
#' Cluster ego-centered networks by a grouping factor
#' The idea of clustered graphs is to reduce the complexity of an ego-centered network
#' graph by visualising its group aggregated form. It is developed by
#' Lerner et al. (2008). It helps to discover and visualise structural and 
#' compostional properties of ego-centered networks, based on a pre-defined
#' factor variable on the alter level. clustered.graphs() calculates group sizes,
#' inter- and intragroup densities and these informations in a \code{list} of
#' \code{igraph} objects.
#' @param alteri.list \code{List} of \code{data frames} containing the alteri 
#' data.
#' @param edges.list \code{List} of \code{data frames} containing the edge 
#' lists (= alter-alter relations).
#' @param clust.groups A \code{character} naming the \code{factor} variable building the groups.
#' @references Brandes, U., Lerner, J., Lubbers, M. J., McCarty, C., & Molina, 
#' J. L. (2008). Visual Statistics for Collections of Clustered Graphs. 2008 
#' IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, 47-54.
#' @return \code{clustered.graphs} returns a list of graph objects representing 
#' the clustered ego-centered network data;
#' @keywords ego-centric network analysis
#' @seealso \code{\link{vis.clustered.graphs}} for visualising clustered graphs
#' @example /inst/examples/ex_cg.r
#' @export
clustered.graphs <- function(alteri.list, edges.list, clust.groups) {
  GetGroupSizes <- function(x) {
    #y <- aggregate(x$alterID, by = x[clust.groups], FUN = NROW)
    y <- data.frame(table(x[clust.groups]))
    names(y) <- c("groups", "size")
  alteri.grped.list <- lapply(alteri.list, FUN = GetGroupSizes)
  # Exclude NAs in clust.groups
  alteri.list <- lapply(alteri.list, FUN = function(y) y[!is.na(y[clust.groups]), ])
  graphs <- to.network(e.lists = edges.list, alteri.list = alteri.list)
  # # Store colnames of edges and alteri for consistency check.
  # alteri.names<- lapply(alteri.list, FUN = names)
  # if(length(unique(alteri.names))==1) print("alteri.list names check out")
  # edges.names <- lapply(edges.list, FUN = names)
  # if(length(unique(edges.names))==1) print("edges.list names check out")
  # #!# Create warning, when names are not the same throug all
# Extracting edges within and between groups ------------------------------
  calculateGrpDensities <- function(g, alteri.group.n, clust.groups) {
    SelectGroupEdges <- function(g, clust.groups, group1, group2 = group1) {
      V.group1 <- igraph::V(g)[igraph::get.vertex.attribute(g, clust.groups) == group1]
      V.group2 <- igraph::V(g)[igraph::get.vertex.attribute(g, clust.groups) == group2]
      igraph::E(g)[V.group1 %--% V.group2]
    # Check if all groups are zero sized, if so: return empty entries for grp.df and asdad
    if(length(igraph::V(g)) < 1) {
      groups.list <- list()
      grps.df <- data.frame(i.name= character(0), j.name= character(0), grp.size = numeric(0),
                            grp.possible.dyads = numeric(0), grp.density = numeric(0))

    } else {
      x_names <- names(table(igraph::get.vertex.attribute(g, clust.groups)))
      x_dim <- length(x_names)
      for.loop.matrix <- matrix(1, ncol = x_dim, nrow = x_dim)
      colnames(for.loop.matrix) <- x_names
      rownames(for.loop.matrix) <- x_names
      groups.list <- list()
      grps.df <- data.frame()
      for (i in 1:x_dim) {
        i.name <- colnames(for.loop.matrix)[i]
        for (j in (1-1+i):(x_dim)) {
          j.name <- rownames(for.loop.matrix)[j]
          ij.name <- paste (i.name, j.name)
          groups.list[[ij.name]] <- SelectGroupEdges(g, clust.groups, i.name, j.name) 
          real.dyads <- length(groups.list[[ij.name]])
          groups.size.i <- alteri.group.n$size[alteri.group.n$groups == i.name]
          groups.size.j <- alteri.group.n$size[alteri.group.n$groups == j.name]
          grp.size <-  ifelse(i.name == j.name, groups.size.i, groups.size.i + groups.size.j)
          if(j.name != i.name) {
            grp.possible.dyads <- dyads.possible.between.groups(groups.size.i, groups.size.j)
          } else {
            grp.possible.dyads <- egonetR:::dyad.poss(groups.size.i)
          grp.density <- real.dyads / grp.possible.dyads 
          #grp.density.fake <- sample(0:100/100, 10)
          grps.df <- rbind(grps.df, data.frame(i.name, j.name, grp.size, grp.possible.dyads, grp.density))
