
is.data.list <- 
    function(x) inherits(x, "data.list")

as.data.list <-
    function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.data.list")

as.data.list.data.list <- 
    function(x, ...) return(x)

as.data.list.default <-
    function(x, dimids, match.dimids, check = TRUE, drop = TRUE, ...){

                                        # x really needs to be a list!
        if((!is.list(x))||is.data.frame(x)) x <- list(x)

                                        # the make.match.dimids function is an algorithm
                                        # for automatically generating the pattern of
                                        # dimension sharing between the objects to be
                                        # combined into a data list.
        if(missing(match.dimids)) match.dimids <- make.match.dimids(x, dimids)
        if(!is.list(match.dimids)) stop("match.dimids must be a list")
        if(length(x) != length(match.dimids)) stop(
                     "match.dimids must have the same
number of elements as the list of
objects to be combined into a data
        if(check.full.rep(match.dimids) && check) {
            stop("at least one variable must be
replicated along all dimensions")

        if(check.unique.dimids(match.dimids) && check) stop(
            "the dimensions of replication for
each variable must be different
from each other")
                                        # some elements of x may themselves be lists of
                                        # variables (e.g. data frames). but data lists are
                                        # lists of atomic vectors, matrices, and arrays.
                                        # therefore, we must first `split up' these lists
                                        # within x into their constituent variables (i.e.
                                        # their variables must become elements in x just 
                                        # like all of the others). the split.dfs performs
                                        # this spliting. it then combines the result with
                                        # the match.dimids list in a two-element list of
                                        # lists (1) x and (2) match.dimids. 
        if(all(sapply(x,is.atomic)) &
           all(!sapply(x,is.factor)) &
           all(sapply(x,is.numeric))) {
            x <- list(x = x, match.dimids = match.dimids)
                                        #names(x$match.dimids) <- NULL # don't think this is necessary
            x$x <- lapply(x$x, rdims)
        } else{
                                        # the split.dfs function plays an important role
                                        # that i forgot about: adds a dim attribute to
                                        # atomic objects without dim attributes.
                                        # this is the reason for the lapply of rdims
                                        # above.
            x <- split.dfs(x, match.dimids)
                                        # one of the rules of data lists is that each data
                                        # list must have at least one variable that is
                                        # replicated along all dimensions. we store the
                                        # index of this variable in bm (for benchmark) so
                                        # that we can compare the other variables with it.
                                        # the benchmark `holds together' the other
                                        # variables.
        bm <- which.fully.replicated(x$x)
                                        # the dimensions of a data list (or repdim's) are
                                        # simply the dimensions of the benchmark variable.
        repdim <- dim(x$x[[bm]])
        names(repdim) <- x$match.dimids[[bm]] # fixed a bug here by the 'x$'
                                        # previously, for data with a
                                        # 'late' benchmark variable
                                        # without dimnames, 
                                        # match.dimids was an 'older'
                                        # version of x$match.dimids
                                        # all data list variables MUST have names, so if
                                        # you won't do it...i will. its just good practice
                                        # to name your variables. and the check.dims function
                                        # that comes next requires it in order to give 
                                        # informative error messages.
        if(is.null(names(x$x))) names(x$x) <- paste("V", seq_along(x$x), sep="")

                                        # if match.dimids have been specified such that 
                                        # the lengths of matched dimensions are not 
                                        # identical, then an invalid data list will result.
                                        # the check.dims function will give an informative
                                        # error message about which variable might be
                                        # causing such a problem.
        if(check) check.dims(x, bm, repdim)

