
#' A persistent on-disk cache of R objects associated with a directory.
#' Having a registry attached to a project is very helpful for maintaining
#' state across R sessions without encoding everything in the unreliable
#' \code{.RData} file.
#' To create a registry, simply write \code{r <- registry("some/directory")}.
#' You can then use \code{r$set('some/key', some_value)} and
#' \code{r$get('some/key')} to set and retrieve values (arbitrary R objects).
#' @docType class
#' @name registry
#' @rdname registry
#' @export
#' @exportClass registry
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   r <- registry('some/dir') # Create "some/dir" and make a registry there.
#'   r$set('some/key', value <- list(1,2,3))
#'   stopifnot(r$get('some/key'), value)
#' }
registry <- methods::setRefClass('registry',
  fields = list(.root = 'character'),
  methods = list(
    # Initialize a registry. A registry is responsible for maintaining
    # an on-disk cache of R objects (configuration, temporary storage,
    # associated with a directory).
    # @param root character. The root of the registry. If it does not exist,
    #    it (and any not yet existent parent directories) will be created.
    # @param
    # @examples
    # registry(dirname(tempfile()))
    initialize = function(root = NULL) {
      ## [A reference class docstring](http://stackoverflow.com/a/5931576/2540303)
      "Initialize a registry."

      # Reference class objects are sometimes initialized on package install, but
      # no arguments are passed! We let it through to avoid installation problems.
      if (is.null(root)) return(NULL)

      enforce_type(root, "character", "registry$new")
      stopifnot(length(root) == 1)

      if (!file.exists(root)) {
        dir.create(root, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

      if (!file.info(root)$isdir) {
        stop("A registry's root must be a directory, not a file (you provided ",
             crayon::red(root), ")")

      .root <<- normalizePath(root)

    # Retrieve an object from the registry.
    # The key used to locate the object will be the directory/file
    # structure in the registry's root.
    # @param key character. The path relative to the registry's root.
    # @param ... additional keys which will be joined together with
    #    code \code{base::file.path}. Thus, if you \code{get('a','b')},
    #    you are asking for key \code{'a/b'}.
    # @param soft logical. Whether or not to error if the registry key
    #    requested does not exist. If \code{soft = TRUE} and the latter
    #    condition holds, \code{NULL} will be returned instead. The
    #    default is \code{soft = TRUE}.
    # @return an R object stored in the registry under the given \code{key}.
    #    This will be serialized as an RDS file relative to the root of
    #    the registry. If \code{soft = TRUE}, \code{NULL} may be returned
    #    if the \code{key} does not point to a valid registry key.
    # @examples
    # \dontrun{
    #   r <- registry('some/dir')
    #   r$get('foo') # gets key "foo"
    #   r$get('foo', 'bar', 'baz') # get key "foo/bar/baz"
    # }
    get = function(key, ..., soft = TRUE) {
      enforce_type(key, "character", "registry$get")

      if (length(rest <- c(...)) != 0) {
        enforce_type(rest, "character", "registry$get", "...")
        ## If we called `$get('a', 'b', 'c')`, squish it into "a/b/c".
        key <- do.call('file.path', as.list(c(key, rest)))

      key <- .sanitize_key(key, read = TRUE, soft = soft)
      ## Recall that parentheses around an R expression drop invisibility.
      if (!is.null(key) && file.exists(key)) (readRDS(key))

    # Place an object in the registry.
    # The key used to locate the object will be the directory/file
    # structure in the registry's root. The object is serialized using
    # \code{saveRDS}.
    # @param key character. The path relative to the registry's root.
    # @param value ANY. Some R object to serialize into the registry.
    # @examples
    # r <- registry(dirname(tempfile))
    # r$set("example/key", "example_value")
    # # The directory "example" was created under the registry"s root
    # # with a filename "key" that holds the string "example_value".
    # stopifnot(registry$get("example", "key") == "example_value")
    set = function(key, value) {
      # TODO: (RK) Warn on overwrite?

