

# write documentation for this!
# setting up the config
# should be given
# list of model parameters including,
#   * priority,
#   * moment a priori connection
#   * transform (optional)
#   * bounds (optional)
# list of computational parameters
#   * tolerance
#   * iteration limit

#' create the configuration for the MCMC
#' chain.
#' @export
mopt_config <- function(p) {
 cf = list()

 cf$mode           = 'mpi'
 cf$iter           = 10
 cf$i              = 0
 cf$use_last_run   = TRUE
 cf$file_chain     = 'evaluations.dat'
 cf$file_lastparam = 'param_submit.dat'
 cf$file_errorparam= 'param_error.dat'
 cf$save_error     = FALSE
 cf$wd             = '~/git/bankruptcy/R'
 cf$source_on_nodes = 'example-bgp-mpi-slaves.r'
 cf$logdir         = file.path(cf$wd,'sims/sim2/workers')	# full path to log directory for workers
 cf$debug          = FALSE	# switch TRUE if want to save parameter to disk before each evaluation
 cf$params_to_sample = c()	#This is a vector of names: c('delta', 'b')
 cf$objfunc          = MOPT_OBJ_FUNC
 cf$modelinfo      = c()

 cf$run            = 0
 cf$shock_var      = 0.1
 cf$moments_to_use = c()
 cf$moments.data   = c()
 cf$moments.sd     = c()
 cf$np_shock       = 1
 cf$n_untempered   = 5
 cf$save_freq      = 25
 cf$initial_value  = p
 cf$params_all     = names(p) #c('sep','c','b','s0','s1','firmMass','beta','delta','sigma','f_rho','f_mx','f_my','f_a')
 cf$N              = 3 # default in case of serial

 param.descript = data.frame()
 for (n in names(p)) {
   param.descript = rbind(param.descript,data.frame(param=n, lb=NA , ub=NA))
 rownames(param.descript) <- names(p)
 cf$pdesc = param.descript

 class(cf) <- 'mopt_config'


#' defining sampling support for parameter
#' @export
samplep <- function(pp,lb,ub) {
  res = list()
  class(res) <- 'mopt_smaplep'
  res$pp = pp
  res$lb = lb
  res$ub = ub

#' add data moments to the configuration
#' @export
datamoments <- function(names,values,sds) {
  res = list()
  rr = data.frame(moment=names,value = values, sd = sds)
  class(res) <- 'mopt_dmoms'
  res$dd = rr

#' @export
"+.mopt_config" <- function(cf,argb) {

 if (class(argb)=='mopt_smaplep') {
    cf$pdesc[argb$pp,'lb'] = argb$lb
    cf$pdesc[argb$pp,'ub'] = argb$ub
    cf$pdesc$param = paste(cf$pdesc$param)

 if (class(argb)=='mopt_dmoms') {
    cf$data.moments = argb$dd


# mopt_obj_wrapper <- function(p,objfunc=NA) {
#   m = try( {
# get result
#     r = objfunc(p)
#     if (!is.list(r)) {
#       r = list(value=r)
#     }
# check that there is a status
# and that values is not NA
#     if (!('status' %in% names(r))) {
#       r$status=1
#     }
#     if (is.nan(r$value) | is.na(r$value)) {
#       r$status=-1
#       stop("objective function produced NA")
#     }
#     return(r)
#   },silent=TRUE)
#   return(m)
# returns NA if there is any sort of crash
# later it would be good to get the error message
#  }

#' wraper for the objective function. Made public for multicore
#' @export
mopt_obj_wrapper <- function(p,objfunc=NA,errfile='param_error.dat') {
	m = tryCatch( {

		#         get result
		r = objfunc(p)

		if (!is.list(r)) {
			r = list(value=r)

		#         check that there is a status
		#         and that values is not NA
		if (!('status' %in% names(r))) {

		if (is.nan(r$value) | is.na(r$value)) {

	},error = function(e) {
	} )

  # if status is <0 we store the parameters in a file
  if (m$status<0) {
      #save(p,file=paste('per.',format(Sys.time(), "%m.%d.%y-%Hh%S"), '-',sample.int(1000,1) , '.dat',sep=''))
      per <- NULL
      if ( file.exists(errfile)) try(load(errfile));
      if (is.null(per)) per <- data.frame();
      per <- rbind(per, data.frame(p))
      save(per, file=errfile)

	#     returns NA if there is any sort of crash
	#     later it would be good to get the error message

mopt_obj_wrapper_custom <- function(p,objfunc=NA) {
	m = tryCatch( {

		#         get result
		r = objfunc(p)

		if (!is.list(r)) {
			stop('MOPT_OBJ_FUNC must return a list')

		if (!('output' %in% names(r))){
			stop('MOPT_OBJ_FUNC must return a list with an element named: output')
	},error = function(e) {
	} )

