
Defines functions .ps_khat_threshold loo_subsample_pps run_cvfun.refmodel run_cvfun.default run_cvfun get_kfold kfold_varsel warn_pareto loo_varsel parse_args_cv_varsel cv_varsel.refmodel cv_varsel.vsel cv_varsel.default cv_varsel

Documented in cv_varsel cv_varsel.default cv_varsel.refmodel cv_varsel.vsel run_cvfun run_cvfun.default run_cvfun.refmodel

# General functions for CV ------------------------------------------------

#' Run search and performance evaluation with cross-validation
#' Run the *search* part and the *evaluation* part for a projection predictive
#' variable selection. The search part determines the predictor ranking (also
#' known as solution path), i.e., the best submodel for each submodel size
#' (number of predictor terms). The evaluation part determines the predictive
#' performance of the submodels along the predictor ranking. In contrast to
#' [varsel()], [cv_varsel()] performs a cross-validation (CV) by running the
#' search part with the training data of each CV fold separately (an exception
#' is explained in section "Note" below) and by running the evaluation part on
#' the corresponding test set of each CV fold. A special method is
#' [cv_varsel.vsel()] because it re-uses the search results from an earlier
#' [cv_varsel()] (or [varsel()]) run, as illustrated in the main vignette.
#' @inheritParams varsel
#' @param cv_method The CV method, either `"LOO"` or `"kfold"`. In the `"LOO"`
#'   case, a Pareto-smoothed importance sampling leave-one-out CV (PSIS-LOO-CV)
#'   is performed, which avoids refitting the reference model `nloo` times (in
#'   contrast to a standard LOO-CV). In the `"kfold"` case, a \eqn{K}-fold-CV is
#'   performed. See also section "Note" below.
#' @param nloo **Caution:** Still experimental. Only relevant if `cv_method =
#'   "LOO"`. If `nloo` is smaller than the number of all observations,
#'   approximate full LOO-CV using probability-proportional-to-size-sampling
#'   (PPS) to make accurate computation only for `nloo` (anything from 1 to the
#'   number of all observations) leave-one-out folds (Magnusson et al., 2019).
#'   Smaller values lead to faster computation but higher uncertainty in the
#'   evaluation part. If `NULL`, all observations are used (as by default).
#' @param K Only relevant if `cv_method = "kfold"` and if `cvfits` is `NULL`
#'   (which is the case for reference model objects created by
#'   [get_refmodel.stanreg()] or [brms::get_refmodel.brmsfit()]). Number of
#'   folds in \eqn{K}-fold-CV.
#' @param cvfits Only relevant if `cv_method = "kfold"`. The same as argument
#'   `cvfits` of [init_refmodel()], but repeated here so that output from
#'   [run_cvfun()] can be inserted here straightforwardly.
#' @param validate_search A single logical value indicating whether to
#'   cross-validate also the search part, i.e., whether to run the search
#'   separately for each CV-fold (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`). We strongly do not
#'   recommend setting this to `FALSE`, because this is known to bias the
#'   predictive performance estimates of the selected submodels. However,
#'   setting this to `FALSE` can sometimes be useful because comparing the
#'   results to the case where this argument is `TRUE` gives an idea of how
#'   strongly the search is (over-)fitted to the data (the difference
#'   corresponds to the search degrees of freedom or the effective number of
#'   parameters introduced by the search).
#' @param seed Pseudorandom number generation (PRNG) seed by which the same
#'   results can be obtained again if needed. Passed to argument `seed` of
#'   [set.seed()], but can also be `NA` to not call [set.seed()] at all. If not
#'   `NA`, then the PRNG state is reset (to the state before calling
#'   [cv_varsel()]) upon exiting [cv_varsel()]. Here, `seed` is used for
#'   clustering the reference model's posterior draws (if `!is.null(nclusters)`
#'   or `!is.null(nclusters_pred)`), for subsampling PSIS-LOO-CV folds (if
#'   `nloo` is smaller than the number of observations), for sampling the folds
#'   in \eqn{K}-fold-CV, and for drawing new group-level effects when predicting
#'   from a multilevel submodel (however, not yet in case of a GAMM).
#' @param parallel A single logical value indicating whether to run costly parts
#'   of the CV in parallel (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`). See also section "Note"
#'   below.
#' @param ... For [cv_varsel.default()]: Arguments passed to [get_refmodel()] as
#'   well as to [cv_varsel.refmodel()]. For [cv_varsel.vsel()]: Arguments passed
#'   to [cv_varsel.refmodel()]. For [cv_varsel.refmodel()]: Arguments passed to
#'   the divergence minimizer (see argument `div_minimizer` of [init_refmodel()]
#'   as well as section "Draw-wise divergence minimizers" of [projpred-package])
#'   when refitting the submodels for the performance evaluation (if `refit_prj`
#'   is `TRUE`).
#' @inherit varsel details return
#' @note If `validate_search` is `FALSE`, the search is not included in the CV
#'   so that only a single full-data search is run. If the number of
#'   observations is big, the fast PSIS-LOO-CV along the full-data search path
#'   is likely to be accurate. If the number of observations is small or
#'   moderate, the fast PSIS-LOO-CV along the full-data search path is likely to
#'   have optimistic bias in the middle of the search path. This result can be
#'   used to guide further actions and the optimistic bias can be greatly
#'   reduced by using `validate_search = TRUE`.
#'   PSIS uses Pareto-\eqn{\hat{k}} diagnostic to assess the reliability of
#'   PSIS-LOO-CV. Whether the Pareto-\eqn{\hat{k}} diagnostics are shown as
#'   warnings, is controlled with a global option `projpred.warn_psis` (default
#'   is `TRUE`). See [loo::loo-glossary] for how to interpret the
#'   Pareto-\eqn{\hat{k}} values and the warning thresholds. \pkg{projpred} does
#'   not support the usually recommended moment-matching (see
#'   [loo::loo_moment_match()] and [brms::loo_moment_match()]), mixture
#'   importance sampling (`vignette("loo2-mixis", package="loo")`), or
#'   `reloo`-ing ([brms::reloo()]). If the reference model PSIS-LOO-CV
#'   Pareto-\eqn{\hat{k}} values are good, but there are high
#'   Pareto-\eqn{\hat{k}} values for the projected models, you can try
#'   increasing the number of draws used for the PSIS-LOO-CV (`ndraws` in case
#'   of `refit_prj = FALSE`; `ndraws_pred` in case of `refit_prj = TRUE`). If
#'   increasing the number of draws does not help and if the reference model
#'   PSIS-LOO-CV Pareto-\eqn{\hat{k}} values are high, and the reference model
#'   PSIS-LOO-CV results change substantially when using moment-matching,
#'   mixture importance sampling, or `reloo`-ing, we recommend to use
#'   \eqn{K}-fold-CV within `projpred`.
#'   For PSIS-LOO-CV, \pkg{projpred} calls [loo::psis()] (or, exceptionally,
#'   [loo::sis()], see below) with `r_eff = NA`. This is only a problem if there
#'   was extreme autocorrelation between the MCMC iterations when the reference
#'   model was built. In those cases however, the reference model should not
#'   have been used anyway, so we don't expect \pkg{projpred}'s `r_eff = NA` to
#'   be a problem.
#'   PSIS cannot be used if the number of draws or clusters is too small. In
#'   such cases, \pkg{projpred} resorts to standard importance sampling (SIS)
#'   and shows a message about this. Throughout the documentation, the term
#'   "PSIS" is used even though in fact, \pkg{projpred} resorts to SIS in these
#'   special cases. If SIS is used, check that the reference model PSIS-LOO-CV
#'   Pareto-\eqn{\hat{k}} values are good.
#'   With `parallel = TRUE`, costly parts of \pkg{projpred}'s CV can be run in
#'   parallel. Costly parts are the fold-wise searches and performance
#'   evaluations in case of `validate_search = TRUE`. (Note that in case of
#'   \eqn{K}-fold CV, the \eqn{K} reference model refits are not affected by
#'   argument `parallel`; only \pkg{projpred}'s CV is affected.) The
#'   parallelization is powered by the \pkg{foreach} package. Thus, any parallel
#'   (or sequential) backend compatible with \pkg{foreach} can be used, e.g.,
#'   the backends from packages \pkg{doParallel}, \pkg{doMPI}, or
#'   \pkg{doFuture}. For GLMs, this CV parallelization should work reliably, but
#'   for other models (such as GLMMs), it may lead to excessive memory usage
#'   which in turn may crash the R session (on Unix systems, setting an
#'   appropriate memory limit via [unix::rlimit_as()] may avoid crashing the
#'   whole machine). However, the problem of excessive memory usage is less
#'   pronounced for the CV parallelization than for the projection
#'   parallelization described in [projpred-package]. In that regard, the CV
#'   parallelization is recommended over the projection parallelization.
#' @references
#' Måns Magnusson, Michael Riis Andersen, Johan Jonasson, Aki Vehtari
#' (2020). Leave-one-out cross-validation for Bayesian model
#' comparison in large data. Proceedings of the 23rd International
#' Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS),
#' PMLR 108:341-351.
#' Aki Vehtari, Andrew Gelman, and Jonah Gabry (2017). Practical Bayesian Model
#' Evaluation Using Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation and WAIC. Statistics and
#' Computing, 27(5):1413--32. \doi{10.1007/s11222-016-9696-4}.
#' Aki Vehtari, Daniel Simpson, Andrew Gelman, Yuling Yao, and Jonah
#' Gabry (2024). Pareto smoothed importance sampling. Journal of
#' Machine Learning Research, 25(72):1-58.
#' @seealso [varsel()]
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("rstanarm", quietly = TRUE)
#' # Data:
#' dat_gauss <- data.frame(y = df_gaussian$y, df_gaussian$x)
#' # The `stanreg` fit which will be used as the reference model (with small
#' # values for `chains` and `iter`, but only for technical reasons in this
#' # example; this is not recommended in general):
#' fit <- rstanarm::stan_glm(
#'   y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5, family = gaussian(), data = dat_gauss,
#'   QR = TRUE, chains = 2, iter = 1000, refresh = 0, seed = 9876
#' )
#' # Run cv_varsel() (with L1 search and small values for `K`, `nterms_max`, and
#' # `nclusters_pred`, but only for the sake of speed in this example; this is
#' # not recommended in general):
#' cvvs <- cv_varsel(fit, method = "L1", cv_method = "kfold", K = 2,
#'                   nterms_max = 3, nclusters_pred = 10, seed = 5555)
#' # Now see, for example, `?print.vsel`, `?plot.vsel`, `?suggest_size.vsel`,
#' # and `?ranking` for possible post-processing functions.
#' @export
cv_varsel <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname cv_varsel
#' @export
cv_varsel.default <- function(object, ...) {
  refmodel <- get_refmodel(object, ...)
  return(cv_varsel(refmodel, ...))

