#' Using clustering results based on feature selection to perform model selection.
#' @param Y A gene expression matrix
#' @param tops A numeric vector containing a list of numbers corresponding to top genes; e.g., tops = c(500, 1000, 2000).
#' @param cluster The initial cluster labels NA values are allowed. This can directly from the \code{Consensus} function.
#' @return mse and the SC3 clustering result.
#' @examples
#' data(Yan)
#' k = length(unique(trueclass))
#' Y = process_Y(Y, thre = 2) # preprocess the data
#' set.seed(123)
#' rixs = sample(nrow(Y), 500)
#' cixs = sample(ncol(Y), 40)
#' Y = Y[rixs, cixs]
#' con_res = Consensus(Y, k=k)
#' # not run
#' # mod_res = Select_Model_short_SC3(Y, cluster = con_res$cluster, top = c(100, 200))
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom matrixStats colVars
#' @export
Select_Model_short_SC3 = function(Y, cluster, tops = c(500, 1000, 2000)){
# make sure the labels and the cells are one-to-one match
stopifnot(ncol(Y) == length(cluster))
F_res = cal_F2(Y, classes = cluster)
Fs = F_res$F_scores
F_orders = order(Fs, decreasing = TRUE)
Y = as.matrix(Y)
k = length(unique(cluster[!is.na(cluster)]))
if(all(Y %%1 == 0)){
L = colSums(Y) / median(colSums(Y))
Ynorm = log2(sweep(Y, 2, L, FUN="/") + 1)
Ynorm = Y
message("Start the validation processing. ")
ntop = length(tops)
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ntop, style = 3)
mse = SC3_res = NULL
for (i in seq_len(ntop)){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
top = tops[i]
ix = F_orders[seq_len(top)]
# Need to check the column variance; otherwise cannot calculate the cell-cell distance, thus add one index.
col_sds = colVars(Y[ix,])
col_ix = which(col_sds == 0)
if (length(col_ix) > 0){
for(col_id in col_ix){
id_add = which.max(Y[, col_id])
ix = c(ix, id_add)
markers = rownames(Y)[ix]
## predict the labels and fit the regression
SC3_rslt = SC3_Clust(Y, k = k, input_markers = markers)
SC3_res[[toString(top)]] = SC3_rslt
# use linear regression for validation
message("linear regression validation \n")
mse = c(mse, cal_MSE(Ynorm, SC3_rslt$cluster))
names(mse) = tops
res = list(mse=mse, SC3_res = SC3_res)
#' Using clustering results (from TSCAN) based on feature selection to perform model selection.
#' @param Y A gene expression matrix
#' @param tops A numeric vector containing a list of numbers corresponding to top genes; e.g., tops = c(500, 1000, 2000).
#' @param cluster The initial cluster labels NA values are allowed. This can directly from the \code{Consensus} function.
#' @param minexpr_percent The threshold used for processing data in TSCAN. Using it by default.
#' @param cvcutoff The threshold used for processing data in TSCAN. Using it by default.
#' @return mse and the TSCAN clustering result.
#' @examples
#' data(Yan)
#' k = length(unique(trueclass))
#' Y = process_Y(Y, thre = 2) # preprocess the data
#' set.seed(123)
#' rixs = sample(nrow(Y), 500)
#' cixs = sample(ncol(Y), 40)
#' Y = Y[rixs, cixs]
#' con_res = Consensus(Y, k=k)
#' # not run
#' # mod_res = Select_Model_short_TSCAN(Y, cluster = con_res$cluster, top = c(100, 200))
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
Select_Model_short_TSCAN = function(Y, cluster, minexpr_percent = 0.5, cvcutoff = 1, tops = c(500, 1000, 2000)){
# make sure the labels and the cells are one-to-one match
stopifnot(ncol(Y) == length(cluster))
F_res = cal_F2(Y, classes = cluster)
message("Start calculating the gene-level significance. ")
Fs = F_res$F_scores
F_orders = order(Fs, decreasing = TRUE)
Y = as.matrix(Y)
k = length(unique(cluster[!is.na(cluster)]))
if(all(Y %%1 == 0)){
L = colSums(Y) / median(colSums(Y))
Ynorm = log2(sweep(Y, 2, L, FUN="/") + 1)
Ynorm = Y
message("Start the validation processing. ")
ntop = length(tops)
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ntop, style = 3)
mse = TSCAN_res = NULL
tscan_original = TSCAN_Clust(Y, k, minexpr_percent = minexpr_percent, cvcutoff = cvcutoff)
TSCAN_res[["origin"]] = tscan_original
for (i in seq_len(ntop)){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
top = tops[i]
ix = F_orders[seq_len(top)]
# # Need to check the column variance; otherwise cannot calculate the cell-cell distance, thus add one index.
# col_sds = colVars(Y[ix,])
# col_ix = which(col_sds == 0)
# if (length(col_ix) > 0){
# for(col_id in col_ix){
# id_add = which.max(Y[, col_id])
# ix = c(ix, id_add)
# }
# }
markers = rownames(Y)[ix]
## predict the labels and fit the regression
TSCAN_rslt = TSCAN_Clust(Ynorm, k = k, input_markers = markers)
TSCAN_res[[toString(top)]] = TSCAN_rslt
# use linear regression for validation
message("linear regression validation \n")
mse = c(mse, cal_MSE(Ynorm, TSCAN_rslt$cluster))
names(mse) = tops
res = list(mse=mse, TSCAN_res = TSCAN_res)
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