# File R/InitErgmTerm.R in package ergm.multi, part of the
# Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
# This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free,
# open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
# https://statnet.org/attribution .
# Copyright 2003-2024 Statnet Commons
# The <InitErgmTerm.X> functions initialize each ergm term, X, by
# 1) checking the validity of X and its arguments via <check.ErgmTerm> and
# 2) setting appropiate values for each of the components in the returned list
# X is initialized for inclusion into a model that is specified by formula F and
# built via <ergm_model>
# nw : the network given in formula F
# arglist : the arguments given with term X in formula F
# initialfit: whether the parameters for this term have been initially fit
# (T or F); if FALSE, the ergm belongs to the curved exponential
# family; if TRUE, the term X does not the ergm to be curved,
# though other terms may; default=FALSE
# ... : ignored, but necessary to accomodate other arguments
# passed by <ergm_model>
# a list of term-specific elements required by the C changestats
# functions and other R rountines; the first two components of this
# list are required*, the remaining components are optional:
# *name : the name of term X; this is used to locate the C function
# calculating the change statistics for X, which will be
# 'name' prepended with "d_"; for example if X=absdiff,
# 'name'="absdiff", and the C function is "d_absdiff"
# *coef.names: the vector of names for the coefficients (parameters)
# as they will be reported in the output
# inputs : the vector of (double-precision numeric) inputs that the
# changestat function called d_<name> will require
# this MUST be a vector!; thus, if the inputs are matrices,
# they must be "flattened" to vectors; if they are categorical
# character-valued variables, they must be converted to numbers;
# optionally, 'inputs' may have an attribute named
# "ParamsBeforeCov",which is the number that used to be the
# old Element 1 and is needed for backwards compatability
# (see the old <InitErgm> for details); default=NULL
# soname : the name of the package containing the C function called
# d_'name'; default="ergm"
# dependence : whether the addition of term X to the model makes the model
# into a dyadic dependence model (T or F); if all terms have
# 'dependence' set FALSE, the model is assumed to be a
# dyadic independence model; default=TRUE
# emptynwstats: the vector of values (if nonzero) for the statistics evaluated
# on the empty network; if all are zero for this term, this
# argument may be omitted. Example: If the degree0 term is
# among the statistics, this argument is unnecessary because
# degree0 = number of nodes for the empty network
# minpar : the vector of minimal valid values for each of the model's parameters
# maxpar : the vector of maximal valid values for each of the model's parameters
# params : a list of parameter values for curved exponential family model
# terms only; each item in the list should be named with the
# corresponding parameter name; those that coincide with the
# coef.names (used when initialfit=TRUE) will have their 'params'
# set by MPLE and their initial values in 'params' are ignored;
# otherwise, parameters should be given an initial value in this list
# map : a function taking two arguments, theta and length('params'), which
# gives the map from the canonical parameters, theta, to the curved
# parameters, eta; 'map' is only necessary for curved exponential
# family model terms
# gradient : a function taking two arguments, theta and length('params'), which
# gives the gradient of the eta map above as a p by q matrix, where
# p=length(theta), q=length(params); 'gradient' is only necessary
# for curved exponential family model terms
# The changestat function, written in C and called d_'name',
# will have access to 'inputs'; this array will be called INPUT_PARAMS
# in the C code and its entries may accessed as INPUT_PARAMS[0],
# INPUT_PARAMS[1], and so on; the size of INPUT_PARAMS=N_INPUT_PARAMS,
# a value which is automatically set for you and which is available
# inside the C function; thus INPUT_PARAMS[N_INPUT_PARAMS-1] is the last
# element in the vector; note in particular that it is NOT necessary
# to add the number of inputs to 'inputs' since this is done automatically
#=======================InitErgmTerm utility functions============================#
GWDECAY <- list(
map = function(x,n,...) {
i <- 1:n
gradient = function(x,n,...) {
i <- 1:n
e2 <- exp(x[2])
a <- 1-exp(-x[2])
rbind((1-a^i)*e2, x[1] * ( (1-a^i)*e2 - i*a^(i-1) ) )
minpar = c(-Inf, 0)
.process_layers_degree <- function(nw, a, name, coef.names, inputs, emptynwstats=NULL){
Ls <- .set_layer_namemap(a$Ls)
if(is(Ls,"formula")) Ls <- list(Ls)
auxiliaries <- .mk_.layer.net_auxform(Ls)
dir <- rep(a$dir, length.out=length(Ls))
dir <- pmatch(a$dir, c("in","all","out"))-2
if(any(is.na(dir) | dir==0)) stop("Invalid direction specification.")
} else dir <- NULL
inputs <- c(length(Ls), dir, inputs)
if(!is.null(emptynwstats)) emptynwstats <- emptynwstats / length(unique(.peek_vattrv(nw, ".LayerID")))
name <- paste0(name,"_ML_sum")
coef.names <- .lspec_coef.namewrap(Ls)(coef.names)
}else ergm_Init_abort("Use the non-layer version.")
list(name = name, coef.names = coef.names, inputs = inputs, emptynwstats = emptynwstats, auxiliaries=auxiliaries, minval=0, maxval=network.size(nw), dependence=TRUE)
#' @templateVar name b1degreeL
#' @title Degree for the first mode in a bipartite (aka two-mode) network
#' @description This term adds one network statistic to the model for
#' each element in `d` ; the \eqn{i} th such statistic equals the number of
#' nodes of degree `d[i]` in the first mode of a bipartite network, i.e.
#' with exactly `d[i]` edges. The first mode of a bipartite network object
#' is sometimes known as the "actor" mode.
#' This term can only be used with undirected bipartite networks.
