# File R/InitErgmTerm.multilayer.R in package ergm.multi, part of the
# Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
# This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license. It is free,
# open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
# https://statnet.org/attribution .
# Copyright 2003-2024 Statnet Commons
## TODO: LL-Constrained proposals.
## TODO: Check that noncommutative LL operators work as intended.
.same_constraints <- function(nwl, nattr){
map(nwl, get.network.attribute, nattr) %>% map(NVL, ~.) %>% map(empty_env) %>% all_identical
.varying_attributes <- function(nwl, lister, getter, type, ignore = c()){
attrs1 <- lister(nwl[[1]]) %>% setdiff(ignore)
attrs <- nwl[-1] %>% map(lister) %>% map(setdiff, ignore)
extra_attrs <- attrs %>% unlist() %>% unique() %>% setdiff(attrs1)
warning(type, " attribute(s) ", paste.and(sQuote(extra_attrs)), " are not found in the first layer and will be ignored.", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
common_attrs <- attrs %>% map(intersect, attrs1)
differing <-
! map_lgl(attrs1, function(a)
list(nwl[-1], common_attrs),
function(nw, al) if(a %in% al) identical(getter(nw, a, unlist = FALSE), getter(nwl[[1]], a, unlist = FALSE)) else TRUE
) %>% all())
warning(type, " attribute(s) ", paste.and(sQuote(attrs1[differing])), " have values different from those in the first layer and will be overwritten.", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
length(extra_attrs) || any(differing)
.layer_namemap <- function(nw){
nwnames <- .peek_vattrv(nw, ".LayerName", missing="NULL")
if(is.numeric(nwnames)) nwnames <- NULL
nwids <- .peek_vattrv(nw, ".LayerID")
o <- structure(nwids, names=nwnames)
.set_layer_namemap <- function(ll, nw){
namemap <- if(is.network(nw)) .layer_namemap(nw) else nw
if(is(ll,"formula")) ergm_LayerLogic(ll, namemap)
else lapply(ll, ergm_LayerLogic, namemap)
.lspec_coef.namewrap <- function(Llist, collapse=TRUE){
reprs <- sapply(seq_along(Llist), function(l){
name <- names(Llist)[l]
L <- Llist[[l]]
s <- NVL3(L, toString(ergm_LayerLogic(.)), "")
if(NVL(name,"")!="") s <- paste0(name,"=",s)
if(collapse) ergm_mk_std_op_namewrap("L", reprs) else reprs
assert_LHS_Layer <- function(nw, errfn = ergm_Init_abort){
if(anyNA(.peek_vattrv(nw, ".LayerID"))) errfn("The LHS of the model is not a multilayer ", sQuote("Layer()"), " construct.")
#' Construct a "view" of a network.
#' Returns a network with edges optionally filtered according to a
#' specified criterion and with edge attributes optionally computed
#' from other edge attributes.
#' @param x a [`network`] object.
#' @param ... a list of attribute or filtering specifications. See
#' Details.
#' @param .clear whether the edge attributes not set by this call
#' should be deleted.
#' @param .sep when specifying via a character vector, use this as the
#' separator for concatenating edge values.
#' @details Attribute specification arguments have the form
#' `<newattrname> = <expr>`, where `<newattrname>` specifies the
#' name of the new edge attribute (or attribute to be overwritten)
#' and `<expr>` can be one of the following:
#' \describe{
#' \item{a function}{The function will be passed two arguments, the
#' edgelist [`tibble`] and the network, and must return a vector of
#' edge attribute values to be set on the edges in the order
#' specified.}
#' \item{a formula}{The expression on the RHS of the formula will be
#' evaluated with names in it referencing the edge attributes. The
#' input network may be referenced as `.nw`. The expression's result
#' is expected to be a vector of edge attribute values to be set on
#' the edges in the order specified.}
#' \item{a character vector}{If of length one, the edge attribute with
#' that name will simply be copied; if greater than one, the attribute
#' values will be concatenated wtih the `.sep` argument as the
#' separator.}
#' \item{an object enclosed in [I()]}{The object will be used directly
#' to set the edge attribute.}
#' }
#' Filtering arguments are specified the same way as attribute
#' arguments, but they must be unnamed arguments (i.e., must be passed
#' without the `=`) and must return a logical or numeric vector
#' suitable for indexing the edge list. Multiple filtering arguments
#' may be specified, and the edge will be kept if it satisfies
#' *all*. If the conjunction of the edge's original states and the
#' filtering results is ambiguous (i.e., `NA`), it will be set as
#' missing.
#' @return A [`network`] object with modified edges and edge attributes.
