
Defines functions plotEdges

Documented in plotEdges

#' Plot a gGraph object.
#' Various functions to plot a \linkS4class{gGraph} object: \code{plot} opens a
#' device and plot the object, while \code{points} plots the object on the
#' existing device. \code{plotEdges} only plots the edges of the graph: it can
#' be called directly, or via arguments passed to \code{plot} and
#' \code{points}.\cr
#' Plotting of a gGraph object stores some parameters in R; see details for
#' more information.
#' To be able to zoom in and out, or slide the window, previous plotting
#' information are stored in a particular environment (.geoGraphEnv), which is
#' created when loading \code{geoGraph}. Users should not have to interact
#' directly with objects in this environment.\cr
#' The resulting plotting behaviour is that when plotting a \code{gGraph}
#' object, last plotting parameters are re-used. To override this behaviour,
#' specify \code{reset=TRUE} as argument to \code{plot}.
#' @name plot-gGraph
#' @aliases plot,gGraph-method plot,gGraph,missing-method plot.gGraph
#' points,gGraph-method points.gGraph plotEdges
#' @docType methods
#' @param x a \linkS4class{gGraph} object.
#' @param shape a shapefile used as background to the object. Must be of the
#' class \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} (see \code{readShapePoly} in maptools
#' package to import such data from a GIS shapefile). Alternatively, a
#' character string indicating one shapefile released with geoGraph.
#' @param psize a numeric giving the size of points.
#' @param pch a numeric or a character indicating the type of point.
#' @param col a character string indicating the color to be used.
#' @param edges a logical indicating if edges should be plotted (TRUE) or not
#' (FALSE).
#' @param reset a logical indicating if plotting parameters should be reset
#' (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
#' @param bg.col a character string indicating the color of the polygons of the
#' shapefile used as background.
#' @param border.col a character string indicating the color of the polygon
#' borders.
#' @param lwd a numeric indicating the width of line (used for edges).
#' @param useCosts a logical indicating if edge width should be inversely
#' proportionnal to edge cost (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
#' @param maxLwd a numeric indicating the maximum edge width (corresponding to
#' the maximum weight).
#' @param col.rules a data.frame with two named columns, the first one giving
#' values of a node attribute, and the second one stating colors to be used for
#' each value. If not provided, this is seeked from the \code{@meta\$color}
#' slot of the object.
#' @param sticky.points a logical indicating if added points should be kept
#' when replotting (TRUE), or not (FALSE). In any case, \code{reset=TRUE} will
#' prevent points to be redrawn.
#' @param lty the type of line (for the edges).
#' @param pcol a character indicating the color to be used for points.
#' @param sticky.edges a logical indicating whether added edges should be kept
#' when replotting (TRUE), or not (FALSE, default). In any case,
#' \code{reset=TRUE} will prevent points to be redrawn.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to the generic methods (plot, points,
#' and segments, respectively).

#' @seealso - Different functions to explore these plots:\cr
#' \code{\link{geo.zoomin}}, \code{\link{geo.zoomout}},
#' \code{\link{geo.slide}}, \code{\link{geo.back}}.\cr
#' - \code{\link{isInArea}}, to retain a set of visible data.\cr
#' @keywords methods hplot spatial
#' @examples
#' ## just the background
#' plot(worldgraph.10k, reset = TRUE, type = "n")
#' ## basic plot
#' plot(worldgraph.10k)
#' ## zooming and adding edges
#' geo.zoomin(list(x = c(90, 150), y = c(0, -50)))
#' plot(worldgraph.10k, edges = TRUE)
#' ## display edges differently
#' plotEdges(worldgraph.10k, col = "red", lwd = 2)
#' ## replot points with different color
#' points(worldgraph.10k, col = "orange")
#' ## mask points in the sea
#' inSea <- unlist(getNodesAttr(worldgraph.10k, attr.name = "habitat")) == "sea"
#' head(inSea)
#' points(worldgraph.10k[inSea], col = "white", sticky = TRUE) # this will stay
#' ## but better, only draw those on land, and use a fancy setup
#' par(bg = "blue")
#' plot(worldgraph.10k[!inSea], bg.col = "darkgreen", col = "purple", edges = TRUE)

