
Defines functions tfceFn rollFun findExtremaMatrix findExtrema

Documented in findExtrema findExtremaMatrix rollFun tfceFn

# <<< statistics on matrices >>> --------

#' Find local/global peaks (maxima) and valleys (minima) of a vector
#' \code{findExtrema} identifies local (or global) peaks and valleys of a 
#' vector (or subviews of a matrix or array).
#' @param x an integer or numeric vector, matrix, or array
#' @param n the number of neighbouring points (default: 1L) to the left and to 
#' the right of each data point; a data point is a local minimum/maximum if it 
#' is below/above all data points in its neighbourhood. See also Details.
#' @param global logical value whether global extrema should be identified
#' instead of local extrema (default: FALSE). If TRUE, \code{n} is ignored.
#' See Note.
#' @param along_dim the dimension of \code{x} which defines the vectors that
#' should be tested for local extrema. If \code{along_dim} is of type character,
#' \code{x} must have named dimnames.
#' @param tail character string defining how tails should be handled (might be
#' abbreviated): "if_plateau" (the default) means extrema at the tails of the 
#' vector are only valid if they are part of a plateau; "never" means no 
#' extrema at the tails; "do_not_care" means no special treatment of extrema 
#' at the tails
#' @param constant the value (an integer value between 0 and 3 or NA) which 
#' should be assigned to the elements of constant vectors (default: 3L)
#' @param topN a positive integer scalar; if not NULL (the default), the local 
#' extrema must be among the top N highest/lowest extrema to be marked as such. 
#' If there are ties, all of them are returned.
#' @param has_NA if FALSE, x is not checked for missing values, thereby speeding
#' up the computations; if has_NA is NULL (default), a fast check is performed 
#' and if x has missing values, special corrections are applied (see Details).
#' @details There are four special features of \code{findExtrema}. First, 
#' repeated neighbouring values ('plateaus') are treated as if they were a 
#' single data point. This has two consequences: 1) If the plateau is a local 
#' extrema, all points of the plateau are considered as extrema. 2) The 
#' argument 'n' of \code{findExtrema} is applied on the 'unitized' (de-repeated)
#' vector.\cr
#' Second, extrema at the tails (the first and last elements of the vector) 
#' are often problematic, because for those data points, only one-sided 
#' comparisons are available. By default, \code{findExtrema} considers such
#' endpoints as local minima/maxima if they are part of a plateau (i.e. if 
#' the endpoint is equal to its nearest neighbour). However, this behaviour
#' can be changed by setting the argument 'tail' to "never" or "do_not_care".\cr
#' Third, neighbours of a missing value are returned as missing values because 
#' if a given data window has at least one missing value, no minimum or 
#' maximum can be computed.
#' @note Instead of setting 'global' to TRUE, you can also set 'n' large 
#' enough (e.g. length(x)) to achieve the same effect.
#' @export
#' @return \code{findExtrema} returns an object of the same shape and length 
#' as \code{x}, recoding the original values in \code{x} to integer values 0, 1, 
#' 2, or NA, where 0 refers to data points which are neither minima nor maxima, 
#' 1 stands for local minima, 2 for local maxima, and NA for not available. 
#' Additionally, elements of constant vectors are coded by 3 as default, but
#' can be any integer between 0 and 3 or NA.