#' @usage
#' # binary: b1degreeL(d, by=NULL, levels=NULL, Ls=NULL)
#' @param d a vector of distinct integers.
#' @param by a character string giving the name of an attribute in the network's vertex
#' attribute list. If this is specified
#' then each node's degree is tabulated only with other nodes having the same
#' value of the `by` attribute.
#' @param levels if `by` is specified, which levels to consider.
#' @templateVar Ls.interp . If given, degree of a node
#' `i` is considered to be the number of edges in all layers,
#' combined.
#' @template ergmTerm-Ls-1
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept bipartite
#' @concept undirected
#' @concept categorical nodal attribute
#' @concept frequently-used
InitErgmTerm.b1degreeL <- function(nw, arglist, ...) {
### Check the network and arguments to make sure they are appropriate.
a <- check.ErgmTerm (nw, arglist, directed=FALSE, bipartite=TRUE,
varnames = c("d", "by", "levels", "Ls"),
vartypes = c("numeric", "character", "character,numeric,logical", "formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
required = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
### Process the arguments
nb1 <- get.network.attribute(nw, "bipartite")
if (!is.null(a$by)) { # CASE 1: a$by GIVEN
nodecov <- get.node.attr(nw, a$by)[seq_len(nb1)]
u <- NVL(a$levels, sort(unique(nodecov)))
nodecov <- match(nodecov,u,nomatch=length(u)+1) # Recode to numeric
# Combine degree and u into 2xk matrix, where k=length(a$d)*length(u)
lu <- length(u)
du <- rbind(rep(a$d,lu), rep(1:lu, rep(length(a$d), lu)))
emptynwstats <- rep(0, ncol(du))
if (any(du[1,]==0)) { # Alter emptynwstats
tmp <- du[2,du[1,]==0]
for(i in 1:length(tmp))
tmp[i] <- sum(nodecov==tmp[i])
emptynwstats[du[1,]==0] <- tmp
name <- "b1degree_by_attr"
coef.names <- paste("b1deg", du[1,], ".", a$by, u[du[2,]], sep="")
inputs <- c(as.vector(du), nodecov)
} else { # CASE 2: a$by NOT GIVEN
name <- "b1degree"
coef.names <- paste("b1deg", a$d, sep="")
inputs <- a$d
emptynwstats <- rep(0, length(a$d))
if (any(a$d==0)) { # alter emptynwstats
emptynwstats[a$d==0] <- nb1
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name, coef.names, inputs, emptynwstats),
minval = 0, maxval=nb1, conflicts.constraints="odegreedist")
#' @templateVar name b2degree
#' @title Degree for the second mode in a bipartite (aka two-mode) network
#' @description This term adds one network statistic to the model for
#' each element in `d` ; the \eqn{i} th such statistic equals the number of
#' nodes of degree `d[i]` in the second mode of a bipartite network, i.e.
#' with exactly `d[i]` edges. The second mode of a bipartite network
#' object is sometimes known as the "event" mode. The optional term
#' `by` is a character string giving the name of an attribute in the
#' network's vertex attribute list.
#' This term can only be used with undirected bipartite networks.
#' @usage
#' # binary: b2degree(d, by=NULL)
#' @param d a vector of distinct integers
#' @param by a character string giving the name of an attribute in the network's vertex
#' attribute list. If this is specified
#' then each node's degree is tabulated only with other nodes having the same
#' value of the `by` attribute.
#' @param levels if `by` is specified, which levels to consider.
#' @templateVar Ls.interp . If given, degree of a node
#' `i` is considered to be the number of edges in all layers,
#' combined.
#' @template ergmTerm-Ls-1
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept bipartite
#' @concept undirected
#' @concept categorical nodal attribute
#' @concept frequently-used
InitErgmTerm.b2degreeL <- function(nw, arglist, ...) {
### Check the network and arguments to make sure they are appropriate.
a <- check.ErgmTerm (nw, arglist, directed=FALSE, bipartite=TRUE,
varnames = c("d", "by", "levels", "Ls"),
vartypes = c("numeric", "character", "character,numeric,logical", "formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
required = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
### Process the arguments
nb1 <- get.network.attribute(nw, "bipartite")
n <- network.size(nw)
if (!is.null(a$by)) { # CASE 1: a$by GIVEN
nodecov <- get.node.attr(nw, a$by)[-seq_len(nb1)]
u <- NVL(a$levels, sort(unique(nodecov)))
nodecov <- match(nodecov,u,nomatch=length(u)+1) # Recode to numeric
# Combine degree and u into 2xk matrix, where k=length(a$d)*length(u)
lu <- length(u)
du <- rbind(rep(a$d,lu), rep(1:lu, rep(length(a$d), lu)))
emptynwstats <- rep(0, ncol(du))
if (any(du[1,]==0)) { # Alter emptynwstats
tmp <- du[2,du[1,]==0]
for(i in 1:length(tmp))
tmp[i] <- sum(nodecov==tmp[i])
emptynwstats[du[1,]==0] <- tmp
name <- "b2degree_by_attr"
coef.names <- paste("b2deg", du[1,], ".", a$by, u[du[2,]], sep="")
inputs <- c(as.vector(du), nodecov)
} else { # CASE 2: a$by NOT GIVEN
name <- "b2degree"
coef.names <- paste("b2deg", a$d, sep="")
inputs <- a$d
emptynwstats <- rep(0, length(a$d))
if (any(a$d==0)) { # alter emptynwstats
emptynwstats[a$d==0] <- n-nb1
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name, coef.names, inputs, emptynwstats),
minval = 0, maxval=network.size(nw)-nb1, conflicts.constraints="b2degreedist")
#' @templateVar name degreeL
#' @title Degree
#' @description This term adds one
#' network statistic to the model for each element in `d` ; the \eqn{i} th
#' such statistic equals the number of nodes in the network of degree
#' `d[i]` , i.e. with exactly `d[i]` edges.
