
Defines functions read_wham_fit

Documented in read_wham_fit

#' Read WHAM fit
#' Gets output from a fit WHAM model for plotting with other models.
#' Internal function, called within \code{\link{compare_wham_models}}.
#' @param mod output from \code{\link{fit_wham}}
#' @param alphaCI (1-alpha)\% confidence intervals will be calculated. Default = 0.05 for 95\% CI.  
#' @return a named list with the following elements:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{$years}}{numeric vector, model years only, e.g. \code{1972:2020}}
#'     \item{\code{$years_full}}{numeric vector, model + proj years, e.g. \code{1972:2022}}
#'     \item{\code{$selAA}}{list of length(n_selblocks), first the fleet blocks then indices, i.e. if 4 fleet blocks and 3 indices, \code{selAA[[5]]} is for index 1. Each element is a matrix, years (rows) x ages (cols), selectivity at age}
#'     \item{\code{$selblock_pointer_fleets}}{matrix, years x fleets, indices of selAA used by each fleet in each year}
#'     \item{\code{$selblock_pointer_indices}}{matrix, years x indices, indices of selAA used by each index in each year}
#'     \item{\code{$MAA}}{matrix, years x ages, natural mortality}
#'     \item{\code{$log_SSB}}{matrix, years x 2, log-scale spawning stock biomass. 1st col = MLE, 2nd col = SE.}
#'     \item{\code{$log_F}}{matrix, years x 2, log-scale fully-selected F. 1st col = MLE, 2nd col = SE.}
#'     \item{\code{$log_NAA}}{matrix, years x ages, numbers at age}
#'     \item{\code{$NAA_CV}}{matrix, years x ages, CV of numbers at age}
#'     \item{\code{$percentSPR}}{scalar, X\% SPR used to calculate reference points, default = 40}
#'     \item{\code{$log_Y_FXSPR}}{matrix, years x 2, log-scale yield at FXSPR. 1st col = MLE, 2nd col = SE.}
#'     \item{\code{$log_FXSPR}}{matrix, years x 2, log-scale FXSPR. 1st col = MLE, 2nd col = SE.}
#'     \item{\code{$log_SSB_FXSPR}}{matrix, years x 2, log-scale SSB at FXSPR. 1st col = MLE, 2nd col = SE.}
#'     \item{\code{$log_rel_ssb_F_cov}}{list, length n_years, each element is a 2x2 covariance matrix with SSB/SSB_FXSPR first and F/F_FXSPR second}
#'   }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit_wham}}, \code{\link{read_asap3_fit}}, \code{\link{compare_wham_models}}
read_wham_fit <- function(mod, alphaCI=0.05){
  # if sdreport succeeded but didn't save full sdreport object in mod, recalculate it here
  if(mod$is_sdrep & class(mod$sdrep)[1] != "sdreport"){
    mod$sdrep <- TMB::sdreport(mod)
  n_ages <- mod$env$data$n_ages
  n_years <- length(mod$years_full)

  x <- list()
  x$years <- mod$years
  x$years_full <- mod$years_full
  x$selAA <- mod$rep$selAA
  x$selblock_pointer_fleets <- mod$env$data$selblock_pointer_fleets
  x$selblock_pointer_indices <- mod$env$data$selblock_pointer_indices
  x$MAA <- mod$rep$MAA