## plot for gGraph
#' @export
#' @import sp
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "gGraph", y = "missing"), function(x, y, shape = "world", psize = NULL, pch = 19, col = NULL,
                                                                   edges = FALSE, reset = FALSE, bg.col = "gray", border.col = "dark gray",
                                                                   lwd = 1, useCosts = NULL, maxLwd = 3, col.rules = NULL, ...) {
  ## some checks
  if (!is.gGraph(x)) stop("x is not a valid gGraph object")

  ## create the .geoGraphEnv if it does not exist
  # if(!exists(".geoGraphEnv", envir=.GlobalEnv)) {
  #     assign(".geoGraphEnv",  new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv), envir=.GlobalEnv)
  #     warning(".geoGraphEnv was not present, which may indicate a problem in loading geoGraph.")
  # }

  # env <- get(".geoGraphEnv", envir=.GlobalEnv) # env is our target environnement
  env <- .geoGraphEnv

  coords <- getCoords(x)

  ## store original parameters to be passed to last.plot.param ##
  pch.ori <- pch
  col.ori <- col

  ## handle reset ##
  if (reset) {
    assign("sticky.points", FALSE, envir = .geoGraphEnv)
    assign("last.points", expression(), envir = .geoGraphEnv)

  ## handle xlim and ylim
  if ((!exists("zoom.log", envir = .geoGraphEnv)) | reset) { # if xlim absent or if reset
    temp <- c(range(coords[, 1]), range(coords[, 2]))

  zoomlog <- get("zoom.log", envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  zoomlog <- zoomlog[1, ]

  xlim <- zoomlog[1:2]
  ylim <- zoomlog[3:4]

  ## handle zoom and psize
  if (is.null(psize)) {
    psize <- get("psize", envir = .geoGraphEnv)

  ## handle color from attribute
  useAttrCol <- FALSE
  if (is.null(col.rules)) {
    if (!is.null(x@meta$colors)) {
      col.rules <- x@meta$colors
      useAttrCol <- TRUE
  } else {
    useAttrCol <- TRUE

  if (!is.null(col)) { # col overrides rules
    useAttrCol <- FALSE

  toKeep <- isInArea(x, res.type = "integer")
  coords <- coords[toKeep, ]

  ## store previous last.points in envir (is erased by plotEdges)
  if (exists("last.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv)) {
    last.points <- get("last.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  } else {
    last.points <- expression()

  ## handle colors
  if (useAttrCol) {
    col <- getColors(x, nodes = toKeep, attr.name = colnames(col.rules)[1], col.rules = col.rules)
  } else if (is.null(col.ori)) {
    col <- "red"
  } else {
    col <- rep(col.ori, length = length(getNodes(x)))
    names(col) <- getNodes(x)
    col <- col[toKeep]

  ## handle shape
  if (!is.null(shape) && is.character(shape) && shape == "world") {
    shape <- worldshape

  if (!is.null(shape)) { ## plot with background ##
    if (!inherits(shape, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
      stop("Layer must be a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object \n(see st_read and as_Spatial in sf to import such data from a GIS shapefile).")

    ## plot background
    plot(shape, col = bg.col, border = border.col, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)

    ## subset of points in area
    toKeep <- isInArea(x, reg = "current", res.type = "character")
    coords <- getCoords(x)[toKeep, ]

    ## define colors for these points
    if (useAttrCol) {
      col <- getColors(x, nodes = toKeep, attr.name = colnames(col.rules)[1], col.rules = col.rules)
    } else if (is.null(col.ori)) {
      col <- "red"
    } else {
      col <- rep(col.ori, length = length(getNodes(x)))
      names(col) <- getNodes(x)
      col <- col[toKeep]

    if (edges) {
      ## plotEdges(x, replot=FALSE, lwd=lwd, useCosts=useCosts, maxLwd=maxLwd)
      plotEdges(x, lwd = lwd, useCosts = useCosts, maxLwd = maxLwd)
    points(coords, cex = psize, pch = pch, col = col, ...)
  } else { ## plot only points ##
      xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
      cex = psize, pch = pch, col = col, ...
    if (edges) {
      ##       plotEdges(x, replot=TRUE, psize=psize, pch=pch, pcol=col, lwd=lwd,
      ##            useCosts=useCosts, maxLwd=maxLwd)
        psize = psize, pch = pch, pcol = col, lwd = lwd,
        useCosts = useCosts, maxLwd = maxLwd