#' This term can only be used with undirected networks; for directed networks
#' see `idegree` and `odegree` .
#' @usage
#' # binary: degreeL(d, by=NULL, homophily=FALSE, levels=NULL, Ls=NULL)
#' @param d a vector of distinct integers
#' @param by a character string giving the name of an attribute in the
#' network's vertex attribute list.
#' @param homophily If this is specified and `homophily` is `TRUE` ,
#' then degrees are calculated using the subnetwork consisting of only
#' edges whose endpoints have the same value of the `by` attribute.
#' If `by` is specified and
#' `homophily` is `FALSE` (the default), then separate degree
#' statistics are calculated for nodes having each separate
#' value of the attribute.
#' @templateVar Ls.howmany one or more
#' @templateVar Ls.interp . If specified, degree of a node `i` is considered to be the number of edges in all layers, combined.
#' @template ergmTerm-Ls
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept undirected
#' @concept categorical nodal attribute
#' @concept frequently-used
#' @concept directed
InitErgmTerm.degreeL<-function(nw, arglist, ...) {
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist, directed=FALSE,
varnames = c("d", "by", "homophily", "levels", "Ls"),
vartypes = c("numeric", "character", "logical", "character,numeric,logical", "formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL),
d<-a$d; byarg <- a$by; homophily <- a$homophily
if(!is.null(byarg)) {
nodecov <- get.node.attr(nw, byarg, "degree")
u <- NVL(a$levels, sort(unique(nodecov)))
nodecov <- match(nodecov,u,nomatch=length(u)+1) # Recode to numeric
if (length(u)==1)
stop ("Attribute given to degree() has only one value", call.=FALSE)
if(!is.null(byarg) && !homophily) {
# Combine degree and u into 2xk matrix, where k=length(d)*length(u)
lu <- length(u)
du <- rbind(rep(d,lu), rep(1:lu, rep(length(d), lu)))
if (any(du[1,]==0)) {
emptynwstats <- rep(0, ncol(du))
tmp <- du[2,du[1,]==0]
for(i in 1:length(tmp)) tmp[i] <- sum(nodecov==tmp[i])
emptynwstats[du[1,]==0] <- tmp
} else {
if (any(d==0)) {
emptynwstats <- rep(0, length(d))
emptynwstats[d==0] <- network.size(nw)
if(is.null(byarg)) {
coef.names <- paste("degree",d,sep="")
name <- "degree"
inputs <- c(d)
} else if (homophily) {
# See comment in d_degree_w_homophily function
coef.names <- paste("deg", d, ".homophily.",byarg, sep="")
name <- "degree_w_homophily"
inputs <- c(d, nodecov)
} else {
if(ncol(du)==0) {return(NULL)}
# No covariates here, so "ParamsBeforeCov" unnecessary
# See comment in d_degree_by_attr function
coef.names <- paste("deg", du[1,], ".", byarg,u[du[2,]], sep="")
name <- "degree_by_attr"
inputs <- c(as.vector(du), nodecov)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name, coef.names, inputs, emptynwstats),
minval = 0, maxval=network.size(nw), conflicts.constraints="degreedist")
#=======================InitErgmTerm functions: G============================#
#' @templateVar name gwb1degreeL
#' @title Geometrically weighted degree distribution for the first mode in a bipartite (aka two-mode) network
#' @description This term adds one network statistic to the model equal to the weighted
#' degree distribution with decay controlled by the `decay` parameter, which should be non-negative,
#' for nodes in the
#' first mode of a bipartite network. The first mode of a bipartite network
#' object is sometimes known as the "actor" mode.
#' This term can only be used with undirected bipartite
#' networks.
#' @usage
#' # binary: gwb1degreeL(decay, fixed=FALSE, cutoff=30, levels=NULL, Ls=NULL)
#' @param decay non-negative model parameter that is the same as theta_s in
#' equation (14) in Hunter (2007).
#' @param fixed specify if the value supplied for `decay` may be fixed (if `fixed=TRUE` ),
#' or it may be used as merely the starting value for the estimation
#' in a curved exponential family model (the default).
#' @param attrname if specified, then separate degree
#' statistics are calculated for nodes having each separate
#' value of the attribute.
#' @param cutoff only relevant if `fixed=FALSE` . In that case it only uses this
#' number of terms in computing the statistics to reduce the computational
#' burden. Its default value can also be controlled by the `gw.cutoff` term option control parameter. (See [`control.ergm`] .)
#' @param levels a list of layer specifications. If given, degree of a node
#' `i` is considered to be the number of edges in all layers,
#' combined.
#' @templateVar Ls.howmany one or more
#' @templateVar Ls.interp .
#' @template ergmTerm-Ls
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept bipartite
#' @concept undirected
#' @concept curved
InitErgmTerm.gwb1degreeL<-function(nw, arglist, gw.cutoff=30, ...) {
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist, directed=FALSE, bipartite=TRUE,
