
Defines functions sort1 makePatterns norpt sorter

Documented in makePatterns norpt sort1 sorter

#' General Sorting Function
#' A function to sort an \code{\link{longCat}} object created by \code{\link{longCat}}. \code{sorter} must be used directly when stratified plots of subgroups are desired, or when sorting other than the default is desired. Otherwise, \code{sorter} is used internally with the defaults by \code{\link{longCatPlot}} if \code{lc$sorted=FALSE}. If an object has already been sorted (\code{lc$sorted=TRUE}), \code{sorter} will not resort it but will print a code example of how to use multiple sortings.
#' @param lc An object of class \code{\link{longCat}} created by \code{\link{longCat}}.
#' @param ascending Logical indicating if sorting should be done in ascending order. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param whichColumns A numeric vector indicating which columns in \code{lc$y} should be used for sorting (e.g., \code{c(1, 5, 7)}). Useful if an intervention occurs after data collection has started and the user is not interested in sorting based on pre-intervention observations.
#' @param num See \code{\link{makePatterns}} for details.
#' @param mindur See \code{\link{makePatterns}}.
#' @param igrpt Should \code{sorter} ignore repeated values for each row in \code{lc$y} for sorting purposes? See \code{\link{norpt}}.
#' @param customSort A vector of the same length as the number of rows in \code{lc$y} providing a user-defined variable on which to sort the data prior to secondarily applying the default sort. If \code{group} is not \code{NULL}, group will be sorted prior to the \code{customSort} variable.
#' @param initFirst If \code{customSort} is not \code{NULL}, setting \code{initFirst=TRUE} will sort on initial values prior to the custom sorting variable.
#' @param group A vector indicating group membership, of the same length as the number of rows in \code{lc$y}. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param groupLabels Numeric or character labels for the groups specified in \code{group}. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param ggap A number between zero and one indicating the proportion of blank rows to be plotted between groups when \code{group} is specified. The default of \code{NULL} is set to 0.05 when groups are present, and 0.0 when there are no groups.
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{longCat} where \code{lc$sorted=TRUE}.
#' @author Stephen J. Tueller
#' @references Tueller, S. J., Van Dorn, R. A., & Bobashev, G. V. (2016). Visualization of categorical longitudinal and times series data (Report No. MR-0033-1602). Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press. \url{http://www.rti.org/publication/visualization-categorical-longitudinal-and-times-series-data}
#' @seealso \code{\link{longCat}} and \code{\link{longCatPlot}} for further functionality.
#' @examples
#' ### create a plot like that in Figure 3 from Tueller, Van Dorn, & Bobashev (2016)
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2), bg='cornsilk3')
#' times <- c(1,100,200,300,400,500,600)
#' f3lc <- longCat(example3, times); f3lc$sorted <- TRUE; f3lc$y.sorted <- f3lc$y
#' longCatPlot(f3lc, main='Unsorted', colScheme='heat', lwd=2, legendBuffer=.2)
#' f3lc <- longCat(example3, times)
#' longCatPlot(f3lc, main='Sorted', colScheme='heat', lwd=2, legendBuffer=.2)
#' ### sort with a grouping variable and plot
#' par(mfrow=c(1,1), bg='cornsilk3', mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 9.1), xpd=TRUE)
#' times <- c(1,100,200,300,400,500,600)
#' lc <- longCat(example3, times)
#' group <- sample(1:3, nrow(example3), replace=TRUE)
#' grouplc <- sorter(lc, group=group, groupLabels=1:3)
#' cols <- longCatPlot(grouplc, groupBuffer=.15, main='Grouped Data', colScheme='heat',
#'                     lwd=2, legendBuffer=0)
#' legend(610, 130, legend=1:5, col=cols, lty=1, lwd=2)
#' par(bg='transparent', mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1, xpd=FALSE)
#' ### using the sorted data from the previous plot, repeate using ggplot2
#' #   following the example of Figure 4 of bdemarest's answer on
#' #   https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11513149/
#' #   good-ways-to-visualize-longitudinal-categorical-data-in-r/
#' grouplc.df <- data.frame(id=1:nrow(grouplc$group.sorted),
#'                          group=grouplc$group.sorted[,1], grouplc$y.sorted)
#' grouplc.long <- reshape(grouplc.df,
#'                         varying = names(grouplc$y.sorted),
#'                         v.names = "score",
#'                         timevar = "time",
#'                         times = times[1:ncol(grouplc$y.sorted)],
#'                         direction = "long")
#' grouplc.long$score <- factor(grouplc.long$score)
#' grouplc.long$group <- factor(grouplc.long$group, level=3:1)
#' # remove NA's introduced using group option in sorter
#' grouplc.long <- na.omit(grouplc.long)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(grouplc.long, aes(x=time, y=id, fill=score)) +
#'   geom_tile(colour="transparent") +
#'   scale_fill_manual(values=cols) +
#'   facet_grid(group ~ ., space="free_y", scales="free_y")
#' ### sort with a grouping variable and events and plot
#' times <- c(1,100,200,300,400,500,600)
#' set.seed(45962)
#' events <- matrix(sample(1:3, nrow(example3)*2, replace=TRUE), nrow(example3), 2)
#' set.seed(23498)
#' event.times <- matrix(sample(min(times):max(times), nrow(example3)*2, replace=TRUE),
#'                       nrow(example3), 2)
#' labels <- c('Street', 'Drug Tx', 'Jail', 'Prison', 'Unknown')
#' eventLabels=c('Arrest', 'Drug Test', 'Hearing')
#' eventlc <- longCat(example3, times=times, Labels=labels,
#'                    events=events, event.times=event.times,
#'                    eventLabels=eventLabels)
#' set.seed(4290)
#' groupevent <- sample(1:3, nrow(example3), replace=TRUE)
#' groupeventlc <- sorter(eventlc, group=groupevent)
#' par(mfrow=c(1,1), bg='cornsilk3', mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 12.1), xpd=TRUE)
#' cols <- longCatPlot(groupeventlc, legendBuffer=0, groupBuffer=0.15,
#'                     main='Grouping and Events')
#' legend(610, 130, legend=groupeventlc$Labels, lty=1, col=cols, lwd=2)
#' legend(610, 60, legend=groupeventlc$eventLabels,
#'        pch=1:length(groupeventlc$eventLabels))
#' par(bg='transparent', mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1, xpd=FALSE)
#' @export
sorter <- function(lc,
                   ascending    = TRUE  ,
                   whichColumns = NULL  ,
                   num          = TRUE  ,
                   mindur       = NULL  ,
                   igrpt        = FALSE ,
                   customSort   = NULL  ,
                   initFirst    = FALSE ,
                   group        = NULL  ,
                   groupLabels  = NULL  ,
                   ggap         = NULL  )
  # check ggap
  if( !is.null(ggap) )
    if(ggap<0 | ggap>1) stop("ggap must be in [0,1]")