#' @rdname cv_varsel
#' @export
cv_varsel.vsel <- function(
    cv_method = object$cv_method %||% "LOO",
    nloo = object$nloo,
    K = object$K %||% if (!inherits(object, "datafit")) 5 else 10,
    cvfits = object$cvfits,
    validate_search = object$validate_search %||% TRUE,
) {
  arg_nms_internal <- c("method", "ndraws", "nclusters", "nterms_max",
                        "search_control", "penalty", "search_terms")
  arg_nms_internal_used <- intersect(arg_nms_internal, ...names())
  n_arg_nms_internal_used <- length(arg_nms_internal_used)
  if (n_arg_nms_internal_used > 0) {
    stop("Argument", if (n_arg_nms_internal_used > 1) "s" else "", " ",
         paste(paste0("`", arg_nms_internal_used, "`"), collapse = ", "), " ",
         "cannot be specified in this case because cv_varsel.vsel() specifies ",
         if (n_arg_nms_internal_used > 1) "them" else "it", " ", "internally.")
  refmodel <- get_refmodel(object)
  rk_foldwise <- ranking(object)[["foldwise"]]
  if (validate_search && !is.null(rk_foldwise)) {
    if (!identical(cv_method, object[["cv_method"]]) ||
        (identical(cv_method, object[["cv_method"]]) &&
         identical(cv_method, "kfold") &&
         (is.null(cvfits) || !identical(cvfits, object[["cvfits"]]))) ||
        (identical(cv_method, object[["cv_method"]]) &&
         (identical(cv_method, "LOO") || identical(cv_method, "loo")) &&
         !identical(nloo, refmodel[["nobs"]]))) {
      # In these cases, previous fold-wise predictor rankings cannot be re-used
      # for the `validate_search = TRUE` run requested here:
      message("In this case, the previous fold-wise search results cannot be ",
              "re-used, so the fold-wise searches are run again.")
      rk_foldwise <- NULL
    if (identical(cv_method, object[["cv_method"]]) &&
        identical(cv_method, "kfold") &&
        identical(cvfits, object[["cvfits"]]) &&
        inherits(refmodel[["fit"]], "brmsfit") &&
        getOption("projpred.mlvl_proj_ref_new", FALSE) &&
        formula_contains_group_terms(refmodel[["formula"]])) {
      # In this case, the call(s) to ref_predfun() that is/are performed when
      # initializing the fold-wise reference model objects via init_refmodel()
      # (within cvrefbuilder()) involve(s) using the PRNG, so in order to be
      # able to re-use previous fold-wise predictor rankings, argument
      # `brms_seed` of brms:::get_refmodel.brmsfit() needs to be set:
      warning("Please make sure that you have set argument `brms_seed` of ",
              "brms:::get_refmodel.brmsfit() to some non-`NULL` value.")
    object = refmodel,
    method = object[["args_search"]][["method"]],
    ndraws = object[["args_search"]][["ndraws"]],
    nclusters = object[["args_search"]][["nclusters"]],
    nterms_max = object[["args_search"]][["nterms_max"]],
    search_control = object[["args_search"]][["search_control"]],
    penalty = object[["args_search"]][["penalty"]],
    search_terms = object[["args_search"]][["search_terms"]],
    cv_method = cv_method,
    nloo = nloo,
    K = K,
    cvfits = cvfits,
    validate_search = validate_search,
    search_out = nlist(search_path = object[["search_path"]], rk_foldwise),

#' @rdname cv_varsel
#' @export
cv_varsel.refmodel <- function(
    method = "forward",
    cv_method = if (!inherits(object, "datafit")) "LOO" else "kfold",
    ndraws = NULL,
    nclusters = 20,
    ndraws_pred = 400,
    nclusters_pred = NULL,
    refit_prj = !inherits(object, "datafit"),
    nterms_max = NULL,
    penalty = NULL,
    verbose = TRUE,
    nloo = object$nobs,
    K = if (!inherits(object, "datafit")) 5 else 10,
    cvfits = object$cvfits,
    search_control = NULL,
    lambda_min_ratio = 1e-5,
    nlambda = 150,
    thresh = 1e-6,
    validate_search = TRUE,
    seed = NA,
    search_terms = NULL,
    search_out = NULL,
    parallel = getOption("projpred.prll_cv", FALSE),
) {
  if (!missing(lambda_min_ratio)) {
    warning("Argument `lambda_min_ratio` is deprecated. Please specify ",
            "control arguments for the search via argument `search_control`. ",
            "Now using `lambda_min_ratio` as element `lambda_min_ratio` of ",
    search_control$lambda_min_ratio <- lambda_min_ratio
  if (!missing(nlambda)) {
    warning("Argument `nlambda` is deprecated. Please specify control ",
            "arguments for the search via argument `search_control`. ",
            "Now using `nlambda` as element `nlambda` of `search_control`.")
    search_control$nlambda <- nlambda
  if (!missing(thresh)) {
    warning("Argument `thresh` is deprecated. Please specify control ",
            "arguments for the search via argument `search_control`. ",
            "Now using `thresh` as element `thresh` of `search_control`.")
    search_control$thresh <- thresh

  if (exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
    rng_state_old <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  if (!is.na(seed)) {
    # Set seed, but ensure the old RNG state is restored on exit:
    if (exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
      on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", rng_state_old, envir = .GlobalEnv))

  refmodel <- object
  nterms_all <- count_terms_in_formula(refmodel$formula) - 1L

  # Parse arguments which also exist in varsel():
  args <- parse_args_varsel(
    refmodel = refmodel, method = method, refit_prj = refit_prj,
    nterms_max = nterms_max, nclusters = nclusters, search_terms = search_terms,
    nterms_all = nterms_all
  method <- args$method
  refit_prj <- args$refit_prj
  nterms_max <- args$nterms_max
  nclusters <- args$nclusters
  search_terms <- args$search_terms
  search_terms_was_null <- args$search_terms_was_null
  # Parse arguments specific to cv_varsel():
  args <- parse_args_cv_varsel(
    refmodel = refmodel, cv_method = cv_method, nloo = nloo, K = K,
    cvfits = cvfits, validate_search = validate_search, refit_prj = refit_prj,
    search_out = search_out
  cv_method <- args$cv_method
  nloo <- args$nloo
  K <- args$K
  cvfits <- args$cvfits

