
## Mostly functions associated with preprocessing the individual time
### series. Most of those steps can be controlled via the General tab

##' @title Extracting extreme events in the \code{climex} app
##' @description Extract the extreme events from a given time series.
##' @details Provides the \code{\link[shinydashboard]{menuItemOutput}}
##'   for \code{\link{generalExtremeExtraction}}. See the later one
##'   for details. 
##' @importFrom shinydashboard menuItemOutput
##' @family preprocessing
##' @return \code{\link[shinydashboard]{menuItemOutput}}
##' @author Philipp Mueller 
generalExtremeExtractionInput <- function(){
  menuItemOutput( "generalExtremeExtraction" )

##' @title Extracting extreme events in the \code{climex} app
##' @description Extract the extreme events from a given time series.
##' @details Provides a slider input to determine either the block
##'   length (in case of the GEV distribution) or the height of the
##'   threshold (GP).
##' @param radioEvdStatistics Character (radio) input determining
##'   whether the GEV or GP distribution shall be fitted to the
##'   data. Choices: c( "GEV", "GP" ), default = "GEV".
##' @param deseasonalize.interactive Function used to remove
##'   seasonality from a given time series. See
##'   \code{\link{deseasonalize.interactive}}
##' @param selectDeseasonalize Character (select) input determining
##'   which deseasonalization method should be used to remove the
##'   short-range correlations from the provided time series. See
##'   \code{\link{deseasonalizeSelectionInput}}.
##' @param buttonMinMax Character (radio) input determining whether
##'   the GEV/GP distribution shall be fitted to the smallest or
##'   biggest values. Choices: c( "Max", "Min ), default = "Max".
##' @param reactive.selection Reactive value contains the class
##'   \pkg{xts} time series of the selected input or artificially
##'   generated data chosen via the sidebar or the leaflet
##'   map. \code{\link{data.selection}}
##' @param selectDataBase Character (select) input to determine the
##'   data source. It is either of one of the names of the provided
##'   list in the \code{list.data.sources} argument of the
##'   \code{\link{climex}} function or \emph{Artificial data}. In case
##'   of the latter choice, the function \code{\link{data.selection}}
##'   will provide a \emph{reactive} object containing random numbers
##'   drawn from the distribution specified using
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics}. Default = a random element of
##'   the provided input.
##' @import shiny
##' @import climex
##' @family preprocessing
##' @return \code{\link[shinydashboard]{renderMenu}}
##' @author Philipp Mueller
generalExtremeExtraction <- function( radioEvdStatistics,
                                     buttonMinMax, reactive.selection,
                                     selectDataBase ){
  renderMenu( {
    x.xts <- reactive.selection()
    if ( !is.null( radioEvdStatistics() ) &&
         radioEvdStatistics() == "GEV" ){
      isolate( {
        ## I do not want the blocklength to be reset when changing
        ## the deseasonalization method.
        x.deseasonalized <- deseasonalize.interactive(
            x.xts, selectDeseasonalize, selectDataBase )
      } )
    } else {
      x.deseasonalized <- deseasonalize.interactive(
          x.xts, selectDeseasonalize, selectDataBase )
    if ( is.null( x.deseasonalized ) ){
      ## if the initialization has not finished yet just wait a
      ## little longer
      return( NULL )
    if ( selectDataBase() == "Artificial data" ){
      ## Since the artificial data will be sampled directly from a
      ## GEV/GP distribution, there is no point for blocking or
      ## thresholding
      return( div( id = "aux-placeholder", style = "height: 0px;" ) )
    if ( radioEvdStatistics() == "GEV" ){
      sliderInput( "sliderBlockLength", "Box length in days", 1,
                  365*3, 365 )
    } else {
      ## Set the threshold in such a way remaining.fraction of the
      ## data are still available for the fit
      remaining.fraction <- 0.01
      threshold.default <- sort( as.numeric( x.deseasonalized ),
                        decreasing = TRUE )[
          round( length( x.deseasonalized )* remaining.fraction ) ] 
      sliderInput( "sliderThreshold", "Threshold:",
                  round( min( x.deseasonalized, na.rm = TRUE ) ),
                  round( max( x.deseasonalized, na.rm = TRUE ) ),
                  round( threshold.default ),
                  step = 0.1 )
  } )

##' @title Cleaning data in the \code{climex} app
##' @description  Function  to  get   rid  of  artifacts  within  the
##'   \code{climex} app.
