
Defines functions addSpectralSimilarity rtCorrection structural

Documented in addSpectralSimilarity rtCorrection structural

#' @name structural
#' @aliases structural
#' @title Create adjacency matrix based on m/z (molecular weight) difference
#' @description
#' The function `structural` infers an unweighted
#' adjacency matrix using differences in m/z values that are matched against a
#' `data.frame` (`transformation` of calculated theoretical differences of
#' loss/addition of functional groups. `structural` returns
#' an `AdjacencyMatrix` object containing
#' the unweighted `numeric` `matrix` (assay `binary`), together with one or
#' multiple `character` matrices containing e.g. the type of loss/addition
#' or the mass differences. The creation of the additional `character` matrices
#' is controlled by the `var` argument that specifies the column in
#' `transformation` as the data source for the adjacency matrices.
#' @param
#' x `matrix` or `data.frame`, where columns are the samples and the rows are
#' features (metabolites), cell entries are intensity values. `x` contains the
#' column `"mz"` that has the m/z information (numerical values) for the
#' calculation of mass differences between features
#' @param transformation
#' `data.frame`, containing the columns `"group"`,
#' and `"mass"` that will be used for detection of transformation of
#' (functional) groups
#' @param var
#' `character` corresponding to column names in `transformation`
#' @param ppm
#' `numeric(1)`, mass accuracy of m/z features in parts per million (ppm)
#' @param directed
#' `logical(1)`, if `TRUE`, absolute values of m/z differences will be
#' taken to query against `transformation`  (irrespective the sign of `mass`)
#' and undirected adjacency matrices will be returned as the respective
#' assays. This means, if there is a negative mass in
#' `transformation[, "mass"]`, this negative mass will not be reported.
#' If `FALSE`, directed
#' adjacency matrices will be returned with links reported that match the
#' transformations defined in `transformation` (respecting the sign of `mass`).
#' The `directed` slot of the returned `AdjacencyMatrix` object will contain
#' the information on `directed`.
#' @details
#' `structural` accesses the column `"mz"` of
#' `x` to infer structural topologies based on the functional groups
#' defined by `transformation`. To account for the mass accuracy of
#' the dataset `x`, the user can specify the accuracy of m/z features
#' in parts per million (ppm) by the `ppm` argument. The m/z values in the
#' `"mz"` column of `x`" will be converted to m/z ranges according to
#' the `ppm` argument (default `ppm = 5`).
#' The returned `AdjacencyMatrix` object contains the assays
#' `binary` and additional adjacency matrices depending on the `var`
#' parameter. The assay `binary` stores the `numeric`
#' `matrix` with binary edges inferred from mass differences. The `var`
#' parameter has to be set according to the column names in `transformation`.
#' E.g. if the `transformation` object contains a `"group"` column that stores
#' the name of the transformation, setting `var = "group"` will create an
#' assay `"group"` that contains the adjacency matrices where the entries
#' correspond to the `"group"` information for the respective feature pairs.
#' The `type` slot is set to `structural`. The `directed` slot is set
#' accordingly to the `directed` argument of the function `structural`.
#' The `thresholded` slot is set to `FALSE`.
#' @return
#' `AdjacencyMatrix` object. The object will store the adjacency matrix/matrices
#' in the assay slot/slots. The numerical (unweighted) adjacency matrix
#' inferred from mass differences is stored as the assay `"binary"`. Depending
#' on the `var` argument, there are additional adjacency matrices stored
#' in the assay slot.
#' @author Thomas Naake, \email{thomasnaake@@googlemail.com} and
#' Liesa Salzer, \email{liesa.salzer@@helmholtz-muenchen.de}
#' @examples
#' data("x_test", package = "MetNet")
#' transformation <- rbind(
#'     c("Monosaccharide (-H2O)", "C6H10O5", "162.0528234315"),
#'     c("Disaccharide (-H2O)", "C12H20O11", "340.1005614851"),
#'     c("Trisaccharide (-H2O)", "C18H30O15", "486.1584702945"))
#' transformation <- data.frame(group = transformation[, 1],
#'                                 formula = transformation[, 2],
#'                                 mass = as.numeric(transformation[, 3]))
#' am_struct <- structural(x_test, transformation, var = c("group", "mass"),
#'     ppm = 10, directed = TRUE)
#' @importFrom tibble is_tibble
#' @export
structural <- function(x, transformation, var = character(),
    ppm = 5, directed = FALSE) {

    ## check for integrity of x
    if (!(is.matrix(x) | is.data.frame(x)))
        stop("'x' has to be a matrix or data.frame")
    if (!"mz" %in% colnames(x))
        stop("'x' does not contain the column mz")

