# PURPOSE: check if a matrix has an intercept in the
# first row
# ---------------------------------------------------
# USAGE: has_intercept( x )
# where x = n x K matrix
# ---------------------------------------------------
# TRUE - if the matrix has na intercept int the
# first column
# FALSE- if the matrix has no intercept
# NULL - if the matrix has an intercept in a
# column other than the first
has_intercept <- function( x ){
n <- nrow(x)
k <- ncol(x)
intercept <- rep(1, n)
results <- FALSE
for( c in 1:k ){
check <- which( intercept == x[ ,c] )
if( length( check ) == n && c == 1){
results <- TRUE
}else if( length( check ) == n && c != 1){
print('has_intercept: intercept term must be in first column of the x-matrix')
results <- NULL
return( results )
sar_bayesian_estimation <- function(results){
out <- NULL
#bayesian estimation
bout_mean <- as.matrix(c(apply(results$bdraw,2,mean),mean(results$pdraw))) #parameter mean column
bout_sd <- as.matrix(c(apply(results$bdraw,2,sd) ,sd(results$pdraw))) #parameter sd colum
bout_sig <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nrow(bout_mean),ncol=1)
#build bayesian significance levels
draws <- cbind( results$bdraw, results$pdraw )
for( i in 1:ncol(draws) ){
if( bout_mean[i,1] > 0){
cnt <- which( draws[,i] > 0 )
cnt <- which( draws[,i] < 0 )
bout_sig[i,1] <- 1 - (length(cnt)/(results$ndraw-results$nomit))
out$bhat <- bout_mean
out$bhat_sd <- bout_sd
out$bhat_Bpval<- bout_sig
out$bhat_names<- as.matrix( results$names )
# PURPOSE: compute the eigenvalues for the weight matrix
# ---------------------------------------------------
# USAGE: results = far_eigs(eflag, W)
# results.rmin
# results.rmax maximum eigen value
# results.time execution time
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Adapted to R by:
# Miguel Godinho de Matos
# Carnegie Mellon University
# Dept. Engineering & Public Policy
sar_eigs <- function(eflag, W){
results <- NULL
results$rmin <- -1
results$rmax <- 1
results$time <- 0
# compute eigenvalues
if( eflag == 1 ){
t0 <- Sys.time()
lambda <- as.double( eigen( W, only.values=TRUE )$values )
results$rmin <- 1/min(lambda)
results$rmax <- 1
results$time <- Sys.time() - t0
return( results )
# PURPOSE: compute the log determinant |I_n - rho*W|
# using the user-selected (or default) method
# ---------------------------------------------------
# USAGE: detval = sar_lndet(lflag,W,rmin,rmax)
# where ldetflag,rmin,rmax,W contains input flags
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Code is now based on method spatialreg::do_ldet written by Roger Bivand