##' @details  It removes  all incomplete years  (GEV) or  cluster (GP)
##'   when the corresponding checkbox is checked.
##' @param x.xts Time series of class \pkg{xts} which has to be cleaned.
##' @param checkboxIncompleteYears Logical (checkbox) input
##'   determining whether to remove all incomplete years of a time
##'   series. This box will be only available if
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics} equals \code{"GEV"} and else will be
##'   \code{NULL}.
##' @param checkboxDecluster Logical (checkbox) input determining
##'   whether to remove all clusters in a time series and to replace
##'   them by their maximal value. This box will be only available if
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics} equals \code{"GP"} and else will be
##'   \code{NULL}.
##' @param sliderThreshold Numerical (slider) input determining the
##'   threshold used within the GP fit and the extraction of the
##'   extreme events. Boundaries: minimal and maximal value of the
##'   deseasonalized time series (rounded). Default: 0.8* the upper
##'   end point. 
##' @family preprocessing
##' @import climex
##' @return Time series of class \pkg{xts}.
##' @author Philipp Mueller 
cleaning.interactive <- function( x.xts, checkboxIncompleteYears,
                                 checkboxDecluster, sliderThreshold ){
  x.xts[ which( is.na( x.xts ) ) ] <- NaN
  x.xts[ which( x.xts == -999 ) ] <- NaN
  if ( !is.null( checkboxIncompleteYears() ) &&
       checkboxIncompleteYears() ){
    ## Remove all incomplete years from time series
    x.xts <- climex::remove.incomplete.years( x.xts )
  if ( !is.null( checkboxDecluster() ) &&
       checkboxDecluster() ){
    x.xts <- climex::decluster( x.xts, sliderThreshold() )
  if ( any( is.nan( x.xts ) ) )
    print( "The current time series contains missing values. Please be sure to check 'Remove incomplete years' in the sidebar to avoid wrong results!" )
  return( x.xts )

##' @title Minimum or maximum extremes in the \code{climex} app
##' @description Whether to determine the minimal or maximal extremes.
##' @details Not  a real \pkg{shiny} module, since I  have to use this
##'   select    input   outside    its    namespace.   Provides    the
##'   \code{\link[shinydashboard]{menuItemOutput}}                 for
##'   \code{\link{generalButtonMinMaxInput}}
##' @importFrom shinydashboard menuItemOutput
##' @family preprocessing
##' @return \code{\link[shinydashboard]{menuItemOutput}}
##' @author Philipp Mueller 
generalButtonMinMaxInput <- function(){
  uiOutput( "generalButtonMinMax" )
##' @title Minimum or maximum extremes in the \code{climex} app
##' @description Whether to determine the minimal or maximal extremes.
##' @details  Not a real \pkg{shiny}  module since I have  to use this
##'   select    input    outside     its    namespace.    Only    when
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics}  is set  to  \code{"GEV"} the  minimal
##'   extremes scan be used.
##' @param radioEvdStatistics Character (radio) input determining
##'   whether the GEV or GP distribution shall be fitted to the
##'   data. Choices: c( "GEV", "GP" ), default = "GEV".
##' @param selectDataType Character (select) input to determine which
##'   set of measurements should be used. This choice is important if
##'   the input of the \code{\link{climex}} function was not just a
##'   list of different station data, but a list of such lists. This
##'   additional layer of lists can e.g. represent different types of
##'   measurement data like precipitation and temperature. Their names
##'   are derived from the names of the input list.
##' @importFrom shinydashboard menuItemOutput
##' @family preprocessing
##' @return \code{\link[shinydashboard]{menuItemOutput}}
##' @author Philipp Mueller 
generalButtonMinMax <- function( radioEvdStatistics, selectDataType ){
    ## The minimal extremes are only available when using the GEV
    ## distribution
    if ( is.null( radioEvdStatistics() ) ||
         radioEvdStatistics() == "GEV" ){
      if ( is.null( selectDataType() ) ||
           selectDataType() != "Daily precipitation" ){
        radioButtons( inputId = "buttonMinMax", "Type of extreme",
                     inline = TRUE, choices = c( "Max", "Min" ),
                     selected = "Max" )
      } else {
        ## For the precipitation it does not make any sense at all
        ## to calculate the minimal extremes.
      radioButtons( inputId = "buttonMinMax", "Type of extreme",
                   inline = TRUE, choices = "Max" )
    } else {
      radioButtons( inputId = "buttonMinMax", "Type of extreme",
                   inline = TRUE, choices = "Max" )
  } )

##' @title Removing the seasonality in the \code{climex} app
##' @description Removing the seasonality.
