
Defines functions loadpoke .onLoad copy_to_clipboard paste_from_clipboard moveset matcost strengths weaknesses monsOfType totaldps alldps olddps cpcalc hpcalc levelcalc possibles strongest savepoke loadmonlist savemonlist mylist.levels mylist.add moncat mylist.subtract mylist.evolve dmgcalc mylist.level mylist.export pctcalc matcheck renum combos moncat.types mylist.counter mylist.strong mylist.strongvs mylist.raidcounters mylist.raidcounter mylist.raidstrong mylist.dpslvl mylist.strlvl mylist.statsvs mylist.legendaries raidweather mylist.counters nearmons agenda.add agenda.update combos.better raidbosses.set raidbosses.get raidbosses.add movematches.add pokemon.add CPin HPin mylist.update allmoves.add mylist.new levfromstats

Documented in agenda.add agenda.update alldps allmoves.add combos combos.better copy_to_clipboard cpcalc CPin dmgcalc hpcalc HPin levelcalc levfromstats loadmonlist loadpoke matcheck matcost moncat moncat.types monsOfType movematches.add moveset mylist.add mylist.counter mylist.counters mylist.dpslvl mylist.evolve mylist.export mylist.legendaries mylist.level mylist.levels mylist.new mylist.raidcounter mylist.raidcounters mylist.raidstrong mylist.statsvs mylist.strlvl mylist.strong mylist.strongvs mylist.subtract mylist.update nearmons olddps paste_from_clipboard pctcalc pokemon.add possibles raidbosses.add raidbosses.get raidbosses.set raidweather renum savemonlist savepoke strengths strongest totaldps weaknesses

#' Loads all the basic info about pokemon, their moves, and game constants
#' @export
loadpoke <- function() {
  load(paste0(getwd(), "/pokedata.rda"), envir=globalenv())

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  # loadpoke()
  # loadmonlist()
  print("First things first: loadpoke() and loadmonlist(), if you have them")

# Thanks pokemongohub.net for mon info

#To do:
# Need to add mechanic for Power Up Punch (and similar?).
# Inefficient to pass data between functions (e.g. raidcounters)?
# Only mylist.counters(), derivatives, mylist.dpslvl(), and mylist.statsvs() tested with secondary charge moves.
# Probably a better way to handle ID #s of mons with many varieties (e.g. Alolans, Arceus, Shaymin...).
#   Currently pokemon$Num is a character class, but used as numeric in nearmons(), raidbosses.add(), others?
# Complicate mylist.counter()'s exclude option by allowing to distinguish between single- and dual-types?

# Version:
# 1.54 - Split raidbosses.active() into raidbosses.set() and raidbosses.get()
# 1.53 - Changed column names in DB to "Fast" and "Charge", added partial support for secondary charge moves.
# 1.52 - Added 'exclude' to mylist.counter().
# 1.51 - Couple more helper functions (adding new movematches, pokemon).
# 1.50 - A couple of tweaks for gen 4.
# 1.49 - Added ordering to 'moncat'.
# 1.48 - Made 'mymons' default, but added 'data=' to functions to let it pull from other lists.
# 1.47 - Took 'Powered' column out of mymons, added 'Notes'
# 1.46 - Added shininess to mylist.add()
# 1.45 - Attempting to calculate breakpoints in mylist.dpslvl(), adjusted raid boss CP.
# 1.44 - Added raid boss helper functions raidbosses.add() and raidbosses.active().
# 1.43 - Added combos.better() for showing how good a set of IVs is, minor optimizations.
# 1.42 - Sped things up with data tables and rbindlist and added agenda helpers.
# 1.41 - Added nearmons() for finding evolutions.
# 1.40 - Optimized raid.counter(), dmgcalc() to speed data.frame() and subsetting.
# 1.39 - Added raidweather() to show which raids are enhanced by which weather.
# 1.38 - Added weather (no rounding involved?)
# 1.37 - Moved alldps() to olddps(), new one uses 'movematches' instead of 'movesets'.
# 1.36 - Added 'powered=F' option to possibles().
# 1.35 - Bugfixes.
# 1.34 - Made 'raid' a flag to mylist.counter(), mylist.strong()
# 1.33 - Bugfix related to 1.32.
# 1.32 - Switched the counter calculations to # from mymons[#,]
# 1.31 - Moved 'Move' column in allmoves to rownames.
# 1.30 - Added mylist.raidcounter()
# 1.29 - Updated attack multipliers, added pokeglobals for what it's worth.

# General data (saved with savepoke(), loaded with loadpoke()):
#   monlevels     - How many mats (dust & candies) are required to reach a level from the prior one
#   allmoves      - Information about battle moves
#   movesets      - All the different combinations of pokemon and moves
#   pokemon       - Information about each pokemon
#   effectiveness - Table of strengths of move types vs. strengths/weaknesses of defender types
#   multipliers   - Level multipliers for calculating CP and HP
#   raidbosses    - Data on the raidbosses, inc. stats and catch rates.
#   pokeglobals   - Various stats used many times - STAB multiplier, effectiveness multiplier.
#   legendaries   - Text list of legendary names.
#   movematches   - List of moves possessed by each mon, with obsolete flag if no longer used.
#   weather       - Types affected by different weather.

# Personal data:
#   mymons        - Personal catalog of pokemon.
#   mymonsbackup  - Backup of 'mymons' (updated every time savemonlist() is used).
#   candidates    - List of mons who are good candidates for investing in.
#   movechange    - List of mons with imperfect movesets in need of TMs.
#   backlog       - List of near-top level mons awaiting upgrades (probably unnecessary with 'agenda').
#   agenda        - Simple list of future dust spending priorities.
#   mymons2       - Another pokemon catalog.

# Functions:
#   loadpoke <- function()
#       Loads all data frames from file
#   moveset <- function(mon, inc.old=FALSE, bydef=FALSE)
#       Displays info about a pokemon (more or less overtaken by alldps())
#   matcost <- function(start=1, stop=40, dust=NA)
#       Calculates dust and candy req'd to level from start (or dust lvl) to stop
#   strengths <- function(types)
#       Shows strengths/weaknesses of particular attack types
#   weaknesses <- function(mon, all=FALSE)
#       Shows strengths and weaknesses of a particular pokemon
#   monsOfType <- function(type)
#       Shows all pokemon of a type
#   import.pokemon <- function()
#       Imports the pokemon data frame from the clipboard (Mac-specific)
#   import.movesets <- function()
#       Imports the movesets data frame from the clipboard (Mac-specific)
#   totaldps <- function(move1, move2, target=NA, stab1=TRUE, stab2=TRUE)
#       Calculates total DPS of a moveset, possibly with a target and spec'd STAB
#   alldps <- function(mon, target=NA, inc.old=FALSE, inc.rank=TRUE)
#       Shows DPS for all of a particular pokemon's movesets, possibly w/target
#   dmgcalc <- function(attacker, target, move, weather=NA, atk=15, def=15, atklvl=40, deflvl=40, raid=F, atkraid=F, ...)
#       Calculates a move's damage given particular attack and defense stats and levels.
#   cpcalc <- function(pokemon, level=40, attack=15, defense=15, stamina=15)
#       Calculates CP for certain stats, defaults to max
#   hpcalc <- function(pokemon, level=40, stamina=15)
#       Calculates HP for certain stats, defaults to max
#   levelcalc <- function(name, CP, HP, Dust, Attack, Defense, Stamina)
#       Calculates level for complete set of stats
#   possibles <- function(pokemon, cp, hp, dust, attack="all", defense="all", stamina="all", total="all", evolve=NA)
#       Shows all possible stat value combos for given others stats/descriptors
#   strongest <- function(target, source=NA)
#       Shows which movesets are strongest against a target pokemon
#   savepoke <- function()
#       Saves data frames to file
#   renum <- function(dataname)
#       Takes the name of a data frame (as a string!) and renumbers it (deletes rownames)
#   combos <- function(equals=3:45, min=1, max=15, print=FALSE)
#       Counts the number of combinations that equal a range, with a min roll of min and max max
#   mylist.counter <- function(source, target, raid=F, targetdef=15, targetlvl=40, Atk=NA, Level=NA, Fast=NA, Charge=NA) {
#       Calculates DPS of a source mon against a specified target, factoring stats/levels
#   mylist.counters <- function(target, raid=F,numreturn=10, targetdef=15, targetlvl=40)
#       Iterates mylist.counter() for each mon in mymons, returning top [numreturn]
#   mylist.strong <- function(source, target, Fast=NA, Charge=NA, raid=F, sourceatk=15, sourcelvl=40, Def=NA, Level=NA)
#       Calculates DPS vs. target pokemon given a source pokemon and specified Fast/Charge moves
#   mylist.strongvs <- function(source, numreturn=10, Fast="", Charge="", Name="", raid=F, sourceatk=15, sourcelvl=40, mincp=1500)
#       Iterates mylist.strong() for each mon in mymons, returning bottom [numreturn], optionally limited to [Name] e.g. "Golem"
#   mylist.raidcounters <- function(...)
#       Calls mylist.counters() with raid==T.
#   mylist.raidcounter <- function(...)
#       Calls mylist.counter() with raid==T.
#   mylist.raidstrong <- function(source, Fast="", Charge="", numreturn=10, cpmin=1500)
#       Calls mylist.strongvs() raid==T.
#   mylist.dpslvl <- function(source, target, raid=F, range=20:40)
#       Uses mylist.counter() to show how DPS vs. target changes along a range of levels.
#   mylist.strlvl <- function(source, target, Fast, Charge, raid=F, range=20:40)
#       Uses mylist.strong() to show a source's DPS against target along a range of levels.
#   mylist.statsvs <- function(source, target, Fast, Charge, raid=F, range=20:40)
#       Shows both mylist.dpslvl() and mylist.strlvl() for a source vs. a target.
#   mylist.legendaries <- function()
#       Shows all the legendaries in mymons.
#   raidweather <- function(weather=NA, inc.inactive=F) {
#       Lists all active raid bosses enhanced by current weather.
#   nearmons <- function(name, range=3)
#       Lists pokemon with numbers within range of the named one, presumably shows evolutions.
#   combos.better <- function(mon, atk=10, def=10, sta=10, minstr=10, mindef=10, minsta=10)
#       Counts the number of combinations that are better than one with given stats.
#   raidbosses.set <- function(bosslist, tier=1:5)
#       Changes which raid bosses are currently active, sets bosses in the passed tiers to inactive.
#   raidbosses.get <- function(tier=1:5)
#       Gets list of currently active bosses in selected tier(s).
#   raidbosses.add <- function(name, Tier, CP=0, Attack=0, Defense=0, HP=0, Catch.Rate=NA, Active=TRUE, ID=NA) {
#       Add a previously unknown raid boss to the boss list. Provide at least name and tier.
#   movematches.add <- function(Pokemon, Attack, Obsolete=FALSE)
#       Add a new move or moves to a pokemon or pokemons
#   pokemon.add <- function(Pokemon, Num, Type.1, Type.2="", Hatch.km=NA, Buddy.km=NA, Attack, Defense, Stamina, Gen=NA)
#       Add a new pokemon to the master pokedex
#   mylist.new <- function(type,cp,atk,def,stam, fast="", charge="", charge2="", shiny=F, notes="",data=mymons)
#       Add a new 'mon by its stats
#   levfromstats <- function(name, cp, atk, def, sta)
#       Calculates level and HP given a name, CP, attack, defense, and stamina (convenience for mylist.new)

