
Tutorial: How to adapt taxa names in the network plot

Use genus names instead of ASV names: Method 1

In this method, genus names are passed as label vector to the plot function, so that genus names are shown in the plot, but not in the summary outputs.


colnames(amgut2.filt.phy@tax_table@.Data) <- c("Kingdom","Phylum","Class",
                                               "Order", "Family", "Genus", 

# Agglomerate to genus level
amgut_genus <- tax_glom(amgut2.filt.phy,"Genus")

# Split data set into seasonal allergies = yes/no
levels(phyloseq::get_variable(amgut_genus, "SEASONAL_ALLERGIES"))
amgut_g_yes = subset_samples(amgut_genus, SEASONAL_ALLERGIES == "yes")
amgut_g_no = subset_samples(amgut_genus, SEASONAL_ALLERGIES == "no")

# Network construction
net_season <- netConstruct(data = amgut_g_yes, 
                           data2 = amgut_g_no,  
                           measure = "pearson",
                           normMethod = "clr", 
                           zeroMethod = "none",
                           sparsMethod = "threshold",
                           thresh = 0.4,
                           verbose = 1,
                           seed = 123456)

# Network analysis
props_season <- netAnalyze(net_season, 
                           clustMethod = "cluster_fast_greedy")

summary(props_season, showCentr = c("degree", "eigenvector"))

# Create label vector
labels <- as.vector(tax_table(amgut_genus)[, "Genus"])
names(labels) <- rownames(tax_table(amgut_genus))

# Optional: Shorten labels to a desired length
#labels <- substr(labels, 1, 9)

     repulsion = 0.9,
     labels = labels,
     sameLayout = TRUE, 
     layoutGroup = "union",
     rmSingles = "inboth", 
     shortenLabels = "intelligent",
     labelPattern = c(5,"'",3),
     labelLength = 10,
     nodeSize = "mclr", 
     labelScale = FALSE,
     cexNodes = 1.5, 
     cexLabels = 0.8,
     cexHubLabels = 0.8,
     cexTitle = 1.2,
     groupNames = c("Wet", "Dry"),
     hubBorderCol  = "gray40",
     mar = c(2, 6, 4, 6))

# With shortened node labels:
labels <- substr(labels, 1, 9)

     repulsion = 0.9,
     labels = labels,
     sameLayout = TRUE, 
     layoutGroup = "union",
     rmSingles = "inboth", 
     shortenLabels = "intelligent",
     labelPattern = c(5,"'",3),
     labelLength = 10,
     nodeSize = "mclr", 
     labelScale = FALSE,
     cexNodes = 1.5, 
     cexLabels = 0.8,
     cexHubLabels = 0.8,
     cexTitle = 1.2,
     groupNames = c("Wet", "Dry"),
     hubBorderCol  = "gray40",
     mar = c(2, 6, 4, 6))

Use genus names instead of ASV names: Method 2

In this method, row names of the count table (stored as otu_table in the phyloseq object) are set to genus names.



colnames(amgut2.filt.phy@tax_table@.Data) <- c("Kingdom","Phylum","Class",
                                               "Order", "Family", "Genus", 

# Agglomerate to genus level
amgut_genus <- tax_glom(amgut2.filt.phy,"Genus")

# Split data set into seasonal allergies = yes/no
levels(phyloseq::get_variable(amgut_genus, "SEASONAL_ALLERGIES"))
amgut_g_yes = subset_samples(amgut_genus, SEASONAL_ALLERGIES == "yes")
amgut_g_no = subset_samples(amgut_genus, SEASONAL_ALLERGIES == "no")

# Rename taxa
# (Since NetCoMi uses only the otu table, we just rename it's rownames)
g_names <- as.vector(tax_table(amgut_genus)[, "Genus"])

taxtab <- amgut_genus@tax_table@.Data

# Make labels unique
duplis <- g_names[duplicated(g_names) | duplicated(g_names, fromLast=TRUE)]

while(length(duplis) > 0){
    duplis.sel <- duplis[duplis == duplis[1]]

    g_names[g_names == duplis.sel[1]] <- paste0(duplis.sel[1], 1:length(duplis.sel))

      duplis <- g_names[duplicated(g_names) | duplicated(g_names, fromLast=TRUE)]

rownames(amgut_g_yes@otu_table@.Data) <- g_names
rownames(amgut_g_no@otu_table@.Data) <- g_names

# Network construction
net_season <- netConstruct(data = amgut_g_yes, 
                           data2 = amgut_g_no,  
                           measure = "pearson",
                           normMethod = "clr", 
                           zeroMethod = "none",
                           sparsMethod = "threshold",
                           thresh = 0.4,
                           verbose = 1,
                           seed = 123456)

# Network analysis
props_season <- netAnalyze(net_season, 
                           clustMethod = "cluster_fast_greedy")

# Network analysis summary (which now shows genus names)
summary(props_season, showCentr = c("degree", "eigenvector"))

     repulsion = 0.9,
     sameLayout = TRUE, 
     layoutGroup = "union",
     rmSingles = "inboth", 
     shortenLabels = "simple",
     labelLength = 9,
     nodeSize = "mclr", 
     labelScale = FALSE,
     cexNodes = 1.5, 
     cexLabels = 0.8,
     cexHubLabels = 0.8,
     cexTitle = 1.2,
     groupNames = c("Wet", "Dry"),
     hubBorderCol  = "gray40",
     mar = c(2, 6, 4, 6))

Only hub nodes are labeled

If cexLabels is set to zero, only the hub node's labels are plotted.

     repulsion = 0.9,
     sameLayout = TRUE, 
     layoutGroup = "union",
     rmSingles = "inboth", 
     shortenLabels = "simple",
     labelLength = 9,
     nodeSize = "mclr", 
     labelScale = FALSE,
     cexNodes = 1.5, 
     cexLabels = 0,
     cexHubLabels = 1,
     cexTitle = 1.2,
     groupNames = c("Wet", "Dry"),
     hubBorderCol  = "gray40",
     mar = c(2, 6, 4, 6))

stefpeschel/NetCoMi documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 8:20 a.m.