                                        # all variables in a data list must have an 
                                        # attribute called "subsetdim", which is a
                                        # logical vector the same length as repdim
                                        # that has TRUE for dimensions along which
                                        # it is replicated and FALSE otherwise. the
                                        # subsetdim function adds this attribute.
        x <- subsetdim(x, bm, repdim)
                                        # split up match.dimids and x and prepare them
                                        # for output.
        match.dimids <- x$match.dimids
        names(match.dimids) <- names(x$x)
        x <- structure(x$x, bm = bm, match.dimids = match.dimids,
                       repdim = repdim, class = "data.list")
                                        # it is important to make sure that all variables
                                        # have the same dimnames for shared dimensions.
        if(check) x <- make.dimnames.consistent(x, bm)
                                        # data lists with only one dimension of replication
                                        # are conceptually equivalent to data frames.
                                        # therefore, the default behaviour is to formally
                                        # convert such data lists to data frames but this
                                        # behaviour can be changed via the `drop' argument.
        if((length(repdim) == 1) && drop) return(as.data.frame(x))


make.match.dimids <- function(x, dimids){
                                        # the purpose of this function is to figure out
                                        # how the elements in x are related if the
                                        # relationships are not specified explicitly in 
                                        # match.dimids.
                                        # the basic outline of the algorithm is:
                                        # 1. check if the dimensions of the objects in x
                                        #        are fully named.
                                        # 2a.if they are, try to match them based on their
                                        #        names.
                                        # 2b.if they aren't, try to match them based on
                                        #        their lengths.
                                        # 3. if a fully replicated match.dimids doesn't
                                        #    result, then try 2b one more time.
    match.dimids <- list()
    check <- FALSE
                                        # 1. create a list of the dimnames in x.
                                        # we use the utility function get.input.names
                                        # because it returns the right kind of 'dim'
                                        # name for each kind of object in x. different
                                        # object types in R have different ways of 
                                        # retrieving the names associated with it.
                                        # see the comments for get.input.names
                                        # for more detail. 
    innames <- lapply(x, get.input.names)
    ulinnames <- unlist(innames, recursive = FALSE)
                                        # get a logical vector indicating which elements
                                        # in x have non-null dimnames.
                                        #notnullnames <- !sapply(innames,is.null) # think this line is a bug...
                                        #notnullnames <- !sapply(ulinnames,is.null) # that this line fixes???

                                        # above still buggy so new attempt
    notnullnames <- !(any(sapply(innames,is.null)) || any(sapply(ulinnames,is.null)))
                                        # get the dimensions of the elements in x
    indims <- lapply(x, get.input.dims)
    dimlengths <- sapply(indims, length)
                                        #if(all(notnullnames) && !is.null(ulinnames)){
                                        # fixed a BUG here:  the !is.null(ulinnames) is not necessary,
                                        # because ulinnames will never have a NULL first element (b/c
                                        # unlist removes NULL elements).  the new condition is better
                                        # because if the length of x is different than the length of 
                                        # ulinnames, this indicates that either unlist (when creating
                                        # ulinnames) or get.input.names (when creating innames) has 
                                        # dropped some elements and this means that some of the innames 
                                        # were NULL, which is what we want to avoid in this condition.
                                        #if(notnullnames && (length(x) == length(innames))){
                                        #if(notnullnames && (length(x) == length(ulinnames))){# removed all() around notnullnames...now handled in the defnition of notnullnames
                                        # BUG FIX in the following if:  sum(dimlenghts) replaces length(x).
                                        # this fix is obvious in hindsight...of course we want the total
                                        # number of dimname vectors to equal the total number of dimensions,
                                        # NOT the total number of variables.
    if(notnullnames && (sum(dimlengths) == length(ulinnames))){
                                        # 2a. this condition is evaluated when the dimensions
                                        # of the elements in x are 'fully named'
                                        # therefore, this is where the algorithm tries
                                        # to match dimnames
                                        # the first thing to be done is to check that there
                                        # is a comparison to make (i.e. the dimnames are not
                                        # all unique and there is more than one variable)
        unique.dimnames <- unique(ulinnames)
        allunique <- length(unique.dimnames) == length(ulinnames)
        morethanonevar <- length(x) > 1
        if(allunique && morethanonevar)
            stop("Resulting data list invalid: some variables do not share any dimensions with other variables (HINT: check the names and dimnames of the objects being combined into a data list)")

