Defines functions factorData findAmps match.tree.data rate.cat.set.rayDISC CalculateLewisLikelihood dev.raydisc dev.raydisc.rates.and.states print.raydisc rayDISC

Documented in dev.raydisc rayDISC


#written by Jeremy M. Beaulieu & Jeffrey C. Oliver

rayDISC<-function(phy,data, ntraits=1, charnum=1, rate.mat=NULL, model=c("ER","SYM","ARD"), node.states=c("joint", "marginal", "scaled", "none"), state.recon=c("subsequently"), lewis.asc.bias=FALSE, p=NULL, root.p="yang", ip=NULL, lb=1e-9, ub=100, verbose=TRUE, diagn=FALSE){

	# Checks to make sure node.states is not NULL.  If it is, just returns a diagnostic message asking for value.
		obj <- NULL
		obj$loglik <- NULL
		obj$diagnostic <- paste("No model for ancestral states selected.  Please pass one of the following to rayDISC command for parameter \'node.states\': joint, marginal, or scaled.")
	else { # even if node.states is not NULL, need to make sure its one of the three valid options
		valid.models <- c("joint", "marginal", "scaled", "none")
		if(!any(valid.models == node.states)){
			obj <- NULL
			obj$loglik <- NULL
			obj$diagnostic <- paste("\'",node.states, "\' is not valid for ancestral state reconstruction method.  Please pass one of the following to rayDISC command for parameter \'node.states\': joint, marginal, or scaled.",sep="")
		if(length(node.states) > 1){ # User did not enter a value, so just pick marginal.
			node.states <- "marginal"
			cat("No model selected for \'node.states\'. Will perform marginal ancestral state estimation.\n")

    if(!state.recon == "subsequently" & node.states == "marginal" | node.states == "scaled"){
        stop("Simultaneous estimation of rates and states using either marginal or scaled probabilities not yet implemented.", call.=FALSE)

    if(!state.recon == "subsequently"){
                #Checking that the root prior is not set twice.
                root.p <- NULL

    if(!state.recon == "estimate" & !state.recon == "given" & !state.recon == "subsequently"){
        stop("Check that you have a supported state.recon analysis. Options are subsequently, estimate, or given.", call.=FALSE)

    if(state.recon == "subsequently"){
        phy$node.label <- NULL
        if(state.recon == "given"){
                stop("You specified you wanted to estimate rates on a given character history, but the tree does not contain node labels.", call.=FALSE)
                    cat("Model will assume you want to estimate rates and states, but include state constraints on some but not all nodes.\n")
                    cat("Model will assume you want to estimate rates, but include state constraints all nodes.\n")
                cat("Model will assume you want to estimate rates and states simultaneously.\n")
                cat("Model will assume you want to estimate rates and states, but include state constraints on some but not all nodes.\n")

    #Ensures that weird root state probabilities that do not sum to 1 are input:
            root.p <- root.p/sum(root.p)

	#Creates the data structure and orders the rows to match the tree

	# Checks to make sure phy & data have same taxa.  Fixes conflicts (see match.tree.data function).
	matching <- match.tree.data(phy,data)
	data <- matching$data
	phy <- matching$phy

	# For character of interest, go ahead and convert any "?" to NA
	data[(data[, charnum + 1] == "?"), charnum + 1] <- NA

	# Wont perform reconstructions on invariant characters -- why not? Seems like you should be able to.
	if(nlevels(as.factor(data[,charnum+1])) <= 1){
		obj <- NULL
		obj$loglik <- NULL
		obj$diagnostic <- paste("Character ",charnum," is invariant. Analysis stopped.",sep="")
	} else {
		# Still need to make sure second level isnt just an ambiguity
		lvls <- as.factor(data[,charnum+1])
		if(nlevels(as.factor(data[,charnum+1])) == 2 && any(lvls %in% c("?", "NA"))){
			obj <- NULL
			obj$loglik <- NULL
			obj$diagnostic <- paste("Character ",charnum," is invariant. Analysis stopped.",sep="")

	data.sort <- data.frame(data[,charnum+1],data[,charnum+1],row.names=data[,1]) # added character twice, because at least two columns are necessary
	data.sort <- data.sort[phy$tip.label,] # this might have already been done by match.tree.data
	data.rayDISC <- data.frame(sp = rownames(data.sort), d = data.sort[,1])

	counts <- table(data.sort[,1])
	levels <- levels(as.factor(data.sort[,1]))
	cols <- as.factor(data.sort[,1])
    if(verbose == TRUE){
        cat("State distribution in data:\n")