  ## misc assignements in our dedicated environment
  assign("usr", graphics::par("usr"), envir = .geoGraphEnv)

  curCall <- sys.call(-1)
  assign("last.plot", curCall, envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  temp <- get("last.plot.param", envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  temp$psize <- psize
  temp$pch <- pch.ori
  temp$col <- col.ori
  assign("last.plot.param", temp, envir = .geoGraphEnv)

  ## must re-assign the last call to points in envir.
  assign("last.points", last.points, envir = .geoGraphEnv)

  ## add previously added points if needed ##
  sticky.points <- get("sticky.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  if (sticky.points) {
    temp <- get("last.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv) # this may be a list of calls
    invisible(lapply(temp, eval))

}) # end plot method

## points for gGraph
#' @export
setMethod("points", signature("gGraph"), function(x, psize = NULL, pch = NULL, col = NULL,
                                                  edges = FALSE, lwd = 1, useCosts = NULL, maxLwd = 3, col.rules = NULL,
                                                  sticky.points = FALSE, ...) {
  ## some checks
  if (!is.gGraph(x)) stop("x is not a valid gGraph object")

  ## create the .geoGraphEnv if it does not exist
  # if(!exists(".geoGraphEnv", envir=.GlobalEnv)) {
  #     assign(".geoGraphEnv",  new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv), envir=.GlobalEnv)
  #     warning(".geoGraphEnv was not present, which may indicate a problem in loading geoGraph.")
  # }

  # env <- get(".geoGraphEnv", envir=.GlobalEnv) # env is our target environnement

  zoomlog <- get("zoom.log", envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  zoomlog <- zoomlog[1, ]

  xlim <- zoomlog[1:2]
  ylim <- zoomlog[3:4]

  ## store original parameters to be passed to last.plot.param ##
  pch.ori <- pch
  col.ori <- col

  ## subset data to visible area ##
  coords <- getCoords(x)
  toKeep <- isInArea(x, reg = "current", res.type = "integer")
  coords <- coords[toKeep, , drop = FALSE]

  ## handle plot param
  last.plot.param <- get("last.plot.param", envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  if (is.null(psize)) psize <- last.plot.param$psize
  if (is.null(pch)) pch <- last.plot.param$pch

  ## handle color from attribute
  useAttrCol <- FALSE
  if (is.null(col.rules)) {
    if (!is.null(x@meta$colors)) {
      col.rules <- x@meta$colors
      useAttrCol <- TRUE
  } else {
    useAttrCol <- TRUE

  if (!is.null(col)) { # col overrides rules
    useAttrCol <- FALSE

  ## handle color
  if (useAttrCol) {
    col <- getColors(x, nodes = toKeep, attr.name = colnames(col.rules)[1], col.rules = col.rules)
  } else if (is.null(col.ori)) {
    col <- "red"
  } else {
    col <- rep(col.ori, length = length(getNodes(x)))
    names(col) <- getNodes(x)
    col <- col[toKeep]

  ## define colors for these points
  if (useAttrCol) {
    col <- getColors(x, nodes = toKeep, attr.name = colnames(col.rules)[1], col.rules = col.rules)
  } else if (is.null(col)) {
    col <- "red"
  } else {
    col <- rep(col, length = length(getNodes(x)))
    names(col) <- getNodes(x)
    col <- col[toKeep]
  } # end handle color

  ## handle zoom and psize
  if (is.null(psize)) {
    psize <- get("psize", envir = .geoGraphEnv)

  ## add only points and optionally edges
  if (edges) {
    ## plotEdges(x, replot=FALSE, lwd=lwd, useCosts=useCosts, maxLwd=maxLwd)
    plotEdges(x, lwd = lwd, useCosts = useCosts, maxLwd = maxLwd)
    xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
    cex = psize, pch = pch, col = col, ...

  ## if sticky points are used, store info in env ##
  if (sticky.points) {
    curCall <- sys.call(-1)
    temp <- get("last.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv) # might be a single expression or a list of expressions
    if (!is.list(temp)) {
      temp <- list(temp) # make sure it is a list
    ## do not add an existing expression ##
    existExp <- any(sapply(temp, identical, curCall))
    if (!existExp) {
      temp[[length(temp) + 1]] <- curCall
      assign("last.points", temp, envir = .geoGraphEnv)
    assign("sticky.points", TRUE, envir = .geoGraphEnv)

}) # end points method gGraph

## plotEdges
#' @export
plotEdges <- function(x, useCosts = NULL, col = "black", lwd = 1,
                      lty = 1, pch = NULL, psize = NULL, pcol = NULL, maxLwd = 3, col.rules = NULL,
                      sticky.edges = FALSE, ...) {
  ## some checks
  if (!is.gGraph(x)) stop("x is not a valid gGraph object.")

