knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE,eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE, message = FALSE)
#unpack params

unPackList(lists = list(Mdiagnostics.list = estimate.list$Mdiagnostics.list,
                        estimate.input.list = estimate.input.list,
                        data.index.list = DataMatrix.list$data.index.list,
                        file.output.list = file.output.list,
                        mapping.input.list = mapping.input.list),
           parentObj = list(NA,

#plotly setup  
hline <- function(y = 0, color = "red", dash = '') {
    type = "line", 
    x0 = 0, 
    x1 = 1, 
    xref = "paper",
    y0 = y, 
    y1 = y, 
    line = list(color = color, dash = dash)

markerCols<-colorNumeric(c("black","white"), 1:2)
markerList = paste0("list(symbol = pnch,
                       size = ",markerSize,",")
if (regexpr("open",pnch)>0){
  markerList<-paste0(markerList,"color = markerCols(1))")
  markerList<-paste0(markerList,"line = list(color = markerCols(1), width = 0.8),color = markerCols(1))")

data <- DataMatrix.list$data
nreach <- length(data[,1])
nstas <- sum(ifelse(data[,jdepvar] > 0,1,0))  # jdepvar site load index

# contiguous class variables by sites
class <- array(0,dim=c(nrow=nrow(sitedata),ncol=length(classvar))) 
for (k in 1:length(classvar)) { 
  for (i in 1:nrow(sitedata)) {
    class[i,k] <- as.numeric(eval(parse(text=paste("sitedata$",classvar[k],"[",i,"]",sep=""))))

set.ZeroPolicyOption(TRUE) # setting required for hydrological distance tests

#add text explanation

  1. CDF of Station Hydrological Distances (units of 'length' variable)\n
  2. CDF of Station Euclidean Distances (kilometers)\n
  3. Four panel plot with Moran's I results by river basin:\n
      + P-value (Euclidean weights)\n
      + Standard deviate (Euclidean weights)\n
      + P-value (Hydrological weights)\n
      + Standard deviate (Hydrological weights)\n
  4. Two panel plot with Moran's I results by Class variable and full domain:\n
      + P-value (Euclidean weights)\n
      + Standard deviate (Euclidean weights)
# title<-paste(run_id,"_diagnostic_spatialautocor.pdf Document Contents",sep="")
# title<-paste("#",title,"\n")
# cat(title,"##Document Contents ",strExplanation,sep="\n")
cat("## Document Contents ",strExplanation,sep="\n")
cat("<P style='page-break-before: always'>") 
nnode <- max(data[,jtnode],data[,jfnode])

# sort file in upstream order
updata1 <- subdata      # requires 'staidseq' and 'staid'
updata <- updata1[with(updata1,order(-updata1$hydseq)), ]

# Make site, distance, area upstream transfers
#  (note:  distance and area are only for hydrologic flow paths; do not include tributary drainage
#           which would increase incremental area between sites)
snode <- array(0,dim=nnode)  # 2-digit ID
stnode <- array(0,dim=nnode) # 8-digit ID
dnode <- array(0,dim=nnode)  # distance (km)
anode <- array(0,dim=nnode)  # incremental area
tanode <- array(0,dim=nnode)  # total area
dnsite <- numeric(nstas)
upsite <- numeric(nstas)
siteid <- numeric(nstas)
dist <- numeric(nstas)
area <- numeric(nstas)
totarea <- numeric(nstas)
shydseq <- numeric(nstas)
site_tarea <- array(0,dim=nstas)
is <- 0

for (k in 1:nreach) {
  tnode <- updata$tnode[k]
  fnode <- updata$fnode[k]
  sitereach <- updata$staidseq[k]    # Station ID value obtained from siteincr.R execution

  if (updata$staid[k] > 0) {              # check station sequence number (1-6-2015)
    is <- is+1
    #  store site transition
    dnsite[is] <- snode[tnode]
    siteid[is] <- stnode[tnode]
    upsite[is] <- sitereach
    dist[is] <- dnode[tnode]
    area[is] <- anode[tnode]
    shydseq[is] <- updata$hydseq[k]
    totarea[is] <- tanode[tnode]
    site_tarea[sitereach] <- updata$demtarea[k]  # total area indexed by site ID

