#' @import data.tree
#' @import R6
### Node Object ###
VEBBoostNode <- R6Class(
public = list(
operator = NULL, # either "+" or "*" for internal nodes, NULL for terminal nodes
learner = NULL, # list containing fitFunction, predFunction, constCheckFunction, currentFit, X, X_test, growMode, and changeToConstant
family = "gaussian",
cutpoints = NULL, # cutpoints for ordinal regression
weights = 1, # observation weights (constrained to be >0, mean of 1)
my_class_index = NULL, # for multinomial.titsias
AddChildVEB = function(name, check = c("check", "no-warn", "no-check"), ...) { # add VEB node as child
child = VEBBoostNode$new(as.character(name), check, ...)
updateMoments = function() { # after updating the fit, pass changes to moments up to parent node
if (!self$isLeaf) { # if not at a leaf, update moments
children_mu1 = sapply(self$children, function(x) x$mu1)
children_mu2 = sapply(self$children, function(x) x$mu2)
if (self$operator == "+") {
private$.mu1 = children_mu1[, 1] + children_mu1[, 2]
private$.mu2 = children_mu2[, 1] + children_mu2[, 2] + (2 * children_mu1[, 1] * children_mu1[, 2])
} else {
private$.mu1 = children_mu1[, 1] * children_mu1[, 2]
private$.mu2 = children_mu2[, 1] * children_mu2[, 2]
updateMomentsAll = function() { # after updating the fit, pass changes to moments up to internal nodes
if (self$isRoot) { # if at root, stop
} else { # else, update parents moments
updateCurrentInputs = function(currentInputs) { # update what current response and variances are (currentInputs = list(current_Y, current_sigma2)
if (self$isRoot) {
if (currentInputs$name == self$parent$name) {
if (self$parent$operator == "+") {
currentInputs$Y = currentInputs$Y - self$siblings[[1]]$mu1
currentInputs$sigma2 = currentInputs$sigma2
} else {
currentInputs$Y = currentInputs$Y * (self$siblings[[1]]$mu1 / self$siblings[[1]]$mu2)
currentInputs$sigma2 = currentInputs$sigma2 / self$siblings[[1]]$mu2
currentInputs$name = self$name
} else {
updateFit = function(currentInputs = NULL) { # function to update currentFit
if (self$isLeaf) {
if (is.null(currentInputs)) { # when starting at mu_0
currentInputs = list(Y = self$Y, sigma2 = self$sigma2, name = self$name)
} else { # else, update inputs
currentInputs = self$updateCurrentInputs(currentInputs)
if (!self$isLocked && any(is.infinite(currentInputs$sigma2))) { # if somehow variances become infinite, just a safeguard....
self$isLocked = TRUE
self$learner = constLearner
self$learner$currentFit = self$learner$fitFunction(self$X, currentInputs$Y, currentInputs$sigma2, self$learner$currentFit)
if (!self$isRoot) {
currentInputs$name = self$parent$name
# now, revert to inputs at parent
if (self$parent$operator == "+") {
currentInputs$Y = currentInputs$Y + self$siblings[[1]]$mu1
currentInputs$sigma2 = currentInputs$sigma2
} else {
currentInputs$Y = currentInputs$Y / (self$siblings[[1]]$mu1 / self$siblings[[1]]$mu2)
currentInputs$sigma2 = currentInputs$sigma2 * self$siblings[[1]]$mu2
updateSigma2 = function() { # function to update sigma2
if (self$root$family == "aft.loglogistic") {
a1 = -sum(self$root$weights[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'not_cens')])
a2 = .5*(sum(self$root$weights[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'left_cens')] * (attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'left_cens'), 2] - self$root$mu1[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'left_cens')])) +
sum(self$root$weights[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'right_cens')] * (self$root$mu1[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'right_cens')] - attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'right_cens'), 1])) -