                                        # create a list with one element for each in x,
                                        # with vector elements giving indices for each of
                                        # the dimensions associated with that element.
                                        # for example, for two elements such that the first
                                        # has two dimensions and the second shares the first
                                        # of those two, we would have something like:
                                        #       $A
                                        #       [1] 1 2
                                        #       $B
                                        #       [1] 1
        mat.ndims <- lapply(innames, match, unique.dimnames)

                                        # now create a vector of the sizes of the indexed
                                        # dimensions in mat.ndims (wfr stands for 'which
                                        # fully replicated' because the dimensions overall
                                        # are equal to the dimensions of a fully replicated
                                        # variable -- e.g. benchmark variable)
        indims.wfr <- sapply(unique.dimnames, length)

                                        # check that the dimensions of each element in x 
                                        # are fully replicated, when its time to do so
        check <- TRUE
                                        # 2b. if this condition is evaluated then dimension
                                        # matching is attempted using the lengths of the
                                        # dimensions of the elements in x.
                                        # find out which one is fully replicated (wfr)
        wfr <- which.max(dimlengths)
                                        # get a vector of the sizes of the data list 
                                        # dimensions (compare with indims.wfr in the 
                                        # previous condition)
        indims.wfr <- indims[[wfr]]
                                        # if some dimensions appear to have an identical
                                        # length, then it is impossible to decide how to
                                        # match them.
        if(length(unique(indims.wfr)) < length(indims.wfr)){
            stop("Dimensions could not be matched by names and some dimensions are of the same length and therefore require specification of match.dimids. Type ?data.list and see the details section of the help file for data.list.")
                                        # see the explanation above for mat.ndims
        mat.ndims <- lapply(indims, match, indims.wfr)
                                        # set check to FALSE so that length-based matching
                                        # is only tried one time
        check <- FALSE
                                        # make sure the dimension ids (dimids) exist
    if(missing(dimids)) dimids <- paste("D", seq_along(indims.wfr), sep="")
                                        # see ?as.data.list for definition of match.dimids
    match.dimids <- lapply(mat.ndims, function(ii) dimids[ii])
                                        # make sure that match.dimids is fully replicated.
                                        # if not, the condition will be evaluated, which
                                        # recursively calls make.match.dimids and tries
                                        # one more time to match the dimids
    if(check.full.rep(match.dimids) && check){
                                        # names(x[[1]]) <- dimnames(x[[1]]) <- NULL
                                        # following line is slower but more explicit than the
                                        # previous one
        for(i in seq_along(x)) names(x[[i]]) <- dimnames(x[[i]]) <- NULL
                                        # maybe reinstate the following explicit message???
                                        # message('matching dimids failed, trying one more time with
                                        # dimension names deleted')
        match.dimids <- make.match.dimids(x, dimids)

                                        ##### possible paths through the algorithm: #####
                                        # 1. try matching by names, but fail with error
                                        # 2. try matching by names, but get non-fully-replicated
                                        # output, then try matching by lengths but fail with error
                                        # 3. try matching by names, but get non-fully-replicated
                                        # output, then try matching by lengths and succeed
                                        # 4. try matching by names, and succeed
                                        # 5. try matching by lengths, but fail with error
                                        # 6. try matching by lengths, and succeed


rdims <- function(xx){
    if(is.null(dim(xx))) attr(xx, "dim") <- length(xx)

get.input.dims <- function(xi){

    if(is.null(dim(xi)) & is.atomic(xi))

    else if(is.recursive(xi) & is.atomic(xi[[1]])){


    else if(is.recursive(xi))
            "recursive tables must contain only
atomic elements")


