
Tutorial: How to compare cross-domain association networks using NetCoMi and SpiecEasi?

In this tutorial, we use the same data as in the “Cross domain interactions” section of the SpiecEasi tutorial.

The samples are split into two groups and cross-domain associations are computed for each group using SpiecEasi. The association matrices are then passed to NetCoMi’s netConstruct() function to conduct a network comparison between the two groups.

Note: This tutorial explains how two cross-domain networks are constructed and compared. For constructing a single network, skip the step where the data are split into two groups and perform the framework only for a single data set (i.e. pass the estimated association matrix to the “data” argument of netConstruct() and continue with NetCoMi’s standard pipeline).



# Store count matrices (taxa are columns)
counts_hmp216S <- as.matrix(t(phyloseq::otu_table(hmp216S)@.Data))
counts_hmp2prot <- as.matrix(t(phyloseq::otu_table(hmp2prot)@.Data))

# Assume, the first 23 samples are in one group and the remaining 24 samples in the other group
group_vec <- c(rep(1, 23), rep(2, 24))

# Split count matrices
counts_hmp216S_gr1 <- counts_hmp216S[group_vec == 1, ]
counts_hmp216S_gr2 <- counts_hmp216S[group_vec == 2, ]

counts_hmp2prot_gr1 <- counts_hmp2prot[group_vec == 1, ]
counts_hmp2prot_gr2 <- counts_hmp2prot[group_vec == 2, ]


# Run SpiecEasi and create association matrix for group 1
spiec_result_gr1 <- multi.spiec.easi(list(counts_hmp216S_gr1, counts_hmp2prot_gr1), 
                                 method='mb', nlambda=40, 
                                 pulsar.params = list(thresh = 0.05))
## Warning in spiec.easi.list(datalist, method = method, sel.criterion =
## sel.criterion, : input list contains data of mixed classes.

## Applying data transformations...

## Selecting model with pulsar using stars...

## Fitting final estimate with mb...

## done
assoMat1 <- SpiecEasi::symBeta(SpiecEasi::getOptBeta(spiec_result_gr1), mode = "ave")

assoMat1 <- as.matrix(assoMat1)

# Run SpiecEasi and create association matrix for group 2
spiec_result_gr2 <- multi.spiec.easi(list(counts_hmp216S_gr2, counts_hmp2prot_gr2), 
                                 method='mb', nlambda=40, 
                                 pulsar.params = list(thresh = 0.05))
## Warning in spiec.easi.list(datalist, method = method, sel.criterion =
## sel.criterion, : input list contains data of mixed classes.

## Applying data transformations...

## Selecting model with pulsar using stars...

## Fitting final estimate with mb...

## done
assoMat2 <- SpiecEasi::symBeta(SpiecEasi::getOptBeta(spiec_result_gr2), mode = "ave")

assoMat2 <- as.matrix(assoMat2)

# Get taxa names
taxnames <- c(taxa_names(hmp216S), taxa_names(hmp2prot))

colnames(assoMat1) <- rownames(assoMat1) <- taxnames
diag(assoMat1) <- 1

colnames(assoMat2) <- rownames(assoMat2) <- taxnames
diag(assoMat2) <- 1
# NetCoMi workflow 

# Network construction (pass association matrices to netConstruct)
# - sparsMethod must be set to "none" because sparsification is already included in SpiecEasi
net_hmp_16S_prot <- netConstruct(data = assoMat1, data2 = assoMat2, 
                                 dataType = "condDependence", 
                                 sparsMethod = "none")

# Network analysis
netprops_hmp_16S_prot <- netAnalyze(net_hmp_16S_prot, hubPar = "eigenvector")
nodeCols <- c(rep("lightblue", ntaxa(hmp216S)), rep("orange", ntaxa(hmp2prot)))
names(nodeCols) <- taxnames

     sameLayout = TRUE, 
     layoutGroup = "union",
     nodeColor = "colorVec", 
     colorVec = nodeCols,
     nodeSize = "eigen", 
     nodeSizeSpread = 2,
     labelScale = FALSE,
     cexNodes = 2, 
     cexLabels = 2,
     cexHubLabels = 2.5,
     cexTitle = 3.8,
     groupNames = c("group1", "group2"))

legend(-0.2, 1.2, cex = 3, pt.cex = 4, 
       legend = c("HMP2 16S", "HMP2 protein"), col = c("lightblue", "orange"), 
       bty = "n", pch = 16) 

