
Defines functions write_fastq read_fastq `%fcache_rds%` `%cache_rds%` `%fcache_df%` `%cache_df%` `%fcache_matrix%` `%cache_matrix%` save_matrix save_dataframe save_character save_numeric save_vector load_matrix load_dataframe load_character load_numeric load_vector fread_mm fwrite_mm fwrite fread_rownames fread argpack tgutil_message

Documented in fread fread_mm fread_rownames fwrite fwrite_mm load_character load_dataframe load_matrix load_numeric read_fastq save_character save_dataframe save_matrix save_numeric write_fastq

tgutil_message <- function(...) {
    if (getOption("tgutil.verbose")) {

#' @export
argpack <- function(...) {
    args <- list(...)
    arg_names <- sapply(substitute(list(...))[-1], deparse)
    if (is.null(names(args))) {
        names(args) <- arg_names
    } else {
        names(args) <- ifelse((names(args) == ""), arg_names, names(args))


#' Wrapper for data.table::fread. Returns a data.frame instead of a data.table
#' @export
#' @inheritDotParams data.table::fread -data.table -key
fread <- function(...) {
    return(data.table::fread(..., data.table = FALSE))

#' Use `fread()` to read a csv/tsv with row names (e.g. one created with `write.table()`)
#' @export
#' @param row.var Name of column that will hold row names.
#'                Setting this parameter to NULL will maintain row names as row names.
#' @inheritDotParams data.table::fread -data.table -key -header -skip -col.names
fread_rownames <- function(..., row.var = "rowname") {
            data <- fread(...)
        warning = function(w) {
            if ((as.character(w$call[1]) == "data.table::fread") &&
                grepl("Added 1 extra default column name for the first column", w$message, fixed = TRUE)) {

    if (is.null(row.var)) {
        data <- tibble::column_to_rownames(data, colnames(data)[1])
    } else {
        colnames(data)[1] <- row.var


#' Wrapper for data.table::fwrite with NA's saved as "NA" instad of "".
#' @export
#' @inheritDotParams data.table::fwrite -na
fwrite <- function(x, ...) {
    data.table::fwrite(x, na = "NA", ...)

#' Efficiently write Matrix Market format
#' @param x sparse matrix
#' @param fname file name
#' @param sep separator for output file
#' @param row.names save row names of the matrix
#' @param col.names save column names of the matrix
#' @return None
#' @export
fwrite_mm <- function(x, fname, sep = " ", row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE) {
    rows <- NULL
    cols <- NULL

    dims <- dim(x)
    if (length(dims) != 2) {
        stop("fwrite_mm() can only write two-dimensional matrices")

    if (!is.null(rownames(x)) && ((row.names == TRUE) || is.character(row.names))) {
        if (row.names == TRUE) {
            row.names <- paste0(fname, ".rownames")
        rows <- tibble(rowname = rownames(x))
        rownames(x) <- NULL

    if (!is.null(colnames(x)) && ((col.names == TRUE) || is.character(col.names))) {
        if (col.names == TRUE) {
            col.names <- paste0(fname, ".colnames")
        cols <- tibble(colname = colnames(x))
        colnames(x) <- NULL

    if (methods::is(x, "sparseMatrix")) {
        x <- Matrix::summary(x) %>% as.data.frame()
        colnames(x) <- c("row", "column", "value")
    } else {
        x <- as.data.frame(x) %>%
            tibble::rownames_to_column("row") %>%
            tidyr::gather("column", "value", -row) %>%
            mutate(row = as.numeric(row), column = as.numeric(column))

    if (any(colnames(x) != c("row", "column", "value"))) {
        stop("Failed to convert argument 'x' into a row-column-value format")
    if (mode(x$column) != "numeric") {
        stop("fwrite_mm() can only write numerical matrices")

    x <- dplyr::arrange(x, row, column)

    output <- file(fname, open = "w")
    writeLines("%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general", output)
    writeLines(paste(dims[1], dims[2], nrow(x), sep = sep), output)

    fwrite(x, fname, sep = sep, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)

    if (!is.null(rows)) {
        fwrite(rows, row.names, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(cols)) {
        fwrite(cols, col.names, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