    #  reset transfer values to current reach containing site
    iarea <- updata$demiarea[k]
    tarea2 <- updata$demtarea[k]
    idist <- updata$length[k] 
    sitereach <- updata$staidseq[k]     # Station ID value obtained from siteincr.R execution
    siteid2 <- updata$staid[k]          # station ID sequence number assigned in hydrologic order
  } else {

    #  transfer values to upstream reach
    iarea <- updata$demiarea[k] + anode[tnode]
    tarea2 <- tanode[tnode]
    idist <- (updata$length[k] + dnode[tnode]) * updata$frac[k]
    sitereach <- snode[tnode]
    siteid2 <- stnode[tnode]
  }  # end site check

  anode[fnode] <- iarea
  tanode[fnode] <- tarea2
  dnode[fnode] <- idist
  snode[fnode] <- sitereach   # from siteincr.R execution
  stnode[fnode] <- siteid2

# RESORT BY HYDSEQ to track downstream connections....
#   run sequentially - no multiple divergences will exist.

sdata <- data.frame(siteid,dnsite,upsite,dist,area,totarea,shydseq)
sdata <- sdata[with(sdata,order(sdata$shydseq)), ]

# Create site matrix of hydrologic distances from SITE MATRIX (sdistance is nstas x nstas matrix)
# track each site fully upstream recording each site and distance found

sdistance <- matrix(0,nrow=nstas,ncol=nstas)
for (i in 1:nstas) {
  if (sdata$dnsite[i] > 0) {
    dns <- sdata$dnsite[i]
    dnd <- dist[i]
    sdistance[sdata$upsite[i],dns] <- dnd   # record site for tracking downstream
    if (i < nstas) {
      for (j in (i+1):nstas) {
        if (dns == sdata$upsite[j]) {
          dns <- sdata$dnsite[j]
          dnd <- dnd + sdata$dist[j]
          sdistance[sdata$upsite[i],dns] <- dnd   # record next downstream site

# Station linkages in 'sdistance' matrix

scount <- numeric(nstas)
for (i in 1:nstas) {
  for (j in 1:nstas) {
    if(sdistance[j,i] > 0) { 
      scount[i] <- scount[i] + 1   # upstream sites linked with site i

sdist <- numeric(sum(scount))
is <- 0
for (i in 1:nstas) {
  for (j in 1:nstas) {
    if(sdistance[j,i] > 0) { 
      is <- is+1
      sdist[is] <- sdistance[j,i]

plotData<-data.frame(sdist=sdist, y = y)
p<-plotlyLayout(plotData$sdist,plotData$y, log = "", nTicks = 7, digits = 0,
                xTitle = "Distance Between Sites", xZeroLine = FALSE,xminTick = 0,
                yTitle = "Fn(x)",  yZeroLine = FALSE,ymax = 1,ymin = 0,ymaxTick = 1,
                plotTitle = "Station Hydrologic Distances",
                legend = FALSE,showPlotGrid = showPlotGrid)

p<- p %>% add_trace(x  = plotData$sdist, y = plotData$y,type="scatter",mode="lines",color=I('black'),
                    line = list(color=I('black')))
p<-p %>% layout(shapes = list(hline(1, color = "black", dash = 'dash'),
                              hline(0, color = "black",dash = 'dash')))

cat("<P style='page-break-before: always'>") 
# obtain station header information  (change subdata to updata1)

staname <- character(nstas)
ttarea <- numeric(nstas)
stano <- numeric(nstas)
shydseq <- numeric(nstas)
ssta <- numeric(nstas)
xlon <- numeric(nstas)
xlat <- numeric(nstas)

is <- 0
for (i in 1:nreach) {
  if (updata1$staid[i]>0) {
    is <- is+1
    staname[is] <- updata1$station_name[i]
    ttarea[is] <- updata1$demtarea[i]
    stano[is] <- updata1$staid[i]
    shydseq[is] <- updata1$hydseq[i]
    xlon[is] <- updata1$lon[i]
    xlat[is] <- updata1$lat[i]
index <- rep(1:nstas)
siteheader <- data.frame(index,ssta,shydseq,stano,staname,ttarea,xlon,xlat)

dname <- "  Inverse distance weight function: "
dd <- data.frame(dname,MoranDistanceWeightFunc)
colnames(dd)<-c(" "," ")
row.names(dd) <- c(" ")

