
#' @title ranking genes with dtw
#' @name dtw_rank
#' @description Compute a ranking of a list of genes based on the dynamic time warping distance between two lineages.
#' @param data a \code{warpDEDataSet} with genes to be ranked.
#' @param gene character, a gene of interest.
#' @param reg.f a function to perform regression, either "ns" for natural splines, "loess" or "splines" (default is "loess").
#' @param span numeric, a smoothing parameter for the regression function (default is 0.75, see \code{gam::lo} for details).
#' @param s.df numeric, a smoothing parameter for the nsplines regregression (default is 4, see \code{splines::s} for details about regularization).
#' @param norm  character,("L2" or "L1") the norm to be used for the dtw distance (default is "L2")
#' @param window.size integer, the size of the warping window (default is 50), see details.
#' @param equal.size integer, if we want to specify the same number of points for each lineage to compute the dtw distance with (default is NULL, we use all points available in each lineage).

# @param Zscore logical, decide to compute or not the dtw distance with a y-axis normalization of the data (default is FALSE).
#' @return returns a \code{rankingDE} object.
#' @importFrom dtw dtw
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @export
dtw_rank <- function(data,
                     reg.f = "loess",
                     span = 0.75,
                     s.df = 4,
                     window.type = "none",
                     window.size = 50,
                     equal.size = NULL){
  logCounts <- log1p(data@counts)
  w <- data@w
  t <- data@t
  n <- nrow(logCounts)
  dtw_dist <- array(NA, dim = n)
  rownames(dtw_dist) <- rownames(logCounts)
  #discard unappropriate cells for new predictions (keep only w >0.5 approximately)
  middle_w1 <- w[w[,1]!=0 & w[,1]!=1,1]
  middle_w2 <- w[w[,2]!=0 & w[,2]!=1,2]
  cells_pred1 <- names(w[w[,1] > (0.5 + sd(middle_w1)),1])
  cells_pred2 <- names(w[w[,2] > (0.5 + sd(middle_w2)),2])
  # eventuellement, subset the cells to have the same population
  if (!is.null(equal.size)){
    cells_pred1 <- sample(cells_pred1, equal.size)
    cells_pred2 <- sample(cells_pred2, equal.size)
  # progression bar
  pb <- progress_bar$new(total = n)
  for (g in 1:n){
    # progression bar update
    gene <- rownames(logCounts)[g]
    y <- logCounts[g, ]

    alt <- reg_gam(data, gene, reg.f = reg.f, span = span, s.df = s.df, null.model = F)$reg$alt
    y1new <- predict(alt, data.frame(x.fit = t[cells_pred1,1], lineage = rep(1, length(cells_pred1))))
    y1new <- y1new[order(t[cells_pred1,1])]
    y2new <- predict(alt, data.frame(x.fit = t[cells_pred2,2], lineage = rep(2, length(cells_pred2))))
    y2new <- y2new[order(t[cells_pred2,2])]
#     if (Zscore == T){
#       y1new <- zscore(y1new)
#       y2new <- zscore(y2new)
#     }
# Do I have to normalize the dtw distance or not?
    dtw_dist[g] <- dtw(y1new,y2new, window.type = window.type, window.size = window.size)$normalizedDistance

  dtw_ranking <- data.frame(dist = dtw_dist )
  rownames(dtw_ranking) <- rownames(logCounts)
  dtw_ranking$rank <- n - rank(dtw_ranking$dist) + 1
  dtw_ranking <- dtw_ranking[order(dtw_ranking$rank),]
  if (reg.f =="loess"){smooth.param = span}
  if (reg.f =="ns"){smooth.param = s.df}
  result <- new("rankingDE", ranking.df = dtw_ranking, params = list(method = paste(reg.f, "dtw"), smooth.param = smooth.param, window.size = window.size, dtw.norm = norm))

