
## Individual gene plots with loess
## reg_gam
#' @title Plot one gene raw data and its regressions
#' @name reg_gam
#' @description Tools for visualizing gene signals for one given gene with the gam framework.
#' @param data a \code{warpDEDataSet} with results to be plotted.
#' @param gene character, a gene of interest.
#' @param reg.f a function to perform regression, either "ns" for natural splines, "loess" or "s" (default is "loess").
#' @param span numeric, a smoothing parameter for the regression function (default is 0.75, see \code{gam::lo} for details).
#' @param s.df numeric, a smoothing parameter for the nsplines regregression (default is 4, see \code{splines::s} for details about regularization).
#' @param regression logical, if the loess regression is to be computed and plotted or not (default is TRUE).
#' @param null.model logical, if the null model is to be computed and plotted or not (default is TRUE).
#' @param npred logical, if the unshared part of the data is to be plotted or not(default is FALSE).
# @param sd.show logical, if the plot of standard deviation is wanted (default is FALSE).
#' @param legend.show logical, if the legend is wanted (default is FALSE).
#' @return returns \itemize{\item{\code{pl},the visualization of the data}
#' \item{\code{regs}, the regression objects for both lineages and the null model.}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @importFrom gam gam
#' @importFrom gam lo
#' @export
######## add sd.show
reg_gam <- function(data,
                    reg.f = "loess",
                    span = 0.75,
                    s.df = 4,
                    regression = T,
                    null.model = T,
                    npred = F,
                    sd.show = F,
                    legend.show = F){
  d <- s.df
  t = data@t
  w = data@w
  y = log1p(data@counts[gene,])
  # discard NAS from analysis
  w1 <- w[w[,1]!=0,1]
  w2 <- w[w[,2]!=0,2]
  l1_cells <- names(w1)
  l2_cells <- names(w2)
  y1 <- y[l1_cells]
  y2 <- y[l2_cells]
  t1 <- t[l1_cells,1]
  t2 <- t[l2_cells,2]
  reg.df1 <- data.frame(y.fit = y1, x.fit = t1, w.fit = w1, lineage = rep(1, length(y1)))
  reg.df2 <- data.frame(y.fit = y2, x.fit = t2, w.fit = w2, lineage = rep(2, length(y2)))
  #time to predict the new data
  t1new <- seq(0, max(t1), length.out = length(l1_cells))
  t2new <- seq(0,max(t2), length.out = length(l2_cells))
  ymin <- -1.5
  ymax <- max(y)*(1.1)
  pl <- ggplot() +
    geom_point(aes(t2, y2), col = "#377EB8", alpha = w2, shape = 1) +
    geom_point(aes(t1, y1), col = "#E41A1C", alpha = w1, shape = 1) +
    ggtitle(gene, paste(reg.f, "regression")) + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(ymin,ymax)) + xlab("times") + ylab("logcounts")
  if (regression == F){
    reg.df.d <- rbind(reg.df1, reg.df2)
    if (reg.f == "loess"){
      alt <- gam(y.fit ~ lineage + lo(x.fit, span = span) + lo(x.fit, span = span):lineage , weights = w.fit, data = reg.df.d)
    else if (reg.f == "ns"){
      alt <- gam(y.fit ~ lineage + ns(x.fit, df = s.df) + ns(x.fit, df = s.df):lineage , weights = w.fit, data = reg.df.d)
    if (reg.f == "s"){
      alt <- gam(y.fit ~ lineage + s(x.fit, df = d) + s(x.fit, df = d):lineage , weights = w.fit, data = reg.df.d)
    y_pred.alt1 <- predict(alt, data.frame(x.fit = t1new, lineage = rep(1, length(t1new))))
    y_pred.alt2 <- predict(alt, data.frame(x.fit = t2new, lineage = rep(2, length(t2new))))
    plalt <- pl + geom_line(aes(t1new, y_pred.alt1), col = "#E41A1C") + geom_line(aes(t2new, y_pred.alt2), col = "#377EB8")
    regs <- list(alt = alt)
    if (null.model == T){
      # null model
      if (reg.f == "loess"){
        null.m <- gam(y.fit ~ lo(x.fit, span = span), weights = w.fit, data = reg.df.d)
      else if (reg.f == "ns"){
        null.m <- gam(y.fit ~ ns(x.fit, df = s.df), weights = w.fit, data = reg.df.d)
      if (reg.f == "s"){
        null.m <- gam(y.fit ~  s(x.fit, df = d), weights = w.fit, data = reg.df.d)
      y_pred.null <- predict(null.m, data.frame(x.fit = t1new))
      plalt <- plalt + geom_line(aes(t1new, y_pred.null, colour = "null model"), linetype = 2, na.rm = T)
      regs$null = null.m
  #if (sd.show == T){
      #TO ADD
      # ## confidence intervals:
      # se1 <- loess.sd(x = t[,1], y = y, weights = w[,1], nsigma = 1, na.action = na.exclude)
      # se2 <- loess.sd(x = t[,2], y = y, weights = w[,2], nsigma = 1, na.action = na.exclude)
      # plalt <- plalt + geom_ribbon(aes(x = se1$x, ymin = se1$lower, ymax = se1$upper), alpha = 0.2, fill = "#E41A1C") +
      #   geom_ribbon(aes(x = se2$x, ymin = se2$lower, ymax = se2$upper), alpha = 0.2, fill = "#377EB8")
  if (npred == T){
      #discard unappropriate cells for new predictions (keep only w >0.5 approximately)
      middle_w1 <- w[w[,1]!=0 & w[,1]!=1,1]
      middle_w2 <- w[w[,2]!=0 & w[,2]!=1,2]
      cells_pred1 <- names(w[w[,1] > (0.5 + sd(middle_w1)),1])
      cells_pred2 <- names(w[w[,2] > (0.5 + sd(middle_w2)),2])
      plalt <- plalt + geom_point(aes(t[cells_pred1,1], predict(regs$alt, data.frame(x.fit = t[cells_pred1,1], lineage = rep(1, length(cells_pred1))))), alpha = 0.4, col = "black", size = 1)+
        geom_point(aes(t[cells_pred2,2], predict(regs$alt, data.frame(x.fit = t[cells_pred2,2], lineage = rep(2, length(cells_pred2))))), alpha = 0.4, col = "black", size = 1)
  if (legend.show == F){
      plalt <- plalt + theme(legend.position = "none")
  res <- list(pl = plalt, reg = regs)