# Sorted list of stations with upstream station counts (smallest to largest)
xx <- data.frame(sitedata$station_name,sitedata$station_id,sitedata$staid,scount)
xx <- xx[with(xx,order(xx$scount,xx$sitedata.staid)), ]
x1 <- xx[(xx$scount >=  1), ]  # replace subset
nest_sites <- length(x1$scount)/ length(xx$scount)    # fraction of total sites that are nested 

# Calculate all site correlations between Residuals for hydrologically connected sites

# Extract Residuals into matrix:  mres(nstas), indexed by site number
mres <- numeric(nstas)
mbias <- numeric(nstas)
mobsd <- numeric(nstas)
myld <- numeric(nstas)
siteindex <- numeric(nstas)
for (k in 1:nstas) {
  mres[k] <- Resids[k]
  mbias[k] <- Obs[k] / predict[k]
  mobsd[k] <- Obs[k] 
  myld[k] <- yldobs[k]

# obtain Euclidean distance for all station pairs
Lat <- siteheader$xlat
Lon <- siteheader$xlon


Lat <- fixDupLatLons(Lat)  # add small random increment to duplicates
Lon <- fixDupLatLons(Lon)


edistance <- matrix(0,nrow=nstas,ncol=nstas)

for (i in 1:(nstas-1)) {
  for (j in (i+1):nstas) {
    lat1 <- Lat[i] * pi / 180
    lat2 <- Lat[j] * pi / 180
    lon1 <- Lon[i] * pi / 180
    lon2 <- Lon[j] * pi / 180
    R <- 6371    # radius of the earth in km
    x <- (lon2 - lon1) * cos( 0.5*(lat2+lat1) )
    y <- lat2 - lat1
    edistance[i,j] <- R * sqrt( x*x + y*y )    # Euclidean kilometer distance

edist <- numeric((nstas*nstas-1)/2)    # 2957 sites gives 4,371,924 pairs
is <- 0
for (i in 1:nstas) {
  for (j in 1:nstas) {
    if(edistance[j,i] > 0) { 
      is <- is+1
      edist[is] <- edistance[j,i]
plotData<-data.frame(edist=edist, y = y)
p<-plotlyLayout(plotData$edist,plotData$y, log = "", nTicks = 7, digits = 0,
                xTitle = "Distance Between Sites", xZeroLine = FALSE,xminTick = 0,
                yTitle = "Fn(x)",  yZeroLine = FALSE,ymax = 1,ymin = 0,ymaxTick = 1,
                plotTitle = "Station Euclidean Distances (kilometers)",
                legend = FALSE,showPlotGrid = showPlotGrid)

p<- p %>% add_trace(x  = plotData$edist, y = plotData$y,type="scatter",mode="lines",color=I('black'),
                    line = list(color = I('black')))
p<-p %>% layout(shapes = list(hline(1, color = "black", dash = 'dash'),
                              hline(0, color = "black",dash = 'dash')))

cat("<P style='page-break-before: always'>") 

#    Moran's I computed separately for each river basin

checkdist <- sdistance
checkdist <- ifelse(sdistance > 0,1,0)
checkcount <- scount
for (j in nstas:1) {      # reverse hydrologic order to identify most downstream site in river basin
  if (scount[j] > 4 & sum(checkdist[,j]) == scount[j] ) {  # minimum of 5 sites gives 10 pairwise comparisons
    checkcount[j] <- scount[j]   # downstream site identifier 
    for (i in 1:nstas) {
      if(checkdist[i,j] > 0) {
        checkdist[i,] <- 0       # zero all matches with this site in the river basin
  } else {
    checkcount[j] <- 0
xx <- checkcount[checkcount>0]   # replace subset

pmoran <- numeric(length(xx))   
pmoran_dev <- numeric(length(xx))
bpmoran <- numeric(length(xx))   
bpmoran_dev <- numeric(length(xx))
ind <- rep(1:(length(pmoran)))
cind <- character(length(ind))
dsiteid <- numeric(length(xx))

