
Defines functions check_y_name random_name exist_time_var get_mod_mat get_param get_param_formula complete_formula gauss_negll gpd_negll gev_negll format_init.gauss_fit gauss_fit format_init.gpd_fit gpd_fit format_init.gev_fit gev_fit plot.gev_fit plot.gpd_fit compute_par compute_par.gpd_fit compute_par.gev_fit compute_par.gauss_fit plot.gauss_fit print.gpd_fit

Documented in compute_par compute_par.gauss_fit compute_par.gev_fit compute_par.gpd_fit gauss_fit gev_fit gpd_fit plot.gauss_fit plot.gev_fit plot.gpd_fit print.gpd_fit

#' @importFrom extRemes levd 
#' @importFrom extRemes fevd 
#' @importFrom extRemes pevd 
#' @importFrom extRemes qevd 
#' @importFrom extRemes plot.fevd 
#' @importFrom extRemes plot.fevd.mle 
#' @importFrom quantreg rq 
#' @importFrom quantreg predict.rq 
# Used to check whether y or y_name is in data which can lead to model mispecification when forula are used. 
check_y_name <- function(y, y_name, data){
  if(is.element(y_name, names(data))){
    y <- data[, y_name]
    assign("y", y, envir=parent.frame())
  y_name <- "y"
  if(is.element("y", names(data))){
    y_name <- random_name(data=data)
    assign(y_name, y, envir=parent.frame())

random_name <- function(n=5, data){
  ans <- paste(sample(letters, n), collapse="")
  while(is.element(ans, names(data))) 
    ans <- paste(sample(letters, n), collapse="")

exist_time_var <- function(time_var, data){
    return(exists(time_var) || is.element(time_var, names(data)))
    return(exists(paste(deparse(substitute(time_var)), collapse=" ")) || !inherits(time_var, "simpleError"))

get_mod_mat <- function(mod_terms, data){
  terms_lab <- attr(mod_terms,"term.labels")
  terms_int <- attr(mod_terms,"intercept")
  ans <- matrix(1,nrow=nrow(data),ncol=length(terms_lab)+terms_int)
  if(length(terms_lab) > 0)
  ans[,(ncol(ans)-length(terms_lab)+1) : ncol(ans)] <- as.matrix(data[, terms_lab])
  #   model.matrix(mod, data)

get_param <- function(par, mod_mat){
  param <- mod_mat %*% par

get_param_formula <- function(par, mod_terms, data){
  mod_mat <- get_mod_mat(mod_terms, data)
  get_param(par, mod_mat)

complete_formula <- function(y, uncomplete_f){
  stopifnot(length(uncomplete_f) == 2)
    return((paste(y, "~", uncomplete_f[2])))
  paste(deparse(substitute(y)), "~", uncomplete_f[2])

# gauss_negll: computes gaussian log-likelihood
#		Note: we take care to put infinite likelihood if sif<0!!
gauss_negll <- function(y, mu, sig){
	n <- length(y)
	stopifnot(length(mu) == n & length(sig) == n)
	if(any(sig<0)) {
		negll <- Inf 
	} else {
		negll <- n*log(2*pi) + sum(log(sig^2)) + sum((y-mu)^2/sig^2)

gpd_negll <- function(y, threshold, sig, xi) {
  n <- length(y)
  stopifnot(length(threshold) == n & length(sig) == n)
	levd(x=y, threshold=threshold, scale=sig, shape=xi, type="GP",npy=1)

gev_negll <- function(y, mu, sig, xi){
  n <- length(y)
  stopifnot(length(mu) == n & length(sig) == n)
	levd(x=y, location=mu, scale=sig, shape=xi, type="GEV")

format_init.gauss_fit <- function(init, mu_terms, sig_terms){
  nb_mup <- length(attr(mu_terms, "term.labels"))+attr(mu_terms,"intercept")
  mu <- init[1:nb_mup]
  sig <- init[-(1:nb_mup)]
  list("mu"=mu, "sig"=sig)

