
setwd("C:\\Users\\Talitha\\Dropbox\\Economia\\Projeto Final\\R Package\\dzVis\\www\\data")

# Connect to the dzVis database and get the names of all the tables
connection <- dbConnect(MySQL(), db="dzVis",  user = "dzvisuser", host = "Talitha-PC", port=3306)
results <- dbGetQuery(connection, "show databases;")
allTables <- dbListTables(connection)

# Select only the description tables
tableNames <- allTables[grepl("^desc_", allTables)]

# Get all the data from each of these tables
dbDesc = vector(mode ="list", length = length(tableNames))
for(index in seq_along(tableNames) ){
  dbDesc[[index]] = dbReadTable(connection,tableNames[index])

# Select only the tables with aggregate data from IBGE
tableNames <- allTables[!grepl("^desc_", allTables) & !grepl("tabelas",allTables)]

# Get all the data from each of these tables
dbAD = vector(mode ="list", length = length(tableNames))
for(index in seq_along(tableNames) ){
  dbAD[[index]] = dbReadTable(connection,tableNames[index])

names(dbAD) <- tableNames
names(dbDesc) <- tableNames

# Loop through aggregate data tables to find columns of the type enum and
# append their levels to the corresponding description table
id = 0 
for(dbName in names(dbAD)){

  iAD = dbAD[[dbName]]

  # Get the corresponding description table for table dbName
  iDesc = dbDesc[[dbName]]

  # Initialize column to be appended to the description table
  newCol = vector(mode="list", nrow(iDesc))
  count = 1

  for(colName in names(iAD)){

    # If the column type is enum, get its levels and fill a data.frame with it
    if(iDesc[iDesc$cod == colName,"ctype"] == "enum"){

      fac <- as.factor(iAD[,colName])
      levels <- levels(fac)
      nLevels <- length(levels(fac))

      # Initialize empty data.frame
      tempList = vector(mode="list", length = nLevels)
      lvl =  data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol=3 ))

      names(lvl) = c("id","text","type")
      lvl[1,3] = "lvl"

      for(index in seq_along(levels)){
        lvl[1,2] = levels[index]
        lvl[1,1] = id 
        tempList[[index]] = lvl
        id = id + 1 

      newCol[[count]] = tempList
    else {
      newCol[[count]] = FALSE
    count = count + 1

  dbDesc[[dbName]]$children = newCol

  # Change column names to be compatible with jstree
  names(dbDesc[[dbName]])[1] <- "name"
  names(dbDesc[[dbName]])[2] <- "type"
  names(dbDesc[[dbName]])[3] <- "text"

  col <- lapply(dbDesc[[dbName]]["name"], function(x){paste(dbName,".",x,sep="")})

  dbDesc[[dbName]][2] <- rep("attr",nrow(dbDesc[[dbName]][2]))
  dbDesc[[dbName]] = cbind(col, dbDesc[[dbName]])
  names(dbDesc[[dbName]])[1] <- "id"

# Assemble the JSON file with all the relevant information
completeJSON = "["
for(index in seq_along(dbDesc)){
  tableJSON <- toJSON(dbDesc[index], pretty= TRUE)
  completeJSON <- paste(completeJSON, " ", tableJSON, "\n\n", sep="")

completeJSON = paste(completeJSON, "]", sep="")

completeJSON = gsub(',\n      \"children\": \\[false\\]\n',"",completeJSON)
completeJSON = gsub('\"children\": \\[\n        \\[\n',"\"children\": \\[\n",completeJSON)
completeJSON = gsub('\"type\": \"lvl\"\n          \\}\n        \\],\n',"\"type\": \"lvl\"\n         \\},",completeJSON)
completeJSON = gsub('\"type\": \"lvl\"\n         \\},        \\[',"\"type\": \"lvl\"\n         },",completeJSON)
completeJSON = gsub(' \"type\": \"lvl\"\n          \\}\n        \\]\n      \\]\n'," \"type\": \"lvl\"\n          \\}\n        \\]\n",completeJSON)
completeJSON = gsub('\\}\n\n \\{',"\\},\n{",completeJSON)

for(name in names(dbAD)){
  name <- paste('\"',name,'\"',sep="")
  query <- paste("select descricao, frequencia_dados from tabelas where nome = ", name);
  results <- dbGetQuery(connection, query)
  rootNode = paste('\"id\": ',name,', \"text\": ', gsub("_", " ", name), ', \"description\": "', results[[1]], '\", \"frequency\": "', results[[2]], '", \"children\"', sep="")
  completeJSON = gsub(name,rootNode,completeJSON)

con <- file("menu2.json", encoding="utf8")
write(completeJSON,file = con)

# Close file connection

# Disconnect from dzvis database
talithafs/dzVis-Package documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:54 a.m.