#' @title Plot several genes expression patterns
#' @name plot_genes
#' @description Tools for visualizing gene signals for sveral ranked genes and display their ranking informations.
#' @param data a \code{warpDEDataSet} with results to be plotted.
#' @param ranking a \code{rankingDE} object, rankings rows of the genes of interest in the ranking dataframe.
#' @param genes.subset character vector, let the user specifies the names of the genes of interest (default is NULL).
#' @param order character, "head" (default), "tail" : specify if we want to see the \code{nb.show} first or last genes of the ranking.
#' @param nb.show numeric, number of genes displayed if genes.subset = NULL (default is 8)..
#' @param reg.f a function to perform regression, either "ns" for natural splines, "loess" or "splines" (default is "loess").
#' @param span numeric, a smoothing parameter for the regression function (default is 0.75, see \code{gam::lo} for details).
#' @param s.df numeric, a smoothing parameter for the nsplines regregression (default is 4, see \code{splines::s} for details about regularization).
#' @param null.model logical, if the plot of null model is wanted (default is FALSE).
#' @param grid.size 2 by 2 vector, for the number of rows and the number of columns that we want for the plot (the size of grid must #' be greater than the number of genes of interest), default is NULL for a squared grid.
#' @return a visualization of the genes of interest.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom cowplot plot_grid
#' @export

