
Defines functions fMRINormalization

Documented in fMRINormalization

#' Multi-run normalization, filtering and nuisance estimation for fMRI.
#' This function leverages structural image processing based on ANTs
#' cortical thickness to implement standard functional image processing
#' recommendations.  The function will crop out the first k time frames,
#' do motion correction and produce a variety of nuisance regressors.  It will
#' also do spatial and temporal filtering as well as interpolation between
#' time frames that exceed a given framewise displacement.  Finally, we return
#' maps to the common coordinate system.  Output may be trimmed in the future
#' but currently provides access at different stages: merging versus filtering
#' and normalized, fused BOLD images in both subject and template space.
#' @param img input time series antsImage.
#' @param steadyT number of seconds for steady state (used to remove initial volumes)
#' @param fdthresh threshold for framewise displacement.  determines what time
#' frames should be interpolated. Set typically between 0.1 and 0.5 or Inf.
#' @param repeatMotionEst number of times to repeat motion estimation. We
#' recommend the value 2, in general.  The first run improves the template
#' estimate such that the 2nd run gives a more accurate correction.
#' @param freqLimits pair defining bandwidth of interest from low to high.
#' @param nCompCor number of compcor components to use in CSF plus WM mask.
#' @param polydegree eg 4 for polynomial nuisance variables.
#' @param structuralImage the structural antsImage of the brain.
#' @param structuralSeg a 3 or greater class tissue segmentation of the structural image.
#' @param structuralNodes regions of interest for network analysis, in the structural image space.
#' @param templateMap antsRegistration output mapping template space (as moving) to struturalImage (fixed).
#' @param templateImage template reference space to which we map the BOLD image.
#' @param smoothingSigmas 4-vector defining amount of smoothing in FWHM units.
#' @param extraRuns a list containing additional BOLD images (runs) to be merged with the first image.
#' @param verbose enables visualization as well as commentary.
#' @return outputs a list containing:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{fusedImg: }{runs fused into one image and corrected if polydegree set}
#'   \item{fusedImgFilt: }{runs fused into one image and filtered}
#'   \item{seg2bold: }{strutural segmentation in BOLD space.}
#'   \item{nodes2bold: }{strutural nodes in BOLD space.}
#'   \item{boldToTemplate: }{BOLD fusedImg mapped to template space.}
#'   \item{mapsToTemplate: }{invertible maps from BOLD to template space.}
#'   \item{runID: }{Identifies which run over time series.}
#'   \item{boldMat: }{Matrix of filtered BOLD data.}
#'   \item{boldMask: }{BOLD mask.}
#'   \item{motionCorr: }{Motion corrected data.}
#'   \item{polyNuis: }{Polynomial nuisance variables.}
#'   \item{timevals: }{Temporal variables.}
#'   \item{nuisance: }{Nuisance variables.}
#'   \item{FD: }{mean framewise displacement.}
#'   \item{badtimes: }{time frames that are above FD threshold.}
