
Defines functions stress_mean_w

Documented in stress_mean_w

#' Stressing Mean
#' Provides weights on simulated scenarios from a baseline stochastic
#'     model, such that a stressed model component (random variable) fulfils a
#'     constraint on its mean.
#'     Scenario weights are
#'     selected by constrained minimisation of the Wasserstein distance to the
#'     baseline model.
#' @inheritParams    stress_RM_w
#' @param k       Numeric, the column of \code{x} that is stressed
#'     \code{(default = 1)}.\cr
#' @param new_means    Numeric, the stressed mean.\cr
#' @param names   Character vector, the names of stressed models.
#' @param log     Boolean, the option to print weights' statistics.
#' @param ...       Additional arguments to be passed to
#'                  \code{\link[nleqslv]{nleqslv}}.
#' @return A \code{SWIMw} object containing:
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item \code{x}, a data.frame containing the data;
#'       \item \code{h}, h is a multiple of the Silverman’s rule;
#'       \item \code{u}, vector containing the gridspace on [0, 1];
#'       \item \code{lam}, vector containing the lambda's of the optimized model;
#'       \item \code{str_fY}, function defining the densities of the stressed component;
#'       \item \code{str_FY}, function defining the distribution of the stressed component;
#'       \item \code{str_FY_inv}, function defining the quantiles of the stressed component;
#'       \item \code{gamma}, function defining the risk measure;
#'       \item \code{new_weights}, a list of functions, that applied to
#'   the \code{k}th column of \code{x}, generates the vectors of scenario
#'   weights. Each component corresponds to a different stress;
#'      \item \code{type = "mean"};
#'      \item \code{specs}, a list, each component corresponds to
#'    a different stress and contains \code{k} and \code{new_means}.
#'     }
#'     See \code{\link{SWIM}} for details.
#' @author Zhuomin Mao
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(0)
#' x <- as.data.frame(cbind(
#'   "normal" = rnorm(1000),
#'   "gamma" = rgamma(1000, shape = 2)))
#' res1 <- stress_wass(type = "mean", x = x, k = 1,
#'   new_means=1)
#'   summary(res1)
#' ## calling stress_RM_w directly
#' ## stressing "gamma"
#' res2 <- stress_mean_w(x = x, 
#'   new_means=2.2, k = 2)
#' summary(res2)
#' }
#' @family stress functions
#' @references \insertRef{Pesenti2019reverse}{SWIM}\cr
#'     \insertRef{Pesenti2020SSRN}{SWIM}\cr
#'     \insertRef{Pesenti2021SSRN}{SWIM}
#' @export

stress_mean_w <- function(x, new_means, k = 1,
                          h = 1, names = NULL, log = FALSE, method = "Nelder-Mead", ...){
  if (is.SWIM(x) | is.SWIMw(x)) x_data <- get_data(x) else x_data <- as.matrix(x)
  if (anyNA(x_data)) warning("x contains NA")
  n <- length(x_data[, k])
  # Create grid u in [0,1]
  u <- c(.ab_grid(1e-4, 0.05, 100), .ab_grid(0.05, 0.99, 500), .ab_grid(0.99, 1-1e-4, 100))
  # Get the KDE estimates for fY, FY
  print("Get the KDE estimates")
  if (is.numeric(h)){
    # Use Silverman's Rule
    .h <- function(y){
      h * 1.06 * stats::sd(y) * length(y)^(-1/5)
  } else {
    stop("h must be numeric")
  hY <- .h(x_data[,k])
  fY_fn <- function(y){
    return(sum(stats::dnorm((y - x_data[,k])/hY)/hY/length(x_data[,k])))
  fY_fn <- Vectorize(fY_fn)
  FY_fn <- function(y){
    return(sum(stats::pnorm((y - x_data[,k])/hY)/length(x_data[,k])))
  FY_fn <- Vectorize(FY_fn)
  lower_bracket = min(x_data[,k])-(max(x_data[,k])-min(x_data[,k]))*0.1
  upper_bracket = max(x_data[,k])+(max(x_data[,k])-min(x_data[,k]))*0.1
  FY_inv_fn <- Vectorize(.inverse(FY_fn, lower_bracket, upper_bracket))

