
Defines functions rup reshape_pxt transform_datesout check_args transform_pxt interp_coh_lxMat_pxt lt_a2s_chunk interp_coh shift_census_ages_to_cohorts

Documented in interp_coh shift_census_ages_to_cohorts

#' shift census populations to match single year cohorts
#' @description Matches the (single) ages of a census to single cohorts. For use in intercensal interpolations. Ages are potentially blended to match single cohort line assuming that the population in each age is uniformly distributed over the age group.
#' @param pop numeric vector. Population counts in age groups, presumably from a census with an exact reference date.
#' @param age integer vector. Lower bound of single age groups
#' @param date Either a \code{Date} class object or an unambiguous character string in the format \code{"YYYY-MM-DD"}.
#' @param censusYearOpt character or `NA`. Options include:
#' * `"frac"` keep the partial cohort observed in the year of the census.
#' * `"drop"` remove the partial cohort from the census year (and trim other outputs to match)
#' * `"extrap"` inflate the partial cohort from the census year. Specifically we keep it the same as the input age 0.
#' * `NA` return `NA` for the census year cohort size.
#' @param OAG logical. Is the highest age group an open age? If `TRUE`
#' @examples
#' pop <- seq(10000,100,length.out = 101)
#' age <- 0:100
#' d1 <- "2020-01-01"
#' d2 <- "2020-07-01"
#' d3 <- "2020-12-21"
#' shift_census_ages_to_cohorts(pop, age, d1)
#' shift_census_ages_to_cohorts(pop, age, d2)
#' shift_census_ages_to_cohorts(pop, age, d3)
#' shift_census_ages_to_cohorts(pop, age, 2020.5)

shift_census_ages_to_cohorts <- function(pop,
                                         censusYearOpt = "frac",
                                         OAG = TRUE){
  date       <- dec.date(date)
  yr         <- floor(date)
  f1         <- date - yr
  if (OAG){
    N   <- length(pop)
    pop <- pop[-N]
    age <- age[-N]
  if (is.na(censusYearOpt)){
    censusYearOpt <- "NA"
  upper_part_of_cohort <- pop * f1
  lower_part_of_cohort <- pop * (1 - f1)
  shift      <- ceiling(f1)
  pop_out    <- shift.vector(lower_part_of_cohort,shift) + upper_part_of_cohort
  cohorts    <- yr - age - 1 + shift
  age_out    <- round(f1) + age
  if (censusYearOpt == "drop"){
    pop_out <- pop_out[-1]
    age_out <- age_out[-1]
    cohorts <- cohorts[-1]
  if (censusYearOpt == "extrap"){
    pop_out[1] <- pop[1]
    # identical to:
    # pop_out[1] <- pop_out[1] + (1-f1) *  pop[1]
  if (censusYearOpt == "NA"){
    pop_out[1] <- NA_real_
  list(cohort_size = pop_out,
       birth_year = cohorts,
       age = age_out,
       date = date,
       f1 = f1)