# Helpers:

#' Copy info to the clipboard (Mac version)
#' @param x The data to copy to the clipboard
#' @param sep The cell separator
#' @param col.names First row has column names
#' @export
copy_to_clipboard = function(x,sep="\t",col.names=T,...) {
              ,file = pipe("pbcopy")
              ,col.names = col.names
              ,row.names = F
              ,quote = F,...)

#' Paste info from the clipboard
#' @param sep The cell separator
#' @param header First row is a header
#' @return Dataframe
#' @export
paste_from_clipboard = function(sep="\t",header=T,...) {

#' Pass it a pokemon name ("Charizard") and it displays a little info about each move
#' in the pokemon's possible movesets.
#' @param mon The pokemon name to look up
#' @param inc.old Include moves no longer encountered in the wild (e.g. Community Day, obsolete)
#' @param bydef Order by defense rank
#' @return Display of move combinations
#' @export
moveset <- function(mon, inc.old=FALSE, bydef=FALSE) {
  print(paste0("Moveset for ", mon, ":"))
  print(paste0("  Type 1: ", pokemon[mon,"Type.1"]))
  if (pokemon[mon, "Type.2"] != "")
    print(paste0("  Type 2: ", pokemon[mon,"Type.2"]))
  print(paste0("  Max CP: ", pokemon[mon, "Max.CP"]))
  print(paste0("  Tankiness: ", unique(movesets[movesets$Name==mon, "Tankiness"])))

  moves <- if(inc.old==FALSE)
    c(unique(movesets[movesets$Name==mon & movesets$Obsolete==FALSE, "Basic Atk"]),
      unique(movesets[movesets$Name==mon & movesets$Obsolete==FALSE, "Charge Atk"]))
    c(unique(movesets[movesets$Name==mon, "Basic Atk"]),
      unique(movesets[movesets$Name==mon, "Charge Atk"]))


  # Old info, very similar to alldps()
  # cols <- c(2:5, 12, 14:16)
  # set <- subset(movesets, Name==mon)
  # if(inc.old==FALSE)
  #   set <- subset(movesets, Name==mon & Obsolete==FALSE)
  # if(bydef==TRUE)
  #   set <- set[order(set$`Def Rank`),]

  # # rownames(set) <- NULL
  # set[,cols]

#' Either give a starting level or a starting amount of dust,
#' get how many mats it takes to reach the 'stop' level.
#' @param start The starting level
#' @param stop The level you're trying to get to
#' @param dust Provide dust amount to reach next level if you're unsure about which level you're starting at
#' @return The amount of dust and candy required to reach the level
#' @export
matcost <- function(start=1, stop=40, dust=NA) {
    start <- min(monlevels[which(monlevels$Stardust == dust),"Level"])
    which(monlevels$Level > start & monlevels$Level <= stop),
    c("Stardust", "Candy")],
    2, sum)

# effectiveness[x,] == strengths of x-type attack
# effectiveness[,x] == strengths against x-type defender

# Looks up strengths of a type or types, excludes columns that are
# uninteresting (==1) for all types.
#' Shows the damage type advantages of a given type of attack
#' @param types A vector of types
#' @return A table
#' @export
strengths <- function(types) {
  if(length(types) > 1)
    effectiveness[types,apply(effectiveness[types,], 2, function(x) { any(x!=1)}) ]
    effectiveness[types, effectiveness[types,] != 1]

#' Looks up a mon's weaknesses, compounds them if multiple types, excludes uninteresting (==1) values.
#' @param mon The pokemon in question
#' @param all Show the regular effectiveness
#' @export
weaknesses <- function(mon, all=FALSE) {
  types <- pokemon[mon, c("Type.1", "Type.2")]
  result <- effectiveness[,types[1,1]]
    result <- round(result * effectiveness[,types[1,2]], 3)
  if(all) result
  else result[! result %in% 1]

#' Looks up all pokémon who are of a particular type. Also shows max CP, to help pick one to pursue.
#' @param type The type
#' @param decreasing In decreasing order
monsOfType <- function(type, decreasing=F) {
  # For future reference, can combine types via:
  # mymons[,"Types"] <- sapply(mymons, paste0, collapse="/")
  # Then strsplit(mymons[i, "Types"], "/")[[1]]
  # Or maybe mymons[grepl(type %in% unlist(strsplit(mymons[,"Types"], "/"))),]

  typelist <- pokemon[pokemon$Type.1 == type | pokemon$Type.2 == type,
                      c("Type.1", "Type.2", "Max.CP")]
    typelist <- typelist[order(as.integer(typelist$Max.CP), decreasing=decreasing),]
  typelist <- cbind(typelist, pokemon[rownames(typelist),
                                      c("Attack", "Defense", "Stamina", "Num")])

# # Bespoke functions for importing data from specifically formatted tables
# # copied from Excel (read from an OS X clipboard).
# import.pokemon <- function() {
#   pokemonbackup <<- pokemon
#   pokemon <<- read.table(pipe("pbpaste"), sep="\t", header=T)
#   rownames(pokemon) <<- rownames(pokemonbackup)
#   for(i in 2:15) {
#     pokemon[,i] <<- as.character(pokemon[,i])
#   }
# }

# # Copied from https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hcFo7-UGWx1k1u1BHOvDhq8foPeRr7YbX2jLjjJK0Qw/edit#gid=1036598933
# # Pasted into Excel, added 'obsolete' column for italicized rows.
# # (Check if 'last active' column = latest date.)
# import.movesets <- function() {
#   movesetsbackup <<- movesets
#   movesets <<- read.table(pipe("pbpaste"), sep="\t", quote="")
#   names(movesets) <<- c(
#     "ID",
#     "O-Rank",
#     "Off %",
#     "D-Rank",
#     "Def %",
#     "PKMN #",
#     "Name",
#     "Tankiness",
#     "Duel Ability",
#     "Gym Offense",
#     "Gym Defense",
#     "Basic Atk",
#     "No Weave Dmg",
#     "Charge Atk",
#     "Weave Dmg",
#     "Gym Weave Dmg",
#     "Last Active",
#     "Obsolete"
#   )
# }

# import.moves <- function() {
#   allmovesbackup <<- allmoves
#   allmoves <<- read.table(pipe("pbpaste"), sep="\t", header=T)
# }

#' Gives the combined average DPS per second of a pair of moves.
#' @param move1 The fast move
#' @param move2 The charge move
#' @param source Source pokemon
#' @param target Target pokemon
#' @param stab1 Does the first move get a STAB bonus?
#' @param stab2 Does the second move get a STAB bonus?
#' @export
totaldps <- function(move1, move2, source=NA, target=NA, stab1=TRUE, stab2=TRUE) {
  if(!is.na(source)) {
    if(move1=="" | move2=="") return(NA)
    stab1 <- allmoves[move1, "Type"] %in% pokemon[source, c("Type.1", "Type.2")]
    stab2 <- allmoves[move2, "Type"] %in% pokemon[source, c("Type.1", "Type.2")]

  dps1 <- allmoves[move1, "DPS"]
  dps2 <- allmoves[move2, "DPS"]
  time1 <- allmoves[move1, "Seconds"]
  time2 <- allmoves[move2, "Seconds"]
  energy1 <- allmoves[move1, "Energy"]
  energy2 <- allmoves[move2, "Energy"]

  if(stab1==TRUE) dps1 <- dps1*pokeglobals$STAB
  if(stab2==TRUE) dps2 <- dps2*pokeglobals$STAB

  if(!is.na(target)) {
    dps1 <- dps1 * weaknesses(target, all=TRUE)[[allmoves[move1, "Type"]]]
    dps2 <- dps2 * weaknesses(target, all=TRUE)[[allmoves[move2, "Type"]]]

  (dps2*time2*100/energy2+dps1*100*time1/energy1) / (time2*100/energy2+100*time1/energy1)

#' Lists all combinations of moves for a given 'mon, and their
#' average combined DPS per totaldps(). As with that, can adjust
#' the numbers to show how they perform against a target 'mon.
#' Ends with ratio of damage to specific target to unadjusted DPS.
#' @param mon The pokemon in question
#' @param inc.old Show movesets no longer seen in the wild
#' @param inc.rank Exclude the offense/defense ranks
#' @export
alldps <- function(mon, target=NA, inc.old=FALSE, inc.rank=TRUE) {
  montypes <- pokemon[mon, c("Type.1", "Type.2")]
  print(paste0("Move combinations for ", mon, ":"))
  print(paste0("  Type 1: ", montypes[1]))
  if (montypes[2] != "")
    print(paste0("  Type 2: ", montypes[2]))
  print(paste0("  Max CP: ", pokemon[mon, "Max.CP"]))
  print(paste0("  Atk/Def/Stam: ", pokemon[mon, "Attack"], "-",
               pokemon[mon, "Defense"], "-", pokemon[mon, "Stamina"]))

  variations <- data.frame("Fast" = character(0), "F-Type" = character(0), "FastSTAB" = logical(0),
                           "Charge" = character(0), "C-Type" = character(0), "ChargeSTAB" = logical(0),
                           "DPES" = numeric(0), "Total DPS" = numeric(0), "Target DPS" = numeric(0),
                           "Ratio" = numeric(0))

