##### -------- Consensus clustering a backup clustering -------- #####

#' FEAST main function
#' @param Y A expression matrix. Raw count matrix or normalized matrix.
#' @param k The number of input clusters (best guess).
#' @param num_pcs The number of top pcs that will be investigated through the consensus clustering.
#' @param dim_reduce dimension reduction methods chosen from pca, svd, or irlba.
#' @param split boolean. If T, using subsampling to calculate the gene-level significance.
#' @param batch_size when split is true, need to claim the batch size for spliting the cells.
#' @param nProc number of cores for BiocParallel enviroment. 
#' @return the rankings of the gene-significance.
#' @examples
#' data(Yan)
#' k = length(unique(trueclass))
#' set.seed(123)
#' rixs = sample(nrow(Y), 500)
#' cixs = sample(ncol(Y), 40)
#' Y = Y[rixs, cixs]
#' ixs = FEAST(Y, k=k)
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom stats kmeans pf prcomp
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowSds
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @import mclust
#' @import irlba
#' @export
FEAST = function (Y, k = 2, num_pcs = 10, dim_reduce = c("pca", "svd", "irlba"), 
                  split = FALSE, batch_size =1000, nProc = 1){
    if (all(Y%%1 == 0)) {
        L = colSums(Y)/median(colSums(Y))
        Ynorm = log(sweep(Y, 2, L, FUN = "/") + 1)
        Ynorm = Y
    # dimention reduction part
    row_ms = rowMeans(Ynorm, na.rm = TRUE)
    row_sds = rowSds(Y, na.rm = TRUE)
    cv_scores = row_sds / row_ms
    gene_ranks = order(cv_scores, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = TRUE)
    # this top number of features for pca can be adjusted. Alternatively using top 1000 genes by rowMeans.
    top = round(nrow(Y)*0.33)
    gene_ixs = gene_ranks[seq_len(top)]
    YYnorm = Ynorm[gene_ixs, ]; ncells = ncol(Ynorm)
    YYnorm_scale = scale(YYnorm, scale=TRUE, center=TRUE)
    dim_reduce = match.arg(dim_reduce)

    # starting dimention reduction.
    message("start dimention reduction ...")
    pc_res = switch(dim_reduce,
                    pca = prcomp(t(YYnorm))$x,
                    svd = svd(t(YYnorm))$u,
                    irlba = prcomp_irlba(t(YYnorm_scale), n = num_pcs)$x)

    # setup for parallel computing. if it is SnowParam, it means on windows
    message("start consensus clustering ...")
    BPPARAM = setUp_BPPARAM(nProc = nProc)
    con_mat = matrix(0, ncol = ncells, nrow = ncells)
    # consensus clustering for less cells (<5000)
    BPPARAM$progressbar = TRUE
    if (ncol(Ynorm) < 3000 & split == FALSE){
        # write function for bplapply.
        bp_fun = function(i, pc_res, k){
            tmp_pca_mat = pc_res[,seq_len(i)]
            if (i == 1) {
                res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, modelNames = "V", verbose = FALSE))
            else {
                res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, modelNames = "VVV", verbose = FALSE))
            if (is.null(res)){
                res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, verbose = FALSE))
            clusterid = apply(res$z, 1, which.max)
        pc_cluster = bplapply(seq_len(num_pcs), bp_fun, pc_res = pc_res, k=k, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
        pc_mat = lapply(pc_cluster, vector2matrix)
        con_mat = Reduce("+", pc_mat)

        # final clustering
        message("start final clustering ...")
        res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(con_mat, G = k, modelNames = "VII",  verbose = FALSE))
        if (is.null(res)) {
            res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(con_mat, G = k, verbose = FALSE))
        cluster = apply(res$z, 1, function(x) {
            id = which(x > 0.95)
            if (length(id) == 0) {
            else {
        F_scores = cal_F2(Ynorm, classes = cluster)$F_scores
        split_k = round(ncells / batch_size)
        chunk_ixs = suppressWarnings(split(sample(ncol(Y)), seq_len(split_k)))
        # write function for bplapply.
        bp_fun = function(i){
            cell_ixs = chunk_ixs[[i]]
            tmp_pca_mat = pc_res[cell_ixs, seq_len(3)]
            res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, modelNames = "VVV", verbose = FALSE))
            if (is.null(res)){
                res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, verbose = FALSE))
            clusterid = apply(res$z, 1, which.max)
        chunk_cluster = bplapply(seq_len(split_k), bp_fun, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
        F_res_all = lapply(seq_len(split_k), function(j){
            cell_ixs = chunk_ixs[[j]]
            tmp_mat = Ynorm[, cell_ixs]
            tmp_cluster = chunk_cluster[[j]]
            F_scores = cal_F2(tmp_mat, classes = tmp_cluster)$F_scores
        F_mat = Reduce(cbind, F_res_all)
        F_scores = rowMeans(F_mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    ixs = order(F_scores, decreasing = TRUE)