  # Full-data search:
  if (!is.null(search_out)) {
    search_path_fulldata <- search_out[["search_path"]]
  } else {
    verb_txt_search <- "-----\nRunning the search "
    if (validate_search) {
      # Point out that this is the full-data search (if `validate_search` is
      # `FALSE`, this is still a full-data search, but in that case, there are
      # no fold-wise searches, so pointing out "full-data" could be confusing):
      verb_txt_search <- paste0(verb_txt_search, "using the full dataset ")
    verb_txt_search <- paste0(verb_txt_search, "...")
    verb_out(verb_txt_search, verbose = verbose)
    search_path_fulldata <- select(
      refmodel = refmodel, ndraws = ndraws, nclusters = nclusters,
      method = method, nterms_max = nterms_max, penalty = penalty,
      verbose = verbose, search_control = search_control,
      search_terms = search_terms,
      search_terms_was_null = search_terms_was_null, ...
    verb_out("-----", verbose = verbose)

  if (!is.null(search_out) && validate_search) {
    # Extract the fold-wise predictor rankings (to avoid passing the large
    # object `search_out` itself) and coerce them to a `list` (in a row-wise
    # manner) which is needed for the K-fold-CV parallelization:
    search_out_rks <- search_out[["rk_foldwise"]]
    if (!is.null(search_out_rks)) {
      n_folds <- nrow(search_out_rks)
      search_out_rks <- lapply(seq_len(n_folds), function(row_idx) {
        search_out_rks[row_idx, ]
  } else {
    search_out_rks <- NULL

  if (cv_method == "LOO") {
    sel_cv <- loo_varsel(
      refmodel = refmodel, method = method, nterms_max = nterms_max,
      ndraws = ndraws, nclusters = nclusters, ndraws_pred = ndraws_pred,
      nclusters_pred = nclusters_pred, refit_prj = refit_prj, penalty = penalty,
      verbose = verbose, search_control = search_control, nloo = nloo,
      validate_search = validate_search,
      search_path_fulldata = if (validate_search) {
        # Not needed in this case, so for computational efficiency, avoiding
        # passing the large object `search_path_fulldata` to loo_varsel():
      } else {
      search_terms = search_terms,
      search_terms_was_null = search_terms_was_null,
      search_out_rks = search_out_rks, parallel = parallel, ...
  } else if (cv_method == "kfold") {
    sel_cv <- kfold_varsel(
      refmodel = refmodel, method = method, nterms_max = nterms_max,
      ndraws = ndraws, nclusters = nclusters, ndraws_pred = ndraws_pred,
      nclusters_pred = nclusters_pred, refit_prj = refit_prj, penalty = penalty,
      verbose = verbose, search_control = search_control, K = K,
      cvfits = cvfits, validate_search = validate_search,
      search_path_fulldata = if (validate_search) {
        # Not needed in this case, so for computational efficiency, avoiding
        # passing the large object `search_path_fulldata` to loo_varsel():
      } else {
        # For K-fold-CV, `validate_search = FALSE` may not be combined with
        # `refit_prj = FALSE`, so element `predictor_ranking` is all we need:
      search_terms = search_terms, search_out_rks = search_out_rks,
      parallel = parallel, ...

  if (!validate_search && cv_method == "LOO") {
    ce_out <- sel_cv$ce
  } else {
    ce_out <- rep(NA_real_, length(search_path_fulldata$predictor_ranking) + 1L)

  # Defined here for `nobs_test` later:
  y_wobs_test <- sel_cv$y_wobs_test

  # Information about the clustering/thinning used for the search:
  refdist_info_search <- search_path_fulldata$p_sel[c("clust_used",
  # Information about the clustering/thinning used for the performance
  # evaluation:
  if (refit_prj) {
    refdist_info_eval <- sel_cv[c("clust_used_eval", "nprjdraws_eval")]
  } else {
    refdist_info_eval <- refdist_info_search

  # The object to be returned:
  vs <- nlist(refmodel,
              nobs_train = refmodel$nobs,
              search_path = search_path_fulldata,
              predictor_ranking = search_path_fulldata$predictor_ranking,
              predictor_ranking_cv = sel_cv$predictor_ranking_cv,
              ce = ce_out,
              type_test = cv_method,
              nobs_test = nrow(y_wobs_test),
              summaries = sel_cv$summaries,
              args_search = nlist(
                method, ndraws, nclusters, nterms_max,
                search_control = if (
                  method == "forward" && is.null(search_control)
                ) list(...) else search_control,
                search_terms = if (search_terms_was_null) NULL else search_terms
              clust_used_search = refdist_info_search$clust_used,
              clust_used_eval = refdist_info_eval$clust_used,
              nprjdraws_search = refdist_info_search$nprjdraws,
              nprjdraws_eval = refdist_info_eval$nprjdraws,
              projpred_version = utils::packageVersion("projpred"))
  class(vs) <- "vsel"

# Auxiliary function for parsing the arguments specific to cv_varsel()
# This is similar in spirit to parse_args_varsel(), in that it prevents the main
# function from becoming too long and complicated to maintain.
# @param refmodel See argument `object` of cv_varsel().
# @param cv_method See argument `cv_method` of cv_varsel().
# @param nloo See argument `nloo` of cv_varsel().
# @param K See argument `K` of cv_varsel().
# @param cvfits See argument `cvfits` of cv_varsel().
# @param validate_search See argument `validate_search` of cv_varsel().
# @return A list with the processed elements `cv_method`, `nloo`, `K`, and
#   `cvfits`.
parse_args_cv_varsel <- function(refmodel, cv_method, nloo, K, cvfits,
                                 validate_search, refit_prj, search_out) {
  if (cv_method == "loo") {
    cv_method <- toupper(cv_method)
  if (!cv_method %in% c("kfold", "LOO")) {
    stop("Unknown `cv_method`.")
  if (cv_method == "LOO" && inherits(refmodel, "datafit")) {
    warning("For an `object` of class `datafit`, `cv_method` is automatically ",
            "set to \"kfold\".")
    cv_method <- "kfold"

  if (cv_method == "kfold") {
    if (!is.null(cvfits)) {
      if (identical(names(cvfits), "fits")) {
          "The content of `cvfits`'s sub-list called `fits` should be moved ",
          "one level up (and element `fits` removed). The old structure will ",
          "continue to work for a while, but is deprecated."
        cvfits <- structure(cvfits$fits, folds = attr(cvfits, "folds"))
      K <- length(cvfits)
    if (length(K) > 1 || !is.numeric(K) || !is_wholenumber(K)) {
      stop("`K` must be a single integer value.")
    if (K < 2) {
      stop("`K` must be at least 2.")
    if (K > NROW(refmodel$y)) {
      stop("`K` cannot exceed the number of observations.")
    if (!validate_search && !refit_prj) {
      # Not allowed because this would induce a dependency between training and
      # test data:
      stop("For K-fold-CV, `validate_search = FALSE` may not be combined with ",
           "`refit_prj = FALSE`.")
  } else {
    nloo <- min(nloo, refmodel[["nobs"]])
    if (nloo < 1) {
      stop("nloo must be at least 1")
    } else if (nloo < refmodel[["nobs"]] &&
               getOption("projpred.warn_subsampled_loo", TRUE)) {
      warning("Subsampled PSIS-LOO-CV is still experimental.")

  # Restrictions in case of previous search results which should be re-used:
  if (!is.null(search_out)) {
    if (validate_search && !is.null(search_out[["rk_foldwise"]]) &&
        !refit_prj) {
      # In this case, we would need the fold-wise submodel fits (along the
      # fold-wise predictor rankings), which are currently not available:
      stop("If `validate_search = TRUE`, then in general, `refit_prj = FALSE` ",
           "cannot be combined with the re-use of previous search results.")

  return(nlist(cv_method, nloo, K, cvfits))

# PSIS-LOO-CV -------------------------------------------------------------

# Workhorse function for a variable selection with PSIS-LOO-CV
# Argument `validate_search` indicates whether the search is performed
# separately for each LOO-CV fold (i.e., separately for each observation). For
# all other arguments, see the documentation of cv_varsel().
loo_varsel <- function(refmodel, method, nterms_max, ndraws,
                       nclusters, ndraws_pred, nclusters_pred, refit_prj,
                       penalty, verbose, search_control, nloo, validate_search,
                       search_path_fulldata, search_terms,
                       search_terms_was_null, search_out_rks, parallel, ...) {
  ## Pre-processing ---------------------------------------------------------

  has_grp <- formula_contains_group_terms(refmodel$formula)

  if (inherits(refmodel, "datafit")) {
    stop("LOO can be performed only if the reference model is a genuine ",
         "probabilistic model for which the log-likelihood can be evaluated.")

  # Log-likelihood values for the reference model (necessary for the PSIS-LOO-CV
  # weights, but also for performance statistics like ELPD, MLPD, and GMPD):
  if (refmodel$family$for_latent) {
    mu_offs_oscale <- refmodel$family$latent_ilink(
      t(refmodel$mu_offs), cl_ref = seq_along(refmodel$wdraws_ref),
      wdraws_ref = refmodel$wdraws_ref
    if (length(dim(mu_offs_oscale)) < 2) {
      stop("Unexpected structure for the output of `latent_ilink`.")
    loglik_forPSIS <- refmodel$family$latent_ll_oscale(
      mu_offs_oscale, y_oscale = refmodel$y_oscale, wobs = refmodel$wobs,
      cl_ref = seq_along(refmodel$wdraws_ref), wdraws_ref = refmodel$wdraws_ref
    if (!is.matrix(loglik_forPSIS)) {
      stop("Unexpected structure for the output of `latent_ll_oscale`.")
    if (all(is.na(loglik_forPSIS))) {
      stop("In case of the latent projection, `cv_method = \"LOO\"` requires ",
           "a function `latent_ll_oscale` that does not return only `NA`s.")
    if (length(dim(mu_offs_oscale)) == 3) {
      # In this case, `mu_offs_oscale` is a 3-dimensional array (S x N x C), so
      # coerce it to an augmented-rows matrix:
      mu_offs_oscale <- arr2augmat(mu_offs_oscale, margin_draws = 1)
      # In the corresponding `else` case, `mu_offs_oscale` is a matrix (S x N).
      # Transposing it to an N x S matrix would be more consistent with
      # projpred's internal convention, but avoiding the transposition is
      # computationally more efficient.
  } else {
    loglik_forPSIS <- t(refmodel$family$ll_fun(
      refmodel$mu_offs, refmodel$dis, refmodel$y, refmodel$wobs
  n <- ncol(loglik_forPSIS)

