#' An interactive learning environment for R and statistics.
#' This function presents a choice of course lessons and interactively
#' tutors a user through them. A user may be asked to watch a video, to
#' answer a multiple-choice or fill-in-the-blanks question, or to
#' enter a command in the R console precisely as if he or she were
#' using R in practice. Emphasis is on the last, interacting with the
#' R console. User responses are tested for correctness and hints are
#' given if appropriate. Progress is automatically saved so that a user
#' may quit at any time and later resume without losing work.
#' There are several ways to exit swirl: by typing \code{bye()} while in the R
#' console, by hitting the Esc key while not in the R console, or by
#' entering 0 from the swirl course menu. swirl will print a goodbye
#' message whenever it exits.
#' While swirl is in operation, it may be controlled by entering special
#' commands in the R console. One of the special commands is \code{bye()}
#' as discussed above. Others are \code{play()}, \code{nxt()}, \code{skip()},
#' and \code{info()}. The parentheses are important.
#' Sometimes a user will want to play around in the R console without
#' interference or commentary from swirl. This can be accomplished by
#' using the special command \code{play()}. swirl will remain in operation,
#' silently, until the special command \code{nxt()} is entered.
#' The special command \code{skip()} can be used to skip a question if
#' necessary. swirl will enter the correct answer and notify the
#' user of the names of any new variables which it may have created
#' in doing so. These may be needed for subsequent questions.
#' Finally, \code{info()} may be used to display a list of the special commands
#' themselves with brief explanations of what they do.
#' @param resume.class for development only; please accept the default.
#' @param ... arguments for special purposes only, such as lesson testing
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_c str_trim str_split str_length
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_locate fixed str_split_fixed
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' swirl()
#' }
swirl <- function(resume.class="default", ...){
# Creates an environment, e, defines a function, cb, and registers
# cb as a callback with data argument, e. The callback retains a
# reference to the environment in which it was created, environment(cb),
# hence that environment, which also contains e, persists as long
# as cb remains registered. Thus e can be used to store infomation
# between invocations of cb.
# e lives here, in the environment created when swirl() is run
e <- new.env(globalenv())
# This dummy object of class resume.class "tricks" the S3 system
# into calling the proper resume method. We retain the "environment"
# class so that as.list(e) works.
class(e) <- c("environment", resume.class)
# The callback also lives in the environment created when swirl()
# is run and retains a reference to it. Because of this reference,
# the environment which contains both e and cb() persists as
# long as cb() remains registered.
cb <- function(expr, val, ok, vis, data=e){
# The following will modify the persistent e
e$expr <- expr
e$val <- val
e$ok <- ok
e$vis <- vis
# The result of resume() will determine whether the callback
# remains active
return(resume(e, ...))
addTaskCallback(cb, name="mini")
#' Exit swirl.
#' swirl operates by installing a callback function which responds
#' to commands entered in the R console. This is how it captures
#' and tests answers given by the user in the R console. swirl will
#' remain in operation until this callback is removed, which is
#' what \code{bye()} does.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' | Create a new variable called `x` that contains the number 3.
#' > bye()
#' | Leaving swirl now. Type swirl() to resume.
#' }
bye <- function(){
swirl_out(s()%N%"Leaving swirl now. Type swirl() to resume.", skip_after=TRUE)
#' Begin the upcoming question or unit of instruction.
#' This is the way to regain swirl's attention after viewing
#' a video or \code{play()}'ing around in the console.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' | Create a new variable called `y` that contains the number 8.
#' > play()
#' | Entering play mode. Experiment as you please, then type nxt()
#' | when you ready to resume the lesson.
#' > 10/14
#' > [1] 0.7142857
#' > zz <- 99
#' > zz
#' > [1] 99
#' > nxt()
#' | Resuming lesson...
#' }
nxt <- function(){invisible()}
#' Skip the current unit of instruction.
#' swirl will enter the correct answer and notify the
#' user of the names of any new variables which it may have created
#' in doing so. These may be needed for subsequent questions.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' | Create a new variable called `y` that contains the number 8.
#' > skip()
#' | I've entered the correct answer for you.
#' | In doing so, I've created the variable(s) y, which you may need later.
#' }
skip <- function(){invisible()}
#' Start over on the current script question.
#' During a script question, this will reset the script
#' back to its original state, which can be helpful if you
#' get stuck.
#' @export
reset <- function(){invisible()}
#' Submit the active R script in response to a question.
#' When a swirl question requires the user to edit an R script, the
#' \code{submit()} function allows the user to submit their response.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' | Create a function called f that takes one argument, x, and
#' | returns the value of x squared.