sum(self$root$weights[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens')] * (attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), 2] - attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), 1]))) +
sum(attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), 2])
a3 = -.5*sum(cbind(self$root$weights, self$root$weights)*self$root$d*(cbind(self$root$mu2, self$root$mu2) - 2*cbind(self$root$mu1, self$root$mu1)*attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y') + attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')^2), na.rm = TRUE)
nll.logscale = function(lS) {
-(a1*lS + a2*exp(-lS) + a3*exp(-2*lS) +
sum(log(-expm1((attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), 1] - attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), 2])*exp(-lS)))))
lS = optim(par = .5*log(self$raw_sigma2), fn = nll.logscale, method = 'Brent', lower = -15, upper = 35)$par
self$sigma2 = exp(2*lS)
} else if (self$root$family == "ordinal.logistic") {
d = self$root$d * cbind(self$root$weights, self$root$weights)
n_k = aggregate(self$root$weights, by = list(factor(self$root$raw_Y, levels = 1:max(self$root$raw_Y))), FUN = sum, drop = FALSE)[, 2] #n_k = table(self$root$raw_Y)
n_k[is.na(n_k)] = 0
sum_d_k_2 = .5*do.call(rbind, lapply(1:max(self$root$raw_Y), function(k) colSums(d[which(self$root$raw_Y == k), ])))
sum_dT_k = do.call(rbind, lapply(1:max(self$root$raw_Y), function(k) colSums(sweep(d[which(self$root$raw_Y == k), ], 1, self$root$mu1[which(self$root$raw_Y == k)], "*"))))
fn = function(theta) {
res = 0
for (k in 1:length(theta)) {
res = res + (theta[k]^2)*(sum_d_k_2[k, 2] + sum_d_k_2[k+1, 1]) - theta[k]*(.5*(n_k[k] - n_k[k+1]) + sum_dT_k[k, 2] + sum_dT_k[k+1, 1])
if (k != 1) {
res = res - n_k[k]*log(1 - exp(theta[k-1] - theta[k]))
gr = function(theta) {
res = numeric(length(theta))
for (k in 1:length(theta)) {
res[k] = 2*theta[k]*(sum_d_k_2[k, 2] + sum_d_k_2[k+1, 1]) - (.5*(n_k[k] - n_k[k+1]) + sum_dT_k[k, 2] + sum_dT_k[k+1, 1])
if (k != 1) {
res[k] = res[k] - n_k[k]*(exp(theta[k] - theta[k-1]) - 1)^(-1)
if (k != length(theta)) {
res[k] = res[k] + n_k[k+1]*(exp(theta[k+1] - theta[k]) - 1)^(-1)
ui = toeplitz(c(-1, 1, rep(0, length(n_k)-3)))
ui[lower.tri(ui, diag = FALSE)] = 0
ui = ui[-nrow(ui), , drop = FALSE]
init = self$root$cutpoints
attributes(init) = NULL
theta = constrOptim(theta = init, f = fn, grad = gr, ui = ui, ci = rep(0, nrow(ui)))$par
self$cutpoints = theta
attr(self$cutpoints, "log_Y") = matrix(NA, nrow = length(self$root$raw_Y), ncol = 2)
attr(self$cutpoints, "log_Y")[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'left_cens'), 2] = self$cutpoints[1]
for (k in 2:(length(self$cutpoints))) {
attr(self$cutpoints, "log_Y")[which(self$root$raw_Y == k), 1] = self$cutpoints[k-1]
attr(self$cutpoints, "log_Y")[which(self$root$raw_Y == k), 2] = self$cutpoints[k]
attr(self$cutpoints, "log_Y")[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'right_cens'), 1] = tail(self$cutpoints, 1)
} else {
self$sigma2 = ((sum(self$root$Y^2 * self$root$weights) - 2*sum(self$root$Y*self$root$mu1*self$root$weights) + sum(self$root$mu2 * self$root$weights))) / sum(self$root$weights)
convergeFit = function(tol = 1e-1, update_sigma2 = FALSE, update_ELBO_progress = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, maxit = Inf) {
ELBOs = numeric(1000)
ELBOs[1] = -Inf
ELBOs[2] = self$root$ELBO
i = 2
nodes = Traverse(self$root, 'post-order')
while (abs(ELBOs[i] - ELBOs[i-1]) > tol & (i-1 <= maxit)) {
currentInputs = NULL
for (n in nodes) {
currentInputs = n$updateFit(currentInputs)
if (update_sigma2) {
i = i+1
if (all(self$root$sigma2 == 0)) { # if estimate sigma2 is 0, stop
ELBOs[i] = Inf