#' @examples
#' # create a vector with two local minima (which are equal) and two 
#' # local maxima (which are different)
#' x <- c(10, 7, -1, 6, 2, -1, 5, 4, 3)
#' # find local minima/maxima
#' (x_extr <- findExtrema(x))
#' # the same with a more stringent criterion
#' (x_extr2 <- findExtrema(x, 2L))
#' # return only the top 1 extrema; note that the local minima are equal,
#' # so both of them are returned, but only the higher local maximum is kept
#' (x_extr3 <- findExtrema(x, topN = 1L))
#' # findExtrema() always returns an integer vector or matrix
#' stopifnot(is.integer(x_extr))
#' \dontshow{
#' # check results
#' stopifnot(identical(x[x_extr == 1L], c(-1, -1)))
#' stopifnot(identical(x[x_extr == 2L], c(6, 5)))
#' stopifnot(identical(x[x_extr2 > 0L], c(-1, -1, 5)))
#' stopifnot(identical(x[x_extr3 > 0L], c(-1, 6, -1)))
#' }
#' # look for global extrema
#' (x_global <- findExtrema(x, global = TRUE))
#' \dontshow{
#' stopifnot(identical(x[x_global > 0L], c(-1, -1)))
#' }
#' # the same with large 'n'
#' (x_global2 <- findExtrema(x, length(x)))
#' \dontshow{
#' stopifnot(identical(x_global, x_global2))
#' }
#' # modify the vector to have a plateau at the start, and a missing value at
#' # the position 8; consider only the nearest neighbours
#' x <- c(10, x)
#' x[8] <- NA
#' x
#' # now the first two elements should also be identified as local maxima,
#' # but the second local minimum is not a local minimum any more because 
#' # there is a missing value in its neighbourhood
#' (x_extr <- findExtrema(x))
#' \dontshow{
#' stopifnot(all(x_extr[1:2] == 2L))
#' stopifnot(all(is.na(x_extr[7:9])))
#' }
#' # visualize the results (blue: local minimum, red: local maximum)
#' plot(x, type = "l", lty = 3)
#' points(x, pch = 16, col = c("grey", "blue", "red")[findExtrema(x) + 1L])
#' # however, if 'tail' is set to "never", the first two elements are not
#' # extrema
#' (x_extr <- findExtrema(x, tail = "n"))
#' \dontshow{
#' stopifnot(all(x_extr[1:2] == 0L))
#' }
#' # how to treat constant vectors is ambiguous -> by default, findExtrema()
#' # assigns a special value (3L) to such data points, but this can be
#' # overridden
#' (x <- rep_len(10, 8))
#' findExtrema(x)
#' findExtrema(x, constant = 0)
#' \dontshow{
#' stopifnot(identical(findExtrema(x, constant = 0), rep_len(0L, 8L)))
#' stopifnot(identical(findExtrema(c(NA, x), constant = 0), 
#'                     c(NA, NA, rep_len(0L, 7L))))
#' stopifnot(identical(findExtrema(c(x, NA), constant = 0), 
#'                     c(rep_len(0L, 7L), NA, NA)))
#' }
#' # x can be a matrix (or even an array)
#' x <- cbind(sin(seq(0, 3*pi, pi/4)), cos(seq(0, 3*pi, pi/4)))
#' (x_extr <- findExtrema(x))
#' matplot(x, type = "l", lty = 3, col = 1)
#' points(x[, 1L], pch = 16, 
#'        col = c("grey", "blue", "red")[x_extr[, 1L] + 1L])
#' points(x[, 2L], pch = 16, 
#'        col = c("grey", "blue", "red")[x_extr[, 2L] + 1L])
findExtrema <- function(x, n = 1L, global = FALSE, along_dim = 1L, 
                        tail = c("if_plateau", "never", "do_not_care"), 
                        constant = 3L, topN = NULL, has_NA = NULL) {
  # argument checks
  assertAtomic(x, .var.name = "x")
  assertInt(n, lower = 1, .var.name = "n")
  assertFlag(global, .var.name = "global")
  if (global) n <- length(x)
  tail <- match.arg(tail)
  if (!identical(NA, constant)) {
    assertInt(constant, lower = 0, upper = 3, .var.name = "constant")
  storage.mode(constant) <- "integer"
  if (!is.null(topN) && !identical(topN, Inf)) {
    assertInt(topN, lower = 1, .var.name = "topN")
    topN <- as.integer(topN)
  if (is.null(has_NA)) {
    has_NA <- anyNA(x) 
  } else {
    assertFlag(has_NA, .var.name = "has_NA")
  n <- as.integer(n)
  # return
  if (is.vector(x)) {
    out <- as.vector(
      findExtremaMatrix(as.matrix(x), n, tail, constant, topN, has_NA))
    setattr(out, "names", names(x))
  } else {
    fnDims(x, along_dim, findExtremaMatrix, 
           arg_list = list(n, tail, constant, topN, has_NA),
           vectorized = TRUE, keep_dimorder = TRUE)

#' Find local extrema in column vectors
#' \code{findExtremaMatrix} looks for local minima and maxima in the
#' columns of a matrix. This is an internal function which supports the
#' exported function \code{\link{findExtrema}}.