	#Some initial values for use later - will clean up
	k <- 1 # Only one trait allowed
	factored <- factorData(data.sort,charnum=charnum) # just factoring to figure out how many levels (i.e. number of states) in data.
    nl <- ncol(factored)
	state.names <- colnames(factored) # for subsequent reporting
    bound.hit <- FALSE # to keep track of whether min.rate is one of the rate estimates (and thus, potentially a non-optimal rate)
    # Check to make sure values are reasonable (i.e. non-negative)
    if(ub < 0){
        ub <- log(100)
        ub <- log(ub)
    if(lb <= 0){
        lb <- -21
        lb <- -21
    if(ub < lb){ # This user really needs help
        ub <- log(100)
        lb <- -21
    obj <- NULL
    nb.node <- phy$Nnode
		rate <- rate.mat
		model.set.final$np <- max(rate, na.rm=TRUE)
		rate[is.na(rate)]=max(rate, na.rm=TRUE)+1
		model.set.final$rate <- rate
		model.set.final$index.matrix <- rate.mat
	lower = rep(lb, model.set.final$np)
	upper = rep(ub, model.set.final$np)

	opts <- list("algorithm"="NLOPT_LN_SBPLX", "maxeval"="1000000", "ftol_rel"=.Machine$double.eps^0.5)
        if(verbose == TRUE){
            cat("Calculating likelihood from a set of fixed parameters", "\n")
		out <- NULL
		out$solution <- p
        phy <- reorder(phy, "pruningwise")
        if(state.recon=="subsequently") {
            out$objective <- dev.raydisc(log(out$solution),phy=phy,liks=model.set.final$liks,Q=model.set.final$Q,rate=model.set.final$rate,root.p=root.p, lewis.asc.bias=lewis.asc.bias)
            loglik <- -out$objective
        } else {
            if(lewis.asc.bias == TRUE){
                loglik.num <- ancRECON(phy=phy, data=data.rayDISC, p=p, rate.cat=NULL, rate.mat=rate.mat, ntraits=ntraits, method=node.states, model=model, root.p=root.p, get.likelihood=TRUE)
                phy.dummy <- phy
                data.dummy <- cbind(phy$tip.label, 0)
                phy.dummy$node.label <- rep(1, length(phy.dummy$node.label))
                loglik.dummy <- ancRECON(phy=phy, data=data.rayDISC, p=p, rate.cat=NULL, rate.mat=rate.mat, ntraits=ntraits, method=node.states, model=model, root.p=root.p, get.likelihood=TRUE)
                loglik <- (loglik.num  - log(1 - exp(loglik.dummy)))
                loglik <- out$objective
                out$objective <- ancRECON(phy=phy, data=data.rayDISC, p=p, rate.cat=NULL, rate.mat=rate.mat, ntraits=ntraits, method=node.states, model=model, root.p=root.p, get.likelihood=TRUE)
                loglik <- out$objective
	} else {
                cat("Initializing...", "\n")
			#Sets parameter settings for random restarts by taking the parsimony score and dividing
			#by the total length of the tree
			model.set.init <- rate.cat.set.rayDISC(phy=phy,data=data.sort,model="ER",charnum=charnum)
			opts <- list("algorithm"="NLOPT_LN_SBPLX", "maxeval"="1000000", "ftol_rel"=.Machine$double.eps^0.5)