#' prepares mopt to run with either MPI or openMP or just serial
#' @export
prepare.mopt_config <- function(cf) {

  if (cf$mode=='mpi') {

    cat('[mode=mpi] USING MPI !!!!! \n')
    #using RMPI instead of SNOW which is not working with Econ HPC
    #save .Rprofile into your working directory first
    #it will initialize RMPI
    cf$N          = mpi.universe.size()-1

    ## creating the cluster
	  ## size of the cluster is determined by MPIRUN, i.e. in the SGE submit script. not here.
    #cl <- makeCluster(type='MPI',spec=cf$N)
	  #cf$cl <- cl	# add cluster to the config as well

	  ## worker roll call
	  #cf$num.worker <- length(clusterEvalQ(cl,Sys.info()))
	  #cat("Master: I've got",cf$num.worker,"workers\n")
	  #cat("Master: doing rollcall on cluster now ( ", file.path(cf$logdir,"rollcall.txt") ," )\n")
	  #cat("Here is the boss talking. Worker roll call on",date(),"\n",file=file.path(cf$logdir,"rollcall.txt"),append=FALSE)
    ## setting up the slaves
    #cat("Master: setting directory and sourcing on slaves ( ",cf$wd,  cf$source_on_nodes ," )\n")
    #eval(parse(text = paste("clusterEvalQ(cl,setwd('",cf$wd,"'))",sep='',collapse='')))
    #eval(parse(text = paste("clusterEvalQ(cl,source('",cf$source_on_nodes,"'))",sep='',collapse='')))
    #clusterCall(cl, rollcall, cf$logdir)

    ## adding the normal lapply
    #cf$mylapply = function(a,b) { return(parLapply(cl,a,b))}

    ## adding the load balanced lapply
    #cf$mylbapply = function(a,b) { return(clusterApplyLB(cl,a,b))}
	  #cf$N = length(cl)
    #} else if (cf$mode=='mpiLB') {
    #  cat('[mode=mpiLB] USING LOAD BALANCED MPI !!!!! \n')
    #  # creating the cluster
  	#  # size of the cluster is determined by MPIRUN, i.e. in the SGE submit script. not here.
    #  require(snow)
    #  cl <- makeCluster(type='MPI',spec=cf$N)
  	#  cf$cl <- cl	# add cluster to the config as well
  	#  # worker roll call
  	#  cf$num.worker <- length(clusterEvalQ(cl,Sys.info()))
    #  dir.create(cf$logdir,showWarnings=FALSE)
  	#  cat("Master: I've got",cf$num.worker,"workers\n")
  	#  cat("Master: doing rollcall on cluster now\n")
  	#  cat("Here is the boss talking. Worker roll call on",date(),"\n",file=file.path(cf$logdir,"rollcall.txt"),append=FALSE)
    #  # setting up the slaves
    #  eval(parse(text = paste("clusterEvalQ(cl,setwd('",cf$wd,"'))",sep='',collapse='')))
    #  eval(parse(text = paste("clusterEvalQ(cl,source('",cf$source_on_nodes,"'))",sep='',collapse='')))
    #  clusterCall(cl, rollcall, cf$logdir)
    #  # adding the normal lapply
    #  cf$mylapply = function(a,b) { return(parLapply(cl,a,b))}
    #  # adding the load balanced lapply
    #  cf$mylbapply = function(a,b) { return(clusterApplyLB(cl,a,b))}
    #	if (cf$N <= length(cl)){
    #		warning('benefits of Load Balancing on cluster only materialize\nif you set number of chains N > number of nodes')
    #	}
  } else if (cf$mode=='mpi2') {
    cat('[mode=mpi2] we use Rmpi, and we startup the cluster ourselves\n')
    np <- mpi.universe.size() - 1
    cluster <- makeMPIcluster(np)
    cf$N= np
  } else if (cf$mode=='mpi3') {
    cat('[mode=mpi3] we use Rmpi, and we set worker number N in advance\n')
    #cluster <- makeMPIcluster(cf$N)
    cf$cluster <- makeCluster(type='MPI',spec=cf$N)
    num.worker <- length(clusterEvalQ(cf$cluster,Sys.info()))
    cat("num workers:",num.worker,'\n')
  } else if (cf$mode=='multicore2') {
    cat('[mode=multicore2] we use makeCluster to allocate threads once and for all\n')
    cf$cluster = makeForkCluster(cf$N)
  } else if (cf$mode=='multicore') {
    cat('[mode=mulicore] threads will be re-allocated at each call \n')
    cf$N= detectCores()-1