##' @details Not  a real \pkg{shiny} module, since I  have to use this
##'   select    input   outside    its    namespace.   Provides    the
##'   \code{\link[shinydashboard]{menuItemOutput}}                 for
##'   \code{\link{deseasonalizeSelection}}
##' @importFrom shinydashboard menuItemOutput
##' @family preprocessing
##' @return \code{\link[shinydashboard]{menuItemOutput}}
##' @author Philipp Mueller 
deseasonalizeSelectionInput <- function(){
  menuItemOutput( "deseasonalizeSelection" )

##' @title Removing the seasonality in the \code{climex} app
##' @description Removing the seasonality.
##' @details Not  a real \pkg{shiny} module, since I  have to use this
##'   select input outside its namespace.
##' @param  selectDataBase Character  (select) input to  determine the
##'   data source.  It is either of  one of the names  of the provided
##'   list   in   the   \code{list.data.sources}   argument   of   the
##'   \code{\link{climex}} function or \emph{Artificial data}. In case
##'   of the latter  choice, the function \code{\link{data.selection}}
##'   will provide a \emph{reactive}  object containing random numbers
##'   drawn     from     the      distribution     specified     using
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics}. Default =  a random element of
##'   the provided input.
##' @import shiny
##' @family preprocessing
##' @return selectInput
##' @author Philipp Mueller 
deseasonalizeSelection <- function( selectDataBase ){
    if ( selectDataBase() == "Artificial data" ){
      ## Since the artificial data will be sampled directly from a
      ## GEV/GP distribution, there is no point for blocking or
      ## thresholding.
      return( div( id = "aux-placeholder", style = "height: 0px;" ) )
    selectInput( "selectDeseasonalize", "Deseasonalization method",
                choices = c( "Anomalies", "stl", "decompose",
                            "deseasonalize::ds", "none" ),
                selected = "Anomalies" )

##' @title Removing seasonality in the \code{climex} app
##' @description Function for removing the seasonality of a given time
##'   series within the \code{climex} app.
##' @param  x.xts Time  series of  class \pkg{xts},  which has  to be
##'   cleaned.
##' @param   selectDeseasonalize  \code{Character}   (select)  input
##'   determining, which  deseasonalization method  should be  used to
##'   remove  the  short-range  correlations from  the  provided  time
##'   series.       \code{\link{deseasonalizeSelectionInput}}.      If
##'   \code{NULL} \code{\link{anomalies}} will be used.
##' @param  selectDataBase Character  (select) input to  determine the
##'   data source.  It  is either of one of the  names of the provided
##'   list   in   the   \code{list.data.sources}   argument   of   the
##'   \code{\link{climex}} function or \emph{Artificial data}. In case
##'   of the latter  choice, the function \code{\link{data.selection}}
##'   will provide a \emph{reactive}  object containing random numbers
##'   drawn     from     the      distribution     specified     using
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics}. Default =  a random element of
##'   the provided input.
##' @family preprocessing
##' @import climex
##' @importFrom zoo index
##' @return Time series of class \pkg{xts}.
##' @author Philipp Mueller 
deseasonalize.interactive <- function( x.xts, selectDeseasonalize,
                                      selectDataBase ){
    if ( is.null( x.xts ) ||
         is.null( selectDataBase() ) ){
      ## if the initialization has not finished yet just wait a little
      ## longer
      return( NULL )
    if ( selectDataBase() == "Artificial data" ){
      ## For the artificial data there is no need for
      ## deseasonalization.
      return( x.xts )
    ## Removing all NaN or most algorithms won't work. But
    ## anyway. Just removing the values won't make then run
    ## correctly. But the user is warned to remove the incomplete
    ## years.
    if ( any( is.na( x.xts ) ) ){
      x.no.nan <- stats::na.omit( x.xts )
