qtlrelPerChr: QTLRel per chromosome

View source: R/quantgen.R

qtlrelPerChrR Documentation

QTLRel per chromosome


Given I genotypes, P SNPs, Q covariates (e.g. replicates) and N=I*Q phenotypes, the whole likelihood is: y = W alpha + Z X beta + epsilon, where y is Nx1, W is NxQ, Z is NxI, X is IxP and u = X beta. The QTLRel package (Cheng et al, BMC Genetics, 2011) decomposes the inference into an ad hoc procedure of two steps. First, the variance components and fixed effects are estimated: y = W alpha + Z u + epsilon. Second the allele effects are tested SNP per SNP: for all p in 1,..,P, y = W alpha + Z x_p beta_p + Z u + epsilon, using the fixed effects and variance components estimated in the first step. As the SNPs can be in linkage disequilibrium, it is advised (Yang et al, Nature Genetics, 2014) to perform the procedure chromosome per chromosome, which is the goal of this function; but I advise to also run it with chr.ids=NULL.


  thresh = 0.01,
  chr.ids = NULL,
  W = NULL,
  Z = NULL,
  method.A = "vanraden1",
  verbose = 1



vector or one-column matrix of phenotypes (the order is important and should be in agreement with the other arguments X, W and Z)


matrix of bi-allelic SNP genotypes encoded in allele doses in 0,1,2, with genotypes in rows and SNPs in columns


data.frame with SNP identifiers as row names and two columns named "chr" and "coord" (or "pos")


threshold on minor allele frequencies below which SNPs are ignored via discardSnpsLowMaf (default=0.01; NULL to skip this step; SNPs are ignored for testing, but all are still used to calculate the matrix of additive genetic relationships as rare SNPs are informative in this purpose)


vector of chromosome identifiers to analyze (if NULL, the regular QTLRel procedure is launched, i.e. all chromosomes are used to estimate the variance components)


incidence matrix of covariates (should not contain the column of 1's for the intercept; use model.matrix if necessary)


incidence matrix relating phenotypes to genotypes (if nrow(y) and nrow(X) are different, diagonal otherwise; use model.matrix if necessary)


method to estimate the additive relationships (see estimGenRel)


verbosity level (0/1)


a list with three data.frames as components, variance.components, fixed.effects and scan


Timothee Flutre


## Not run: ## simulate data
I <- 200
P <- 2000
Q <- 3
N <- Q * I
dat <- data.frame(ind=as.factor(rep(paste0("ind", 1:I), times=Q)),
                  year=as.factor(rep(paste0(2003:(2003+Q-1)), each=I)))
W <- stats::model.matrix(~ year, dat)
alpha <- rnorm(n=Q, mean=50, sd=30)
X <- simulGenosDose(nb.genos=I, nb.snps=P)
beta <- rnorm(n=P, mean=0, sd=2)
Z <- stats::model.matrix(~ ind - 1, dat)
dat$response <- as.vector(W %*% alpha + Z %*% X %*% beta + rnorm(N))
snp.coords <- data.frame(chr=sample(paste0("chr",1:10), P, TRUE),
                         coord=sample.int(10^6, P))
rownames(snp.coords) <- colnames(X)

## perform the inference
res <- qtlrelPerChr(dat$response, X, snp.coords, 0.01, "chr1", W=W[,-1], Z=Z)
## res <- qtlrelPerChr(dat$response, X, snp.coords, 0.01, NULL, W=W[,-1], Z=Z)

## End(Not run)

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