# ldetflag = 0 : Pace and Barry (1997) grid
# Pace, R. and Barry, R. (1997). Quick computation of spatial autoregressive estimators.
# Geographics Analysis, 29(3):232-247.
# ldetflag = 1 : Pace and LeSage (2004) Chebyshev approximation
# Pace, R. and LeSage, J. (2004). Chebyshev approximation of log-determinants of
# spatial weight matrices. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 45(2):179-
# 196.
# ldetflag = 2 : Barry and Pace (1999) MC approximation
# Barry, R. and Pace, R. (1999). Monte Carlo estimates of the log determinant of
# large sparse matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 289(1-3):41-54.
sar_lndet <- function(ldetflag,W,rmin,rmax){
results <- NULL
env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
listw <- mat2listw(W, style="W")
assign("n", nrow(W), envir=env)
assign("listw", listw, envir=env)
assign("family", "SAR", envir=env)
assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env)
# do lndet approximation calculations if needed
if( ldetflag == 0 ){ # no approximation
t0 <- Sys.time()
# fine grid is already computed
results$detval <- get("detval1", env)
}else if( ldetflag == 1 ) {
t0 <- Sys.time()
cheb_setup(env, q=4) # Chebychev approximation, q = 4
# For Chebyshev-Approximation we must compute the fine grid with do_ldet
# to be later used for numerical integration
detval1 <- seq(rmin, rmax, 0.001)
detval2 <- sapply(detval1, do_ldet, env)
results$detval <- cbind(detval1, detval2)
} else if( ldetflag == 2 ) {
t0 <- Sys.time()
mcdet_setup(env, p=16, m=30, which=1)
detval1 <- seq(rmin, rmax, 0.001)
detval2 <- sapply(detval1, do_ldet, env)
results$detval <- cbind(detval1, detval2)
} else{
# TODO: Pace and Barry, 1998 spline interpolation
stop('sar_lndet: method not implemented')
results$time <- Sys.time() - t0
return( results )
# PURPOSE: computes Pace and Barry's grid for log det(I-rho*W) using sparse matrices
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# USAGE: out = lndetfull(W,lmin,lmax)
# where:
# lmin = lower bound on rho
# lmax = upper bound on rho
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# RETURNS: out = a structure variable
# out.lndet = a vector of log determinants for 0 < rho < 1
# out.rho = a vector of rho values associated with lndet values
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTES: should use 1/lambda(max) to 1/lambda(min) for all possible rho values
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# References: % R. Kelley Pace and Ronald Barry. 1997. ``Quick
# Computation of Spatial Autoregressive Estimators'', Geographical Analysis
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#Written by:
#James P. LeSage, Dept of Economics
# University of Toledo
# 2801 W. Bancroft St,
# Toledo, OH 43606
# Adapted to R by:
# Miguel Godinho de Matos
# Carnegie Mellon University
# Dept. Engineering & Public Policy
# @param W spatial weight matrix
# @param rmin
# @param rmax
lndetfull <- function( W, rmin, rmax ){
rvec <- seq(rmin, rmax, 0.01)
In <- speye(nrow(W))
niter <- length(rvec)
results <- NULL
results$rho <- NULL
results$lndet <- NULL
for(i in 1:niter){
rho <- rvec[i]
z <- In - rho*W
results$rho[i] <- rho
results$lndet[i]<- as.double(determinant(z, logarithm=TRUE)$modulus)
# PURPOSE: This function computes the a
# the chebyshev a log determinant approximation.
# ---------------------------------------------------
# where:
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Pace and LeSage 2004, Chebyshev Approximation of
# log-determinants of spatial weight matrices,
# Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol 45
# Written by:
# Miguel Godinho de Matos
# Carnegie Mellon University
# Dept. Engineering & Public Policy
lndetChebyshev <- function(W, rmin=-1, rmax=1){
results <- NULL
results$rho <- NULL
results$lndet <- NULL
n <- nrow(W)
D1 <- W #keep the notation of the paper
D2 <- D1 %*% D1
#pre-compute all required traces
tr <- c(
n, #tr(I)
0, #tr(D)
sum(D1 * t(D1)), #tr(D^2)
sum(D1 * t(D2)), #tr(D^3)
sum(D2 * t(D2)) #tr(D^4)
#pre-compute chebyshev approximation
trTD <- c(
tr[1], #tr( TD0 ) = tr(I)
tr[2], #tr( TD1 ) = 0
2*tr[3] - tr[1] , #tr( TD2 ) = 2 * tr(TD2) - tr(I)
4*tr[4] - 3*tr[2], #tr( TD3 ) = 4 * tr(TD3) - 3 * tr(TD)
8*tr[5] - 8*tr[3] + tr[ 1 ]
q <- 4
rvec <- seq(rmin, rmax, 0.01)
niter<- length(rvec)
for( i in 1:niter ){
alpha <- rvec[ i ]
c0 <- 0
for( j in 1:(q+1) ){
c0 <- c0 + chebyshev(j, q, alpha)*trTD[j]
results$rho[i] <- alpha
results$lndet[i] <- c0 - n/2 * chebyshev(1, q, alpha)
return( results )