#' @title Align with dtw two lineages
#' @name dtw_align
#' @description Align two lineage with dtw, fit the aligned data and plot the results
#' @param data a \code{warpDEDataSet} with genes to be ranked.
#' @param gene character, a gene of interest.
#' @param reg.f a function to perform regression, either "ns" for natural splines, "loess" or "splines" (default is "loess").
#' @param span numeric, a smoothing parameter for the regression function (default is 0.75, see \code{gam::lo} for details).
#' @param s.df numeric, a smoothing parameter for the nsplines regregression (default is 4, see \code{splines::s} for details about regularization).
#' @param norm  character,("L2" or "L1") the norm to be used for the dtw distance (default is "L2").
#' @param window.type charcater, the window type for the computation of dtw, (see \code{dtw::dtw} for precisions; default is "none").
#' @param window.size integer, the size of the warping window (default is NULL, no window.size), see details.
#' @param align.show logical, if we want to plot the alignment.
#' @param legend.show logical, if the legend is wanted (default is FALSE).
#' @parma duplicate.keep logical if the du
#' @return returns a \itemize{\item \code{pl} a plotof the aligned lineages. \item \code{reg} the alternative and null model for likelihood comaprison.}
#' @importFrom dtw dtw
#' @export
dtw_align <- function(data,
                      reg.f = "loess",
                      span = 0.75,
                      s.df = 4,
                      norm ="L2",
                      window.type = "none",
                      window.size = 50,
                      align.show = F,
                      legend.show = F,
                      duplicate.keep = F){
  logCounts <- log1p(data@counts)
  w <- data@w
  t <- data@t
  n <- nrow(logCounts)
#discard unappropriate cells for new predictions (keep only w >0.5 approximately)
  middle_w1 <- w[w[,1]!=0 & w[,1]!=1,1]
  middle_w2 <- w[w[,2]!=0 & w[,2]!=1,2]
  middle_w = c(middle_w1, middle_w2)
  cells_pred1 <- names(w[w[,1] > (0.5 + sd(middle_w)),1])
  cells_pred2 <- names(w[w[,2] > (0.5 + sd(middle_w)),2])
  cells_shared1 <- names(w[w[,1] <= (0.5 + sd(middle_w)) & w[,1] != 0,1])
  cells_shared2 <- names(w[w[,2] <= (0.5 + sd(middle_w)) & w[,2] != 0,2])
  ## gene level
  y <- logCounts[gene, ]
  alt <- reg_gam(data, gene, reg.f = reg.f, span = span, s.df = s.df, null.model = F)$reg$alt
  y1new <- predict(alt, data.frame(x.fit = t[cells_pred1,1], lineage = rep(1, length(cells_pred1))))
  y1new <- y1new[order(t[cells_pred1,1])]
  y2new <- predict(alt, data.frame(x.fit = t[cells_pred2,2], lineage = rep(2, length(cells_pred2))))
  y2new <- y2new[order(t[cells_pred2,2])]
  window.size <- floor((length(y1new) +  length(y2new))/10)
  dtw_dist <- dtw(y1new,y2new, window.type = window.type, window.size = window.size)
  align1 <- dtw_dist$index1
  align2 <- dtw_dist$index2
  rm.1 <- duplicated(align1)
  rm.2 <- duplicated(align2)
  y_w1 <- y[cells_pred1][align1]
  y_w2 <- y[cells_pred2][align2]
  w_w1 <- w[cells_pred1,1][align1]
  w_w2 <- w[cells_pred2,2][align2]
  # renornalize the unshared part to be the same proporation compared to the shared part as in primary data
  t_warp <- (1:length(align1) + max(t[cells_shared1,1],t[cells_shared2,2]))*(max(t[cells_pred1,1],t[cells_pred2,2])-max(t[cells_shared1,1],t[cells_shared2,2]))/length(align1)
  t_w1 <- t_warp
  t_w2 <- t_warp

  if (duplicate.keep == F){
    # compute a mean time for the replicated cells
    for (e in y_w1){
      t_w1[y_w1==e] <- mean(t_w1[y_w1==e])
    for (e in y_w2){
      t_w2[y_w2==e] <- mean(t_w2[y_w2==e])

    # remove the duplicated cells
    y_w1 <- y_w1[!rm.1]
    y_w2 <- y_w2[!rm.2]
    t_w1 <- t_w1[!rm.1]
    t_w2 <- t_w2[!rm.2]
    w_w1 <- w_w1[!rm.1]
    w_w2 <- w_w2[!rm.2]