			taxa.missing.data.drop <- which(is.na(data.sort[,1]))
			if(length(taxa.missing.data.drop) != 0){
			  tip.labs <- names(taxa.missing.data.drop)
			  dat <- as.matrix(data.sort)
			  dat.red <- dat[-taxa.missing.data.drop,]
			  phy.red <- drop.tip(phy, taxa.missing.data.drop)
			  dat.red <- phyDat(dat.red,type="USER", levels=sort(unique(c(dat))))
			  par.score <- parsimony(phy.red, dat.red, method="fitch")/2
			  dat <- as.matrix(data.sort)
			  dat <- phyDat(dat,type="USER", levels=sort(unique(c(dat))))
              #Seems like phangorn has changed:
              phy.tmp <- multi2di(phy)
			  par.score <- parsimony(phy.tmp, dat, method="fitch")/2
			tl <- sum(phy$edge.length)
			mean.change = par.score/tl
				ip <-rexp(1, 1/mean.change)
			if(log(ip) < lb || log(ip) > ub){ # initial parameter value is outside bounds
				ip <- exp(lb)
			lower.init = rep(lb, model.set.init$np)
			upper.init = rep(ub, model.set.init$np)
            phy <- reorder(phy, "pruningwise")
            init = nloptr(x0=rep(log(ip), length.out = model.set.init$np), eval_f=dev.raydisc, lb=lower.init, ub=upper.init, opts=opts, phy=phy,liks=model.set.init$liks,Q=model.set.init$Q,rate=model.set.init$rate,root.p=root.p, lewis.asc.bias=lewis.asc.bias)
            if(verbose == TRUE){
                cat("Finished. Beginning thorough search...", "\n")
			lower = rep(lb, model.set.final$np)
			upper = rep(ub, model.set.final$np)
            if(state.recon=="subsequently") {
                out <- nloptr(x0=rep(init$solution, length.out = model.set.final$np), eval_f=dev.raydisc, lb=lower, ub=upper, opts=opts, phy=phy,liks=model.set.final$liks,Q=model.set.final$Q, rate=model.set.final$rate, root.p=root.p, lewis.asc.bias=lewis.asc.bias)
            } else {
                out <- nloptr(x0=rep(init$solution, length.out = model.set.final$np), eval_f=dev.raydisc.rates.and.states, lb=lower, ub=upper, opts=opts, phy=phy, data=data, hrm=FALSE, rate.cat=NULL, rate.mat=rate.mat, ntraits=ntraits, method=node.states, model=model, charnum=charnum, root.p=root.p, lewis.asc.bias=lewis.asc.bias, get.likelihood=TRUE)
			loglik <- -out$objective
			est.pars <- exp(out$solution)
		#If a user-specified starting value(s) is supplied:
            phy <- reorder(phy, "pruningwise")
            if(verbose == TRUE){
                cat("Beginning subplex optimization routine -- Starting value(s):", ip, "\n")
			opts <- list("algorithm"="NLOPT_LN_SBPLX", "maxeval"="1000000", "ftol_rel"=.Machine$double.eps^0.5)
            if(state.recon=="subsequently") {
                ## out <- nloptr(x0=rep(init$solution, length.out = model.set.final$np), eval_f=dev.raydisc, lb=lower, ub=upper, opts=opts, phy=phy,liks=model.set.final$liks,Q=model.set.final$Q,rate=model.set.final$rate,root.p=root.p,lewis.asc.bias=lewis.asc.bias)
                if( !length( ip ) == model.set.final$np ) stop(" Length of starting state vector does not match model parameters. ")
                out <- nloptr(x0=log(ip), eval_f=dev.raydisc, lb=lower, ub=upper, opts=opts, phy=phy,liks=model.set.final$liks,Q=model.set.final$Q,rate=model.set.final$rate,root.p=root.p,lewis.asc.bias=lewis.asc.bias)
                ## out <- nloptr(x0=rep(init$solution, length.out = model.set.final$np), eval_f=dev.raydisc.rates.and.states, lb=lower, ub=upper, opts=opts, phy=phy, data=data, hrm=FALSE, rate.cat=NULL, rate.mat=rate.mat, ntraits=ntraits, method=node.states, model=model, charnum=charnum, root.p=root.p, lewis.asc.bias=lewis.asc.bias, get.likelihood=TRUE)
                if( !length( ip ) == model.set.final$np ) stop(" Length of starting state vector does not match model parameters. ")
                out <- nloptr(x0=log(ip), eval_f=dev.raydisc.rates.and.states, lb=lower, ub=upper, opts=opts, phy=phy, data=data, hrm=FALSE, rate.cat=NULL, rate.mat=rate.mat, ntraits=ntraits, method=node.states, model=model, charnum=charnum, root.p=root.p, lewis.asc.bias=lewis.asc.bias, get.likelihood=TRUE)
			loglik <- -out$objective
            est.pars <- exp(out$solution)
	#Starts the summarization process:
        cat("Finished. Inferring ancestral states using", node.states, "reconstruction.","\n")
    TIPS <- 1:nb.tip
    if(node.states == "none"){
        lik.anc <- NULL
        lik.anc$lik.tip.states <- "You turned this feature off. Try plugging into ancRECON function directly."
        lik.anc$lik.anc.states <- "You turned this feature off. Try plugging into ancRECON function directly."
        tip.states <- lik.anc$lik.tip.states
      data.rayDISC[is.na(data.rayDISC)] <- "?"
        if(node.states == "marginal" || node.states == "scaled"){
            lik.anc <- ancRECON(phy, data.rayDISC, est.pars, rate.cat=NULL, rate.mat=rate.mat, ntraits=ntraits, method=node.states, model=model, root.p=root.p)
            pr <- apply(lik.anc$lik.anc.states,1,which.max)
            phy$node.label <- pr
            tip.states <- lik.anc$lik.tip.states
            #row.names(tip.states) <- phy$tip.label
        if(!state.recon == "given"){
            if(node.states == "joint"){
                lik.anc <- ancRECON(phy, data.rayDISC, est.pars, rate.cat=NULL, rate.mat=rate.mat, ntraits=ntraits, method=node.states, model=model, root.p=root.p)
                phy$node.label <- lik.anc$lik.anc.states
                tip.states <- lik.anc$lik.tip.states
                lik.anc <- ancRECON(phy, data.rayDISC, est.pars, rate.cat=NULL, rate.mat=rate.mat, ntraits=ntraits, method=node.states, model=model, root.p=root.p)
                phy$node.label <- lik.anc$lik.anc.states
                tip.states <- lik.anc$lik.tip.states
                lik.anc <- NULL
                lik.anc$lik.anc.states <- phy$node.label
                lik.anc$lik.tip.states <- data.sort[,1]
                tip.states <- lik.anc$lik.tip.states
        if(verbose == TRUE){
            cat("Finished. Performing diagnostic tests.", "\n")
        #Approximates the Hessian using the numDeriv function
		h <- hessian(func=dev.raydisc, x=log(est.pars), phy=phy,liks=model.set.final$liks,Q=model.set.final$Q,rate=model.set.final$rate,root.p=root.p, lewis.asc.bias=lewis.asc.bias)
		solution <- matrix(est.pars[model.set.final$index.matrix], dim(model.set.final$index.matrix))
		solution.se <- matrix(sqrt(diag(pseudoinverse(h)))[model.set.final$index.matrix], dim(model.set.final$index.matrix))
		hess.eig <- eigen(h,symmetric=TRUE)
		eigvect<-round(hess.eig$vectors, 2)
		solution <- matrix(est.pars[model.set.final$index.matrix], dim(model.set.final$index.matrix))
		solution.se <- matrix(0,dim(solution)[1],dim(solution)[1])