#' @examples
#' data(florentine)
#' flo <- flomarriage
#' flo[,,add.edges=TRUE] <- as.matrix(flomarriage) | as.matrix(flobusiness)
#' flo[,, names.eval="m"] <- as.matrix(flomarriage)==1
#' flobusiness[3,5] <- NA
#' flo[,, names.eval="b"] <- as.matrix(flobusiness)==1
#' flo
#' (flob <- network_view(flo, "b"))
#' (flobusiness) # for comparison
#' \dontshow{
#' if(require(testthat, quietly=TRUE))
#' testthat::expect_equivalent(as.matrix(flobusiness),as.matrix(flob))
#' }
#' (flob <- network_view(flo, ~b&m))
#' (flobusiness & flomarriage) # for comparison
#' \dontshow{
#' if(require(testthat, quietly=TRUE))
#' testthat::expect_equivalent(as.matrix(flobusiness & flomarriage),as.matrix(flob))
#' }
#' as.matrix(flob <- network_view(flo, bm=~b+m), attrname="bm")
#' (as.matrix(flobusiness) + as.matrix(flomarriage)) # for comparison
#' \dontshow{
#' if(require(testthat, quietly=TRUE))
#' testthat::expect_equivalent(as.matrix(flobusiness)+as.matrix(flomarriage),as.matrix(flob, attrname="bm"))
#' }
#' as.matrix(flob <- network_view(flo, ~b, bm=~b+m), attrname="bm")
#' as.matrix(flobusiness)*(1+as.matrix(flomarriage)) # for comparison
#' \dontshow{
#' if(require(testthat, quietly=TRUE))
#' testthat::expect_equivalent(as.matrix(flobusiness)*(1+as.matrix(flomarriage)),as.matrix(flob, attrname="bm"))
#' }
#' @export
network_view <- function(x, ..., .clear=FALSE, .sep="."){
# Handle empty network
if(network.edgecount(x,na.omit=FALSE)==0) return(x)
exprs <- list(...)
fes <- exprs[NVL(names(exprs),rep("",length(exprs)))==""]
oes <- exprs[NVL(names(exprs),rep("",length(exprs)))!=""]
#' @importFrom rlang abort
evl <- function(e, el, x){
`function` = e(.el=el, .nw=x),
formula = eval(e[[length(e)]], envir=c(list(.nw=x), as.list(el)), enclos=environment(e)),
character = if(length(e)==1) el[[e]] else do.call(paste, c(as.list(el[e]), sep=.sep)),
AsIs = e,
abort("Unsupported specification for network_view."))
el <- as_tibble(x, attrnames=list.edge.attributes(x), na.rm=FALSE, store.eid=TRUE)
keep <- !el$na
for(e in fes){
keep <- keep & evl(e, el, x)
del <- na.omit(el$.eid[!keep])
nael <- el$.eid[is.na(keep)]
if(length(del)) delete.edges(x, del)
if(length(nael)) set.edge.attribute(x, "na", TRUE, nael)
# This one applies to a rare situation where the edge is missing
# but the filter says that it should be present.
add <- el$.eid[el$na & !is.na(keep) & keep]
if(length(add)) set.edge.attribute(x, "na", FALSE, add)
for(i in seq_along(oes)){
el <- as_tibble(x, attrname=list.edge.attributes(x), na.rm=FALSE, store.eid=TRUE)
e <- oes[[i]]
nm <- names(oes)[[i]]
newval <- evl(e, el, x)
set.edge.attribute(x, nm, newval, el$.eid)
if(.clear) for(a in setdiff(list.edge.attributes(x), c(nm,"na"))) delete.edge.attribute(x, a)
#' Returns a directed version of an undirected binary network
#' @param x a [`network`] object.
#' @param rule a string specifying how the network is to be
#' constructed.
direct.network <- function(x, rule=c("both", "upper", "lower")){
rule <- match.arg(rule)
el <- as.edgelist(x)
el <- switch(rule,
both = rbind(el, el[,2:1,drop=FALSE]),
upper = cbind(pmin(el[,1],el[,2]),pmax(el[,1],el[,2])),
lower = cbind(pmax(el[,1],el[,2]),pmin(el[,1],el[,2])))
o <- network.initialize(network.size(x), directed=TRUE, bipartite=x%n%"bipartite", loops=has.loops(x), hyper=is.hyper(x), multiple=is.multiplex(x))
o <- network.edgelist(el, o)
nvattr.copy.network(o, x)
#' A multilayer network representation.
#' A function for specifying the LHS of a multilayer
#' (a.k.a. multiplex, a.k.a. multirelational, a.k.a. multivariate)
#' ERGM in the framework of \insertCite{KrKo20e;textual}{ergm.multi}.
#' @param ... layer specification, in one of three formats:
#' 1. An (optionally named) list of identically-dimensioned
#' networks.
#' 1. Several networks as (optionally named) arguments.
#' 1. A single network, a character vector, and several optional
#' arguments. Then, the layers are values of the named edge
#' attributes. If the vector has named elements (e.g.,
#' `c(a="advice", c="collaboration")`), the layers will be
#' renamed accordingly. The optional arguments `.symmetric` and
#' `.bipartite` are then interpreted as described below.
#' @param .symmetric If the layer specification is via a single
#' network with edge attributes and the network is directed, an
#' optional logical vector to specify which of the layers should be
#' treated as undirected.