  # add the shared part
  y_warp1 <- c(y[cells_shared1], y_w1)
  y_warp2 <- c(y[cells_shared2], y_w2)
  w_warp1 <- c(w[cells_shared1,1], w_w1)
  w_warp2 <- c(w[cells_shared2,2], w_w2)
  t_warp1 <- c(t[cells_shared1,1], t_w1)
  t_warp2 <- c(t[cells_shared2,2], t_w2)

  reg.df <- data.frame(y.fit = c(y_warp1, y_warp2), x.fit = c(t_warp1, t_warp2), w.fit = c(w_warp1, w_warp2), lineage = c(rep(1, length(y_warp1)), rep(2, length(y_warp2))))

  if (reg.f == "loess"){
    alt <- gam(y.fit ~ lineage + lo(x.fit, span = span) + lo(x.fit, span = span):lineage , weights = w.fit, data = reg.df)
  else if (reg.f == "ns"){
    alt <- gam(y.fit ~ lineage + ns(x.fit, s.df) + ns(x.fit, s.df):lineage , weights = w.fit, data = reg.df)
  else if (reg.f == "splines"){
    alt <- gam(y.fit ~ lineage + s(x.fit, 4) + s(x.fit, 4):lineage , weights = w.fit, data = reg.df)
  regs <- list(alt = alt)
  if (reg.f == "loess"){
    null.m <- gam(y.fit ~ lo(x.fit, span = span), weights = w.fit, data = reg.df)
  else if (reg.f == "ns"){
    null.m <- gam(y.fit ~ ns(x.fit, df = s.df), weights = w.fit, data = reg.df)
  else if (reg.f == "splines"){
    null.m <- gam(y.fit ~ s(x.fit, df = 4), weights = w.fit, data = reg.df)
  regs$null <- null.m

  if (align.show == T){
    ymin <- -1.5
    ymax <- max(y_warp1)*(1.1)
    pl <- ggplot() +
      geom_point(aes(t_warp2, y_warp2), col = "#377EB8", alpha = w_warp2, shape = 1) +
      geom_point(aes(t_warp1, y_warp1), col = "#E41A1C", alpha = w_warp1, shape = 1) +
      ggtitle(gene, paste(reg.f, "regression warped")) + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(ymin,ymax))+ xlab("times") + ylab("logcounts")

    t1new <- seq(0, max(t_warp1), length.out = length(t_warp1))
    t2new <- seq(0,max(t_warp2), length.out = length(t_warp2))
    y_pred.alt1 <- predict(alt, data.frame(x.fit = t1new, lineage = rep(1, length(t1new))))
    y_pred.alt2 <- predict(alt, data.frame(x.fit = t2new, lineage = rep(2, length(t2new))))
    plalt <- pl + geom_line(aes(t1new, y_pred.alt1), col = "#E41A1C") + geom_line(aes(t2new, y_pred.alt2), col = "#377EB8")
    y_pred.null <- predict(null.m, data.frame(x.fit = t1new))
    plalt <- plalt + geom_line(aes(t1new, y_pred.null, colour = "null model"), linetype = 2, na.rm = T)
    if (legend.show == F){
      plalt <- plalt + theme(legend.position = "none")
    return(list(pl = plalt, reg = regs))

# # Bootstraps over cells : for confidence interval and sd
# cells_bootstrap <- function(df, ranking.subset, nb_bootstrap = 1000){
#   sub.size <- nrow(ranking.subset)
#   prediction_length <- 100
#   bs_cells_dtw <- matrix(nrow = nb_bootstrap, ncol = sub.size)
#   genes <- rownames(ranking.subset)
#   colnames(bs_cells_dtw) <- genes
#   for (i in 1:nb_bootstrap){
#     # resample cells
#     bs.sample <- sample(1:ncol(df$log_counts), replace =  T)
#     bs.df <- list(log_counts = df$log_counts[,bs.sample], w = df$w[bs.sample,], t = df$t[bs.sample,])
#     t1new <- seq(0, max(bs.df$t[,1]), length.out = prediction_length)
#     t2new <- seq(0, max(bs.df$t[,2]), length.out = prediction_length)
#     bs.dtw <- array(sub.size)
#     for (g in 1:length(genes)){
#       bs.lo1 <- loess(bs.df$log_counts[genes[g],] ~ bs.df$t[,1], weights = bs.df$w[,1])
#       bs.lo2 <- loess(bs.df$log_counts[genes[g],] ~ bs.df$t[,2], weights = bs.df$w[,2])
#       bs.dtw[g] <- dtw_basic(predict(bs.lo1, t1new), predict(bs.lo2, t2new), window.size = 20, norm = "L2")
#       # # #plot curve
#       # loess_regression(genes[g], df = df)$pl +
#       #  geom_line(aes(t1new, predict(bs.lo1, t1new))) +
#       #  geom_line(aes(t2new, predict(bs.lo2, t2new)))
#     }
#     bs_cells_dtw[i,] <- bs.dtw
#   }
#   return(list(bs.distribs = bs_cells_dtw, original_ranking = ranking.subset))
# }
strayMat/warpDE documentation built on June 1, 2019, 12:51 a.m.