  # make group numeric, extracting labels first if not given
  if(is.character(group)) group <- as.factor(group)
    if(is.null(groupLabels)) groupLabels <- levels(group)
    group <- as.numeric(group)

  # if object is already sorted, don't attempt to resort
    sortWarn <- paste('lc object already sorted, use the following approach\n',
                      'lc <- (y)\n',
                      'lc_sort1 <- sorter(lc, group=g1)\n',
                      'lc_sort2 <- sorter(lc, group=g2)\n',
                      'lc_customSort <- sorter(lc, customSort=cs)\n'

  # if customSort contains missing y, stop
  if( !is.null(customSort) )
    if( any(is.na(customSort)) )
      stp <- paste('\ncustomSort cannot contain missing values \n',
                   'consider trying one of:\n',
                   '1. Subsetting the y first\n',
                   '2. Setting missing to an extreme value and adding a group variable, such as\n',
                   '     lc <- longCat(y)\n',
                   '     customSort[is.na(customSort)] <- -99\n',
                   '     group <- customSort==-99\n',
                   "     lc_customSort <- sorter(lc, group=group, \n",
                   "          groupLabels=c('nonMissing customSort', 'Missing customSort'),\n",
                   "          customSort=customSort\n")

  # check for missing values on the grouping variable and get the number of groups
  if( !is.null(group) )
    if( any(is.na(group)) )
      ndeleted   <- sum(is.na(group))
      w <- paste(ndeleted,
                 ' row(s) with missing membership on the group variable\n',
                 'have been deleted.\n\n',
                 'If a large number of cases have missing y on the\n',
                 'group variable, consider recoding the missings into\n',
                 'their own group, e.g.:\n\n',
                 '     group[is.na(group)] <- -999 \n\n',
                 'and add a missing label to groupLabels, e.g.:\n\n',
                 "     groupLabels=c('Missing', 'Group1', 'Group2', 'Etc.')\n",
    ngroups <- length(table(group))
    if(is.null(ggap)) ggap=ceiling(.05*lc$dim[1])
  if( is.null(group) )
    group <- rep(1, lc$dim[1])
    ngroups  <- 1
    if(is.null(ggap)) ggap=0
  if(is.null(ggap)) ggap=ceiling(ggap*lc$dim[1])
  u.g <- names(table(group))

