# Estimate the spatial error model (SEM)
# y = xB + u
# u = pWu + e, e ~ N(0,sige*V); V=diag(v1,v2,...vn)
# Code based on sem_g function; see Spatial Econometrics Toolbox
# @param y
# @param X
# @param W spatial weight matrix
# @param ndraw number of MCMC iterations
# @param burn.in number of MCMC burn-in to be discarded
# @param thinning MCMC thinning factor, defaults to 1
# @param m number of burn.in sampling in inner Gibbs sampling
# @param prior list of prior settings (a1, a2, c, T, nu, d0) for rho ~ Beta(a1,a2), beta ~ N(c, T),
# 1/sige ~ Gamma(nu,d0) prior on sigma, default: nu=0,d0=0 (diffuse prior)
# @param start start value for the chain; list of three components rho and beta and sigma.
# @param m
# @param showProgress
sem <- function(y, X, W, ndraw=1000, burn.in=100, thinning=1,
prior=list(a1=1, a2=1, c=rep(0, ncol(X)), T=diag(ncol(X))*1e12,
nu=0, d0=0, lflag = 0),
start=list(rho=0.75, beta=rep(0, ncol(X)), sige=1),
m=10, showProgress=FALSE){
#start timer
timet <- Sys.time()
n <- nrow( X ) # number of observations
n1 <- nrow( X )
n2 <- nrow( W )
k <- ncol( X ) # number of of parameters/exogenous variables
I_n <- sparseMatrix(i=1:n, j=1:n, x=1) # sparse identity matrix
if (is.null(colnames(X))) colnames(X) <- paste("x",1:k,sep="")
if( n1 != n2 && n1 != n ){
stop("sem: wrong size of spatial weight matrix W")
# check if we have a constant term in X
ind <- match( n, apply(X,2,sum))
if( is.na(ind) ){
cflag <- 0
p <- k
}else if( ind == 1 ){
cflag <- 1
p <- k - 1
stop("sem: intercept term must be in first column of the X-matrix")
# MCMC sampling of beta
rho <- start$rho # start value of row
beta <- start$beta # start value of parameters, prior value, we could also sample from beta ~ N(c, T)
sige <- start$sige # start value for sigma_e
# conjugate prior beta ~ N(c, T)
# parametrize, default to diffuse prior, for beta, e.g. T <- diag(k) * 1e12
c <- rep(0, k) # prior distribution of beta ~ N(c, T) : c = 0
if (is.matrix(prior$T) && ncol(prior$T) == k && isSymmetric(prior$T) && det(prior$T) > 0) {
T <- prior$T # prior distribution of beta ~ N(c, T) : T = I_n --> diffuse prior
} else {
T <- diag(k)*1e12
# prior for sige ~ IG(nu, d0)
if (is.numeric(prior$nu)) {
nu <- prior$nu
} else {
nu <- 0
if (is.numeric(prior$d0)) {
d0 <- prior$d0
} else {
d0 <- 0
V = rep(1, n) # V=diag(v1,v2,...vn)
inn = rep(1, n) # initial value for V
vi = inn
TI <- solve(T) # T^{-1}
TIc <- TI%*%c # T^{-1}c
S <- I_n - rho * W
Wy <- W %*% y
WX <- W %*% X
rmin <- -1 # use -1,1 rho interval as default
rmax <- 1
ldetflag <- 0 # default to 1999 Pace and Barry MC determinant approx
tmp <- sar_lndet(ldetflag, W, rmin, rmax)
detval <- tmp$detval
# Some precalculated quantities for drawing rho
# rho ~ Beta(a1, a2) prior
a1 <- 1.0
a2 <- 1.0
if(is.numeric(prior$a1)) a1 <- prior$a1
if(is.numeric(prior$a2)) a2 <- prior$a2
u <- runif(thinning * ndraw + burn.in) # u ~ U(0, 1)
nrho <- 2001
nmk <- (n-k)/2
detval1 <- detval[,1] # SW: avoid multiple accesses to detval[,1]
detval2 <- detval[,2]
# matrix to store the beta + sige + rho parameters for each iteration/draw
B <- matrix(NA, ndraw, k+2)
colnames(B) <- c(colnames(X), "sige", "rho")
cc <- 0.2 # initial tuning parameter for M-H sampling
acc <- 0 # number of accepted samples
acc_rate <- rep(NA, thinning * ndraw + burn.in)
# progress bar
if (showProgress) {
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=(thinning * ndraw + burn.in), initial=0, style=3)