	if((any(solution == lb,na.rm = TRUE) || any(solution == ub,na.rm = TRUE)) && (lb != 0 || ub != 100)){
		bound.hit <- TRUE
	rownames(solution) <- rownames(solution.se) <- state.names
	colnames(solution) <- colnames(solution.se) <- state.names
		if (node.states == "marginal" || node.states == "scaled"){
            colnames(lik.anc$lik.anc.states) <- state.names
	obj = list(loglik = loglik, AIC = -2*loglik+2*model.set.final$np,AICc = -2*loglik+(2*model.set.final$np*(nb.tip/(nb.tip-model.set.final$np-1))),ntraits=1, solution=solution, solution.se=solution.se, index.mat=model.set.final$index.matrix, lewis.asc.bias=lewis.asc.bias, opts=opts, data=data, phy=phy, states=lik.anc$lik.anc.states, tip.states=tip.states, iterations=out$iterations, eigval=eigval, eigvect=eigvect,bound.hit=bound.hit, model=model, charnum=charnum, lower=lb, upper=ub, par.vec=est.pars, root.p=root.p)
	if(!is.null(matching$message.data)){ # Some taxa were included in data matrix but not not used because they were not in the tree
		obj$message.data <- matching$message.data
		obj$data <- matching$data # Data used for analyses were different than submitted data; return this matrix
	if(!is.null(matching$message.tree)){ # Some taxa were included in tree, but lacked data.  Coded as missing data.
		obj$message.tree <- matching$message.tree
		obj$data <- matching$data # Data used for analyses were different than submitted data; return this matrix