  # check inputs and set additional sorting parameters
  if(is.null(whichColumns)) whichColumns <- 1:lc$dim[2]
  if(is.null(customSort))   customSort   <- rep(1, lc$dim[1])

  # concatinate the data
  lc$order.y[,2] <- makePatterns(lc$y[,whichColumns], lc$times[,whichColumns],
                                 num, mindur, igrpt)
  lc$order.y[,3] <- customSort

  # split the data into groups and sort within group
  id.g.l <- y.g.l <- times.g.l <- events.g.l <- event.times.g.l <-
    group.g.l <- vector('list', ngroups)
  for(g in 1:ngroups)
    # extract group specific data
    # extract group specific data
    w.g     <- group==u.g[g]
    id.g    <- lc$order.y[w.g,]
    y.g     <- lc$y[w.g,]
    times.g <- lc$times[w.g,]

      events.g      <- lc$events[w.g,]
      event.times.g <- lc$event.times[w.g,]

      # if a one column events matrix is provided, the above row extraction
      # results in vectors instead of matrices
      if(! 'matrix' %in% class(events.g)     ) events.g      <- as.matrix(events.g)
      if(! 'matrix' %in% class(event.times.g)) event.times.g <- as.matrix(event.times.g)
    if( is.null(lc$events))
      events.g      <- NULL
      event.times.g <- NULL
    group.g <- group[w.g]

    # vector to matrix
    vtom <- function(x)
        if(is.null(dim(x))) x <- t(as.matrix(x))
          if(ncol(x)==1 & nrow(x)>1)  x <- t(as.matrix(x))
    y.g           <- vtom(y.g)
    times.g       <- vtom(times.g)
    events.g      <- vtom(events.g)
    event.times.g <- vtom(event.times.g)

    # sort
    sorted.dat <- sort1(id1          = id.g          ,
                        y1           = y.g           ,
                        times1       = times.g       ,
                        events1      = events.g      ,
                        event.times1 = event.times.g ,
                        group1       = group.g       ,
                        ascending    = ascending     ,
                        whichColumns = whichColumns  ,
                        initFirst    = initFirst     )

    # populate storage lists
    id.g.l[[g]]          <- sorted.dat$id.s
    y.g.l[[g]]           <- sorted.dat$y.s
    times.g.l[[g]]       <- sorted.dat$times.s
    events.g.l[[g]]      <- sorted.dat$events.s
    event.times.g.l[[g]] <- sorted.dat$event.times.s
    group.g.l[[g]]       <- sorted.dat$group.s

    # add empty lines if ngroups > 1
      dat.id    <- data.frame(id.g.l[[g]])
      dat.y     <- data.frame(y.g.l[[g]])
      dat.times <- data.frame(times.g.l[[g]])
      dat.group <- data.frame(group.g.l[[g]])

      na.id    <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ggap, ncol(id.g.l[[g]]   )))
      na.y     <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ggap, ncol(y.g.l[[g]]    )))
      na.times <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ggap, ncol(times.g.l[[g]])))
      na.group <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ggap, 1))

      names(na.id   ) <- names(dat.id   )
      names(na.y    ) <- names(dat.y    )
      names(na.times) <- names(dat.times)
      names(na.group) <- names(dat.group)

      id.g.l[[g]]          <- rbind(do.call(data.frame, dat.id), na.id)#rbind(dat.id    , na.id   )
      y.g.l[[g]]           <- rbind(dat.y     , na.y    )
      times.g.l[[g]]       <- rbind(dat.times , na.times)
      group.g.l[[g]]       <- rbind(dat.group , na.group)
        events.g.l[[g]]      <- rbind(events.g.l[[g]]     , matrix(NA, ggap, ncol(events.g.l[[g]]     )))
        event.times.g.l[[g]] <- rbind(event.times.g.l[[g]], matrix(NA, ggap, ncol(event.times.g.l[[g]])))

    # rm objects
    rm(w.g, id.g, y.g, times.g, sorted.dat)
    if(!is.null(lc$events)) rm(events.g, event.times.g)
    if(!is.null(group))     rm(group.g)