  # PSIS-LOO-CV weights:
  if (length(unique(refmodel$wdraws_ref)) != 1) {
    stop("Currently, projpred requires the reference model's posterior draws ",
         "to have constant weights.")
  if (nrow(loglik_forPSIS) <= 1) {
    stop("Currently, more than one posterior draw from the reference model is ",
         "needed (because projpred relies on loo::psis() for PSIS-LOO-CV).")
  # Call loo::psis() and while doing so, catch messages and warnings via
  # capt_mssgs_warns() to filter out some of them.
  mssgs_warns_capt <- capt_mssgs_warns(
    psisloo <- loo::psis(-loglik_forPSIS, cores = 1, r_eff = NA)
  mssgs_warns_capt <- setdiff(mssgs_warns_capt, "")
  # Filter out the Pareto k-value warning (we throw a customized one instead):
  mssgs_warns_capt <- grep(
    "Some Pareto k diagnostic values are (too|slightly) high", mssgs_warns_capt,
    value = TRUE, invert = TRUE
  if (length(mssgs_warns_capt) > 0) {
  pareto_k <- loo::pareto_k_values(psisloo)
  # Within projpred, moment matching and mixture importance sampling (as well
  # as reference model refits leaving out each problematic observation in
  # turn, i.e., brms's `reloo` argument) currently cannot be used because all
  # these techniques result in new MCMC draws for the reference model, meaning
  # that the projection would have to be adapted. Therefore, it is easier to
  # recommend K-fold-CV (for the reference model refits, i.e., brms's `reloo`
  # argument, another reason is that they can quickly become as costly as
  # K-fold-CV).
    n07 = sum(pareto_k > .ps_khat_threshold(dim(psisloo)[1])), n = n,
    khat_threshold = .ps_khat_threshold(dim(psisloo)[1]),
    warn_txt = "Some (%d / %d) Pareto k's for the reference model's PSIS-LOO weights are > %s."
  lw <- weights(psisloo)

  if (refmodel$family$for_latent) {
    # Need to re-calculate the latent response values in `refmodel$y` by
    # incorporating the PSIS weights because `refmodel$y` resulted from applying
    # `colMeans(posterior_linpred())` to the original (full-data) reference
    # model fit, so using `refmodel$y` would induce a dependency between
    # training and test data:
    y_lat_E <- loo::E_loo(
        refmodel$fit, excl_offs = FALSE,
        mlvl_allrandom = getOption("projpred.mlvl_proj_ref_new", FALSE)
      psis_object = psisloo,
      log_ratios = -loglik_forPSIS
    # The k-values are h-specific (expectation-specific) here (see Vehtari et
    # al., 2024, <https://jmlr.org/papers/v25/19-556.html>, beginning of
    # section 3, section 3.2.8, appendix D, and appendix E).
      n07 = sum(y_lat_E$pareto_k > .ps_khat_threshold(dim(psisloo)[1])), n = n,
      khat_threshold = .ps_khat_threshold(dim(psisloo)[1]),
      warn_txt = paste0(
        "In the recalculation of the latent response values, some (%d / %d) ",
        "expectation-specific Pareto k-values are > %s.\n",
        "In general, we recommend K-fold-CV in this case."
    refmodel$y <- y_lat_E$value

  # LOO PPS subsampling (by default, don't subsample, but use all observations):
  # validset <- loo_subsample(n, nloo, pareto_k)
  loo_ref_oscale <- apply(loglik_forPSIS + lw, 2, log_sum_exp)
  validset <- loo_subsample_pps(nloo, loo_ref_oscale)
  inds <- validset$inds

  # Initialize objects where to store the results:
  loo_sub <- replicate(nterms_max + 1L, rep(NA, n), simplify = FALSE)
  mu_sub <- replicate(
    nterms_max + 1L,
    structure(rep(NA, nrow(refmodel$mu_offs)),
              ndiscrete = attr(refmodel$mu_offs, "ndiscrete"),
              class = sub("augmat", "augvec", oldClass(refmodel$mu_offs),
                          fixed = TRUE)),
    simplify = FALSE
  if (refmodel$family$for_latent) {
    loo_sub_oscale <- loo_sub
    # In general, we could use `mu_sub_oscale <- mu_sub` here, but the case
    # where refmodel$family$latent_ilink() returns a 3-dimensional array (S x N
    # x C) needs special care.
    if (!is.null(refmodel$family$cats)) {
      mu_sub_oscale <- replicate(
        nterms_max + 1L,
        structure(rep(NA, n * length(refmodel$family$cats)),
                  ndiscrete = length(refmodel$family$cats),
                  class = "augvec"),
        simplify = FALSE
    } else {
      mu_sub_oscale <- mu_sub

  if (!validate_search) {
    ## Case `validate_search = FALSE` -----------------------------------------

    # "Run" the performance evaluation for the submodels along the predictor
    # ranking (in fact, we only prepare the performance evaluation by computing
    # precursor quantities, but for users, this difference is not perceivable):
    verb_out("-----\nRunning the performance evaluation with `refit_prj = ",
             refit_prj, "` ...", verbose = verbose)
    # Step 1: Re-project (using the full dataset) onto the submodels along the
    # full-data predictor ranking and evaluate their predictive performance.
    perf_eval_out <- perf_eval(
      search_path = search_path_fulldata, refmodel = refmodel,
      refit_prj = refit_prj, ndraws = ndraws_pred, nclusters = nclusters_pred,
      return_p_ref = TRUE, return_preds = TRUE, indices_test = inds, ...
    clust_used_eval <- perf_eval_out[["clust_used"]]
    nprjdraws_eval <- perf_eval_out[["nprjdraws"]]
    refdist_eval <- perf_eval_out[["p_ref"]]

    # Step 2: Weight the full-data performance evaluation results according to
    # the PSIS-LOO-CV weights.
    if (refmodel$family$for_latent) {
      refdist_eval_mu_offs_oscale <- refmodel$family$latent_ilink(
        t(refdist_eval$mu_offs), cl_ref = refdist_eval$cl,
        wdraws_ref = refdist_eval$wdraws_orig
      if (length(dim(refdist_eval_mu_offs_oscale)) == 3) {
        refdist_eval_mu_offs_oscale <- refdist_eval_mu_offs_oscale[, inds, ,
                                                                   drop = FALSE]
      } else {
        refdist_eval_mu_offs_oscale <- refdist_eval_mu_offs_oscale[, inds,
                                                                   drop = FALSE]
      log_lik_ref <- refmodel$family$latent_ll_oscale(
        refdist_eval_mu_offs_oscale, y_oscale = refmodel$y_oscale[inds],
        wobs = refmodel$wobs[inds], cl_ref = refdist_eval$cl,
        wdraws_ref = refdist_eval$wdraws_orig
      if (all(is.na(log_lik_ref))) {
        stop("In case of the latent projection, `validate_search = FALSE` ",
             "requires a function `latent_ll_oscale` that does not return ",
             "only `NA`s.")
    } else {
      inds_aug <- inds
      if (refmodel$family$for_augdat) {
        inds_aug <- inds_aug + rep(
          (seq_along(refmodel$family$cats) - 1L) * n,
          each = length(inds_aug)
      log_lik_ref <- t(refmodel$family$ll_fun(
        refdist_eval$mu_offs[inds_aug, , drop = FALSE], refdist_eval$dis,
        refmodel$y[inds], refmodel$wobs[inds]
    if (nrow(log_lik_ref) > 1) {
      # Use loo::sis() if the projected draws (i.e., the draws resulting
      # from the clustering or thinning) have nonconstant weights:
      if (refdist_eval$const_wdraws_prj) {
        # Internally, loo::psis() doesn't perform the Pareto smoothing if the
        # number of draws is small (as indicated by object `no_psis_eval`, see
        # below). In projpred, this can occur, e.g., if users request a number
        # of projected draws (for performance evaluation, either after
        # clustering or thinning the reference model's posterior draws) that is
        # much smaller than the default of 400. In order to throw a customized
        # warning message (and to avoid the calculation of Pareto k-values, see
        # loo issue stan-dev/loo#227), object `no_psis_eval` indicates whether
        # loo::psis() would perform the Pareto smoothing or not (for the
        # decision rule, see loo:::n_pareto() and loo:::enough_tail_samples(),
        # keeping in mind that we have `r_eff = 1` for all observations here).
        S_for_psis_eval <- nrow(log_lik_ref)
        no_psis_eval <- ceiling(min(0.2 * S_for_psis_eval,
                                    3 * sqrt(S_for_psis_eval))) < 5
        if (no_psis_eval) {
          if (getOption("projpred.warn_psis", TRUE)) {
              "Using standard importance sampling (SIS), as the number of ",
              "draws or clusters is too small for PSIS. For improved ",
              "accuracy, increase the number of draws or clusters, or use ",
          # Use loo::sis().
          # In principle, we could rely on loo::psis() here (because in such a
          # case, it would internally switch to SIS automatically), but using
          # loo::sis() explicitly is safer because if the loo package changes
          # its decision rule, we would get a mismatch between our customized
          # warning here and the IS method used by loo. See also loo issue
          # stan-dev/loo#227.
          importance_sampling_nm <- "sis"
        } else {
          # Use loo::psis().
          # Usually, we have a small number of projected draws here (400 by
          # default), which means that the 'loo' package will automatically
          # perform the regularization from Vehtari et al. (2024,
          # <https://jmlr.org/papers/v25/19-556.html>, appendix G).
          importance_sampling_nm <- "psis"
      } else {
        if (getOption("projpred.warn_psis", TRUE)) {
            "The projected draws used for the performance evaluation have ",
            "different (i.e., nonconstant) weights, so using standard ",
            "importance sampling (SIS) instead of Pareto-smoothed importance ",
            "sampling (PSIS). In general, PSIS is recommended over SIS."
        # Use loo::sis().
        importance_sampling_nm <- "sis"
      importance_sampling_func <- get(importance_sampling_nm,
      mssgs_warns_capt <- capt_mssgs_warns(
        sub_psisloo <- importance_sampling_func(-log_lik_ref, cores = 1,
                                                r_eff = NA)
      mssgs_warns_capt <- setdiff(mssgs_warns_capt, "")
      # Filter out Pareto k-value warnings (we throw a customized one instead):
      mssgs_warns_capt <- grep(
        "Some Pareto k diagnostic values are (too|slightly) high",
        mssgs_warns_capt, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE
      if (length(mssgs_warns_capt) > 0) {