#' Fit a time serie as independent gaussians.
#' \code{gauss_fit} fits a time serie as independant gaussians where the mean and the variance depend linearly on a set of covariates.
#' MLE fit of a time serie y as independant gaussians where the mean and the variance depend linearly on a set of covariates. The optimization of the negative log-likelihood is done with the nlminb function in R. 
#' @param y the time serie to be fitted.
#' @param data a data.frame object with  where the function looks first for the variables y, time_var and the covariates specified in the mu_mod and sig_mod arguments.
#' @param mu_mod a formula defining the covariates the mean parameter of the gaussian depends linearly on.
#' @param sig_mod a formula defining the covariates of the standard deviation parameter of the gaussian depends linearly on.
#' @param sig_link a link function name for the parameter sigma: sig_link(sigma) is a linear function of the covariates.
#' @param time_var a variable used to define the time in the time serie. It can also be a string giving the variable name.
#' @param init vector of initialization parameter for the minimization of the negative log-likelihood. if NULL, the initialisation is done using one iteration of feasible GLS.
#' @return returns an object of class gauss_fit. It contains the nlminb output which provides the estimated parameters as well the minimum of the negative log-likelihood. The arguments use to call gauss_fit are also returned in the list.
#' @examples
#' #Example with the same covariate for the mean and variance parameter
#'ga_fit <- gauss_fit(eur_tas, data=tas, mu_mod=~gbl_tas, sig_mod=~gbl_tas, time_var="year")
#' # get the values of the mean and variance parameters of the gaussian at each time
#'compute_par(ga_fit, tas)
#' # plot diagnostic plot of the fit : standardized residuals plots, qqplot, density of fitted vs theorical density, times series ans return levels
#' @export
gauss_fit <- function(y, data, mu_mod=~1, sig_mod=~1, sig_link="log",  time_var, init=NULL){
  stopifnot(exist_time_var(time_var, data))
  y_name <- paste(deparse(substitute(y)), collapse="")
  #   if(is.element(y_name, names(data)))
  #     y <- data[, y_name]
  #   y_name <- "y"
  #   if(is.element("y", names(data))){
  #     y_name <- random_name(data=data)
  #     assign(y_name, y)
  #   }
  y_name <- check_y_name(y, y_name, data)
  mu_mat <- model.matrix(mu_mod, data)
  sig_mat <- model.matrix(sig_mod, data)
	mu_terms <- terms(mu_mod)
	sig_terms <- terms(sig_mod)
  link <- make.link(sig_link)
	gauss_lik <- function(init){
    init_f <- format_init.gauss_fit(init, mu_terms, sig_terms)
    mu <- get_param(init_f$mu, mu_mat)
    sig <- link$linkinv(get_param(init_f$sig, sig_mat))
		gauss_negll(y, mu, sig) 
		y_fit <- lm.fit(x=model.matrix(mu_mod, data=data), y=y)
		fit_res2 <- link$linkfun(residuals(y_fit)^2)
		var_fit  <- lm.fit(x=model.matrix(sig_mod, data=data), y=fit_res2)
		init <- c(coefficients(y_fit), coefficients(var_fit))
		print("--- Parameters Initialization -----")
    print(paste("neg-likelihood =", gauss_lik(init)))
		print(paste("mle =", do.call(paste, as.list(init))))
	y_fit <- nlminb(start=init, gauss_lik)
	print("--- Parameters Optimization -----")
	print(paste("neg-likelihood =", y_fit$objective))
	print(paste("mle =", do.call(paste, as.list(y_fit$par))))
  y_fit$y <- y
	y_fit$data <- data
	y_fit$mu_mod <- mu_mod
	y_fit$sig_mod <- sig_mod
	y_fit$mu_mat <- mu_mat
	y_fit$sig_mat <- sig_mat
	y_fit$mu_terms <- mu_terms
	y_fit$sig_terms <- sig_terms
  y_fit$time_var <- time_var
  y_fit$sig_link<- sig_link
	attr(y_fit, "class")= "gauss_fit"

format_init.gpd_fit <- function(init,  sig_terms){
  nb_sigp <- length(attr(sig_terms, "term.labels"))+attr(sig_terms,"intercept")
  sig <- init[1:nb_sigp]
  xi <- init[-(1:nb_sigp)]
  list("sig"=sig, "xi"=xi)