if (i > length(ELBOs)) { # double size of ELBOs for efficiency rather than making it bigger each iteration
ELBOs = c(ELBOs, rep(0, i))
ELBOs[i] = self$root$ELBO
if (verbose) {
cat(paste("ELBO: ", ELBOs[i], sep = ""))
ELBOs = ELBOs[2:i]
if (update_ELBO_progress) {
self$ELBO_progress = ELBOs
AddSiblingVEB = function(learner, operator = c("+", "*"), combine_name) { # function to add subtree as sibling to given LEAF node, combining with operator
# learner is tree to add to self
# operator is how to combine them
# name is what to call the combining node
if (!self$isLeaf) {
stop("'$AddSiblingVEB' should only be called on a leaf node")
self_copy = self$clone()
self$learner = NULL
self$operator = operator
self$name = combine_name
if (all(learner$mu1 == (1 * (operator == "*"))) & all(learner$mu2 == (1 * (operator == "*")))) {
# if adding 'null' node, only need to change the moments stored in our own private field, since everything downstream will be unchanged
# self_copy$parent$updateMoments()
# self_copy$updateMoments()
} else {
# otherwise, if adding a real sibling, have to update all ancestors
# self_copy$parent$updateMomentsAll()
return(invisible(self$root)) # return root, so we can assign entire tree to new value (in case we're splitting at root)
lockSelf = function() { # function node calls on itself to check if it's locked, and lock if necessary
# if changeToConstant, change fitting function to constant
if (self$isConstant) {
self$isLocked = TRUE
if (self$learner$changeToConstant) {
self$learner = constLearner
try({self$updateMomentsAll()}, silent = T) # needed to avoid "attempt to apply non-function" error
lockLearners = function() { # lock learners that should be locked
# self$root$Do(function(node) node$lockSelf(), filterFun = function(node) node$isLeaf & !node$isLocked, traversal ='post-order')
self$root$Do(function(node) node$lockSelf(), filterFun = function(node) node$isLeaf, traversal ='post-order')
base_learners = Traverse(self$root, filterFun = function(x) x$isLeaf & !x$isLocked)
for (base_learner in base_learners) {
if (base_learner$isRoot || base_learner$parent$isRoot) { # if root or parent is root, not locked, do this to avoid errors in next if statement
# if only adding or multiplying, and we already added or multiplied with another node, and that node is locked, then lock learner
if ((base_learner$learner$growMode %in% c("+", "*")) && (base_learner$parent$operator == base_learner$learner$growMode) && base_learner$siblings[[1]]$isLocked) {
base_learner$isLocked = TRUE
# if "+*", and already if a "+*" part where both "+" anr "*" parts or locked, then lock learner
if ((base_learner$learner$growMode == "+*") && (base_learner$parent$operator == "*") && base_learner$siblings[[1]]$isLocked && (base_learner$parent$parent$operator == "+") && base_learner$parent$siblings[[1]]$isLocked) {
base_learner$isLocked = TRUE
addLearnerAll = function() { # to each leaf, add a "+" and "*"
self$root$lockLearners() # lock learners
base_learners = Traverse(self$root, filterFun = function(x) x$isLeaf & !x$isLocked)
for (base_learner in base_learners) {
if (!is.null(base_learner$learner$growMode) && (base_learner$learner$growMode != "NA")) {
growMode = base_learner$learner$growMode
if (growMode %in% c("+", "*")) {
learner_name = paste("mu_", base_learner$root$leafCount, sep = '')
combine_name = paste("combine_", base_learner$root$leafCount, sep = '')
add_node = VEBBoostNode$new(learner_name, learner = base_learner$learner)
add_node$learner$currentFit$mu1 = (add_node$learner$currentFit$mu1 * 0) + (growMode == "*")
add_node$learner$currentFit$mu2 = (add_node$learner$currentFit$mu2 * 0) + (growMode == "*")