      key <- .sanitize_key(key, read = FALSE)
      dir.create(dirname(key), FALSE, TRUE)
      error_handler <- function(e) {
        stop("Failed to save registry key ", sQuote(crayon::red(key)),
             " in registry with root ", sQuote(crayon::blue(.root)),
             " because: \n\n", crayon::yellow(e$message), "\n\n")
      tryCatch(error = error_handler, saveRDS(value, key))

    # Sanitize a registry key to ensure it can point to a filename.
    # @param key character. The registry key to sanitize. Note that
    #    this will determine an actual file structure, so if the
    #    the key \code{'foo/bar'} is used, an actual directory
    #    \code{'foo'} will be created inside the registry's root.
    # @param read logical. Whether a read or write operation is being
    #    performed on the registry. In the former scenario, this method
    #    tests that an associated filename exists. In case of a write
    #    operation, the requisite directories are created. Thus,
    #    setting \code{"nonexistent/file"} will error if \code{read = TRUE},
    #    but create the \code{"nonexistent"} directory if \code{tread = FALSE}.
    #    The default is \code{read = TRUE}.
    # @param soft logical. Whether or not to error if \code{read = TRUE} and
    #    the filename implied by \code{key} does not exist. If you try to
    #    create a key one of whose parent directories is actually a file
    #    while \code{read = FALSE}, it will still error however. For example,
    #    sanitizing key \code{"foo/bar/baz"} when \code{"foo/bar"} is a file
    #    with \code{read = FALSE} results in an error. The default is
    #    \code{TRUE}.
    # @return a character representing the sanitized key.
    # @examples
    # \dontrun{
    #   r <- registry(dirname(tempfile()))
    #   r$.sanitize_key('nonexistent/file') # This will complain
    #   r$.sanitize_key('nonexistent/file', read = FALSE)
    #   # This will create the `nonexistent` directory in the registry root.
    # }
    .sanitize_key = function(key, read = TRUE, soft = TRUE) {
      enforce_type(key, "character", "registry$.sanitize_key")

      if (length(key) == 0) return(character(0))
      if (length(key) > 1) return(vapply(key, .self$.sanitize_key, character(1)))

      ## Using consecutive dots would allow us to traverse into parent
      ## directories, which is probably a security risk.
      if (grepl("..", key, fixed = TRUE))
        stop("Registry keys cannot contain two consecutive dots (the ",
             "key ", sQuote(crayon::red(key)), " was given in ",
             "registry with root ", sQuote(crayon::blue(.root)), ".")

      if (isTRUE(read)) {
        if (!file.exists(filename <- file.path(.root, key))) {
          if (soft) NULL
          else stop("There is no registry item with key ",
                    sQuote(crayon::red(key)), " in registry with root ",
        } else if (file.info(filename)$isdir) {
          if (soft) NULL
          else stop("There is no registry item with key ", sQuote(crayon::red(key)),
               " in registry with root ", sQuote(crayon::blue(.root)),
               " because this key points to a directory.")
        } else filename
      } else {
        warning_handler <- function(e) {
          if (!is(e, "warning") || grepl("reason 'Not a directory'", e$message, fixed = TRUE))
            stop("Cannot create registry key ", sQuote(crayon::red(key)),
                 " in registry with root ", sQuote(crayon::blue(.root)),
                 " because: \n\n", crayon::yellow(e$message), "\n\n")
        ## This statement is only true for top-level directories
        ## like "." or "/".
        if ((dir <- dirname(key)) != key) {
          if (file.exists(d <- file.path(.root, dir)) && !file.info(d)$isdir) {
            warning_handler(list(message =
              paste(sQuote(d), "is a file but must be a directory")))
          tryCatch(warning = warning_handler,
            dir.create(file.path(.root, dir), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE))
        file.path(.root, key)
    } # end .sanitize_key method

## In order to use both `registry()` and `registry$new()` when loading the
## package externally, we must export the `registry` function in addition
## to the reference class.
#' @docType function
#' @name registry
#' @export
syberia/director documentation built on May 30, 2019, 10:40 p.m.