#' Cohort component intercensal interpolation
#' @description Cohorts between two censuses are interpolated using a cohort component approach.
#' @seealso interp
#' @param c1 numeric vector. The first (left) census in single age groups
#' @param c2 numeric vector. The second (right) census in single age groups
#' @param date1 reference date of c1`. Either a Date class object or an unambiguous character string in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".
#' @param date2 reference date of c2`. Either a Date class object or an unambiguous character string in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".
#' @param age1 integer vector. single ages of `c1`
#' @param age2 integer vector. single ages of `c2`
#' @param dates_out vector of desired output dates coercible to numeric using `dec.date()`
#' @param lxMat numeric matrix containing lifetable survivorship, `l(x)`. Each row is an age group and each column a time point. At least two intercensal time points needed.
#' @param age_lx integer vector. Age classes in `lxMat`
#' @param dates_lx date, character, or numeric vector of the column time points for `lxMat`. If these are calendar-year estimates, then you can choose mid-year time points
#' @param births integer vector. Raw birth counts for the corresponding (sub)-population, one value per each year of the intercensal period including both census years. The first and last years should include all births in the given year; don't discount them in advance.
#' @param years_births numeric vector of calendar years of births.
#' @param location UN Pop Division `LocName` or `LocID`
#' @param sex character string, either `"male"`, `"female"`, or `"both"`
#' @param midyear logical. `FALSE` means all Jan 1 dates between `date1` and `date2` are returned. `TRUE` means all July 1 intercensal dates are returned.
#' @param verbose logical. Shall we send informative messages to the console?
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to
#' @details The basic approach is to i) align the censuses to single-year cohorts by blending adjacent ages assuming that the birthdays in each age group are uniformly distributed through the year ii) decrement the first census forward within cohorts using period-cohort survival probabilities calculated from (supplied or downloaded) `l(x)` values, iii) redistribute the residual at the time of the second census uniformly over time within cohorts. These steps are always done on Jan 1 reference dates. If `midyear = TRUE`, then we do within-age band arithmetic interpolation to July 1 reference dates.
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table := as.data.table melt data.table dcast between
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' interp_coh(
#' location = "Russian Federation",
#' sex = "male",
#' c1 = pop1m_rus2002,
#' c2 = pop1m_rus2010,
#' date1 = "2002-10-16",
#' date2 = "2010-10-25",
#' age1 = 0:100,
#' births = c(719511L, 760934L, 772973L, 749554L, 760831L, 828772L, 880543L, 905380L, 919639L)
#' )
#' }
interp_coh <- function(
  age1 = 1:length(c1) - 1,
  age2 = 1:length(c2) - 1,
  dates_out = NULL,
  lxMat = NULL,
  age_lx = NULL,
  dates_lx = NULL,
  births = NULL,
  years_births = NULL,
  location = NULL,
  sex = "both",
  midyear = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  # convert the dates into decimal numbers
  date1 <- dec.date(date1)
  date2 <- dec.date(date2)
  res_list <- rup(
    c1 = c1,
    c2 = c2,
    date1 = date1,
    date2 = date2,
    age1 = age1,
    age2 = age2,
    dates_out = dates_out,
    lxMat = lxMat,
    age_lx = age_lx,
    dates_lx = dates_lx,
    births = births,
    years_births = years_births,
    location = location,
    sex = sex,
    midyear = midyear,
    verbose = verbose,
    ... = ...
  pop_jan1 <- res_list$pop_jan1
  dates_out <- res_list$dates_out
  . <- NULL
  age <- NULL
  discount <- NULL
  pop_jan1_pre <- NULL
  resid <- NULL
  year <- NULL
  # add "cumulative" residual to the RUP (pop_jan1_pre)
  pop_jan1[, `:=`(pop_jan1 = pop_jan1 + resid * discount)]
  pop_jan1 <- pop_jan1[!is.na(cohort)]
  # TR: to get residualmigbeta prelim result, one takes the cumulative
  # resid (resid * discount), then decumulates it (within cohorts!),
  # then sum over age. boo ya Lexis
  PopAP <-
    pop_jan1 %>%
    .[, list(age, year, pop_jan1)] %>%
    data.table::dcast(age ~ year, value.var = "pop_jan1") %>%
  matinterp <- PopAP[age <= max(age1), -1] %>% as.matrix()
  rownames(matinterp) <- age1
  # Handle NAs perhaps c1 needs OPAG beforehand?)
  ind <- is.na(matinterp)
  if (any(ind) & verbose){
    cat("\n",sum(ind),"NA detected in output.\nThese have been imputed with 0s.\nThis could happen in the highest ages,\nand you may consider extending the open ages of the census inputs?\n")
    matinterp[ind] <- 0
  # Handle negatives (small pops, or large negative residuals relative to pop size)
  ind <- matinterp < 0
  if (any(ind) & verbose){
    cat("\n",sum(ind),"negatives detected in output.\nThese have been imputed with 0s.\n")
    matinterp[ind] <- 0
  yrsIn     <- as.numeric(colnames(matinterp))
  if (all(yrsIn > date1)){
    matinterp <- cbind(c1, matinterp)
    yrsIn     <- c(date1, yrsIn)
  if (all(yrsIn < date2)){
    matinterp <- cbind(matinterp, c2[1:length(c2)])
    yrsIn     <- c(yrsIn, date2)
  colnames(matinterp) <- yrsIn
  # now we either return Jan1 dates or July 1 dates.
  out <- interp(
    datesIn = yrsIn,
    datesOut = as.numeric(dates_out),
    rule = 1
  if (any(out < 0)) {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("\nSome of the interpolated values resulted to be negative, replacing with zeroes\n") #nolintr
    out[out < 0] <- 0