#Print function

	output<-data.frame(x$loglik,x$AIC,x$AICc,ntips, row.names="")

	param.est<- x$solution

		index.matrix <- x$index.mat
		#If any eigenvalue is less than 0 then the solution is not the maximum likelihood solution
		if (any(x$eigval<0)) {
			cat("The objective function may be at a saddle point", "\n")
		cat("Arrived at a reliable solution","\n")
		cat("At least one rate parameter equals the boundary value set by user (lb or ub).  This may be a non-optimal solution.  Try running again or changing boundary values.\n")
	if(!is.null(x$message.data) || !is.null(x$message.tree)){
		cat("\nThere were differences between the tree and matrix; see message.data and/or message.tree attribute of this rayDISC object for details.\n",sep="")

dev.raydisc.rates.and.states <- function(p, phy, data, hrm, rate.cat, rate.mat, ntraits, method, model, charnum, root.p, get.likelihood) {
    loglik <- ancRECON(phy=phy, data=data, p=p, rate.cat=rate.cat, rate.mat=rate.mat, ntraits=ntraits, method=method, model=model, root.p=root.p, get.likelihood=get.likelihood)

##Keeping this because other functions in other packages use this (i.e., selac):
dev.raydisc <- function(p, phy, liks, Q, rate, root.p, lewis.asc.bias){

    p.new <- exp(p)
    nb.tip <- length(phy$tip.label)
	nb.node <- phy$Nnode
	TIPS <- 1:nb.tip
	comp <- numeric(nb.tip + nb.node)

	#Obtain an object of all the unique ancestors
	anc <- unique(phy$edge[,1])
	#This bit is to allow packages like "selac" the ability to deal with this function directly:
		if (any(is.nan(p.new)) || any(is.infinite(p.new))) return(1000000)
		Q[] <- c(p.new, 0)[rate]
		diag(Q) <- -rowSums(Q)
    for (i  in seq(from = 1, length.out = nb.node)) {
        #the ancestral node at row i is called focal
        focal <- anc[i]
        #Get descendant information of focal
        v <- 1
        for (desIndex in sequence(length(desRows))){
            v <- v * expm(Q * phy$edge.length[desRows[desIndex]], method=c("Ward77")) %*% liks[desNodes[desIndex],]
        comp[focal] <- sum(v)
        liks[focal, ] <- v/comp[focal]
	#Specifies the root:
	root <- nb.tip + 1L
	#If any of the logs have NAs restart search:
	if (is.na(sum(log(comp[-TIPS])))){return(1000000)}
        equil.root <- NULL
        for(i in 1:ncol(Q)){
            posrows <- which(Q[,i] >= 0)
            rowsum <- sum(Q[posrows,i])
            poscols <- which(Q[i,] >= 0)
            colsum <- sum(Q[i,poscols])
            equil.root <- c(equil.root,rowsum/(rowsum+colsum))
        if (is.null(root.p)){
            flat.root = equil.root
            k.rates <- 1/length(which(!is.na(equil.root)))
            flat.root[!is.na(flat.root)] = k.rates
            flat.root[is.na(flat.root)] = 0
            root.p <- flat.root
            loglik <- sum(log(comp[-TIPS])) + log(sum(exp(log(root.p)+log(liks[root,]))))
                # root.p==yang will fix root probabilities based on the inferred rates: q10/(q01+q10)
                if(root.p == "yang"){
                    root.p <- Null(Q)
                    root.p <- c(root.p/sum(root.p))
                    loglik <- sum(log(comp[-TIPS])) + log(sum(exp(log(root.p)+log(liks[root,]))))
                    # root.p==maddfitz will fix root probabilities according to FitzJohn et al 2009 Eq. 10:
                    root.p = liks[root,] / sum(liks[root,])
                    loglik <- sum(log(comp[-TIPS])) + log(sum(exp(log(root.p)+log(liks[root,]))))
            # root.p!==NULL will fix root probabilities based on user supplied vector:
                loglik <- sum(log(comp[-TIPS])) + log(sum(exp(log(root.p)+log(liks[root,]))))
    if(lewis.asc.bias == TRUE){
        dummy.liks.vec <- numeric(dim(Q)[1])
        for(state.index in 1:dim(Q)[1]){
            dummy.liks.vec[state.index] <- CalculateLewisLikelihood(p=p.new, phy=phy, liks=liks, Q=Q, rate=rate, root.p=root.p, state.num=state.index)
        loglik <- loglik - log(sum(root.p * (1 - exp(dummy.liks.vec))))