    ## check for integrity of transformation
    if (tibble::is_tibble(transformation))
        transformation <- as.data.frame(transformation)
    if (!is.data.frame(transformation))
        stop("'transformation' is not a data.frame")
    if (!"mass" %in% colnames(transformation))
        stop("'transformation' does not contain the column mass")
    if (!is.character(var))
        stop("'var' is not a character vector")
    var_err <- var[!var %in% colnames(transformation)]
    if (length(var_err) > 0)
        stop(sprintf("'transformation' does not contain the column '%s'",
                     paste(var_err, collapse = "', '")))

    ## check for integrity of ppm
    if (!is.numeric(ppm) | length(ppm) != 1)
        stop("'ppm' has to be a numeric of length 1")
    if (ppm <= 0)
        stop("'ppm' has to be a positive value")

    ## check for integrity of directed
    if (!is.logical(directed) | length(directed) != 1)
        stop("'directed' has to be a logical vector of length 1")

    mass <- x[, "mz"]
    mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(mass), ncol = length(mass))
    rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- mass

    ## create matrix which has rownames per row
    mat <- apply(mat, 1, function(x) as.numeric(mass))

    ## receive indices of lower triangle
    lt <- lower.tri(mat)

    ## outline of the function:
    ## example: we have the two features M_1 and M_2, mz(M_1) > mz(M_2),
    ## we calculate the ppm deviations from M_1 and M_2
    ## M_2+ppm, M_2, M_2-ppm
    ## M_1+ppm, M_1, M_1-ppm
    ## we denote as A = (M_2-ppm) - (M_1+ppm) and B = (M_2+ppm) - (M_1-ppm)
    ## we are interested in the distances A and B between each feature pair in
    ## the data set and check then in the following if A <= transf <= B,
    ## where transf is a queried transformation, ## e.g. glucose
    ## transformation (+162)

    ## calculate ppm deviation
    ## mat_1 contains lower values than mat,
    ## it contains the mz values for M - ppm
    mat_1 <- mat / abs(ppm / 10 ^ 6 + 1)
    ## mat_2 contains higher values than mat
    ## it contains the mz values for M + ppm
    mat_2 <- mat / abs(ppm / 10 ^ 6 - 1)

    ## calculate difference between rownames and colnames
    ## (hypothetically possible differences between features)
    .mat_1 <- mat
    tmp <- t(mat_1) - mat_2
    .mat_1[upper.tri(tmp, diag = TRUE)] <- tmp[upper.tri(tmp, diag = TRUE)]
    tmp <- -1 * (mat_1 - t(mat_2))
    .mat_1[lt] <- tmp[lt]

    .mat_2 <- mat
    tmp <- t(mat_2) - mat_1
    .mat_2[upper.tri(tmp, diag = TRUE)] <- tmp[upper.tri(tmp, diag = TRUE)]
    tmp <- -1 * (mat_2 - t(mat_1))
    .mat_2[lt] <- tmp[lt]

    ## write the A and B values back to mat_1 and mat_2
    mat_1 <- .mat_1 ## max in lower.tri, min in upper.tri
    mat_2 <- .mat_2 ## min in lower.tri, max in upper.tri

    if (!directed) {

        ## when the m/z differences between two features is small it is
        ## possible that one of the differences is negative while the other is
        ## positive, if we have a transformation with low m/z difference
        ## (e.g. 0) the link will be likely missed, e.g. when we take the
        ## absolute values of the differences, we mess up with the negatively
        ## signed difference, e.g. -1.12 will be converted to 1.12 -> we will
        ## then check in a interval of 1.12 and the upper bound.
        ## the following block will take this into account (e.g. by setting
        ## -1.12 to 0) when there are elements of different sign at the same
        ## corresponding cell, this will keep the links between the features
        sign_mat <- sign(mat_1) * sign(mat_2)
        mat_1 <- ifelse(sign_mat == -1 & mat_1 < 0, 0, mat_1)
        mat_2 <- ifelse(sign_mat == -1 & mat_2 < 0, 0, mat_2)

        ## for the undirected case do not take into account the sign of the
        ## mass difference
        mat_1_abs <- abs(mat_1)
        mat_2_abs <- abs(mat_2)
        mat_1 <- ifelse(mat_1_abs <= mat_2_abs, mat_2_abs, mat_1_abs) ## max
        mat_2 <- ifelse(mat_1_abs > mat_2_abs, mat_2_abs, mat_1_abs) ## min

