
Defines functions aggregateRasterToPolygons

Documented in aggregateRasterToPolygons

#' Aggregate Time Series Rasters to Polygons
#'Aggregates time-series rasters by polygon primarily through the 'velox' package. Allows the user to take advantage of the
#'1000x raster extraction speed increases (over 'raster') resulting from the 'velox' package and should be operated in parallels.
#'Accepts any datatype compatible with the 'raster' package. Defaults to a NAD83 projection and transforms as necessary. Datasets
#'are assumed to be in depth per measurement and results are calculated as length = mm.
#' @param dataPath Character, required; Path to containing folder of gridded datasets.
#' @param dataName Character, required; Name of gridded dataset.
#' @param dataExtension Character, required; Gridded file extension to import, must be compatible with 'raster' package (tif',
#' 'nc', ect).  The .grd format is discouraged due to connection issues that occur during processing.
#' @param dataCategory Character, required; Type of dataset ('precip', 'AET', 'SWE', etc).
#' @param startDate Character, required; Starting date of rasters in format "YYYY-MM-DD".  DD required but irrelevant if not daily rasters.
#' @param timeStep Character, required; Time step between layers.  Options are 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', and 'year'.
#' @param unitDepth Character, required; String providing the unit measurement of depth of dataset.  Converts all datasets to mm.
#' Defaults to 'mm'.  Supported formats supplied in ?measurements::conv_unit.
#' @param aggFUN Character, required; Function to use on cells within each polygon.  Options are c('mean', 'sum').  Use 'mean' 
#' on rates and 'sum' on volumes. Defaults to 'mean'.
#' @param MET.HUC10 Logical, optional; If TRUE, uses the included METsteps simplified HUC-10 shapefile.  If FALSE,
#' requires polyFname, polyLayer, and polyIDs arguments. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param polyFname Character, optional; If MET.HUC10 is FALSE, required filename of shapefile to aggregate gridded dataset. 
#' Defaults to NULL.
#' @param polyLayer Character; If MET.HUC10 is FALSE, required layer of shapefile to aggregate gridded dataset as per 
#' rgdal::readOGR() function. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param polyIDs Character string/vector; If MET.HUC10 is FALSE, required IDs for polygons to be used as rownames in 
#' return matrix.  Requires either the identification column (in character string) in the shapefile (to be called by 
#' polys@data[[polyIDs]]) OR a character vector equal in length to the number of features. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param maxLayers Integer, optional; Maximum number of layers/bands to allocate to each chunk.  Defaults to 6. If you are
#' experiencing memory issues (overloading RAM), then drop this number or reduce number of nodes in cl.
#' @param cushion Numeric, optional; Number of GB of memory to leave unused during processing.  Strongly advised to not decrease
#' lower than 2.  Default is 3.
#' @param verbose Logical, optional; If FALSE, suppress all text outputs, including the parallel processing progress bar. Defaults 
#' to TRUE.
#' @param cl Cluster object, optional; If supplied, extraction run in parallels.  Suggested max number of cores is 10.
#' @param disag Logical; Allow resampling if necessary.  Defaults to TRUE.  Resampling occurs when (average cell size of dataset) x
#' 4 > average size of polygons in shapefile.
#' @param disagFactor Integer; Disaggregation factor (> 1 disaggregates).  If NULL, automatically selects factor.  Defaults to NULL.
#' @param cancelReproject Logical; If FALSE, reprojection is forced if necessary.  Set to TRUE to disable raster reprojection.
#' Defaults to FALSE. Suggested for use when WGS84 is projection and extents align with included datasets (polyHUC2 for example).
#' @param recursive Logical; Should the listing recurse into directories? Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param projManual Character, optional; Projection for datasets to be converted to.  Gridded data and shapefile projections will be
#' transformed to projManual as necessary. For CONUS projects, suggested to leave at default. Defaults to NAD83 
#' ('+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0').
#' @param multiNum Numeric, optional; If you would like the results to be multiplied by a certain value, put it in here. Must be 
#' numeric.  Defaults to NULL.
#' @export
#' @return Table of mean raster values for each gridded dataset layer.  Columns are gridded layers, rows are shapefile
#' features.