#' @param .bipartite If the layer specification is via a single
#' network with edge attributes and the network is unipartite, an
#' optional integer vector to specify which of the layers should be
#' treated as bipartite and how many mode 1 vertices there are.
#' @param .active An optional list with a [nodal attribute
#' specification][nodal_attributes] (`? nodal_attributes`) for each
#' layer, specifying which nodes on each layer *may* have ties.
#' @return A [`network`] object comprising the provided layers, with layer metadata.
#' @templateVar combiner Layer
#' @template combine_networks_readonly
#' @note The resulting network will be the "least common denominator"
#' network: if not all layers have the same bipartedness, all layers
#' will appear as unipartite to the statistics, and if any are
#' directed, all will be. However, [certain operator
#' terms][ergmTerm], particularly `Symmetrize()` and `S()`, can be
#' used to construct a bipartite subgraph of a unipartite graph or
#' change directedness.
#' Its nonstandard network and vertex attributes will be taken from
#' the *first* network in the list. The subsequent networks'
#' attributes will be overwritten with a warning if they differ from
#' those in the first network.
#' @section Specifying models for multilayer networks:
#' In order to fit a model for multilayer
#' networks, first use [`Layer`] construct an LHS network that
#' [ergm()] will understand as multilayered.
#' Used in the formula directly, most, but not all, \pkg{ergm} terms will
#' sum their statistics over the observed layers.
#' Some terms are *layer-aware*, however. By convention, layer-aware
#' terms have capital `L` appended to them. For example,
#' [`mutualL`][mutualL-ergmTerm] is a layer-aware generalization of
#' [`mutual`][mutual-ergmTerm]. These terms have one or more explicit
#' (usually optional) layer specification arguments. By convention, an
#' argument that requires one layer specification is named \code{L=} and
#' one that requires a list of specifications (constructed by [list()]
#' or [c()]) is named \code{Ls=}; and a specification of the form `~.` is a
#' placeholder for all observed layers.
#' Operator [`L(formula, Ls=...)`][L-ergmTerm] can be used to evaluate
#' arbitrary terms in the `formula` on specified layers.
#' Layer specification documentation follows.
#' ## Layer Logic
#' Each formula's right-hand side describes an observed layer *or* some
#' "logical" layer, whose ties are a function of corresponding ties in
#' observed layers. \insertCite{KrKo20e}{ergm.multi}
#' The observed layers can be referenced either by name or by number (i.e.,
#' order in which they were passed to [`Layer`]). When referencing by
#' number, enclose the number in quotation marks (e.g., "1") or
#' backticks (e.g., \dQuote{`1`}).
#' \link[base:Arithmetic]{Arithmetical}, \link[base:Comparison]{relational},
#' and \link[base:Logic]{logical} operators can be used to combine them. All
#' listed operators are implemented, as well as functions [`abs`],
#' [`round`], and [`sign`]. Standard
#' \link[base:Syntax]{operator precedence} applies, so use of parentheses is
#' recommended to ensure the logical expression is what it looks like.
#' \strong{Important:} For performance reasons, \pkg{ergm.multi}'s
#' Layer Logic implementation uses integer arithmetic. This means, in
#' particular, that `/` will round down instead of returning a
#' fraction (as `%/%` does in \R), and [round()] function without a
#' second argument (which can be negative to round to the nearest 10,
#' 100, etc.) is not meaningful and will be ignored.
#' For example, if LHS is \code{Layer(A=nwA, B=nwB)}, both \code{~`2`} and
#' \code{~B} refer to \code{nwB}, while \code{A&!B} refers to a
#' \dQuote{logical} layer that has ties that are in \code{nwA} but not in
#' \code{nwB}.
#' Transpose function [t()] applied to a directed layer will reverse
#' the direction of all relations (transposing the sociomatrix). Unlike the
#' others, it can only be used on an observed layer directly. For example,
#' \code{~t(`1`)&t(`2`)} is valid but \code{~t(`1`&`2`)} is not.
#' At this time, logical expressions that produce complete graphs from empty
#' graph inputs (e.g., \code{A==B} or \code{!A}) are not supported.
#' ## Summing layers
#' Some of the terms that call for a list of layers (i.e., have \code{Ls=}
#' arguments) will sum the statistic over the layers. For example,
#' \code{Layer(nw1,nw2)~L(~edges, c(~`1`,~(`2`&!`1`)))} produces the
#' number of edges in layer 1 plus the number of edges in layer 2 but
#' not in layer 1.
#' For these formulas, one can specify the layer's weight on its left-handside.
#' For example, \code{Layer(nw1,nw2)~L(~edges, c(3~`1`,-1~(`2`&!`1`)))} will
#' produce three times the number of edges in layer 1, minus the number of
#' edges in layer 2 but not in layer 1.
#' @seealso [Help on model specification][ergmTerm] for specific terms.