# add_node$learner$currentFit$KL_div = 0
add_node$learner$currentFit = list(mu1 = add_node$learner$currentFit$mu1, mu2 = add_node$learner$currentFit$mu2, KL_div = 0)
base_learner$AddSiblingVEB(add_node, growMode, combine_name)
} else if (base_learner$learner$growMode == "+*") {
learner_name = paste("mu_", base_learner$root$leafCount, sep = '')
combine_name = paste("combine_", base_learner$root$leafCount, sep = '')
add_node = VEBBoostNode$new(learner_name, learner = base_learner$learner)
add_node$learner$currentFit$mu1 = add_node$learner$currentFit$mu1 * 0
add_node$learner$currentFit$mu2 = add_node$learner$currentFit$mu2 * 0
# add_node$learner$currentFit$KL_div = 0
add_node$learner$currentFit = list(mu1 = add_node$learner$currentFit$mu1, mu2 = add_node$learner$currentFit$mu2, KL_div = 0)
base_learner$AddSiblingVEB(add_node, "+", combine_name)
learner_name = paste("mu_", base_learner$root$leafCount, sep = '')
combine_name = paste("combine_", base_learner$root$leafCount, sep = '')
mult_node = VEBBoostNode$new(learner_name, learner = add_node$learner)
mult_node$learner$currentFit$mu1 = mult_node$learner$currentFit$mu1 + 1
mult_node$learner$currentFit$mu2 = mult_node$learner$currentFit$mu2 + 1
# mult_node$learner$currentFit$KL_div = 0
mult_node$learner$currentFit = list(mu1 = mult_node$learner$currentFit$mu1, mu2 = mult_node$learner$currentFit$mu2, KL_div = 0)
base_learner$children[[1]]$AddSiblingVEB(mult_node, "*", combine_name)
convergeFitAll = function(tol = 1e-1, update_sigma2 = FALSE, update_ELBO_progress = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, maxit = Inf) {
self$convergeFit(tol, update_sigma2, update_ELBO_progress, verbose, maxit = maxit)
predict = function(moment = c(1, 2)) { # function to get prediction on new data
self$root$Do(function(node) {
if (1 %in% moment) {
try({node$pred_mu1 = node$learner$predFunction(node$X_test, node$learner$currentFit, 1)}, silent = TRUE)
if (2 %in% moment) {
try({node$pred_mu2 = node$learner$predFunction(node$X_test, node$learner$currentFit, 2)}, silent = TRUE)
}, filterFun = function(x) x$isLeaf)
private = list(
.Y = NA, # response, only not NA at root
.sigma2 = NA, # variance, only not NA at root
.sigma2_prev = NA, # previous variance, only not NA at root
.mu1 = NA, # current first moment
.mu2 = NA, # current second moment
.ELBO_progress = list(-Inf), # list of ELBOs for each iteration of growing and fitting the tree
.pred_mu1 = NULL, # prediction based on predFunction and given new data (first moment)
.pred_mu2 = NULL, # prediction based on predFunction and given new data (second moment)
.isLocked = FALSE, # locked <=> V < V_tol, or both learners directly connected (sibling and parent's sibling) are constant
.alpha = 0, # used in multi-class learner
.exposure = 1, # used in poisson.log1pexp
.ensemble = NULL # used in multi-class learner, either reference to self, or multi-class learner object
active = list(
ensemble = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
if (self$isRoot) {
if (is.null(private$.ensemble)) {
} else {
} else {
if (!self$isRoot) {
stop("`$ensemble' cannot be modified except at the root", call. = FALSE)
} else {
private$.ensemble = value
isEnsemble = function(value) { # TRUE if is ensemble (root AND not part of higher ensemble), else FALSE
if (!missing(value)) {
stop("`$isEnsemble' cannot be modified directly", call. = FALSE)
return((self$isRoot) && (is.null(private$.ensemble)))
mu1 = function(value) {
if (!missing(value)) {
stop("`$mu1` cannot be modified directly", call. = FALSE)
if (self$isLeaf) {
mu1 = self$learner$currentFit$mu1
} else {
mu1 = private$.mu1
if (length(mu1) == 1) {
mu1 = rep(mu1, nrow(as.matrix((self$root$raw_Y))))