# default for 'fixed' should be made 'FALSE' when the function can handle it!
varnames = c("decay", "fixed", "attrname","cutoff", "levels", "Ls"),
vartypes = c("numeric", "logical", "character","numeric", "character,numeric,logical", "formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, FALSE, NULL, gw.cutoff, NULL, NULL),
decay<-a$decay; fixed<-a$fixed; attrname<-a$attrname
nb1 <- get.network.attribute(nw,"bipartite")
# d <- 1:(network.size(nw) - nb1)
maxesp <- min(cutoff, network.size(nw)-nb1)
d <- 1:maxesp
if (!is.null(attrname) && !fixed) {
stop("The gwb1degree term cannot yet handle a nonfixed decay ",
"term with an attribute. Use fixed=TRUE.", call.=FALSE)
if(!fixed){# This is a curved exponential family model
if(!is.null(a$decay)) warning("In term 'gwb1degree': decay parameter 'decay' passed with 'fixed=FALSE'. 'decay' will be ignored. To specify an initial value for 'decay', use the 'init' control parameter.", call.=FALSE)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name="b1degree", coef.names=paste("gwb1degree#",d,sep=""), inputs=c(d)),
GWDECAY, conflicts.constraints="b1degreedist")
} else {
if(is.null(a$decay)) stop("Term 'gwb1degree' with 'fixed=TRUE' requires a decay parameter 'decay'.", call.=FALSE)
if(!is.null(attrname)) {
nodecov <- get.node.attr(nw, attrname, "gwb1degree")
u <- NVL(a$levels, sort(unique(nodecov)))
nodecov <- match(nodecov,u,nomatch=length(u)+1) # Recode to numeric
if (length(u)==1)
stop ("Attribute given to gwb1degree() has only one value", call.=FALSE)
# Combine degree and u into 2xk matrix, where k=length(d)*length(u)
lu <- length(u)
du <- rbind(rep(d,lu), rep(1:lu, rep(length(d), lu)))
if(nrow(du)==0) {return(NULL)}
# No covariates here, so "ParamsBeforeCov" unnecessary
# See comment in d_gwb1degree_by_attr function
name <- "gwb1degree_by_attr"
coef.names <- paste("gwb1deg", decay, ".",attrname, u, sep="")
inputs <- c(decay, nodecov)
name <- "gwb1degree"
coef.names <- paste("gwb1deg.fixed.",decay,sep="")
inputs <- c(decay)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name=name, coef.names=coef.names, inputs=inputs), conflicts.constraints="b1degreedist")
#' @templateVar name gwb2degreeL
#' @title Geometrically weighted degree distribution for the second mode in a bipartite (aka two-mode) network
#' @description This term adds one network statistic to the model equal to the weighted
#' degree distribution with decay controlled by the which should be non-negative,
#' for nodes in the
#' second mode of a bipartite network. The second mode of a bipartite network
#' object is sometimes known as the "event" mode.
#' This term can only be used with undirected bipartite
#' networks.
#' @usage
#' # binary: gwb2degreeL(decay, fixed=FALSE, attrname=NULL, cutoff=30, levels=NULL, Ls=NULL)
#' @param decay non-negative model parameter that is the same as theta_s in
#' equation (14) in Hunter (2007).
#' @param fixed specify if the value supplied for `decay` may be fixed (if `fixed=TRUE` ),
#' or it may be used as merely the starting value for the estimation
#' in a curved exponential family model (the default).
#' @param attrname if specified, then separate degree
#' statistics are calculated for nodes having each separate
#' value of the attribute.
#' @param cutoff only relevant if `fixed=FALSE` . In that case it only uses this
#' number of terms in computing the statistics to reduce the computational
#' burden. Its default value can also be controlled by the `gw.cutoff` term option control parameter. (See [`control.ergm`] .)
#' @param levels a list of layer specifications. If given, degree of a node
#' `i` is considered to be the number of edges in all layers,
#' combined.
#' @templateVar Ls.howmany one or more
#' @templateVar Ls.interp .
#' @template ergmTerm-Ls
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept bipartite
#' @concept undirected
#' @concept curved
InitErgmTerm.gwb2degreeL<-function(nw, arglist, gw.cutoff=30, ...) {
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist, directed=FALSE, bipartite=TRUE,
# default for 'fixed' should be made 'FALSE' when the function can handle it!
varnames = c("decay", "fixed", "attrname","cutoff", "levels", "Ls"),
vartypes = c("numeric", "logical", "character", "numeric", "character,numeric,logical", "formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, FALSE, NULL, gw.cutoff, NULL, NULL),
decay<-a$decay; fixed<-a$fixed; attrname<-a$attrname
nb1 <- get.network.attribute(nw,"bipartite")
# d <- 1:nb1
maxesp <- min(cutoff,nb1)
d <- 1:maxesp
if (!is.null(attrname) && !fixed) {
stop("The gwb2degree term cannot yet handle a nonfixed decay ",
"term with an attribute. Use fixed=TRUE.", call.=FALSE) }
if(!fixed){# This is a curved exponential family model
if(!is.null(a$decay)) warning("In term 'gwb2degree': decay parameter 'decay' passed with 'fixed=FALSE'. 'decay' will be ignored. To specify an initial value for 'decay', use the 'init' control parameter.", call.=FALSE)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name="b2degree", coef.names=paste("gwb2degree#",d,sep=""), inputs=c(d)),
GWDECAY, conflicts.constraints="b2degreedist")
} else {
if(is.null(a$decay)) stop("Term 'gwb2degree' with 'fixed=TRUE' requires a decay parameter 'decay'.", call.=FALSE)
if(!is.null(attrname)) {
nodecov <- get.node.attr(nw, attrname, "gwb2degree")
u <- NVL(a$levels, sort(unique(nodecov)))
nodecov <- match(nodecov,u,nomatch=length(u)+1) # Recode to numeric
if (length(u)==1)
stop ("Attribute given to gwb2degree() has only one value", call.=FALSE)
# Combine degree and u into 2xk matrix, where k=length(d)*length(u)
lu <- length(u)
du <- rbind(rep(d,lu), rep(1:lu, rep(length(d), lu)))
if(nrow(du)==0) {return(NULL)}
# No covariates here, so "ParamsBeforeCov" unnecessary
# See comment in d_gwb2degree_by_attr function
name <- "gwb2degree_by_attr"
coef.names <- paste("gwb2deg", decay, ".", attrname, u, sep="")
inputs <- c(decay, nodecov)
name <- "gwb2degree"
coef.names <- paste("gwb2deg.fixed.",decay,sep="")
inputs <- c(decay)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name=name, coef.names=coef.names, inputs=inputs), conflicts.constraints="b2degreedist")
#' @templateVar name gwdegreeL
#' @title Geometrically weighted degree distribution
#' @description This term adds one network statistic to the model equal to the weighted
#' degree distribution with decay controlled by the `decay` parameter.