#'   \item{dmnAtBOLDres: }{Default mode network at BOLD resolution in MNI space.}
#'   \item{seg2template: }{Segmentation in BOLD resolution MNI space.}
#'   \item{networkPriors2Bold: }{WIP: standard network priors in BOLD space.}
#'   \item{powersLabels: }{Powers nodes in BOLD space i.e. fusedImg.}
#'   \item{powersPoints: }{Powers points in BOLD space i.e. fusedImg.}
#'   \item{connMatNodes: }{User provided nodal system connectivity matrix.}
#'   \item{connMatNodesPartialCorr: }{TUser provided nodal system partial correlation matrix.}
#' }
#' @author Avants BB, Duda JT
#' @examples
#' # this example is long-running ( perhaps 10 minutes on an OSX laptop 2016 )
#' \dontrun{
#' exrun <- fMRINormalization(verbose = TRUE) # will download ex data
#' myid <- "BBAvants" # some MRI data
#' pre <- paste("~/rsfTest/", sep = "")
#' fn <- list.files(pre,
#'   full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,
#'   pattern = glob2rx(paste(myid, "*rsfMRI0.nii.gz", sep = ""))
#' )
#' img <- antsImageRead(fn)
#' sfn <- list.files(pre,
#'   full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,
#'   pattern = glob2rx(paste(myid, "*BrainSegmentation.nii.gz", sep = ""))
#' )
#' seg <- antsImageRead(sfn)
#' t1fn <- list.files(pre,
#'   full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,
#'   pattern = glob2rx(paste(myid, "*BrainSegmentation0N4.nii.gz", sep = ""))
#' )
#' t1 <- antsImageRead(t1fn)
#' tt <- fMRINormalization(img,
#'   repeatMotionEst = 1,
#'   structuralImage = t1, structuralSeg = seg, verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' # bold to template
#' antsApplyTransforms(mni, getAverageOfTimeSeries(img),
#'   transformlist = tt$mapsToTemplate$toTemplate,
#'   whichtoinvert = tt$mapsToTemplate$toTemplateInversion
#' )
#' # template to bold
#' antsApplyTransforms(getAverageOfTimeSeries(img), mni,
#'   transformlist = tt$mapsToTemplate$toBold,
#'   whichtoinvert = tt$mapsToTemplate$toBoldInversion
#' )
#' }
#' @export fMRINormalization
fMRINormalization <- function(
    steadyT = 20.0,
    fdthresh = Inf,
    repeatMotionEst = 2,
    freqLimits = c(0.01, 0.1),
    nCompCor = 0,
    polydegree = NA,
    structuralImage = NULL,
    structuralSeg = NULL,
    structuralNodes = NULL,
    templateMap = NULL,
    templateImage = NULL,
    smoothingSigmas = NA,
    extraRuns = list(),
    verbose = FALSE) {
  powers_areal_mni_itk <- NULL
  if (!usePkg("ggplot2")) stop("need ggplot2")
  if (!usePkg("igraph")) stop("need igraph")
  if (!usePkg("pracma")) stop("need pracma")
  if (!usePkg("mFilter")) stop("need mFilter")
  if (missing(img)) # for stand-alone testing
      img <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("rsbold"))
      mask <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("rsboldmask"))
      structuralSeg <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("rsboldseg"))
      structuralImage <- antsImageClone(structuralSeg)
      structuralImage[structuralImage > 3] <- 2
  # start with basic mean bold image
  meanbold <- getAverageOfTimeSeries(img)
  mask <- getMask(meanbold)
  # Find first steady state timepoint
  tr <- antsGetSpacing(img)[4]
  steady <- floor(steadyT / tr) + 1