# PURPOSE: This function is part of the computation of
# the chebyshev a log determinant approximation.
# ---------------------------------------------------
# where:
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Pace and LeSage 2004, Chebyshev Approximation of
# log-determinants of spatial weight matrices,
# Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol 45
# Miguel Godinho de Matos
# PhD Student of Engineering & Public Policy
# Carnegie Mellon University
chebyshev <- function(j, q, alpha){
c0 <- 0
for( k in 1:(q+1)){
c0 <- c0 + log(1-(alpha*cos((pi*(k-0.5))/(q+1))))*cos((pi*(j-1)*(k-0.5))/(q+1))
c1 <- (2/(q+1)) * c0
# PURPOSE: returns a vector of the log-marginal over a grid of rho-values
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# USAGE: out = sar_marginal(detval,e0,ed,epe0,eped,epe0d,nobs,nvar,logdetx,a1,a2)
# where: detval = an ngrid x 2 matrix with rho-values and lndet values
# e0 = y - x*b0;
# ed = Wy - x*bd;
# epe0 = e0'*e0;
# eped = ed'*ed;
# epe0d = ed'*e0;
# nobs = # of observations
# nvar = # of explanatory variables
# logdetx = log(det(x'*x))
# a1 = parameter for beta prior on rho
# a2 = parameter for beta prior on rho
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# RETURNS: out = a structure variable
# out = log marginal, a vector the length of detval
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTES: -this does not take any prior on beta, sigma into account,
# uses diffuse priors
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# written by:
# James P. LeSage, last updated 3/2010
# Dept of Finance & Economics
# Texas State University-San Marcos
# 601 University Drive
# San Marcos, TX 78666
#Adapted to R by:
# Miguel Godinho de Matos
# Carnegie Mellon University
# Dept. Engineering & Public Policy
sar_marginal <- function(detval,e0,ed,epe0,eped,epe0d,nobs,nvar,logdetx,a1,a2){
n <- nrow(detval)
nmk <- (nobs - nvar)/2
bprior <- beta_prior( detval[,1] , a1, a2)
C <- log(bprior) + lgamma(nmk) - nmk*log(2*pi) - 0.5 * logdetx
iota <- matrix(nrow=n, ncol=1, data=1)
z <- epe0 * iota - 2*detval[,1] * epe0d + (detval[,1] * detval[,1]) * eped
den <- C + detval[,2] - nmk*log(z)
return( base::Re( den ) )
# % PURPOSE: computes and prints posterior model probabilities using log-marginals
# % ---------------------------------------------------
# % USAGE: probs = model_probs(results1,results2,results3, ...)
# % where: results_matrix is a matrix of results structures returned by estimation
# % functions, sar_g, sdm_g, sac_g, sem_g
# % e.g. result1 = sar_g(y,x,W,ndraw,nomit,prior);
# % result2 = sem_g(y,x,W,ndraw,nomit,prior);
# % results_matrix = [result1 result2];
# % model_probs(results_matrix);
# % ---------------------------------------------------
# % RETURNS: probs = a vector of posterior model probabilities
# % ---------------------------------------------------
# % written by:
# % James P. LeSage, 7/2003
# % Dept of Economics
# % University of Toledo
# % 2801 W. Bancroft St,
# % Toledo, OH 43606
# %
# Ported to R by Miguel Godinho de Matos
# @param detval
# @param result_list a list of estimated model objects
# @return a vector of posterior model probabilities
model_probs <- function(detval, result_list){
nmodels <- length(result_list)
nrho <- nrow(detval)
lmarginal <- matrix(ncol=nmodels, nrow=nrho, data=0)
for(i in 1:nmodels){
lmarginal[,i] <- result_list[[i]]$mlike
xx <- exp(lmarginal- max(lmarginal))
#yy <- repmat(as.matrix(detval[,1]), nmodels)
yy <- matrix(detval[,1], length(detval[,1]), nmodels)
isum<- colSums((yy[2:nrho,] + yy[1:(nrho-1),])*(xx[2:nrho,]-xx[1:(nrho-1),])/2)
psum<- sum( isum )
return( as.matrix( isum/psum ) )
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