
Defines functions Consensus vector2matrix

Documented in Consensus vector2matrix

#' function for convert a vector to a binary matrix
#' @param vec a vector.
#' @return a n by n binary matrix indicating the adjacency.
#' @importFrom utils combn
vector2matrix = function(vec){
    mat = matrix(0, nrow = length(vec), ncol = length(vec))
    diag(mat) = diag(mat) + 1
    classes = unique(vec)
    for (class in classes){
        tmp_ix = which(vec == class)
        # find all pair index of a class
        pair_ix = t(combn(tmp_ix, 2))
        pair_ix = rbind(pair_ix, pair_ix[,c(2,1)])
        mat[pair_ix] = 1

#' Consensus Clustering
#' @param Y A expression matrix. It is recommended to use the raw count matrix. Users can input normalized matrix directly. 
#' @param num_pcs The number of top pcs that will be investigated on through consensus clustering.
#' @param k The number of input clusters (best guess).
#' @param nProc number of cores for BiocParallel enviroment. 
#' @param top_pctg Top percentage of features for dimension reduction
#' @param thred For the final GMM clustering, the probability of a cell belonging to a certain cluster.
#' @return the clustering labels and the featured genes.
#' @examples
#' data(Yan)
#' set.seed(123)
#' rixs = sample(nrow(Y), 500)
#' cixs = sample(ncol(Y), 40)
#' Y = Y[rixs, cixs]
#' con = Consensus(Y, k=5)
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowVars
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowSds
#' @export
Consensus = function(Y, num_pcs = 10, top_pctg = 0.33, k =2, thred = 0.9, nProc = 1){
    if (all(Y %%1 == 0)){
        L = colSums(Y) / median(colSums(Y))
        Y = log(sweep(Y, 2, L, FUN="/") + 1)
    # select some genes (by top 50% cv) and do pca
    message("start dimention reduction ...")
    rm_ix = which(rowVars(Y) == 0)
    if (length(rm_ix) > 0) Y = Y[-rm_ix, ]
    row_ms = rowMeans(Y, na.rm = TRUE)
    row_sds = rowSds(Y, na.rm = TRUE)
    cv_scores = row_sds / row_ms
    gene_ranks = order(cv_scores, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = TRUE)
    top = round(nrow(Y) * top_pctg)
    ixs = gene_ranks[seq_len(top)]
    Y = Y[ixs, ]
    pca_out = prcomp(t(Y))
    pc_res = pca_out$x
    # consensus clustering
    message("start consensus clustering ...")
    BPPARAM = setUp_BPPARAM(nProc=nProc)
    BPPARAM$progressbar = TRUE
    bp_fun = function(i, pc_res, k){
        tmp_pca_mat = pc_res[,seq_len(i)]
        if (i == 1) {
            res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, modelNames = "V", verbose = FALSE))
        else {
            res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, modelNames = "VVV", verbose = FALSE))
        if (is.null(res)){
            res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, verbose = FALSE))
        clusterid = apply(res$z, 1, which.max)
    pc_cluster = bplapply(seq_len(num_pcs), bp_fun, pc_res = pc_res, k=k, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
    pc_mat = lapply(pc_cluster, vector2matrix)
    con_mat = Reduce("+", pc_mat)

    # final step of clustering
    message("start final clustering ...")
    res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(con_mat, G = k, modelNames = "VII", verbose = FALSE))
    if (is.null(res)){
        res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(con_mat, G = k, verbose = FALSE))
    cluster = apply(res$z, 1, function(x){
        id = which(x > thred)
        if (length(id) == 0){
    return(list(mat_res = con_mat, cluster = cluster))
suke18/FEAST documentation built on Sept. 14, 2021, 12:22 a.m.