      # Check for empty categories and add dummy vertex.
      empty_cats <- alteri.group.n$groups[!alteri.group.n$groups %in% grps.df$i.name]
      if (length(empty_cats) > 0) {
        for(i in 1:length(empty_cats)) {
          empty_dummy <- data.frame(empty_cats[i], empty_cats[i], 0, NaN, NA)
          names(empty_dummy) <- names(grps.df)
          grps.df <- rbind(grps.df, empty_dummy)
    list(grp.densities = grps.df, edges.lists = groups.list)
  grp.densities <- mapply(FUN = calculateGrpDensities, graphs, alteri.grped.list, clust.groups, SIMPLIFY = F)
# Create 'clustered graphs' igraph object  --------------------------------
  clustered.graphs <- lapply(grp.densities, 
                             FUN = function(x) igraph::graph.data.frame(
                               x$grp.densities[x$grp.densities$i.name != x$grp.densities$j.name, ],
                               vertices = x$grp.densities[x$grp.densities$i.name == x$grp.densities$j.name, ],
                               directed = F))

#' Visualise clustered graphs
#' \code{vis.clustered.graphs} visualises clustered.graphs using a list of
#' clustered graphs created with \code{\link{clustered.graphs}}
#' created clustered graph objects.
#' @param graphs \code{List} of \code{graph} objects, representing the clustered
#' graphs.
#' @param node.size.multiplier \code{Numeric} used to multiply the node diameter
#' of visualised nodes.
#' @param node.min.size \code{Numeric} indicating minimum size of plotted 
#' nodes
#' @param node.max.size \code{Numeric} indicating maximum size of plotted 
#' nodes
#' @param edge.width.multiplier \code{Numeric} used to mutliply the edge width.
#' @param center \code{Numeric} indicating the vertex to be plotted in center.
#' @param label.size \code{Numeric}.
#' @param labels \code{Boolean}. Plots with turned off labels will be preceeded 
#' by a 'legend' plot giving the labels of the vertices.
#' @param legend.node.size \code{Numeric} used as node diameter of legend graph.
#' @param to.pdf \code{Boolean}.
#' @return \code{vis.clustered.graphs} plots
#' a \code{list} of \code{igraph} objects created by the \code{clustered.graphs}
#' function.
#' @references Brandes, U., Lerner, J., Lubbers, M. J., McCarty, C., & Molina, 
#' J. L. (2008). Visual Statistics for Collections of Clustered Graphs. 2008 
#' IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, 47-54.
#' @return \code{clustered.graphs} returns a list of graph objects representing 
#' the clustered ego-centered network data;
#' @keywords ego-centric network analysis
#' @seealso \code{\link{clustered.graphs}} for creating clustered graphs objects
#' @example /inst/examples/ex_cg.r
#' @export
vis.clustered.graphs <- function(graphs, 
                                 node.size.multiplier = 1, 
                                 node.min.size = 0,
                                 node.max.size = 200, 
                                 edge.width.multiplier = 30,
                                 center = 1, 
                                 label.size = 0.8, 
                                 labels = F, 
                                 legend.node.size = 45, 
                                 to.pdf = F) {

  plotLegendGraph <- function(grps.graph, center) {
      # set all edges to 1
      vertex_names <- names(igraph::V(grps.graph))
      vertex_df <- data.frame(x1 = vertex_names)
      vertex_length <- length(vertex_names) 
      edges_mat <- matrix(1, nrow = vertex_length, ncol = vertex_length, dimnames = list(vertex_names, vertex_names))
      diag(edges_mat) <- 0
      edges_mat[upper.tri(edges_mat)] <- 0
      edges_graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(edges_mat)
      edge_list <- igraph::ends(edges_graph, igraph::E(edges_graph), names = T)
      grps.graph <- igraph::graph.data.frame(d= edge_list, vertices= vertex_df, directed= FALSE)
      #grps.graph <- igraph::graph.data.frame(d= data.frame(x=character(0), y=character(0)), vertices= vertex_df, directed= FALSE)
                vertex.color = "grey", 
                vertex.frame.color = NA, 
                vertex.size = legend.node.size,
                edge.width = 1,
                vertex.label.color = "black", 
                vertex.label.cex = label.size,
                vertex.label.family = "sans",
                #vertex.label.dist = 4,
                #vertex.label.degree = ifelse(igraph::layout.star(grps.graph, center = center)[,1] >= 1, 0, pi),
                layout = layout_)
  plotGraph <- function(graph, center) {
    if(labels) {
      vertex.label <- paste(" ", igraph::V(graph)$grp.size,