  # Global signal before cropping (save for visualization)
  origmean <- apply(img, c(1, 2, 3), mean)
  fullmean <- rowMeans(timeseries2matrix(img, mask))
  allTimes <- dim(img)[4]

  # Eliminate non steady-state timepoints
  img <- cropIndices(img, c(1, 1, 1, steady), dim(img))
  runNuis <- rep(1, dim(img)[4])
  if (length(extraRuns) > 0) {
    if (!is.list(extraRuns)) {
      stop("extraRuns must be a list of antsImages.")
    for (i in 1:length(extraRuns))
      timg <- extraRuns[[i]]
      allTimes <- allTimes + dim(timg)[4]
      timg <- cropIndices(timg, c(1, 1, 1, steady), dim(timg))
      extraRuns[[i]] <- timg
      runNuis <- c(runNuis, rep(i + 1, dim(timg)[4]))
  runNuis <- factor(runNuis)
  timevals <- 0
  for (runlev in levels(runNuis))
    if (length(timevals) == 1) {
      timevals <- as.numeric(1:sum(runNuis == runlev)) * tr
    } else {
      timevals <- c(timevals, as.numeric(1:sum(runNuis == runlev)) * tr)

  ## ----moco,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=3--------
  mocoTxType <- "BOLDRigid"
  for (i in 1:repeatMotionEst)
    moco <- antsrMotionCalculation(img, fixed = meanbold, typeofTransform = mocoTxType)
    meanbold <- apply(moco$moco_img, c(1, 2, 3), mean)
  if (repeatMotionEst < 1) {
    mocoTxType <- "QuickRigid"
    moco <- antsrMotionCalculation(img, fixed = meanbold, typeofTransform = mocoTxType)
  meanbold <- apply(moco$moco_img, c(1, 2, 3), mean)

  # at this point, we might map meanbold to the structural image
  # and then motion correct all runs to that. this approach would be less
  # biased.  however, let us hold that thought for later. FIXME

  # now add any additional runs and merge moco results
  if (length(extraRuns) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(extraRuns))
      timg <- extraRuns[[i]]
      # do a more accurate registration for this stage b/c it's a different run
      if (verbose) print(paste("motion correction ", i))
      mocoTemp <- antsrMotionCalculation(timg, fixed = meanbold, typeofTransform = mocoTxType)
      meanbold2 <- apply(timg, c(1, 2, 3), mean)
      mocoTempToSelf <- antsrMotionCalculation(timg, fixed = meanbold2, typeofTransform = mocoTxType)
      if (verbose) print("merge corrected image ( and tsDisplacement? )")
      if (usePkg("abind")) {
        ttmo <- as.array(moco$moco_img)
        ttmo <- abind::abind(ttmo, as.array(mocoTemp$moco_img))
        moco$moco_img <- antsCopyImageInfo(moco$moco_img, as.antsImage(ttmo))
      } else {
        stop("need abind package for the extraRuns feature")
      if (verbose) print("merge parameters, fd and dvars")
      moco$moco_params <- rbind(moco$moco_params, mocoTempToSelf$moco_params)
      moco$fd <- rbind(moco$fd, mocoTempToSelf$fd)
      moco$dvars <- c(moco$dvars, mocoTemp$dvars)
    if (verbose) print("fusion done")

  # now use polynomial regressors to match images across runs #
  polyNuis <- NA
  boldMat <- timeseries2matrix(moco$moco_img, mask)
  if (!is.na(polydegree)) # polynomial regressors
      meanmat <- boldMat * 0
      rboldMat <- boldMat * 0
      mycolmean <- colMeans(boldMat)
      mycolmean <- mycolmean * 1000 / mean(mycolmean) # map to 1000
      for (i in 1:nrow(meanmat)) meanmat[i, ] <- mycolmean
      for (runlev in levels(runNuis))
        polyNuis <- stats::poly(timevals[runNuis == runlev], degree = polydegree)
        rboldMat[runNuis == runlev, ] <- residuals(lm(boldMat[runNuis == runlev, ] ~ polyNuis))
      # residualize but also keep the scale mean
      boldMat <- rboldMat + meanmat
      if (verbose) print("residuals done")
      polyNuis <- stats::poly(timevals, degree = polydegree)
  if (verbose) print("polyNuis done")
  fusedImg <- matrix2timeseries(moco$moco_img, mask, boldMat)

  ## ----mocoimg,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=3, echo=FALSE----
  if (verbose) {
    invisible(plot(moco$moco_avg_img, axis = 3, slices = 1:30, ncolumns = 10))

  if (is.null(structuralImage)) # here do a quick hack so we can process bold alone
      structuralImage <- antsImageClone(meanbold)
      if (is.null(structuralSeg)) {
        structuralSeg <- antsImageClone(mask)
      mask1 <- iMath(mask, "ME", 1) # gm
      mask2 <- iMath(mask, "ME", 2) # wm
      structuralSeg <- structuralSeg + mask1 + mask2
      t1brain <- meanbold * mask
    } else {
    structuralImage <- check_ants(structuralImage)
    structuralSeg <- check_ants(structuralSeg)
    t1brain <- structuralImage * thresholdImage(structuralSeg, 1, Inf)