# transfer river basin sites info for Moran test
#  test executed and reported for only the most downstream site
ibasin <- 0
for (j in 1:nstas) {                
  if (checkcount[j] > 0) { # downstream site identified
    ibasin <- ibasin+1
    dsiteid[ibasin] <- j
    is <- 0
    xresids <- numeric(checkcount[j]+1)
    xLat <- numeric(checkcount[j]+1)
    xLon <- numeric(checkcount[j]+1)
    ires <- numeric(checkcount[j]+1)

    bdistance <- matrix(0,nrow=checkcount[j]+1,ncol=checkcount[j]+1)
    bres <- numeric(checkcount[j]+1)
    bsites <- numeric(checkcount[j]+1)

    #  add the initial downstream site to the vectors
    is <- is+1
    ires[is] <- is
    xresids[is] <- mres[j]
    xLat[is] <- Lat[j]
    xLon[is] <- Lon[j]

    bres[is] <- mres[j]
    bsites[is] <- j

    for (i in 1:nstas) {
      if (sdistance[i,j] > 0) {    # obtain sites upstream of outlet site j
        is <- is+1
        ires[is] <- is
        xresids[is] <- mres[i]
        xLat[is] <- Lat[i]
        xLon[is] <- Lon[i]

        bres[is] <- mres[i]
        bsites[is] <- i

    # River basin Euclidean distance weights for Moran's
    xmoran <- data.frame(ires,xresids,xLat,xLon)
    xmoran.dists <- as.matrix(dist(cbind(xmoran$xLon, xmoran$xLat)),method = "euclidean")   # planar coordinates

    distance <- xmoran.dists
    xmoran.dists.inv <- eval(parse(text=MoranDistanceWeightFunc))
    diag(xmoran.dists.inv) <- 0

    cind[ibasin] <- as.character(j)

    # convert w to a row standardised general weights object
    lw <- mat2listw(xmoran.dists.inv)
    lwW <- nb2listw(lw$neighbours, glist=lw$weights, style="W")
    morantest.obj <- moran.test(xmoran$xresids, lwW, alternative="two.sided")    # SPDEP

    pmoran[ibasin] <- morantest.obj$p.value
    pmoran_dev[ibasin] <- morantest.obj$statistic

    # River basin hydrological distance weights for Moran's 
    bdistance[1:is,1:is] <- sdistance[bsites,bsites]
    # fill-in cross-tabs
    for (i in 1:is) {
      for (k in 1:is) {
        if(bdistance[i,k]==0) {
          bdistance[i,k] <- bdistance[k,i]           

    # Hydrologic distance weighting
    distance <- bdistance
    xmoran.dists.inv <- ifelse(!distance==0,eval(parse(text=MoranDistanceWeightFunc)),0)
    diag(xmoran.dists.inv) <- 0

    # convert w to a row standardised general weights object (same standardization as used in ape::Moran.I)
    lw <- mat2listw(xmoran.dists.inv)
    lwW <- nb2listw(lw$neighbours, glist=lw$weights, style="W",zero.policy=TRUE)

    # mres[1:nstas] residuals
    morantest.obj <- moran.test(bres, lwW, alternative="two.sided",adjust.n=TRUE,na.action=na.exclude,zero.policy=TRUE)    # SPDEP

    bpmoran[ibasin] <- morantest.obj$p.value
    bpmoran_dev[ibasin] <- morantest.obj$statistic    

  } # end loop for selecting the most downstream site for execution of Moran's
} # end site loop
# Create plots

# Euclidean weighted results
pmoran <- ifelse(pmoran == 0.0,min(pmoran[pmoran > 0]),pmoran)  # apply minimum non-zero to zero values

p <- plotlyLayout(NA,pmoran, log = "", nTicks = 7, digits = 1,
                  xTitle = "River Basin ID Index",ymin = 0, ymax = 1,
                  xZeroLine = FALSE,xLabs = sort(as.numeric(unique(cind))),
                  yTitle ="P Value (Euclidean distance weighting within basin)",  yZeroLine = FALSE,
                  plotTitle = "Moran's I P Value by River Basin",
                  legend = FALSE,showPlotGrid = showPlotGrid)
p <- p %>% add_trace(y = pmoran,x = as.numeric(cind), type = 'scatter', color = I("black"),
                     mode="markers", marker = list(symbol='line-ew-open', size=15,line = list(color = 'black',
                                                                                              width = 3)))
p1 <- p %>% layout(shapes = list(hline(0.1)))