  # Build the list of movesets.
  fastlist   <- subset(movematches, Pokemon==mon & Speed=="Fast")
  chargelist <- subset(movematches, Pokemon==mon & Speed=="Charge")
  if(inc.old==FALSE) {
    fastlist <- subset(fastlist, Obsolete==FALSE)
    chargelist <- subset(chargelist, Obsolete==FALSE)
  set <- data.frame(Fast=character(0), Charge=character(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  for(i in 1:nrow(fastlist))
    for(j in 1:nrow(chargelist)) {
      set <- rbind(set, data.frame(Fast=fastlist[i,"Attack"], Charge=chargelist[j,"Attack"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  for(i in 1:nrow(set)) {
    fastmove <- set[i,"Fast"]
    chargemove <- set[i,"Charge"]

          fasttype <- allmoves[fastmove, "Type"]
          faststab <- fasttype %in% montypes
          chargetype <- allmoves[chargemove, "Type"]
          chargestab <-  chargetype %in% montypes
          dps <- totaldps(move1=fastmove, move2=chargemove,
                          stab1=faststab, stab2=chargestab)
          targetdps <- totaldps(move1=fastmove, move2=chargemove,
                                stab1=faststab, stab2=chargestab, target=target)
          variations <- rbind(variations,
                              data.frame("Fast" = fastmove,
                                         "F-Type" = fasttype,
                                         "FastSTAB" = faststab,
                                         "Charge" = chargemove,
                                         "C-Type" = chargetype,
                                         "ChargeSTAB" = chargestab,
                                         "DPES" = round(allmoves[chargemove,"DPS"] /
                                                        allmoves[chargemove,"Energy"], 2),
                                         "Total DPS" = round(dps, 2),
                                         "Target DPS" = round(targetdps, 2),
                                         "Ratio" = round(targetdps/dps, 2)))

  if(is.na(target)) variations <- variations[,!(names(variations) %in% c("Target.DPS", "Ratio"))]

  variations <- if(is.na(target)) variations[order(variations$Total.DPS, decreasing=TRUE),]
  else variations[order(variations$Target.DPS, decreasing=TRUE),]

  print(variations[,-grep("STAB", names(variations))])

#' Lists all combinations of moves for a given 'mon, and their
#' average combined DPS per totaldps(). As with that, can adjust
#' the numbers to show how they perform against a target 'mon.
#' Ends with ratio of damage to specific target to unadjusted DPS.
#' @param mon The pokemon in question
#' @param target The target pokemon
#' @param inc.old Show movesets no longer seen in the wild
#' @param inc.rank Exclude the offense/defense ranks
olddps <- function(mon, target=NA, inc.old=FALSE, inc.rank=TRUE) {
  montypes <- pokemon[mon, c("Type.1", "Type.2")]
  print(paste0("Move combinations for ", mon, ":"))
  print(paste0("  Type 1: ", montypes[1]))
  if (montypes[2] != "")
    print(paste0("  Type 2: ", montypes[2]))
  print(paste0("  Max CP: ", pokemon[mon, "Max.CP"]))
  print(paste0("  Atk/Def/Stam: ", pokemon[mon, "Attack"], "-",
               pokemon[mon, "Defense"], "-", pokemon[mon, "Stamina"]))
  print(paste0("  Tankiness: ", unique(movesets[movesets$Name==mon, "Tankiness"])))

  variations <- data.frame("Fast" = character(0), "F-Type" = character(0), "FastSTAB" = logical(0),
                           "Charge" = character(0), "C-Type" = character(0), "ChargeSTAB" = logical(0),
                           "DPES" = numeric(0), "Total DPS" = numeric(0), "Target DPS" = numeric(0),
                           "Ratio" = numeric(0))

  # One way to generate results:
  # set <- movesets[unlist(ifelse(TRUE,
  #                               subset(movesets, Name==mon),
  #                               subset(movesets, Name==mon & Obsolete==FALSE))),]

  # Another way to generate results:
  # set <- subset(movesets, Name==mon)
  # if(inc.old==FALSE) set <- subset(set, Obsolete==FALSE)

  # But this is how it really happened:
  if(inc.old==FALSE) set <- subset(movesets, Name==mon & Obsolete==FALSE)
  else               set <- subset(movesets, Name==mon)

  for(i in 1:nrow(set)) {
    fastmove <- set[i,"Basic Atk"]
    chargemove <- set[i,"Charge Atk"]

    fasttype <- allmoves[fastmove, "Type"]
    faststab <- fasttype %in% montypes
    chargetype <- allmoves[chargemove, "Type"]
    chargestab <-  chargetype %in% montypes
    dps <- totaldps(move1=fastmove, move2=chargemove,
                    stab1=faststab, stab2=chargestab)
    targetdps <- totaldps(move1=fastmove, move2=chargemove,
                          stab1=faststab, stab2=chargestab, target=target)
    variations <- rbind(variations,
                        data.frame("Fast" = fastmove,
                                   "F-Type" = fasttype,
                                   "FastSTAB" = faststab,
                                   "Charge" = chargemove,
                                   "C-Type" = chargetype,
                                   "ChargeSTAB" = chargestab,
                                   "DPES" = round(allmoves[chargemove,"DPS"] /
                                                    allmoves[chargemove,"Energy"], 2),
                                   "Total DPS" = round(dps, 2),
                                   "Target DPS" = round(targetdps, 2),
                                   "Ratio" = round(targetdps/dps, 2)))

  if(inc.rank==TRUE) variations <- cbind(set[,2:5], variations)
  if(inc.old==TRUE)  variations <- cbind(variations, Obsolete=set$Obsolete)
  if(is.na(target))  variations <- variations[,!(names(variations) %in% c("Target.DPS", "Ratio"))]

  print(variations[,-grep("STAB", names(variations))])

#' Calculates CP for a given mon using level, attack, defense, and stamina IVs.
#' Defaults to calculating max CP.
#' @param mon The pokemon
#' @param level Level, default 40
#' @param attack Attack, default 15
#' @param defense Defense, default 15
#' @param stamina Stamina, default 15
#' @export
cpcalc <- function(mon, level=40, attack=15, defense=15, stamina=15) {
  if(is.na(level) | is.na(attack) | is.na(defense) | is.na(stamina)) NA
  else {
    stats <- pokemon[mon,]
               *multipliers[multipliers$Level==level, "Multiplier"]^2)/10),

#' Calculates HP for a given mon using level and stamina IV. Defaults to calculating max HP.
#' @param mon The pokemon
#' @param level Level, default 40
#' @param stamina Stamina, default 15
#' @export
hpcalc <- function(mon, level=40, stamina=15) {
  max(10, floor((pokemon[mon, "Stamina"] + stamina) *
          multipliers[multipliers$Level==level, "Multiplier"]))

#' Calculates the level corresponding to a given bunch of stats.
#' @param name The pokemon
#' @param CP its CP
#' @param HP its HP
#' @param Dust dust to next level
#' @param Attack its attack stat
#' @param Defense its defense stat
#' @param Stamina its stamina stat
#' @export
levelcalc <- function(name, CP, HP, Dust, Attack, Defense, Stamina) {
  if(is.na(CP) | is.na(HP) | is.na(Dust) |
     is.na(Attack) | is.na(Defense) | is.na(Stamina)) NA
  else {
    check <- subset(possibles(name, CP, HP, Dust, powered=T),
                    attack==Attack & defense==Defense & stamina==Stamina)
    if(nrow(check) != 1) {
      print("Something's weird here.")
      print(paste(name, CP, HP, Dust, Attack, Defense, Stamina))
    else check$level

#' Take pokemon, CP, HP, dust to level, and optionally descriptors of stats
#' to find all possible combinations of level and stats.
#' For atk/def/stam, descriptors are "not"/"pos"/"impr"/"incr", for the summary
#' they are "not"/"aa"/"caught"/"wonder". (As they were for Team Mystic under the
#' old assessment procedure. Not so useful anymore!)
#' @param mon The mon in question
#' @param cp Its CP
#' @param hp Its HP
#' @param dust Optionally, the dust it takes to reach its next level
#' @param atk How its attack is described
#' @param def How its defense is described
#' @param stam How its stamina is described
#' @param total How its summary is described
#' @param powered Has it been powered up since being obtained (can it be a 'half' level)?
#' @param evolve Add a different mon to show CP of that other pokemon (at level 40) compared to its max instead.
possibles <- function(mon, cp, hp, dust=NA, atk="all", def="all",
                      stam="all", total="all", powered=F, evolve=NA) {
  atkstat <- switch(atk, all=0:15, not=0:7, pos=8:12, impr=13:14, incr=15)
  defstat <- switch(def, all=0:15, not=0:7, pos=8:12, impr=13:14, incr=15)
  stamstat <- switch(stam, all=0:15, not=0:7, pos=8:12, impr=13:14, incr=15)
  sumstat <- switch(total, all=range(0,1), not=range(0, 0.50), aa=range(0.501, 0.66),
                    caught=range(0.661, 0.80), wonder=range(0.81,1))

  maxcp <- if(is.na(evolve)) cpcalc(mon) else cpcalc(evolve)
  solutions <- data.frame(Name=character(0), CP=integer(0), HP=integer(0),
                          attack=integer(0), defense=integer(0),
                          stamina=integer(0), percent=numeric(0), level=numeric(0),
                          CPat40=integer(0), maxcp=integer(0), shareofmax=numeric(0),

  level <- if(!is.na(dust)) monlevels[which(monlevels$Stardust == dust)-0.5,"Level"]
           else seq(1, 40, 0.5)
  if(!powered) level <- level[level[seq_along(level)] == as.integer(level[seq_along(level)])]

  for(k in stamstat)
    for(l in level)
      if(hpcalc(mon, level=l, stamina=k) == hp)
        for(i in atkstat)
          for(j in defstat) {
            perfection = (i+j+k)/45
            if(cp == cpcalc(mon, level = l, attack = i, defense = j, stamina = k)
               & perfection >= sumstat[1] & perfection <= sumstat[2]) {
              cp40 <- if(is.na(evolve)) cpcalc(mon, attack=i, defense=j, stamina=k)
                      else cpcalc(evolve, attack=i, defense=j, stamina=k)
              candidate <- data.frame(Name=mon, CP=cp, HP=hp,
                                      attack=i, defense=j, stamina=k,
                                      percent=round(perfection*100, digits=1),
                                      level=l, CPat40=cp40, maxcp=maxcp,
                                      shareofmax=round(cp40/maxcp*100, digits=1),
              statcheck <- c(candidate$attack, candidate$defense, candidate$stamina)