#' This term can only be used with undirected networks.
#' @usage
#' # binary: gwdegreeL(decay, fixed=FALSE, attrname=NULL, cutoff=30, levels=NULL)
#' @param decay non-negative model parameter that is the same as theta_s in
#' equation (14) in Hunter (2007).
#' @param fixed specify if the value supplied for `decay` may be fixed (if `fixed=TRUE` ),
#' or it may be used as merely the starting value for the estimation
#' in a curved exponential family model (the default).
#' @param attrname if specified, then separate degree
#' statistics are calculated for nodes having each separate
#' value of the attribute.
#' @param cutoff only relevant if `fixed=FALSE` . In that case it only uses this
#' number of terms in computing the statistics to reduce the computational
#' burden. Its default value can also be controlled by the `gw.cutoff` term option control parameter. (See [`control.ergm`] .)
#' @param levels a list of layer specifications. If given, degree of a node
#' `i` is considered to be the number of edges in all layers,
#' combined.
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept undirected
#' @concept curved
#' @concept frequently-used
InitErgmTerm.gwdegreeL<-function(nw, arglist, gw.cutoff=30, ...) {
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist, directed=FALSE,
varnames = c("decay", "fixed", "attrname","cutoff", "levels", "Ls"),
vartypes = c("numeric", "logical", "character", "numeric", "character,numeric,logical", "formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, FALSE, NULL, gw.cutoff, NULL, NULL),
decay<-a$decay; attrname<-a$attrname; fixed<-a$fixed
# d <- 1:(network.size(nw)-1)
maxesp <- min(cutoff,network.size(nw)-1)
d <- 1:maxesp
if (!is.null(attrname) && !fixed) {
stop("The gwdegree term cannot yet handle a nonfixed decay ",
"term with an attribute. Use fixed=TRUE.", call.=FALSE)
if(!fixed){ # This is a curved exponential family model
if(!is.null(a$decay)) warning("In term 'gwdegree': decay parameter 'decay' passed with 'fixed=FALSE'. 'decay' will be ignored. To specify an initial value for 'decay', use the 'init' control parameter.", call.=FALSE)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name="degree", coef.names=paste("gwdegree#",d,sep=""), inputs=c(d)),
GWDECAY, conflicts.constraints="degreedist")
} else {
if(is.null(a$decay)) stop("Term 'gwdegree' with 'fixed=TRUE' requires a decay parameter 'decay'.", call.=FALSE)
if(!is.null(attrname)) {
nodecov <- get.node.attr(nw, attrname, "gwdegree")
u <- NVL(a$levels, sort(unique(nodecov)))
nodecov <- match(nodecov,u,nomatch=length(u)+1) # Recode to numeric
if (length(u)==1)
stop ("Attribute given to gwdegree() has only one value", call.=FALSE)
# Combine degree and u into 2xk matrix, where k=length(d)*length(u)
lu <- length(u)
du <- rbind(rep(d,lu), rep(1:lu, rep(length(d), lu)))
if(nrow(du)==0) {return(NULL)}
# No covariates here, so "ParamsBeforeCov" unnecessary
name <- "gwdegree_by_attr"
coef.names <- paste("gwdeg", decay, ".", attrname, u, sep="")
inputs <- c(decay, nodecov)
name <- "gwdegree"
coef.names <- paste("gwdeg.fixed.",decay,sep="")
inputs <- c(decay)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name=name, coef.names=coef.names, inputs=inputs), conflicts.constraints="degreedist")
#' @templateVar name gwidegreeL
#' @title Geometrically weighted in-degree distribution
#' @description This term adds one network statistic to the model
#' equal to the weighted in-degree distribution with decay parameter. This
#' term can only be used with directed networks.
#' @usage
#' # binary: gwidegreeL(decay, fixed=FALSE, attrname=NULL, cutoff=30, levels=NULL, Ls=NULL)
#' @param decay non-negative model parameter that is the same as theta_s in
#' equation (14) in Hunter (2007).
#' @param fixed specify if the value supplied for `decay` may be fixed (if `fixed=TRUE` ),
#' or it may be used as merely the starting value for the estimation
#' in a curved exponential family model (the default).
#' @param attrname if specified, then separate degree
#' statistics are calculated for nodes having each separate
#' value of the attribute.
#' @param cutoff only relevant if `fixed=FALSE` . In that case it only uses this
#' number of terms in computing the statistics to reduce the computational
#' burden. Its default value can also be controlled by the `gw.cutoff` term option control parameter. (See [`control.ergm`] .)
#' @param levels a list of layer specifications. If given, degree of a node
#' `i` is considered to be the number of edges in all layers,
#' combined.