# old code kept for now ---------------------------------------------------

# c1 <- seq(10000,10,length.out = 10)
# c2 <- seq(15000,10,length.out = 10)
# d1 <- "2020-07-01"
# d2 <- "2025-10-14"
# c1_coh <-census_cohort_adjust(c1, 0:9, d1)
# c2_coh <-census_cohort_adjust(c2, 0:9, d2)
# cohs_match <-
# matrix(c1_coh$pop)
# interp()
## commenting out interp_coh_bare won't be used
# interp_coh_bare <- function(c1, c2, date1, date2, age1, age2, ...){
#   date1 <- dec.date(date1)
#   date2 <- dec.date(date2)
#   # !!! do we plan to allow age1 != age2 ?
#   c1c <-census_cohort_adjust(c1, age1, date1)
#   c2c <-census_cohort_adjust(c2, age2, date2)
#   # Connect cohorts observed (completely) in both censuses
#   obs_coh <- intersect(c1c$cohort, c2c$cohort)
#   # remove first cohort if not observed in full
#   if(c1c$date - c1c$cohort[1] != 1){
#     obs_coh <- obs_coh[-1]
#   }
#   # Tim: select, make some intermediate data objects as necessary
#   # fully observed cohorts in a pop matrix
#   obs_coh_mat <- cbind(
#     c1c$pop[match(obs_coh, c1c$cohort)],
#     c2c$pop[match(obs_coh, c2c$cohort)]
#   )
#   # set names
#   dimnames(obs_coh_mat) <- list(obs_coh, c(c1c$date, c2c$date))
#   # Tim: then use interp()
#   # interpolate
#   dates_in <- dimnames(obs_coh_mat)[[2]] %>% as.numeric()
#   dates_out <- seq(floor(dates_in[1]), ceiling(dates_in[-1]), 1)
#   # what should be the default behavior here?
#   # I start off with the one year step period, inclusive
#   interpolated_coh_mat <- interp(
#     popmat = obs_coh_mat,
#     datesIn = dates_in,
#     datesOut = dates_out,
#     method = "linear",
#     rule = 2
#   )
#   ########
#   # Do something to fill in the lower triangle
#   # The most basic thing (suggested by Patrick)
#   # Just do a between-age interpolation and select out
#   # that triangle.
#   # !!! between-age interpolation
#   period_mat <-  cbind(c1, c2)
#   # set names
#   dimnames(period_mat) <- list(age1, c(date1, date2))
#   interpolated_period_mat <- interp(
#     popmat = period_mat,
#     datesIn = dimnames(period_mat)[[2]] %>% as.numeric(),
#     datesOut =  seq(floor(dates_in[1]), ceiling(dates_in[-1]), 1) ,
#     method = "linear",
#     rule = 2
#   )
#   ########
#   # Now fill in the upper triangle, doing something
#   # simple and robust
#   ########
#   # now the task is to take interpolated_period_mat
#   # and overwrite the matching values from interpolated_coh_mat
#   # achieved using a for loop that iterates across columns
#   # so I use the period interpolated matrix as canvas
#   # and overwrite the matching values from the cohort matrix
#   # dup interpolated_period_mat
#   out <- interpolated_period_mat
#   for (i in dimnames(interpolated_coh_mat)[[2]]) {
#     # take the i-th column from cohort interpolated matrix
#     replacement <- interpolated_coh_mat[,i]
#     # calculate the corresponding ages fo the interpolated values
#     ages <- as.numeric(i) - as.numeric(names(replacement))
#     # overwrite the cohort values in the period matrix
#     out[ages,i] <- replacement
#   }
#   # The remaining task is to frame the output
#   return(out)
# }
# # above rudimentary code works; below goes the new development
# # c1 = seq(10000,10,length.out = 10); c2 = seq(15000,10,length.out = 10); date1 = "2020-07-01"; date2 = "2025-10-14"; age1 = 0:9; age2 = 0:9
# canvas <-  interpolated_period_mat %>%
#   as_tibble(rownames = "age") %>%
#   pivot_longer(names_to = "year", values_to = "value", cols = -age) %>%
#   mutate(
#     age = age %>% as.numeric,
#     year = year %>% as.numeric,
#     cohort = year - age
#   )
# patch <- interpolated_coh_mat %>%
#   as_tibble(rownames = "cohort") %>%
#   pivot_longer(
#     names_to = "year", values_to = "value", cols = -1,
#     values_drop_na = TRUE
#   )%>%
#   mutate(
#     cohort = cohort %>% as.numeric,
#     year = year %>% as.numeric,
#     age = year - (cohort+1)
#   )
# final <- canvas %>%
#   rows_upsert(
#     patch %>% filter(!year %in% c(2020, 2026)),
#     by = c("age", "year")
#   ) %>%
#   select(-cohort) %>%
#   pivot_wider(names_from = year)
# view_ap <- function(long_apc_df) {
#   long_apc_df %>%
#     select(-cohort) %>%
#     pivot_wider(names_from = year)
# }
# patch %>% view_ap
# canvas %>% view_ap
# final %>% view_ap
# # the survival probabilities approach -------------------------------------
# load_this <- FALSE
# if (load_this) {
#   # blocking this off lets us to
#   devtools::load_all()
#   library(magrittr)
#   library(tidyverse)
# pxt <- suppressMessages(interp_coh_download_mortality("Russian Federation","male","2002-10-16","2010-10-25"))
# # convert the AP output to CP
# px_triangles <- pxt %>%
#   as_tibble(rownames = "age") %>%
#   pivot_longer(
#     names_to = "year", values_to = "px", cols = -1,
#     values_drop_na = TRUE
#   ) %>%
#   mutate(
#     age = age %>% as.numeric,
#     year = year %>% as.numeric,
#     # cohort = floor(year) - age
#   ) %>%
#   # in triangles
#   mutate(
#     # year_frac = year - floor(year) # for now just .5 ~ sqrt
#     lower = px %>% raise_to_power(.5),
#     upper = px %>% raise_to_power(1 - .5) # .5 to be changed to year_frac
#   ) %>%
#   select(-px) %>%
#   pivot_longer(
#     names_to = "triangle", values_to = "value", cols = lower:upper
#   ) %>%
#   mutate(
#     adj = case_when(triangle=="upper" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
#     cohort = year %>% subtract(age) %>% subtract(adj) %>% floor
#   )
# # cohort changes over the whole period
# px_cum <- px_triangles %>%
#   group_by(cohort) %>%
#   summarise(
#     n_triangles = n(),
#     coh_p = value %>% prod
#   ) %>%
#   ungroup()
# # foo %>% interp_coh_tidy_pc("1971-01-14","1978-02-01") %>% view
# # # generate two census populations -- single years of age
# # set.seed(911)
# # c1 <- spline(c(6,7,9,8,7,6,4,2,1)*1e3,n = 101)$y * runif(101, 1, 1.1)
# # set.seed(444)
# # c2 <- spline(c(6,7,9,8,7,6,4,2,1)*1e3,n = 101)$y * runif(101, 1.05, 1.15)
# # # births as random +-10% of the c1 and c2 age 0 average
# # births <- runif(6, .9*mean(c1[1], c2[1]), 1.1*mean(c1[1], c2[1])) %>% round
# # EXAMPLE DATA: Russian male population from the last two censuses
# # 2002 -- http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/ssp/rus2002_01.php
# # 2020 -- http://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/ssp/rus_age1_10.php
# rus2002m <- c(682698L, 641551L, 644671L, 644652L, 662998L, 659306L, 678341L, 717053L, 740366L, 753300L, 875113L, 963123L, 1081671L, 1145059L, 1247787L, 1314341L, 1291147L, 1266227L, 1306873L, 1325599L, 1234028L, 1162951L, 1170248L, 1115312L, 1100598L, 1088833L, 1092321L, 1070733L, 1045802L, 1016461L, 1061391L, 994896L, 1007712L, 933628L, 916902L, 929632L, 957895L, 981477L, 1039571L, 1116279L, 1195521L, 1210704L, 1278766L, 1216728L, 1182385L, 1167289L, 1123058L, 1117150L, 1087663L, 998307L, 1035886L, 951627L, 960428L, 963751L, 730354L, 798841L, 604983L, 382611L, 298788L, 280702L, 493677L, 625270L, 694930L, 741777L, 695339L, 693911L, 559111L, 467811L, 358252L, 364999L, 427681L, 405822L, 435844L, 385155L, 379150L, 317841L, 258185L, 193023L, 154406L, 112987L, 89944L, 73858L, 63570L, 54955L, 47194L, 30300L, 28748L, 29419L, 26635L, 20166L, 16673L, 10857L, 8189L, 4839L, 3333L, 2287L, 1458L, 984L, 644L, 488L, 967L)
# rus2010m <- c(842354L, 859562L, 849138L, 788376L, 744105L, 750282L, 748514L, 746626L, 709493L, 675127L, 683827L, 656887L, 678395L, 669374L, 696685L, 743449L, 774172L, 800765L, 923952L, 1035555L, 1167860L, 1187193L, 1252421L, 1300116L, 1262584L, 1247974L, 1230926L, 1249086L, 1156502L, 1125283L, 1182017L, 1088248L, 1073221L, 1038733L, 1051852L, 1046293L, 1008882L, 983045L, 985075L, 949072L, 980924L, 881915L, 866214L, 859808L, 885432L, 926771L, 951739L, 1015812L, 1051749L, 1093184L, 1155128L, 1076307L, 1043777L, 