Man pages for taylo5jm/interactions
Classification of gene expression profile sets generated from combination stimuli

allDrugCombinationsGet all drug combinations present in a MySQL database
allModesGenerate character vector of all possible interaction mode...
asCountsMatrixStrip counts data.frame of any extra variables
classifyByThOutcomeVectorClassify a gene into an interaction mode given an outcome...
codeEdgeROutcomeVectorsCode pairwise comparison outcome vectors with edgeR...
codeLimmaOutcomeVectorscode pairwise comparison outcome vectors with limma
codeOVElementCode elements of pairwise outcome vectors with confidence...
colorBarplotColor bars in geom_bar plot given an interaction class and...
comboExistsreturn boolean indicating if drug combination was found in...
comboIndicesreturn signal combination indices in treatment/concentration...
designColnamescheck column names of design matrix
designMatrixAndContrastsmake design matrix and contrasts based on whether...
dge2voom_qcalculate normalization factors with edgeR and voom with...
edgeRModeClassifierInteraction mode classification with edgeR likelihood ratio...
enumerateThOutcomeVectorsEnumerate theoretical pairwise comparison outcome vectors...
estimateAllGLMDispFit generalized linear model and make pairwise comparisons...
filterMetadataFilter data.frame of libraries retrieved by attributes such...
getConditionRetrieve libraries treated with a particular condition and...
getExpectedCountsGet matrix of expected counts from rnaseq_assay_id
getGeneMetadataGet data.frame with gene metadata
getGeneVectorGet binary factor vector for genes
getGOTableGenerate gene ontology table and data with topGO from...
getGOTermsForAllModesget GO tables for all ontologies, given an interaction table...
getGOTermsForModesget topGO tables and significant genes for a particular...
getIntClassGet character string classification for interaction class
getInteractionGet libraries for a specified signal interaction
getPCAScoresPrincipal Component Analysis scores using log-fold changes as...
getVehiclesGet vehicles for libraries of interest
glmFitAndLRTgeneralized linear model and likelihood ratio tests with...
initInteractioninitalize an Interaction object from a list generated with...
Interaction-classInteraction class to hold results from mode classification...
interactionDistTableGenerate table with outcome vectors, interaction classes &...
interactionGeneTableGenerate table with genes classified into a mathematically...
interactionModeClassifierInteraction mode classification with limma and edgeR
isAnomalyDetermine if an outcome vector is enumerated theoretically
isModeCheck to see if an outcome vector is associated with a...
isNicheck outcome vector to see if it is consistent with 1/5...
isValidCombinationCheck to see if a drug combination exists in eld_v4
limmaModeClassifierInteraction mode classification with matrix of counts and...
massageCountsapply expected counts filter to DGEList object Aaron Mackey
modeClassificationInteraction mode classification with matrix of outcome...
multiplotPlot an arbitrary number of graphics on one page Credits to...
niCheckCheck to see if an outcome vector is consistent with a...
outcomeVectorsByModeGenerate a list where each element is a matrix/vector of...
ovTablegenerate frequency distribution table for outcome vectors
partitionDatapartition feature vectors (pca_scores) and interaction mode...
pcaScatterMatrixMake scatter matrix from PCA scores
poolInteractionGenesGenerate interaction table with genes classified into...
qplotOutcomeVectorDistMake barplot of outcome vector distribution with...
rankTuplesCompute row ranks and average ties (should be deprecated)
reportModeClassStatsPrint statistics about the interaction mode distribution and...
reportnAnomalyReport number of genes classified into an anomalous mode...
reportnInteractionsReport number of genes classified into a non-null or...
reportnNIReport number of null interaction vectors coded
saveTopGoRessave topGO table as .csv and topGO DAG as .png
sharedGenesTableCreate data.frame for genes that were classified into modes...
sitt-packageSignal Interaction Tools for Transcriptomics ~~ sitt ~~
stringCoerceCoerce a numeric vector to a string the wrong way
trainKNNtrain k-nearest neighbours model with pca scores as feature...
treatmentConcTableGenerate a table of all treatment/concentration conditions...
tuneClassifierEvaluate model performance by initializing many analysis...
uniqueBatchesGet vector of unique batches retrieved from a particular...
taylo5jm/interactions documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:57 a.m.