#' > submit()
#' | You are quite good my friend!
#' }
submit <- function(){invisible()}
#' Tell swirl to ignore console input for a while.
#' It is sometimes useful to play around in the R console out of
#' curiosity or to solidify a concept. This command will cause
#' swirl to remain idle, allowing the user to experiment at will,
#' until the command \code{nxt()} is entered.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' | Create a new variable called `y` that contains the number 8.
#' > play()
#' | Entering play mode. Experiment as you please, then type nxt()
#' | when you ready to resume the lesson.
#' > 10/14
#' > [1] 0.7142857
#' > zz <- 99
#' > zz
#' > [1] 99
#' > nxt()
#' | Resuming lesson...
#' }
play <- function(){invisible()}
#' Return to swirl's main menu.
#' Return to swirl's main menu from a lesson in progress.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' | The simplest way to create a sequence of numbers in R is by using
#' | the `:` operator. Type 1:20 to see how it works.
#' > main()
#' | Returning to the main menu...
#' }
main <- function(){invisible()}
#' Restart the current swirl lesson.
#' Restart the current swirl lesson.
#' @export
restart <- function(){invisible()}
#' Display a list of special commands.
#' Display a list of the special commands, \code{bye()}, \code{play()},
#' \code{nxt()}, \code{skip()}, and \code{info()}.
#' @export
info <- function(){
swirl_out(s()%N%"When you are at the R prompt (>):")
swirl_out(s()%N%"-- Typing skip() allows you to skip the current question.", skip_before=FALSE)
swirl_out(s()%N%"-- Typing play() lets you experiment with R on your own; swirl will ignore what you do...", skip_before=FALSE)
swirl_out(s()%N%"-- UNTIL you type nxt() which will regain swirl's attention.", skip_before=FALSE)
swirl_out(s()%N%"-- Typing bye() causes swirl to exit. Your progress will be saved.", skip_before=FALSE)
swirl_out(s()%N%"-- Typing main() returns you to swirl's main menu.", skip_before=FALSE)
swirl_out(s()%N%"-- Typing info() displays these options again.", skip_before=FALSE, skip_after=TRUE)
resume <- function(...)UseMethod("resume")
# Default method resume implements a finite state (or virtual) machine.
# It runs a fixed "program" consisting of three "instructions" which in
# turn present information, capture a user's response, and test and retry
# if necessary. The three instructions are themselves S3 methods which
# depend on the class of the active row of the course lesson. The
# instruction set is thus extensible. It can be found in R/instructionSet.R.
resume.default <- function(e, ...){
# Specify additional arguments
args_specification(e, ...)
esc_flag <- TRUE
on.exit(if(esc_flag)swirl_out(s()%N%"Leaving swirl now. Type swirl() to resume.", skip_after=TRUE))
# Trap special functions
esc_flag <- FALSE
# The user wants to reset their script to the original
if(uses_func("reset")(e$expr)[[1]]) {
# The user wants to submit their R script
# If the user wants to skip the current question, do the bookkeeping.
# Increment a skip count kept in e.
if(!exists("skips", e)) e$skips <- 0
e$skips <- 1 + e$skips
e$skipped <- TRUE
# Enter the correct answer for the user
# by simulating what the user should have done
correctAns <- e$current.row[,"CorrectAnswer"]
# If we are on a script question, the correct answer should
# simply source the correct script
if(is(e$current.row, "script") && is.na(correctAns)) {
correct_script_path <- e$correct_script_temp_path
if(file.exists(correct_script_path)) {
# Get contents of the correct script
e$script_contents <- readLines(correct_script_path, warn = FALSE)
# Save expr to e
e$expr <- try(parse(text = e$script_contents), silent = TRUE)
# Source the correct script
# Inform the user and open the correct script
swirl_out(s()%N%"I just sourced the following script, which demonstrates one possible solution.",
readline(s()%N%"Press Enter when you are ready to continue...")
