
Defines functions .affine2distance antsrMotionCalculation

Documented in antsrMotionCalculation

#' antsrMotionCalculation
#' Correct time-series data for motion.
#' @param img antsImage, usually ND where D=4.
#' @param fixed Fixed image to register all timepoints to.  If not provided, mean image is used.
#' @param mask mask for image (ND-1).  If not provided, estimated from data.
#' @param typeofTransform One of \code{"Affine"}, \code{"Rigid"},
#' '\code{"BOLDAffine"}, \code{"BOLDRigid"}, \code{"QuickRigid"}.
#' @param getMotionDescriptors computes dvars and framewise displacement.  May
#' take additional memory.
#' @param verbose enables verbose output.
#' @param num_threads will execute
#' \code{Sys.setenv(ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS = num_threads)} before
#' running to attempt a more reproducible result.  See
#' \url{https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTs/wiki/antsRegistration-reproducibility-issues}
#' for discussion.  If \code{NULL}, will not set anything.
#' @param seed will execute
#' \code{Sys.setenv(ANTS_RANDOM_SEED = seed)} before
#' running to attempt a more reproducible result.  See
#' \url{https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTs/wiki/antsRegistration-reproducibility-issues}
#' for discussion.  If \code{NULL}, will not set anything.
#' @param ... extra parameters passed to antsRegistration
#' @return List containing:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{moco_img}{ Motion corrected time-series image.}
#'  \item{moco_params}{ Data frame of translation parameters.}
#'  \item{moco_avg_img}{ Average motion-corrected image.}
#'  \item{moco_mask}{ Mask used to calculate framewise displacement.}
#'  \item{fd}{ Time-series mean and max displacements.}
#'  \item{dvars}{ DVARS, derivative of frame-wise intensity changes.}
#' }
#' @note For reproducible results, you should run
#' which is what the \code{num_threads = 1} flag will do.
#' See \url{https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTs/wiki/antsRegistration-reproducibility-issues}
#' and \url{https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTsR/issues/210#issuecomment-377511054}
#' for discussion
#' @author BB Avants, Benjamin M. Kandel, JT Duda, Jeffrey S. Phillips
#' @export antsrMotionCalculation
antsrMotionCalculation <- function(
    typeofTransform = c(
      "Rigid", "QuickRigid", "BOLDRigid", "Affine",
      "AffineFast", "BOLDAffine", "SyN", "SyNOnly"
    getMotionDescriptors = TRUE,
    verbose = FALSE,
    num_threads = 1,
    seed = NULL,
    ...) {
  ants_random_seed <- itk_threads <- NULL
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
    ants_random_seed <- Sys.getenv("ANTS_RANDOM_SEED")
    Sys.setenv(ANTS_RANDOM_SEED = seed)
  if (!is.null(num_threads)) {
    itk_threads <- Sys.getenv("ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS")
    Sys.setenv(ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS = num_threads)
    if (!is.null(ants_random_seed)) {
      Sys.setenv(ANTS_RANDOM_SEED = ants_random_seed)
    if (!is.null(itk_threads)) {
      Sys.setenv(ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS = itk_threads)
  typeofTransform <- match.arg(typeofTransform)
  imgdim <- length(dim(img))
  subdim <- imgdim - 1
  ntimes <- dim(img)[imgdim]
  if (missing(fixed)) {
    fixed <- getAverageOfTimeSeries(img)
  if (missing(mask)) {
    mask <- getMask(fixed)
  extractSubImage <- function(img, vin) {
    temp <- ANTsRCore::extractSlice(img, vin, img@dimension, 0)
    subdim <- img@dimension - 1
    xxx <- antsSetDirection(temp, antsGetDirection(img)[1:subdim, 1:subdim])
  # now loop over all time points and register to the fixed images
  # create array holder for deformed images
  warpedSlices <- list()
  if (verbose) {
    progress <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = ntimes, style = 3)
  for (i in 1:ntimes) {
    localImg <- extractSubImage(img, i)
    locreg <- antsRegistration(
      fixed = fixed, moving = localImg,
      typeofTransform = typeofTransform, ...
    warpedSlices[[i]] <- locreg$warpedmovout
    localtxp <- readAntsrTransform(
      locreg$fwdtransforms[length(locreg$fwdtransforms)], subdim
    localtxp <- getAntsrTransformParameters(localtxp)
    if (i == 1) {
      mocoparams <- matrix(nrow = ntimes, ncol = length(localtxp))
      if (verbose) print(localtxp)
    mocoparams[i, ] <- localtxp
    if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(progress, i)
  if (verbose) close(progress)
  moco_img <- mergeListToNDImage(img, warpedSlices)
  meanout <- getAverageOfTimeSeries(moco_img)
  if (getMotionDescriptors) {
    tempmat <- timeseries2matrix(img, mask)
    dvars <- computeDVARS(tempmat)
    # finally, get framewise displacement
    tsimg <- antsImageClone(img, "double")
    mocostats <- .antsMotionCorrStats0(tsimg, mask, mocoparams)
    fd <- as.data.frame(mocostats$Displacements)
    names(fd) <- c("MeanDisplacement", "MaxDisplacement")
  } else {
    fd <- NA
    dvars <- NA
  # now do a posthoc mapping of the motion parameters to roll pitch yaw
  # in the special case of rigid mapping in 3D
  isRigid <- length(grep("Rigid", typeofTransform)) == 1
  if (isRigid & (imgdim == 4)) {
    mocoparamsR <- matrix(nrow = ntimes, ncol = 6)
    for (i in 1:ntimes) {
      mocoparamsR[i, ] <- .affine2distance(mocoparams[i, ])
    mocoparams <- mocoparamsR
  colnames(mocoparams) <- paste("MOCOparam", 1:ncol(mocoparams), sep = "")
      moco_img     = moco_img,
      moco_params  = mocoparams,
      moco_avg_img = meanout,
      moco_mask    = mask,
      fd           = fd,
      dvars        = dvars

.affine2distance <- function(affVals) {
  affVals <- as.numeric(affVals)

  dx <- affVals[10]
  dy <- affVals[11]
  dz <- affVals[12]

  rotx <- asin(affVals[7])
  roty <- atan2(affVals[8] / cos(rotx), affVals[9] / cos(rotx))
  rotz <- atan2(affVals[4] / cos(rotx), affVals[1] / cos(rotx))

  rotx <- rotx * 360 / (2 * pi)
  roty <- roty * 360 / (2 * pi)
  rotz <- rotz * 360 / (2 * pi)

  return(c(dx, dy, dz, rotx, roty, rotz))

# FIXME - read and write function for momo objects
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on April 16, 2024, 12:17 a.m.