
#' @title Minimize diet gaps in an adjacency matrix based on prey phylogeny using steepest descent optimization
#' @param adj an adjacency matrix of class 'matrix'
#' @param phy a phylogenetic tree of class 'phylo'
#' @param verbose a logical indicating whether or not the function should print out details of the status of the optimization process
#' @return The function returns a list made up of four elements
#' ('adj', 'phy.init', 'phy.optim', and 'gaps.optim'). 'adj' and 'phy.init' are
#' the adjacency matrix and phylogenetic tree, respectively, that were
#' passed to the function. 'phy.optim' is the rotated phylogeny that
#' corresponds to the minimum number of gaps found, and 'gaps.optim' is the
#' value of that minimum.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(eklof)
#' gaps.phylo <- minimize.phylo.gaps.sd(eklof$network, eklof$tree)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load the sample data
#' data(eklof)    
#' # Run 1000 optimizations
#' gaps.phylo <- lapply(1:1000, function(x)(minimize.phylo.gaps.sd(eklof$network, eklof$tree)))
#' Find the minimum from this sample
#' gaps.phylo <- gaps.phylo[[which.min(lapply(gaps.phylo,function(x)x$gaps.optim))]]  
#' }
`minimize.phylo.gaps.sd` <- function(adj, phy, verbose=FALSE){
    # make sure we shuffle the tree at the start to give us "random" initial conditions
    for(i in seq_len(ape::Nnode(phy))) phy <- swap.tree(phy)

    # create a container for everything
    obj <- list(adj=adj,phy.init=phy)
    class(obj) <- 'phylo.gaps'

    # get the initial state and energy
    obj$gaps.init <- gaps <- sum.phylo.gaps(adj, phy)

    # set the optima at the intial conditions
    phy.optim <- phy
    gaps.optim <- gaps

    # a bit of verbiage for the people

    # get the labels of internal nodes
    ns <- unique(phy$edge[,1])

    # keep trying to swap internal nodes as long as we can improve things
    m.count <- 0
    moved <- TRUE
        moved <- FALSE
        # perform all swaps
        phy.new <- lapply(ns, function(x)(swap.tree(phy,x)))

        # calculate the gaps for all swaps
        gaps.new <- unlist(lapply(phy.new, function(x)(sum.phylo.gaps(adj,x))))

        # how many are better?
        b.count <- sum(gaps.new < gaps)

        # how many are equivalent?
        e.count <- sum(gaps.new == gaps)

        # how many are worse?
        w.count <- sum(gaps.new > gaps)

        if(b.count > 0){
            # give us another shot to try again
            m.count <- m.count + 1
            moved <- TRUE

            # find the best move
            gaps <- gaps.optim <- min(gaps.new)

            # select the best at random (in case there are ties)
            phy <- phy.optim <- phy.new[[sample(which(gaps.new == gaps.optim),1)]]

        # keep the people placid

    # return an object that corresponds to the optimum
    obj$phy.optim <- phy.optim
    obj$gaps.optim <- gaps.optim
stoufferlab/phyloint documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:23 p.m.