# names of non-constant parameters
if(cflag == 0) {
namesNonConstantParams <- colnames(X)
} else {
namesNonConstantParams <- colnames(X)[-1]
for (i in (1 - burn.in):(ndraw * thinning)) {
# TODO: heteroskedastic model; e ~ N(sige* V), diag(V) = diag(v1,v2,...vn) <> (1, 1, ..., 1)
# homoskedastic model; e ~ N(sige* V) = N(sige*I); diag(V) = diag(v1,v2,...vn) = (1, 1, ..., 1)
# update beta
SX <- X - rho*WX
AI <- solve(t(SX) %*% SX + sige * TI)
Sy <- y - rho*Wy
b <- t(SX) %*% Sy + sige * TIc
b0 <- AI %*% b
beta <- as.double(rmvnorm(n=1, mean=b0, sigma=as.matrix(sige*AI)))
# update sige
nu1 <- n + 2*nu
e <- Sy - SX %*% beta
d1 <- 2*d0 + crossprod(e)
chi <- rchisq(n=1,df=nu1)
sige <- as.double(d1/chi)
# update rho using numerical integration
#rho <- draw_rho(detval,y,x,Wy,Wx,V,n,k,rmin,rmax,rho);
# update rho using metropolis-hastings
xb <- X%*%beta;
rhox <- c_sem(rho,y,X,beta,sige,I_n,W,detval1,detval2,rep(1,n),a1,a2);
accept <- 0
rho2 <- rho + cc * rnorm(1)
while(accept == 0) {
if ((rho2 > rmin) & (rho2 < rmax)) {
accept <- 1
else {
rho2 <- rho + cc * rnorm(1)
rhoy <- c_sem(rho2,y,X,beta,sige,I_n,W,detval1,detval2,rep(1,n),a1,a2)
ru <- runif(1,0,1) # TODO: Precalculate ru
if ((rhoy - rhox) > exp(1)) {
p <- 1
} else {
ratio <- exp(rhoy-rhox)
p <- min(1,ratio)
if (ru < p) {
rho <- rho2
acc <- acc + 1
acc_rate[i + burn.in] <- acc/(i + burn.in)
# update cc based on std of rho draws
if (acc_rate[i + burn.in] < 0.4) {
cc <- cc/1.1;
if (acc_rate[i + burn.in] > 0.6) {
cc <- cc*1.1;
# update S and H
S <- I_n - rho * W
H <- (1/sige) * t(S) %*% S # H = t(S)%*%S / SW: crossprod(S) does not seem to work!
if (i > 0) {
if (thinning == 1) {
ind <- i
else if (i%%thinning == 0) {
ind <- i%/%thinning
} else {
B[ind,] <- c(beta, sige, rho)
if (showProgress) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i + burn.in) # update progress bar
if (showProgress) close(pb) #close progress bar
# fitted values for estimates (based on z rather than binary y like in fitted(glm.fit))
# (on reponse scale y vs. linear predictor scale z...)
beta <- colMeans(B)[1:k]
sige <- colMeans(B)[k+1]
rho <- colMeans(B)[k+2]
S <- (I_n - rho * W)
fitted.values <- X %*% beta # E[z | beta] = (X * beta)
fitted.response <- as.numeric(fitted.values >= 0)
# TODO: linear.predictors vs. fitted.values
# result
results <- NULL
results$time <- Sys.time() - timet
results$nobs <- n # number of observations
results$nvar <- k # number of explanatory variables
results$y <- y
results$zip <- n - sum(y) # number of zero values in the y-vector
results$beta <- colMeans(B)[1:k]
results$sige <- sige
results$rho <- colMeans(B)[k+2]
results$coefficients <- colMeans(B)
results$fitted.values <- fitted.values
#results$fitted.reponse <- fitted.reponse # fitted values on reponse scale (binary y variable)
results$ndraw <- ndraw
results$nomit <- burn.in
results$a1 <- a1
results$a2 <- a2
results$nu <- nu
results$d0 <- d0
results$rmax <- rmax
results$rmin <- rmin
results$tflag <- "plevel"
results$lflag <- ldetflag
results$cflag <- cflag
results$lndet <- detval
results$names <- c(colnames(X), "sige", "rho")
results$B <- B # (beta, sige, rho) draws
results$bdraw <- B[,1:k] # beta draws
results$sdraw <- B[,k+1] # sige draws
results$pdraw <- B[,k+2] # rho draws
results$W <- W
results$X <- X
#results$predicted <- # prediction required. The default is on the scale of the linear predictors
class(results) <- "sem"
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