#' Efficiently read Matrix Market format
#' @param fname name of the file to load from
#' @param sep separator of the input file
#' @param row.names load row names
#' @param col.names load column names
#' @return sparse matrix
#' @export
fread_mm <- function(fname, sep = " ", row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE) {
    if (row.names == TRUE) {
        row.names <- paste0(fname, ".rownames")
    if (col.names == TRUE) {
        col.names <- paste0(fname, ".colnames")

    input <- file(fname, open = "r")

    header <- readLines(input, n = 1, warn = FALSE)
    if (sep == " ") {
        header <- strsplit(header, " +")[[1]]
    } else {
        header <- strsplit(header, sep, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    if (header[1] != "%%MatrixMarket") {
        stop("File does not contain a MatrixMarket header")
    if ((header[2] != "matrix") || (header[3] != "coordinate") || (header[5] != "general")) {
        stop("fread_mm() can only read matrices in general, coordinate format")

    VALUE_TYPES <- c("real" = "numeric", "integer" = "integer")
    value_type <- VALUE_TYPES[header[4]]
    names(value_type) <- NULL
    if (is.na(value_type)) {
        stop("File contains an unsupported value type: ", header[4])

    skip <- 1
    while (TRUE) {
        line <- readLines(input, n = 1, warn = FALSE)
        skip <- skip + 1
        if (!startsWith(line, "%")) {

    if (sep == " ") {
        dims <- strsplit(line, " +")[[1]]
    } else {
        dims <- strsplit(line, sep, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    dims <- as.numeric(dims)
    if (length(dims) != 3) {
        stop("Could not parse matrix dimenstions line")
    if (any(as.integer(dims) != dims)) {
        stop("Dimensions line contains non-integer values")

    if (dims[3] == 0) { # all zeros matrix
        x <- Matrix::Matrix(
            nrow = dims[1], ncol = dims[2], data = 0,
            sparse = TRUE
        if (!is.null(count.fields(fname, skip = skip))) {
            stop("Number of data lines in file does not match dimensions line")
    } else {
        x <- fread(fname, sep = sep, header = FALSE, skip = skip, colClasses = c("integer", "integer", value_type))
        if (nrow(x) != dims[3]) {
            stop("Number of data lines in file does not match dimensions line")

        x <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = x[, 1], j = x[, 2], x = x[, 3], dims = dims[1:2])

    if (file.exists(row.names)) {
        rows <- fread(row.names, sep = "\t", header = FALSE)
        rownames(x) <- rows[, 1]

    if (file.exists(col.names)) {
        cols <- fread(col.names, sep = "\t", header = FALSE)
        colnames(x) <- cols[, 1]


load_vector <- function(fname) {
    x <- fread(fname, sep = "\t", header = FALSE)
    if (ncol(x) == 1) {
        x <- x[, 1]
    } else if (ncol(x) == 2) {
        x <- structure(x[, 2], names = x[, 1])
    } else {
        stop("File ", fname, " must have one or two columns")


#' Read a numeric vector from a file created by save_numeric
#' @param fname name of file to load from
#' @export
load_numeric <- function(fname) {

#' Read a character vector from a file created by save_character
#' @param fname name of file to load from
#' @export
load_character <- function(fname) {

#' Read a dataframe from a file created by save_dataframe
#' @param fname name of file to load from
#' @export
load_dataframe <- function(fname) {
    x <- fread(fname, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)

    if (colnames(x)[1] == "__rownames__") {
        x <- tibble::column_to_rownames(x, "__rownames__")