  if (!exists("boldmap")) {
    if (verbose) print("boldmap to structure (no boldmap passed in)")
    #  boldmap = antsRegistration( meanbold * mask, t1brain,
    #    typeofTransform='QuickRigid', verbose=FALSE )
    if (verbose) print(meanbold)
    if (verbose) print(mask)
    maskmean <- meanbold * mask
    if (verbose) print("mask mean done")
    boldmap <- antsRegistration(maskmean, t1brain,
      typeofTransform = "SyNBoldAff", verbose = FALSE
    if (verbose) print("boldmap to structure done")

  havetemplateMap <- TRUE
  if (is.null(templateMap)) {
    havetemplateMap <- FALSE
    templateMap <- list(fwdtransforms = NA, invtransforms = NA)
    #  mni = antsImageRead( getANTsRData( "mni" ) )
    #  if ( verbose ) print("boldmap to template")
    #  templateMap = antsRegistration( t1brain, mni, typeofTransform='SyN',
    #    verbose = FALSE )

  mni2boldmaps <- c(boldmap$fwdtransforms, templateMap$fwdtransforms)
  mni2boldmapsInv <- c(templateMap$invtransforms, boldmap$invtransforms)
  seg2bold <- antsApplyTransforms(meanbold, structuralSeg, boldmap$fwdtransforms,
    interpolator = "NearestNeighbor"
  if (verbose) {
    plot(meanbold, boldmap$warpedmovout %>% iMath("Canny", 10, 1, 1))
    plot(meanbold, maskImage(seg2bold, seg2bold, 2))

  ## ----mocomatrix,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=3----
  nVox <- length(which(as.array(mask) == 1))
  vox <- sample(1:nVox, 1000)
  if (verbose) {
    invisible(plot(as.antsImage(t(timeseries2matrix(moco$moco_img, mask)[, vox]))))
  # extract just the transform parameters #
  reg_params <- as.matrix(moco$moco_params)
  dvars <- computeDVARS(timeseries2matrix(fusedImg, mask))

  ## ----badtimes,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=3----
  goodtimes <- (1:nrow(moco$moco_img))
  badtimes <- which(moco$fd$MeanDisplacement > fdthresh)
  haveBadTimes <- FALSE
  if (length(badtimes) > 0) {
    goodtimes <- goodtimes[-badtimes]
    haveBadTimes <- TRUE
  } else {
    badtimes <- NA

  boldMat <- timeseries2matrix(fusedImg, mask)
  nTimes <- nrow(boldMat)
  if (haveBadTimes) {
    if (verbose) {
    for (v in c(1:nVox))
      boldMat[badtimes, v] <- spline(c(1:nTimes)[goodtimes], boldMat[goodtimes, v],
        method = "natural", xout = badtimes
    # FIXME - may not want to do this ie may want to avoid using badtimes
    haveBadTimes <- FALSE
    goodtimes <- (1:nTimes)

  ## ----nuisance,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=5----
  # white matter is labeled as 3
  wmMask <- seg2bold * 1 * mask
  wmMask[wmMask != 3] <- 0
  wmMask[wmMask == 3] <- 1
  wmMask <- iMath(wmMask, "ME", 1)
  wmVox <- which(subset(wmMask, mask > 0) == 1)
  wmMean <- rowMeans(boldMat[, wmVox])

  # CSF is labeled as 1
  csfMask <- seg2bold * 1
  csfMask[csfMask != 1] <- 0
  csfVox <- which(subset(csfMask, mask > 0) == 1)
  csfMean <- rowMeans(boldMat[, csfVox])

  globalMean <- rowMeans(boldMat)
  tissueNuis <- cbind(globalMean, wmMean, csfMean)
  if (haveBadTimes) {
    for (v in c(1:dim(tissueNuis)[2])) {
      tissueInterp <- spline(c(1:nTimes)[goodtimes], tissueNuis[goodtimes, v],
        method = "natural", xout = badtimes
      tissueNuis[badtimes, v] <- tissueInterp
  tissueDeriv <- rbind(rep(0, dim(tissueNuis)[2]), diff(tissueNuis, 1))