#' @examples
#' aggregateRasterToPolygons()

aggregateRasterToPolygons <- function(dataPath,
                                unitDepth = 'mm',
                                aggFUN = 'mean',
                                MET.HUC10 = TRUE,
                                polyFname = NULL,
                                polyLayer = NULL,
                                polyIDs = NULL,
                                maxLayers = 6,
                                cushion = 3,
                                verbose = TRUE,
                                cl = NULL,
                                disag = TRUE,
                                disagFactor = NULL,
                                cancelReproject = FALSE,
                                recursive = TRUE,
                                projManual = '+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0',
                                multiNum = NULL){
  # dataPath = "C:/Users/ssaxe/Documents/Scripts/R Scripts/Model Evaluation Tool/raster/AET/SSEBopMonthly"
  # dataName = 'MOD16-A2'
  # dataExtension = 'tif'
  # dataCategory = 'AET'
  # startDate = '2000-1-1'
  # timeStep = 'month'
  # unitDepth = 'mm'
  # # # dataPath = "C:/Users/ssaxe/Documents/Scripts/R Scripts/Model Evaluation Tool/raster/Storage/Grace-CSR/"
  # # # dataName = 'GRACE-CSR'
  # # # dataExtension = 'tif'
  # # # dataCategory = 'Storage'
  # # # startDate = '2002-04-01'
  # # # timeStep = 'month'
  # # # unitDepth = 'mm'
  # aggFUN = 'mean'
  # MET.HUC10 = TRUE
  # polyFname = NULL
  # polyLayer = NULL
  # polyIDs = NULL
  # maxLayers = 6
  # cushion = 3
  # verbose = TRUE
  # projManual = '+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0'
  # disag = TRUE
  # disagFactor = NULL
  # recursive = F
  #  cl = parallel::makeCluster(15)
  #  multiNum = NULL
  # Libraries
  libs.spatial = c('maptools', 'raster', 'rgdal', 'sp', 'rgeos', 'velox')
  libs.misc = c('progress', 'lubridate', 'pbapply', 'measurements')
  libs.parallel = c('parallel')
  xrm = lapply(c(libs.spatial, libs.misc, libs.parallel), require, character.only = TRUE); rm(xrm);
  # Check inputs and error handling
    (tolower(aggFUN) %in% c('mean', 'sum')),
    (is.character(polyFname) || is.null(polyFname)),
    (is.character(polyLayer) || is.null(polyLayer)),
    (is.character(polyIDs) || is.null(polyIDs)),
    (is.null(multiNum) || is.numeric(multiNum))
  if (MET.HUC10 == FALSE){
  stopifnot(timeStep %in% c('day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year'))
  if (grepl('_', dataName, fixed = T)){stop('Can not have an underscore (_) in dataName. Please use a dash (-) instead.')}
  xrm = lapply(X <- c(dataPath, dataExtension, dataName, dataCategory, startDate, timeStep, aggFUN,
                      MET.HUC10, polyFname, polyLayer, maxLayers, cushion, verbose),
               FUN = function(y){
                 stopifnot(length(y) == 1)
  aggFUN = tolower(aggFUN)
  # Load/Import shapefile and transform projection if necessary
  if (verbose) writeLines('Loading/Importing shapefile')
  if (MET.HUC10){
    polys <- METsteps::HUC10_Shape
  }else {
    polys <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn             = polyFname,
                           layer            = polyLayer,
                           verbose          = FALSE,
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if (length(polyIDs) < 1){
      stop('length(polyIDs) < 1')
    } else if (length(polyIDs) == 1){
      if (!(polyIDs %in% colnames(polys@data))){
        stop('polyIDs not found as column name in shapefile')
    } else if (length(polyIDs) > 1){
      if (length(polyIDs) != nrow(polys@data)){
        stop('length(polyIDs) != number of shapefile features')
  if (raster::projection(polys) != projManual){
    if (verbose == T) writeLines('Transforming shapefile projection')
    polys = sp::spTransform(polys, CRS(projManual))
  # Acquire/List gridded datasets
  if (verbose) writeLines('Identifying gridded datasets')
  D.names <- list.files(path       = dataPath,
                       pattern     = paste0('\\.', gsub('.', '', dataExtension, fixed = T), '$'),
                       full.names  = TRUE,
                       recursive = recursive)
  if (verbose) writeLines(paste0('Found ', length(D.names), ' unique .', dataExtension, ' files in dataPath'))
  D.proj <- projection(suppressWarnings(raster(D.names[1])))
  if (is.na(D.proj)) stop('No coordinate reference system associated with rasters.')