1005283L, 967830L, 964217L, 919814L, 837341L, 841362L, 789019L, 787516L, 775999L, 585545L, 624976L, 471186L, 295668L, 222526L, 205594L, 336318L, 431670L, 471562L, 485883L, 446533L, 438107L, 337694L, 273086L, 198303L, 190828L, 210878L, 195219L, 200564L, 162820L, 151191L, 120794L, 93394L, 66247L, 48072L, 32932L, 23840L, 18087L, 13839L, 10228L, 7790L, 4327L, 3544L, 3137L, 2380L, 1666L, 1137L, 687L, 1379L)
# # MALE BIRTHS IN RUSSIA 2002--2010 (https://www.fedstat.ru/indicator/31606)
# births <- c(
#   719511L, 760934L, 772973L, 749554L, 760831L,
#   828772L, 880543L, 905380L, 919639L
# )
# c1 = rus2002m; c2 = rus2010m
# date1 = "2002-10-16"; date2 = "2010-10-25"; age1 = 0:100; age2 = 0:100
# date1 <- dec.date(date1)
# date2 <- dec.date(date2)
# # let's store the proportions separately
# f1 <- date1 %>% subtract(date1 %>% floor)
# f2 <- date2 %>% subtract(date2 %>% floor)
# # IK: do we plan to allow age1 != age2 ?
# # TR: for now we force them to be equal. Later a wrapper can take care of cleaning up these details.
# # we have OPAG() to extend open ages; graduate() to spit to single-
# # any other adjustments should be done in advance (smoothing, __ )
# c1c <-census_cohort_adjust(c1, age1, date1)
# c2c <-census_cohort_adjust(c2, age2, date2)
# # correction for the first year age 0 -- only take first for the remaining of the year
# births[1] <- births[1] * (1 - f1) # TR: good
# # TR: correction for the last year age 0
# n_yrs <- length(births)
# births[n_yrs] <- births[n_yrs] * f2
# # input
# input <- tibble(
#   cohort = c1c$cohort,
#   pop = c1c$pop
# ) %>%
#   arrange(cohort) %>%
#   bind_rows(
#     tibble(
#       cohort = 1:length(births) + floor(date1) - 1,
#       pop = births
#     )
#   ) %>%
#   # treat the duplicated cohort of the first census year, 2002
#   group_by(cohort) %>%
#   summarise(
#     pop = pop %>% sum,
#     .groups = "drop"
#   )
# # population c2 observed
# pop_c2 <- tibble(
#   cohort = c2c$cohort,
#   pop_c2_obs = c2c$pop
# )
# # # cohort survival to the second census
# # input %>%
# #   left_join(px_cum, by = "cohort") %>%
# #   mutate(pop_c2_prj = pop * coh_p) %>%
# #   left_join(pop_c2, by = "cohort") %>%
# #   mutate(
# #     discrepancy = pop_c2_obs - pop_c2_prj,
# #     disc_rel = discrepancy / pop_c2_obs * 100
# #   )
# # estimates of jan 1 population,
# # prior to redistribution of the residual
# # includes partial year estimate on the right-hand side,
# # excludes c1.
# pop_jan1_pre <-
#   px_triangles %>%
#   group_by(year, cohort) %>%
#   summarise(
#     n_triangles = n(),
#     coh_p = value %>% prod,
#     .groups = "drop"
#   ) %>%
#   arrange(cohort, year) %>%
#   group_by(cohort) %>%
#   mutate(coh_lx = cumprod(coh_p)) %>%
#   ungroup() %>%
#   left_join(input, by = "cohort") %>%
#   mutate(
#     pop_jan1_pre = pop * coh_lx,
#     age = floor(year) - cohort,
#     year = floor(year) + 1,
#     year = ifelse(year == max(year), year + f2 - 1, year)
#   )
# resid <-
#   pop_jan1_pre %>%
#   dplyr::filter(year == max(year)) %>%
#   left_join(pop_c2, by = "cohort") %>%
#   mutate(
#     resid = pop_c2_obs - pop_jan1_pre,
#     rel_resid = resid / pop_c2_obs
#   ) %>%
#   select(cohort, resid)
# # determine uniform error discounts:
# resid_discounts <-
#   approx(
#     x=c(date1, date2),
#     y=c(0,1),
#     xout=seq(ceiling(date1),floor(date2))
#   ) %>%
#   as.data.frame() %>%
#   select(year = x, discount= y)
# pop_jan1 <-
#   pop_jan1_pre %>%
#   left_join(resid, by = "cohort") %>%
#   left_join(resid_discounts, by = "year") %>%
#   mutate(
#     resid = ifelse(is.na(resid),0,resid),
#     discount = ifelse(year == max(year),1,discount),
#     pop_jan1 = pop_jan1_pre + resid * discount
#   )
# pop_jan1 %>%
#   # reshape2::acast(age~year, value.var = "pop_jan1") %>%
#   select(age, year, pop_jan1) %>%
#   pivot_wider(names_from = year, values_from = "pop_jan1") %>%
#   view()
# }

