
#   Build and Reload Package:  'Cmd + Shift + B'
#   Check Package:             'Cmd + Shift + E'
#   Test Package:              'Cmd + Shift + T'

debug <- TRUE
# Set debug path to downloads because rebuilding the package will delete the ensembl files in its folder
debug_path <- '/usr/local/var/ensembl'

#' Quantify GO terms based on data frame containing ensembl ids.
#' Requires a data frame in the following format
#'   `go_frame`: colnames(c(ensembl_id, go_id))
#'   `go_description`: colnames(go_id)
#' The function iterates over all elements in `go_frame` and counts how many elements are present for each `go_id`
#' @param go_frame Frame with layout `colnames(c(ensembl_id, go_id))`
#' @param go_description Go description frame containing at least `colnames(go_id)`
#' @return go_description frame with new `count` column containing the quantity of each unique `ensembl_id` in `go_id`
count_go_terms <- function(go_frame, go_description) {
  # Process genes and select only required columns
  go_frame_selected <- go_frame %>% select(ensembl_id, go_id)
  # Iterate over all go ids
  go_id_name <- c()
  go_id_count <- c()
  for (current_go_id in unique(go_frame_selected$go_id)) {
    # If go_id is empty skip this one
    if (current_go_id == '')
    # Filter for current go_id
    current_count <- go_frame_selected %>% filter(go_id == current_go_id) %>% unique(x = .$ensembl_id) %>% data.frame() %>% nrow()
    # Add the result to the arrays
    go_id_name <- c(go_id_name, current_go_id)
    go_id_count <- c(go_id_count, current_count)
  # Attach to the original data frame
  go_description <- go_description %>% left_join(data.frame(go_id = go_id_name, count = go_id_count))

#' @export
testScript <- function() {
  test <- system(command = './testScript.sh', wait = TRUE)

#' Get the current Ensembl version
#' @export
#' @import biomaRt
#' @return Ensembl version
get_current_ensembl_version <- function() {
  version <- regmatches(listEnsembl()$version[1], regexpr("([0-9]*$)", listEnsembl()$version[1]))
  # Hack for new Version that is not available yet!
  #version <- "90"

#' Get the ensembl data frame requested by 'type'.
#' Since the download requires some minutes, files are cached in the installation folder of the package.
#' Therefore, loading a gene dataset can take some time when done for the first time.
#' The data frames are stored in individual folders to make loading more efficient
#' @param type Ensembl data to return. Has to be `gene_and_go`, `transcripts_and_go` or `go_description`
#' @param ensembl_dataset Ensembl dataset name specifying the species
#' @param ensembl_version Ensembl version. Defaults to 'current'
#' @return Dataframe reqested by type
get_ensembl_data <- function(type='gene_and_go', ensembl_dataset='mmusculus_gene_ensembl', version='current') {
  # Check if the ensembl folder exists
  if (system.file("ensembl", package="sonaRGO") == '')
    dir.create(file.path(path.package('sonaRGO'), 'ensembl'))

  if (version == 'current') {
    # Get the current ensembl version
    version <- get_current_ensembl_version()

  # Construct file names
  if (debug) {
    dir.create(debug_path, recursive = TRUE)
    ensembl_path_genes <- file.path(debug_path, paste0(ensembl_dataset, '_', version, '_genes.RData'))
    ensembl_path_transcripts <- file.path(debug_path, paste0(ensembl_dataset, '_', version, '_transcripts.RData'))
    ensembl_path_go <- file.path(debug_path, paste0(ensembl_dataset, '_', version, '_go.RData'))
  } else {
    ensembl_path_genes <- file.path(path.package('sonaRGO'), 'ensembl', paste0(ensembl_dataset, '_', version, '_genes.RData'))
    ensembl_path_transcripts <- file.path(path.package('sonaRGO'), 'ensembl', paste0(ensembl_dataset, '_', version, '_transcripts.RData'))
    ensembl_path_go <- file.path(path.package('sonaRGO'), 'ensembl', paste0(ensembl_dataset, '_', version, '_go.RData'))

