
#' Simulate recombination events in R
#' This function simulates genotypes within a pedigree, based on centiMorgan map
#' distances. Outputs genotypes as a GenABEL gwaa object.
#' @param ped data.frame of pedigree in "simple" format (Three columns for 
#'   ANIMAL, MOTHER and FATHER) or in "plink" format (Five to Six columns for 
#'   FAMILY, ANIMAL, FATHER, MOTHER, SEX and Phenotype, where the phenotype 
#'   column is optional). Is formatted within this function using 
#'   pedigree.format()
#' @param pedigree.type Character. "simple" or "plink"
#' @param cM Numeric vector of sex-averaged map distances in centiMorgans. Not 
#'   required if sex specific map distances are defined. First position should 
#'   be given as 0cM
#' @param cM.male Numeric vector of Male map distances in centiMorgans
#' @param cM.female Numeric vector of Female map distances in centiMorgans
#' @param founder.mafs Numeric vector of Minor allele frequencies for each 
#'   marker
#' @param chromosome.ids Vector of chromosome or linkage group IDs for each 
#'   marker
#' @param snp.names Optional character vector of SNP names
#' @param map.distances Optional vector of map distances in base pairs for 
#'   GenABEL object. Not used in the simulation.
#' @param error.rate numeric. Default is 1e-4. Future versions will allow vector.
#' @param missing.rate numeric. Default is 0.001. Future versions will allow vector.
#' @param xover.min.cM numeric. Minimum cM distance between two crossovers
#' @param xover.min.cM.male numeric. Minimum cM distance between two crossovers in males
#' @param xover.min.cM.female numeric. Minimum cM distance between two crossovers in females

simulateGenos <- function(ped,
                          pedigree.type = "simple",
                          cM = NULL,
                          cM.male = NULL,
                          cM.female = NULL,
                          founder.mafs = NULL,
                          chromosome.ids = NULL,
                          snp.names = NULL,
                          map.distances = NULL,
                          error.rate = 1e-4,
                          missing.rate = 0.001,
                          xover.min.cM = NULL,
                          xover.min.cM.male = NULL,
                          xover.min.cM.female = NULL){

  phased.output <-  TRUE
  #~~ Format the pedigree
  ped <- pedigree.format(ped, pedigree.type = pedigree.type)
  #~~ melt pedfile to get a unique row for each gamete transfer
  transped <- melt(ped[,c("ANIMAL", "MOTHER", "FATHER")], id.vars = "ANIMAL")
  transped$variable <- as.character(transped$variable)
  #~~ assign pedfile IDs to cohort and merge with transped
  cohorts <- data.frame(ANIMAL = ped[,1],
                        Cohort = kindepth(ped[,1], ped[,3], ped[,2]))
  suppressMessages(transped <- join(transped, cohorts))
  #~~ Redefine columns
  names(transped) <- c("Offspring.ID", "Parent.ID.SEX", "Parent.ID", "Cohort")
  transped$Key    <- paste(transped$Parent.ID, transped$Offspring.ID, sep = "_")
  #~~ Recode founder gametes to 0 e.g. if one parent is unknown
  transped$Cohort[which(transped$Parent.ID == 0)] <- 0
  #~~ Check and format the recombination units
  if( is.null(cM) &  is.null(cM.male) &  is.null(cM.female)) stop   ("No recombination rates specified.")
  if(!is.null(cM) &  is.null(cM.male) & !is.null(cM.female)) warning("Recombination rate only defined in one sex. Missing sex defaults to r.")
  if(!is.null(cM) & !is.null(cM.male) &  is.null(cM.female)) warning("Recombination rate only defined in one sex. Missing sex defaults to r.")
  if( is.null(cM) &  is.null(cM.male) & !is.null(cM.female)) stop   ("Recombination rate only defined in one sex. Use r= ... ")
  if( is.null(cM) & !is.null(cM.male) &  is.null(cM.female)) stop   ("Recombination rate only defined in one sex. Use r= ...")
  if(!is.null(cM) &  is.null(cM.male) &  is.null(cM.female)) message("Assuming that recombination rates are equal in both sexes.")
  #~~ Use cM if no sex specific information given
  if(is.null(cM.male  )) cM.male   <- cM
  if(is.null(cM.female)) cM.female <- cM
  #~~ Tidy up crossover interference parameters
  if( is.null(xover.min.cM) &  is.null(xover.min.cM.male) &  is.null(xover.min.cM.female)) message ("Assuming no crossover interference.")
  if(!is.null(xover.min.cM) &  is.null(xover.min.cM.male) & !is.null(xover.min.cM.female)) warning("Crossover interference parameter only defined in one sex. Missing sex defaults to xover.min.cM.")
  if(!is.null(xover.min.cM) & !is.null(xover.min.cM.male) &  is.null(xover.min.cM.female)) warning("Crossover interference parameter only defined in one sex. Missing sex defaults to xover.min.cM.")
  if( is.null(xover.min.cM) &  is.null(xover.min.cM.male) & !is.null(xover.min.cM.female)) stop   ("Crossover interference parameter only defined in one sex. Use xover.min.cM= ... ")
  if( is.null(xover.min.cM) & !is.null(xover.min.cM.male) &  is.null(xover.min.cM.female)) stop   ("Crossover interference parameter only defined in one sex. Use xover.min.cM= ...")
  if(!is.null(xover.min.cM) &  is.null(xover.min.cM.male) &  is.null(xover.min.cM.female)) message("Assuming that crossover interference is equal in both sexes.")
  #~~ Use r if no sex specific information given
  if(is.null(xover.min.cM.male  )) xover.min.cM.male   <- xover.min.cM
  if(is.null(xover.min.cM.female)) xover.min.cM.female <- xover.min.cM
  message("Assuming 1cM is equivalent to r = 0.01")
  #~~ Tidy up the SNP names and founder MAFs etc. if not defined
  if(is.null(snp.names))  snp.names <- paste0("SNP", 1:length(cM.male))
    message("Founder MAFs have not been defined - assuming MAF = 0.5")
    founder.mafs <- rep(0.5, times = length(cM.male))
    message("Base pair distances have not been defined - Dummy distances used")
    map.distances <- as.integer(cM.female*1e6)
    message("Assuming all markers are on the same chromosome. Errors may occur when undefined")
    chromosome.ids <- rep(1, length(cM.female))