  # Save mean cortex signal for later plotting
  ctxMask <- seg2bold * 1
  ctxMask[ctxMask != 2] <- 0
  ctxMask[ctxMask == 2] <- 1
  ctxVox <- which(subset(ctxMask, mask > 0) == 1)
  ctxMean <- rowMeans(boldMat[, ctxVox])

  ## ----regression,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=5----
  mocoNuis <- reg_params
  mocoNuis2 <- reg_params * reg_params
  colnames(mocoNuis2) <- paste("MocoSqr", 1:ncol(mocoNuis2), sep = "")
  mocoNuis <- cbind(mocoNuis, mocoNuis2)
  mocoDeriv <- rbind(rep(0, dim(mocoNuis)[2]), diff(mocoNuis, 1))
  colnames(mocoDeriv) <- paste("MocoDeriv", 1:ncol(mocoDeriv), sep = "")
  nuisance <- cbind(mocoNuis, mocoDeriv, tissueNuis, tissueDeriv, dvars = dvars)
  nuisance <- cbind(mocoNuis, mocoDeriv, globalMean = globalMean, dvars = dvars)
  nuisance <- cbind(nuisance, runs = runNuis)
  if (nCompCor > 0) {
    # use seg2bold and moco_img to get a better compcor set "anatomical compcor"
    # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25987368
    tempMask <- thresholdImage(seg2bold, 1, 1)
    tempMask <- tempMask + thresholdImage(seg2bold, 3, 3) %>% iMath("ME", 1)
    tempMat <- timeseries2matrix(fusedImg, tempMask)
    compcorNuis <- compcor(tempMat, nCompCor)
    colnames(compcorNuis) <- paste("compcor", 1:ncol(compcorNuis), sep = "")
    nuisance <- cbind(nuisance, compcorNuis)

  ## ----smooth,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=5------
  if (any(is.na(smoothingSigmas))) {
    sptl <- sqrt(sum(antsGetSpacing(img)[1:3]^2)) * 1.5
    smoothingSigmas <- c(sptl, sptl, sptl, 1.0)
  img <- smoothImage(fusedImg, smoothingSigmas, FWHM = TRUE)
  boldMat <- timeseries2matrix(img, mask)
  if ((length(freqLimits) == 2) & (freqLimits[1] < freqLimits[2])) {
    locruns <- levels(runNuis)
    boldMatTemp <- frequencyFilterfMRI(boldMat[runNuis == locruns[1], ],
      tr = tr, freqLo = freqLimits[1], freqHi = freqLimits[2], opt = "trig"
    if (length(locruns) > 1) {
      for (myrun in locruns[2:length(locruns)])
        boldMatTemp2 <- frequencyFilterfMRI(boldMat[runNuis == myrun, ],
          tr = tr, freqLo = freqLimits[1], freqHi = freqLimits[2], opt = "trig"
        boldMatTemp <- rbind(boldMatTemp, boldMatTemp2)
    boldMat <- boldMatTemp
  fusedImgFilt <- matrix2timeseries(fusedImg, mask, boldMat)
  connMatNodes <- NA
  dmnnodes <- NA
  if (!is.null(structuralNodes)) {
    dmnnodes <- antsApplyTransforms(
      meanbold, structuralNodes, boldmap$fwdtransforms,
      interpolator = "NearestNeighbor"
    ulabs <- sort(unique(dmnnodes[mask == 1 & dmnnodes > 0]))
    dmnlist <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(ulabs)) {
      dmnlist[[i]] <- thresholdImage(dmnnodes, ulabs[i], ulabs[i])
    dmnpr <- imageListToMatrix(dmnlist, mask)
    dmnref <- (boldMat %*% t(dmnpr))
    connMatNodes <- cor(dmnref)

  connMatNodesPartialCorr <- NA
  if (usePkg("corpcor") & !any(is.na(connMatNodes))) {
    connMatNodesPartialCorr <- corpcor::cor2pcor(connMatNodes)
  } # partial correlation