    } else {
      x.no.nan <- x.xts
    ## Since the selectDeseasonalize input will be now powered by the
    ## server side, it will have the value NULL until the user reaches
    ## the General tab. In this case use the "Anomalies" method as
    ## default.
    if ( is.null( selectDeseasonalize() ) ){
      selected.method <- "Anomalies"
    } else {
      selected.method <- selectDeseasonalize()
    x.deseasonalized <- switch(
        "Anomalies" = climex::anomalies( x.xts ),
        "decompose" = {
          x.decomposed <-
                       stats::ts( as.numeric( x.no.nan ),
                                 frequency = 365.25 ) )
          if ( any( is.nan( x.xts ) ) ){
            ## Adjusting the length of the results by adding the NaN
            ## again
            x.aux <- rep( NaN, length( x.xts ) )
            x.aux[ which( x.xts %in% x.no.nan ) ] <-
              as.numeric( x.decomposed$seasonal )
          } else {
            x.aux <- as.numeric( x.decomposed$seasonal )
          x.xts - x.aux
        "stl" = {
          x.decomposed <- stats::stl(
                                     stats::ts( as.numeric( x.no.nan ),
                                               frequency = 365.25 ),
                                     30 )
          if ( any( is.nan( x.xts ) ) ){
            ## Adjusting the length of the results by adding
            ## the NaN again
            x.aux <- rep( NaN, length( x.xts ) )
            x.aux[ which( x.xts %in% x.no.nan ) ] <- as.numeric(
                x.decomposed$time.series[ , 1 ] )
          } else
            x.aux <- as.numeric( x.decomposed$time.series[ , 1 ] )
            x.xts - x.aux }, 
        "deseasonalize::ds" = {
          x.ds <- deseasonalize::ds( x.no.nan )$z
          if ( any( is.nan( x.xts ) ) ){
            ## Adjusting the length of the results by adding
            ## the NaN again
            x.aux <- rep( NaN, length( x.xts ) )
            x.aux[ which( x.xts %in% x.no.nan ) ] <-
              as.numeric( x.ds )
          } else {
            x.aux <- as.numeric( x.ds )
          xts( x.aux, order.by = index( x.xts ) ) 
        "none" = x.xts )
    if ( is.na( max( x.deseasonalized ) ) ){
      ## I don't wanna any NaN in my time series. In some cases the
      ## deseasonalization methods themselves produce them. It's a
      ## dirty solution, but just omitting them and informing the user
      ## will work for now.
      x.deseasonalized <- stats::na.omit( x.deseasonalized )
      print( "NaNs produced during the deseasonalization." )
    return( x.deseasonalized )

##' @title Extracting extreme events in the \code{climex} app
##' @description  Function to  extract the extreme  event from  a time
##'   series.
##' @details If \code{radioEvdStatistics}  is set to \code{"GEV"}, the
##'   time series  will be  block. If  it's on the  other hand  set to
##'   \code{"GP"}, all values above a threshold \code{sliderThreshold}
##'   will be extracted.
##' @param x.xts Time series of class \pkg{xts} which has to be
##'   cleaned.
##' @param buttonMinMax Character (radio) input determining whether
##'   the GEV/GP distribution shall be fitted to the smallest or
##'   biggest values. Choices: c( "Max", "Min ), default = "Max".
##' @param radioEvdStatistics Character (radio) input determining
##'   whether the GEV or GP distribution shall be fitted to the
##'   data. Choices: c( "GEV", "GP" ), default = "GEV".
##' @param sliderBlockLength Numerical (slider) input determining the
##'   block length used in the GEV flavor of extreme value theory. On 
##'   default it is set to one year.
##' @param sliderThreshold Numerical (slider) input determining the
##'   threshold used within the GP fit and the extraction of the
##'   extreme events. Boundaries: minimal and maximal value of the
##'   deseasonalized time series (rounded). Default: 0.8* the upper
##'   end point. 
##' @param checkboxDecluster Logical (checkbox) input determining
##'   whether to remove all clusters in a time series and to replace
##'   them by their maximal value. This box will be only available if
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics} equals \code{"GP"} and else will be
##'   \code{NULL}.
##' @family preprocessing
##' @import climex
##' @return Time series of class \pkg{xts}.