  #~~ Convert to R

  r.male   <- diff(cM.male/100)
  r.female <- diff(cM.female/100)
  r.male[which(r.male < 0)] <- 0.5
  r.female[which(r.female < 0)] <- 0.5
  #~~ Convert to r
  xover.min.r.male   <- xover.min.cM.male/100
  xover.min.r.female <- xover.min.cM.female/100
  #~~ Create a recombination template by sampling the probability of a crossover within an interval
  r.cumu.female <- cumsum(r.female)
  r.cumu.male   <- cumsum(r.male)
    template.list <- sapply(transped$Parent.ID.SEX, function(x){
      if(x == "MOTHER"){
        remp.temp <- which(((runif(length(r.female)) < r.female) + 0L) == 1)
        if(length(remp.temp) > 1 & !is.null(xover.min.r.female)){
          while(min(diff(r.cumu.female[remp.temp])) < xover.min.r.female) {
            remp.temp <- which(((runif(length(r.female)) < r.female) + 0L) == 1)
      if(x == "FATHER"){
        remp.temp <- which(((runif(length(r.male  )) < r.male  ) + 0L) == 1)
        if(length(remp.temp) > 1 & !is.null(xover.min.r.male)){
          while(min(diff(r.cumu.female[remp.temp])) < xover.min.r.male) {
            remp.temp <- which(((runif(length(r.male)) < r.male) + 0L) == 1)
  #~~ Add key to list
  names(template.list) <- transped$Key
  #~~ Calculate recombination count
  transped$RecombCount <- unlist(lapply(template.list, length))
  transped$RecombCount[which(transped$Cohort == 0)] <- NA
  #~~ Create founder haplotypes by sampling allele frequencies
  #~~ Create a list to sample haplotypes
  haplo.list <- list()
  haplo.list[1:length(unique(transped$Offspring.ID))] <- list(list(MOTHER = NA, FATHER = NA))
  names(haplo.list) <- unique(as.character(transped$Offspring.ID))
  #~~ Sample the founder haplotypes
  system.time(for(i in which(transped$Cohort == 0)){
    if(transped$Parent.ID.SEX[i] == "MOTHER") haplo.list[as.character(transped$Offspring.ID[i])][[1]]$MOTHER <- (runif(length(founder.mafs)) < founder.mafs) + 0L
    if(transped$Parent.ID.SEX[i] == "FATHER") haplo.list[as.character(transped$Offspring.ID[i])][[1]]$FATHER <- (runif(length(founder.mafs)) < founder.mafs) + 0L
  #~~ Sample the non-founder haplotypes by cohort. This loops through cohorts sequentially as
  #   parental haplotypes must exist before sampling.  
  for(cohort in 1:max(transped$Cohort)){
    print(paste("Simulating haplotypes for cohort", cohort, "of", max(transped$Cohort)))
    for(j in which(transped$Cohort == cohort)){
      #~~ Pull out recombination information from template.list
      rec.pos <- template.list[transped$Key[j]][[1]]
      #~~ If there are no recombination events, sample one of the parental haplotypes at random
      if(length(rec.pos) == 0){
        haplo.list[as.character(transped$Offspring.ID[j])][[1]][transped$Parent.ID.SEX[j]] <- haplo.list[as.character(transped$Parent.ID[j])][[1]][sample.int(2, 1)]
      #~~ If there are recombination events, sample the order of the parental haplotypes,
      #   exchange haplotypes and then transmit haplotype to offspring
      if(length(rec.pos) > 0){
        parental.haplotypes <- haplo.list[as.character(transped$Parent.ID[j])][[1]][sample.int(2, 2, replace = F)]
        start.pos <- c(1, rec.pos[1:(length(rec.pos))] + 1)
        stop.pos <- c(rec.pos, length(r.female) + 1)
        fragments <- list()
        for(k in 1:length(start.pos)){
          if(k %% 2 != 0) fragments[[k]] <- parental.haplotypes[1][[1]][start.pos[k]:stop.pos[k]]
          if(k %% 2 == 0) fragments[[k]] <- parental.haplotypes[2][[1]][start.pos[k]:stop.pos[k]]  
        haplo.list[as.character(transped$Offspring.ID[j])][[1]][transped$Parent.ID.SEX[j]] <- list(unlist(fragments))
  #~~ Condense haplotypes into genotypes
  genotype.list <- list()
  if(phased.output == TRUE) message("Genotypes are phased - Maternal, Paternal")
  for(i in 1:length(haplo.list)){
