) Go through all monoisotopicMz
# and remove those that happen to be in mzFound
removalIndex <- which(adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicMz %in% uniqueMzFound)
adjustmentMatrix <- adjustmentMatrix[-removalIndex,]
# Condition b) and d)
for(monoMz in uniqueMonoMz){
monoMzRows <- which(adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicMz == monoMz)
# If there are different indices, use the one that appears most often, else there is no problem
if(!all(adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicIndex[monoMzRows] == adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicIndex[monoMzRows][1])){
# Store all indices that occur equally as often and most often
maxIndex <- vector()
maxlength <- 0
for(index in unique(adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicIndex[monoMzRows])){
currlength <- length(which(adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicIndex[monoMzRows] == index))
if(currlength > maxlength){
maxlength <- currlength
maxIndex <- index
if(currlength == maxlength){
maxlength <- currlength
if(!(index %in% maxIndex)){
maxIndex <- c(maxIndex,index)
# One index appears most often, so use that one
if(length(maxIndex) == 1){
monoMzRows <- monoMzRows[-which(adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicIndex[monoMzRows] == maxIndex)]
adjustmentMatrix <- adjustmentMatrix[-monoMzRows,]
} else { # Sometimes different indices appear equally as often and most often, use scoring metric
bestscore <- 1000
bestIndex <- 0
# Go through all possible indices
for(conflictIndex in maxIndex){
# Calculate Score and note the best score
score <- mean(apply(abs(adjustmentMatrix[which(adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicIndex == conflictIndex),c("dint","dppm")]),1,sum))
if(score < bestscore){
bestscore <- score
bestIndex <- conflictIndex
# Throw out all indices that don't have the best average score
monoMzRows <- monoMzRows[-which(adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicIndex[monoMzRows] == bestIndex)]
adjustmentMatrix <- adjustmentMatrix[-monoMzRows,]
# Everything should be fine, but if it is not
# some peaks have the same monoisotopicMz but not the same Formula,
# i.e. one monoisotopic peak has 2 isotope formulas that fit the
# same peak
if(length(unique(adjustmentMatrix$mzFound)) != length(adjustmentMatrix$mzFound)){
occurrences <- as.data.frame(table(adjustmentMatrix$mzFound))
for(value in occurrences[which(occurrences[,2] > 1),1]){
rows <- which(adjustmentMatrix$mzFound == value)
scores <- apply(adjustmentMatrix[rows,c("dint","dppm")],1,sum)
notMinRows <- rows[-which.min(scores)]
adjustmentMatrix <- adjustmentMatrix[-notMinRows,]
# Now: Check for every peak if the monoisotopic peak is already the peak that is passed
# else change the peak that gets passed
problemPeaks <- which(!sapply(adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicIndex, function(index) currentMPeaks$filterOK[which(currentMPeaks$index == index)]))
problemMz <- adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicMz[problemPeaks]
correctIndex <- adjustmentMatrix$monoisotopicIndex[problemPeaks]
adjustmentMatrix <- adjustmentMatrix[,-(25:29)]
# Go through every mz and change the peak to the correct one
for(p in 1:length(problemMz)){
addPeak <- currentMPeaks[which(currentMPeaks$index == correctIndex[p]),,drop=FALSE]
addPeak$filterOK <- TRUE
removePeak <- currentMPeaks[which((currentMPeaks$mzFound == problemMz[p]) & currentMPeaks$filterOK),,drop=FALSE]
removePeak$filterOK <- FALSE
adjustmentMatrix <- rbind(adjustmentMatrix,addPeak,removePeak)
# Further modularization of formula addition
# Is essentially one task, so this makes it more understandable
.annotateFormulaToEnviPatTable <- function(pattern, defIsotopes){
# Find all isotope atom names (only in colnames of patterns, sadly)
isoCols <- colnames(pattern)[3:ncol(pattern)]
# Order the formulas to be in Hill system:
# First the Cs, then the Hs, then lexicographical
# First: Split isotope names so that there only are atoms
# Find position of C and H
splitNames <- gsub('^([0-9]+)(.+)$', '\\2', isoCols)
CHPos <- c(which(splitNames == "C"),which(splitNames == "H"))
# Account for special case: No Cs or Hs
# If there are Cs and Hs, overwrite the positions so they always get sorted to the front
splitNames[CHPos] <- ""
# Default isotopes are always first in the colnames, so no need to order internally between isotopes
atomOrder <- order(splitNames)
# If there are Cs and Hs, the order must be preserved
atomOrder[1:length(CHPos)] <- CHPos
# else it is already ordered
# Mark new names for formula creation.
newnames <- unname(sapply(isoCols, function(currentCol){
if(currentCol %in% defIsotopes){
# "Default" isotope (no isotope mass in formula, e.g. "C")
return(gsub('^(.{0})([0-9]+)(.+)$', '\\3', currentCol))
# Other isotopes (isotope mass in formula, e.g. "[13]C")
return(gsub('^(.{0})([0-9]+)(.+)$', '\\1[\\2]\\3', currentCol))
# Generate the formula for every pattern
pattern$formula <- apply(pattern,1,function(p){
if(p[isoIndex] == 0){
if(p[isoIndex] == 1){
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