              # Exclude those candidates that do not have stats with specified
              # ranges as the unique max of their stats, unless multiple stats
              # are specified, in which case candidates are allowed only if
              # those stats are equal.
              if((atk == "all") | (candidate$attack == max(statcheck)))
                if((def == "all") | (candidate$defense == max(statcheck)))
                  if((stam == "all") | (candidate$stamina == max(statcheck)))
                    if((atk==def) | (candidate$attack != candidate$defense))
                      if((atk==stam) | (candidate$attack != candidate$stamina))
                        if((stam==def) | (candidate$stamina != candidate$defense))
                          solutions <- rbind(solutions, candidate)

  solutions$Name <- as.character(solutions$Name)

#' Lists the known movesets that are strongest against the target, with an
#' option to choose a particular pokemon as the attack source, though that's
#' similar to using alldps().
#' @param target The pokemon to attack
#' @param source Limit to a particular attacker
#' @export
strongest <- function(target, source=NA) {
  source <- if(is.na(source)) unique(movesets$Name)
            else source

  summary <- movesets[movesets$Name %in% source, c("Name", "Basic Atk", "Charge Atk")]
  dps <- apply(summary, 1,
               function(x) { totaldps(x[2], x[3],
                             allmoves[x[2], "Type"] %in% pokemon[x[1], c("Type.1", "Type.2")],
                             allmoves[x[3], "Type"] %in% pokemon[x[1], c("Type.1", "Type.2")]
                           )} )
  summary <- cbind(Pokemon=summary[,"Name"],
                   "Base Atk"=unlist(apply(summary, 1, function(x) pokemon[x[1], "Attack"])),
#                   Max.CP=pokemon[summary$Name, "Max.CP"],
                   summary[,c("Basic Atk", "Charge Atk")],
  summary[order(summary$dps, decreasing=TRUE),]

#' Save the key data about pokemon and move attributes, etc.
#' @export
savepoke <- function() {
 save(allmoves, pokemon, movesets, monlevels, effectiveness,
      multipliers, raidbosses, legendaries, pokeglobals, movematches, weather,

#' Loads the database of your pokemon. Careful not to erase important changes! Save early, save often
#' @param data Which data file are you saving to?
#' @export
loadmonlist <- function(data=mymons) {
  load(paste0(getwd(), "/mymonlist.rda"), envir=globalenv())

#' Saves pokemon databases and various other stuff I like
#' @export
savemonlist <- function() {
  mymonsbackup <<- mymons
  save(mymons, candidates, mymonsbackup, movechange, backlog, agenda, mymons2, agenda2, pokedex, pokedex2, file="mymonlist.rda")

#' Attempt to calculate levels of all pokemons in the selected database
#' @export
mylist.levels <- function(data=mymons) {
  unname(unlist(apply(data, 1, function(x) {

#' Adds a pokemon to the database conforming to the output of possibles()
#' @param poss A pokemon output by possibles() or a facsimile
#' @param fast.move The pokemon's fast move
#' @param charge.move The pokemon's charge move
#' @param notes Anything for the optional notes field
#' @param shiny Is the mon shiny?
#' @param stats Are we including stats or not?
#' @param data Which database file?
#' @return The tail of the revised database
#' @export
mylist.add <- function(poss, fast.move="", charge.move="", notes="", shiny=FALSE, stats=TRUE, data=mymons) {
  print(paste(poss$Name, poss$CP, poss$HP, poss$dust, poss$attack, poss$defense, poss$stamina))
  newmon <- data.frame(
    CP=unique(poss$CP), HP=unique(poss$HP), Dust=unique(poss$dust),
    # Assumes poss has only one set of Name, CP, HP, and dust
    Attack=if(length(unique(poss$attack))==1) unique(poss$attack) else NA,
    Defense=if(length(unique(poss$defense))==1) unique(poss$defense) else NA,
    Stamina=if(length(unique(poss$stamina))==1) unique(poss$stamina) else NA,
    Level=if(length(unique(poss$level))==1) unique(poss$level) else NA,
    Fast=fast.move, Charge=charge.move, Charge2="",
    Percent=if(length(unique(poss$percent))==1) unique(poss$percent) else NA,

  # if(nrow(poss) > 1) {
  #   print("More than one row detected!")
  #   return("Nothing added.")
  # }
  # newmon <- data.frame(Name=poss$Name, CP=poss$CP, HP=poss$HP, Dust=poss$dust,
  #                      Powered="No", Attack=poss$attack, Defense=poss$defense,
  #                      Stamina=poss$stamina, Level=poss$level, Fast.Move=fast.move,
  #                      Charge.Move=charge.move,
  #                      Percent=pctcalc(poss$attack, poss$defense, poss$stamina))
  if(stats==FALSE) newmon[, c("Attack", "Defense", "Stamina", "Percent", "Level")] <- NA
  assign(deparse(substitute(data)), rbind(data, newmon), envir=globalenv())

#' Lists all pokemon in the database matching a grep for the given string
#' @param name The name or name fragment you're looking for
#' @param target A target to calculate DPS against?
#' @param order The order in which to display results
#' @param data The database
#' @export
moncat <- function(name, target="", order=NA, data=mymons) {
  # subset(mymons, Name==name)
  # Better because it allows partial matching:
  catalog <- data[grep(name, data$Name),]
  if(nrow(catalog)==0) return("Nothing matching that in the catalog.")
  CPat40 <- integer(0)
  DPS <- numeric(0)
  DPS2 <- numeric(0)
  vTarg <- numeric(0)
  vTarg2 <- numeric(0)
  for(i in 1:nrow(catalog)) {
    CPat40[i] <- cpcalc(catalog[i,"Name"], 40,catalog[i,"Attack"], catalog[i,"Defense"], catalog[i,"Stamina"])
    DPS[i] <- round(totaldps(catalog[i,"Fast"], catalog[i,"Charge"], source=catalog[i,"Name"]),2)
    if(catalog[i,"Charge2"] != "") DPS2[i] <- round(totaldps(catalog[i,"Fast"], catalog[i,"Charge2"], source=catalog[i,"Name"]),2)
  catalog <- cbind(catalog, CPat40, DPS)
  if(target!="") {
    for(i in 1:nrow(catalog)) {
      vTarg[i] <- round(totaldps(catalog[i,"Fast"], catalog[i,"Charge"],
                                  source=catalog[i,"Name"], target=target),2)
      if(catalog[i,"Charge2"] != "")
        vTarg2[i] <- round(totaldps(catalog[i,"Fast"], catalog[i,"Charge2"],
                                    source=catalog[i,"Name"], target=target),2)
    catalog <- cbind(catalog, vTarg)
  order <- if(is.na(order)) 1:nrow(catalog)
           else order(eval(parse(text=paste0("catalog$",order))))

#' Subtract a pokemon from the database
#' @param num The row number in the database
#' @param data The database
#' @export
mylist.subtract <- function(num, data=mymons) {
  assign(deparse(substitute(data)), data[-num,], envir=globalenv())
  # mymons <<- data[-num,]

#' Use to evolve a pokemon in your database, calculating new CP/HP
#' @param num The mon's row number
#' @param to What it's evolving into
#' @param fast Optionally, its new fast move
#' @param charge Optionally, its new charge move
#' @param cp Its new CP
#' @param hp Its new HP
#' @param data The database you're using
#' @return The mon's old stats and its new stats
#' @export
mylist.evolve <- function(num, to, fast="", charge="", cp=NA, hp=NA, data=mymons) {
  dataname <- deparse(substitute(data))

  level <- data[num, "Level"]
  atk <- data[num, "Attack"]
  def <- data[num, "Defense"]
  stam <- data[num, "Stamina"]
    if(!anyNA(c(level, atk, def, stam)))
      cp <- cpcalc(to, level, atk, def, stam)
    if(!anyNA(c(level, stam)))
      hp <- hpcalc(to, level, stam)

  data[num, "Name"] <- to
  data[num, "CP"] <- cp
  data[num, "HP"] <- hp
  data[num, "Fast"] <- fast
  data[num, "Charge"] <- charge

  assign(dataname, data, envir=globalenv())

#' Calculates the damage a move will do against a target
#' @param attacker The row number of the mon who's attacking
#' @param target The name of the mon under attack
#' @param move The name of the move being used
#' @param weather Optionally, what the weather type is
#' @param atk Attacker's attack
#' @param def Defender's defense
#' @param atklvl Attacker's level
#' @param deflvl Defender's level
#' @param raid Is it a raid boss or a regular mon?
#' @param atkraid Is the attacker a raid boss?
#' @export
dmgcalc <- function(attacker, target, move, weather=NA, atk=15, def=15, atklvl=40, deflvl=40, raid=F, atkraid=F, ...) {
  movetype <- allmoves[move, "Type"]
  power <- allmoves[move, "Power"]
  weather <- if(is.character(weather) && movetype %in% with(globalenv(), weather)[[weather]])
               weather <- pokeglobals$weather
             else 1
  stab <- if(movetype %in% pokemon[attacker, c("Type.1", "Type.2")])

  atkmulti <- if(atkraid) pokeglobals$raidcpm[[raidbosses[attacker, "Tier"]]]
              else multipliers[multipliers$Level==atklvl, "Multiplier"]
  defmulti <- if(raid) pokeglobals$raidcpm[[raidbosses[target, "Tier"]]]
              else multipliers[multipliers$Level==deflvl, "Multiplier"]
  atk <- (pokemon[attacker, "Attack"] + atk) * atkmulti
  def <- (pokemon[target, "Defense"] + def) * defmulti

  effective <- weaknesses(target, all=TRUE)[[movetype]]

  dmg <- floor(0.5*power*atk/def*stab*weather*effective)+1
  # dps <- round(dmg/allmoves[move, "Seconds"], 1)
  dps <- dmg/allmoves[move, "Seconds"]

  c(Damage=dmg, DPS=dps)

