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One of NetCoMi's strengths is the ability to compare networks between two groups. The netCompare() function is used for this task.

Network construction

The amgut data set is split by "SEASONAL_ALLERGIES" leading to two subsets of samples (with and without seasonal allergies). We ignore the "None" group.


# Split the phyloseq object into two groups
amgut_season_yes <- phyloseq::subset_samples(amgut2.filt.phy, 
                                             SEASONAL_ALLERGIES == "yes")
amgut_season_no <- phyloseq::subset_samples(amgut2.filt.phy, 
                                            SEASONAL_ALLERGIES == "no")


The 50 nodes with highest variance are selected for network construction to get smaller networks.

We filter the 121 samples (sample size of the smaller group) with highest frequency to make the sample sizes equal and thus ensure comparability.

n_yes <- phyloseq::nsamples(amgut_season_yes)

# Network construction
net_season <- netConstruct(data = amgut_season_no, 
                           data2 = amgut_season_yes,  
                           filtTax = "highestVar",
                           filtTaxPar = list(highestVar = 50),
                           filtSamp = "highestFreq",
                           filtSampPar = list(highestFreq = n_yes),
                           measure = "spring",
                           measurePar = list(nlambda = 10, 
                                             rep.num = 10,
                                             Rmethod = "approx"),
                           normMethod = "none", 
                           zeroMethod = "none",
                           sparsMethod = "none", 
                           dissFunc = "signed",
                           verbose = 2,
                           seed = 123456)

Alternatively, a group vector could be passed to group, according to which the data set is split into two groups:

# Get count table
countMat <- phyloseq::otu_table(amgut2.filt.phy)

# netConstruct() expects samples in rows
countMat <- t(as(countMat, "matrix"))

group_vec <- phyloseq::get_variable(amgut2.filt.phy, "SEASONAL_ALLERGIES")

# Select the two groups of interest (level "none" is excluded)
sel <- which(group_vec %in% c("no", "yes"))
group_vec <- group_vec[sel]
countMat <- countMat[sel, ]

net_season <- netConstruct(countMat, 
                           group = group_vec, 
                           filtTax = "highestVar",
                           filtTaxPar = list(highestVar = 50),
                           filtSamp = "highestFreq",
                           filtSampPar = list(highestFreq = n_yes),
                           measure = "spring",
                           measurePar = list(nlambda=10, 
                                             Rmethod = "approx"),
                           normMethod = "none", 
                           zeroMethod = "none",
                           sparsMethod = "none", 
                           dissFunc = "signed",
                           verbose = 3,
                           seed = 123456)

Network analysis

The object returned by netConstruct() containing both networks is again passed to netAnalyze(). Network properties are computed for both networks simultaneously.

To demonstrate further functionalities of netAnalyze(), we play around with the available arguments, even if the chosen setting might not be optimal.

Note! The arguments must be set carefully, depending on the research questions. NetCoMi's default values are not generally preferable in all practical cases!

props_season <- netAnalyze(net_season, 
                           centrLCC = FALSE,
                           avDissIgnoreInf = TRUE,
                           sPathNorm = FALSE,
                           clustMethod = "cluster_fast_greedy",
                           hubPar = c("degree", "eigenvector"),
                           hubQuant = 0.9,
                           lnormFit = TRUE,
                           normDeg = FALSE,
                           normBetw = FALSE,
                           normClose = FALSE,
                           normEigen = FALSE)


Visual network comparison

First, the layout is computed separately in both groups (qgraph's "spring" layout in this case).

Node sizes are scaled according to the mclr-transformed data since SPRING uses the mclr transformation as normalization method.

Node colors represent clusters. Note that by default, two clusters have the same color in both groups if they have at least two nodes in common (sameColThresh = 2). Set sameClustCol to FALSE to get different cluster colors.

     sameLayout = FALSE, 
     nodeColor = "cluster",
     nodeSize = "mclr",
     labelScale = FALSE,
     cexNodes = 1.5, 
     cexLabels = 2.5,
     cexHubLabels = 3,
     cexTitle = 3.7,
     groupNames = c("No seasonal allergies", "Seasonal allergies"),
     hubBorderCol  = "gray40")

legend("bottom", title = "estimated association:", legend = c("+","-"), 
       col = c("#009900","red"), inset = 0.02, cex = 4, lty = 1, lwd = 4, 
       bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)

Using different layouts leads to a "nice-looking" network plot for each group, however, it is difficult to identify group differences at first glance.

Thus, we now use the same layout in both groups. In the following, the layout is computed for group 1 (the left network) and taken over for group 2.

rmSingles is set to "inboth" because only nodes that are unconnected in both groups can be removed if the same layout is used.

     sameLayout = TRUE, 
     layoutGroup = 1,
     rmSingles = "inboth", 
     nodeSize = "mclr", 
     labelScale = FALSE,
     cexNodes = 1.5, 
     cexLabels = 2.5,
     cexHubLabels = 3,
     cexTitle = 3.8,
     groupNames = c("No seasonal allergies", "Seasonal allergies"),
     hubBorderCol  = "gray40")

legend("bottom", title = "estimated association:", legend = c("+","-"), 
       col = c("#009900","red"), inset = 0.02, cex = 4, lty = 1, lwd = 4, 
       bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)

In the above plot, we can see clear differences between the groups. The OTU "322235", for instance, is more strongly connected in the "Seasonal allergies" group than in the group without seasonal allergies, which is why it is a hub on the right, but not on the left.

However, if the layout of one group is simply taken over to the other, one of the networks (here the "seasonal allergies" group) is usually not that nice-looking due to the long edges. Therefore, NetCoMi (>= 1.0.2) offers a further option (layoutGroup = "union"), where a union of the two layouts is used in both groups. In doing so, the nodes are placed as optimal as possible equally for both networks.

The idea and R code for this functionality were provided by Christian L. Müller and Alice Sommer

     sameLayout = TRUE, 
     repulsion = 0.95,
     layoutGroup = "union",
     rmSingles = "inboth", 
     nodeSize = "mclr", 
     labelScale = FALSE,
     cexNodes = 1.5, 
     cexLabels = 2.5,
     cexHubLabels = 3,
     cexTitle = 3.8,
     groupNames = c("No seasonal allergies", "Seasonal allergies"),
     hubBorderCol  = "gray40")

legend("bottom", title = "estimated association:", legend = c("+","-"), 
       col = c("#009900","red"), inset = 0.02, cex = 4, lty = 1, lwd = 4, 
       bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)

Quantitative network comparison

Since runtime is considerably increased if permutation tests are performed, we set the permTest parameter to FALSE. See the tutorial_createAssoPerm file for a network comparison including permutation tests.

Since permutation tests are still conducted for the Adjusted Rand Index, a seed should be set for reproducibility.

comp_season <- netCompare(props_season, 
                          permTest = FALSE, 
                          verbose = FALSE,
                          seed = 123456)

        groupNames = c("No allergies", "Allergies"),
        showCentr = c("degree", "between", "closeness"), 
        numbNodes = 5)

stefpeschel/NetCoMi documentation built on Nov. 12, 2024, 7:12 a.m.