#' Fit a time serie with a GPD distribution  .
#' \code{gpd_fit} fits a time serie with a GPD distribution a where  scale parameter depend linearly on a set of covariates.
#' MLE fit of a time serie y using a GPD distribution  where the scale parameter depen linearly on a set of covariates. The threshold is defined using quantile regression (function \code{rq} from the quantreg package. The optimization of the negative log-likelihood is done with nlminb function in R. 
#' @param y the time serie to be fitted.
#' @param data a data.frame object with  where the function looks first for the variables y, time_var and the covariates specified in the mu_mod and sig_mod arguments.
#' @param mu_mod a formula defining the covariates to be used in quantile regression to set the threshold of the GPD. 
#' @param sig_mod a formula defining the covariates the scale parameter of the GPD depends linearly on.
#' @param sig_link a link function name for the parameter sigma: sig_link(sigma) is a linear function of the covariates.
#' @param time_var a variable used to define the time in the time serie. It can also be a string giving the variable name.
#' @param init vector of initialization parameter for the minimization of the negative log-likelihood. if NULL, the initialisation is done using the function fevd from the extRemes packages.
#' @param qthreshold the level of quantile used to set the GPD threshold.
#' @return returns an object of class gpd_fit. It contains the nlminb output which provides the estimated parameters as well the minimum of the negative log-likelihood. The arguments use to call gpd_fit are included in the list as well. 
#' @examples
#' #Example with the same covariate for the mean and variance parameter
#' gp_fit <- gpd_fit(eur_tas, data=tas, mu_mod=~gbl_tas, sig_mod=~gbl_tas, time_var="year", qthreshold=0.9)
#' # get the values of the mean and variance parameters of the GPD at each time
#'compute_par(gp_fit, tas)
#' # plot diagnostic plot of the fit : qqplot, density of fitted vs theorical density, times series ans return levels
gpd_fit <- function(y, data, mu_mod=~1, sig_mod=~1, sig_link="log", time_var, qthreshold, init=NULL){
  stopifnot(exist_time_var(time_var, data))
  y_name <- paste(deparse(substitute(y)), collapse="")
  #   if(is.element(y_name, names(data)))
  #     y <- data[, y_name]
  #   y_name <- "y"
  #   if(is.element("y", names(data))){
  #     y_name <- random_name(data=data)
  #     assign(y_name, y)
  #   }
  y_name <- check_y_name(y, y_name, data)
  mu_mat <- model.matrix(mu_mod, data)
  sig_mat <- model.matrix(sig_mod, data)
	mu_terms <- terms(mu_mod)
	sig_terms <- terms(sig_mod)
  link <- make.link(sig_link)
  completed_formula <- complete_formula(y_name, mu_mod)
  rq_fitted <- rq(as.formula(completed_formula),data=data, tau=qthreshold)
	threshold <- predict(rq_fitted)
		print("--- Parameters Initialization -----")
    use.phi <- (sig_link == "log")
    init <- fevd(as.formula(paste(y_name,"~ 1")), data, threshold, scale.fun=sig_mod, type="GP", method="MLE", use.phi=use.phi)$results
		print(paste("neg-likelihood =", init$value))
		print(paste("mle =", do.call(paste, as.list(init$par))))
		init <- init$par
	gpd_lik <- function(init){
    init_f <- format_init.gpd_fit(init,  sig_terms)
    sig <- link$linkinv(get_param(init_f$sig , sig_mat))
		gpd_negll(y, threshold, sig, init_f$xi) 
	y_fit=nlminb(start=init, gpd_lik) 
	print("--- Parameters Optimization -----")
	print(paste("neg-likelihood =", y_fit$objective))
	print(paste("mle =", do.call(paste, as.list(y_fit$par))))
	y_fit$y <- y 
	y_fit$data <- data 
	y_fit$mu_mod <- mu_mod
	y_fit$sig_mod <- sig_mod
	y_fit$mu_mat <- mu_mat
	y_fit$sig_mat <- sig_mat
	y_fit$mu_terms <- mu_terms
	y_fit$sig_terms <- sig_terms
	y_fit$qthreshold <- qthreshold
	y_fit$rq_fitted <- rq_fitted 
	y_fit$rate <- mean(y>threshold)
  y_fit$time_var <- time_var
  y_fit$sig_link <- sig_link
	attr(y_fit, "class")= "gpd_fit"