  # Retrieve datum of dataset projection
  if (!cancelReproject){
    .br <- unlist(strsplit(x     = D.proj,
                           split = ' ',
                           fixed = T))
    .br <- .br[grepl(pattern = '+datum',
                     x       = .br,
                     fixed   = T)]
    .br <- (unlist(strsplit(x     = .br,
                            split = '=',
                            fixed = T)))[2]
    if (length(.br) > 0){
      if (.br == 'WGS84' && projManual == "+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0") {
        warning(paste('Projection of', dataName, 'has datum of WGS84. Transformation of this datum to NAD83 is implemented incorrectly in GDAL. Please convert projection to GCS_NAD83 in ArcGIS, QGIS, or other GIS software.'))
      } else if (.br == 'WGS84'){
        warning(paste('Projection of', dataName, 'has datum of WGS84.  If your dataset requires a transformation, GDAL does not correctly transform the WGS84 datum to other GCS projections and will result in NA values.  Please convert projection in ArcGIS, QGIS, or other GIS software.'))
      warning('No datum information (+datum) in projection of dataset.')

  # Produce time series for raster
  LayersPerFile <- suppressWarnings(nlayers(stack(D.names[1])))
  TotalFiles <- length(D.names)
  TotalLayers <- LayersPerFile*TotalFiles
  dates.all <- seq.Date(from       = as.Date(startDate),
                       by          = timeStep,
                       length.out  = TotalLayers)
  # Create dataframe of distribution of layers by file
  dz <- rep(1:TotalFiles, each = LayersPerFile)
  dzz <- as.data.frame(cbind(1:TotalLayers, dz))
  dzz <- as.data.frame(cbind(rep(1:LayersPerFile, TotalFiles), dz))
  colnames(dzz) <- c('Layer', 'File')
  # Max possible distribution
  no_cores <- length(cl)
  maxSplit <- suppressWarnings(
  # Use gdalWarp to reproject rasters in parallels as necessary
  maxSplit <- suppressWarnings(
  if (cancelReproject == FALSE){
    if (verbose) writeLines('Reprojecting as necessary')
    applyWarp3 <- function(fnameList, desiredProjection, dataPath, assignProj){
      # Wrapper for applyWarp function to be used in parallel lapply function.
      # Args:
      #   fnameList: Vector/list of full filenames (paths) to transform.
      #   desiredProjection: Target projection for raster transform.
      # Returns:
      #   List of lists of reprojected rasterStacks.
      applyWarp <- function(fnameSingle, desiredProjection, dataPath, assignProj){
        # Wrapper for gdalUtils::gdalwarp function to be used in applyWarp3 lapply function.
        # Args:
        #   fnameSingle: Single full filename (path) to raster.
        #   desiredProjection: Target projection for raster transform.
        # Returns:
        #   List reprojected rasterStacks.
        dstfile <- tempfile(tmpdir = dataPath, fileext = '.tif')
        # dstfile <- gsub('\\', '', dstfile, fixed = T)
        if (is.null(assignProj)){
          gdalSourceProj <- projection(raster(fnameSingle))
          gdalSourceProj <- assignProj
        ras <- gdalUtils::gdalwarp(srcfile       = fnameSingle,
                                   dstfile       = dstfile,
                                   s_srs         = gdalSourceProj,
                                   t_srs         = desiredProjection,
                                   output_Raster = FALSE,
                                   overwrite     = TRUE,
                                   r             = "bilinear",
                                   verbose       = FALSE)
        ras <- gdalUtils::gdalwarp(srcfile       = fnameSingle,
                                   dstfile       = dstfile,
                                   s_srs         = projection(raster(fnameSingle)),
                                   t_srs         = desiredProjection,
                                   output_Raster = FALSE,
                                   overwrite     = TRUE,
                                   r             = 'bilinear',
                                   verbose       = TRUE)
        #ras <- as.list(raster::stack(x = dstfile))
      return(lapply(X = fnameList, FUN = applyWarp, desiredProjection = desiredProjection, dataPath = dataPath))
    projList1 <- pbapply::pblapply(X                  = maxSplit,
                                   FUN                = applyWarp3,
                                   desiredProjection  = projManual,
                                   dataPath           = dataPath,
                                   cl                 = cl)
    projList1 <- unlist(projList1)
    projList2 <- raster::stack(projList1)
  }else {
    if (verbose) writeLines('Passing over reprojection step as defined in argument .cancelReproject.')