    ## create matrices to store result,
    ## binary contains binary information (0/1) if a connection between two
    ## features is present (this matrix is hard-coded and required),
    ## the other matrices are created depending on the var parameter, e.g.
    ## if there is "group" and "mass" in var, the matrices with names "group"
    ## and "mass" will be added to the list l
    var_binary <- c("binary", var)
    l <- lapply(var_binary,
        function(x) {
            if (x == "binary") fill <- 0 else fill <- ""
            matrix(fill, nrow = length(mass), ncol = length(mass))
    names(l) <- var_binary

    ## iterate through each column and check if the "mass" is in the interval
    ## defined by the m/z value and ppm
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(transformation))) {

        transf_i <- transformation[i, ]

        ## get intersect from the two (indices where "mass" is in the interval)
        ind_hit <- which(
            (mat_1 >= transf_i[["mass"]] & mat_2 <= transf_i[["mass"]]) |
                (mat_1 <= transf_i[["mass"]] & mat_2 >= transf_i[["mass"]]))

        ## write to these indices 1 in the case of the binary matrix
        l[["binary"]][ind_hit] <- 1

        ## write to these indices the values stores in transf_i for the
        ## respective column (paste the value to the entry if there is
        ## already a value in the cell)
        l_var <- lapply(var, function(var_i) {
            l[[var_i]][ind_hit] <- ifelse(l[[var_i]][ind_hit] != "",
                yes = paste(l[[var_i]][ind_hit], transf_i[[var_i]], sep = "/"),
                no = as.character(transf_i[[var_i]]))
        l[var] <- l_var

    ## add the rownames of x to the list entries (matrices)
    l <- lapply(l, function(l_i) {
        rownames(l_i) <- colnames(l_i) <- rownames(x)

    ## create the AdjacencyMatrix object
    rD <- DataFrame(names = rownames(l[["binary"]]),
                    row.names = rownames(l["binary"]))

    am <- AdjacencyMatrix(l, rowData = rD, type = "structural",
        directed = directed, thresholded = FALSE)


#' @name rtCorrection
#' @aliases rtCorrection
#' @title Correct connections in the structural adjacency matrices by
#' retention time
#' @description
#' The function `rtCorrection` corrects the adjacency matrix
#' infered from structural data based on shifts in the retention time. For
#' known chemical modifications (e.g. addition of glycosyl groups) molecules
#' with the moiety should elute at a different time (in the case of glycosyl
#' groups the metabolite should elute earlier in a reverse-phase
#' liquid chromatography system). If the connection for the metabolite does not
#' fit the expected behaviour, the connection will be removed (otherwise
#' sustained).
#' @param
#' am `AdjacencyMatrix` object returned by the function `structural`.
#' The object contains the assays `"binary"` and additional assays with
#' `character` matrices (only the `"binary"` assay is required).
#' The assay `"binary"` stores the `numeric` matrix with edges inferred by mass
#' differences.
#' @param
#' x `matrix`, where columns are the samples and the rows are features
#' (metabolites), cell entries are intensity values, `x` contains the
#' columns "`mz`" and `"rt"` that has the m/z and rt information
#' (numerical values) for the correction of retention time shifts between
#' features that have a putative connection assigned based on m/z value
#' difference.
#' @param
#' transformation `data.frame`, containing the columns `var`,
#' and `"rt"` that will be used for correction of transformation of
#' (functional) groups based on retention time shifts derived from `x`
#' @param
#' var `character(1)`, the key that is used for matching
#' between the column `var` in `transformation` and the assay `var` in `am`
#' @details
#' `rtCorrection` is used to correct the (unweighted) adjacency matrices
#' returned by `structural` when information is available
#' about the retention time and shifts when certain transformation occur
#' (it is meant to filter out connections that were created by
#' m/z differences that have by chance the same m/z difference but
#' different/unexpected retention time behaviour).
#' `rtCorrection` accesses the assay `transformation` of
#' `am` and matches the elements in the `var` column
#' against the character matrix. In case of matches, `rtCorrection`
#' accesses the `"mz"` and `"rt"` columns of `x` and calculates the retention
#' time difference between the features. `rtCorrection` then checks
#' if the observed retention time difference matches the expected behaviour
#' (indicated by `"+"` for a higher retention time of the feature with
#' the putative group, `"-"` for a lower retention time of the feature
#' with the putative group or `"?"` when there is no information
#' available or features with that group should not be checked).
#' In case several transformation were assigned to a feature/feature pair,
#' the connection will be removed if there is an inconsistency with any
#' of the given transformations.
#' @return
#' `AdjacencyMatrix` containing the slots `binary` and additional `character`
#' adjacency matrices.
#' The slot `directed` is inherited from `am`.
#' The assay `binary` stores the
#' `numeric` `matrix` with edges inferred mass differences corrected by
#' retention time shifts.
#' @author Thomas Naake, \email{thomasnaake@@googlemail.com}
#' @examples
#' data("x_test", package = "MetNet")
#' rownames(x_test) <- paste(round(x_test[, "mz"], 2),
#'     round(x_test[, "rt"]), sep = "_")
#' transformation <- rbind(
#'     c("Hydroxylation (-H)", "O", 15.9949146221, "+"),
#'     c("Malonyl group (-H2O)", "C3H2O3", 86.0003939305, "+"),
#'     c("Monosaccharide (-H2O)", "C6H10O5", "162.0528234315", "-"),
#'     c("Disaccharide (-H2O)", "C12H20O11", "340.1005614851", "-"),
#'     c("Trisaccharide (-H2O)", "C18H30O15", "486.1584702945", "-"))
#' transformation <- data.frame(group = transformation[, 1],
#'          formula = transformation[, 2],
#'          mass = as.numeric(transformation[, 3]),
#'          rt = transformation[, 4])
#' am_struct <- structural(x = x_test, transformation = transformation,
#'     var = c("group", "mass"), ppm = 10, directed = FALSE)
#' am_struct_rt <- rtCorrection(am = am_struct, x = x_test,
#'      transformation = transformation)
#' ## visualize the adjacency matrices
#' library(igraph)
#' g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(assay(am_struct, "binary"),
#'     mode = "undirected")
#' g_rt <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(assay(am_struct_rt, "binary"),
#'     mode = "undirected")
#' plot(g, edge.width = 2, edge.arrow.size = 0.5, vertex.label.cex = 0.7)
#' plot(g_rt, edge.width = 2, edge.arrow.size = 0.5, vertex.label.cex = 0.7)
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assayNames
#' @importFrom tibble is_tibble
#' @export
rtCorrection <- function(am, x, transformation, var = "group") {