format_init.gev_fit <- function(init, mu_terms, sig_terms){
  nb_mup <- length(attr(mu_terms, "term.labels")) + attr(mu_terms,"intercept")
  nb_sigp <- length(attr(sig_terms, "term.labels")) + attr(sig_terms,"intercept")
  mu <- init[1:nb_mup]
  sig <- init[nb_mup + (1:nb_sigp)]
  xi <- init[-(1:(nb_sigp + nb_mup))]
  list("mu"=mu, "sig"=sig, "xi"=xi)

#' Fit a time serie with a GEV distribution  .
#' \code{gev_fit} fits a time serie with a GEV distribution a where the location and scale parameters depend linearly on a set of covariates.
#' MLE fit of a time serie y using a GEV distribution  where the location and the scale parameters depend linearly on a set of covariates. The optimization of the negative log-likelihood is done with the nlminb function in R. 
#' @param y the time serie to be fitted.
#' @param data a data.frame object with  where the function looks first for the variables y, time_var and the covariates specified in the mu_mod and sig_mod arguments.
#' @param mu_mod a formula defining the covariates the location parameter of the GEV depends linearly on.
#' @param sig_mod a formula defining the covariates the scale parameter of the GEV depends linearly on.
#' @param sig_link a link function name for the parameter sigma: sig_link(sigma) is a linear function of the covariates.
#' @param time_var a variable used to define the time in the time serie. It can also be a string giving the variable name.
#' @param init vector of initialization parameter for the minimization of the negative log-likelihood. if NULL, the initialisation is done using the function fevd from the extRemes packages.
#' @return returns an object of class gev_fit. It contains the nlminb output which provides the estimated parameters as well the minimum of the negative log-likelihood. The arguments use to call gev_fit are included in the list as well. 
#' @examples
#' #Example with the same covariate for the mean and variance parameter
#' ge_fit <- gev_fit(eur_tas, data=tas, mu_mod=~gbl_tas, sig_mod=~gbl_tas, time_var="year")
#' # get the values of the mean and variance parameters of the GEV at each time
#'compute_par(ge_fit, tas)
#' # plot diagnostic plot of the fit : standardized residuals plots, qqplot, density of fitted vs theorical density, times series ans return levels
#' @export
gev_fit <- function(y, data, mu_mod=~1, sig_mod=~1, sig_link="log", time_var, init=NULL){
  stopifnot(exist_time_var(time_var, data))
  y_name <- paste(deparse(substitute(y)), collapse=" ")
  #   if(is.element(y_name, names(data)))
  #     y <- data[, y_name]
  #   y_name <- "y"
  #   if(is.element("y", names(data))){
  #     y_name <- random_name(data=data)
  #     assign(y_name, y)
  #   }
  y_name <- check_y_name(y, y_name, data)
  mu_mat <- model.matrix(mu_mod, data)
  sig_mat <- model.matrix(sig_mod, data)
	mu_terms <- terms(mu_mod)
	sig_terms <- terms(sig_mod)
  link <- make.link(sig_link)
		print("--- Parameters Initialization -----")
		init  <- fevd(as.formula(paste(y_name, "~ 1")), data, location.fun=mu_mod, scale.fun=sig_mod, method="MLE", use.phi=TRUE)$results
		print(paste("neg-likelihood =", init$value))
		print(paste("mle =", do.call(paste, as.list(init$par))))
		init <- init$par
	gev_lik <- function(init){
    init_f <- format_init.gev_fit(init, mu_terms, sig_terms)
    mu <- get_param(init_f$mu, mu_mat)
    sig <- link$linkinv(get_param(init_f$sig, sig_mat))
		gev_negll(y, mu, sig, init_f$xi) 
	y_fit=nlminb(start=init, gev_lik)
	print("--- Parameters Optimization -----")
	print(paste("neg-likelihood =", y_fit$objective))
	print(paste("mle =", do.call(paste, as.list(y_fit$par))))
	attr(y_fit, "class")= "gev_fit"
	y_fit$y <- y 
	y_fit$data <- data 
	y_fit$mu_mod <- mu_mod
	y_fit$sig_mod <- sig_mod
	y_fit$mu_mat <- mu_mat
	y_fit$sig_mat <- sig_mat
	y_fit$mu_terms <- mu_terms
	y_fit$sig_terms <- sig_terms
  y_fit$time_var <- time_var
  y_fit$sig_link <- sig_link