    projList2 <- suppressWarnings(raster::stack(D.names))
    if (!is.null(cl)){
      D.names.split <- split(D.names,
      projList2 <- raster::stack(pbapply::pblapply(X = D.names.split,
                                                    FUN = raster::stack,
                                                    cl = cl))

  # projList2 <- as.list(projList2)  # return a list of rasterStacks
  maxLayers <- floor(maxLayers)
      # splitRas  <- suppressWarnings(
      #   split(projList2, ceiling(seq_along(projList2)/maxLayers)))
  splitRas  <- suppressWarnings(
    split(1:nlayers(projList2), ceiling(seq_along(1:nlayers(projList2))/maxLayers)))
  # Compute average cell size (if projection is unprojected aka "longlat")
  if (disag){
    exRas <- projList2[[1]]
    prj <- unlist(strsplit(x     = raster::projection(exRas),
                           split = ' ',
                           fixed = T))
    prj <- prj[grepl(pattern = 'proj',
                     x       = prj)]
    prj <- unlist(strsplit(x     = prj,
                           split = '=',
                           fixed = T))[2]
    if (prj == 'longlat'){
      rArea <- raster::cellStats(x = area(exRas),
                                 stat = 'mean')
      sArea <- mean(area(polys)/1000000)
      if ((rArea*4) > sArea){
        resFact <- ceiling((rArea*4)/sArea)
        resFact <- 1
      resFact <- 1
    if (!is.null(disagFactor)) resFact <- disagFactor
    resFact <- 1
  # define extraction function
  # applyVxExtract <- function(x, sp, aggFUN, disagFactor){
  #   # Wrapper for velox raster extraction by polygon to be used in lapply function.
  #   #
  #   # Args:
  #   #   x: List of rasters created through raster package.
  #   #   sp: A SpatialPolygons object at which to average raster pixels.
  #   #   fun: function to use on cells.  Should be a mean or a sum function.
  #   #
  #   # Returns:
  #   #   Mean or sum values within sp for each layer in x.
  #   require(velox)
  #   require(raster)
  #   st <- raster::stack(x)
  #   st <- raster::crop(x = st,
  #                      y = extent(sp))
  #   st <- raster::disaggregate(x    = st,
  #                              fact = disagFactor)
  #   vx <- velox::velox(raster::stack(st))
  #   if (aggFUN == 'mean') {
  #     vfun   <- function(x){return(mean(x, na.rm = T))}
  #   }else if (aggFUN == 'sum'){
  #       vfun <- function(x){return(sum(x, na.rm = T))}
  #   }else{
  #       stop('aggFUN must be either mean or sum.')
  #   }
  #   ex <- vx$extract(sp   = sp,
  #                    fun  = vfun)
  #   rm(st)
  #   rm(vx)
  #   gc()
  #   return(ex)
  # }
  applyVxExtract <- function(x, sp, mainStack, aggFUN, disagFactor){
    # Wrapper for velox raster extraction by polygon to be used in lapply function.
    # Args:
    #   x: List of rasters created through raster package.
    #   sp: A SpatialPolygons object at which to average raster pixels.
    #   fun: function to use on cells.  Should be a mean or a sum function.
    # Returns:
    #   Mean or sum values within sp for each layer in x.
    st <- mainStack[[x]]

      # st <- raster::stack(x)
    st <- raster::crop(x = st,
                       y = extent(sp))
    st <- raster::disaggregate(x    = st,
                               fact = disagFactor)
    vx <- velox::velox(raster::stack(st))
    if (aggFUN == 'mean') {
      vfun   <- function(x){return(mean(x, na.rm = T))}
    }else if (aggFUN == 'sum'){
      vfun <- function(x){return(sum(x, na.rm = T))}
      stop('aggFUN must be either mean or sum.')