get.input.names <- function(xi){
                                        # this function returns the `dim` names assocaited with
                                        # xi.  different types of objects have different types
                                        # of names, stored in attributes.  for:
                                        # data frames: list with one element containing row.names
                                        # atomic vector: list with one element containing names
                                        # matrix or array: dimnames
                                        # anything else: NULL, which will cause errors with bad messages
                                        # (non-data frame) list: work with the first element and extract
                                        #                                                its names
    else if(is.null(dim(xi)) & is.atomic(xi))
    else if(is.recursive(xi) & is.atomic(xi[[1]])){
    else if(is.recursive(xi))
            "recursive tables must contain
only atomic elements")
    else return(dimnames(xi))       

check.full.rep <-
                                        # return FALSE if match.dimids contains a fully replicated
                                        # (e.g. benchmark) variable and TRUE otherwise.
        mt <- match.dimids[[which.max(sapply(match.dimids, length))]]
        dims <- lapply(match.dimids, match, table = mt)
        any(sapply(dims, function(x) any(is.na(x))))

check.unique.dimids <- 
    function(match.dimids) # return FALSE if no duplicated dimids
    any(unlist(lapply(match.dimids, duplicated)))

split.dfs <-
    function(x, match.dimids){
                                        # altered x and match.dimids
        x.alt <- list()
        match.dimids.alt <- list()
                                        # loop over all lists/data frames in x
        for(i in seq_along(x)){
                                        # all x[[i]] must be lists...
                x[[i]] <- list(x[[i]])
                names(x[[i]]) <- names(x)[i]
                                        # ...and if they don't have names, name them
            else if(is.null(names(x[[i]])))
                names(x[[i]]) <- paste(names(x)[i], seq_along(x[[i]]), sep = ".")
                                        # loop over all elements of these lists
            for(j in seq_along(x[[i]])){
                        "variables with zero length are
not allowed in data lists")
                                        # save the dimensions and dimnames of the variables
                                        # to be added back if necessary
                dx <- dim(x[[i]][[j]])
                if(is.null(dx)) dnx <- names(x[[i]][[j]])
                else dnx <- dimnames(x[[i]][[j]])
                                        # convert characters to factors
                    x.attr <- attributes(x[[i]][[j]])
                    which.other.attr <- !(names(x.attr) %in% c("dim",
                    other.attr <- x.attr[which.other.attr]
                    x[[i]][[j]] <- as.factor(x[[i]][[j]])
                    dim(x[[i]][[j]]) <- dx
                                        # try to keep attributes (see aperm.factor for similar approach)
                    for(ii in seq_along(other.attr))
                        attr(x[[i]][[j]], names(other.attr)[[ii]]) <- other.attr[[ii]]
                                        # put names (and maybe dimensions) back
                    attr(x[[i]][[j]], "dim") <- length(x[[i]][[j]]) 
                    names(x[[i]][[j]]) <- dnx
                else dimnames(x[[i]][[j]]) <- dnx
                                        # grow the new data and their match.dimids
            match.dimids.alt <- c(match.dimids.alt, rep(list(match.dimids[[i]]), length(x[[i]])))
            x.alt <- c(x.alt, x[[i]])
        return(list(x = x.alt, match.dimids = match.dimids.alt))

which.fully.replicated <-
    function(x) which.max(sapply(x,function(xi)length(dim(xi))))

check.dims <-
    function(x, bm, repdim){
        rdn.bm <- x$match.dimids[[bm]]
        for(i in seq_along(x$x)[-bm]){
            for(j in seq_along(x$match.dimids[[i]])){
                repdimij <- repdim[rdn.bm == x$match.dimids[[i]][j]]
                dimij <- dim(x$x[[i]])[j]
                if(repdimij != dimij) stop(paste("incompatible dimensions in", names(x$x)[i]))