#' @param x a numeric matrix
#' @inheritParams findExtrema
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso \code{\link{findExtrema}}
findExtremaMatrix <- function(x, n, tail, constant, topN, has_NA) {
  # helper function to test near equality
  test_equal <- function(dat, ref) {
    if (!identical(dim(dat), dim(ref))) {
      abs(sweepMatrix(dat, 2, ref, "-")) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5
    } else {
      abs(dat - ref) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5
  # find global or local extrema
  if (n >= (nrow(x) - 1L)) {
    # if n >= (nrow(x) - 1), rolling statistics are not needed
    out <- matrix_(0L, nrow(x), ncol(x))
    stats <- colRanges(x)
    out[test_equal(x, stats[, 1L])] <- 1L
    out[test_equal(x, stats[, 2L])] <- 2L
    out[, stats[, 1L] == stats[, 2L]] <- constant
    # this is needed later to handle external elements
    if (tail != "do_not_care") {
      rle_x <- matrixRle(x)
      ind <- cumsum(c(1L, rle_x$lengths[-length(rle_x$length)]))
      rle_x$values <- out[ind]
      # set out to NULL to signal that we want to use rle_x
      out <- NULL; ind <- NULL
  } else {
    out <- NULL
    # main computation (need run-length encoding to handle repeated values
    # in x)
    rle_x <- matrixRle(x)
    # replicate external elements if x is a multi-column matrix
    if (ncol(x) > 1L) {
      ins <- diff(rle_x$matrixcolumn)
      ins <- 1L + n * (c(0L, ins) + c(ins, 0L))
      rle_x_ins <- lapply(rle_x[2:3], rep.int, ins)
      ins_ind <- which(diff(rle_x_ins$matrixcolumn) > 0L)
      ins_ind <- as.vector( outer((1-n):n, ins_ind, "+") )
    } else {
      rle_x_ins <- rle_x
      ins_ind <- NULL
    # store values and remove temporary variables
    values <- rle_x_ins$values
    rle_x_ins <- NULL; ins <- NULL
    # find extrema
    if (uniqueN(na.omit(values)) == 1L) {
      temp_values <- rep_len(constant, length(values))
      temp_values[is.na(values)] <- NA
    } else {
      temp_values <- integer(length(values))
                             rollFun(values, 2 * n + 1L, min))] <- 1L
                             rollFun(values, 2 * n + 1L, max))] <- 2L
    # drop inserted elements
    if (!is.null(ins_ind)) temp_values <- temp_values[-ins_ind]
    # assign the new values
    rle_x$values <- temp_values
    temp_values <- NULL; ins_ind < NULL
  # handle external elements
  if (tail != "do_not_care") {
    border_ind <- c(1L, length(rle_x$values))
    if (ncol(x) > 1L) {
      temp_ind <- which(diff(rle_x$matrixcolumn) > 0L)
      border_ind <- c(border_ind,
                      outer(0:1, temp_ind, "+"))
    if (tail == "if_plateau") {
      border_ind <- border_ind[rle_x$lengths[border_ind] == 1L]
    rle_x$values[border_ind] <- 0L
  # reshape to a matrix (unless n >= nrow(x), and tail == "do_not_care")
  if (is.null(out)) out <- inverse.matrixRle(rle_x)
  # handle the neighbourhood of NA values
  if (has_NA) {
    naind <- which(is.na(x), arr.ind = TRUE)
    out[naind] <- NA
    for (i in 1:n) {
      ind <- cbind(pmax(1L, naind[, 1L] - i), naind[, 2L])
      out[ind] <- NA
      ind <- cbind(pmin(nrow(x), naind[, 1L] + i), naind[, 2L])
      out[ind] <- NA
  # return only the topN extrema
  if (is.integer(topN)) {
    temp_x <- x
    temp_x[out != 1L] <- NA
                       ties.method = "min",
                       preserveShape = TRUE) > topN)] <- 0L
    temp_x <- -x
    temp_x[out != 2L] <- NA
                       ties.method = "min",
                       preserveShape = TRUE) > topN)] <- 0L
  # return

#' Compute rolling (a.k.a. moving) window statistics
#' \code{rollFun} computes rolling window statistics on vectors or matrices.
#' @param dat a numeric vector, matrix or data.frame. In the latter cases
#' rolling statistics are computed column-wise.
#' @param width width of moving window; can be an integer value or vector.
#' @param FUN the function to be applied to compute moving window statistics. 
#' See details.
#' @param force_rollapply logical variable; if yes, \code{zoo::rollapply} is 
#' called (default = FALSE).
#' @param ... optional arguments to the corresponding function in \pkg{caTools}
#' or \code{zoo::rollapply}
#' @details If FUN is one of \code{min}, \code{max}, \code{mean}, \code{sd}, 
#' \code{mad}, \code{quantile} (OR "min", "max", "mean", etc.) \code{rollFun} 
#' calls the corresponding function from the \pkg{caTools} package (e.g. 
#' \code{caTools::runmin}). Otherwise, or if \code{force_rollapply} is TRUE,
#' \code{zoo::rollapply} is called.
#' @export
#' @return An object having the same attributes as dat.