    vec <- rep(NA, (length(r.female) + 1)*2)
    if(phased.output == TRUE){
      vec[seq(1, length(vec), 2)] <- haplo.list[[i]][1][[1]]
      vec[seq(2, length(vec), 2)] <- haplo.list[[i]][2][[1]]
    } else {
      haplo.tab <- data.frame(A = haplo.list[[i]][1][[1]],
                              B = haplo.list[[i]][2][[1]])
      vec <- as.vector(apply(haplo.tab, 1, sort))
    genotype.list[[i]] <- vec
  names(genotype.list) <- names(haplo.list)
  x <- t(data.frame(genotype.list))
  row.names(x) <- names(genotype.list)
  colnames(x) <- rep(snp.names, each = 2)
  x <- x + 1
  #~~ Create errors in the dataset
  geno.count <- nrow(x) * (ncol(x)/2)
  error.count <- as.integer(geno.count * error.rate)
  missing.count <- as.integer(geno.count * missing.rate)
  if(error.count > 0){
    errortemp <- data.frame(row = sample(1:nrow(x), replace = T, size = error.count),
                            col = sample(1:ncol(x), replace = T, size = error.count))
    errortemp$col2 <- ifelse(errortemp$col %% 2 == 0, errortemp$col - 1, errortemp$col + 1)
    for(i in 1:nrow(errortemp)){
      tempgeno <- paste(x[errortemp$row[i],c(errortemp$col[i], errortemp$col2[i])], collapse = "")
      if(tempgeno == "11")            newgeno <- sample(c("12", "22"), size = 1) 
      if(tempgeno %in% c("12", "21")) newgeno <- sample(c("11", "22"), size = 1) 
      if(tempgeno == "22")            newgeno <- sample(c("11", "12"), size = 1)
      x[errortemp$row[i],c(errortemp$col[i], errortemp$col2[i])] <- as.vector(strsplit(newgeno, split = "")[[1]])
  if(missing.count > 0){
    missingtemp <- data.frame(row = sample(1:nrow(x), replace = T,  size = missing.count),
                              col = sample(1:ncol(x), replace = T,  size = missing.count))
    missingtemp$col2 <- ifelse(missingtemp$col %% 2 == 0, missingtemp$col - 1, missingtemp$col + 1)
    missingtemp <- data.frame(rbind(as.matrix(missingtemp[,c(1, 2)]),
                                    as.matrix(missingtemp[,c(1, 3)])))
    for(i in 1:nrow(missingtemp)) x[missingtemp$row[i],missingtemp$col[i]] <- 0
  #~~ Create the return object in PLINK format
  newx <- data.frame(FAMILY = 1, ANIMAL = row.names(x))
  suppressMessages(newx <- join(newx, ped))
  newx$SEX <- ifelse(newx$ANIMAL %in% newx$FATHER, 1, 0)
  newx$PHENO <- -9
  x <- cbind(newx, x)
  mapobj <- data.frame(Chromosome = chromosome.ids,
                       SNP.Name = snp.names,
                       bpPosition = map.distances)
  genabel.phenotab <- x[,c("ANIMAL", "SEX")]
  names(genabel.phenotab) <- c("id", "sex")
  #~~ generate a temporary file name
  tempfile <- paste(sample(letters, replace = T, size = 10), collapse = "")
  write.table(x,      paste0(tempfile, ".ped"), row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F)
  write.table(mapobj, paste0(tempfile, ".map"), row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F)
  write.table(genabel.phenotab, paste0(tempfile, ".pheno"), row.names = F, quote = F)
  convert.snp.ped(pedfile = paste0(tempfile, ".ped"), 
                  mapfile = paste0(tempfile, ".map"),
                  outfile = paste0(tempfile, ".genabel"),
                  traits = 1, strand = "u",  mapHasHeaderLine = F, bcast = F)
  genabel.geno <- load.gwaa.data(genofile = paste0(tempfile, ".genabel"), 
                                 phenofile = paste0(tempfile, ".pheno"))

  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") system("cmd", input = paste0("rm ", tempfile, "*"), show.output.on.console = F)
  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Windows") system(input = paste0("rm ", tempfile, "*"))
  # return object
  return(list(genabel.object = genabel.geno,
              templates = template.list))
susjoh/simperSNP documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:43 p.m.