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept directed
#' @concept curved
InitErgmTerm.gwidegreeL<-function(nw, arglist, gw.cutoff=30, ...) {
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist, directed=TRUE,
varnames = c("decay", "fixed", "attrname","cutoff", "levels", "Ls"),
vartypes = c("numeric", "logical", "character","numeric", "character,numeric,logical", "formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, FALSE, NULL, gw.cutoff, NULL, NULL),
decay<-a$decay; attrname<-a$attrname; fixed<-a$fixed
# d <- 1:(network.size(nw)-1)
maxesp <- min(cutoff,network.size(nw)-1)
d <- 1:maxesp
if (!is.null(attrname) && !fixed ) {
stop("The gwidegree term cannot yet handle a nonfixed decay ",
"term with an attribute. Use fixed=TRUE.", call.=FALSE)
if(!fixed){ # This is a curved exponential family model
if(!is.null(a$decay)) warning("In term 'gwidegree': decay parameter 'decay' passed with 'fixed=FALSE'. 'decay' will be ignored. To specify an initial value for 'decay', use the 'init' control parameter.", call.=FALSE)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name="idegree", coef.names=paste("gwidegree#",d,sep=""), inputs=c(d)),
GWDECAY, conflicts.constraints="idegreedist")
} else {
if(is.null(a$decay)) stop("Term 'gwidegree' with 'fixed=TRUE' requires a decay parameter 'decay'.", call.=FALSE)
if(!is.null(attrname)) {
nodecov <- get.node.attr(nw, attrname, "gwidegree")
u <- NVL(a$levels, sort(unique(nodecov)))
nodecov <- match(nodecov,u,nomatch=length(u)+1) # Recode to numeric
if (length(u)==1)
stop ("Attribute given to gwidegree() has only one value", call.=FALSE)
# Combine degree and u into 2xk matrix, where k=length(d)*length(u)
lu <- length(u)
du <- rbind(rep(d,lu), rep(1:lu, rep(length(d), lu)))
if(nrow(du)==0) {return(NULL)}
# No covariates here, so "ParamsBeforeCov" unnecessary
name <- "gwidegree_by_attr"
coef.names <- paste("gwideg", decay, ".", attrname, u, sep="")
inputs <- c(decay, nodecov)
name <- "gwidegree"
coef.names <- paste("gwideg.fixed.",decay,sep="")
inputs <- c(decay)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name=name, coef.names=coef.names, inputs=inputs), conflicts.constraints="idegreedist")
#' @templateVar name gwodegreeL
#' @title Geometrically weighted out-degree distribution
#' @description This term adds one network statistic to the model
#' equal to the weighted out-degree distribution with decay parameter . This
#' term can only be used with directed networks.
#' @usage
#' # binary: gwodegreeL(decay, fixed=FALSE, attrname=NULL, cutoff=30, levels=NULL, Ls=NULL)
#' @param decay non-negative model parameter that is the same as theta_s in
#' equation (14) in Hunter (2007).
#' @param fixed specify if the value supplied for `decay` may be fixed (if `fixed=TRUE` ),
#' or it may be used as merely the starting value for the estimation
#' in a curved exponential family model (the default).
#' @param attrname if specified, then separate degree
#' statistics are calculated for nodes having each separate
#' value of the attribute.
#' @param cutoff only relevant if `fixed=FALSE` . In that case it only uses this
#' number of terms in computing the statistics to reduce the computational
#' burden. Its default value can also be controlled by the `gw.cutoff` term option control parameter. (See [`control.ergm`] .)
#' @param levels a list of layer specifications. If given, degree of a node
#' `i` is considered to be the number of edges in all layers,
#' combined.
#' @templateVar Ls.interp .
#' @template ergmTerm-Ls-1
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept directed
#' @concept curved
InitErgmTerm.gwodegreeL<-function(nw, arglist, gw.cutoff=30, ...) {
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist, directed=TRUE,
varnames = c("decay", "fixed", "attrname","cutoff", "levels", "Ls"),
vartypes = c("numeric", "logical", "character","numeric", "character,numeric,logical", "formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, FALSE, NULL, gw.cutoff, NULL, NULL),
decay<-a$decay; attrname<-a$attrname; fixed<-a$fixed
# d <- 1:(network.size(nw)-1)
maxesp <- min(cutoff,network.size(nw)-1)
d <- 1:maxesp
if (!is.null(attrname) && !fixed ) {
stop("The gwodegree term cannot yet handle a nonfixed decay ",
"term with an attribute. Use fixed=TRUE.", call.=FALSE)
if(!fixed){ # This is a curved exponential family model
if(!is.null(a$decay)) warning("In term 'gwodegree': decay parameter 'decay' passed with 'fixed=FALSE'. 'decay' will be ignored. To specify an initial value for 'decay', use the 'init' control parameter.", call.=FALSE)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name="odegree", coef.names=paste("gwodegree#",d,sep=""), inputs=c(d)),
GWDECAY, conflicts.constraints="odegreedist")
} else {
if(is.null(a$decay)) stop("Term 'gwodegree' with 'fixed=TRUE' requires a decay parameter 'decay'.", call.=FALSE)
if(!is.null(attrname)) {
nodecov <- get.node.attr(nw, attrname, "gwodegree")
u <- NVL(a$levels, sort(unique(nodecov)))
nodecov <- match(nodecov,u,nomatch=length(u)+1) # Recode to numeric
if (length(u)==1)
stop ("Attribute given to gwodegree() has only one value", call.=FALSE)
# Combine degree and u into 2xk matrix, where k=length(d)*length(u)
lu <- length(u)
du <- rbind(rep(d,lu), rep(1:lu, rep(length(d), lu)))
if(nrow(du)==0) {return(NULL)}
# No covariates here, so "ParamsBeforeCov" unnecessary
name <- "gwodegree_by_attr"
coef.names <- paste("gwodeg", decay, ".", attrname, u, sep="")
inputs <- c(decay, nodecov)
name <- "gwodegree"
coef.names <- paste("gwodeg.fixed.",decay,sep="")
inputs <- c(decay)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name=name, coef.names=coef.names, inputs=inputs), conflicts.constraints="odegreedist")
#' @templateVar name idegreeL
#' @title In-degree
#' @description This term adds one network statistic to
#' the model for each element in `d` ; the \eqn{i} th such statistic equals
#' the number of nodes in the network of in-degree `d[i]` , i.e. the number
#' of nodes with exactly `d[i]` in-edges.