#' Change the level of a mon in the list, recalculate CP and HP.
#' Obviously only works if atk/def/sta are known.
#' @param mon The row number of the mon
#' @param level The level it's achieving
#' @param data Name of the database
#' @export
mylist.level <- function(mon, level, data=mymons) {
  dataname <- deparse(substitute(data))

  target <- data[mon,]
  newcp <- cpcalc(target$Name, level, target$Attack, target$Defense, target$Stamina)
  newhp <- hpcalc(target$Name, level, target$Stamina)
  target$CP <- newcp
  target$HP <- newhp
  target$Level <- level
  target$Dust <- if (level < 40) monlevels[monlevels$Level==(level+0.5), "Stardust"]
                 else NA
  data[mon,] <- target
  assign(dataname, data, envir=globalenv())


#' Copy a database to the clipboard (Mac)
#' @param data Name of the database
#' @export
mylist.export <- function(data=mymons) {
  write.table(data, pipe("pbcopy"), sep="\t", row.names=F)

#' Just calculate your IV percentage (sum of stats / 45)
#' @param Attack attack stat
#' @param Defense defense stat
#' @param Stamina stamina stat
#' @export
pctcalc <- function(Attack, Defense, Stamina) {
  round(sum(Attack, Defense, Stamina)/0.45, digits=1)

#' Find what level you can afford to get to with specified dust and/or candy
#' @param level your mon's starting level
#' @param dust how much dust you have (default=ten million AKA ~unlimited)
#' @param candy how much candy you have (default=ten thousand AKA ~unlimited)
#' @return a couple numbers
#' @export
matcheck <- function(level=1, dust=10000000, candy=10000) {
  for(i in seq(level+0.5, 40, 0.5)) {
    nextlevel <- monlevels[monlevels$Level==i,]
    if(dustreq + nextlevel$Stardust <= dust &
       candyreq + nextlevel$Candy <= candy) {
      dustreq <- dustreq + nextlevel$Stardust
      candyreq <- candyreq + nextlevel$Candy
      level <- i
    else break

  print(data.frame(Level=level, Dust=dustreq, Candy=candyreq), row.names=FALSE)


#' Little helper: Takes the name of a data frame (as a string!) and renumbers it (deletes rownames).
#' Changes done in place.
#' @param dataname any dataframe
#' @export
renum <- function(dataname) {
  thefunc <- parse(text=paste0("rownames(",dataname,") <<- NULL"))

#' Counts the number of combinations that equal a range, with a min roll of min and max max
#' @param equals the range of sum of stats you want to check, from 0 to 45
#' @param min the minimum score for each stat
#' @param max the maximum score for each stat
#' @param print print each combination or no?
#' @export
combos <- function(equals=0:45, min=0, max=15, print=FALSE) {
  for (i in min:max)
    for (j in min:max)
      for (k in min:max)
        if(sum(i,j,k) %in% equals) {
          count <- count + 1

#' Lists all your mons of a particular type
#' @param type the type of mon
#' @param data name of your database
#' @export
moncat.types <- function(type, data=mymons) {
  summary <- data[data$Name %in% rownames(monsOfType(type)),]
  summary[order(summary$CP, decreasing=FALSE),]

#' Shows how much damage a mon in your database could do against a target
#' This is called by most of the other 'find damage against x' functions like mylist.raidcounters()
#' @param sourceID the row number in your database of the attacker
#' @param target the name of the kind of pokemon you're attacking
#' @param raid if the target is a raid boss
#' @param targetdef the target's defense IV
#' @param targetlvl the target's level
#' @param Atk specify a different attack IV for your attacker
#' @param Level specify a different level for your attacker
#' @param Fast specify a different fast attack for your attacker
#' @param Charge specify a different charge attack for your attacker
#' @param data name of your database
#' @param exclude exclude a certain type of mon, I guess?
#' @return one particularly formatted line summarizing the matchup
#' @export
mylist.counter <- function(sourceID, target, raid=F, targetdef=15, targetlvl=40, Atk=NA, Level=NA,
                           Fast=NA, Charge=NA, data=mymons, exclude=NA, ...) {
  source <- data[sourceID,]

  monatk <- if(!is.na(Atk)) Atk
            else source$Attack
  monlvl <- if(!is.na(Level)) Level
            else source$Level
  fastmove <- if(!is.na(Fast)) Fast
              else source$Fast
  chargemove <- if(!is.na(Charge)) Charge
                else source$Charge

  mon <- source$Name
  montypes <- pokemon[mon, c("Type.1", "Type.2")]

  # # Slow!
  # counter <- data.table(Name=character(1), Fast=character(1), F.Type=character(1), Charge=character(1), C.Type=character(1),
  #                       Total.DPS=numeric(1), Vs.DPS=numeric(1), Atk=integer(1), Def=integer(1), Sta=integer(1),
  #                       Level=numeric(1), Net.DPS=numeric(1))

  counter <- data.frame()

  if(!(is.na(monatk) | is.na(monlvl) | fastmove=="" | chargemove=="" | any(exclude %in% montypes))) {

    # if(raid) targetdef <- raidbosses[target, "Defense"] - pokemon[raidbosses[target, "ID"], "Defense"]

    dmg1 <- dmgcalc(mon, target, fastmove, atk=monatk, def=targetdef, atklvl=monlvl, deflvl=targetlvl, raid=raid, ...)
    dmg2 <- dmgcalc(mon, target, chargemove, atk=monatk, def=targetdef, atklvl=monlvl, deflvl=targetlvl, raid=raid, ...)
    time1 <- allmoves[fastmove, "Seconds"]
    time2 <- allmoves[chargemove, "Seconds"]
    energy1 <- allmoves[fastmove, "Energy"]
    energy2 <- allmoves[chargemove, "Energy"]
    thisdps <- (dmg2["DPS"]*time2*100/energy2+dmg1["DPS"]*100*time1/energy1) / (time2*100/energy2+100*time1/energy1)

    fasttype <- allmoves[fastmove, "Type"]
    chargetype <- allmoves[chargemove, "Type"]
    faststab <- fasttype %in% montypes
    chargestab <-  chargetype %in% montypes
    dps <- totaldps(move1=fastmove, move2=chargemove,
                    stab1=faststab, stab2=chargestab)
    targetdps <- totaldps(move1=fastmove, move2=chargemove,
                          stab1=faststab, stab2=chargestab, target=target)

    counter[1, "Number"] <- sourceID
    counter[1, "Name"] <- mon
    counter[1, "Fast"] <- fastmove
    counter[1, "F.Type"] <- fasttype
    counter[1, "Charge"] <- chargemove
    counter[1, "C.Type"] <- chargetype
    counter[1, "Total.DPS"] <- round(dps, 2)
    counter[1, "Vs.DPS"] <- round(targetdps, 2)
    counter[1, "Atk"] <- monatk + pokemon[mon, "Attack"]
    counter[1, "Def"] <- source$Defense + pokemon[mon, "Defense"]
    counter[1, "Sta"] <- source$Stamina + pokemon[mon, "Stamina"]
    counter[1, "Level"] <- monlvl
    counter[1, "CP"] <- source$CP
    counter[1, "Fst.Dmg"] <- dmg1["Damage"]
    counter[1, "Chg.Dmg"] <- dmg2["Damage"]
    counter[1, "Net.DPS"] <- round(thisdps, 2)

    # Used to be this way. A little slower.
    # counter <- data.frame(Name = mon,
    #                       "Fast" = fastmove,
    #                       "F-Type" = fasttype,
    #                       "Charge" = chargemove,
    #                       "C-Type" = chargetype,
    #                       "Total DPS" = round(dps, 2),
    #                       "Target DPS" = round(targetdps, 2),
    #                       Atk = monatk + pokemon[mon, "Attack"],
    #                       Def = source$Defense + pokemon[mon, "Defense"],
    #                       Sta = source$Stamina + pokemon[mon, "Stamina"],
    #                       Level = monlvl,
    #                       DPSvTarget = round(thisdps, 2),
    #                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # )


#' See your mon's survivability vs. a certain source's attacks
#' @param source the name of the type of attacker
#' @param target the row number of your mon
#' @param tarFast the attacker's fast attack
#' @param tarCharge the attacker's charge attack
#' @param raid is the attacker a raid boss?
#' @param sourceatk the attacker's attack IV
#' @param sourcelvl the attacker's level
#' @param Def an alternate for your mon's defense IV
#' @param Level an alternate for your mon's level
#' @param data the name of your database
#' @export
mylist.strong <- function(source, target, tarFast="", tarCharge="", raid=T, sourceatk=15, sourcelvl=40, Def=NA, Level=NA, data=mymons, ...) {
  counter <- data.frame(Name = character(0), Atk=integer(0), Def=integer(0), Sta=integer(0),
                        Level=numeric(0), CP=numeric(0), DPSvTarget=numeric(0))

  target <- data[target,]

  if(!is.na(Def)) target$Defense <- Def
  if(!is.na(Level)) target$Level <- Level

  # if(raid) sourceatk <- raidbosses[source, "Attack"] - pokemon[raidbosses[source, "ID"], "Attack"]
  #  if(!is.na(Fast)) source$Fast.Move <- Fast
  #  if(!is.na(Charge)) source$Charge.Move <- Charge

  mon <- target$Name
  mondef <- target$Defense
  monlvl <- target$Level
  moncp <- target$CP

  fastmove <- tarFast
  chargemove <- tarCharge

  # if(is.na(mondef)) print(paste("mondef:", mondef))
  # if(is.na(monlvl)) print(paste("monlvl:", monlvl))
  # if(fastmove=="") print(paste("fastmove:", fastmove))
  # if(chargemove=="") print(paste("chargemove:", chargemove))