CalculateLewisLikelihood <- function(p, phy, liks, Q, rate, root.p, state.num=1){
    p.new <- p
    nb.tip <- length(phy$tip.label)
    nb.node <- phy$Nnode
    TIPS <- 1:nb.tip
    comp <- numeric(nb.tip + nb.node)
    #Obtain an object of all the unique ancestors
    anc <- unique(phy$edge[,1])
    #This bit is to allow packages like "selac" the ability to deal with this function directly:
        if (any(is.nan(p.new)) || any(is.infinite(p.new))) return(1000000)
        Q[] <- c(p.new, 0)[rate]
        diag(Q) <- -rowSums(Q)
    liks.dummy <- liks
    liks.dummy[TIPS,] = 0
    liks.dummy[TIPS,state.num] = 1
    comp.dummy <- comp
    for (i  in seq(from = 1, length.out = nb.node)) {
        #the ancestral node at row i is called focal
        focal <- anc[i]
        #Get descendant information of focal
        desRows <- which(phy$edge[,1]==focal)
        desNodes <- phy$edge[desRows,2]
        v.dummy <- 1
        for(desIndex in sequence(length(desRows))){
            v.dummy <- v.dummy * expm(Q * phy$edge.length[desRows[desIndex]], method=c("Ward77")) %*% liks.dummy[desNodes[desIndex],]
        comp.dummy[focal] <- sum(v.dummy)
        liks.dummy[focal, ] <- v.dummy/comp.dummy[focal]
    #Specifies the root:
    root <- nb.tip + 1L
    #If any of the logs have NAs restart search:
        equil.root <- NULL
        for(i in 1:ncol(Q)){
            posrows <- which(Q[,i] >= 0)
            rowsum <- sum(Q[posrows,i])
            poscols <- which(Q[i,] >= 0)
            colsum <- sum(Q[i,poscols])
            equil.root <- c(equil.root,rowsum/(rowsum+colsum))
        if (is.null(root.p)){
            flat.root = equil.root
            k.rates <- 1/length(which(!is.na(equil.root)))
            flat.root[!is.na(flat.root)] = k.rates
            flat.root[is.na(flat.root)] = 0
            loglik <- (sum(log(comp.dummy[-TIPS])) + log(sum(exp(log(flat.root)+log(liks.dummy[root,])))))
                # root.p==yang will fix root probabilities based on the inferred rates: q10/(q01+q10)
                if(root.p == "yang"){
                    root.p <- Null(Q)
                    root.p <- c(root.p/sum(root.p))
                    loglik <- (sum(log(comp.dummy[-TIPS])) + log(sum(exp(log(root.p)+log(liks.dummy[root,])))))
                    # root.p==maddfitz will fix root probabilities according to FitzJohn et al 2009 Eq. 10:
                    root.p = liks.dummy[root,] / sum(liks.dummy[root,])
                    loglik <- -(sum(log(comp.dummy[-TIPS])) + log(sum(exp(log(root.p)+log(liks.dummy[root,])))))
            }else{# root.p!==NULL will fix root probabilities based on user supplied vector:
                loglik <- (sum(log(comp.dummy[-TIPS])) + log(sum(exp(log(root.p)+log(liks.dummy[root,])))))