##' @author Philipp Mueller 
extremes.interactive <- function( x.xts, buttonMinMax,
                                 radioEvdStatistics, sliderBlockLength,
                                 sliderThreshold, checkboxDecluster ){
  if ( is.null( buttonMinMax() ) &&
       ( !is.null( sliderBlockLength() ) ||
         !is.null( sliderThreshold() ) ) ){
    ## Those amigos are in the same windows and should be initialized
    ## together
    return( NULL )
  ## Toggle if maxima of minima are going to be used
  if ( is.null( buttonMinMax() ) || buttonMinMax() == "Max" ){
    extreme.type <- "max"
  } else {
    extreme.type <- "min"
  if ( is.null( radioEvdStatistics() ) ||
       ( radioEvdStatistics() == "GEV" &&
         is.null( sliderBlockLength() ) ) ){
    ## While initialization input$radioEvdStatistics and
    ## input$sliderBoxLength are NULL. Therefore this is the
    ## fallback default x.extreme
    x.extreme <- climex::block( x.xts, block.length = NULL,
                               extreme.type = extreme.type )
  } else if ( radioEvdStatistics() == "GEV" ){
    x.extreme <- climex::block( x.xts,
                               block.length = sliderBlockLength(),
                               extreme.type = extreme.type )
  } else if ( radioEvdStatistics() == "GP" ){
    ## Since the GP can only be set in the General tab, the
    ## input$sliderThreshold has to be initialized eventually. Just
    ## have some more patience and throw a NULL
    if ( is.null( sliderThreshold() ) ){
      return( NULL )
    ## Check if at least two data points are above the threshold
    if ( sum( as.numeric( x.xts ) > sliderThreshold() ) < 2 ){
                       "Threshold is set way to high!",
                       preventDuplicates = TRUE )
      return( NULL )
    x.extreme <- climex::threshold( x.xts,
                                   threshold = sliderThreshold(),
                                   decluster = checkboxDecluster(),
                                   na.rm = TRUE )
    return( x.extreme )

##' @title Extracting extremes in the \code{climex} app
##' @description Reactive value extracting the extreme event of a time
##'   series and all input.
##' @details    First     this    reactive    value     will    use
##'   \code{reactive.selection} to obtain the  time series it shall be
##'   working      on.       Afterwards,     it      applies      both
##'   \code{\link{deseasonalize.interactive}}                      and
##'   \code{\link{extremes.interactive}} to this time series. Finally,
##'   it  returns  the   resulting  extreme  events  as   well  as  the
##'   deseasonalized and pure time series.
##' @param  reactive.selection Reactive value providing  a time series
##'   of class \pkg{xts}. See \code{\link{data.selection}}.
##' @param radioEvdStatistics  Character  (radio) input  determining
##'   whether  the GEV  or  GP  distribution shall  be  fitted to  the
##'   data. Choices: c( "GEV", "GP" ), default = "GEV".
##' @param sliderBlockLength Numerical  (slider) input determining the
##'   block length used in the GEV  flavor of extreme value theory. On
##'   default it is set to one year.
##' @param  sliderThreshold Numerical  (slider) input  determining the
##'   threshold  used within  the GP  fit  and the  extraction of  the
##'   extreme  events. Boundaries:  minimal and  maximal value  of the
##'   deseasonalized time  series (rounded).  Default: 0.8*  the upper
##'   end point.
##' @param checkboxDecluster  Logical  (checkbox) input  determining
##'   whether to remove  all clusters in a time series  and to replace
##'   them by their maximal value. This  box will be only available if
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics}  equals \code{"GP"}  and else  will be
##'   \code{NULL}.
##' @param   deseasonalize.interactive  Function   used  to   remove
##'   seasonality          from          a         given          time
##'   series. \code{\link{deseasonalize.interactive}}
##' @param  selectDeseasonalize Character (select)  input determining
##'   which  deseasonalization method  should  be used  to remove  the
##'   short-range   correlations  from   the  provided   time  series.
##'   \code{\link{deseasonalizeSelectionInput}}
##' @param  selectDataBase Character  (select) input to  determine the
##'   data source.  It  is either of one of the  names of the provided
##'   list   in   the   \code{list.data.sources}   argument   of   the
##'   \code{\link{climex}} function or \emph{Artificial data}. In case
##'   of the latter  choice, the function \code{\link{data.selection}}
##'   will provide a \emph{reactive}  object containing random numbers
##'   drawn     from     the      distribution     specified     using
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics}. Default =  a random element of
##'   the provided input.