  if(!(is.na(mondef) | is.na(monlvl) | fastmove=="" | chargemove=="")) {

    montypes <- pokemon[mon, c("Type.1", "Type.2")]

    dmg1 <- dmgcalc(source, mon, fastmove, atk=sourceatk, def=mondef, atklvl=sourcelvl, deflvl=monlvl, atkraid=raid, ...)
    dmg2 <- dmgcalc(source, mon, chargemove, atk=sourceatk, def=mondef, atklvl=sourcelvl, deflvl=monlvl, atkraid=raid, ...)
    time1 <- allmoves[fastmove, "Seconds"]
    time2 <- allmoves[chargemove, "Seconds"]
    energy1 <- allmoves[fastmove, "Energy"]
    energy2 <- allmoves[chargemove, "Energy"]
    thisdps <- (dmg2["DPS"]*time2*100/energy2+dmg1["DPS"]*100*time1/energy1) / (time2*100/energy2+100*time1/energy1)

    fasttype <- allmoves[fastmove, "Type"]
    chargetype <- allmoves[chargemove, "Type"]
    faststab <- fasttype %in% montypes
    chargestab <-  chargetype %in% montypes
    dps <- totaldps(move1=fastmove, move2=chargemove,
                    stab1=faststab, stab2=chargestab)
    counter <- data.frame(Name = mon,
                          Atk = target$Attack + pokemon[mon, "Attack"],
                          Def = mondef + pokemon[mon, "Defense"],
                          Sta = target$Stamina + pokemon[mon, "Stamina"],
                          Level = monlvl,
                          CP = moncp,
                          DPSvTarget = round(thisdps, 2),
                          Fst.Dmg = dmg1["Damage"],
                          Chg.Dmg = dmg2["Damage"])


#' Iterates mylist.strong() for each mon in your database
#' That is, calculates the pokemon who take the least damage from a source
#' @param source the kind of attacker
#' @param tarFast the attacker's fast move
#' @param tarCharge the attacker's charge move
#' @param Name the kind of your mons to limit results to
#' @param raid is the attacker a raid boss?
#' @param numreturn the number of your mons to return, most survivable first
#' @param sourceatk specify the attacker's attack IV
#' @param sourcelvl specify the attacker's level
#' @param cpmin limit results to those over a certain CP
#' @param data the name of your database
#' @export
mylist.strongvs <- function(source, tarFast="", tarCharge="", Name="", raid=T, numreturn=10, sourceatk=15, sourcelvl=40, cpmin=1500, data=mymons) {
  # if(raid) sourceatk <- raidbosses[source, "Attack"] - pokemon[raidbosses[source,"ID"], "Attack"]

  print(paste("Source:", source, "  Attack: ", sourceatk, "  Base: ", pokemon[source, "Attack"]))

  counters <- data.frame(Number = integer(0), Name = character(0), Atk=integer(0),
                         Def=integer(0), Sta=integer(0), Level=numeric(0), DPSvTarget=numeric(0))

  targets <- if(Name=="") 1:nrow(data)

  for(i in targets) {
    if(data[i,"CP"] >= cpmin) {
      counter <- mylist.strong(source, i, tarFast, tarCharge, raid=raid, sourceatk, sourcelvl,
                               Def=data[i,"Defense"], Level=data[i,"Level"])
      if(nrow(counter) == 1)
        counters <- rbind(counters, counter)

  print(head(counters[order(counters$DPSvTarget, decreasing=FALSE),], numreturn), row.names=F)

#' Wrapper for mylist.counters(), cycles through your mons to see which are best against
#' a particular target, defaulting to raid versions
#' @export
mylist.raidcounters <- function(...) {
  mylist.counters(..., raid=T)

#' Wrapper for mylist.counter(), check how effective one of your mons (row number, first
#' argument) is against a type of raid boss (second argument)
#' @export
mylist.raidcounter <- function(...) {
    mylist.counter(..., raid=T)

#' Wrapper for mylist.strongvs(), determining which of your mons are strongest against an
#' attacker, defaulting to raid version
mylist.raidstrong <- function(...) {
  mylist.strongvs(..., raid=T)

#' Sees how effective one of your mons is at attacking a type of target at each of
#' a range of your mon's levels. If range is not included, will look for the mon's
#' level and go from there to 40. If the mon has no level, will go from 20:40.
#' @param sourceID the row number of your attacking mon
#' @param target the type of target you're going after
#' @param raid is the target a raid boss?
#' @param range number range of levels you're checking, e.g. 32:40
#' @param data the name of your database
#' @export
mylist.dpslvl <- function(sourceID, target, raid=T, range=NA, data=mymons, ...) {
  range <- if(identical(NA, range))
             if(is.numeric(data[sourceID, "Level"]))
                # c(mymons[sourceID,"Level"] - 0.5, 40)  # Start a half-lvl early to see last gain?
                c(data[sourceID,"Level"], 40)
             else c(20,40)
           else range
  range <- seq(range[1], range[length(range)], by=0.5)
  source <- data[sourceID,]

  if(source$Fast=="" | source$Charge=="") {
    return("Need more moves!")

  # results <- data.frame()
  # for(i in 1:length(range)) {
  #   results <- rbind(results, mylist.counter(source, target, raid=raid, Level=range[i], ...))
  # }
  # PctChg <- round(100*c(NA,diff(results$Net.DPS, 1))/results$Net.DPS,2)
  # results <- cbind(results, PctChg)

  # A little faster (12.54 vs. 113.20)
  results <- rbindlist(lapply(range, function(x)
    mylist.counter(sourceID, target, raid=raid, Level=x, data=data, ...)
  PctChg <- round(100*c(NA,diff(results$Net.DPS, 1))/results$Net.DPS,2)
  results <- results[, PctChg := PctChg]

  totaldps <- unique(results$Total.DPS)
  vsdps <- unique(results$Vs.DPS)

  movesline <- paste(unique(results[,"Fast"]), "&", unique(results[,"Charge"]))
  totaldpsline <- paste("Total.DPS:", totaldps)
  vsdpsline <- paste("Vs.DPS:", vsdps)
  multiplierline <- paste("Multi:", round(vsdps/totaldps,2))

  results <- results[,c("Level", "Net.DPS", "PctChg", "Fst.Dmg", "Chg.Dmg")]

  if(source$Charge2 != "") {
    results2 <- rbindlist(lapply(range, function(x)
      mylist.counter(sourceID, target, raid=raid, Level=x, data=data, Charge=source$Charge2,...)
    PctChg <- round(100*c(NA,diff(results2$Net.DPS, 1))/results2$Net.DPS,2)
    results2 <- results2[, PctChg := PctChg]

    totaldps2 <- unique(results2$Total.DPS)
    vsdps2 <- unique(results2$Vs.DPS)

    movesline <- paste(movesline, "/", unique(results2[,"Charge"]))
    totaldpsline <- paste(totaldpsline, "/", totaldps2)
    vsdpsline <- paste(vsdpsline, "/", vsdps2)
    multiplierline <- paste(multiplierline, "/", round(vsdps2/totaldps2,2))

    results2 <- results2[,c("Level", "Net.DPS", "PctChg", "Fst.Dmg", "Chg.Dmg")]
    colnames(results2) <- c("Level", "Net.DPS2", "PctChg2", "Fst.Dmg2", "Chg.Dmg2")
    results <- merge(results, results2, "Level")
  # Add columns for dust/candy costs at each level in the range
  results <- cbind(results, t(sapply(range, function(x) matcost(range[1], x))))

  print(paste(source$Name, "vs.", target))

  # results[,c("Level", "Net.DPS", "PctChg", "Fst.Dmg", "Chg.Dmg")]

#' Shows how strong of a defender one of your mons is against a target across a range of levels
#' @param source the type of attacker
#' @param target the row number of your defender
#' @param tarFast the attacker's fast attack
#' @param tarCharge the attacker's charge attack
#' @param raid is the attacker a raid boss?
#' @param range the range of your mon's levels to try
#' @param data the name of your database
#' @export
mylist.strlvl <- function(source, target, tarFast, tarCharge, raid=T, range=NA, data=mymons, ...) {
  range <- if(identical(NA, range))
    if(is.numeric(data[target, "Level"]))
      c(data[target,"Level"], 40)
    else c(20,40)
    else range
  range <- seq(range[1], range[length(range)], by=0.5)
  results <- data.frame()
  for(i in 1:length(range)) {
    results <- rbind(results, mylist.strong(source, target, tarFast, tarCharge, raid=raid, Level=range[i], data=data, ...))
  PctChg <- round(100*c(NA,diff(results$DPSvTarget, 1))/results$DPSvTarget,2)
  results <- cbind(results, PctChg)
  totaldps <- unique(results$Total.DPS)
  targetdps <- unique(results$Target.DPS)

  target <- data[target,]
  print(paste(source, "vs.", target$Name))
  print(paste(tarFast, "&", tarCharge))

  results[,c("Level", "DPSvTarget", "PctChg", "Fst.Dmg", "Chg.Dmg")]

#' Shows how strong of both an attacker and defender one of your mons is against a target
#' across a range of levels -- calls mylist.dpslvl() and mylist.strlvl()
#' @param source the row number of your mon
#' @param target the kind of attacking mon
#' @param tarFast the attacker's fast attack
#' @param tarCharge the attacker's charge attack
#' @param raid is the attacker a raid boss?
#' @param range the range of your mon's levels to try
#' @param data the name of your database
#' @export
mylist.statsvs <- function(source, target, TarFast, TarCharge, raid=T, range=NA, ...) {
  results <- merge(mylist.dpslvl(source, target, raid=raid, range=range, ...),
                   mylist.strlvl(target, source, TarFast, TarCharge, raid=raid, range=range, ...),
                   "Level", all=TRUE)
  colnames(results)[1:9] <- c("Level", "DPSvTarget", "PctChgDPS", "Fst.Atk", "Chg.Atk",
                         "TargetDPS", "PctChgTgt", "Fst.Def", "Chg.Def")
  if(ncol(results) > 9)
    colnames(results) <- c("Level", "DPSvTarget", "PctChgDPS", "Fst.Atk", "Chg.Atk",
                           "DPS2", "PctChg2", "Fst.Dmg2", "Chg.Dmg2",
                           "TargetDPS", "PctChgTgt", "Fst.Def", "Chg.Def")