  ## handle weights for edges
  if (is.null(useCosts)) {
    useCosts <- hasCosts(x)

  ## get the environment
  # env <- get(".geoGraphEnv", envir=.GlobalEnv)

  if (exists("last.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv)) {
    last.points <- get("last.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  } else {
    last.points <- expression()

  ## handle plot param # ! discarded: now call last points
  ## last.plot.param <- get("last.plot.param", envir=.geoGraphEnv)
  ## if(is.null(psize)) psize <- last.plot.param$psize
  ## if(is.null(pch)) pch <- last.plot.param$pch
  ## if(is.null(pcol)) pcol <- last.plot.param$col
  ## if(is.null(psize)){
  ##     psize <- get("psize", envir=.geoGraphEnv)
  ## }

  ## retained coords (those within plotting area)
  coords <- getCoords(x)
  toKeep <- isInArea(x, reg = "current", res.type = "integer")
  keptCoords <- coords[toKeep, , drop = FALSE]

  ## adjust pcol to subset of points in area

  if (is.null(pcol)) {
    ## handle color from attribute
    useAttrCol <- FALSE
    if (is.null(col.rules)) {
      if (!is.null(x@meta$colors)) {
        col.rules <- x@meta$colors
        useAttrCol <- TRUE
    } else {
      useAttrCol <- TRUE

    if (!is.null(pcol)) { # pcol overrides color by attribute
      useAttrCol <- FALSE
      pcol <- pcol[toKeep]

    if (useAttrCol) {
      if (is.null(col.rules)) {
        col.rules <- colnames(x@meta$colors)[1] # default attribute used for colors

      pcol <- getColors(x, nodes = toKeep, attr.name = colnames(col.rules)[1], col.rules = col.rules)
    } else {
      pcol <- "black"
    } # end handle pcol

  edges <- getEdges(x, res.type = "matNames", unique = TRUE) # retrieve (unique) edges
  temp <- (edges[, 1] %in% rownames(keptCoords)) & (edges[, 2] %in% rownames(keptCoords))
  keptEdges <- edges[temp, ]

  if (nrow(keptEdges) < 1) {
    cat("\nNo edge to plot.\n")

  ## handle costs
  if (useCosts) {
    edges.w <- getCosts(x, res.type = "vector", unique = TRUE)
    edges.w <- edges.w[temp]
    lwd <- edges.w / max(edges.w) # max lwd = 1
    lwd <- 1 - lwd # invert scale (to have thiner edges for larger costs)
    lwd <- lwd * maxLwd # max lwd = maxLwd
    lty <- rep(1, length(lwd)) # make a lty vector
    lty[lwd < 1e-5] <- 3 # assign 3 (doted line) to dead edges.

  ## plot segments
  idx1 <- match(as.character(keptEdges[, 1]), rownames(keptCoords))
  idx2 <- match(as.character(keptEdges[, 2]), rownames(keptCoords))

  graphics::segments(keptCoords[idx1, 1], keptCoords[idx1, 2],
    keptCoords[idx2, 1], keptCoords[idx2, 2],
    col = col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, ...

  ## replot points
  ## points(keptCoords[,1], keptCoords[,2], pch=pch, cex=psize, col=pcol)

  ## if sticky edges are used, store info in env ##
  if (sticky.edges) {
    ## curCall <- sys.call(-1) # does not work as plotEdges is not a S4 method
    curCall <- match.call()
    temp <- get("last.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv) # might be a single expression or a list of expressions
    if (!is.list(temp)) {
      temp <- list(temp) # make sure it is a list
    ## do not add an existing expression ##
    existExp <- any(sapply(temp, identical, curCall))
    if (!existExp) {
      temp[[length(temp) + 1]] <- curCall
      assign("last.points", temp, envir = .geoGraphEnv)
    assign("sticky.points", TRUE, envir = .geoGraphEnv)