mu2 = function(value) {
if (!missing(value)) {
stop("`$mu2` cannot be modified directly", call. = FALSE)
if (self$isLeaf) {
mu2 = self$learner$currentFit$mu2
} else {
mu2 = private$.mu2
if (length(mu2) == 1) {
mu2 = rep(mu2, nrow(as.matrix((self$root$raw_Y))))
KL_div = function(value) { # KL divergence from q to g of learner defined by sub-tree with this node as the root
if (!missing(value)) {
stop("`$KL_div` cannot be modified directly", call. = FALSE)
if (self$isLeaf) {
return(sum(sapply(self$children, function(x) x$KL_div)))
X = function(value) { # train predictor for node
if (missing(value)) {
if (self$isRoot) {
if (!is.null(self$learner$X)) {
} else {
} else {
self$learner$currentFit$X = value
X_test = function(value) { # test predictor for node
if (missing(value)) {
if (self$isRoot) {
if (!is.null(self$learner$X_test)) {
} else {
} else {
self$learner$currentFit$X_test = value
Y = function(value) { # response for sub-tree
if (missing(value)) {
if (self$isRoot) {
if (self$root$family == "gaussian") {
} else if (self$root$family == "binomial") {
d = self$d
return((private$.Y - .5 + (self$alpha * d)) / d) # alpha*d needed for multi-class case
} else if (self$root$family == "negative.binomial") {
return((private$.Y - private$.exposure) / (2 * self$d * (private$.Y + private$.exposure)))
} else if (self$root$family == "poisson.log1pexp") {
return(self$mu1 + (private$.Y - private$.exposure*log1pexp(self$mu1))*(self$root$sigma2) / ((1 + exp(-self$mu1)) * log1pexp(self$mu1)))
} else if (self$root$family == "aft.loglogistic") {
d = self$root$d
s_2d = sqrt(self$root$raw_sigma2)/(2*d)
res = attr(private$.Y, 'log_Y')[, 1]
res[attr(private$.Y, 'left_cens')] = attr(private$.Y, 'log_Y')[attr(private$.Y, 'left_cens'), 2] - s_2d[attr(private$.Y, 'left_cens'), 2]
res[attr(private$.Y, 'right_cens')] = attr(private$.Y, 'log_Y')[attr(private$.Y, 'right_cens'), 1] + s_2d[attr(private$.Y, 'right_cens'), 1]
res[attr(private$.Y, 'int_cens')] = rowSums((attr(private$.Y, 'log_Y')*d)[attr(private$.Y, 'int_cens'), ]) / rowSums(d[attr(private$.Y, 'int_cens'), ])
} else if (self$root$family == "ordinal.logistic") {
d = self$root$d
rsd = rowSums(d, na.rm = T)
res = rowSums(d * attr(self$root$cutpoints, "log_Y")) / rsd
res[which(is.na(attr(self$root$cutpoints, "log_Y")[, 1]))] = self$root$cutpoints[1] - .5/rsd[which(is.na(attr(self$root$cutpoints, "log_Y")[, 1]))]
res[which(is.na(attr(self$root$cutpoints, "log_Y")[, 2]))] = tail(self$root$cutpoints, 1) + .5/rsd[which(is.na(attr(self$root$cutpoints, "log_Y")[, 2]))]
} else if (self$root$family == "multinomial.titsias") {
d = self$ensemble$d
mu1 = self$ensemble$mu1
res = mu1[cbind(1:nrow(mu1), attr(self$ensemble$Y, 'which'))] - (.5 / d[, self$root$my_class_index])
is_my_class = is.na(res) # which obs are in my class
res[is_my_class] = rowSums(.5 + d[is_my_class, , drop = FALSE]*mu1[is_my_class, , drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE) / rowSums(d[is_my_class, , drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
stop("family must be one of 'gaussian', 'binomial', 'negative.binomial', 'poisson.log1pexp', 'aft.loglogistic', 'ordinal.logistic', or 'multinomial.titsias'")
if (self$parent$operator == "+") {
return(self$parent$Y - self$siblings[[1]]$mu1)
if (self$parent$operator == "*") {
return(self$parent$Y * (self$siblings[[1]]$mu1 / self$siblings[[1]]$mu2))
} else {
if (self$isRoot) {
private$.Y = value
} else {
stop("`$Y` cannot be modified directly except at the root node", call. = FALSE)
raw_Y = function(value) { # raw value of private$.Y, only needed for logistic ELBO
if (!missing(value)) {
stop("`$raw_Y` cannot be modified directly", call. = FALSE)
if (self$isRoot) {