      if (importance_sampling_nm == "psis") {
        pareto_k_eval <- loo::pareto_k_values(sub_psisloo)
          n07 = sum(pareto_k_eval > .ps_khat_threshold(dim(psisloo)[1])), n = n,
          khat_threshold = .ps_khat_threshold(dim(sub_psisloo)[1]),
          warn_txt = paste0(
            "Some (%d / %d) Pareto k's for the reference model's PSIS-LOO ",
            "weights given ",
                   paste0(nclusters_pred, " clustered "),
                   paste0(ndraws_pred, " posterior ")),
            "draws are > %s."
      lw_sub <- weights(sub_psisloo)
    } else {
      lw_sub <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(log_lik_ref), ncol = ncol(log_lik_ref))
    # Take into account that clustered draws usually have different weights:
    lw_sub <- lw_sub + log(refdist_eval$wdraws_prj)
    # This re-weighting requires a re-normalization (as.array() is applied to
    # have stricter consistency checks, see `?sweep`):
    lw_sub <- sweep(lw_sub, 2, as.array(apply(lw_sub, 2, log_sum_exp)))
    for (k in seq_len(1 + length(search_path_fulldata$predictor_ranking))) {
      # TODO: For consistency, replace `k` in this `for` loop by `j`.
      mu_k <- perf_eval_out[["mu_by_size"]][[k]]
      log_lik_sub <- perf_eval_out[["lppd_by_size"]][[k]]
      loo_sub[[k]][inds] <- apply(log_lik_sub + lw_sub, 2, log_sum_exp)
      if (refmodel$family$for_latent) {
        mu_k_oscale <- refmodel$family$latent_ilink(
          t(mu_k), cl_ref = refdist_eval$cl,
          wdraws_ref = refdist_eval$wdraws_orig
        log_lik_sub_oscale <- refmodel$family$latent_ll_oscale(
          mu_k_oscale, y_oscale = refmodel$y_oscale[inds],
          wobs = refmodel$wobs[inds], cl_ref = refdist_eval$cl,
          wdraws_ref = refdist_eval$wdraws_orig
        loo_sub_oscale[[k]][inds] <- apply(log_lik_sub_oscale + lw_sub, 2,
        if (length(dim(mu_k_oscale)) == 3) {
          mu_k_oscale <- arr2augmat(mu_k_oscale, margin_draws = 1)
      for (run_index in seq_along(inds)) {
        i_aug <- inds[run_index]
        run_index_aug <- run_index
        if (!is.null(refmodel$family$cats)) {
          i_aug <- i_aug + (seq_along(refmodel$family$cats) - 1L) * n
          run_index_aug <- run_index_aug +
            (seq_along(refmodel$family$cats) - 1L) * nloo
        i_flx <- i_aug
        run_index_flx <- run_index_aug
        if (refmodel$family$for_latent && !is.null(refmodel$family$cats)) {
          i_flx <- inds[run_index]
          run_index_flx <- run_index
        mu_sub[[k]][i_flx] <- mu_k[run_index_flx, ] %*% exp(lw_sub[, run_index])
        if (refmodel$family$for_latent) {
          if (inherits(mu_k_oscale, "augmat")) {
            mu_sub_oscale[[k]][i_aug] <- mu_k_oscale[run_index_aug, ] %*%
              exp(lw_sub[, run_index])
          } else {
            # In principle, we could use the same code for averaging across the
            # draws as above in the `augmat` case. However, that would require
            # `mu_k_oscale <- t(mu_k_oscale)` beforehand, so the following
            # should be more efficient:
            mu_sub_oscale[[k]][i_aug] <- exp(lw_sub[, run_index]) %*%
              mu_k_oscale[, run_index_aug]
    verb_out("-----", verbose = verbose)
    # Needed for cutting off post-processed results later:
    prv_len_rk <- length(search_path_fulldata$predictor_ranking)
  } else {
    ## Case `validate_search = TRUE` ------------------------------------------

    search_out_rks_was_null <- is.null(search_out_rks)
    if (search_out_rks_was_null) {
      cl_sel <- get_refdist(refmodel, ndraws = ndraws, nclusters = nclusters)$cl
    if (refit_prj) {
      cl_pred <- get_refdist(refmodel, ndraws = ndraws_pred,
                             nclusters = nclusters_pred)$cl

    if (verbose) {
      verb_txt_start <- "-----\nRunning "
      if (!search_out_rks_was_null) {
        verb_txt_mid <- ""
      } else {
        verb_txt_mid <- "the search and "
      verb_out(verb_txt_start, verb_txt_mid, "the performance evaluation with ",
               "`refit_prj = ", refit_prj, "` for each of the N = ", nloo, " ",
               "LOO-CV folds separately ...")
    one_obs <- function(run_index,
                        verbose_search = verbose &&
                          getOption("projpred.extra_verbose", FALSE),
                        ...) {
      # Observation index:
      i <- inds[run_index]

      # Run the search with the reweighted clusters (or thinned draws) (so the
      # *reweighted* fitted response values from the reference model act as
      # artifical response values in the projection (or L1-penalized
      # projection)):
      if (!search_out_rks_was_null) {
        search_path <- list(predictor_ranking = search_out_rks[[run_index]])
      } else {
        search_path <- select(
          refmodel = refmodel, ndraws = ndraws, nclusters = nclusters,
          reweighting_args = list(cl_ref = cl_sel, wdraws_ref = exp(lw[, i])),
          method = method, nterms_max = nterms_max, penalty = penalty,
          verbose = verbose_search, search_control = search_control,
          search_terms = search_terms, est_runtime = FALSE, ...

      # Run the performance evaluation for the submodels along the predictor
      # ranking:
      perf_eval_out <- perf_eval(
        search_path = search_path, refmodel = refmodel, refit_prj = refit_prj,
        ndraws = ndraws_pred, nclusters = nclusters_pred,
        reweighting_args = list(cl_ref = cl_pred, wdraws_ref = exp(lw[, i])),
        indices_test = i, ...

      return(nlist(predictor_ranking = search_path[["predictor_ranking"]],
                   summaries_sub = perf_eval_out[["sub_summaries"]],
                   clust_used_eval = perf_eval_out[["clust_used"]],
                   nprjdraws_eval = perf_eval_out[["nprjdraws"]]))
    if (!parallel) {
      # Sequential case. Actually, we could simply use ``%do_projpred%` <-
      # foreach::`%do%`` here and then proceed as in the parallel case, but that
      # would require adding more "hard" dependencies (because packages
      # 'foreach' and 'doRNG' would have to be moved from `Suggests:` to
      # `Imports:`).
      if (verbose) {
        pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nloo, style = 3, initial = 0)
      res_cv <- lapply(seq_along(inds), function(run_index) {
        if (verbose) {
          on.exit(utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, run_index))
        one_obs(run_index, ...)
      if (verbose) {
    } else {
      # Parallel case.
      if (!requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Please install the 'foreach' package.")
      if (!requireNamespace("doRNG", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Please install the 'doRNG' package.")
      dot_args <- list(...)
      `%do_projpred%` <- doRNG::`%dorng%`
      res_cv <- foreach::foreach(
        run_index = seq_along(inds),
        .export = c("one_obs", "dot_args"),
        .noexport = c("mu_offs_oscale", "loglik_forPSIS", "psisloo", "y_lat_E",
                      "loo_ref_oscale", "validset", "loo_sub", "mu_sub",
                      "loo_sub_oscale", "mu_sub_oscale")
      ) %do_projpred% {
        do.call(one_obs, c(list(run_index = run_index, verbose_search = FALSE),
    # For storing the fold-wise predictor rankings:
    predictor_ranking_mat <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = nterms_max)
    # Needed for checking that the length of the predictor ranking is the same
    # across all CV folds and for cutting off post-processed results later:
    prv_len_rk <- NULL
    # For checking that `clust_used_eval` is the same across all CV folds (and
    # also for storing it):
    clust_used_eval <- NULL
    # For checking that `nprjdraws_eval` is the same across all CV folds (and
    # also for storing it):
    nprjdraws_eval <- NULL
    for (run_index in seq_along(inds)) {
      i <- inds[run_index]

