#' Convert the time variable into either a date or numeric.
#' Add extra date columns to data set, for the creation of time series or graphics.
#' Time periods in data of CBS are coded: yyyyXXww (e.g. 2018JJ00, 2018MM10, 2018KW02),
#' which contains year (yyyy), type (XX) and index (ww). `cbs4_add_date_column` converts
#' these codes into a [Date()] or `numeric`.
#' `"Date"` will create a date that signifies the start of the period:
#' - "2018JJ00" will turn into "2018-01-01"
#' - "2018KW02" will turn into "2018-04-01"
#' `"numeric"` creates a fractional
#' number which signs the "middle" of the period. e.g. 2018JJ00 -> 2018.5 and
#' 2018KW01 -> 2018.167. This is for the following reasons: otherwise 2018.0 could mean
#' 2018, 2018 Q1 or 2018 Jan, and furthermore 2018.75 is a bit strange for 2018 Q4.
#' If all codes in the dataset have frequency "Y" the numeric output will be `integer`.
#' The `<period_freq>` column indicates the period type / frequency:
#' - `Y`: year
#' - `Q`: quarter
#' - `M`: month
#' - `W`: week
#' - `D`: day
#' @param data `data.frame` retrieved using [cbs4_get_data()]
#' @param date_type Type of date column: "Date", "numeric". See details.
#' @param ... future use.
#' @return original dataset with two added columns: `<period>_Date` and
#' `<period>_freq`. See details.
#' @example ./example/cbs_add_date_column.R
#' @export
#' @family add metadata columns
#' @seealso [cbs4_get_metadata()]
cbs4_add_date_column <- function(data, date_type = c("Date", "numeric"),...){
# TODO optimize by first converting the PeriodenCodes and then the data.
if (!(inherits(data, "cbs4_data") || inherits(data, "cbs4_observations"))){
stop("cbs4_add_date_column only works on data retrieved with cbs4_get_data or cbs4_get_observations."
, call. = FALSE
meta <- attr(data, "meta")
# retrieve period column (using timedimension)
period_name <- meta$Dimensions$Identifier[meta$Dimensions$Kind == "TimeDimension"][1]
#period_name <- names(unlist(sapply(x, attr, "is_time")))
x <- data
if (!length(period_name)){
warning("No time dimension found!")
period <- data[[period_name[1]]]
PATTERN <- "(\\d{4})(\\w{2})(\\d{2})"
year <- as.integer(sub(PATTERN, "\\1", period))
number <- as.integer(sub(PATTERN, "\\3", period))
type <- factor(sub(PATTERN, "\\2", period))
#TODO add switch for begin / middle / period or number
# year conversion
is_year <- type %in% c("JJ")
is_quarter <- type %in% c("KW")
is_month <- type %in% c("MM")
is_week <- type %in% c("W1")
is_week_part <- type %in% c("X0")
is_day <- grepl("\\d{2}", type)
# date
date_type <- match.arg(date_type)
if (date_type == "Date"){
period <- as.POSIXct(character())
period[is_year] <- ISOdate(year, 1, 1, tz="")[is_year]
period[is_quarter] <- ISOdate(year, 1 + (number - 1) * 3, 1, tz="")[is_quarter]
period[is_month] <- ISOdate(year, number, 1, tz="")[is_month]
period[is_day] <- ISOdate(year, type, number)[is_day]
period[is_week] <- {
d <- as.Date(paste0(year, "-1-1")) + 7 * (number - 1)
# a week starts at monday
wday <- as.integer(format(d, "%u"))
d <- d + ((7 - wday - 1) %% 7)
period[is_week_part] <- as.Date(paste0(year, "-1-1"))[is_week_part]
period <- as.Date(period)
} else if (date_type == "numeric"){
period <- numeric()
period[is_year] <- year[is_year] + 0.5
period[is_quarter] <- (year + (3*(number - 1) + 2) / 12)[is_quarter]
period[is_month] <- (year + (number - 0.5) / 12)[is_month]
period[is_week] <- (year + (number - 0.5)/53)[is_week]
period[is_week_part] <- year[is_week_part]
if (all(is_year)){
period <- as.integer(period)
type1 <- factor(levels=c("Y", "Q", "M", "D", "W", "X"))
type1[is_year] <- "Y"
type1[is_quarter] <- "Q"
type1[is_month] <- "M"
type1[is_day] <- "D"
type1[is_week] <- "W"
type1[is_week_part] <- "X"
type1 <- droplevels(type1)
# put the column just behind the period column
i <- which(names(x) == period_name)
x <- x[c(1:i, i, i:ncol(x))]
idx <- c(i+1, i+2)
x[idx] <- list(period, type1)
names(x)[idx] <- paste0(period_name, paste0("_", c(date_type,"freq")))
attr(x, "meta") <- meta
# x <- cbs4_get_data("84120NED")
# x1 <- cbs4_add_date_column(x)
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