rate.cat.set.rayDISC <- function(phy,data,model,charnum){
	k <- 1
	factored <- factorData(data, charnum=charnum)
	nl <- ncol(factored)
	obj <- NULL
	nb.node <- phy$Nnode
	#rate is a matrix of rate categories (not actual rates)

	stateTable <- NULL # will hold 0s and 1s for likelihoods of each state at tip
	for(column in 1:nl){
		stateTable <- cbind(stateTable,factored[,column])
	colnames(stateTable) <- colnames(factored)

	ancestral <- matrix(0,nb.node,nl) # all likelihoods at ancestral nodes will be 0
	liks <- rbind(stateTable,ancestral) # combine tip likelihoods & ancestral likelihoods
	rownames(liks) <- NULL

	Q <- matrix(0, nl^k, nl^k)



#    match.tree.data    #
# Compares a tree and data to make sure they include the same taxa
# Taxa which are in the tree, but not the data matrix, are added to the matrix and coded as missing data.
# Any taxa in the data matrix which are not in the tree are removed from the matrix
# The function returns an object with three parts:
#	$phy: the tree
#	$data: the matrix, omitting taxa not in tree and taxa that were present in the tree but not in the matrix
#	$message.data: a brief message explaining modifications (if any) to the data
#	$message.tree: a brief message explaining modificatoins (if any) to the tree
match.tree.data <- function(phy, data){
	matchobj <- NULL
	matchobj$phy <- phy
	matchobj$data <- data
	matchobj$message.data <- NULL
	matchobj$message.tree <- NULL
	# First look at data matrix to see if each taxon in matrix is also in tree
	missing.fromtree <- NULL
	for(datarow in 1:length(data[,1])){
			missing.fromtree <- c(missing.fromtree,datarow)
	if(length(missing.fromtree) > 0){ # At least one taxa is listed in the matrix, but is not in the tree
		# Make message so user knows taxa have been removed
		matchobj$message.data <- "The following taxa in the data matrix were not in the tree and were excluded from analysis: "
		first <- TRUE
		for(toRemove in 1:length(missing.fromtree)){
				matchobj$message.data <- paste(matchobj$message.data,as.character(data[missing.fromtree[toRemove],1]),sep="")
				first <- FALSE
			} else { #not the first one, so add leading comma
				matchobj$message.data <- paste(matchobj$message.data,", ",as.character(data[missing.fromtree[toRemove],1]),sep="")
		matchobj$data <- data[-missing.fromtree,] # omits those data rows which have no match in the tree
		for(datacol in 2:length(matchobj$data[1,])){
			matchobj$data[,datacol] <- factor(matchobj$data[,datacol]) # have to use factor to remove any factors not present in the final dataset

	missing.taxa <- NULL
	for(tip in 1:length(phy$tip.label)){
			if(is.null(matchobj$message.tree)){ # The first missing taxon
				missing.taxa <- as.character(phy$tip.label[tip])
				matchobj$message.tree <- "The following taxa were in the tree but did not have corresponding data in the data matrix.  They are coded as missing data for subsequent analyses: "
			} else { # not the first missing taxon, add with leading comma
				missing.taxa <- paste(missing.taxa,", ",as.character(phy$tip.label[tip]),sep="")
			# missing taxa will be coded as having missing data "?"
			addtaxon <- as.character(phy$tip.label[tip])
			numcols <- length(matchobj$data[1,])
			newrow <- matrix(as.character("\x3F"),1,numcols) # absurd, but it works
			newrow[1,1] <- addtaxon
			newrowdf <- data.frame(newrow)
			colnames(newrowdf) <- colnames(matchobj$data)
			matchobj$data <- rbind(matchobj$data,newrowdf)
	rownames(matchobj$data) <- matchobj$data[,1] # Use first column (taxon names) as row names
	matchobj$data <- matchobj$data[matchobj$phy$tip.label,] # Sort by order in tree
	rownames(matchobj$data) <- NULL # remove row names after sorting
		matchobj$message.tree <- paste(matchobj$message.tree,missing.taxa,sep="")