      summaries_sub <- res_cv[[run_index]][["summaries_sub"]]
      i_aug <- i
      if (!is.null(refmodel$family$cats)) {
        i_aug <- i_aug + (seq_along(refmodel$family$cats) - 1L) * n
      i_flx <- i_aug
      if (refmodel$family$for_latent && !is.null(refmodel$family$cats)) {
        i_flx <- i
      for (k in seq_along(summaries_sub)) {
        loo_sub[[k]][i] <- summaries_sub[[k]]$lppd
        mu_sub[[k]][i_flx] <- summaries_sub[[k]]$mu
        if (!is.null(summaries_sub[[k]]$oscale)) {
          loo_sub_oscale[[k]][i] <- summaries_sub[[k]]$oscale$lppd
          mu_sub_oscale[[k]][i_aug] <- summaries_sub[[k]]$oscale$mu

      rk_i <- res_cv[[run_index]][["predictor_ranking"]]
      if (is.null(prv_len_rk)) {
        prv_len_rk <- length(rk_i)
      } else if (getOption("projpred.additional_checks", FALSE)) {
        stopifnot(identical(length(rk_i), prv_len_rk))
      predictor_ranking_mat[i, seq_along(rk_i)] <- rk_i

      if (is.null(clust_used_eval)) {
        clust_used_eval <- res_cv[[run_index]][["clust_used_eval"]]
      } else if (getOption("projpred.additional_checks", FALSE)) {
      if (is.null(nprjdraws_eval)) {
        nprjdraws_eval <- res_cv[[run_index]][["nprjdraws_eval"]]
      } else if (getOption("projpred.additional_checks", FALSE)) {
    verb_out("-----", verbose = verbose)

  ## Post-processing --------------------------------------------------------

  # Submodel predictive performance:
  summ_sub <- lapply(seq_len(prv_len_rk + 1L), function(k) {
    summ_k <- list(lppd = loo_sub[[k]], mu = mu_sub[[k]], wcv = validset$wcv)
    if (refmodel$family$for_latent) {
      summ_k$oscale <- list(lppd = loo_sub_oscale[[k]], mu = mu_sub_oscale[[k]],
                            wcv = validset$wcv)

  # Reference model predictive performance:
  if (has_grp && getOption("projpred.mlvl_pred_new", FALSE)) {
    # Need to use `mlvl_allrandom = TRUE` (`refmodel$mu_offs` is based on
    # `mlvl_allrandom = getOption("projpred.mlvl_proj_ref_new", FALSE)`):
    eta_offs_mlvlRan <- refmodel$ref_predfun(refmodel$fit, excl_offs = FALSE)
    mu_offs_mlvlRan <- refmodel$family$linkinv(eta_offs_mlvlRan)
  } else {
    mu_offs_mlvlRan <- refmodel$mu_offs
  mu_ref <- as.vector(do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) {
    # For the augmented-data projection, `mu_offs_mlvlRan` is an augmented-rows
    # matrix whereas the columns of `lw` refer to the original (non-augmented)
    # observations. Since `i` refers to the columns of `lw` (we have
    # `n == ncol(lw)`), the indices for `mu_offs_mlvlRan` need to be adapted:
    i_aug <- i
    if (!is.null(refmodel$family$cats)) {
      i_aug <- i_aug + (seq_along(refmodel$family$cats) - 1L) * n
    i_flx <- i_aug
    if (refmodel$family$for_latent && !is.null(refmodel$family$cats)) {
      i_flx <- i
    return(as.vector(mu_offs_mlvlRan[i_flx, ] %*% exp(lw[, i])))
  mu_ref <- structure(
    ndiscrete = attr(mu_offs_mlvlRan, "ndiscrete"),
    class = sub("augmat", "augvec", oldClass(mu_offs_mlvlRan), fixed = TRUE)
  if (refmodel$family$for_latent) {
    loglik_lat <- t(refmodel$family$ll_fun(
      mu_offs_mlvlRan, refmodel$dis, refmodel$y, refmodel$wobs
    lppd_ref <- apply(loglik_lat + lw, 2, log_sum_exp)
  } else {
    if (has_grp && getOption("projpred.mlvl_pred_new", FALSE)) {
      # Need to use `mlvl_allrandom = TRUE` (`loo_ref_oscale` is based on
      # `mlvl_allrandom = getOption("projpred.mlvl_proj_ref_new", FALSE)`):
      loglik_mlvlRan <- t(refmodel$family$ll_fun(
        mu_offs_mlvlRan, refmodel$dis, refmodel$y, refmodel$wobs
      lppd_ref <- apply(loglik_mlvlRan + lw, 2, log_sum_exp)
    } else {
      lppd_ref <- loo_ref_oscale
  summ_ref <- list(lppd = lppd_ref, mu = mu_ref)
  if (refmodel$family$for_latent) {
    if (has_grp && getOption("projpred.mlvl_pred_new", FALSE)) {
      # Need to use `mlvl_allrandom = TRUE` (`mu_offs_oscale` is based on
      # `mlvl_allrandom = getOption("projpred.mlvl_proj_ref_new", FALSE)`):
      mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale <- refmodel$family$latent_ilink(
        t(mu_offs_mlvlRan), cl_ref = seq_along(refmodel$wdraws_ref),
        wdraws_ref = refmodel$wdraws_ref
      mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale_odim <- mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale
      if (length(dim(mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale)) == 3) {
        mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale <- arr2augmat(mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale,
                                             margin_draws = 1)
    } else {
      mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale <- mu_offs_oscale
    mu_ref_oscale <- as.vector(do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) {
      i_aug <- i
      if (!is.null(refmodel$family$cats)) {
        i_aug <- i_aug + (seq_along(refmodel$family$cats) - 1L) * n
      if (inherits(mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale, "augmat")) {
        return(as.vector(mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale[i_aug, ] %*% exp(lw[, i])))
      } else {
        # In principle, we could use the same code for averaging across the
        # draws as above in the `augmat` case. However, that would require
        # `mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale <- t(mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale)` beforehand, so
        # the following should be more efficient:
        return(exp(lw[, i]) %*% mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale[, i_aug])
    mu_ref_oscale <- structure(
      ndiscrete = attr(mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale, "ndiscrete"),
      class = sub("augmat", "augvec", oldClass(mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale),
                  fixed = TRUE)
    if (has_grp && getOption("projpred.mlvl_pred_new", FALSE)) {
      # Need to use `mlvl_allrandom = TRUE` (`loo_ref_oscale` is based on
      # `mlvl_allrandom = getOption("projpred.mlvl_proj_ref_new", FALSE)`):
      loglik_mlvlRan <- refmodel$family$latent_ll_oscale(
        mu_offs_mlvlRan_oscale_odim, y_oscale = refmodel$y_oscale,
        wobs = refmodel$wobs, cl_ref = seq_along(refmodel$wdraws_ref),
        wdraws_ref = refmodel$wdraws_ref
      lppd_ref_oscale <- apply(loglik_mlvlRan + lw, 2, log_sum_exp)
    } else {
      lppd_ref_oscale <- loo_ref_oscale
    summ_ref$oscale <- list(lppd = lppd_ref_oscale, mu = mu_ref_oscale)

  # Combined submodel and reference model predictive performance:
  summaries <- list(sub = summ_sub, ref = summ_ref)

  if (!validate_search) {
    out_list <- nlist(ce = perf_eval_out[["ce"]])
  } else {
    out_list <- nlist(predictor_ranking_cv = predictor_ranking_mat[
      , seq_len(prv_len_rk), drop = FALSE
  out_list <- c(out_list,
                      y_wobs_test = as.data.frame(refmodel[nms_y_wobs_test()]),
                      clust_used_eval, nprjdraws_eval))

warn_pareto <- function(n07, n, khat_threshold = 0.7, warn_txt) {
  if (!getOption("projpred.warn_psis", TRUE) || (n07 == 0)) return()
  warning(sprintf(warn_txt, n07, n, as.character(round(khat_threshold, 2))),
          call. = FALSE)