p <- plotlyLayout(NA,pmoran_dev, log = "", nTicks = 7, digits = 1,
                  xTitle = "River Basin ID Index",ymin = 0, ymax = 1,
                  xZeroLine = FALSE,xLabs = sort(as.numeric(unique(cind))),
                  yTitle ="Standard Deviate (Euclidean distance weighting\n within basin)",  yZeroLine = FALSE,
                  plotTitle = "Moran's I Standard Deviate by River Basin",
                  legend = FALSE,showPlotGrid = showPlotGrid)
p <- p %>% add_trace(y = pmoran_dev,x = as.numeric(cind), type = 'scatter', color = I("black"),
                     mode="markers", marker = list(symbol='line-ew-open', size=15,line = list(color = 'black',
                                                                                              width = 3)))
p2 <- p %>% layout(shapes = list(hline(0.1)))
p<-subplot(p1,p2,nrows = 1, widths = c(0.5,0.5),
           titleX = TRUE, titleY=TRUE, margin = 0.08)
# Hydrological weighted results
bpmoran <- ifelse(bpmoran == 0.0,min(bpmoran[bpmoran > 0]),bpmoran)  # apply minimum non-zero to zero values

p <- plotlyLayout(NA,bpmoran, log = "", nTicks = 7, digits = 1,
                  xTitle = "River Basin ID Index",ymin = 0, ymax = 1,
                  xZeroLine = FALSE,xLabs = sort(as.numeric(unique(cind))),
                  yTitle ="P Value (Hydrologic distance weighting)",  yZeroLine = FALSE,
                  plotTitle = "Moran's I P Value by River Basin",
                  legend = FALSE,showPlotGrid = showPlotGrid)
p <- p %>% add_trace(y = bpmoran,x = as.numeric(cind), type = 'scatter', color = I("black"),
                     mode="markers", marker = list(symbol='line-ew-open', size=15,line = list(color = 'black',
                                                                                              width = 3)))
p1 <- p %>% layout(shapes = list(hline(0.1)))

p <- plotlyLayout(NA,bpmoran_dev, log = "", nTicks = 7, digits = 1,
                  xTitle = "River Basin ID Index",ymin = 0, ymax = 1,
                  xZeroLine = FALSE,xLabs = sort(as.numeric(unique(cind))),
                  yTitle ="Standard Deviate (Hydrologic distance weighting)",  yZeroLine = FALSE,
                  plotTitle = "Moran's I Standard Deviate by River Basin",
                  legend = FALSE,showPlotGrid = showPlotGrid)
p <- p %>% add_trace(y = bpmoran_dev,x = as.numeric(cind), type = 'scatter', color = I("black"),
                     mode="markers", marker = list(symbol='line-ew-open', size=15,line = list(color = 'black',
                                                                                              width = 3)))
p2 <- p %>% layout(shapes = list(hline(0.1)))
p<-subplot(p1,p2,nrows = 1, widths = c(0.5,0.5),
           titleX = TRUE, titleY=TRUE, margin = 0.08)
cat("<P style='page-break-before: always'>") 
# River basin text output
# Obtain list of river basin outlets with significant Moran's I
x1 <- data.frame(sitedata$station_name,sitedata$station_id,sitedata$staid,scount)
x2 <- x1[(x1$scount > 0), ]  # replace subset

xx <- data.frame(dsiteid,pmoran,pmoran_dev,bpmoran,bpmoran_dev)
x2$dsiteid <- x2$sitedata.staid
sites_sigmoran <- merge(x2,xx,by="dsiteid",all.y=TRUE,all.x=TRUE) 

sites_sigmoran <- sites_sigmoran[(!$pmoran)),]
sites_sigmoran <- sites_sigmoran[,-1]
colnames(sites_sigmoran) <- c("Site Name"," Site ID"," Downstrm Site ID"," Upstrm Site Count"," P-Value(E)"," Standard Deviate(E)"," P-Value(H)"," Standard Deviate(H)")
# Full Domain:  Hydrologic channel distance weighting for Moran's I test

for (i in 1:nstas) {
  for (k in 1:nstas) {
    if(sdistance[i,k]==0) {
      sdistance[i,k] <- sdistance[k,i]           

distance <- sdistance
xmoran.dists.inv <- ifelse(!distance==0,eval(parse(text=MoranDistanceWeightFunc)),0)
diag(xmoran.dists.inv) <- 0