                            round(igraph::V(graph)$grp.density, digits = 2), sep = "\n")
      vertex.label.b <- paste(igraph::V(graph)$name, " ",  " ", sep = "\n")
      edge.label <- ifelse(igraph::E(graph)$grp.density == 0, "" , round(igraph::E(graph)$grp.density, digits = 2))
      grey.shades <- gray(seq(1, 0, -0.008))[igraph::V(graph)$grp.density*100+1]
      grey.shades <-  strtoi(substr(gsub("#", replacement = "0x", grey.shades), start = 1, stop = 4))
      label.shades <- ifelse(grey.shades < 120, "#cccccc", "black")
      label.shades.b <- ifelse(grey.shades > 120, "white", "black")
      if(length(label.shades) == 0) label.shades <- "black"
    } else {
      vertex.label <- NA
      vertex.label.b <- NA
      edge.label <- NA
      label.shades <- NA
    vertex.size <- igraph::V(graph)$grp.size * node.size.multiplier + node.min.size
    #vertex.size <- ifelse(vertex.size < vertex.min.size, vertex.min.size, vertex.size)
    vertex.size[vertex.size > node.max.size] <- node.max.size
    #lx <- layout.star(graph)[,1]
    #ly <- layout.star(graph)[,2]
    #plot(-2:2, -2:2, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = F)
    #plotrix::boxed.labels(lx, ly, vertex.label.b, col = "blue", border = F, bg = "orange")
                #add = T,
                #rescale = F,
                vertex.color = gray(seq(1, 0, -0.008))[igraph::V(graph)$grp.density*100+1], 
                vertex.frame.color = ifelse(igraph::V(graph)$grp.density == 0 | is.na(igraph::V(graph)$grp.density), "black", NA), 
                vertex.size = vertex.size,
                vertex.label.color = label.shades, 
                vertex.label.cex = label.size,
                vertex.label = vertex.label,
                vertex.label.family = "sans",
                vertex.label.font = 1,
                edge.width = igraph::E(graph)$grp.density * edge.width.multiplier,
                edge.arrow.size = 0, 
                edge.label = edge.label,
                edge.label.color = "black",
                edge.label.cex = edge.label.cex,
                edge.label.family = "sans",
                edge.color = ifelse(igraph::E(graph)$grp.density == 0, NA, "grey"),
                layout = layout_)
      # igraph::plot.igraph(graph, add = T,
      #                   vertex.color = NA, 
      #                   vertex.frame.color = NA, 
      #                   vertex.size = vertex.size,
      #                   vertex.label.color = label.shades.b, 
      #                   vertex.label.cex = label.size + 0.1,
      #                   vertex.label = vertex.label.b,
      #                   vertex.label.family = "serif",
      #                   vertex.label.font = 2,
      #                   #vertex.label.dist = 0.02,
      #                   edge.width = 0,
      #                   edge.color = NA,
      #                   edge.arrow.size = 0, 
      #                   layout = layout_)
                add = T,
                #rescale = F,
                vertex.color = NA, 
                vertex.frame.color = NA, 
                vertex.size = vertex.size,
                vertex.label.color = label.shades, 
                vertex.label.cex = label.size,
                vertex.label = vertex.label.b,
                vertex.label.family = "serif",
                vertex.label.font = 2,
                edge.width = 0,
                edge.color = NA,
                edge.arrow.size = 0, 
                layout = layout_)
  example.graph <- graphs[[1]]
  center.vertex.max <- length(igraph::V(example.graph))
  if(to.pdf) {
    rand.chars <- paste(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS),
                               8, replace=TRUE), collapse="")
    filename <- paste("clustered_graphs_" , rand.chars, ".pdf", sep = "")
    pdf(file=filename, width = 46.81, height = 33.11)
    page.xy <- din.page.dist(length(graphs) + 1)
    par(mfrow=c(page.xy[1], page.xy[2]))
  if(!labels) {
    if(length(igraph::V(example.graph)) < 4) {
      layout_ <- igraph::layout.circle
    } else {
      layout_ <- igraph::layout_as_star(example.graph, center = center)
    plotLegendGraph(example.graph, 1)
  edge.label.cex <- label.size
  edge.label.color <- "black"
  for(graph in graphs) {
    if(length(igraph::V(graph))<1) {
    } else {
      if(length(igraph::V(graph)) < 4) {
        layout_ <- igraph::layout.circle
      } else {
        layout_ <- igraph::layout_as_star(graph, center = center)
      plotGraph(graph, center)
  if(to.pdf) {
tilltnet/egonetR documentation built on May 31, 2019, 1:46 p.m.