##' @param  buttonMinMax Character  (radio) input  determining whether
##'   the  GEV/GP distribution  shall  be fitted  to  the smallest  or
##'   biggest values. Choices: c( "Max", "Min ), default = "Max".
##' @param extremes.interactive Function used to split a time series
##'   into blocks of equal lengths and to just extract the maximal
##'   values from then or to extract all data points above a certain
##'   threshold value. Which option is chosen depends of the
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistic}. See \code{\link{extremes.interactive}}
##' @param cleaning.interactive Function used to remove incomplete
##'   years from blocked time series or to remove clusters from data
##'   above a certain threshold.
##' @param checkboxIncompleteYears Logical (checkbox) input
##'   determining whether to remove all incomplete years of a time
##'   series. This box will be only available if
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics} equals \code{"GEV"} and else will be
##'   \code{NULL}.
##' @family preprocessing
##' @return Reactive  value  containing a  named  \code{list} of  the
##'   extracted  extreme  events,  the deseasonalized  and  pure  time
##'   series. All three are of class \pkg{xts}.
##' @author Philipp Mueller
data.extremes <- function( reactive.selection, radioEvdStatistics,
                          sliderBlockLength, sliderThreshold,
                          selectDeseasonalize, selectDataBase,
                          buttonMinMax, extremes.interactive,
                          checkboxIncompleteYears ){
  reactive( {
    if ( is.null( reactive.selection() ) ||
         is.null( radioEvdStatistics() ) ){
      ## if the initialization has not finished yet just wait a
      ## little longer
      return( NULL )
    if ( ( radioEvdStatistics() == "GEV" &&
           !is.null( sliderThreshold() ) &&
           is.null( sliderBlockLength() ) ) ||
         ( radioEvdStatistics() == "GP" &&
           !is.null( sliderBlockLength() ) &&
           is.null( sliderThreshold ) ) ||
         ( radioEvdStatistics() == "GP" &&
           buttonMinMax() == "Min" ) ){
      ## Let's wait till the transition is completed
      return( NULL )
    x.xts <- reactive.selection()
    ## When using artificial data there is not point in doing
    ## cleaning, deseasonalization, or blocking. Instead, just
    ## return the same time series three times.
    if ( selectDataBase() == "Artificial data" ){
      return( list( blocked.data = x.xts,
                   deseasonalized.data = x.xts, pure.data = x.xts ) )
    if ( ( is.null( radioEvdStatistics() ) ||
           radioEvdStatistics() == "GEV" ) &&
         ( is.null( checkboxIncompleteYears() ) ||
           checkboxIncompleteYears() ) ) {
      ## Remove all incomplete years. Since the check boxes need some
      ## time too for updating, it can happen that after switching to
      ## "GEV" the checkboxDecluster is still equal TRUE and the time
      ## series is getting torn to pieces.
      x.clean <- cleaning.interactive( x.xts,
                                      function(){ return( TRUE ) },
                                      function(){ return( NULL ) },
                                      sliderThreshold )
    } else {
      ## In case of GP fitting, do not decluster yet. This will be done
      ## while extracting the extreme events later on.
      x.clean <- cleaning.interactive( x.xts, 
                                      function(){ return( FALSE ) },
                                      function(){ return( NULL ) },
                                      sliderThreshold )
    x.deseasonalized <- deseasonalize.interactive(
        x.clean, selectDeseasonalize, selectDataBase )
    if ( !is.null( radioEvdStatistics() ) &&
         !is.null( sliderThreshold() ) &&
         radioEvdStatistics() == "GP" &&
         max( x.deseasonalized ) < sliderThreshold() ){
      ## This can happen when switching time series. A lot of things
      ## are marked dirty and the input$sliderThreshold will be only
      ## updated after this reactive is called
      return( NULL )
    x.extreme <- extremes.interactive(
        x.deseasonalized, buttonMinMax, radioEvdStatistics,
        sliderBlockLength, sliderThreshold, checkboxDecluster )
    if ( !is.null( x.extreme ) && length( x.extreme ) < 30 ){
      shinytoastr::toastr_error( "Too few data points! Please check your threshold or block size",
                                preventDuplicates = TRUE )
      return( NULL )
    return( list( blocked.data = x.extreme,
                 deseasonalized.data = x.deseasonalized,
                 pure.data = x.xts ) )
  } )
theGreatWhiteShark/climexUI documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:25 p.m.