  .objective_fn <- function(par){
    # Get ell = F_inv + sum(lam[1] + lam[2]*mean)
    ell_fn <- function(x){(FY_inv_fn(x) + par[1] + par[2]*new_means)/(1 + par[2])}
    # Get isotonic projection of ell
    GY_inv <- stats::isoreg(u, ell_fn(u))$yf
    mean_stress <- .integrate(GY_inv, u)
    std_stress <- sqrt(.integrate((GY_inv - mean_stress)^2, u))
    # Return RM error
    error <- sqrt(2) * sqrt((mean_stress - new_means)^2)  # sqrt(2) normalization constant
  # Run optimization
  print("Run optimization")
  for(i in range(1:5)){
    init_lam <- stats::rnorm(2)
    res <- stats::optim(init_lam, .objective_fn, method = method)
    lam <- res$par
    # Get ell
    ell_fn <- function(x){(FY_inv_fn(x) + lam[1] + lam[2]*new_means)/(1 + lam[2])}
    ell <- ell_fn(u)
    # Get GY_inv
    GY_inv <- stats::isoreg(u, ell)$yf
    # achieved mean and std
    mean_achieved <- .integrate(GY_inv, u)
    sd_achieved <- sqrt(.integrate((GY_inv - mean_achieved)^2, u))
    if((mean_achieved - new_means < 1e-4)){
  print("Optimization converged")

  print("Calculate optimal scenario weights")
  # Get GY_inv_fn, y_grid
  left <- min(min(x_data[,k]), GY_inv[4])
  right <- max(max(x_data[,k]), GY_inv[length(GY_inv)-3])
  GY_inv_fn <- stats::approxfun(u, GY_inv, yleft=left-1e-5, yright=right+1e-5)
  y_grid <- seq(from=GY_inv[4], to=GY_inv[length(GY_inv)-3], length.out=500)
  # Get GY and gY
  GY_fn <- .inverse(GY_inv_fn, lower=0, upper=1)
  GY_fn <- Vectorize(GY_fn)
  dG_inv <- (GY_inv[3:length(GY_inv)] - GY_inv[1:(length(GY_inv)-2)])/(u[3:length(u)] - u[1:(length(u)-2)])
  dG_inv_fn <- stats::approxfun(0.5*(u[3:length(u)] + u[1:(length(u)-2)]), dG_inv, rule=2)
  gY_fn <- function(x){1/dG_inv_fn(GY_fn(x))}
  # Create SWIMw object
  max_length <- max(length(new_means))
  type <- rep(list("mean"), length.out = max_length)
  # Get weights
  new_weights <- .get_weights(x_data[,k], y_grid, gY_fn, fY_fn, hY)
  # Name stresses
  if (is.null(names)) {
    temp <- paste("stress", 1:max_length)
  } else {
    temp <- names
  if (length(temp) != max_length) stop("length of names are not the same as the number of models")
  names(new_weights) <- temp
  # achieved mean and std
  mean_achieved <- .integrate(GY_inv, u)
  sd_achieved <- sqrt(.integrate((GY_inv - mean_achieved)^2, u))
  # Compare constraint and achieved stress
  f <- rep(list(function(x)x), length(k))
  m <- new_means
  z <- matrix(0, ncol = length(f), nrow = nrow(x_data))
  for (i in 1:length(f)){
    z[, i] <- apply(X = x_data[, k[[i]], drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 1, FUN = f[[i]])
  min.fz <- apply(z, 2, min)
  max.fz <- apply(z, 2, max)
  if (any(m < min.fz) || any(m > max.fz)) stop("Values in m must be in the range of x")

  z <- cbind(1, z)
  moments <- function(x)colMeans(z * as.vector(exp(z %*% x))) - c(1, m)
  sol <- nleqslv::nleqslv(rep(0, length.out = length(f) + 1), moments, ...)
  if (sol$termcd != 1) warning(paste("nleqslv terminated with code ", sol$termcd))

  m.ac <- colMeans(z * as.vector(exp(z %*% sol$x)))[-1]
  err <- m - m.ac
  rel.err <- (err / m) * (m != 0)
  outcome <- data.frame(cols = as.character(k), required_moment = m, achieved_moment = m.ac, abs_error = err, rel_error = rel.err)
  # message if the achieved mean or std is different from the specified stress.
  if(mean_achieved - new_means > 1e-4) {
    message(paste("Stressed mean specified was", round(new_means, 4),", stressed mean achieved is", round(mean_achieved, 4)))
    new_means <- mean_achieved
  # Get constraints
  new_means <- rep(new_means, length.out = max_length)
  constr_mean_std <- cbind("k" = rep(k, length.out = max_length), new_means)
  constr <- list()
  for(i in 1:max_length){
    temp_list <- list(as.list(constr_mean_std[i, ]))
    names(temp_list) <- temp[i]
    constr <- c(constr, temp_list)
  my_list <- SWIMw("x" = x_data, "u"=u, "h"=list(.h), "lam"=list(lam), "gamma" = list(gamma),
                   "new_weights" = new_weights, "str_fY" = list(gY_fn), "str_FY" = list(GY_fn),
                   "str_FY_inv" = list(GY_inv_fn), "type" = type, "specs" = constr)
  if (is.SWIMw(x)) my_list <- merge(x, my_list)
  if (log) {
spesenti/SWIM documentation built on Jan. 15, 2022, 11:19 a.m.