#' This term can only be used with directed networks; for undirected networks
#' see `degree` .
#' @usage
#' # binary: idegreeL(d, by=NULL, homophily=FALSE, levels=NULL)
#' @param d a vector of distinct integers.
#' @param by an optional character string giving the name of an attribute in the
#' network's vertex attribute list.
#' @param homophily only applied if by is specified. If set (`homophile == TRUE`),
#' then degrees are calculated using the subnetwork consisting of only
#' edges whose endpoints have the same value of the `by` attribute.
#' Otherwise (the default), then separate degree
#' statistics are calculated for nodes having each separate
#' value of the attribute.
#' @param levels if `by` is specified, which levels to consider.
#' @templateVar Ls.interp . If given, degree of a node
#' `i` is considered to be the number of edges in all layers,
#' combined.
#' @template ergmTerm-Ls-1
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept directed
#' @concept categorical nodal attribute
#' @concept frequently-used
InitErgmTerm.idegreeL<-function(nw, arglist, ...) {
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist, directed=TRUE,
varnames = c("d", "by", "homophily", "levels", "Ls"),
vartypes = c("numeric", "character", "logical", "character,numeric,logical", "formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL),
d<-a$d; byarg <- a$by; homophily <- a$homophily
if(!is.null(byarg)) {
nodecov <- get.node.attr(nw, byarg, "idegree")
u <- NVL(a$levels, sort(unique(nodecov)))
nodecov <- match(nodecov,u,nomatch=length(u)+1) # Recode to numeric
if (length(u)==1)
stop ("Attribute given to idegree() has only one value", call.=FALSE)
if(!is.null(byarg) && !homophily) {
# Combine degree and u into 2xk matrix, where k=length(d)*length(u)
lu <- length(u)
du <- rbind(rep(d,lu), rep(1:lu, rep(length(d), lu)))
if (any(du[1,]==0)) {
emptynwstats <- rep(0, ncol(du))
tmp <- du[2,du[1,]==0]
for(i in 1:length(tmp)) tmp[i] <- sum(nodecov==tmp[i])
emptynwstats[du[1,]==0] <- tmp
} else {
if (any(d==0)) {
emptynwstats <- rep(0, length(d))
emptynwstats[d==0] <- network.size(nw)
if(is.null(byarg)) {
name <- "idegree"
coef.names <- paste("idegree",d,sep="")
inputs <- c(d)
} else if (homophily) {
name <- "idegree_w_homophily"
coef.names <- paste("ideg", d, ".homophily.",byarg, sep="")
inputs <- c(d, nodecov)
} else {
if(ncol(du)==0) {return(NULL)}
# No covariates here, so "ParamsBeforeCov" unnecessary
name <- "idegree_by_attr"
# See comment in d_idegree_by_attr function
coef.names <- paste("ideg", du[1,], ".", byarg,u[du[2,]], sep="")
inputs <- c(as.vector(du), nodecov)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name, coef.names, inputs, emptynwstats),
minval = 0, maxval=network.size(nw), conflicts.constraints="idegreedist")
#' @templateVar name mutualL
#' @title Mutuality
#' @description In binary ERGMs, equal to the number of
#' pairs of actors \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} for which \eqn{(i{\rightarrow}j)}{(i,j)}
#' and \eqn{(j{\rightarrow}i)}{(j,i)} both exist.
#' @details This term can only be used with directed networks.
#' @usage
#' # binary: mutualL(same=NULL, diff=FALSE, by=NULL, keep=NULL, Ls=NULL)
#' @param same optional argument. If passed the name of a vertex attribute,
#' only mutual pairs that match on the attribute are counted. Only one of `same`
#' or `by` may be used. If both parameters are passed, `same` takes precedent. This
#' parameter is affected by `diff`.
#' @param diff separate counts for each unique matching value can be obtained by using
#' `diff=TRUE` with `same`.
#' @param by each node is counted separately for each mutual pair in which it
#' occurs and the counts are tabulated by unique values of the attribute if
#' passed the name of a vertex attribute. This means that the sum of the mutual statistics when `by` is used
#' will equal twice the standard mutual statistic. Only one of `same`
#' or `by` may be used. If both parameters are passed, `same` takes precedent. This
#' parameter is not affected by `diff`.
#' @param keep a numerical vector to specify which statistics should be kept whenever the `mutual` term would
#' ordinarily result in multiple statistics.
#' @templateVar Ls.howmany one or two
#' @templateVar Ls.interp . If given, the statistic will count the number of dyads where a tie in `Ls[[1]]` reciprocates a tie in `Ls[[2]]` and vice versa. (Note that dyad that has mutual ties in `Ls[[1]]` and in `Ls[[2]]` will add 2 to this statistic.) If a formula is given, it is replicated.