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' data(florentine)
#' # Method 1: list of networks
#' flo <- Layer(list(m = flomarriage, b = flobusiness))
#' ergm(flo ~ L(~edges, ~m)+L(~edges, ~b))
#' # Method 2: networks as arguments
#' flo <- Layer(m = flomarriage, b = flobusiness)
#' ergm(flo ~ L(~edges, ~m)+L(~edges, ~b))
#' # Method 3: edge attributes (also illustrating renaming):
#' flo <- flomarriage | flobusiness
#' flo[,, names.eval="marriage"] <- as.matrix(flomarriage)
#' flo[,, names.eval="business"] <- as.matrix(flobusiness)
#' flo # edge attributes
#' flo <- Layer(flo, c(m="marriage", b="business"))
#' ergm(flo ~ L(~edges, ~m)+L(~edges, ~b))
#' ### Specifying modes and mixed bipartitedness
#' # Suppose we have a two-mode network with 5 nodes on Mode 1 and 15
#' # on Mode 2, and suppose that we observe two layers, one only among
#' # actors of Mode 1 and the other bipartite between Modes 1 and 2.
#' # Construct the two layers' networks:
#' nw1 <- network.initialize(20, dir=FALSE)
#' nw12 <- network.initialize(20, dir=FALSE, bipartite=5)
#' nw1 %v% "mode" <- rep(1:2,c(5,15))
#' # For testing: the maximal set of edges for each type of network:
#' nw1[1:5,1:5] <- 1
#' nw12[1:5,6:20] <- 1
#' # The .active argument specifies the following:
#' # * nw1's vertices are only active if their mode=1 (i.e., 1-2, 2-1,
#' # and 2-2 can't have edges).
#' # * nw12's vertices are all active, but the network is bipartite,
#' # so constraints will be adjusted automatically.
#' lnw <- Layer(nw1, nw12, .active=list(~mode==1, ~TRUE))
#' summary(lnw~
#' edges+ # 5*4/2+5*15 = 10+75 = 85
#' L(~edges,~`1`)+ # 5*4/2 = 10
#' L(~edges,~`2`)+ # 5*15 = 75
#' L(~edges,~(`1`|`2`))+ # This logical layer has contents of both, so also 85.
#' L(~edges,~(`1`&`2`)) # There is no overlap between the two layers, so 0.
#' )
#' # Layer-aware terms can be used:
#' nw1[,] <-0
#' nw1[1,2:3] <- 1
#' nw1[2,3] <- 1
#' nw12[,] <- 0
#' nw12[1,6:7] <- 1
#' nw12[2,6:7] <- 1
#' lnw <- Layer(nw1, nw12, .active=list(~mode==1,~TRUE))
#' summary(lnw~L(~triangles, ~`1`)+ # 1-2-3 triangle.
#' L(~triangles, ~`1`|`2`)+ # 1-2-3, 1-2-6, 1-2-7 triangles
#' dgwespL(L.base=~`1`, Ls.path=list(~`2`,~`2`)) # 1-2-6 and 1-2-7 only
#' )
#' # Because the layers are represented as a block-diagonal matrix,
#' # this will only count triangles entirely contained within a single
#' # layer, i.e., 1-2-3:
#' summary(lnw~triangles)
#' # If you need to evaluate bipartite-only statistics on the second
#' # layer, you need to use the S() operator to select the bipartite
#' # view:
#' summary(lnw~L(~S(~b1degree(1:3)+b2degree(1:3),1:5~6:20), ~`2`))
#' @export
Layer <- function(..., .symmetric=NULL, .bipartite=NULL, .active=NULL){
args <- list(...)
if(all(sapply(args, is, "network"))){
nwl <- args
}else if(is.list(args[[1]]) && all(sapply(args[[1]], is, "network"))){
nwl <- args[[1]]
}else if(length(args)>=1 && is(args[[1]], "network") && is(args[[2]], "vector")){
nw <- args[[1]]
nwl <-
lapply(args[[2]], function(eattr){
network_view(nw, eattr)
if(is.directed(nw) && !is.null(.symmetric)){
symm <- as.logical(.symmetric)
for(i in which(symm)){
# There is probably a more efficient way to do this, but we need
# to compute nw1 anyway.
nw1 <- ergm_symmetrize(nwl[[i]], rule="weak")
nw2 <- ergm_symmetrize(nwl[[i]], rule="strong")
stop("Layer specified to be treated as undirected is not symmetric.")
nwl[[i]] <- nw1
if(!is.bipartite(nw) && !is.null(.bipartite)){
bip <- as.integer(.bipartite)
for(i in which(bip!=0)){
nw1 <- nwl[[i]]
nw1 %n% "bipartite" <- bip[i]
nwl[[i]] <- nw1
# Set names: if args[[2]] is a named vector, use those where set.
names(nwl) <- NVL3(names(args[[2]]), ifelse(.=="", args[[2]], .), args[[2]])
}else stop("Unrecognized format for multilayer specification. See help for information.")