#' Read a matrix from a file created by save_matrix
#' @param fname name of file to load from
#' @export
load_matrix <- function(fname) {
    x <- fread(fname, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)

    if (colnames(x)[1] == "__rownames__") {
        x <- tibble::column_to_rownames(x, "__rownames__")

    x <- as.matrix(x)

    if (all(startsWith(colnames(x), "__null_"))) {
        colnames(x) <- NULL


save_vector <- function(x, fname) {

    if (is.null(names(x))) {
        x <- tibble::tibble(x = x)
    } else {
        x <- tibble::tibble(names = names(x), x = x)

    fwrite(x, fname, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

#' Write a numeric vector to a file, preserving cell names.
#' @export
save_numeric <- function(x, fname) {
    return(write_vector(x, fname))

#' Write a character vector to a file, preserving cell names.
#' @export
save_character <- function(x, fname) {
    return(write_vector(x, fname))

#' Writes a dataframe to a file, preserving row names.
#' @export
save_dataframe <- function(x, fname) {
    if (!is.null(rownames(x)) &&
        !all(rownames(x) == 1:nrow(x))) {
        x <- tibble::rownames_to_column(x, "__rownames__")

    fwrite(x, fname, sep = "\t", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

#' Writes a matrix to a file, preserving row and column names.
#' @export
save_matrix <- function(x, fname) {

    if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
        colnames(x) <- paste0("__null_", 1:ncol(x), "__")

    x <- as.data.frame(x)

    if (!is.null(rownames(x))) {
        x <- tibble::rownames_to_column(x, "__rownames__")

    fwrite(x, fname, sep = "\t", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

#' Tries reading a cached matrix result from the filename on the right
#' side. If the file is missing, generate the matrix using the function
#' call on the left side and write the result to the file. If "tgutil.cache"
#' option is FALSE, right side would be always recumputed.
#' @param call function call
#' @param fname filename
#' @examples
#' temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".tsv")
#' calc_mtcars_cyl <- function(cyl) {
#'     message("calculating")
#'     as.matrix(mtcars[mtcars$cyl == cyl, ])
#' }
#' # Call "calc_mtcars_cyl" function
#' res1 <- calc_mtcars_cyl(6) %cache_matrix% temp_file
#' # Load cached file
#' res2 <- calc_mtcars_cyl(6) %cache_matrix% temp_file
#' @export
`%cache_matrix%` <- function(call, fname) {
    if (!getOption("tgutil.cache")) {
        return(call %fcache_matrix% fname)

    if (file.exists(fname)) {
        tgutil_message("Using cached matrix from '", fname, "'")

    result <- call
    save_matrix(result, fname)

#' cache_matrix that force recreating the cached file
#' @param call function call
#' @param fname filename
#' @examples
#' temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".tsv")
#' calc_mtcars_cyl <- function(cyl) {
#'     message("calculating")
#'     as.matrix(mtcars[mtcars$cyl == cyl, ])
#' }
#' # Call "calc_mtcars_cyl" function
#' res1 <- calc_mtcars_cyl(6) %cache_matrix% temp_file
#' # Force re-calling the function
#' res2 <- calc_mtcars_cyl(6) %fcache_matrix% temp_file
#' @export
`%fcache_matrix%` <- function(call, fname) {
    result <- call
    save_matrix(result, fname)

#' Tries reading a cached dataframe result from the filename on the right
#' side. If the file is missing, generate the dataframe using the
#' function call on the left side and write the result to the file. If "tgutil.cache"
#' option is FALSE, right side would be always recumputed.
#' @param call function call
#' @param fname filename
#' @examples
#' temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".tsv")
#' calc_mtcars_cyl <- function(cyl) {
#'     message("calculating")
#'     as.data.frame(mtcars[mtcars$cyl == cyl, ])
#' }
#' # Call "calc_mtcars_cyl" function
#' res1 <- calc_mtcars_cyl(6) %cache_df% temp_file
#' # Load cached file
#' res2 <- calc_mtcars_cyl(6) %cache_df% temp_file
#' @export
`%cache_df%` <- function(call, fname) {
    if (!getOption("tgutil.cache")) {
        return(call %fcache_df% fname)

    if (file.exists(fname)) {
        tgutil_message("Using cached dataframe from '", fname, "'")

    result <- call
    save_dataframe(result, fname)