#' @template ergmTerm-Ls
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept directed
#' @concept frequently-used
#' @concept layer-aware
InitErgmTerm.mutualL<-function (nw, arglist, ...) {
## Check the network and arguments to make sure they are appropriate.
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist, directed=TRUE, bipartite=NULL,
varnames = c("same", "by", "diff", "keep", "Ls"),
vartypes = c("character", "character", "logical", "numeric", "formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL),
## Process the arguments
if (!is.null(a$same) || !is.null(a$by)) {
if (!is.null(a$same)) {
attrname <- a$same
if (!is.null(a$by))
warning("Ignoring 'by' argument to mutual because 'same' exists", call.=FALSE)
attrname <- a$by
nodecov <- get.node.attr(nw, attrname)
u <- NVL(a$levels, sort(unique(nodecov)))
if (!is.null(a$keep)) {
u <- u[a$keep]
# Recode to numeric
nodecov <- match(nodecov,u,nomatch=length(u)+1)
# All of the "nomatch" should be given unique IDs so they never match:
dontmatch <- nodecov==(length(u)+1)
nodecov[dontmatch] <- length(u) + (1:sum(dontmatch))
ui <- seq(along=u)
### Construct the list to return
if (!is.null(a$same) || !is.null(a$by)) {
if (is.null(a$same)) {
coef.names <- paste("mutual.by", attrname, u, sep=".")
inputs <- c(ui, nodecov)
if (a$diff) {
coef.names <- paste("mutual.same", attrname, u, sep=".")
inputs <- c(ui, nodecov)
coef.names <- paste("mutual", attrname, sep=".")
inputs <- nodecov
if (is.null(a$same) && !is.null(a$by)) {
name <- "mutual_by_attr"
name <- "mutual"
name <- "mutual"
coef.names <- "mutual"
inputs <- NULL
maxval <- network.dyadcount(nw,FALSE)/2
Ls <- .set_layer_namemap(a$Ls, nw)
if(is(Ls,"formula")) Ls <- list(Ls)
L1 <- Ls[[1]]
L2 <- Ls[[2]]
if(!is.null(L1) || !is.null(L2)){
NVL(L1) <- L2
NVL(L2) <- L1
auxiliaries <- .mk_.layer.net_auxform(L1)
aux2 <- .mk_.layer.net_auxform(L2)
auxiliaries[[2]] <- call("+", auxiliaries[[2]], aux2[[2]])
name <- paste(name, "ML", sep="_")
coef.names <- .lspec_coef.namewrap(if(L1==L2) list(L1) else list(L1,L2))(coef.names)
maxval <- maxval*2
}else auxiliaries <- NULL
list(name=name, #name: required
coef.names = coef.names, #coef.names: required
auxiliaries = auxiliaries,
minval = 0,
maxval = maxval)
#' @templateVar name odegreeL
#' @title Out-degree
#' @description This term adds one network statistic to
#' the model for each element in `d` ; the \eqn{i} th such statistic equals
#' the number of nodes in the network of out-degree `d[i]` , i.e. the
#' number of nodes with exactly `d[i]` out-edges.
#' @details This term can only be used with directed networks; for undirected networks
#' see `degree` .
#' If a list of layer specifications is given, degree of a node
#' `i` is considered to be the number of edges in all layers,
#' combined.
#' @usage
#' # binary: odegreeL(d, by=NULL, homophily=FALSE, levels=NULL)
#' @param d a vector of distinct integers
#' @param by a character string giving the name of an attribute in the
#' network's vertex attribute list.
#' @param homophily If this is specified and `homophily` is `TRUE` ,
#' then degrees are calculated using the subnetwork consisting of only
#' edges whose endpoints have the same value of the `by` attribute.
#' If `by` is specified and
#' `homophily` is `FALSE` (the default), then separate degree
#' statistics are calculated for nodes having each separate
#' value of the attribute.
#' @param levels if `by` is specified, which levels to consider.
#' @templateVar Ls.interp . If given, degree of a node
#' `i` is considered to be the number of edges in all layers,
#' combined.
#' @template ergmTerm-Ls-1
#' @param levels list of layer specifications
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept directed
#' @concept categorical nodal attribute
#' @concept frequently-used
InitErgmTerm.odegreeL<-function(nw, arglist, ...) {
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist, directed=TRUE,
varnames = c("d", "by", "homophily", "levels", "Ls"),
vartypes = c("numeric", "character", "logical", "character,numeric,logical", "formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL),
d<-a$d; byarg <- a$by; homophily <- a$homophily
if(!is.null(byarg)) {
nodecov <- get.node.attr(nw, byarg, "odegree")
u <- NVL(a$levels, sort(unique(nodecov)))
nodecov <- match(nodecov,u,nomatch=length(u)+1) # Recode to numeric
if (length(u)==1)
stop ("Attribute given to odegree() has only one value", call.=FALSE)
if(!is.null(byarg) && !homophily) {
# Combine degree and u into 2xk matrix, where k=length(d)*length(u)
lu <- length(u)
du <- rbind(rep(d,lu), rep(1:lu, rep(length(d), lu)))
if (any(du[1,]==0)) {
emptynwstats <- rep(0, ncol(du))
tmp <- du[2,du[1,]==0]
for(i in 1:length(tmp)) tmp[i] <- sum(nodecov==tmp[i])
emptynwstats[du[1,]==0] <- tmp
} else {
if (any(d==0)) {
emptynwstats <- rep(0, length(d))
emptynwstats[d==0] <- network.size(nw)
if(is.null(byarg)) {
name <- "odegree"
coef.names <- paste("odegree",d,sep="")
inputs <- c(d)
} else if (homophily) {
name <- "odegree_w_homophily"
# See comment in d_odegree_w_homophily function
coef.names <- paste("odeg", d, ".homophily.",byarg, sep="")
inputs <- c(d, nodecov)
} else {
if(ncol(du)==0) {return(NULL)}
# No covariates here, so "ParamsBeforeCov" unnecessary
name <- "odegree_by_attr"
# See comment in d_odegree_by_attr function
coef.names <- paste("odeg", du[1,], ".", byarg,u[du[2,]], sep="")
inputs <- c(as.vector(du), nodecov)
c(.process_layers_degree(nw, a, name, coef.names, inputs, emptynwstats),
minval = 0, maxval=network.size(nw), conflicts.constraints="odegreedist")
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