#' FEAST main function (fast version)
#' @param Y A expression matrix. Raw count matrix or normalized matrix.
#' @param k The number of input clusters (best guess).
#' @param num_pcs The number of top pcs that will be investigated through the consensus clustering.
#' @param split boolean. If T, using subsampling to calculate the gene-level significance.
#' @param batch_size when split is true, need to claim the batch size for spliting the cells.
#' @param nProc number of cores for BiocParallel enviroment. 
#' @return the rankings of the gene-significance.
#' @examples
#' data(Yan)
#' k = length(unique(trueclass))
#' res = FEAST_fast(Y, k=k)
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom stats kmeans pf prcomp
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @import mclust
#' @import irlba
#' @export
FEAST_fast = function (Y, k = 2, num_pcs = 10, split = FALSE, batch_size =1000, nProc = 1){
    if (all(Y%%1 == 0)) {
        L = colSums(Y)/median(colSums(Y))
        Ynorm = log(sweep(Y, 2, L, FUN = "/") + 1)
        Ynorm = Y

    # dimention reduction part
    message("start dimention reduction using irlba ...")
    row_ms = rowMeans(Ynorm, na.rm = TRUE)
    gene_ranks = order(row_ms, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = TRUE)
    # this top number of features for pca can be adjusted. Using 1000 from rowMeans for fast calculation
    top = 1000
    gene_ixs = gene_ranks[seq_len(top)]
    YYnorm = Ynorm[gene_ixs, ]; ncells = ncol(Ynorm)
    # using the fast version from irlba
    Ynorm_scale = scale(YYnorm, scale=TRUE, center=TRUE)
    pca_res = prcomp_irlba(t(Ynorm_scale), n=10)
    pc_res = pca_res$x

    # setup for parallel computing. register for bplapply.
    # for windows platform, bpworkers(BPPARAM) == 1. Just use the simple loop (woops).
    message("start consensus clustering ...")
    BPPARAM = setUp_BPPARAM(nProc=nProc)
    BPPARAM$progressbar = TRUE
    if (ncells < 3000 & split == FALSE){
        bp_fun = function(i){
            tmp_pca_mat = pc_res[, seq_len(i)]
            if (i == 1) {
                res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, modelNames = "V", verbose = FALSE))
            else {
                res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, modelNames = "VVV", verbose = FALSE))
            if (is.null(res)){
                res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, verbose = FALSE))
            clusterid = apply(res$z, 1, which.max)
        pc_cluster = bplapply(seq_len(num_pcs), bp_fun, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
        pc_mat = lapply(pc_cluster, function(x){
        con_mat = Reduce("+", pc_mat)
        message("!!! done !!!")
        # change the final clustering to kmeans. 
        # sometimes hclust can be unbalanced, pam can be slow. Thus, resorting to kmeans 
        # but might be influenced by the outliers.
        km = kmeans(con_mat, k)
        cluster = km$cluster
        message("calculate F scores")
        F_scores = cal_F2(Ynorm, classes = cluster)$F_scores
        split_k = round(ncells / batch_size)
        chunk_ixs = suppressWarnings(split(sample(ncol(Y)), seq_len(split_k)))
        bp_fun = function(i){
            cell_ixs = chunk_ixs[[i]]
            tmp_pca_mat = pc_res[cell_ixs, seq_len(3)]
            res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, modelNames = "VVV", verbose = FALSE))
            if (is.null(res)){
                res = suppressWarnings(Mclust(tmp_pca_mat, G = k, verbose = FALSE))
            clusterid = apply(res$z, 1, which.max)
        chunk_cluster = bplapply(seq_len(split_k), bp_fun, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
        F_res_all = lapply(seq_len(split_k), function(j){
            cell_ixs = chunk_ixs[[j]]
            tmp_mat = Ynorm[, cell_ixs]
            tmp_cluster = chunk_cluster[[j]]
            F_scores = cal_F2(tmp_mat, classes = tmp_cluster)$F_scores
        F_mat = Reduce(cbind, F_res_all)
        F_scores = rowMeans(F_mat, na.rm = TRUE)
    ixs = order(F_scores, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = TRUE)
suke18/FEAST documentation built on Sept. 14, 2021, 12:22 a.m.