    #if(Sys.info()[['sysname']]=='Windows') {
    #  cl <- makeCluster(spec=pmin(detectCores(),cf$N),type='MPI')
    #  # worker roll call
    #  dir.create(file.path(cf$wd,"workers"),showWarnings=FALSE)
    #  cat("Master: I've got",num.worker,"workers\n")
    #  cat("Master: doing rollcall on cluster now\n")
    #  cat("Here is the boss talking. Worker roll call on",date(),"\n",file=file.path(cf$wd,"workers","rollcall.txt"),append=FALSE)
    #  # setting up the slaves
    #  eval(parse(text = paste("clusterEvalQ(cl,setwd('",cf$wd,"'))",sep='',collapse='')))
    #  eval(parse(text = paste("clusterEvalQ(cl,source('",cf$source_on_nodes,"'))",sep='',collapse='')))
    #  clusterCall(cl, rollcall, file.path(cf$wd,"workers"))
    #  # adding the normal lapply
    #  cf$mylapply = function(a,b) { return(parLapply(cl,a,b))}
    #  # adding the load balanced lapply
    #  cf$mylbapply = function(a,b) { return(clusterApplyLB(cl,a,b))}
    #  cf$N = length(cl)
    #} else {
    #  cf$mylapply  = mclapply;
    #  cf$mylbapply = mclapply;
    #  cf$N= pmin(detectCores(),cf$N)
  } else if (cf$mode == 'serial') {
    cat('[mode=serial] NOT USING MPI !!!!! \n')
  } else {
	  #error(cat('your selected mode: ',cf$mode,' does not exist. please choose from mpi,mpiLB,multicore and serial'))
    error(cat('your selected mode: ',cf$mode,' does not exist. please choose from mpi,multicore and serial'))

#' cluster rollcall
#' cluster reporting function. makes every worker state their name and
#' writes into a log file
#' @export
#' @param dir path to the log directory
rollcall <- function(dir){
  my.name <- Sys.info()["nodename"]
  cat("I am a worker (pid=", Sys.getpid() ,"), my name is ",my.name,"and I'm ready to go.\n",file=file.path(dir,"rollcall.txt"),append=TRUE)

#' this is the main function, it will run the
#' optimizer in parallel if called with MPI=TRUE
#' it will search for the minimum
#' @export
runMOpt <- function(cf,autoload=TRUE) {

  # reading configuration
  # =====================
  pdesc = cf$pdesc
  p     = cf$initial_value
  priv = list()

  # setting up the cluster if MPI
  # =============================
  last_time = as.numeric(proc.time()[3])

  # saving all evaluations with param values
  # start from best last value
  if (file.exists(cf$file_chain) & autoload ) {
    cat("loading automatically chain and config file from disk (because autoload=TRUE)")
    cf$run = cf$run +1

  } else {
    param_data = data.frame()

    # what is the meaning of these paramters?
    # I find theta, breaks, nu, and kk are used algo.wl.r, acc is used to update sample var.
    cf$theta  = seq(1,l=50)
    cf$breaks = seq(-2,0,l=50)
    cf$acc    = 0.5
    cf$nu     = seq(0,l=50)
    cf$kk     = 2
    cf$i      = 1

  cat('Number of Chains: ',cf$N,'\n')

  # we want to keep a matrix for the chain
  # it should be a data.frame in long format
  # with a chain and iteration indicator
  # each row will also have the all parameters and the
  # objective value
  # we are going to carry 2 arrays
  #   -- param_data: will store all evaluations
  #   -- chain_data: will store the chain results

  #  ========================   MCMC loop =======================

  # get initial candidates
  cat('Computing intial candidates\n')
  ps = computeInitialCandidates(cf$N,cf)
  param_data = rbind(param_data, evaluateParameters(ps,cf))
  cat('Done with intial candidates\n')
  cat('Starting main MCMC loop\n')

  for (i in cf$i:cf$iter) {

    #                 step 1, evaluate candidates
    # --------------------------------------------------------

    eval_start = as.numeric(proc.time()[3])
    rd = evaluateParameters(ps,cf)
    eval_time  = as.numeric(proc.time()[3]) - eval_start

    if ( (i %% cf$save_freq)==1 & i>10 ) {
      cat(sprintf("%d evals, saving to %s \n",i,cf$file_chain))

    #            step 2, updating chain and computing guesses
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    algo_start = as.numeric(proc.time()[3])
    rr   = cf$algo(rd,param_data, 0, cf, cf$pdesc, priv)
    algo_time  = as.numeric(proc.time()[3]) - algo_start
    priv = rr$priv
    ps   = rr$ps

    # append the accepted/rejected draws
    param_data = rbind(param_data,rr$evals)
    run_time = as.numeric(proc.time()[3]) - last_time

    # small reporting
    # ----------------
    cat(sprintf('[%d/%d][total: %f][last: %f ( e:%4.2f + a:%4.2f )][m: %f] best value %f \n',
                  i , cf$iter ,
    last_time = as.numeric(proc.time()[3])
    for (pp in paste('p',cf$params_to_sample,sep='.')) {
      cat(' range for ',pp,' ',range(param_data[,pp]),'\n')

  #saving the data set

  # stopping the cluster using R snow command
  if (cf$mode=='mpi2') {

tlamadon/mopt documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:48 p.m.