#' Lists all legendaries in mymons.
#' @param data the name of your database
#' @export
mylist.legendaries <- function(data=mymons) {
  data[data$Name %in% legendaries,]

#' Lists all active raid bosses enhanced by current weather.
#' @export
raidweather <- function(weather=NA, inc.inactive=F) {
  bossindices <- integer(0)
  for(i in 1:nrow(raidbosses)) {
    mon <- rownames(raidbosses)[i]
    if(any(pokemon[mon,c("Type.1", "Type.2")] %in% with(globalenv(), weather)[[weather]]))
      bossindices <- c(bossindices, i)
  returnset <- raidbosses[bossindices,]
  if(!inc.inactive) returnset <- subset(returnset, Active)

#' Calls mylist.counter() for each of your mons, defaults to not a raid boss
#' @param target the kind of mon you're attacking
#' @param raid is it a raid boss?
#' @param numreturn the number of results to print
#' @param Name the pokemon kind to limit results to
#' @param data the name of your database
#' @export
mylist.counters <- function(target, raid=F, numreturn=10, Name="", data=mymons, ...) {

  sources <- if(Name=="") 1:nrow(data)
             else(grep(Name, data$Name))

  # Used to make a data.frame first, then keep rbinding to it, slightly slower.
  #   counters <- data.frame()

  # counters <- do.call(rbind, lapply(sources, function(x) {
  #   counter <- mylist.counter(x, target=target, raid=raid, targetdef=targetdef,
  #                             targetlvl=targetlvl, ...)
  #   if(nrow(counter)==1) cbind(Number=x, counter)
  # }))
  counters <- rbindlist(lapply(sources, function(x) {

    result <- mylist.counter(x, target=target, raid=raid, data=data, ...)

    if(data[x,"Charge2"] != "") {
      result <- rbind(result, mylist.counter(x, target=target, raid=raid, data=data, Charge=data[x,"Charge2"], ...))

    # if(nrow(counter)==1) cbind(Number=x, counter)

  # Ever so slightly slower (and more complicated) way.
  # Numberlist <- integer(0)
  # Namelist <- character(0)
  # Fastlist <- character(0)
  # FTypelist <- character(0)
  # Chargelist <- character(0)
  # CTypelist <- character(0)
  # TotalDPSlist <- numeric(0)
  # TargetDPSlist <- numeric(0)
  # Atklist <- integer(0)
  # Deflist <- integer(0)
  # Stalist <- integer(0)
  # Levellist <- numeric(0)
  # DPSvTargetlist <- numeric(0)
  # for(i in sources) {
  #   counter <- mylist.counter(i, target=target, raid=raid, targetdef=targetdef,
  #                             targetlvl=targetlvl, ...)
  #   if(nrow(counter) == 1)
  #     # counters <- rbind(counters, cbind(Number=i, counter))
  #     Numberlist <- c(Numberlist, i)
  #     Namelist <- c(Namelist, counter$Name)
  #     Fastlist <- c(Fastlist, counter$Fast)
  #     FTypelist <- c(FTypelist, counter$F.Type)
  #     Chargelist <- c(Chargelist, counter$Charge)
  #     CTypelist <- c(CTypelist, counter$C.Type)
  #     TotalDPSlist <- c(TotalDPSlist, counter$Total.DPS)
  #     TargetDPSlist <- c(TargetDPSlist, counter$Target.DPS)
  #     Atklist <- c(Atklist, counter$Atk)
  #     Deflist <- c(Deflist, counter$Def)
  #     Stalist <- c(Stalist, counter$Sta)
  #     Levellist <- c(Levellist, counter$Level)
  #     DPSvTargetlist <- c(DPSvTargetlist, counter$DPSvTarget)
  # }
  # counters <- data.frame(Number = Numberlist, Name = Namelist, "Fast" = Fastlist, "F-Type" = FTypelist,
  #                        "Charge" = Chargelist, "C-Type" = CTypelist,
  #                        "Total DPS"=TotalDPSlist, "Target DPS"=TargetDPSlist, Atk=Atklist,
  #                        Def=Deflist, Sta=Stalist, Level=Levellist, DPSvTarget=DPSvTargetlist,
  #                        stringsAsFactors = F)

  print(head(counters[order(-Net.DPS), -c("Total.DPS", "Fst.Dmg", "Chg.Dmg")], numreturn), row.names=F)
  # print(head(counters[order(counters$Net.DPS, decreasing=TRUE),which(colnames(counters)!="Total.DPS")], numreturn), row.names=F)
  # returnset <- head(counters[order(counters$DPSvTarget, decreasing=TRUE),], numreturn)
  # returnset

#' Checks the pokedex (more or less), shows the names of those around a given name
#' @param name the name to look up
#' @param range the number of mons above and below to display
#' @export
nearmons <- function(name, range=3) {
  number <- as.numeric(pokemon[name,"Num"])
  subset(pokemon, as.numeric(Num) > (number-range) &
                  as.numeric(Num) < (number+range) &
                  as.numeric(Num) > 0 &
                  as.numeric(Num) <= max(as.numeric(pokemon[,"Num"])))

#' Little helper adds an agenda item to the agenda dataframe
#' @param text a description of the agenda item
#' @param start the start level of the mon you're (presumably) leveling
#' @param end the level you're trying to reach
#' @param comments comments
#' @param data the name of the agenda table you're adding to
#' @export
agenda.add <- function(text, start, end, comments="", data=agenda) {
  dataname <- deparse(substitute(data))

  number <- nrow(data)+1
  data[number,"Mon"] <- text
  data[number,"Current"] <- start
  data[number,"Target"] <- end
  data[number,c("Dust Cost", "Candy Cost")] <- matcost(start, end)
  data[number,"Comments"] <- comments

  assign(dataname, data, envir=globalenv())

#' Updates the agenda dataframe when you level up one of the mons
#' @param number the row number of the agenda dataframe you're updating
#' @param current the level your mon's currently at
#' @param target the level you're trying to reach, if you want to update that
#' @param data the agenda table you want to update
#' @export
agenda.update <- function(number, current=NA, target=NA, data=agenda) {
  dataname <- deparse(substitute(data))

  from <- data[number,]

    data[number, "Current"] <- current
    data[number, "Target"] <- target

  data[number,c("Dust Cost", "Candy Cost")] <-
    matcost(data[number, "Current"], data[number, "Target"])
  to <- data[number,]

  if(to$Current==to$Target) {
    print("Conditions satisfied, eliminating:")
    data <- data[-number,]
  else {
    print("Updated from:")

  assign(dataname, data, envir=globalenv())

#' Counts the number of combinations that are better than one with given stats.
#' @param mon what kind of mon you're looking at
#' @param atk your mon's attack IV
#' @param def your mon's defense IV
#' @param sta your mon's stamina IV
#' @param minstr the minimum attack IV for result combos
#' @param mindef the minimum defense IV for result combos
#' @param minsta the minimum stamina IV for result combos
#' @export
combos.better <- function(mon, atk=10, def=10, sta=10, minstr=10, mindef=10, minsta=10) {
  moncp <- cpcalc(mon, 40, atk, def, sta)
  print(paste0("Better combinations than a ", moncp, " ", mon,
               " with attack ", atk, ", defense ", def, ", and stamina ", sta, ":"))


  CP <- numeric()
  # Yeah, these names are just capitalized versions of the fucntion arguments. So sue me.
  Atk <- numeric()
  Def <- numeric()
  Sta <- numeric()

  for (i in minstr:15)
    for (j in mindef:15)
      for (k in minsta:15) {
        testcp <- cpcalc(mon, 40, i,j,k)
        if(testcp > moncp) {
          count <- count + 1
          CP[count] <- testcp
          Atk[count] <- i
          Def[count] <- j
          Sta[count] <- k

  betters <- data.frame(CP, Atk, Def, Sta)
  betters <- betters[order(betters$CP),]

  print(betters, row.names=FALSE)
  print(paste0(round(count/216*100, 1), "% of egg/raid combos"))
  print(paste0(round(count/4096*100, 1), "% of all combos"))

#' Switch up the list of active raid bosses
#' Defaults to clearing all tiers!
#' @param bosslist a list (actually a character vector) of raid bosses to activate
#' @param tier resets all members of that raid tier to inactive before making new ones active
#' @export
raidbosses.set <- function(bosslist, tier=1:5) {
  raidbosses[raidbosses$Tier %in% tier, "Active"] <<- FALSE
  raidbosses[bosslist, "Active"] <<- TRUE

  cat("Now active:\n")
  subset(raidbosses, Active & Tier %in% tier)

#' Get list of current raid bosses
#' @param tier what tier (1:5) to list
#' @return a slice of raidbosses corresponding to the selected tier(s)
#' @export
raidbosses.get <- function(tier=1:5) {
  raidlist <- subset(raidbosses, Active & Tier %in% tier)
  raidlist[order(raidlist$Tier, rownames(raidlist)),]

#' Update the raidbosses list with a previously unknown raid boss. Add at least name and tier.
#' Everything but name and tier isn't strictly necessary.
#' @param name the name of the pokemon type
#' @param tier the tier number
#' @param CP its CP
#' @param Attack its attack
#' @param Defense its defense
#' @param HP its HP
#' @param Catch.Rate chance to catch it once the raid's over
#' @param Active is the boss now active?
#' @param ID its pokedex ID
#' @export
raidbosses.add <- function(name, Tier, CP=0, Attack=0, Defense=0, HP=0, Catch.Rate=NA, Active=TRUE, ID=NA) {
  ID <- as.numeric(pokemon[name, "Num"])
  HP <- switch(Tier,