plot_genes <- function(data,
                      genes.subset = NULL,
                      order = "head",
                      nb.show = 8,
                      reg.f = "loess",
                      span = 0.75,
                      s.df = 4,
                      null.model = F,
                      grid.size = NULL
  if (is.null(genes.subset)){
    if (order == "head"){
      genes.subset <- rownames(ranking@ranking.df)[1:nb.show]
    else if (order == "tail"){
      genes.subset <- tail(rownames(ranking@ranking.df),nb.show)
    if (is.null(grid.size)){
      grid.size <- c(nb.show%/%4+(nb.show%%4!=0),4)
  if (is.null(grid.size)){
    c <- ceiling(sqrt(length(genes.subset)))
    grid.size <- c(c,c)
  method <-  ranking@params$method
  genes.subset <- data.frame(ranking@ranking.df)[genes.subset,]
  graphs <- lapply(rownames(genes.subset), function(x) reg_gam(gene = x, data = data, reg.f = reg.f, span = span, s.df =s.df, null.model = null.model)$pl + labs(subtitle = paste0(method,".dist: ",round(genes.subset[x,1],1), " | ",method,".rank:", genes.subset[x,2])))
  return(plot_grid(plotlist = graphs, ncol = grid.size[2], nrow = grid.size[1]))

#' @title Plot in 3D several genes expression patterns
#' @name plot_genes
#' @description produce one 3D plot per gene in querry. Each plot is a 3D representation (low dimensionnal provided in the object \code{warpDEDataSet}) of the dataset with cells colored by gene level expression.
#' @param data a \code{warpDEDataSet} with results to be plotted.
#' @param genes.subset character vector, let the user specifies the names of the genes of interest (default is NULL).
#' @param low.dim array, a 3D dimensionnal representation of the scRNA-Seq data. We expect an array of dimension (N x 3) where N is the number of cells in the experiment.
#' @return a visualization of the genes of interest.
#' @import rgl
# @importFrom slingshot plot3d
#' @export

plot3d_genes <- function(data,
  # supress
  options(warn = -1)
  expr_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("#43473C", "#31FF0A"))
  n <- length(genes.subset)
  # grid specification
  nb_row <- n%/%3 + ((n%%3) != 0)
  layout3d(matrix(1:(2 * 3 * nb_row), nrow = 2 * nb_row, ncol = 3), heights = rep(c(3 / nb_row, 24 / nb_row), nb_row), sharedMouse = T)
  for (i in 1:n){
    g_tmp <- genes.subset[i]
    expr_tmp <- log1p(data@counts[g_tmp, ])
    col.ix <- cut(expr_tmp, breaks = 100)
    cols <-expr_palette(length(levels(col.ix)))[col.ix]
    plot3d(low.dim, col = cols, size = 5)
    #plot3d(slrun, type = "curves", add = T, size = 4)
    if (i != n){next3d()}
  options(warn = 0)

#' @title Differential Expression analysis according with time
#' @name timeDE
#' @description Tools for visualizing gene signals in time for one lineage analysis.
#' @param data a \code{warpDEDataSet} with results to be plotted.
#' @param gene character, a gene of interest.
#' @param lineage integer, if working with multi lineages data, it sspecifies the lineage of interest).

#' @return returns \itemize{\item{\code{pl},the visualization of the data}
#' \item{\code{reg}, the regression objects for the lineage of interest and the null model (flat line).}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom gam gam
#' @export
timeDE <- function(data,
                   span = 0.5){
  t = data@t
  w = data@w
  y = log1p(data@counts[gene,])
  # discard NAS from analysis
  w <- w[w[,lineage]!=0,lineage]
  l_cells <- names(w)
  y <- y[l_cells]
  t <- t[l_cells,lineage]
  reg.df <- data.frame(y.fit = y, x.fit = t, w.fit = w)
  #time to predict the new data
  tnew <- seq(0, max(t), length.out = length(l_cells))
  pl <- ggplot() +
    geom_point(aes(t, y), shape = 1, alpha = w) + ggtitle(gene, "single lineage DE") +
    coord_cartesian(ylim=c(-1.5,10))+ xlab("times") + ylab("logcounts")
  alt <- gam(y.fit ~ lo(x.fit, span = span), weights = w.fit, data = reg.df)
  null <- mean(y)
  reg <- list(alt = alt, null = null)
  y_pred.alt <- predict(alt, data.frame(x.fit = tnew))
  plalt <- pl + geom_line(aes(tnew, y_pred.alt), col = "#E41A1C") + geom_hline(yintercept = null, col = "#377EB8")
  return(list(pl = plalt, reg = reg, pval = summary(reg$alt)[4][[1]][1, 5]))
strayMat/warpDE documentation built on June 1, 2019, 12:51 a.m.