# K-fold-CV ---------------------------------------------------------------

# Needed to avoid a NOTE in `R CMD check`:
if (getRversion() >= package_version("2.15.1")) {

kfold_varsel <- function(refmodel, method, nterms_max, ndraws, nclusters,
                         ndraws_pred, nclusters_pred, refit_prj, penalty,
                         verbose, search_control, K, cvfits, validate_search,
                         search_path_fulldata, search_terms, search_out_rks,
                         parallel, ...) {
  # Fetch the K reference model fits (or fit them now if not already done) and
  # create objects of class `refmodel` from them (and also store the `omitted`
  # indices):
  list_cv <- get_kfold(refmodel, K = K, cvfits = cvfits, verbose = verbose)
  K <- length(list_cv)

  search_out_rks_was_null <- is.null(search_out_rks)
  if (search_out_rks_was_null) {
    search_out_rks <- replicate(K, NULL, simplify = FALSE)

  if (refmodel$family$for_latent) {
    # Need to set the latent response values in `refmodel$y` to `NA`s because
    # `refmodel$y` resulted from applying `colMeans(posterior_linpred())` to the
    # original (full-data) reference model fit, so using the `fold$omitted`
    # subset of `refmodel$y` as (latent) response values in fold k of K would
    # induce a dependency between training and test data:
    refmodel$y <- rep(NA, refmodel$nobs)
  y_wobs_test <- as.data.frame(refmodel[nms_y_wobs_test()])

  if (verbose) {
    verb_txt_start <- "-----\nRunning "
    if (!search_out_rks_was_null || !validate_search) {
      verb_txt_mid <- ""
    } else {
      verb_txt_mid <- "the search and "
    verb_out(verb_txt_start, verb_txt_mid, "the performance evaluation with ",
             "`refit_prj = ", refit_prj, "` for each of the K = ", K, " CV ",
             "folds separately ...")
  one_fold <- function(fold,
                       verbose_search = verbose &&
                         getOption("projpred.extra_verbose", FALSE),
                       ...) {
    # Run the search for the current fold:
    if (!validate_search) {
      search_path <- search_path_fulldata
    } else if (!search_out_rks_was_null) {
      search_path <- list(predictor_ranking = rk)
    } else {
      search_path <- select(
        refmodel = fold$refmodel, ndraws = ndraws, nclusters = nclusters,
        method = method, nterms_max = nterms_max, penalty = penalty,
        verbose = verbose_search, search_control = search_control,
        search_terms = search_terms, est_runtime = FALSE, ...

    # Run the performance evaluation for the submodels along the predictor
    # ranking:
    perf_eval_out <- perf_eval(
      search_path = search_path, refmodel = fold$refmodel,
      refit_prj = refit_prj, ndraws = ndraws_pred, nclusters = nclusters_pred,
      refmodel_fulldata = refmodel, indices_test = fold$omitted, ...

    # Performance evaluation for the reference model of the current fold:
    eta_test <- fold$refmodel$ref_predfun(
      newdata = refmodel$fetch_data(obs = fold$omitted),
      excl_offs = FALSE
    mu_test <- fold$refmodel$family$linkinv(eta_test)
    summaries_ref <- weighted_summary_means(
      y_wobs_test = y_wobs_test[fold$omitted, , drop = FALSE],
      family = fold$refmodel$family,
      wdraws = fold$refmodel$wdraws_ref,
      mu = mu_test,
      dis = fold$refmodel$dis,
      cl_ref = seq_along(fold$refmodel$wdraws_ref)

    return(nlist(predictor_ranking = search_path[["predictor_ranking"]],
                 summaries_sub = perf_eval_out[["sub_summaries"]],
                 summaries_ref, clust_used_eval = perf_eval_out[["clust_used"]],
                 nprjdraws_eval = perf_eval_out[["nprjdraws"]]))
  if (!parallel) {
    # Sequential case. Actually, we could simply use ``%do_projpred%` <-
    # foreach::`%do%`` here and then proceed as in the parallel case, but that
    # would require adding more "hard" dependencies (because packages 'foreach'
    # and 'doRNG' would have to be moved from `Suggests:` to `Imports:`).
    if (verbose) {
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = K, style = 3, initial = 0)
    res_cv <- lapply(seq_along(list_cv), function(k) {
      if (verbose) {
        on.exit(utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, k))
      one_fold(fold = list_cv[[k]], rk = search_out_rks[[k]], ...)
    if (verbose) {
  } else {
    # Parallel case.
    if (!requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Please install the 'foreach' package.")
    if (!requireNamespace("doRNG", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Please install the 'doRNG' package.")
    dot_args <- list(...)
    `%do_projpred%` <- doRNG::`%dorng%`
    res_cv <- foreach::foreach(
      list_cv_k = list_cv,
      search_out_rks_k = search_out_rks,
      .export = c("one_fold", "dot_args"),
      .noexport = c("list_cv", "search_out_rks")
    ) %do_projpred% {
      do_call(one_fold, c(list(fold = list_cv_k, rk = search_out_rks_k,
                               verbose_search = FALSE),
  verb_out("-----", verbose = verbose)
  predictor_ranking_cv <- do.call(rbind,
                                  lapply(res_cv, "[[", "predictor_ranking"))
  clust_used_eval <- element_unq(res_cv, nm = "clust_used_eval")
  nprjdraws_eval <- element_unq(res_cv, nm = "nprjdraws_eval")

  # Handle the submodels' performance evaluation results:
  sub_foldwise <- lapply(res_cv, "[[", "summaries_sub")
  if (getRversion() >= package_version("4.2.0")) {
    sub_foldwise <- simplify2array(sub_foldwise, higher = FALSE, except = NULL)
  } else {
    sub_foldwise <- simplify2array(sub_foldwise, higher = FALSE)
    if (is.null(dim(sub_foldwise))) {
      sub_dim <- dim(predictor_ranking_cv)
      sub_dim[2] <- sub_dim[2] + 1L # +1 is for the empty model
      dim(sub_foldwise) <- rev(sub_dim)
  sub <- apply(sub_foldwise, 1, rbind2list)
  idxs_sorted_by_fold <- unlist(lapply(list_cv, function(fold) {
  idxs_sorted_by_fold_aug <- idxs_sorted_by_fold
  if (!is.null(refmodel$family$cats)) {
    idxs_sorted_by_fold_aug <- idxs_sorted_by_fold_aug + rep(
      (seq_along(refmodel$family$cats) - 1L) * refmodel$nobs,
      each = length(idxs_sorted_by_fold_aug)
  idxs_sorted_by_fold_flx <- idxs_sorted_by_fold_aug
  if (refmodel$family$for_latent && !is.null(refmodel$family$cats)) {
    idxs_sorted_by_fold_flx <- idxs_sorted_by_fold
  sub <- lapply(sub, function(summ) {
    summ$mu <- summ$mu[order(idxs_sorted_by_fold_flx)]
    summ$lppd <- summ$lppd[order(idxs_sorted_by_fold)]

    # Add fold-specific weights (see the discussion at GitHub issue #94 for why
    # this might have to be changed):
    summ$wcv <- rep(1, length(summ$lppd))
    summ$wcv <- summ$wcv / sum(summ$wcv)

    if (!is.null(summ$oscale)) {
      summ$oscale$mu <- summ$oscale$mu[order(idxs_sorted_by_fold_aug)]
      summ$oscale$lppd <- summ$oscale$lppd[order(idxs_sorted_by_fold)]
      summ$oscale$wcv <- summ$wcv

  # Handle the reference model's performance evaluation results:
  ref <- rbind2list(lapply(res_cv, "[[", "summaries_ref"))
  ref$mu <- ref$mu[order(idxs_sorted_by_fold_flx)]
  ref$lppd <- ref$lppd[order(idxs_sorted_by_fold)]
  if (!is.null(ref$oscale)) {
    ref$oscale$mu <- ref$oscale$mu[order(idxs_sorted_by_fold_aug)]
    ref$oscale$lppd <- ref$oscale$lppd[order(idxs_sorted_by_fold)]

  if (!validate_search) {
    out_list <- list()
  } else {
    out_list <- nlist(predictor_ranking_cv)
  out_list <- c(out_list,
                nlist(summaries = nlist(sub, ref), y_wobs_test, clust_used_eval,

# Refit the reference model K times (once for each fold; `cvfun` case) or fetch
# the K reference model fits if already computed (`cvfits` case). This function
# will return a list of length K, where each element is a list with elements
# `refmodel` (output of init_refmodel()) and `omitted` (vector of indices of
# those observations which were left out for the corresponding fold).
get_kfold <- function(refmodel, K, cvfits, verbose) {
  if (is.null(cvfits)) {
    if (!is.null(refmodel$cvfun)) {
      # In this case, cvfun() provided (and `cvfits` not), so run cvfun() now.
      if (verbose && !inherits(refmodel, "datafit")) {
        verb_out("-----\nRefitting the reference model K = ", K, " times ",
                 "(using the fold-wise training data) ...")
      folds <- cv_folds(refmodel$nobs, K = K,
                        seed = sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, 1))
      if (getOption("projpred.warn_kfold_refits", TRUE)) {
        cvfits <- refmodel$cvfun(folds)
      } else {
        cvfits <- suppressWarnings(refmodel$cvfun(folds))
      verb_out("-----", verbose = verbose)
    } else {
      stop("For a reference model which is not of class `datafit`, either ",
           "`cvfits` or `cvfun` needs to be provided for K-fold-CV (see ",
  } else {
    folds <- attr(cvfits, "folds")
  return(lapply(seq_len(K), function(k) {
    cvfit <- cvfits[[k]]
    # Add the omitted observation indices for this fold (and the fold index `k`
    # itself):
    omitted_idxs <- which(folds == k)
    if (is.list(cvfit)) {
      cvfit$omitted <- omitted_idxs
      cvfit$projpred_k <- k
    } else {
      attr(cvfit, "omitted") <- omitted_idxs
      attr(cvfit, "projpred_k") <- k
    return(list(refmodel = refmodel$cvrefbuilder(cvfit),
                omitted = omitted_idxs))