# This script does nothing yet, still in development, deciding how to
# graduate abridged lifetables

# This is a temporary script to hold a utility function for
# interp_coh()

# goal will be to fill a mortality surface between two censuses.
# args should be date1, date2, location

# A few temporary functions internal to interp_coh(). These can be replaced as better
# or more efficient options become available.

lt_a2s_chunk <- function(chunk, OAnew, ...){
  nMx <- chunk$mx
  Age <- chunk$x
  lt_abridged2single(nMx = nMx,
                     Age = Age,
                     OAnew = OAnew,
                     control = list(deg = 3, lambda = 100),

# lxMat <-suppressMessages(lapply(dates_out,fertestr::FetchLifeTableWpp2019,
#                              locations = location,
#                              sex = sex) %>%
#                         lapply("[[","lx") %>%
#                         dplyr::bind_cols() %>%
#                         as.matrix())

# ZZZ FLAG for possible depreation

interp_coh_lxMat_pxt <- function(lxMat,
                                 OAnew, ...){
  # TR: this is a temp functin, a stop-gap. Some redundant code with
  # interp_coh_download_mortality(), which it itself temporary.
  # the age graduation will move to lt_abridged2single() as soon as it's
  # fixed.
  date1      <- dec.date(date1)
  date2      <- dec.date(date2)
  year1      <- floor(date1) + 1
  year2      <- floor(date2)
  year_seq   <- year1:year2
  dates_out  <- c(dec.date(date1), year_seq)
  # get ndx andnLx from lt_abridged()
  a1  <- 0:OAnew
  qx1 <- matrix(ncol = ncol(lxMat),
                nrow = length(a1),
                dimnames = list(a1,
  for (i in 1:ncol(lxMat)){
    if (is_abridged(age_lx)){
      # LTA     <- lt_abridged(Age = age_lx,
      #                        lx = lxMat[, i],
      #                        OAnew = OAnew,
      #                        radix = 1e6,
      #                        ...)
      LT1     <- lt_abridged2single(lx = lxMat[, i],
                                    Age = age_lx,
                                    OAnew = OAnew,
      qx1[, i] <- LT1$nqx
    } else {
      qx             <- lt_id_l_q(lxMat[, i])
      LT1 <- lt_single_qx(nqx = qx,
                          OAnew = OAnew,
      qx1[, i] <- LT1$nqx
  # We do linear interpolation of the logit-transformed qx.
  logit_qx  <- log(qx1 / (1 - qx1))
  logit_qx_interp     <-
      popmat = logit_qx,
      datesIn = dates_lx,
      datesOut = dates_out,
      rule = 2,
      negatives = TRUE)
  # transform back
  QX            <- exp(logit_qx_interp) / (1 + exp(logit_qx_interp))
  QX[nrow(QX), ]  <- 1
  f1            <- diff(dates_out)[1]
  f2            <- date2 - floor(date2)
  # get Sx (keep PX name)
  PX <- apply(QX,2,function(q){lt_single_qx(nqx = q,
                                            OAnew = OAnew,
  rownames(PX) <- rownames(QX)
  # assume linear px change within age class
  # PX            <- 1 - QX
  # IW: PX^f1 is not bad. Other option is PX=(1-QX*f). One assumes linear on d_x, the other constant mu_x.
  PX[,1]        <- PX[, 1] ^f1
  PX[,ncol(PX)] <- PX[, ncol(PX)] ^f2

### ZZZ FLAG for redux and/or deprecation / name change
transform_pxt <- function(lxMat,
                          ...) {
  # get the lexis surface of survival probabilities
  if (is.null(lxMat)){
    # ZZZ Note this already returns Sx. that was an easy fix.
    pxt <- suppressMessages(
      interp_coh_download_mortality(location = location, 
                                    sex = sex, 
                                    date1 = date1, 
                                    date2 = date2, 
                                    OAnew = max(age1), 
                                    verbose = verbose)
  } else {
    ### FLAG This all needs to change.
    if (is.null(dates_lx)){
      # if lx dates not given we assume dates evenly distributed from date1 to date2?
      dates_lx <- seq(date1,date2,length.out = ncol(lxMat))
      if (verbose) {
        cat("lxMat specified, but not dates_lx\nAssuming:",paste(dates_lx,collapse=", "),"\n")
    available_dates <- data.table::between(dates_lx, date1, date2)
    if (!all(available_dates)) stop("All `dates_lx` must be within the range of `date1` and `date2`")
    # if the shortest distance from dates_lx to date1 or date2 is greater than 7
    # warn
    dates_df <- expand.grid(dates_lx = dates_lx, dates = c(date1, date2))
    dates_df$diff <- with(dates_df, abs(dates_lx - dates))
    if (min(dates_df$diff) > 7 && verbose) {
      d_lx <- dates_df$dates_lx[which.min(dates_df$dif)]
      date_compare <- dates_df$dates[which.min(dates_df$dif)]
        "The shortest distance from `dates_lx` (",
        ") to `date1/date2`(",
        ") is greater than 7 years. Be wary."
    ic_period   <- date2 - date1
    lx_mm       <- range(dates_lx)
    overlap     <- min(c(lx_mm[2], date2)) - c(max(lx_mm[1], date1))
    extrap_low  <- lx_mm[1] - min(lx_mm[1],date1)
    extrap_high <- max(lx_mm[2],date2) - lx_mm[2]
    t1 <- overlap / ic_period < .25
    t2 <- extrap_low > 6
    t3 <- extrap_high > 6
    if (any(c(t1, t2, t3))) cat("\nRange between `date1` and `date2` must overlap with `lx_dates` for at least 25% of the range or 6 years.\n")
    if (is.null(age_lx)){
      if (nrow(lxMat)  < 26){
        N      <- nrow(lxMat)
        age_lx <- c(0,1,seq(5,5*(N-2),by=5))
      } else {
        age_lx <- 1:nrow(lxMat) - 1
      if (verbose) {
        cat("lxMat specified, but Age_lx missing\nAssuming:",paste(age_lx,collapse=", "),"\n")
    # ensure lx fills timepoints.
    # would like to pass ... here for the lifetable part
    pxt <- interp_coh_lxMat_pxt(
      lxMat = lxMat,
      dates_lx = dates_lx,
      age_lx = age_lx,
      date1 = date1,
      date2 = date2,
      OAnew = max(age1),
      control = list(deg = 3, lambda = 100),

check_args <- function(lxMat, births, location, age1, age2, c1, c2, verbose) {
  stopifnot(length(age1) == length(c1))
  stopifnot(length(age2) == length(c2))
  if (length(age1) != length(age2) & verbose){
    cat("\nFYI: age ranges are different for c1 and c2\nWe'll still get intercensal estimates,\nbut returned data will be chopped off after age", max(age1), "\n")
  # If lxMat or births are missing -- message requiring location and sex
  if (is.null(lxMat) & is.null(location)) {
    stop("lxMat not specified, please specify location and sex\n")
  if (is.null(births) & is.null(location)) {
    stop("births not specified, please specify location and sex\n")
  if (!is.null(lxMat) && ncol(lxMat) == 1) {
    stop("lxMat should have at least two or more dates as columns. lxMat contains only one column") #nolintr
  if (any(c1 < 0)) stop("No negative values allowed in `c1`")
  if (any(c2 < 0)) stop("No negative values allowed in `c2`")
  if (any(lxMat < 0)) stop("No negative values allowed in `lxMat`")