} else {
sigma2 = function(value) { # variance for sub-tree
if (missing(value)) {
if (self$isRoot) {
if (self$family == "gaussian") {
return(private$.sigma2 / self$weights)
} else if (self$family == "binomial") {
return(1 / (self$d * self$weights))
} else if (self$family == "negative.binomial") {
return(1 / (self$d * self$weights * (private$.Y + private$.exposure)))
} else if (self$family == "poisson.log1pexp") {
return(1 / (((.25*private$.exposure) + .17*private$.Y) * self$weights))
} else if (self$family == "aft.loglogistic") {
return(private$.sigma2 / (rowSums(self$d, na.rm = TRUE) * self$weights))
} else if (self$family == "ordinal.logistic") {
return(1 / (rowSums(self$d, na.rm = TRUE) * self$weights))
} else if (self$family == "multinomial.titsias") {
d = self$ensemble$d
res = 1 / d[, self$root$my_class_index]
is_my_class = is.na(res) # which obs are in my class
res[is_my_class] = 1 / rowSums(d[is_my_class, , drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
stop("family must be one of 'gaussian', 'binomial', 'negative.binomial', poisson.log1pexp', 'aft.loglogistic', 'ordinal.logistic', or 'multinomial.titsias'")
if (self$parent$operator == "+") {
s2 = self$parent$sigma2
if (length(s2) == 1) {
s2 = rep(s2, nrow(as.matrix((self$root$raw_Y))))
if (self$parent$operator == "*") {
s2 = self$parent$sigma2 / self$siblings[[1]]$mu2
if (length(s2) == 1) {
s2 = rep(s2, nrow(as.matrix((self$root$raw_Y))))
} else {
if (self$isRoot) {
private$.sigma2 = value
} else {
stop("`$sigma2` cannot be modified directly except at the root node", call. = FALSE)
raw_sigma2 = function(value) { # raw value of private$.sigma2 from root
if (!missing(value)) {
stop("`$raw_sigma2` cannot be modified directly", call. = FALSE)
if (self$isRoot) {
} else {
exposure = function(value) { # exposure variable for poisson or NB, or AFT (for right-censorship info, 1 for censored, 0 for not censored)
if (missing(value)) {
if (!(grepl("poisson", self$root$family, ignore.case = TRUE) | (self$root$family == "negative.binomial"))) {
stop("`$exposure` only used for poisson or negative binomial families")
if (self$isRoot) {
e = private$.exposure
if (length(e) == 1) {
e = rep(e, length(private$.Y))
} else {
} else {
if (self$isRoot) {
private$.exposure = value
} else {
stop("`$exposure` cannot be modified directly except at the root node", call. = FALSE)
ELBO_progress = function(value) { # ELBO progress of tree
if (missing(value)) {
if (self$isRoot) {
} else {
} else {
if (self$isRoot) { # append ELBOs in list
private$.ELBO_progress[[length(private$.ELBO_progress) + 1]] = value
} else {
stop("`$ELBO_progress` cannot be modified directly except at the root node", call. = FALSE)
ELBO = function(value) { # ELBO for entire tree
if (!missing(value)) {
stop("`$ELBO` cannot be modified directly", call. = FALSE)
# make s2 vector of variances
#s2 = ifelse(length(self$sigma2) == 1, rep(self$sigma2, length(self$Y)), self$sigma2) # something weird w/ this if-else, not sure why
if (self$root$family == "gaussian" || self$root$family == "multinomial.titsias") {
s2 = self$sigma2
if (length(s2) == 1) {
s2 = rep(s2, length(self$raw_Y))
(-.5 * sum(log(2*pi*s2))) -
(.5 * (sum(self$Y^2 / s2) - 2*sum(self$Y * self$mu1 / s2) + sum(self$mu2 / s2))) -
} else if (self$root$family == "binomial") {
d = self$root$d
xi = self$root$xi
sum(self$root$weights * log(ilogit(xi))) + sum(self$root$weights * (xi / 2) * (d*xi - 1)) + sum(self$root$weights * (self$root$raw_Y - .5) * self$root$mu1) -
.5*sum(self$root$weights * self$root$mu2 * d) - self$KL_div
} else if (self$root$family == "negative.binomial") {
d = self$root$d
xi = self$root$xi