  # restack the data
  order.y.sorted <- do.call(rbind, id.g.l)
  y.sorted <- do.call(rbind, y.g.l)
  times.sorted <- do.call(rbind, times.g.l)
    events.sorted      <- do.call(rbind, events.g.l)
    event.times.sorted <- do.call(rbind, event.times.g.l)

    if(nrow(lc$events)!=nrow(events.sorted) & nrow(events.sorted)==1)
      events.sorted <- t(events.sorted)
      event.times.sorted <- t(event.times.sorted)
  if( is.null(lc$events))
    events.sorted      <- NULL
    event.times.sorted <- NULL
  group.sorted <- do.call(rbind, group.g.l)
  rm(id.g.l, y.g.l, times.g.l, events.g.l, event.times.g.l, group.g.l)

  # return modified lc object
  lc = list( y = lc$y,
             y.sorted = y.sorted,
             dim = lc$dim,
             times = lc$times,
             times.sorted = times.sorted,
             Labels = lc$Labels,
             tLabels = lc$tLabels,
             factors = lc$factors,
             IndTime = lc$IndTime,
             nfactors = lc$nfactors,
             sorted = TRUE,
             ascending = ascending,
             group = group,
             group.sorted = group.sorted,
             groupLabels = groupLabels,
             order.y = lc$order.y,
             order.y.sorted = order.y.sorted,
             events = lc$events,
             event.times = lc$event.times,
             events.sorted = events.sorted,
             event.times.sorted = event.times.sorted,
             eventLabels = lc$eventLabels)
  class(lc) = 'longCat'

#' A function to take out repeated observations in a vector of data for sorting purposes.
#' This function removes repeated observations from a vector, filling the "gaps" with \code{NA} values to maintain the original vector length. It's useful for preparing data for sorting where unique values are necessary, and the overall structure of the dataset (i.e., its length) should be preserved.
#' @param alist A numeric vector from which repeated values are to be removed.
#' @return A vector excluding repeated values with trailing \code{NA}'s to fill the vector to its original length.
#' @references Tueller, S. J., Van Dorn, R. A., & Bobashev, G. V. (2016). Visualization of categorical longitudinal and times series data (Report No. MR-0033-1602). Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press. \url{http://www.rti.org/publication/visualization-categorical-longitudinal-and-times-series-data}
#' @seealso \code{\link{makePatterns}} for usage of the output from \code{norpt} as input.
#' @examples
#' alist <- c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5)
#' norpt(alist)
#' @author Stephen J. Tueller
#' @export
norpt <- function( alist = c(1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5) )
  outlist <- alist[1]
  for(i in 2:length(alist))
    if( !is.na(alist[i-1]) & !is.na(alist[i]) )
      if(alist[i-1] != alist[i]){ outlist <- c(outlist, alist[i]) }
  outlist <- c(outlist, rep(NA, (length(alist)-length(outlist))))