#' Create `cvfits` from `cvfun`
#' A helper function that can be used to create input for
#' [cv_varsel.refmodel()]'s argument `cvfits` by running first [cv_folds()] and
#' then the reference model object's `cvfun` (see [init_refmodel()]). This is
#' helpful if \eqn{K}-fold CV is run multiple times based on the same \eqn{K}
#' reference model refits.
#' @param object An object of class `refmodel` (returned by [get_refmodel()] or
#'   [init_refmodel()]) or an object that can be passed to argument `object` of
#'   [get_refmodel()].
#' @param K Number of folds. Must be at least 2 and not exceed the number of
#'   observations. Ignored if `folds` is not `NULL`.
#' @param folds Either `NULL` for determining the CV folds automatically via
#'   [cv_folds()] (using argument `K`) or a numeric (in fact, integer) vector
#'   giving the fold index for each observation. In the latter case, argument
#'   `K` is ignored.
#' @param seed Pseudorandom number generation (PRNG) seed by which the same
#'   results can be obtained again if needed. Passed to argument `seed` of
#'   [set.seed()], but can also be `NA` to not call [set.seed()] at all. If not
#'   `NA`, then the PRNG state is reset (to the state before calling
#'   [run_cvfun()]) upon exiting [run_cvfun()].
#' @param ... For [run_cvfun.default()]: Arguments passed to [get_refmodel()].
#'   For [run_cvfun.refmodel()]: Currently ignored.
#' @return An object that can be used as input for [cv_varsel.refmodel()]'s
#'   argument `cvfits`.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("rstanarm", quietly = TRUE)
#' # Data:
#' dat_gauss <- data.frame(y = df_gaussian$y, df_gaussian$x)
#' # The `stanreg` fit which will be used as the reference model (with small
#' # values for `chains` and `iter`, but only for technical reasons in this
#' # example; this is not recommended in general):
#' fit <- rstanarm::stan_glm(
#'   y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5, family = gaussian(), data = dat_gauss,
#'   QR = TRUE, chains = 2, iter = 500, refresh = 0, seed = 9876
#' )
#' # Define the reference model object explicitly (not really necessary here
#' # because the get_refmodel() call is quite fast in this example, but in
#' # general, this approach is faster than defining the reference model object
#' # multiple times implicitly):
#' ref <- get_refmodel(fit)
#' # Run the reference model object's `cvfun` (with a small value for `K`, but
#' # only for the sake of speed in this example; this is not recommended in
#' # general):
#' cv_fits <- run_cvfun(ref, K = 2, seed = 184)
#' # Run cv_varsel() (with L1 search and small values for `nterms_max` and
#' # `nclusters_pred`, but only for the sake of speed in this example; this is
#' # not recommended in general) and use `cv_fits` there:
#' cvvs_L1 <- cv_varsel(ref, method = "L1", cv_method = "kfold",
#'                      cvfits = cv_fits, nterms_max = 3, nclusters_pred = 10,
#'                      seed = 5555)
#' # Now see, for example, `?print.vsel`, `?plot.vsel`, `?suggest_size.vsel`,
#' # and `?ranking` for possible post-processing functions.
#' # The purpose of run_cvfun() is to create an object that can be used in
#' # multiple cv_varsel() calls, e.g., to check the sensitivity to the search
#' # method (L1 or forward):
#' cvvs_fw <- cv_varsel(ref, method = "forward", cv_method = "kfold",
#'                      cvfits = cv_fits, nterms_max = 3, nclusters = 5,
#'                      nclusters_pred = 10, seed = 5555)
#' # Stratified K-fold-CV is straightforward:
#' n_strat <- 3L
#' set.seed(692)
#' # Some example strata:
#' strat_fac <- sample(paste0("lvl", seq_len(n_strat)), size = nrow(dat_gauss),
#'                     replace = TRUE,
#'                     prob = diff(c(0, pnorm(seq_len(n_strat - 1L) - 0.5), 1)))
#' table(strat_fac)
#' # Use loo::kfold_split_stratified() to create the folds vector:
#' folds_strat <- loo::kfold_split_stratified(K = 2, x = strat_fac)
#' table(folds_strat, strat_fac)
#' # Call run_cvfun(), but this time with argument `folds` instead of `K` (here,
#' # specifying argument `seed` would not be necessary because of the set.seed()
#' # call above, but we specify it nonetheless for the sake of generality):
#' cv_fits_strat <- run_cvfun(ref, folds = folds_strat, seed = 391)
#' # Now use `cv_fits_strat` analogously to `cv_fits` from above.
#' @export
run_cvfun <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname run_cvfun
#' @export
run_cvfun.default <- function(object, ...) {
  refmodel <- get_refmodel(object, ...)
  return(run_cvfun(refmodel, ...))

#' @rdname run_cvfun
#' @export
run_cvfun.refmodel <- function(object,
                               K = if (!inherits(object, "datafit")) 5 else 10,
                               folds = NULL, seed = NA, ...) {
  if (exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
    rng_state_old <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  if (!is.na(seed)) {
    # Set seed, but ensure the old RNG state is restored on exit:
    if (exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
      on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", rng_state_old, envir = .GlobalEnv))

  refmodel <- object

  if (is.null(folds)) {
    folds <- cv_folds(refmodel$nobs, K = K)
  if (getOption("projpred.warn_kfold_refits", TRUE)) {
    cvfits <- refmodel$cvfun(folds)
  } else {
    cvfits <- suppressWarnings(refmodel$cvfun(folds))
  return(structure(cvfits, folds = folds))

# PSIS-LOO-CV helpers -----------------------------------------------------

# ## decide which points to go through in the validation (i.e., which points
# ## belong to the semi random subsample of validation points)
# loo_subsample <- function(n, nloo, pareto_k) {
#   # Note: A seed is not set here because this function is not exported and has
#   # a calling stack at the beginning of which a seed is set.
#   resample <- function(x, ...) x[sample.int(length(x), ...)]
#   if (nloo < n) {
#     bad <- which(pareto_k > 0.7)
#     ok <- which(pareto_k <= 0.7 & pareto_k > 0.5)
#     good <- which(pareto_k <= 0.5)
#     inds <- resample(bad, min(length(bad), floor(nloo / 3)))
#     inds <- c(inds, resample(ok, min(length(ok), floor(nloo / 3))))
#     inds <- c(inds, resample(good, min(length(good), floor(nloo / 3))))
#     if (length(inds) < nloo) {
#       ## not enough points selected, so choose randomly among the rest
#       inds <- c(inds, resample(setdiff(seq_len(n), inds), nloo - length(inds)))
#     }
#     ## assign the weights corresponding to this stratification (for example,
#     ## the 'bad' values are likely to be overpresented in the sample)
#     wcv <- rep(0, n)
#     wcv[inds[inds %in% bad]] <- length(bad) / sum(inds %in% bad)
#     wcv[inds[inds %in% ok]] <- length(ok) / sum(inds %in% ok)
#     wcv[inds[inds %in% good]] <- length(good) / sum(inds %in% good)
#   } else {
#     ## all points used
#     inds <- seq_len(n)
#     wcv <- rep(1, n)
#   }
#   ## ensure weights are normalized
#   wcv <- wcv / sum(wcv)
#   return(nlist(inds, wcv))
# }

## Select which points to go through in the validation based on
## proportional-to-size subsampling (PPS) as proposed by Magnusson, M.,
## Andersen, M. R., Jonasson, J. and Vehtari, A. (2019). Leave-One-Out
## Cross-Validation for Large Data. In *Proceedings of
## the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning*, edited by Kamalika
## Chaudhuri and Ruslan Salakhutdinov, 97:4244--53. Proceedings of Machine
## Learning Research. PMLR. <https://proceedings.mlr.press/v97/magnusson19a.html>.
loo_subsample_pps <- function(nloo, lppd) {
  # Note: A seed is not set here because this function is not exported and has a
  # calling stack at the beginning of which a seed is set.

  if (nloo == length(lppd)) {
    inds <- seq_len(nloo)
    wcv <- rep(1, nloo)
  } else if (nloo < length(lppd)) {
    wcv <- exp(lppd - max(lppd))
    inds <- sample(seq_along(lppd), size = nloo, prob = wcv)
  wcv <- wcv / sum(wcv)

  return(nlist(inds, wcv))

#' Pareto-smoothing k-hat threshold
#' Copied from loo package. Remove after loo package exposes this.
#' Given sample size S computes khat threshold for reliable Pareto
#' smoothed estimate (to have small probability of large error). See
#' section 3.2.4, equation (13). Sample sizes 100, 320, 1000, 2200,
#' 10000 correspond to thresholds 0.5, 0.6, 0.67, 0.7, 0.75. Although
#' with bigger sample size S we can achieve estimates with small
#' probability of large error, it is difficult to get accurate MCSE
#' estimates as the bias starts to dominate when k > 0.7 (see Section 3.2.3).
#' Thus the sample size dependend k-ht threshold is capped at 0.7.
#' @param S sample size
#' @param ... unused
#' @return threshold
#' @noRd
.ps_khat_threshold <- function(S, ...) {
  min(1 - 1 / log10(S), 0.7)
stan-dev/projpred documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 10:48 p.m.