  # If any of the files do not exist, download all of them again
  if (!file.exists(ensembl_path_genes) || !file.exists(ensembl_path_transcripts) || !file.exists(ensembl_path_go)) {
    # Get the biomart
    # QuickFIX: The current biomart Build (2018-03-10) crashes when you specify a archived version. Therefore, when we use a current version, leave the tag out
    if (version == get_current_ensembl_version()) {
      ensembl <- useEnsembl(biomart="ensembl", dataset=ensembl_dataset)
    } else {
      ensembl <- useEnsembl(biomart="ensembl", dataset=ensembl_dataset, version=version)
    # Genes
    gene_and_go <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id', 'go_id'), mart = ensembl)
    # Transcripts
    transcript_and_go <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_transcript_id', 'go_id'), mart = ensembl)
    # GO-Terms
    go_description <- getBM(attributes=c('go_id', 'name_1006', 'definition_1006', 'namespace_1003'), mart = ensembl)
    # Fix the dimension names to be expressive
    colnames(go_description) <- c('go_id', 'go_term_name', 'go_term_definition', 'go_domain')
    # Only include GO-Terms that are in the transcript table. This will likely not reduce the number of GO terms at all but doesn't hurt either
    go_description <- go_description %>% filter(go_id %in% unique(transcript_and_go$go_id))
    # Replace empty entries with NA
    go_description[go_description == ""] <- NA
    # Remove rows where there are only NAs. This counts the number of NAs in each row and if the sum equals number of cols, the row is removed
    go_description <- go_description[rowSums(is.na(go_description[1:nrow(go_description),])) != ncol(go_description),]
    # Add gene counts to go description
    go_description <- count_go_terms(go_frame = gene_and_go %>% mutate(ensembl_id = ensembl_gene_id), go_description = go_description) %>% rename(count_genes = count)
    go_description <- count_go_terms(go_frame = transcript_and_go %>% mutate(ensembl_id = ensembl_transcript_id), go_description = go_description) %>% rename(count_transcripts = count)

    # Save the files
    save(gene_and_go, file = ensembl_path_genes)
    save(transcript_and_go, file = ensembl_path_transcripts)
    save(go_description, file = ensembl_path_go)

  # Return the requested frame
  if (type == "gene_and_go") {
  } else if (type == "transcript_and_go") {
  } else if (type == "go_description") {
  } else {
    # Fail
    stop(paste0('Invalid option ', type, ". Choose `gene_and_go`, `transcripts_and_go` or `go_description`"))

#' Get summary table containing go terms accession id and description
#' @param ensembl_dataset Ensembl dataset name specifying the species
#' @param ensembl_version Ensembl version. Defaults to 'current'
#' @return Summary table
#' @export
get_go_summary <- function(ensembl_dataset='mmusculus_gene_ensembl', ensembl_version='current') {
  get_ensembl_data('go_description', ensembl_dataset = ensembl_dataset, version = ensembl_version) %>%
    # as.list() %>%

#' Export the gene_and_go table where each gene is mapped to a corresponding GO term
#' @param ensembl_dataset Ensembl dataset name specifying the species
#' @param ensembl_version Ensembl version. Defaults to 'current'
#' @export
get_go_per_gene <- function(ensembl_dataset='mmusculus_gene_ensembl', ensembl_version='current') {
  get_ensembl_data('gene_and_go', ensembl_dataset = ensembl_dataset, version = ensembl_version) %>%

#' @title Get the GO term association per gene or transcript as list
#' @param input Vector of Ensembl gene or transcript ids
#' @param ensembl_dataset Ensembl dataset name specifying the species
#' @param ensembl_version Ensembl version. Defaults to 'current'
#' @return List named by gene/transcript id containing a vector of associated GO terms by accession id
#' @examples
#' to_go(c("ENSMUSG00000064370", "ENSMUSG00000065947"), 'mmusculus_gene_ensembl')
#' @export
to_go <- function(input, ensembl_dataset, ensembl_version = 'current') {
  # Convert input to uppercase
  input <- toupper(input)
  # Try to guess whether input is genes or transcripts
  # Ensembl Genes end with `G` followed by the id number, transcripts with a `t`, e.g. 'ENSMUSG00000064370'
  if (sum(grepl('(G[0-9]*$)', input)) == length(input)) {
    # Process as Genes
    # Get the required data frames
    gene_and_go <- get_ensembl_data('gene_and_go', ensembl_dataset = ensembl_dataset, version = ensembl_version)
    return(gene_to_go(input, gene_and_go))
  } else if (sum(grepl('(T[0-9]*$)', input)) == length(input)) {
    # TODO
    # Process as Transcripts.
  } else {
    stop('Input must be Ensembl genes or transcripts')

#' @title Get the GO term association per gene as list
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import dplyr
#' @param genes Vector of Ensembl gene names
#' @param gene_and_go Data frame containing gene ids and go accession ids
#' @return List named by gene id containing a vector of associated GO terms by accession id
gene_to_go <- function(genes, gene_and_go) {
  # Populate result
  result <- list()
  for (gene in genes) {
    result[gene] <- gene_and_go %>% filter(ensembl_gene_id == gene) %>% select(go_id) %>% as.vector()
snr-vis/snrgo documentation built on May 26, 2019, 4:34 a.m.