#' Concatenate Multivariate Data into Numeric or Character Patterns
#' This function concatenates the columns of a matrix or data frame for each row into a single character variable, which can optionally be reconverted to numeric. It is typically called internally by \code{\link{sorter}}. For example, a row of a matrix containing \code{c(1, 2, 3, 5)} will be concatenated into \verb{"1235"}.
#' @param dat A matrix or data frame such as \code{lc$y} from an \code{\link{longCat}} object created by \code{\link{longCat}}.
#' @param times See \code{times} in \code{\link{longCat}}.
#' @param num Logical indicator, specifying whether a numeric version of the concatenated rows should be returned. When \code{TRUE}, the return is rescaled by moving a decimal point between the first and second digits. This ensures that, under different numbers of observations or missing data, ordering is not unduly impacted by patterns of missing data. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param mindur Minimum duration. If \code{times} is a matrix or data frame of individually varying times of observation of the same dimension as \code{dat}, selecting \code{mindur > 0} results in all cells in \code{y} corresponding to cells in \code{times - times[,1] < mindur} being changed to \code{NA}. This minimizes the effect of short durations on the sorting algorithm in \code{\link{sorter}}. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param igrpt Option to ignore repeated values when sorting, allowing the sorting algorithm in \code{\link{sorter}} to smooth over regions of no change for each row in \code{lc$y}. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A vector of patterns of length \code{nrow(dat)}.
#' @references Tueller, S. J., Van Dorn, R. A., & Bobashev, G. V. (2016). Visualization of categorical longitudinal and times series data (Report No. MR-0033-1602). Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press. \url{http://www.rti.org/publication/visualization-categorical-longitudinal-and-times-series-data}
#' @seealso \code{\link{sorter}} for further processing of patterns.
#' @examples
#' # create an arbitrary matrix and demonstrate
#' temp <- matrix( sample(1:9, 40, replace=TRUE), 10, 4)
#' print(temp)
#' makePatterns(temp, num=FALSE)
#' # examine the unique patterns of data
#' bindat <- matrix( sample(0:1, 500, replace=TRUE), 100, 5)
#' uniquePatterns <- makePatterns(bindat, num=FALSE)
#' as.matrix(table(uniquePatterns))
#' @author Stephen J. Tueller
#' @export
makePatterns <- function(dat, times=NULL, num=TRUE, mindur=NULL, igrpt=FALSE)
  # set times if null
  if( is.null(times) ) times <- 1:ncol(dat)
  # reduce the effect of short durations
  if(!is.null(mindur) & length(dim(times))==2)
    times <- times - times[,1]
    mintime <- times <= mindur & !is.na(times)
    dat[mintime] <- NA
  # if desired, (ig)nore (r)e(p)ea(t) observations,
  #   i.e., c(1, 2, 2, 3) becomes c(1, 2, 3)
  if(igrpt){ dat <- t( apply(dat, 1, norpt) )  }
  # concatenate rows into a string
  out <- apply(dat, 1, paste, collapse="")
  # if desired, turn to numeric and reduce the scale
    g    <- gsub('NA', '', out)
    nc   <- nchar(g)
    tens <- 10^nc
    out  <- ( as.numeric(g)/tens )*10
  as.matrix(out, nrow(dat), 1)

#' Helper function for \code{\link{sorter}}, doing within group sorting
#' This function is a helper for \code{\link{sorter}}, designed to handle sorting within individual groups as \code{\link{sorter}} loops through groups (even if there is only one group) using \code{sort1}.
#' @param id1 The identification variable for one group, analogous to \code{id} in \code{\link{longCat}}.
#' @param y1 The longitudinal data for one group, analogous to \code{y} in \code{\link{longCat}}.
#' @param times1 The time data for one group, analogous to \code{times} in \code{\link{longCat}}.
#' @param events1 The events data for one group, analogous to \code{events} in \code{\link{longCat}}.
#' @param event.times1 The event times for one group, analogous to \code{event.times} in \code{\link{longCat}}.
#' @param group1 The group identification variable for one group, analogous to \code{group} in \code{\link{sorter}}.
#' @param ascending Logical, indicating if sorting should be in ascending order. This parameter is consistent with the \code{ascending} option in \code{\link{sorter}}.
#' @param whichColumns Specifies which columns of \code{y1} should be considered in the sorting process, consistent with the \code{whichColumns} option in \code{\link{sorter}}.
#' @param initFirst Logical, indicating whether to initialize sorting with the first column, consistent with the \code{initFirst} option in \code{\link{sorter}}.
#' @author Stephen J. Tueller
#' @export
sort1  <- function(id1, y1, times1, events1, event.times1, group1,
                   ascending=TRUE, whichColumns=NULL,

  if( initFirst) init <- y1[,1]
  if(!initFirst) init <- rep(1, nrow(y1))

  o <- order(init, id1[,3], id1[,2], decreasing = !ascending)

  id.s          <- id1[o,]
  y.s           <- y1[o,]
  times.s       <- times1[o,]
    events.s      <- events1[o,]
    event.times.s <- event.times1[o,]
  if( is.null(events1) )
    events.s      <- NULL
    event.times.s <- NULL
  if( !is.null(group1) ) group.s <- matrix( group1[o] )
  if(  is.null(group1) ) group.s <- NULL

  # vector to matrix
  vtom <- function(x)
      if(is.null(dim(x))) x <- t(as.matrix(x))
        if(ncol(x)==1 & nrow(x)>1)  x <- t(as.matrix(x))
  y.s           <- vtom(y.s          )
  times.s       <- vtom(times.s      )
  events.s      <- vtom(events.s     )
  event.times.s <- vtom(event.times.s)
  return(list(id.s          = id.s,
              y.s           = y.s,
              times.s       = times.s,
              events.s      = events.s,
              event.times.s = event.times.s,
              group.s       = group.s))

stueller/longCatEDA documentation built on March 9, 2024, 4:08 a.m.