  # std = summary(mod$sdrep)
  std <- summary(mod$sdrep, "report")
  inds <- list(Y.t = which(rownames(std) == "log_Y_FXSPR"))
  inds$F.t <- which(rownames(std) == "log_FXSPR")
  inds$SSB.t <- which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB_FXSPR")
  inds$ssb <- which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB")
  inds$faa <- which(rownames(std) == "log_FAA_tot")
  log.faa <- matrix(std[inds$faa,1], n_years, n_ages)
  age.full.f <- apply(log.faa,1, function(x) max(which(x == max(x))))
  inds$full.f <- (age.full.f-1)*n_years + 1:n_years  + min(inds$faa) - 1 #cbind(1:n_years, age.full.f)
  inds$naa <- which(rownames(std) == "log_NAA_rep")
  if("log_FMSY" %in% rownames(std)){
    inds$Fmsy <- which(rownames(std) == "log_FMSY")
    x$log_FMSY <- cbind(std[inds$Fmsy,1:2], get.ci(std[inds$Fmsy,1:2], alpha=alphaCI))
    colnames(x$log_FMSY) <- c("log_est","log_se","est","lo","hi")
  if("log_SSB_MSY" %in% rownames(std)){
    inds$SSBmsy <- which(rownames(std) == "log_SSB_MSY")
    x$log_SSB_MSY <- cbind(std[inds$SSBmsy,1:2], get.ci(std[inds$SSBmsy,1:2], alpha=alphaCI))
    colnames(x$log_SSB_MSY) <- c("log_est","log_se","est","lo","hi")
  if("log_MSY" %in% rownames(std)){
    inds$msy <- which(rownames(std) == "log_MSY")    
    x$log_MSY <- cbind(std[inds$msy,1:2], get.ci(std[inds$msy,1:2], alpha=alphaCI))
    colnames(x$log_MSY) <- c("log_est","log_se","est","lo","hi")
  # inds$catch <- which(rownames(std) == "log_pred_catch")
  # x$log_pred_catch <- cbind(std[inds$catch,1:2], get.ci(std[inds$catch,1:2], alpha=alphaCI))
  # colnames(x$log_pred_catch) <- c("log_est","log_se","est","lo","hi")

  x$log_SSB <- cbind(std[inds$ssb,1:2], get.ci(std[inds$ssb,1:2], alpha=alphaCI))
  colnames(x$log_SSB) <- c("log_est","log_se","est","lo","hi")
  # x$SSB_CV <- std[inds$ssb,2]
  x$log_F <- cbind(std[inds$full.f,1:2], get.ci(std[inds$full.f,1:2], alpha=alphaCI))
  colnames(x$log_F) <- c("log_est","log_se","est","lo","hi")
  # x$F_CV <- std[inds$full.f,2]
  x$log_NAA <- matrix(std[inds$naa,1], n_years, n_ages)
  x$NAA_CV <- matrix(std[inds$naa,2], n_years, n_ages)
  x$log_NAA_lo <- exp(x$log_NAA - qnorm(1-alphaCI/2)*x$NAA_CV)
  x$log_NAA_hi <- exp(x$log_NAA + qnorm(1-alphaCI/2)*x$NAA_CV)

  x$percentSPR <- mod$env$data$percentSPR
  x$log_Y_FXSPR <- cbind(std[inds$Y.t,1:2], get.ci(std[inds$Y.t,1:2], alpha=alphaCI))
  colnames(x$log_Y_FXSPR) <- c("log_est","log_se","est","lo","hi")
  x$log_FXSPR <- cbind(std[inds$F.t,1:2], get.ci(std[inds$F.t,1:2], alpha=alphaCI))
  colnames(x$log_FXSPR) <- c("log_est","log_se","est","lo","hi")
  x$log_SSB_FXSPR <- cbind(std[inds$SSB.t,1:2], get.ci(std[inds$SSB.t,1:2], alpha=alphaCI))
  colnames(x$log_SSB_FXSPR) <- c("log_est","log_se","est","lo","hi")
  # x$Y_FXSPR_CV <- std[inds$Y.t,2]
  # x$FXSPR_CV <- std[inds$F.t,2]
  # x$SSB_FXSPR_CV <- std[inds$SSB.t,2]

  cov <- mod$sdrep$cov
  x$log_rel_ssb_F_cov <- lapply(1:n_years, function(x){
    K <- cbind(c(1,-1,0,0),c(0,0,1,-1))
    ind <- c(inds$ssb[x],inds$SSB.t[x],inds$full.f[x],inds$F.t[x])
    tcov <- cov[ind,ind]
    return(t(K) %*% tcov %*% K)
  if("log_FMSY" %in% rownames(std) & "log_SSB_MSY" %in% rownames(std)){
    x$log_rel_ssb_F_cov_msy <- lapply(1:n_years, function(x){
      K <- cbind(c(1,-1,0,0),c(0,0,1,-1))
      ind <- c(inds$ssb[x],inds$SSBmsy[x],inds$full.f[x],inds$Fmsy[x])
      tcov <- cov[ind,ind]
      return(t(K) %*% tcov %*% K)
timjmiller/wham documentation built on April 28, 2024, 5:39 a.m.