## If network or vertex attributes differ from the first network, warn.
.varying_attributes(nwl, list.network.attributes, get.network.attribute, "Network", ignore = c("directed", "bipartite", "mnext", ".block_blacklist"))
.varying_attributes(nwl, list.vertex.attributes, get.vertex.attribute, "Vertex", ignore = c(".undirected", ".bipartite", ".ubid"))
for(i in seq_along(nwl)[-1L])
nwl[[i]] <- nvattr.copy.network(nwl[[i]], nwl[[1]], ignore = c(eval(formals(nvattr.copy.network)$ignore), ".block_blacklist", ".ubid", ".undirected", ".bipartite"))
if(!is.list(.active) || length(.active) != length(nwl)) stop(sQuote(".active="), " argument if given must be a list of attribute specifications, one for each layer.")
al <- map(.active, ergm_get_vattr, nwl[[1]], accept="logical")
nwl <- Map(function(nw, a) blacklist_intersect(nw, a, invert=TRUE),
nwl, al)
# nwl may now be a list with networks of heterogeneous bipartitedness.
bip <- sapply(nwl, `%n%`, "bipartite") %>% sapply(NVL, 0L)
blockout <- if(all_identical(bip)) rep(FALSE, length(nwl)) else bip
nwl <- Map(function(nw, b){
nw %v% ".bipartite" <- b;
n <- network.size(nw)
v <- rep(c(TRUE,FALSE), c(b,n-b))
# Blacklist b1-b1 ties and b2-b2 ties for the purpose of
# sampling.
nw <- nw %>% blacklist_intersect(v) %>% blacklist_intersect(!v)
# Bipartiteness is now enforced by the blacklist.
nw %n% "bipartite" <- FALSE
}, nwl, blockout)
# nwl may now be a list with networks of heterogeneous directedness.
dir <- sapply(nwl, is.directed)
symm <- if(all_identical(dir)) rep(FALSE, length(nwl)) else !dir
nwl <- Map(function(nw, symm) {
nw %v% ".undirected" <- symm
if(symm) direct.network(nw,rule="upper") else nw
}, nwl, symm)
# nwl is now a list of networks with homogeneous directedness, some
# networks tagged with vertex attribute .undirected.
# Perform some checks and imputations for layer names.
nnames <- names(nwl)
if(!is.null(nnames) && any(blank<-(nnames==""))){
warning("Only some of the layers have specified names; they have been imputed with the corresponding layer number.")
nnames[blank] <- as.character(seq_along(nnames)[blank])
regexpr('^[0-9]+$',nnames)!=-1 # Names that are integers are potentially problematic,
& nnames!=seq_along(nnames) # but not if they happen to match layer IDs.
)) warning("Using numeric layer names is ambiguous.")
if(anyDuplicated(nnames)) stop("Duplicate layer names.")
names(nwl) <- nnames
if(!.same_constraints(nwl, "constraints")) stop("Layers have differing constraint structures. This is not supported at this time.")
if(!.same_constraints(nwl, "obs.constraints")) stop("Layers have differing observation processes. This is not supported at this time.")
nw <- combine_networks(nwl, blockID.vattr=".LayerID", blockName.vattr=".LayerName", ignore.nattr = c(eval(formals(combine_networks)$ignore.nattr), "constraints", "obs.constraints", "ergm"), subnet.cache=TRUE)
nw %n% "ergm" <- combine_ergmlhs(nwl)
nw %ergmlhs% "constraints" <-
if(NVL(nwl[[1]] %ergmlhs% "constraints",base_env(~.))==base_env(~.))
append_rhs.formula(nwl[[1]] %ergmlhs% "constraints", list(call("blockdiag",".LayerID")), TRUE)
if(any(symm)) nw %ergmlhs% "constraints" <- append_rhs.formula(nw %ergmlhs% "constraints", list(call("upper_tri",".undirected")), TRUE)
if(any(blockout!=0)||!is.null(.active)) nw %ergmlhs% "constraints" <- append_rhs.formula(nw %ergmlhs% "constraints", list(call("blacklist_block")), TRUE)
if(!is.null(nwl[[1]]%ergmlhs%"obs.constraints")) nw %ergmlhs% "obs.constraints" <- nwl[[1]] %ergmlhs% "obs.constraints"
## InitErgmTerm..layer.nets <- function(nw, arglist, ...){
## a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist,
## varnames = c(),
## vartypes = c(),
## defaultvalues = list(),
## required = c())
## list(name="_layer_nets", coef.names=c(), inputs=unlist(.block_vertexmap(nw, ".LayerID", TRUE)), dependence=FALSE)
## }
.depends_on_layers <- function(commands){
## Drop all numeric literals and filter references.
i <- 1
while(i <= length(commands)){
commands <- commands[c(-i,-i-1)]
i <- i + 1
commands <- commands[commands>=1] # Drop all commands.