    ex <- vx$extract(sp   = sp,
                     fun  = vfun)
  if (verbose && resFact == 1) writeLines('Extracting at polygons')
  if (verbose && resFact != 1) writeLines(paste('Extracting at polygons and disaggregating to ~4 cells/polygon (disaggregation factor =',
                                                resFact, ')'))
  # vxList <- pblapply(X           = splitRas,
  #                    FUN         = applyVxExtract,
  #                    sp          = polys,
  #                    aggFUN      = aggFUN,
  #                    disagFactor = resFact,
  #                    cl          = cl)
  vxList <- pbapply::pblapply(X           = splitRas,
                              FUN         = applyVxExtract,
                              sp          = polys,
                              mainStack   = projList2,
                              aggFUN      = aggFUN,
                              disagFactor = resFact,
                              cl          = cl)
  # delete this junk
  # plot(shp3[is.na(RESULTS[,1]),])
  # gageRem <- (shp3[is.na(RESULTS[,1]),])@data$GAGE_ID
  # write.csv(gageRem, 'C:/Users/ssaxe/Documents/Projects/Model Evaluation/ByWatershed/Shapefiles/RemoveFromCONUS_WGS84.csv')
  # gagesToEliminate = (shp2@data$GAGE_ID)[!is.na(RESULTS[,1])]
  # shp3 = shp2[(as.numeric(shp2@data$GAGE_ID) %in% as.numeric(gagesToEliminate)), ]
  # writeOGR(shp3,
  #          dsn = 'C:/Users/ssaxe/Documents/Projects/Model Evaluation/ByWatershed/Shapefiles/bas_ref_CONUS_WGS84.shp',
  #          layer = 'bas_ref_CONUS_WGS84',
  #          driver = 'ESRI Shapefile')
  # Format results
  RESULTS <- do.call(cbind, vxList)
  #d.range <- lubridate::decimal_date(dates.all)
  d.range <- dates.all
  colnames(RESULTS) <- paste0('X', d.range) #decimal dates
  if (MET.HUC10 == TRUE){
    rownames(RESULTS) <- polys@data[['HUC10']] #HUC ids
  }else if (MET.HUC10 == FALSE){
    if (length(polyIDs) == 1){
      rownames(RESULTS) <- polys@data[[polyIDs]] #HUC ids
    }else if (length(polyIDs) > 1){
      rownames(RESULTS) <- polyIDs
  # Convert units
  if (verbose && unitDepth != 'mm') writeLines(paste('Converting units from', unitDepth, 'to mm'))
  RESULTS <- RESULTS * measurements::conv_unit(x    = 1,
                                                 from = unitDepth,
                                                 to   = 'mm')
  # Multiplier
  if (!is.null(multiNum)){
    RESULTS <- RESULTS * multiNum
  # Create endDate object
  #endDate <- date_decimal(as.numeric(colnames(RESULTS)[length(colnames(RESULTS))]))
  endDate <- (gsub('X', '', colnames(RESULTS)[ncol(RESULTS)]))
  # endDate <- substr(x = endDate,
  #                   start = 1,
  #                   stop = regexpr(' ', endDate) - 1)
  # if (nchar(endDate) == 0){
  #   endDate <- date_decimal(as.numeric(colnames(RESULTS)[length(colnames(RESULTS))]))
  #   endDate <- as.character(endDate)
  # }
  # Remove temporary files
  if (exists('projList1')) file.remove(projList1)
  # Compile information about dataset
  info <- c(dataName, dataExtension, dataCategory, timeStep, startDate, endDate, projManual)
  names(info) <- c('dataName', 'dataExtension', 'dataCategory', 'timeStep', 'startDate', 'endDate', 'projManual')
  # Return
  return(list(HUC10matrix = RESULTS, info = info))
ssaxe-usgs/METsteps documentation built on May 5, 2019, 5:54 p.m.