  # get priors for different networks
  networkPriors2Bold <- NA
  betasI <- NA
  if (!exists("networkPriors") & FALSE & havetemplateMap) {
    networkPriors <- getANTsRData("fmrinetworks")
    networkPriors2Bold <- networkPriors$images
    for (i in 1:length(networkPriors2Bold)) {
      networkPriors2Bold[[i]] <- antsApplyTransforms(
        networkPriors2Bold[[i]], mni2boldmaps
    if (FALSE) {
      pr <- imageListToMatrix(networkPriors2Bold, mask)
      refSignal <- scale(boldMat %*% t(pr))
      networkDf <- data.frame(ROI = refSignal[goodtimes, 1], nuisance[goodtimes, ])
      mdl <- lm(scale(boldMat[goodtimes, ]) ~ ., data = networkDf)
      bmdl <- bigLMStats(mdl, 0.01)
      betas <- bmdl$beta.t["ROI", ]
      betasI <- makeImage(mask, betas)
      loth <- quantile(betas, probs = 0.8)
      if (verbose) {
        plot(meanbold, betasI,
          axis = 3, nslices = 30, ncolumns = 10,
          window.overlay = c(loth, max(betas))

  concatenatedMaps <- NA
  if (havetemplateMap) {
    concatenatedMaps <-
        toBold = mni2boldmaps, toBoldInversion = rep(FALSE, 4),
        toTemplate = mni2boldmapsInv,
        toTemplateInversion = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)

  boldToTemplate <- NA
  dmnAtBOLDres <- NA
  seg2template <- NA
  # if ( exists("mni") & is.na( templateImage ) ) {
  #  mni = antsImageRead( getANTsRData( "mni" ) )
  #  templateImage = resampleImage( mni, rep( 2.0 , 3 ) )
  #  }
  if (!is.null(templateImage) & havetemplateMap) {
    ## map the fusedImg to the common template space
    boldToTemplate <- antsApplyTransforms(
      fixed = templateImage, moving = fusedImg,
      transformlist = concatenatedMaps$toTemplate,
      whichtoinvert = concatenatedMaps$toTemplateInversion,
      imagetype = 3
    dmnnodes <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("mnidfn"))
    dmnAtBOLDres <- resampleImageToTarget(dmnnodes, templateImage, 1)
    seg2template <- antsApplyTransforms(templateImage, structuralSeg,
      interpolator = "NearestNeighbor"

  ## FIXME - this only works if maps are to MNI space ##
  ## ----networklabels,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=5----
  pts <- NA
  powersLabels <- NA

  if (havetemplateMap) {
    data("powers_areal_mni_itk", package = "ANTsR", envir = environment())
    pts <- antsApplyTransformsToPoints(3, powers_areal_mni_itk,
      transformlist = concatenatedMaps$toTemplate,
      whichtoinvert = concatenatedMaps$toTemplateInversion
    powersLabels <- makePowersPointsImage(pts, mask, radius = 1)
    if (verbose) {
      plot(meanbold, powersLabels,
        axis = 3, nslices = 30, ncolumns = 10,
        window.overlay = c(1, max(powersLabels))

      fusedImg = fusedImg,
      fusedImgFilt = fusedImgFilt,
      seg2bold = seg2bold,
      nodes2bold = dmnnodes,
      boldToTemplate = boldToTemplate,
      mapsToTemplate = concatenatedMaps,
      runID = runNuis,
      boldMat = boldMat,
      boldMask = mask,
      motionCorr = moco,
      polyNuis = polyNuis,
      timevals = timevals,
      nuisance = nuisance,
      FD = moco$fd$MeanDisplacement,
      badtimes = badtimes,
      dmnAtBOLDres = dmnAtBOLDres,
      seg2template = seg2template,
      networkPriors2Bold = networkPriors2Bold,
      powersLabels = powersLabels,
      powersPoints = pts,
      connMatNodes = connMatNodes,
      connMatNodesPartialCorr = connMatNodesPartialCorr