#  findAmps  #
# A function to find positions of ampersands for separating different states.
# Will allow character state to be greater than one character long.
findAmps <- function(string, charnum){
  if (is.na(string)) {
	if (!is.character(string)) {
	locs <- NULL # Will hold location values
	for(charnum in 1:nchar(as.character(string))){
		if(substr(string,charnum,charnum) == "&"){
			locs <- c(locs,charnum)

# factorData #
# Function to make factored matrix as levels are discovered.
factorData <- function(data,whichchar=1,charnum){
  charcol <- whichchar+1
  factored <- NULL # will become the matrix.  Starts with no data.
  lvls <- NULL
  numrows <- length(data[,charcol])
  missing <- NULL
  for(row in 1:numrows){
    currlvl <- NULL
    currdata <- data[row,charcol]
    if (is.na(currdata)) {
      missing <- c(missing, row)
    } else {
      levelstring <- as.character(currdata)
      ampLocs <- findAmps(levelstring, charnum)
      if(length(ampLocs) == 0) { #No ampersands, character is monomorphic
        currlvl <- levelstring
        if(currlvl == "?" || currlvl == "-" || currlvl == "NA"){ # Check for missing data
          missing <- c(missing,row) # add to list of taxa with missing values, will fill in entire row later
        } else { # Not missing data
          if(length(which(lvls == currlvl)) == 0){# encountered a level not seen yet
            if(length(factored) == 0){ # Matrix is empty, need to create it
              factored <- matrix(0,numrows,1)
              colnames(factored) <- currlvl
              rownames(factored) <- rownames(data)
            } else { # matrix already exists, but need to add a column for the new level
              zerocolumn <- rep(0,numrows)
              factored <- cbind(factored, zerocolumn)
              colnames(factored)[length(factored[1,])] <- currlvl
            lvls <- c(lvls,currlvl) # add that level to the list
          } # already found this level in another state.  Set the value to one
          whichlvl <- which(lvls == currlvl) # this index number should correspond to the column number of the state
          factored[row,whichlvl] <- 1
      } else { #At least one ampersand found, polymorphic character
        start <- 1
        numlvls <- length(ampLocs)+1
        for(part in 1:numlvls){
          # Pull out level from levelstring
          if(part <= length(ampLocs)){ # Havent reached the last state
            currlvl <- substr(levelstring,start,(ampLocs[part]-1)) # pull out value between start and the location-1 of the next ampersand
          } else { # Final state in list
            currlvl <- substr(levelstring,start,nchar(levelstring)) # pull out value between start and the last character of the string
          if(currlvl == "?" || currlvl == "-"){ # Missing data, but polymorphic?
            missing <- c(missing,row) # add to list of taxa with missing values, will fill in entire row later
          else { # Not missing data
            if(length(which(lvls == currlvl)) == 0){# encountered a level not seen yet
              if(length(factored) == 0){ # Matrix is empty, need to create it
                factored <- matrix(0,numrows,1)
                colnames(factored) <- currlvl
                rownames(factored) <- rownames(data)
              } else { # matrix already exists, but need to add a column for the new level
                zerocolumn <- rep(0,numrows)
                factored <- cbind(factored, zerocolumn)
                colnames(factored)[length(factored[1,])] <- currlvl
              lvls <- c(lvls,currlvl) # add that level to the list
            } # already found this level in another state.  Set the value to one
            whichlvl <- which(lvls == currlvl) # this index number should correspond to the column number of the state
            factored[row,whichlvl] <- 1
            start <- ampLocs[part] + 1
  #Need to deal with any rows with missing data; fill in NA for all columns for that row
  for(missingrows in 1:length(missing)){
    for(column in 1:length(factored[1,])){
      factored[missing[missingrows],column] <- 1 # All states equally likely
  factored <- factored[,order(colnames(factored))]
thej022214/corHMM documentation built on May 11, 2024, 3:23 p.m.