
ants_motion_estimation <- function(img = "") {
  # check if called with no arguments and print usage
  if (nchar(img) == 0) {
    print("usage: ants_motion_estimation( <time-series-image> )")
  # check if there is an extension
  if (length(strsplit(img, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]) < 2) {
    print("There appears to be no extension to the input file. Please provide a [nii|nii.gz] file.")
  # split the string into filename and extension
  split_img <- strsplit(img, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  filename <- split_img[1]
  if (length(split_img) == 2) {
    extension <- paste("", split_img[2], sep = ".")
  } else if (length(split_img) == 3) {
    extension <- paste("", split_img[2], split_img[3], sep = ".")
  # rigid
  avg_img <- paste(filename, "_avg", extension, sep = "")
  antsMotionCorr("-d", 3, "-a", img, "-o", avg_img)
  moco_img <- paste(filename, "_moco", extension, sep = "")
  antsMotionCorr("-d", 3, "-o", paste("[", paste(filename, moco_img, avg_img, sep = ","), "]", sep = ""), "-m", 
    paste("MI[", paste(avg_img, img, 1, 32, 50, sep = ","), "]", sep = ""), "-t", "Rigid[0.01]", "-i", 25, 
    "-u", 1, "-e", 1, "-s", 0, "-f", 1, "-n", 25)
  # non-rigid avgnr_img = paste( filename , '_avgnr' , extension , sep = '' ) ; antsMotionCorr( '-d' , 3 , '-a'
  # , img , '-o' , avgnr_img ) ;
  # moconr_img = paste( filename , '_moconr' , extension , sep = '' ) ; antsMotionCorr( '-d' , 3 , '-o' , paste(
  # '[' , paste( filename , moconr_img , avgnr_img , sep = ',' ) , ']' , sep = '' ) , '-m' , paste( 'MI[' ,
  # paste( avgnr_img , img , 1 , 20 , 50 , sep = ',' ) , ']' , sep = '' ) , '-t' , 'Rigid[0.01]' , '-i' , 25 ,
  # '-u' , 1 , '-e' , 1 , '-s' , 0 , '-f' , 1 , '-n' , 25 , '-m' , paste( 'CC[' , paste( avgnr_img , img , 1 , 2
  # , sep = ',' ) , ']' , sep = '' ) , '-t' , 'GaussianDisplacementField[0.15,3,0.5]' , '-i' , 10 , '-u' , 1 ,
  # '-e' , 1 , '-s' , 0 , '-f' , 1 , '-n' , 10 ) ;

motion_correction <- function(img, fixed, moreaccurate = TRUE) {
  if (is.character(img)) {
    if (length(img) != 1) {
      print("'img' should be only one filename")
    img <- antsImageRead(img, dimension = 4, "float")
    inpixeltype <- img@pixeltype
  } else if (class(img) == "antsImage") {
    inpixeltype <- img@pixeltype
    if (img@pixeltype != "float") {
      print("'img' must have pixeltype  'float' ")
      img <- antsImageClone(img, "float")
    if (img@dimension != 4) {
      print("'img' must have pixeltype 'float' and dimension '4'")
  } else {
    print("'img' must be a filename or an 'antsImage'")
  if (missing(fixed)) {
    fixed <- new("antsImage", "float", 3)
    antsMotionCorr(list(d = 3, a = img, o = fixed))
  } else {
    if (is.character(fixed)) {
      if (length(fixed) != 1) {
        print("'fixed' should be only one filename")
      fixed <- antsImageRead(fixed, dimension = 3, "float")
    } else if (class(fixed) == "antsImage") {
      if (fixed@pixeltype != "float") {
        print("'fixed' must have pixeltype  'float' ")
        fixed <- antsImageClone(fixed, "float")
      if (fixed@dimension != 3) {
        print("'fixed' must have pixeltype 'float' and dimension '3'")
    } else {
      print("'fixed' must be a filename or an 'antsImage'")
  n <- dim(img)[4]
  if (n > 10) {
    n <- 10
  avg_img <- new("antsImage", "float", 3)
  moco_img <- new("antsImage", "float", 4)
  moco_params <- new("antsMatrix", "double")
  if (moreaccurate == TRUE) {
    antsMotionCorr(list(d = 3, o = list(moco_params, moco_img, avg_img), m = list(name = "MI", fixed, img, 
      1, 32, "regular", 0.1), t = "Affine[0.1]", i = 20, u = 1, e = 1, s = 0, f = 1, n = n, l = 1))
  if (moreaccurate == FALSE) {
    antsMotionCorr(list(d = 3, o = list(moco_params, moco_img, avg_img), m = list(name = "MI", fixed, img, 
      1, 32, "regular", 0.02), t = "Affine[0.1]", i = 3, u = 1, e = 1, s = 0, f = 1, n = n, l = 1))
  return(list(moco_img = antsImageClone(moco_img, inpixeltype), moco_params = moco_params, moco_avg_img = antsImageClone(avg_img, 
stnava/itkImageR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:21 p.m.