  ## ----roimeans,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=5----
  labelMask <- powersLabels * 1
  labelMask[labelMask > 0] <- 1
  labelMask[mask == 0] <- 0
  labelVox <- which(subset(labelMask, mask > 0) == 1)

  labeledBoldMat <- boldMat[goodtimes, labelVox]
  labels <- powersLabels[labelMask > 0]

  nLabels <- max(labels)
  roiMat <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(labeledBoldMat)[1], ncol = nLabels)
  for (i in c(1:nLabels)) {
    if (length(which(labels == i)) > 1) {
      roiMat[, i] <- rowMeans(labeledBoldMat[, (labels == i)])
  nActualTimes <- dim(roiMat)[1]

  ## ----sysmean,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=10, echo=TRUE----
  systemNames <- levels(pts$SystemName)
  nSystems <- length(systemNames)
  sysMatMean <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(labeledBoldMat)[1], ncol = nSystems)
  sysMatSD <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(labeledBoldMat)[1], ncol = nSystems)
  systems <- pts$SystemName[labels]

  for (i in 1:nSystems) {
    sys <- systemNames[i]
    sysIdx <- which(systems == sys)
    if (length(sysIdx) > 0) {
      sysMatMean[, i] <- rowMeans(labeledBoldMat[, sysIdx])
      sysMatSD[, i] <- apply(labeledBoldMat[, sysIdx], 1, sd)

  ## ----corr,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=5--------
  missingROIs <- which(colMeans(roiMat) == 0)
  goodROIs <- (1:nLabels)
  if (length(missingROIs) > 0) {
    goodROIs <- goodROIs[-missingROIs]

  connMat <- suppressWarnings(cor(roiMat))
  diag(connMat) <- rep(0, length(diag(connMat)))
  if (length(missingROIs) > 0) {
    connMat[missingROIs, ] <- 0
    connMat[, missingROIs] <- 0

  ## ----adjacency,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=5, fig.height=5----
  density <- 0.1
  nEdges <- length(upper.tri(connMat)) * density
  thresh <- sort(connMat[upper.tri(connMat)], decreasing = T)[nEdges]
  adj <- 1 * (connMat >= thresh)

  bingraph <- igraph::graph.adjacency(adj, mode = "undirected", weighted = NULL)
  components <- igraph::clusters(bingraph)
  maxID <- which(components$csize == max(components$csize))[1]

  adj[components$membership != maxID, ] <- 0
  adj[, components$membership != maxID] <- 0
  bingraph <- igraph::graph.adjacency(adj, mode = "undirected", weighted = NULL)

  if (verbose) invisible(plot(as.antsImage(adj)))

  ## ----adjacencyplot,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, echo=FALSE----
  if (verbose) {
    pts$SystemName <- factor(pts$SystemName, levels = c("Sensory/Somatomotor Hand", "Sensory/Somatomotor Mouth", "Cingulo-opercular Task Control", "Auditory", "Default Mode", "Memory Retrieval", "Visual", "Fronto-parietal Task Control", "Salience", "Subcortical", "Ventral Attention", "Dorsal Attention", "Cerebellar", "Uncertain"))
    graph <- igraph::graph.adjacency(adj, mode = "directed", weighted = NULL)
    igraph::V(graph)$name <- pts$ROI
    igraph::V(graph)$comm <- pts$SystemName
    igraph::V(graph)$degree <- igraph::degree(graph)

    systems <- levels(pts$SystemName)
    systemNames <- as.character(systems)