#' @examples
#' # either caTools or zoo must be installed before using this function;
#' # here follows a timing comparison for caTools and zoo, so we need both
#' if (require(caTools) && require(zoo)) {
#'     # create a matrix
#'     x <- matrix_(rnorm(2e4), 1e2, 2e2)
#'     # compute rolling mean for each columns, set the width of the 
#'     # sliding window to 5
#'     system.time(roll_mean_catools <- rollFun(x, 5, mean))
#'     system.time(roll_mean_zoo <- rollFun(x, 5, mean, force_rollapply = TRUE))
#'     # caTools is much faster for the standard statistics, and the results
#'     # are the same
#'     stopifnot(all.equal(roll_mean_catools, roll_mean_zoo))
#' }
rollFun <- function(dat, width, FUN, force_rollapply = FALSE, ...) {
  # check arguments and store attributes
  dims <- dim(dat)
  attribs <- attributes(dat)
  if (is.data.frame(dat)) dat <- as.matrix(dat)
  if (is.list(dat)) 
    stop("Provide a vector, matrix or data.frame as input!")
  if (is.vector(dat)) {
    dat <- matrix(dat, ncol = 1)
    dims <- dim(dat)
  if (length(dims) > 2)
    stop("dat can not be a multidimensional array. Consider the combination of fnDims and rollFun with vectorized = TRUE")
  assertIntegerish(width, lower = 1, upper = dims[1], min.len = 1L,
                   any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "width")
  width <- as.integer(width)
  if (length(width) > 1L) width <- rep_len(width, dims[1])
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  assertFlag(force_rollapply, .var.name = "force_rollaply")
  if (!force_rollapply) {
    funlist <- list(min = min, max = max, mean = mean, 
                    sd = sd, mad = mad, quantile = quantile)
    funind <- sapply(funlist, identical, FUN)
    if (any(funind)) {
      if (requireNamespace("caTools", quietly = TRUE)) {
        FUN <- names(funlist)[funind]
        FUN <- getExportedValue("caTools", paste0("run", FUN))
        if (identical(FUN, caTools::runquantile)) {
          probs <- list(...)$probs
          dims <- c(dim(dat), length(probs))
          attribs$dim <- dims
          if (!is.null(attribs$dimnames)) {
            attribs$dimnames <- c(attribs$dimnames, 
                                  list(quantiles = probs))
        if (length(width) == 1L) {
          out <- FUN(dat, width, ...)
        } else {
          out <- array_(0, dims)
          if (identical(FUN, caTools::runquantile)) {
            for (i in unique(width)) {
              ind <- width == i
              out[ind, , ] <- FUN(dat, i, ...)[ind, , , drop = FALSE]
          } else {
            for (i in unique(width)) {
              ind <- width == i
              out[ind, ] <- FUN(dat, i, ...)[ind, , drop = FALSE]
      } else {
        force_rollapply <- TRUE
        warning("Install package:caTools to speed up computations!")
    } else {
      force_rollapply <- TRUE
  if (force_rollapply) {
    if (reqFn("zoo")) {
      out <- zoo::rollapply(dat, width, FUN, partial = TRUE, 
                            by.column = TRUE, ...)
    } else {
      stop("Package zoo is not installed but called by rollFun().")
  if (!is.null(attribs$class) && attribs$class == "data.frame") {
    out <- as.data.frame(out)
  attributes(out) <- attribs
  # return

#' Low-level TFCE function which calls C++ code
#' \code{tfceFn} performs TFCE correction. This function is not 
#' intended for direct use.
#' @param x numeric matrix or array
#' @param chn channel neighbourhood matrix
#' @param eh numeric vector of E and H parameters
#' @param nr_steps number of threshold steps (default: 50L)
#' @param channel_dim the dimension of x which represents channels (default: 1L)
#' @param has_neg logical value if there are (or can be) negative values in x 
#' (default: TRUE)
#' @param has_pos logical value if there are (or can be) positive values in x
#' (default: TRUE)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return numeric matrix or array of the same dimensions as x
#' @author The original C code was written by Christian Gaser, further modified
#' by Pau Coma and adopted to EEG analysis by Armand Mensen. Denes Toth ported
#' the C code to C++ (Rcpp) with minor improvements and added the R wrapper.
tfceFn <- function(x, chn, eh, nr_steps = 50L, channel_dim = 1L, 
                   has_neg = TRUE, has_pos = TRUE) {
  chan_dim <- which(names(dimnames(x)) == "chan")
  if (length(chan_dim) == 0) {
    stopifnot(dim(x)[channel_dim] == nrow(chn))
    chan_dim <- channel_dim
  # return
  .Call('_eegR_tfce', PACKAGE = 'eegR', 
        x, chan_dim, chn, eh, nr_steps, has_neg, has_pos)
tdeenes/eegR documentation built on April 19, 2021, 4:17 p.m.