} # end plotEdges

## plot for gData
#' Plot a gData object.
#' Various functions to plot a \linkS4class{gData} object: \code{plot} opens a
#' device and plots the object, while \code{points} plots the object on the
#' existing device. Plotting of \linkS4class{gData} object relies on plotting
#' the \linkS4class{gGraph} object to which it is linked, and then represent
#' the locations of the \linkS4class{gData} and/or the associated nodes.
#' When \code{sticky.points} is set to TRUE, all operations performed on the
#' graphics like zooming or sliding the window can be performed without loosing
#' the \code{gData} plot.\cr
#' @name plot-gData
#' @aliases plot,gData-method plot,gData,missing-method plot.gData
#' points,gData-method points.gData
#' @docType methods
#' @param x a valid \linkS4class{gData} object. The \linkS4class{gData} object
#' to which it is linked must exist in the global environment.
#' @param type a character string indicating which information should be
#' plotted: original locations ('original'), associated nodes ('nodes',
#' default), or both ('both'). In the latter case, an arrow goes from locations
#' to nodes.
#' @param pch.ori a numeric or a character indicating the type of point for
#' locations.
#' @param pch.nodes a numeric or a character indicating the type of point for
#' nodes.
#' @param col.ori a character string indicating the color to be used for
#' locations.
#' @param col.nodes a character string indicating the color to be used for
#' nodes.
#' @param col.gGraph a (recycled) color vector for the associated
#' \linkS4class{gGraph} object. If NULL, default color is used. Set to
#' \code{NA} or "transparent" to avoid plotting the \linkS4class{gGraph}.
#' @param reset a logical stating whether the plotting area should be reset to
#' fit the \code{gData} object (TRUE), or should conserve previous plotting and
#' settings (FALSE, default).
#' @param sticky.points a logical indicating if added points should be kept
#' when replotting (TRUE, default), or not (FALSE). In any case,
#' \code{reset=TRUE} will prevent points to be redrawn.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to \code{points}.

#' @seealso - Different functions to explore these plots:\cr
#' \code{\link{geo.zoomin}}, \code{\link{geo.zoomout}},
#' \code{\link{geo.slide}}, \code{\link{geo.back}}, \code{\link{geo.bookmark}},
#' \code{\link{geo.goto}}.\cr
#' @keywords methods hplot spatial
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myLoc <- list(x = c(3, -8, 11, 28), y = c(50, 57, 71, 67)) # some locations
#' obj <- new("gData", coords = myLoc) # new gData object
#' obj
#' obj@gGraph.name <- "worldgraph.10k"
#' obj <- closestNode(obj, attr.name = "habitat", attr.value = "land")
#' ## plot the result (original location -> assigned node)
#' plot(obj, type = "both", reset = TRUE)
#' title("'x'=location, 'o'=assigned node")
#' ## using different parameters
#' points(obj, type = "both", pch.ori = 2, col.ori = "red", pch.nodes = 20, col.nodes = "pink")
#' ## only nodes, fancy plot
#' plot(obj, col.nodes = "red", cex = 1, pch.node = 20)
#' points(obj, col.nodes = "red", cex = 2)
#' points(obj, col.nodes = "orange", cex = 3)
#' points(obj, col.nodes = "yellow", cex = 4)
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "gData", y = "missing"), function(x, type = c("nodes", "original", "both"),
                                                                  pch.ori = 4, pch.nodes = 1,
                                                                  col.ori = "black", col.nodes = "red",
                                                                  col.gGraph = NULL,
                                                                  reset = FALSE, sticky.points = TRUE, ...) {
  ## some checks
  if (!is.gData(x)) stop("x is not a valid gData object")
  type <- match.arg(type)

  ## get the environment
  #    env <- get(".geoGraphEnv", envir=.GlobalEnv)
  env <- .geoGraphEnv

  if (!exists(x@gGraph.name, envir = .GlobalEnv)) { # if the gGraph is missing, stop
    stop(paste("The gGraph object", x@gGraph.name, "is missing."))

  myGraph <- get(x@gGraph.name, envir = .GlobalEnv) # get the gGraph object

  if ((type %in% c("nodes", "both")) & (length(x@nodes.id) == 0)) { # no nodes assigned
    stop("Locations are not assigned to nodes (x@nodes.id is empty).")