#' cache_df that force recreating the cached file
#' @param call function call
#' @param fname filename
#' @examples
#' temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".tsv")
#' calc_mtcars_cyl <- function(cyl) {
#'     message("calculating")
#'     as.data.frame(mtcars[mtcars$cyl == cyl, ])
#' }
#' # Call "calc_mtcars_cyl" function
#' res1 <- calc_mtcars_cyl(6) %cache_df% temp_file
#' # Force re-calling the function
#' res2 <- calc_mtcars_cyl(6) %fcache_df% temp_file
#' @export
`%fcache_df%` <- function(call, fname) {
    result <- call
    save_dataframe(result, fname)

#' Tries reading a cached dataframe result from the filename on the right
#' side. If the file is missing, generate the dataframe using the
#' function call on the left side and write the result to the file. If "tgutil.cache"
#' option is FALSE, right side would be always recumputed.
#' @param call function call
#' @param fname filename
#' @examples
#' temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = "rds")
#' calc_mtcars_cyl <- function(cyl) {
#'     message("calculating")
#'     mtcars[mtcars$cyl == cyl, ]
#' }
#' # Call "calc_mtcars_cyl" function
#' res1 <- calc_mtcars_cyl(6) %cache_rds% temp_file
#' # Load cached file
#' res2 <- calc_mtcars_cyl(6) %cache_rds% temp_file
#' @export
`%cache_rds%` <- function(call, fname) {
    if (!getOption("tgutil.cache")) {
        return(call %fcache_rds% fname)

    if (file.exists(fname)) {
        tgutil_message("Using cached rds from '", fname, "'")

    result <- call
    readr::write_rds(result, fname)

#' cache_rds that force recreating the cached file
#' @param call function call
#' @param fname filename
#' @examples
#' temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = "rds")
#' calc_mtcars_cyl <- function(cyl) {
#'     message("calculating")
#'     mtcars[mtcars$cyl == cyl, ]
#' }
#' # Call "calc_mtcars_cyl" function
#' res1 <- calc_mtcars_cyl(6) %cache_rds% temp_file
#' # Force re-calling the function
#' res2 <- calc_mtcars_cyl(6) %fcache_rds% temp_file
#' @export
`%fcache_rds%` <- function(call, fname) {
    result <- call
    readr::write_rds(result, fname)

#' Read a fastq file to data frame
#' @param fn name of the file - can be zipped (with "gz" file extension).
#' @param ... other parameters for \code{fread}. Note that \code{cmd,col.names} and \code{sep} are set by the function.
#' @return data frame with "id", "seq", and "qual" corresponding to lines 1-3 of the fastq file
#' @export
read_fastq <- function(fn, ...) {
    ext <- tools::file_ext(fn)

    if (ext == "gz") {
        cat_cmd <- "zcat"
    } else {
        cat_cmd <- "cat"

    res <- fread(cmd = glue::glue("{cat_cmd} {fn} | paste - - - - | cut -f1,2,4"), col.names = c("id", "seq", "qual"), sep = "\t", ...)


#' Write a data frame with "id", "seq" and "qual" to fastq file
#' @param df data frame with "id", "seq" and "qual" columns (e.g. output of \code{read_fastq})
#' @param name of the file - can be zipped (with "gz" file extension).
#' @return None
#' @export
write_fastq <- function(df, fn) {
    fq_list <- df %>%
        dplyr::mutate(dummy = "+") %>%
        dplyr::select(id, seq, dummy, qual) %>%
        as.matrix() %>%
        t() %>%
        as.character() %>%

    fwrite(fq_list, file = fn, compress = "auto", col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
tanaylab/tgutil documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 8:18 p.m.