  # Retain only the largest connected component
  bingraph <- igraph::graph.adjacency(adj, mode = "undirected", weighted = NULL)
  components <- igraph::clusters(bingraph)
  maxID <- which(components$csize == max(components$csize))[1]
  adj[components$membership != maxID, ] <- 0
  adj[, components$membership != maxID] <- 0
  graph <- igraph::graph.adjacency(adj, mode = "undirected", weighted = NULL)

  # Set node colors
  graph <- igraph::set.vertex.attribute(graph, "r", index = igraph::V(graph), value = as.double(pts$r))
  graph <- igraph::set.vertex.attribute(graph, "g", index = igraph::V(graph), value = as.double(pts$g))
  graph <- igraph::set.vertex.attribute(graph, "b", index = igraph::V(graph), value = as.double(pts$b))

  # Set edge colors
  edges <- igraph::get.edges(graph, igraph::E(graph))
  nEdges <- dim(edges)[1]
  er <- rep(200, nEdges)
  eg <- rep(200, nEdges)
  eb <- rep(200, nEdges)

  # colors for intra-system connections
  #  gray for inter-system connections
  for (e in c(1:nEdges))
    if (pts$SystemName[edges[e, 1]] == pts$SystemName[edges[e, 2]]) {
      er[e] <- pts$r[edges[e, 1]]
      eg[e] <- pts$g[edges[e, 1]]
      eb[e] <- pts$b[edges[e, 1]]

  graph <- igraph::set.edge.attribute(graph, "r", index = igraph::E(graph), value = as.double(er))
  graph <- igraph::set.edge.attribute(graph, "g", index = igraph::E(graph), value = as.double(eg))
  graph <- igraph::set.edge.attribute(graph, "b", index = igraph::E(graph), value = as.double(eb))

  # uncomment line below to write out graph
  # write.graph(graph, "network.graphml", format="graphml", prefixAttr=FALSE)
  graph <- igraph::graph.adjacency(adj, mode = "undirected", weighted = NULL)
  deg <- igraph::degree(graph)
  deg[deg == 0] <- NA
  pathsmat <- igraph::shortest.paths(graph, weights = NA)
  pathsmat[!is.finite(pathsmat)] <- NA
  paths <- rowMeans(pathsmat, na.rm = TRUE)
  paths[paths == 0] <- NA
  clust <- igraph::transitivity(graph, type = "local")
  clust[deg < 2] <- NA
  pager <- igraph::page.rank(graph)$vector
  pager[deg < 2] <- NA
  # from http://pastebin.com/XqkEYtJS
  leff <- numeric(length(deg))
  goodnodes <- which(deg > 1)
  leff[goodnodes] <- sapply(
    function(x) {
      neighbs <- igraph::neighbors(graph, v = x)
      g.sub <- igraph::induced.subgraph(graph, neighbs)
      Nv <- igraph::vcount(g.sub)
      lpaths <- igraph::shortest.paths(g.sub, weights = NA)
      lpaths <- paths[upper.tri(lpaths)]
      pathsup <- lpaths[upper.tri(lpaths)]
      2 / Nv / (Nv - 1) * sum(1 / lpaths[which(is.na(lpaths) == FALSE)])
  leff[deg < 2] <- NA
  leff[which(is.na(deg) == TRUE)] <- NA

  ## ----cnodeplot,message=FALSE,warnings=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, echo=FALSE----
  nNodes <- length(deg)
  cnode.dat <- data.frame(Node = rep(1:nNodes, 5))
  cnode.dat$Value <- c(deg, paths, leff, clust, pager)
  cnode.dat$Metric <- c(
    rep("Degree", nNodes),
    rep("Shortest Path", nNodes),
    rep("Local Efficiency", nNodes),
    rep("Clustering Coefficient", nNodes),
    rep("Page-Rank", nNodes)

  geff <- 1 / (igraph::shortest.paths(graph))
  geff[!is.finite(geff)] <- NA
  geff <- mean(geff, na.rm = TRUE)
  cc <- igraph::transitivity(graph)
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 12:02 a.m.