InitErgmTerm..layer.net <- function(nw, arglist, ...){
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist,
varnames = c("L"),
vartypes = c("formula"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL),
required = c(TRUE))
nwl <- subnetwork_templates(nw,".LayerID",".LayerName")
ll <- to_ergm_Cdouble(.set_layer_namemap(a$L, nw))
# Terms on this logical layer will induce dyadic independence if its
# value depends on more than one other layer value.
dependence <- length(.depends_on_layers(ll))>1
if(test_eval.LayerLogic(ll, FALSE)) stop("Layer specifications that produce edges on the output layer for empty input layers are not supported at this time.", call.=FALSE)
list(name="_layer_net", coef.names=c(), iinputs=c(unlist(.block_vertexmap(nw, ".LayerID", TRUE)), if(is.directed(nw)) sapply(nwl, function(nw) (nw%v% ".undirected")[1]), ll), dependence=dependence)
LL_PREOPMAP <- list(
# Unary operators
c(`t` = -21)
# Unary operators
c(`(` = NA,
`!` = -1,
`+` = NA,
`-` = -16,
`abs` = -17,
`round` = NA,
`sign` = -20),
# Binary operators
c(`&` = -2,
`&&` = -2,
`|` = -3,
`||` = -3,
`xor` = -4,
`==` = -5,
`!=` = -6,
`<` = -7,
`>` = -8,
`<=` = -9,
`>=` = -10,
`+` = -11,
`-` = -12,
`*` = -13,
`/` = -14,
`%%` = -15,
`^` = -18,
`%/%` = -14,
`round` = -19)
LL_STOP <- -.Machine$integer.max
LL_IDEMPOTENT <- c("&", "&&", "|", "||")
LL_TAUTOLOGICAL <- c("==", ">=", "<=")
LL_CONTRADICTORY <- c("!=", "xor", "<", ">")
#' Internal representation of Layer Logic
#' @param formula A Layer Logic formula.
#' @param namemap A character vector giving the names of the layers
#' referenced, or `NULL`.
#' @return A structure with nonce class
#' `c("ergm_LayerLogic",class(formula))`, comprising the input
#' `formula` and an attribute `namemap` containing the `namemap`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
ergm_LayerLogic <- function(formula, namemap=NULL){
## TODO: Check whether we should verify that this is a formula.
structure(formula, namemap=namemap, class=if(is(formula,"ergm_LayerLogic")) class(formula) else c("ergm_LayerLogic", class(formula)))
#' @describeIn ergm_LayerLogic A method to generate coefficient names
#' associated with the Layer Logic.
#' @param x An `ergm_LayerLogic` object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments, currently unused.
#' @export
toString.ergm_LayerLogic <- function(x, ...){
fmt <- function(x){
class(x) <- keep(class(x), `!=`, "ergm_LayerLogic")
formula = despace(deparse(if(length(x)==2) x[[2]] else x)),
character = x,
list = paste0('(',paste(sapply(x,fmt),collapse=","),')'),
# Substitute numeric layer IDs for layer names and simplify some common trivial expressions (e.g., a | a => a).
sub.ergm_LayerLogic <- function(x){
formula <- x
namemap <- attr(formula, "namemap")
lidSub <- function(l){
logical =,
numeric = l,
character =,
name = {
l <- as.character(l)
if(regexpr('^[0-9]+$',l)!=-1) as.name(as.integer(l))
else if(l %in% names(namemap)) as.name(namemap[l])
else stop("Unrecognised symbol ",sQuote(l)," in layer logic.", call.=FALSE)
simplify <- function(call){
op <- as.character(call[[1]])
call[-1] <- lapply(call[-1], simplify)
if(op %in% LL_IDEMPOTENT && all_identical(as.list(call)[-1])) call[[2]]
else if(op %in% LL_TAUTOLOGICAL && all_identical(as.list(call)[-1])) TRUE
else if(op %in% LL_CONTRADICTORY && length(call)%%2==0 && all_identical(as.list(call)[-1])) FALSE
else call
replace(formula, length(formula), list(simplify(ult(formula))))
#' @describeIn ergm_LayerLogic A method to encode and serialize the
#' Layer Logic into a postfix program understood by the C code.
#' @export
to_ergm_Cdouble.ergm_LayerLogic <- function(x, ...){
formula <- sub.ergm_LayerLogic(x)
lidMap <- function(l){
logical =,
numeric = c(0,l),
character =,
name = if(regexpr('^[0-9]+$',l)!=-1) as.integer(as.character(l))
else stop("Unrecognised symbol ",sQuote(l)," in layer logic.", call.=FALSE))
postfix <- function(call, coml=c()){
op <- as.character(call[[1]])
if(op %in% unlist(lapply(LL_PREOPMAP, names))){
coml <- c(coml, LL_PREOPMAP[[length(call)-1]][[op]])