# convert w to a row standardised general weights object
lw <- mat2listw(xmoran.dists.inv)
lwW <- nb2listw(lw$neighbours, glist=lw$weights, style="W",zero.policy=TRUE)

# mres[1:nstas] residuals
morantest.obj <- moran.test(mres, lwW, alternative="two.sided",adjust.n=TRUE,na.action=na.exclude,zero.policy=TRUE)    # SPDEP

pmoran <- morantest.obj$p.value
pmoran_dev <- morantest.obj$statistic

moranOut <- data.frame(pmoran,pmoran_dev)
rownames(moranOut) <- c(" ") 
colnames(moranOut) <- c(" Moran's P-Value"," Moran's Standard Deviate")

xtext <- paste("  Fraction of sites that are nested:  ",round(nest_sites,digits=3),sep="")

# Moran's I for Euclidean distance within CLASS variable (e.g., HUC-2) and for full domain
ibasin <- 0

if(![1]) & (classvar[1] != "sitedata.demtarea.class")) {   # process only where class variable designated by user

  # cycle through regions:  CLASS 
  # Obtain CLASS region numbers
  mrbgrp <- table(class[,1])   # get labels
  xx <-  # convert table to dataframe...
  mrbgrp <- as.numeric(xx$Freq)
  xclass <- as.numeric(xx$Var1)   
  xclass <- as.numeric(levels(xx$Var1)[xx$Var1])  # convert factor levels to numeric values

  pmoran <- numeric(length(xclass)+1)
  pmoran_dev <- numeric(length(xclass)+1)
  ind <- rep(1:(length(pmoran)))
  cind <- character(length(pmoran))
  cindLabel <- classvar[1]

  for (j in 1:length(xclass)) {  

    ibasin <- ibasin + 1

    # transfer river basin sites info for Moran test          

    is <- 0
    xresids <- numeric(mrbgrp[j])
    xLat <- numeric(mrbgrp[j])
    xLon <- numeric(mrbgrp[j])
    ires <- numeric(mrbgrp[j])

    for (i in 1:numsites) { 
      if (class[i] == xclass[j]) {   
        is <- is+1
        ires[is] <- is
        xresids[is] <- mres[i]
        xLat[is] <- Lat[i]
        xLon[is] <- Lon[i]

    if(is >= 4) {  # only calculate for more than 4 sites
      xmoran <- data.frame(ires,xresids,xLat,xLon)
      xmoran.dists <- as.matrix(dist(cbind(xmoran$xLon, xmoran$xLat)),method = "euclidean")
      distance <- xmoran.dists
      xmoran.dists.inv <- eval(parse(text=MoranDistanceWeightFunc))
      diag(xmoran.dists.inv) <- 0

      cind[ibasin] <- as.character(xclass[j])

      # convert w to a row standardised general weights object
      lw <- mat2listw(xmoran.dists.inv)
      lwW <- nb2listw(lw$neighbours, glist=lw$weights, style="W")
      morantest.obj <- moran.test(xmoran$xresids, lwW, alternative="two.sided")    # SPDEP
      pmoran[ibasin] <- morantest.obj$p.value
      pmoran_dev[ibasin] <- morantest.obj$statistic

  }  # end class loop

}  else {   # case of no designation of class variable
  pmoran <- numeric(1)
  pmoran_dev <- numeric(1)
  cind <- character(1)
  cindLabel <- "Total Area"
} # end check for designation of class variables by user