#' Plot diagnostics for an gev_fit object
#' Diagnostic plots of a GEV fit : standardized residuals plots, qqplot, density of fitted vs theorical density, times series ans return levels
#' Diagnostic plots of the fit : standardized residuals plots, qqplot, density of fitted vs theorical density, times series ans return levels. This function is just a wrapper of \code{plot.fevd} from the extRemes packages : the GEV is fitted again with the fevd function with initial parameters taken from the \code{gev_fit} object and then plotted using \code{plot.fevd}.
#' @param x an object of class \code{gev_fit}.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods,
#' @examples
#' #Example with the same covariate for the mean and variance parameter
#' ge_fit <- gev_fit(eur_tas, data=tas, mu_mod=~gbl_tas, sig_mod=~gbl_tas, time_var="year")
#' # get the values of the mean and variance parameters of the GEV at each time
#'compute_par(ge_fit, tas)
#' # plot diagnostic plot of the fit : standardized residuals plots, qqplot, density of fitted vs theorical density, times series ans return levels
#' @export
plot.gev_fit <- function(x, ...){
  res <- fevd(x$y, x$data, location.fun=x$mu_mod, scale.fun=x$sig_mod, method="MLE", use.phi=TRUE, initial=x$results$par)

#' Plot diagnostics for an gpd_fit object
#' Diagnostic plots of a GPD fit : standardized residuals plots, qqplot, density of fitted vs theorical density, times series ans return levels
#' Diagnostic plots of the fit : qqplot, density of fitted vs theorical density, times series ans return levels. This function is just a wrapper of \code{plot.fevd} from the extRemes packages : the GPD is fitted again with the fevd function with initial parameters taken from the \code{gpd_fit} object and then plotted using \code{plot.fevd}.
#' @param x an object of class \code{gpd_fit}.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods,
#' @examples
#' #Example with the same covariate for the mean and variance parameter
#' gp_fit <- gpd_fit(eur_tas, data=tas, mu_mod=~gbl_tas, sig_mod=~gbl_tas, time_var="year", qthreshold=0.9)
#' # get the values of the mean and variance parameters of the GEV at each time
#'compute_par(gp_fit, tas)
#' # plot diagnostic plot of the fit : qqplot, density of fitted vs theorical density, times series ans return levels
#' @export
plot.gpd_fit <- function(x, ...){
  res <- fevd(x$y, x$data, threshold=predict(x$rq_fitted), scale.fun=x$sig_mod, type="GP", method="MLE", use.phi=TRUE, initial=x$results$par)

#' compute_par generic
#' returns the parameters of the fitted model given the information provided in newdata
#' @param object  object of class gauss_fit, gev_fit or gpd_fit.
#' @param newdata data.frame giving the necessary information to compute the parameters of the fitted models at different times.
#' @export
compute_par <- function(object, newdata){

#' @describeIn compute_par returns the parameters of the fitted GPD at different times.
#' @export
compute_par.gpd_fit <- function(object, newdata){
  link <- make.link(object$sig_link)
  threshold <- predict(object$rq_fitted, newdata)
  init_f <- format_init.gpd_fit(object$par,  object$sig_terms)
  ans <- cbind(threshold, link$linkinv(get_param_formula(init_f$sig , object$sig_terms, newdata)),init_f$xi)
  colnames(ans) <- c("threshold", "sig", "xi")