sum(self$root$weights * (self$root$raw_Y + self$root$exposure) * log(ilogit(xi))) + .5*sum(self$root$weights * ((self$root$raw_Y - self$root$exposure) * self$root$mu1 - (self$root$raw_Y + self$root$exposure) * xi)) -
.5*sum(self$root$weights * d * (self$root$raw_Y + self$root$exposure) * (self$root$mu2 - xi^2)) -
sum(self$root$weights * (lgamma(self$root$raw_Y + self$root$exposure) - lgamma(self$root$exposure) - lfactorial(self$root$raw_Y))) - self$KL_div
} else if (self$root$family == "poisson.log1pexp") {
-.5*.25*sum(self$root$weights * self$exposure * (self$mu2 - self$mu1^2)) - .5*.17*sum(self$root$weights * self$root$raw_Y * (self$mu2 - self$mu1^2)) +
sum(self$root$weights * self$root$raw_Y * (log(self$exposure) + loglog1pexp(self$mu1))) - sum(self$root$weights * self$exposure * log1pexp(self$mu1)) -
sum(self$root$weights * lfactorial(self$root$raw_Y)) - self$KL_div
} else if (self$root$family == "aft.loglogistic") {
-.5*log(self$root$raw_sigma2)*sum(self$root$weights[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'not_cens')]) +
(.5/sqrt(self$root$raw_sigma2))*(sum(self$root$weights[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'left_cens')] * (attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'left_cens'), 2] - self$root$mu1[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'left_cens')])) +
sum(self$root$weights[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'right_cens')] * (self$root$mu1[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'right_cens')] - attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'right_cens'), 1])) -
sum(self$root$weights[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens')] * attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), ])) -
.5*sum(cbind(self$root$weights, self$root$weights) * self$root$d * ((cbind(self$root$mu2, self$root$mu2) - 2*cbind(self$root$mu1, self$root$mu1)*attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y') + attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')^2)/self$root$raw_sigma2 - self$xi^2), na.rm = TRUE) +
sum(self$root$weights[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens')] * (attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), 2])/sqrt(self$root$raw_sigma2) + sum(log(-expm1((attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), 1] - attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), 2])/sqrt(self$root$raw_sigma2))))) -
sum(cbind(self$root$weights, self$root$weights) * (.5*abs(self$root$xi) + cbind(log1pexp(-abs(self$root$xi[, 1])), log1pexp(-abs(self$root$xi[, 2])))), na.rm = TRUE) - self$KL_div
} else if (self$root$family == "ordinal.logistic") {
.5*(sum(attr(self$root$cutpoints, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'left_cens'), 2] - self$root$mu1[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'left_cens')]) +
sum(self$root$mu1[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'right_cens')] - attr(self$root$cutpoints, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'right_cens'), 1]) -
sum(attr(self$root$cutpoints, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), ])) -
.5*sum(self$root$d*((cbind(self$root$mu2, self$root$mu2) - 2*cbind(self$root$mu1, self$root$mu1)*attr(self$root$cutpoints, 'log_Y') + attr(self$root$cutpoints, 'log_Y')^2) - self$xi^2), na.rm = TRUE) +
sum(attr(self$root$cutpoints, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), 2]) + sum(log(-expm1((attr(self$root$cutpoints, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), 1] - attr(self$root$cutpoints, 'log_Y')[attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'int_cens'), 2])))) -
sum(.5*abs(self$root$xi) + cbind(log1pexp(-abs(self$root$xi[, 1])), log1pexp(-abs(self$root$xi[, 2]))), na.rm = TRUE) - self$KL_div