subsetdim <-
    function(x, bm, repdim){
        inds <- lapply(x$match.dimids, match, table = x$match.dimids[[bm]])
        for(i in seq_along(x$x)){
            ord.inds <- order(inds[[i]])
            notfactor <- !is.factor(x$x[[i]])
            if(notfactor){ # try to keep attributes (see aperm.factor for similar approach)
                x.attr <- attributes(x$x[[i]])
                which.other.attr <- !(names(x.attr) %in% c("dim","levels","dimnames","class"))
                other.attr <- x.attr[which.other.attr]
            x$x[[i]] <- aperm(x$x[[i]], ord.inds)
            if(notfactor) # try to keep attributes (see aperm.factor for similar approach)
                for(ii in seq_along(other.attr))
                    attr(x$x[[i]], names(other.attr)[[ii]]) <- other.attr[[ii]]
            x$match.dimids[[i]] <- x$match.dimids[[i]][ord.inds]
        inds <- lapply(x$match.dimids, match, table = x$match.dimids[[bm]])
        nd <- length(repdim)
        for(i in seq_along(x$x)){
            attr(x$x[[i]], "subsetdim") <- rep(FALSE,nd)
            attr(x$x[[i]], "subsetdim")[inds[[i]]] <- TRUE
            names(attr(x$x[[i]], "subsetdim")) <- x$match.dimids[[bm]]

make.dimnames.consistent <-
    function(x, bm){
        dimnames(x) <- dimnames(bm(x))
        return(make.required.dimnames(x, prefix = ""))

make.required.dimnames <-
    function(x, clear.names = FALSE, prefix = "name"){
        if(clear.names) dimnames(x) <- NULL
            dimnames(x) <- lapply(dim(x), function(di) numnames(di, prefix))
        } else {
            nullDims <- sapply(dimnames(x), is.null)
                dimnames(x)[nullDims] <- lapply(dim(x)[nullDims], function(di) numnames(di, prefix))

as.list.data.list <-
    function(x, drop.attr=TRUE, factorsTOstrings=FALSE, ...){
            out <- lapply(x,function(xx)
                          if(is.factor(xx)) as.character(xx) else xx)
        else out <- unclass(x)
            for(i in seq_along(x)) attr(out[[i]], "subsetdim") <- NULL
            attr(out, "match.dimids") <- NULL
            attr(out, "bm") <- NULL
            attr(out, "repdim") <- NULL

as.data.frame.data.list <-
    function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, scheme = "repeat", mold, ...){
        x <- make.dimnames.consistent(x, attr(x, 'bm'))
        if(missing(mold)) mold <- data.list.mold(x)
                                        #out <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) as.vector(x[[i]][mold[[i]]]))
        out <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) 
                      structure(x[[i]][mold[[i]]], dim = NULL))
        names(out) <- varnames(x)
        if(is.null(row.names)) row.names <- attr(mold, "df.rownames")
        as.data.frame(out, row.names = row.names, optional = optional,...)

as.matrix.data.list <- 
    function(x, ...){
        fac <- mapply("||", sapply(x, is.factor), sapply(x, is.character))
        x.attr <- attributes(x)
        x.df <- as.data.frame(x)
        x.num <- x.df[!fac]
        x.fac <- x.df[fac]
        list(x.num = as.matrix(x.num), x.fac = as.matrix(x.fac))

data.list.mold <-
        df.rownames <- as.vector(mouter(dimnames(x), FUN=paste, sep = "."))
                                        # an alternative to the above line (that reverses the order of the 
                                        # dimensions) is:
                                        # df.rownames <- big.kronecker(rev(dimnames(x)),FUN=paste,sep=".")
        repdims <- dim(x)
        xmold <- list()
        for(i in seq_along(x)){
            xmold[[i]] <- seq_along(x[[i]])
            dms <- attr(x[[i]], "subsetdim")
            prms <- c(which(dms), which(!dms))
            xmold[[i]] <- aperm(array(xmold[[i]], repdims[prms]), order(prms))
            dim(xmold[[i]]) <- NULL
        structure(xmold, df.rownames = df.rownames)
stevencarlislewalker/multitable documentation built on May 30, 2019, 4:44 p.m.