# If dates_out not given, then we resolve using the midyear argument.
# If FALSE (default) we return intermediate Jan 1, not including c1 and c2
# If TRUE we return intermediate July 1 (.5) dates, not including c1 and c2
transform_datesout <- function(dates_out, date1, date2, midyear) {
  if (is.null(dates_out)){
    if (! midyear){
      # jan 1 dates
      left_date  <- floor(date1) + 1
      right_date <- ceiling(date2) - 1
      dates_out  <- left_date:right_date
    if (midyear){
      left_date  <- floor(date1) + .5
      right_date <- ceiling(date2) - .5
      dates_out  <- left_date:right_date
      dates_out_lgl  <- data.table::between(dates_out,
                                            incbounds = FALSE)
      dates_out <- dates_out[dates_out_lgl]

### ZZZ FLAG for redux or deprecation
reshape_pxt <- function(
) {
  # Since we're using data.table, we need to create these empty
  # variables to avoid having R CMD checks with no visible binding
  # for global variable.
  age      <- NULL
  year     <- NULL
  px       <- NULL
  lower    <- NULL
  upper    <- NULL
  triangle <- NULL
  adj      <- NULL
  value    <- NULL
  pop      <- NULL
  coh_p    <- NULL
  coh_lx   <- NULL
  pop_c2_obs <- NULL
  x        <- NULL
  y        <- NULL
  discount <- NULL
  .N       <- NULL
  .        <- NULL
  px_triangles <-
    pxt %>%
    data.table::as.data.table(keep.rownames = "age") %>%
      id.vars = "age",
      variable.name = "year",
      value.name = "px",
      variable.factor = FALSE
  # No need for assignment: data.table assigns without creating a copy
  px_triangles[, `:=`(age = as.numeric(age),
                      year = as.numeric(year),
                      lower = magrittr::raise_to_power(px, 0.5),
                      upper = magrittr::raise_to_power(px, 1 - 0.5))]
  px_triangles <-
    px_triangles[, list(age, year, lower, upper)] %>%
      id.vars = c("age", "year"),
      measure.vars = c("lower", "upper"),
      variable.name = "triangle",
      value.name = "value",
      variable.factor = FALSE
  px_triangles[, `:=`(adj = ifelse(triangle == "upper", 1, 0))]
  px_triangles[, `:=`(cohort = magrittr::subtract(year, age) %>% magrittr::subtract(adj) %>% floor())]
  # cohort changes over the whole period
  # px_cum1 <- px_triangles[, list(n_triangles = .N, coh_p = prod(value)),
  #                          keyby = list(cohort)]
  # adjust the census population vectors
  c1c <- shift_census_ages_to_cohorts(c1, age1, date1, censusYearOpt = "frac")
  c2c <- shift_census_ages_to_cohorts(c2, age2, date2, censusYearOpt = "frac")
  # correction for the first year age 0 -- only take first for the remaining of
  # the year
  births[1] <- births[1] * (1 - f1)
  # correction for the last year age 0
  n_yrs         <- length(births)
  births[n_yrs] <- births[n_yrs] * f2
  cohort_dt <-
      cohort = yrs_births,
      pop = births
  input <-
    data.table::data.table(cohort = c1c$birth_year, pop = c1c$cohort_size) %>%
    .[order(cohort)] %>%
    rbind(cohort_dt) %>%
    .[, list(pop = sum(pop)), keyby = list(cohort)]
  # population c2 observed
  pop_c2 <- data.frame(
    cohort = c2c$birth_year,
    pop_c2_obs = c2c$cohort_size
  pop_jan1_pre <-
    px_triangles %>%
    .[, list(n_triangles = .N, coh_p = prod(value)), keyby = list(year, cohort)] %>%
    .[order(cohort, year)]
  pop_jan1_pre[, `:=`(coh_lx = cumprod(coh_p)), keyby = list(cohort)]
  pop_jan1_pre <- pop_jan1_pre[input, on = "cohort"]
  pop_jan1_pre[, `:=`(
    pop_jan1 = pop * coh_lx,
    age = floor(year) - cohort,
    year = floor(year) + 1
  pop_jan1_pre[, `:=`(year = ifelse(year == max(year), year + f2 - 1, year))]
  # calculate the discrepancy (migration) -- to be disrtibuted uniformly in
  # cohorts
  resid <-
    pop_jan1_pre %>%
    .[year == max(year)] %>%
    .[pop_c2, on = "cohort"]
  resid[, `:=`(resid = pop_c2_obs - pop_jan1)]
  # Only used in the process for diagnostics
  # resid[, `:=`(rel_resid = resid / pop_c2_obs)]
  resid <- resid[, list(cohort, resid)]
  # This should just be one value per cohort.
  # determine uniform error discounts:
  resid_discounts <-
      x = c(date1, date2),
      y = c(0, 1),
      xout = yrs_births
    ) %>%
    data.table::as.data.table() %>%
    .[, list(year = x, discount = y)]
  # output
  pop_jan1 <-
    pop_jan1_pre %>%
    merge(resid, by = "cohort", all = TRUE) %>%
    merge(resid_discounts, by = "year", all = TRUE)
  # for the residual discount, account for boundaries
  pop_jan1[, `:=`(
    resid = ifelse(is.na(resid), 0, resid),
    discount = ifelse(year == max(year), 1, discount)