  Attack <- if(Attack != 0) Attack else pokemon[name, "Attack"]
  Defense <- if(Defense != 0) Defense else pokemon[name, "Defense"]
  CP <- if(CP != 0) CP else floor((Attack+15) * sqrt(Defense+15) * sqrt(HP)/10)

  raidbosses[name,"Tier"] <<- Tier
  raidbosses[name,"CP"] <<- CP
  raidbosses[name,"Attack"] <<- Attack
  raidbosses[name,"Defense"] <<- Defense
  raidbosses[name,"HP"] <<- HP
  raidbosses[name,"Catch.Rate"] <<- Catch.Rate
  raidbosses[name,"Active"] <<- Active
  raidbosses[name,"ID"] <<- ID


#' Adds a combination of pokemon and move to the movematches dataframe
#' Need to do this any time you add a new pokemon to the database or
#' an existing pokemon gets a new move
#' @param Pokemon name of a pokemon (or vector of names to iterate)
#' @param Attack name of an attack (or vector of attacks)
#' @param Obsolete can the move still be found in the wild?
#' @export
movematches.add <- function(Pokemon, Attack, Obsolete=FALSE) {
  for(mon in Pokemon) {
    for(move in Attack) {
      addition <- data.frame(Pokemon=mon,
      movematches <- rbind(movematches, addition)
  movematches <<- movematches
  tail(movematches, length(Pokemon)*length(Attack)+4)

# movematches.add <- function(Pokemon, Speed, Attack, Obsolete=FALSE) {
#   for(i in seq(Attack)) {
#     rownum <- nrow(movematches)+1
#     movematches[rownum, "Pokemon"] <<- Pokemon
#     movematches[rownum, "Speed"] <<- Speed
#     movematches[rownum, "Attack"] <<- Attack[i]
#     movematches[rownum, "Obsolete"] <<- Obsolete
#   }
#   tail(movematches, length(Attack)+5)
# }

#' Add a new pokemon to the pokemon database ('pokedex')
#' @param Pokemon name of the new mon
#' @param Num the pokedex number
#' @param Type.1 first element type
#' @param Type.2 second element type, if it has one
#' @param Hatck.km how far you need to walk to hatch an egg carrying it
#' @param Buddy.km how far you need to walk with it to get a candy
#' @param Attack base attack stat
#' @param Defense base defense stat
#' @param Stamina base stamina stat
#' @export
pokemon.add <- function(Pokemon, Num, Type.1, Type.2="", Hatch.km=NA, Buddy.km=NA, Attack, Defense, Stamina, Gen=NA) {
  rownum <- nrow(pokemon)+1
  pokemon[rownum, "Num"] <<- Num
  rownames(pokemon)[rownum] <<- Pokemon
  pokemon[rownum, "Type.1"] <<- Type.1
  pokemon[rownum, "Type.2"] <<- Type.2
  pokemon[rownum, "Hatch.km"] <<- Hatch.km
  pokemon[rownum, "Buddy.km"] <<- Buddy.km
  pokemon[rownum, "Attack"] <<- Attack
  pokemon[rownum, "Defense"] <<- Defense
  pokemon[rownum, "Stamina"] <<- Stamina
  pokemon[rownum, "Total"] <<- sum(Attack, Defense, Stamina)
  pokemon[rownum, "Max.CP"] <<- cpcalc(Pokemon)
  pokemon[rownum, "Gen"] <<- Gen

# One-time function for mass update of pokemon base stats.
# rebalance <- function() {
#   success=0
#   fail=0
#   unmatched <- newdata[0,]
#   for(i in 1:nrow(newdata)) {
#     rownum <- grep(newdata[i, "Name"], rownames(pokemon))
#     if(length(rownum==1)) {
#       success <- success+1
#       pokemon[rownum, c("Attack", "Defense", "Stamina")] <- newdata[i, c("Attack", "Defense", "Stamina")]
#       pokemon[rownum, "Total"] <- sum(newdata[i, c("Attack", "Defense", "Stamina")])
#       pokemon[rownum, "Max.CP"] <- newdata[i, "Max.CP"]
#     }
#     else {
#       fail <- fail+1
#       unmatched <- rbind(unmatched, newdata[i,])
#     }
#   }
#   print(unmatched)
#   print(paste("Successes:", success))
#   print(paste("Failures:", fail))
#   pokemon
# }

#' Calculate CP for every mon in your database
#' @param data the name of your database
#' @export
CPin <- function(data=mymons) {
  dataname <- deparse(substitute(data))

  for(i in 1:nrow(data)) {
    cp <- cpcalc(data[i, "Name"], data[i, "Level"], data[i, "Attack"], data[i, "Defense"], data[i, "Stamina"])
    if(!is.na(cp)) {
      data[i, "CP"] <- cp
    else {
      cp <- readline(prompt="Enter CP: ")
      data[i, "CP"] <- cp

  assign(dataname, data, envir=globalenv())

#' Calculate HP for every mon in your database
#' @param data the name of your database
#' @export
HPin <- function(data=mymons) {
  dataname <- deparse(substitute(data))

  for(i in 1:nrow(data)) {
    hp <- hpcalc(data[i, "Name"], data[i, "Level"], data[i, "Stamina"])
    if(!is.na(hp)) {
      data[i, "HP"] <- hp
    else {
      hp <- readline(prompt="Enter HP: ")
      data[i, "HP"] <- hp

  assign(dataname, data, envir=globalenv())

#' Updates IV stats for one mon in your database
#' @param num row number of the mon
#' @param Attack new attack stat
#' @param Defense new defense stat
#' @param Stamina new stamina stat
#' @param Notes new note
#' @param data the name of your database
#' @export
mylist.update <- function(num, Attack, Defense, Stamina, Notes=NA, data=mymons) {
  dataname <- deparse(substitute(data))

  data[num, c("Attack", "Defense", "Stamina")] <- c(Attack, Defense, Stamina)
  data[num, "Percent"] <- round(sum(Attack, Defense, Stamina)/0.45, 1)
  if(!is.na(Notes)) data[num, "Notes"] <- Notes
  if(dataname=="mymons") needstats <<- subset(data, is.na(Attack) | is.na(Defense) | is.na(Stamina))

  assign(dataname, data, envir=globalenv())

# Not sure what I was trying to do here.
# comparecp <- function(data, range=NA) {
#   range <- if(identical(NA, range))
#     if(length(unique(data$level))==1)
#       c(unique(data$level), 40)
#     else c(20,40)
#   else range
#   range <- seq(range[1], range[length(range)], by=0.5)
#   results <- matrix(ncol=nrow(data), data=numeric())
#   print(data)
#   for(i in range) {
#     result <- apply(data, 1, function(x) {
#       cpcalc(x["Name"],
#              i,
#              as.numeric(x["attack"]),
#              as.numeric(x["defense"]),
#              as.numeric(x["stamina"]))})
#     results <- rbind(results, result)
#   }
#   rownames(results) <- range
#   # colnames(results) <- apply(data,1,function(x) { paste0(as.numeric(x["attack"]), ",",
#   #                                                        as.numeric(x["defense"]), ",",
#   #                                                        as.numeric(x["stamina"])) })
#   # print(results)
#   rows <- numeric()
#   for(i in 1:nrow(results)) if(length(unique(results[i,])) > 1) rows <- c(rows,i)
#   if(length(rows)==0) "No differences in range."
#   else {
#     cat(paste0("Differences in range from levels ", range[1], " to ", range[length(range)], ":\n"))
#     if(length(rows)==1) c(as.numeric(rownames(results)[rows]), results[rows,])
#     else results[rows,]
#   }
# }

#' Add a new move to allmoves
#' @param name the new move's name
#' @param type the move's type
#' @param speed the move's speed (Fast or Charge)
#' @param power the move's power
#' @param seconds the move's duration in seconds
#' @param energy the move's energy generation/cost
#' @param note any special notes for the move (e.g. misc. effect)
#' @export
allmoves.add <- function(name, type, speed, power, seconds, energy, notes=NA) {
  allmoves[name, "Type"]    <<- type
  allmoves[name, "Speed"]   <<- speed
  allmoves[name, "Power"]   <<- power
  allmoves[name, "Seconds"] <<- seconds
  allmoves[name, "Energy"]  <<- energy
  allmoves[name, "DPS"]     <<- round(power/seconds, 2)
  allmoves[name, "EPS"]     <<- round(energy/seconds, 2)
  allmoves[name, "Notes"]   <<- ifelse(is.na(notes), "", notes)

#' Add a new 'mon by its stats
#' @param type the pokemon type
#' @param cp its CP
#' @param atk its attack stat
#' @param def its defense stat
#' @param stam its stamina stat
#' @param fast its fast move
#' @param charge its charge move
#' @param chage2 its second charge move, if any
#' @param shiny whether it's shiny (default=F)
#' @param notes any notes you'd like to add
#' @param data what list you're adding to
#' @export
mylist.new <- function(type,cp,atk,def,stam,
                       fast="", charge="", charge2="", shiny=F, notes="",data=mymons) {
  dataname <- deparse(substitute(data))

  level <- levfromstats(type, cp, atk, def, stam)

  temp <- data[0,]
  temp[1,"Name"] <- type
  temp[1,"CP"] <- cp
  temp[1,"HP"] <- hpcalc(type, level, stam)
  temp[1,"Dust"] <- monlevels[monlevels$Level==level+0.5,"Stardust"]
  temp[1,"Attack"] <- atk
  temp[1,"Defense"] <- def
  temp[1,"Stamina"] <- stam
  temp[1,"Fast"] <- fast
  temp[1,"Charge"] <- charge
  temp[1,"Charge2"] <- charge2
  temp[1,"Percent"] <- round(sum(atk,def,stam)/45*100,1)
  temp[1,"Shiny"] <- shiny
  temp[1,"Notes"] <- notes
  temp[1,"Level"] <- level

  assign(dataname, rbind(data,temp), envir=globalenv())

#' Calculates level and HP given a name, CP, attack, defense, and stamina (convenience for mylist.new)
#' @param name the mon's type
#' @param cp its CP
#' @param atk its attack
#' @param def its defense
#' @param sta its stamina
#' @return the level number
#' @export
levfromstats <- function(name, cp, atk, def, sta) {
  level <- 1
  while (cp != cpcalc(name, level, atk, def, sta) & level < 40.5) {
  if(level==40.5) level <- NA
thelit/openpogo documentation built on Jan. 16, 2020, 12:52 a.m.