postop <- FALSE
}else postop <- TRUE
## Push in reverse order, so they pop in the right order.
for(i in rev(seq_along(call[-1])+1)){
coml <- c(coml, postfix(call[[i]]))
if(postop) coml <- c(coml, LL_POSTOPMAP[[length(call)-1]][op])
coml <- c(coml, lidMap(call))
com <- postfix(ult(formula))
c(com, LL_STOP)
test_eval.LayerLogic <- function(commands, lv, lvr = lv){
coms <- as.integer(commands)
ndeps <- EVL3(.depends_on_layers(commands), max(.), 0)
lv <- rep_len(lv, max(ndeps))
lvr <- rep_len(lvr, max(ndeps))
stack <- integer(0)
com <- coms[1]
coms <- coms[-1]
com <- coms[1]
stack <- c(com, stack)
}else if(com==-1){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(!x0, stack)
}else if(com==-2){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 && y0, stack)
}else if(com==-3){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 || y0, stack)
}else if(com==-4){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(xor(x0, y0), stack)
}else if(com==-5){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 == y0, stack)
}else if(com==-6){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 != y0, stack)
}else if(com==-7){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 < y0, stack)
}else if(com==-8){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 > y0, stack)
}else if(com==-9){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 <= y0, stack)
}else if(com==-10){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 >= y0, stack)
}else if(com==-11){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 + y0, stack)
}else if(com==-12){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 - y0, stack)
}else if(com==-13){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 * y0, stack)
}else if(com==-14){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 %/% y0, stack)
}else if(com==-15){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(x0 %% y0, stack)
}else if(com==-16){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(-x0, stack)
}else if(com==-17){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(abs(x0), stack)
}else if(com==-18){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(as.integer(x0 ^ y0), stack)
}else if(com==-19){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
y0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(as.integer(round(x0, y0)), stack)
}else if(com==-20){
x0 <- stack[1]; stack <- stack[-1]
stack <- c(sign(x0), stack)
}else if(com==-21){
coms <- coms[-1]
x0 <- coms[1]
stack <- c(lvr[x0], stack)
}else if(com==LL_STOP){
stack <- c(lv[com], stack)
coms <- coms[-1]
if(length(stack)!=1) stop("Invalid layer specification command sequence.", call.=FALSE)
.all_layers_terms <- function(n, LHS=NULL){
lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) empty_env(as.formula(substitute(~x,list(x=as.name(i))))))
lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) empty_env(as.formula(substitute(lhs~x,list(lhs=LHS, x=as.name(i))))))
.mk_.layer.net_auxform <- function(ll){
trmcalls <- .layers_expand_dot(ll) %>%
if(length(ltrm)==3) ltrm[[2]] <- NULL
}) %>%
# Get the formula as a list of term calls.o
trmcalls <- lapply(trmcalls, function(ltrm) call(".layer.net", ltrm))
# TODO: Double-check that base_env here doesn't break anything.
.layers_expand_dot <- function(ll){
if(is(ll, "formula")) ll <- list(ll)
nl <- length(attr(ll[[1]], "namemap"))
# Replace . with all layers.
do.call(c, lapply(ll, function(f) if(f[[length(f)]]=='.') .all_layers_terms(nl, LHS = if(length(f)==3) f[[2]]) else list(as.formula(f))))
#' @templateVar name L
#' @title Evaluation on layers
#' @description Evaluates the terms in `formula` on an observed or
#' logical layers specified in formula `Ls` and sums the results
#' elementwise.
#' @usage
#' # binary: L(formula, Ls=~.)
#' @template ergmTerm-formula
#' @templateVar Ls.interp , on which to evaluate `formula`
#' @template ergmTerm-Ls-1
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept operator
#' @concept layer-aware
InitErgmTerm.L <- function(nw, arglist, ...){
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist,
varnames = c("formula", "Ls"),
vartypes = c("formula", "formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, empty_env(~.)),
required = c(TRUE, FALSE))
nwl <- subnetwork_templates(nw,".LayerID",".LayerName")
Ls <- .set_layer_namemap(a$Ls, nw)
if(is(Ls, "formula")) Ls <- list(Ls)
Ls.dotexp <- .layers_expand_dot(Ls)
auxiliaries <- .mk_.layer.net_auxform(Ls)
nltrms <- length(list_rhs.formula(auxiliaries))
w <- rep(1,nltrms)
have.LHS <- sapply(Ls.dotexp, length)==3
w[have.LHS] <- as.numeric(sapply(lapply(Ls.dotexp[have.LHS], "[[", 2), eval,environment(Ls[[1]])))
nw1 <- nwl[[1]]
m <- ergm_model(a$formula, nw1, ..., offset.decorate=FALSE)
## FIXME: Is this consistent with extended state API, or do we need to have a different "model" for each layer?
wm <- wrap.ergm_model(m, nw1, function(x) .lspec_coef.namewrap(list(a$Ls))(x))
gs <- wm$emptynwstats
wm$emptynwstats <- if(!is.null(gs)) gs*nltrms
wm$dependence <- wm$dependence || NA # If not determined by the model, set based on the layer logic.
c(list(name="OnLayer", iinputs=nltrms, inputs=w, submodel=m, auxiliaries = auxiliaries),
#' @templateVar name CMBL
#' @title Conway--Maxwell-Binomial dependence among layers
#' @description Models marginal dependence layers within each dyad by imposing
#' a Conway--Maxwell-Binomial (CMB) distribution on the number of
#' layers in each dyad that have a tie.