# If this is not a script question...
} else {
# In case correctAns refers to newVar, add it
# to the official list AND the global environment
if(exists("newVarName",e)) {
correctAns <- gsub("newVar", e$newVarName, correctAns)
e$expr <- parse(text=correctAns)[[1]]
ce <- cleanEnv(e$snapshot)
# evaluate e$expr keeping value and visibility information
# store the result in temporary object evaluation in order
# to avoid double potentially time consuming eval call
evaluation <- withVisible(eval(e$expr, ce))
e$vis <- evaluation$visible
e$val <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(evaluation$value))
xfer(ce, globalenv())
ce <- as.list(ce)
# Inform the user and expose the correct answer
swirl_out(s()%N%"Entering the following correct answer for you...",
message("> ", e$current.row[, "CorrectAnswer"])
if(e$vis & !is.null(e$val)) {
# Make sure playing flag is off since user skipped
e$playing <- FALSE
# If the user is not trying to skip and is playing,
# ignore console input, but remain in operation.
} else if(exists("playing", envir=e, inherits=FALSE) && e$playing) {
esc_flag <- FALSE
# If the user want to return to the main menu, do the bookkeeping
# If the user want to restart the lesson, do the bookkeeping
# If user is looking up a help file, ignore their input
# unless the correct answer involves do so
if(uses_func("help")(e$expr)[[1]] ||
# Get current correct answer
corrans <- e$current.row[, "CorrectAnswer"]
# Parse the correct answer
corrans_parsed <- parse(text = corrans)
# See if it contains ? or help
uses_help <- uses_func("help")(corrans_parsed)[[1]] ||
if(!uses_help) {
esc_flag <- FALSE
# Method menu initializes or reinitializes e if necessary.
temp <- mainMenu(e)
# If menu returns FALSE, the user wants to exit.
if(is.logical(temp) && !isTRUE(temp)){
swirl_out(s()%N%"Leaving swirl now. Type swirl() to resume.", skip_after=TRUE)
esc_flag <- FALSE # To supress double notification
# if e$expr is NOT swirl() or nxt(), the user has just responded to
# a question at the command line. Simulate evaluation of the
# user's expression and save any variables changed or created
# in e$delta.
# TODO: Eventually make auto-detection of new variables an option.
# Currently it can be set in customTests.R
if(!uses_func("swirl")(e$expr)[[1]] &&
!uses_func("swirlify")(e$expr)[[1]] &&
!uses_func("testit")(e$expr)[[1]] &&
!uses_func("demo_lesson")(e$expr)[[1]] &&
!uses_func("nxt")(e$expr)[[1]] &&
e$delta <- mergeLists(safeEval(e$expr, e), e$delta)
# Execute instructions until a return to the prompt is necessary
# If the lesson is complete, save progress, remove the current
# lesson from e, and invoke the top level menu method.
# Below, min() ignores e$test_to if it is NULL (i.e. not in 'test' mode)
if(e$row > min(nrow(e$les), e$test_to)) {
# If in test or datacamp mode, we don't want to run another lesson
if(is(e, "test") || is(e, "datacamp")) {
esc_flag <- FALSE # to supress double notification
# form a new path for the progress file
# which indicates completion and doesn't
# fit the regex pattern "[.]rda$" i.e.
# doesn't end in .rda, hence won't be
# recognized as an active progress file.
new_path <- paste(e$progress,".done", sep="")
# rename the progress file to indicate completion
file.rename(e$progress, new_path)
# Coursera check
# remove the current lesson and any custom tests
if(exists("les", e, inherits=FALSE)){
rm("les", envir=e, inherits=FALSE)
# Reset skip count if it exists
if(exists("skips", e)) e$skips <- 0
# Save log
# Let user know lesson is complete
swirl_out(s()%N%"You've reached the end of this lesson! Returning to the main menu...")
# let the user select another course lesson
temp <- mainMenu(e)
# if menu returns FALSE, user wants to quit.
if(is.logical(temp) && !isTRUE(temp)){
swirl_out(s()%N%"Leaving swirl now. Type swirl() to resume.", skip_after=TRUE)
esc_flag <- FALSE # to supress double notification
# If we are ready for a new row, prepare it
if(e$iptr == 1){
# Display progress
# Any variables changed or created during the previous
# question must have been correct or we would not be about
# to advance to a new row. Incorporate these in the list
# of swirl's "official" names and values.
if (!is.null(e$delta)){
e$snapshot <- mergeLists(e$delta,e$snapshot)
e$delta <- list()
e$current.row <- e$les[e$row,]
# Prepend the row's swirl class to its class attribute
class(e$current.row) <- c(e$current.row[,"Class"],
# Execute the current instruction
e$instr[[e$iptr]](e$current.row, e)
# Check if a side effect, such as a sourced file, has changed the
# values of any variables in the official list. If so, add them
# to the list of changed variables.
for(nm in names(e$snapshot)){
if(exists(nm, globalenv()) &&
!identical(e$snapshot[[nm]], get(nm, globalenv()))){
e$delta[[nm]] <- get(nm, globalenv())
e$prompt <- FALSE
esc_flag <- FALSE
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