# Full spatial domain 

ibasin <- ibasin + 1

# transfer river basin sites info for Moran test          

is <- 0
xresids <- numeric(numsites)
xLat <- numeric(numsites)
xLon <- numeric(numsites)
ires <- numeric(numsites)

for (i in 1:numsites) { 
  is <- is+1
  ires[is] <- is
  xresids[is] <- mres[i]
  xLat[is] <- Lat[i]
  xLon[is] <- Lon[i]

xmoran <- data.frame(ires,xresids,xLat,xLon)
xmoran.dists <- as.matrix(dist(cbind(xmoran$xLon, xmoran$xLat)),method = "euclidean")
distance <- xmoran.dists
xmoran.dists.inv <- eval(parse(text=MoranDistanceWeightFunc))
diag(xmoran.dists.inv) <- 0

cind[ibasin] <- "Total Area"

# convert w to a row standardised general weights object
lw <- mat2listw(xmoran.dists.inv)
lwW <- nb2listw(lw$neighbours, glist=lw$weights, style="W")
morantest.obj <- moran.test(xmoran$xresids, lwW, alternative="two.sided")    # SPDEP
pmoran[ibasin] <- morantest.obj$p.value
pmoran_dev[ibasin] <- morantest.obj$statistic
# Plot Moran's I by Class variable (e.g., HUC-2)
pmoran <- ifelse(pmoran == 0.0,min(pmoran[pmoran > 0]),pmoran)  # apply minimum non-zero to zero values

p <- plotlyLayout(NA,pmoran, log = "", nTicks = 7, digits = 1,
                  xTitle = cindLabel,ymin = 0, ymax = 1,
                  xZeroLine = FALSE,xLabs = sort(as.numeric(unique(cind))),
                  yTitle ="Moran's P Value (Euclidean distance weighting)",  yZeroLine = FALSE,
                  plotTitle = "Moran's I P Value by CLASS Variable",
                  legend = FALSE,showPlotGrid = showPlotGrid)
p <- p %>% add_trace(y = pmoran,x = as.numeric(cind), type = 'scatter', color = I("black"),
                     mode="markers", marker = list(symbol='line-ew-open', size=15,line = list(color = 'black',
                                                                                              width = 3)))
p1 <- p %>% layout(shapes = list(hline(0.1)))

p <- plotlyLayout(NA,pmoran_dev, log = "", nTicks = 7, digits = 1,
                  xTitle = cindLabel,ymin = 0, ymax = 1,
                  xZeroLine = FALSE,xLabs = sort(as.numeric(unique(cind))),
                  yTitle ="Moran's Standard Deviate\n (Euclidean distance weighting)",  yZeroLine = FALSE,
                  plotTitle = "Moran's I Standard Deviate by CLASS Variable",
                  legend = FALSE,showPlotGrid = showPlotGrid)
p <- p %>% add_trace(y = pmoran_dev,x = as.numeric(cind), type = 'scatter', color = I("black"),
                     mode="markers", marker = list(symbol='line-ew-open', size=15,line = list(color = 'black',
                                                                                              width = 3)))
p2 <- p %>% layout(shapes = list(hline(0.1)))
p<-subplot(p1,p2,nrows = 1, widths = c(0.5,0.5),
           titleX = TRUE, titleY=TRUE, margin = 0.08)
# output moran's I p values to text file 

if(![1]) & (classvar[1] != "sitedata.demtarea.class")) {   # process only where class variable designated by user
  nmrbout <- numeric(length(xclass)+1)
  nmrbout[1:length(mrbgrp)] <- mrbgrp[1:length(mrbgrp)]
  nmrbout[length(mrbgrp)+1] <- sum(mrbgrp)
} else {
  nmrbout <- numeric(1)
  nmrbout[1] <- numsites

class_sigmoran <- data.frame(cind,nmrbout,pmoran,pmoran_dev)
colnames(class_sigmoran) <- c(cindLabel," Number Stations"," Moran's P-Value"," Moran's Standard Deviate")

fwrite(class_sigmoran,file=fileout,row.names=F,append=F,quote=F,showProgress = FALSE,
       dec = csv_decimalSeparator,sep=csv_columnSeparator,col.names = TRUE,na = "NA")

save(saveList,file = paste0(path_masterFormat,"tempDiagSpat.RData"))

tbep-tech/tbepRSparrow documentation built on Oct. 9, 2020, 6:24 a.m.