#' The term adds one statistic to the model, equalling the sum over
#' all the dyads in the network of \eqn{\log\{E!(R-E)!/R!\}} , where
#' \eqn{E} is the number of layers in `Ls` with an edge in that
#' dyad and \eqn{R} being the total number of layers in `Ls` .
#' @details A positive coefficient induces positive dependence and a negative
#' one induces negative dependence.
#' @usage
#' # binary: CMBL(Ls=~.)
#' @templateVar Ls.howmany at least two
#' @templateVar Ls.interp .
#' @template ergmTerm-Ls
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept directed
#' @concept undirected
#' @concept layer-aware
InitErgmTerm.CMBL <- function(nw, arglist, ...){
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist,
varnames = c("Ls"),
vartypes = c("formula,list"),
defaultvalues = list(empty_env(~.)),
required = c(FALSE))
Ls <- .set_layer_namemap(a$Ls, nw)
auxiliaries <- .mk_.layer.net_auxform(Ls)
nltrms <- length(list_rhs.formula(auxiliaries))
list(name="layerCMB", coef.names = paste0('CMBL(',despace(deparse(Ls)),')'), iinputs=nltrms, dependence=TRUE, auxiliaries = auxiliaries)
#' @templateVar name twostarL
#' @title Multilayer two-star
#' @description This term adds one statistic to the model, equal to the number of
#' cross-layer two-stars or two-paths in
#' the network.
#' @usage
#' # binary: twostarL(Ls, type, distinct=TRUE)
#' @templateVar Ls.howmany two
#' @templateVar Ls.interp {} specifying the layers of interest.
#' @template ergmTerm-Ls
#' @param type determines what is counted:
#' 1) *"any"* Number of configurations
#' \eqn{(i-j), (i-k)}{(i,j), (i,k)} , where
#' \eqn{(i-j)}{(i,j)} is in logical layer `Ls[[1]]`
#' and \eqn{(i-k)}{(i,k)} is in logical layer `Ls[[2]]` .
#' 2) *"out"* Number of configurations
#' \eqn{(i{\rightarrow}j), (i{\rightarrow}k)}{(i,j), (i,k)}, where
#' \eqn{(i{\rightarrow}j)}{(i,j)} is in logical layer `Ls[[1]]`
#' and \eqn{(i{\rightarrow}k)}{(i,k)} is in logical layer `Ls[[2]]`.
#' 3) *"in"* Number of configurations
#' \eqn{(j{\rightarrow}i), (k{\rightarrow}i)}{(j,i), (k,i)}, where
#' \eqn{(j{\rightarrow}i)}{(j,i)} is in logical layer `Ls[[1]]`
#' and \eqn{(k{\rightarrow}i)}{(k,i)} is in logical layer `Ls[[2]]`.
#' 4) *"path"* Number of configurations
#' \eqn{(j{\rightarrow}i), (i{\rightarrow}k)}{(j,i), (i,k)}, where
#' \eqn{(j{\rightarrow}i)}{(j,i)} is in logical layer `Ls[[1]]`
#' and \eqn{(i{\rightarrow}k)}{(i,k)} is in logical layer `Ls[[2]]`.
#' At this time, `"any"` is only supported for undirected networks, and if the network is undirected, `type` is ignored and `"any"` is assumed.
#' @param distinct if `TRUE`, \eqn{j} and \eqn{k} above are required to
#' be distinct. That is, the constituent edges may not be coincident or
#' reciprocal.
#' @template ergmTerm-general
#' @concept directed
#' @concept undirected
#' @concept layer-aware
InitErgmTerm.twostarL<-function(nw, arglist, ...) {
a <- check.ErgmTerm(nw, arglist,
varnames = c("Ls", "type", "distinct"),
vartypes = c("formula,list", "character", "logical"),
defaultvalues = list(NULL, NULL, TRUE),
required = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))
TYPES <- c("any", "out", "in", "path")
TYPEREP <- setNames(c("--", "<>", "><", ">>"), TYPES)
type <- match.arg(tolower(a$type), TYPES)
if(!is.directed(nw)) type <- "any"
else if(type == "any") ergm_Init_abort(paste0("at this time, ", sQuote('type="any"'), " is only supported for undirected networks"))
typeID <- match(type, TYPES) - 1L
Ls <- .set_layer_namemap(a$Ls, nw)
if(is(Ls, "formula")) Ls <- list(Ls)
Ls <- rep(Ls, length.out=2)
auxiliaries <- .mk_.layer.net_auxform(Ls)
reprs <- .lspec_coef.namewrap(Ls, collapse=FALSE)
coef.names <- paste0("twostarL(",
paste0(reprs, collapse=TYPEREP[type]),
if(a$distinct) ",distinct",
iinputs <- c(typeID, a$distinct)
list(name="twostarL", coef.names=coef.names, iinputs=iinputs, auxiliaries=auxiliaries, minval=0, dependence=TRUE)
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