```r},eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE,fig.width=8, fig.height=8, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE} k <- {{l}}

vvar <- as.numeric(eval(parse(text=paste("sitedata.landuse$",classvar2[k],sep="") ))) iprob<-10 chk <- unique(quantile(vvar, probs=0:iprob/iprob)) chk1 <- 11 - length(chk) if(chk1 == 0) { qvars <- as.integer(cut(vvar, quantile(vvar, probs=0:iprob/iprob), include.lowest=TRUE)) avars <- quantile(vvar, probs=0:iprob/iprob) qvars2 <- numeric(length(qvars)) for (j in 1:10) { for (i in 1:length(qvars)){ if(qvars[i] == j) { qvars2[i] <- round(avars[j+1],digits=0) } } } xxlab <- paste("Upper Bound for ",classvar2[k],sep="")

p <- plotlyLayout(NA,boxvar, log = "y", nTicks = 7, digits = 0, xTitle = xxlab,
xZeroLine = FALSE,xLabs = sort(as.numeric(unique(qvars2))), yTitle ="Observed to Predicted Ratio", yZeroLine = FALSE, plotTitle = "Ratio Observed to Predicted by Deciles", legend = FALSE,showPlotGrid = showPlotGrid) p <- p %>% add_trace(y = boxvar,x = qvars2, type = 'box', color = I("black"), fillcolor = "white") p <- p %>% layout(shapes = list(hline(1)))

} else { # non-unique classes

p <- plotlyLayout(NA,boxvar, log = "y", nTicks = 7, digits = 0, xTitle = classvar2[k],
xZeroLine = FALSE,xLabs = sort(as.numeric(unique(vvar))), yTitle ="Observed to Predicted Ratio", yZeroLine = FALSE, plotTitle = "Ratio Observed to Predicted", legend = FALSE,showPlotGrid = showPlotGrid) p <- p %>% add_trace(y = boxvar,x = vvar, type = 'box', color = I("black"), fillcolor = "white") p <- p %>% layout(shapes = list(hline(1)))

} p

```r}, results='asis', echo=FALSE}
cat("<P style='page-break-before: always'>") 

tbep-tech/tbepRSparrow documentation built on Oct. 9, 2020, 6:24 a.m.