# Network comparison
# - Permutation tests cannot be performed because the association matrices are
#   used for network construction. For permutation tests, however, the count 
#   data are needed.
netcomp_hmp_16S_prot <- netCompare(netprops_hmp_16S_prot, permTest = FALSE)

summary(netcomp_hmp_16S_prot, groupNames = c("group1", "group2"))
## Comparison of Network Properties
## ----------------------------------
## CALL: 
## netCompare(x = netprops_hmp_16S_prot, permTest = FALSE)
## ______________________________
## Global network properties
## `````````````````````````
## Largest connected component (LCC):
##                          group1   group2    difference
## Relative LCC size         0.818    0.614         0.205
## Clustering coefficient    0.042    0.128         0.086
## Moduarity                 0.661    0.637         0.024
## Positive edge percentage 62.222   57.576         4.646
## Edge density              0.035    0.046         0.011
## Natural connectivity      0.017    0.022         0.006
## Vertex connectivity       1.000    1.000         0.000
## Edge connectivity         1.000    1.000         0.000
## Average dissimilarity*    0.989    0.986         0.003
## Average path length**     3.848    3.638         0.210
## Whole network:
##                          group1   group2    difference
## Number of components     10.000   27.000        17.000
## Clustering coefficient    0.041    0.116         0.075
## Moduarity                 0.695    0.693         0.002
## Positive edge percentage 62.887   60.000         2.887
## Edge density              0.025    0.020         0.006
## Natural connectivity      0.013    0.013         0.000
## -----
##  *: Dissimilarity = 1 - edge weight
## **Path length: Units with average dissimilarity
## ______________________________
## Jaccard index (similarity betw. sets of most central nodes)
## ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
##                     Jacc   P(<=Jacc)     P(>=Jacc)   
## degree             0.138    0.016100 *    0.995512   
## betweenness centr. 0.222    0.105480      0.948638   
## closeness centr.   0.257    0.221235      0.873473   
## eigenvec. centr.   0.222    0.105480      0.948638   
## hub taxa           0.000    0.017342 *    1.000000   
## -----
## Jaccard index ranges from 0 (compl. different) to 1 (sets equal)
## ______________________________
## Adjusted Rand index (similarity betw. clusterings)
## ``````````````````````````````````````````````````
##    ARI       p-value
##  0.056         0.005
## -----
## ARI in [-1,1] with ARI=1: perfect agreement betw. clusterings,
##                    ARI=0: expected for two random clusterings
## p-value: two-tailed test with null hypothesis ARI=0
## ______________________________
## Centrality measures
## - In decreasing order
## - Centrality of disconnected components is zero
## ````````````````````````````````````````````````
## Degree (normalized):
##          group1 group2 abs.diff.
##   0.092  0.023     0.069
##   0.011  0.069     0.057
##  0.057  0.000     0.057
## K02992    0.057  0.000     0.057
##   0.023  0.069     0.046
##  0.046  0.000     0.046
## K00626    0.046  0.000     0.046
## K03043    0.069  0.023     0.046
## Unc054vi  0.011  0.046     0.034
## Unc00y95  0.011  0.046     0.034
## Betweenness centrality (normalized):
##          group1 group2 abs.diff.
##   0.421  0.033     0.388
##   0.000  0.348     0.348
##   0.208  0.542     0.334
## Unc01c0q  0.028  0.352     0.324
##   0.082  0.404     0.322
##  0.308  0.000     0.308
##  0.028  0.234     0.206
## K15633    0.000  0.174     0.174
## K01006    0.234  0.074     0.160
##  0.265  0.125     0.140
## Closeness centrality (normalized):
##          group1 group2 abs.diff.
##  0.468  0.000     0.468
## K02992    0.463  0.000     0.463
##   0.000  0.435     0.435
##   0.000  0.411     0.411
## K02935    0.394  0.000     0.394
##  0.000  0.393     0.393
##  0.392  0.000     0.392
## K10439    0.381  0.000     0.381
## K02357    0.365  0.000     0.365
## K00074    0.362  0.000     0.362
## Eigenvector centrality (normalized):
##          group1 group2 abs.diff.
##   1.000  0.028     0.972
##  0.816  0.055     0.762
## K03043    0.748  0.000     0.747
##   0.032  0.743     0.712
## K02992    0.682  0.000     0.682
##  0.651  0.000     0.651
##  0.608  0.014     0.594
## Unc054vi  0.001  0.551     0.550
## K01812    0.591  0.155     0.436
##   0.127  0.553     0.426
## _________________________________________________________
## Significance codes: ***: 0.001, **: 0.01, *: 0.05, .: 0.1

stefpeschel/NetCoMi documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 8:20 a.m.