  ## cleaning if required ##
  if (reset) {
    assign("sticky.points", FALSE, envir = .geoGraphEnv) # remove possible sticky points
    assign("last.points", expression(), envir = .geoGraphEnv) # remove possible sticky points

  ## define visible area if reset ##
  if ((!exists("zoom.log", envir = .geoGraphEnv)) | reset) {
    loc <- getCoords(x)
    coords.nodes <- getCoords(myGraph)[x@nodes.id, , drop = FALSE]
    temp <- rbind(loc, coords.nodes)
    myRegion <- as.vector(apply(temp, 2, range)) # return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
    .zoomlog.up(myRegion) # define new window limits

  zoomlog <- get("zoom.log", envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  zoomlog <- zoomlog[1, ]

  xlim <- zoomlog[1:2]
  ylim <- zoomlog[3:4]

  ## plot the gGraph object ##
  plot(myGraph, col = col.gGraph)

  ## call to points ##
  ## store previous last.points in envir (is erased by points)
  if (exists("last.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv)) {
    last.points <- get("last.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  } else {
    last.points <- expression()

    type = type,
    pch.ori = pch.ori, pch.nodes = pch.nodes, col.ori = col.ori,
    col.nodes = col.nodes, sticky.points = sticky.points, ...

  ## some assignments
  curCall <- sys.call(-1)
  assign("last.plot", curCall, envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  ## must re-assign the last call to points in envir.
  assign("last.points", last.points, envir = .geoGraphEnv)

  ## add previously added points if needed ##
  sticky.points <- get("sticky.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  if (sticky.points) {
    temp <- get("last.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv) # this may be a list of calls
    invisible(lapply(temp, eval))

}) # end plot method

## points for gData
#' @export
#' @describeIn plot-gData Plot as points
setMethod("points", signature(x = "gData"), function(x, type = c("nodes", "original", "both"),
                                                     pch.ori = 4, pch.nodes = 1,
                                                     col.ori = "black", col.nodes = "red",
                                                     sticky.points = TRUE, ...) {
  ## some checks
  if (!is.gData(x)) stop("x is not a valid gData object")
  type <- match.arg(type)

  ## get the environment
  #   env <- get(".geoGraphEnv", envir=.GlobalEnv)

  ## subset data to visible area ##
  coords.ori <- getCoords(x)
  if (type %in% c("nodes", "both")) { # need to get coords of nodes
    if (!exists(x@gGraph.name, envir = .GlobalEnv)) { # if the gGraph is missing, stop
      stop(paste("The gGraph object", x@gGraph.name, "is missing."))

    if (length(x@nodes.id) == 0) { # if nodes have not been assigned, stop
      stop("No nodes are assigned (@nodes.id empty); nothing to plot.")

    myGraph <- get(x@gGraph.name, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    coords.nodes <- getCoords(myGraph)[x@nodes.id, , drop = FALSE]
    ## toKeep <- isInArea(coords.nodes, reg="usr", res.type="integer") # useless, messy
    ## coords.nodes <- coords.nodes[toKeep, , drop=FALSE]

  ## restrain coords to current area ## # no need for this
  ## toKeep <- isInArea(coords.ori, reg="current", res.type="integer")
  ## coords.ori <- coords.ori[toKeep, , drop=FALSE]

  ## add points ##
  if (type == "original" | type == "both") { # plot original coordinates
    points(coords.ori[, 1], coords.ori[, 2], pch = pch.ori, col = col.ori, ...)

  if (type == "nodes" | type == "both") { # plot assigned nodes
    points(coords.nodes[, 1], coords.nodes[, 2], pch = pch.nodes, col = col.nodes, ...)

  if (type == "both") { # add arrows from original location to assigned node
    graphics::arrows(coords.ori[, 1], coords.ori[, 2], coords.nodes[, 1], coords.nodes[, 2], angle = 15, length = .1)

  ## if sticky points are used, store info in env ##
  if (sticky.points) {
    curCall <- sys.call(-1)
    temp <- get("last.points", envir = .geoGraphEnv) # might be a single expression or a list of expressions
    if (!is.list(temp)) {
      temp <- list(temp) # make sure it is a list
    ## do not add an existing expression ##
    existExp <- any(sapply(temp, identical, curCall))
    if (!existExp) {
      temp[[length(temp) + 1]] <- curCall
      assign("last.points", temp, envir = .geoGraphEnv)
    assign("sticky.points", TRUE, envir = .geoGraphEnv)

}) # end points for gData
thibautjombart/geograph documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 10 p.m.