} else {
stop("family must be one of 'gaussian', 'binomial', 'negative.binomial', poisson.log1pexp', 'aft.loglogistic', 'ordinal.logistic', or 'multinomial.titsias'")
alpha = function(value) { # used in multi-class learner
if (!missing(value)) {
stop("`$alpha' cannot be modified directly except at the ensemble level", call. = FALSE)
if (self$isEnsemble) { # if isEnsemble, e.g. if we're in linear or logistic case, return root$.alpha (SHOULD BE 0 IN THIS CASE)
return(self$ensemble$alpha) # otherwise, return ensemble's alpha
xi = function(value) { # optimal variational parameters, set to +sqrt(mu2)
if (!missing(value)) {
stop("`$xi` cannot be modified directly", call. = FALSE)
if (self$root$family == "aft.loglogistic") {
return(sqrt((1 / self$root$raw_sigma2) * (cbind(self$root$mu2, self$root$mu2) - 2*cbind(self$root$mu1, self$root$mu1)*attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y') + attr(self$root$raw_Y, 'log_Y')^2)))
} else if (self$root$family == "ordinal.logistic") {
return(sqrt((cbind(self$root$mu2, self$root$mu2) - 2*cbind(self$root$mu1, self$root$mu1)*attr(self$root$cutpoints, 'log_Y') + attr(self$root$cutpoints, 'log_Y')^2)))
return(sqrt(self$root$mu2 + self$alpha^2 - 2*self$alpha*self$root$mu1))
d = function(value) { # d == 1/xi * (g(xi) - .5), n x K matrix
if (!missing(value)) {
stop("'$d' cannot be modified directly", call. = FALSE)
xi = self$xi
g_xi = ilogit(xi) # matrix of g(xi_i,k), pre-compute once
d = ((g_xi - .5) / xi) # matrix of (g(xi_i,k) - .5) / xi_i,k, pre-compute once
d[xi == 0] = .25 # case of 0/0 (e.g. x_i is all 0), use L'Hopital
isConstant = function(value) { # uses node's constant check function and current fit to see if it is essentially a constant function
if (!missing(value)) {
stop("'$isConstant' cannot be modified directly", call. = FALSE)
isLocked = function(value) { # locked <=> V < V_tol, or both learners directly connected (sibling and parent's sibling) are constant, or just not growing this learner
if (missing(value)) {
if (self$isLeaf) {
return(private$.isLocked || is.null(self$learner$growMode) || (self$learner$growMode == "NA"))
} else {
return(all(sapply(self$children, function(x) x$isLocked)))
} else {
if (self$isLeaf) {
private$.isLocked = value
} else {
stop("`$isLocked` cannot be modified directly except at leaf nodes", call. = FALSE)
pred_mu1 = function(value) { # predicted first moment given new data
if (!missing(value)) {
if (self$isLeaf) {
private$.pred_mu1 = value
} else {
stop("`$pred_mu1` cannot be modified directly except at leaf nodes by calling `$predict.veb`", call. = FALSE)
if (self$isLeaf) {
} else {
children_pred_mu1 = lapply(self$children, function(x) x$pred_mu1)
if (self$operator == "+") {
return(children_pred_mu1[[1]] + children_pred_mu1[[2]])
} else {
return(children_pred_mu1[[1]] * children_pred_mu1[[2]])
pred_mu2 = function(value) { # predicted second moment given new data
if (!missing(value)) {
if (self$isLeaf) {
private$.pred_mu2 = value
} else {
stop("`$pred_mu2` cannot be modified directly except at leaf nodes by calling `$predict.veb`", call. = FALSE)
if (self$isLeaf) {
} else if (self$operator == "+") {
children_pred_mu1 = lapply(self$children, function(x) x$pred_mu1)
children_pred_mu2 = lapply(self$children, function(x) x$pred_mu2)
return(children_pred_mu2[[1]] + children_pred_mu2[[2]] + (2 * children_pred_mu1[[1]] * children_pred_mu1[[2]]))
} else {
children_pred_mu2 = lapply(self$children, function(x) x$pred_mu2)
return(children_pred_mu2[[1]] * children_pred_mu2[[2]])
inherit = data.tree::Node,
lock_objects = FALSE
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