#' @describeIn compute_par returns the parameters of the fitted GEV at different times.
#' @export
compute_par.gev_fit <- function(object, newdata){
  link <- make.link(object$sig_link)
  init_f <- format_init.gev_fit(object$par, object$mu_terms, object$sig_terms)
  ans <- cbind(get_param_formula(init_f$mu, object$mu_terms, newdata), link$linkinv(get_param_formula(init_f$sig, object$sig_terms, newdata)), init_f$xi)
  colnames(ans) <- c("mu", "sig", "xi")

#' @describeIn compute_par returns the parameters of the fitted Gaussian at different times.
#' @export
compute_par.gauss_fit <- function(object, newdata){
  link <- make.link(object$sig_link)
  init_f <- format_init.gauss_fit(object$par,  object$mu_terms, object$sig_terms)
  ans <- cbind(get_param_formula(init_f$mu, object$mu_terms, newdata), link$linkinv(get_param_formula(init_f$sig, object$sig_terms, newdata)))
  colnames(ans) <- c("mu", "sig") 

#' Plot diagnostics for an gauss_fit object
#' Diagnostic plots of a gaussian fit : standardized residuals plots, qqplot, density of fitted vs theorical density, times series ans return levels
#' Diagnostic plots of the fit : standardized residuals plots, qqplot, density of fitted vs theorical density, times series ans return levels. This function is just a wrapper of \code{plot.fevd} from the extRemes packages : the gaussian is fitted again with the fevd function with initial parameters taken from the \code{gauss_fit} object and then plotted using \code{plot.fevd}.
#' @param x an object of class \code{gauss_fit}.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods,
#' @examples
#' #Example with the same covariate for the mean and variance parameter
#' ga_fit <- gauss_fit(eur_tas, data=tas, mu_mod=~gbl_tas, sig_mod=~gbl_tas, time_var="year")
#' # get the values of the mean and variance parameters of the gaussian at each time
#'compute_par(ga_fit, tas)
#' # plot diagnostic plot of the fit : standardized residuals plots, qqplot, density of fitted vs theorical density, times series ans return levels
#' @export
plot.gauss_fit <- function(x, ...){
	param <- compute_par.gauss_fit(x, x$data)
	mu <- param[, 1]
	sig <- param[, 2]
	res <- x$y - mu
	res_std <- res / sig
	plot(mu, res_std, main="Standardized Residuals vs Fitted", xlab="Fitted", ylab="Standardized Residuals")
	abline(h=0, ,col="blue")
	abline(a=0, b=1, col="blue")
	plot(dens <- density(res_std), main="Transformed Data")
	lines(dens$x, dnorm(x=dens$x), col="blue", lty=2)
	plot(x$y, type="l")
	p=1-c(0.5, 0.05, 0.01)
	qXX=mapply(qnorm, mean=mu, sd=sig, MoreArgs=list(p=p))
	for(i in seq_along(p)){
		    lines(qXX[i,], col=i+1)
	legend("topright", legend=paste("p:", p), lty=1, col= seq_along(p)+1)

#' Print the optimisation results of the fit.
#' Print the results of the optimization function \code{nlminb} used to fit the model.
#' @param x an object of class \code{gauss_fit}, \code{gev_fit} or \code{gev_fit}.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods,
#' @examples
#' ga_fit <- gauss_fit(eur_tas, data=tas, mu_mod=~gbl_tas, sig_mod=~gbl_tas, time_var="year")
#' ge_fit <- gev_fit(eur_tas, data=tas, mu_mod=~gbl_tas, sig_mod=~gbl_tas, time_var="year")
#' gp_fit <- gpd_fit(eur_tas, data=tas, mu_mod=~gbl_tas, sig_mod=~gbl_tas, time_var="year", qthreshold=0.9)
#' @export
print.gpd_fit <- function(x, ...){
#' @rdname print.gpd_fit 
print.gauss_fit  <- print.gpd_fit 
#' @rdname print.gpd_fit 
print.gev_fit  <- print.gpd_fit 
thaos/FARg documentation built on May 25, 2019, 8:18 a.m.