### ZZZ FLAG for redux
### after the under-the hood changes are redone to back out Sx,
### the top level args could expand it optionally let the user
### also provide nLxMat 
rup <- function(
) {
    lxMat = lxMat,
    births = births,
    location = location,
    age1 = age1,
    age2 = age2,
    c1 = c1,
    c2 = c2,
    verbose = verbose
  if (is.na(date1) | is.na(date2)){
    stop("\nCensus dates didn't parse\n")
  # TR: resolve dates_out
  # if some dates were given, let's coerce to numeric and ensure valid
  if (!is.null(dates_out)){
    dates_out          <- sapply(dates_out, dec.date)
    if (any(is.na(dates_out))){
      cat("\nSome dates_out didn't parse, FYI, you should have a look\n")
      dates_out          <- dates_out[!is.na(dates_out)]
    if (length(dates_out) == 0){
      stop("\nno valid dates to interpolate to\n")
    # if we still have valid dates, then check we're not extrapolating
    dates_out_keep     <- data.table::between(dates_out,
                                              incbounds = FALSE)
    dates_out_for_real <- dates_out[dates_out_keep]
    # warn about any dates lost due to extrap request:
    if (length(dates_out_for_real) != length(dates_out) & verbose){
      cat("\nFollowing dates requested, but not returned\nbecause they'd require extrapolation:\n",paste(dates_out[!dates_out_keep],collapse = ", "),"\n")
    if (length(dates_out) == 0){
      stop("\nuh oh! This method is strictly for cohort component interpolation\nYour requested dates_out didn't have anything between date1 and date2\n")
  # If dates_out not given, then we resolve using the midyear argument.
  # If FALSE (default) we return intermediate Jan 1, not including c1 and c2
  # If TRUE we return intermediate July 1 (.5) dates, not including c1 and c2
  dates_out <- transform_datesout(dates_out, date1, date2, midyear)
  DD <- date2 - date1
  if (DD >= 15 & verbose){
    cat("\nFYI, there are",DD,"years between c1 and c2\nBe wary.\n")
  # let's store the proportions separately
  f1    <- date1 %>% magrittr::subtract(date1 %>% floor)
  f2    <- date2 %>% magrittr::subtract(date2 %>% floor)
  # And download if needed
  # ZZZ FLAG: this step may
  pxt <- transform_pxt(
    lxMat = lxMat,
    location = location,
    sex = sex,
    date1 = date1,
    date2 = date2,
    dates_lx = dates_lx,
    verbose = verbose,
    age_lx = age_lx,
    age1 = age1,
    ... = ...
  yrs_births   <- seq(floor(date1), floor(date2), 1)
  # TR: if right-side is jan 1 then we can cut it off of pxt.
  if (f2 == 0){
    pxt        <- pxt[, -ncol(pxt), drop = FALSE]
    yrs_births <- yrs_births[-length(yrs_births)]
    f2         <- 1
  # Download wpp births if needed
  births <-
      births = births,
      yrs_births = yrs_births,
      location = location,
      sex = sex,
      verbose = verbose
  # check length of births, also filter using provided dates if necessary
  if (!is.null(years_births)){
    stopifnot(length(births) == length(years_births))
    years_births <- floor(years_births)
    yrs_keep     <- data.table::between(years_births,
                                        incbounds = TRUE)
    births       <- births[yrs_keep]
  # now that births should be available we can do this check.
  stopifnot(length(births) == length(yrs_births))
  # ZZZ FLAG this may or may not stay same. pxt could just be different values,
  # and perhaps this would work. However, edge conditions need exa
  pop_jan1 <- reshape_pxt(
    pxt = pxt,
    births = births,
    c1 = c1,
    c2 = c2,
    age1 = age1,
    age2 = age2,
    date1 = date1,
    date2 = date2,
    f1 = f1,
    f2 = f2,
    yrs_births = yrs_births
    pop_jan1 = pop_jan1,
    dates_out = dates_out
timriffe/DemoTools documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 5:13 a.m.