    ## check for integrity of am
    if (!is(am, "AdjacencyMatrix")) {
        stop("'am_structural' is not an 'AdjacencyMatrix' object")

    if (!validObject(am)) {
        stop("'am' must be a valid 'AdjacencyMatrix' object")

    if (am@thresholded) {
        stop("'am' has been already thresholded")

    if (am@type != "structural")
        stop("'am' has to be of type 'structural'")

    ## check for integrity of x
    if (!"rt" %in% colnames(x)) stop("'x' does not contain the column 'rt'")
    if (!"mz" %in% colnames(x)) stop("'x' does not contain the column 'mz'")
    if (!all(rownames(x) == rownames(am)))
        stop("'rownames(x)' do not match 'rownames(am)'/'colnames(am)'")

    ## check for integrity of transformation and var
    if (!is.character(var) | length(var) != 1)
        stop("'var' has to be a character of length 1")
    if (tibble::is_tibble(transformation))
      transformation <- as.data.frame(transformation)
    if (!var %in% colnames(transformation))
        stop(sprintf("'transformation' does not contain the column '%s'",
    if (!"rt" %in% colnames(transformation))
        stop("'transformation' does not contain the column 'rt'")
    if (!all(transformation[, "rt"] %in% c("+", "-", "?")))
        stop(c("'transformation[, 'rt']' does contain other levels than",
               " '+'', '-'' or '?'"))

    ## allocate binary, transformation, and mass_difference to mat_bin,
    ## mat_type, and mat_mass
    .nms <- SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(am)
    l <- lapply(.nms, function(.nms_i) SummarizedExperiment::assay(am, .nms_i))
    names(l) <- .nms

    n <- nrow(am)
    rn_mat_bin <- names(am)
    mat_rt <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
    colnames(mat_rt) <- rownames(mat_rt) <- x[rn_mat_bin, "rt"]

    ## create matrix which has rownames per row
    mat_rt <- apply(mat_rt, 1, function(x) as.numeric(rownames(mat_rt)))

    ## calculate difference between rownames and colnames
    ## (difference between features)
    mat_rt <- t(mat_rt) - mat_rt
    colnames(mat_rt) <- rownames(mat_rt) <- rn_mat_bin

    mat_mz <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
    colnames(mat_mz) <- rownames(mat_mz) <- x[rn_mat_bin, "mz"]

    ## create matrix which has rownames per row
    mat_mz <- apply(mat_mz, 1, function(i) as.numeric(rownames(mat_mz)))

    ## calculate difference between rownames and colnames
    ## (difference between features)
    mat_mz <- mat_mz - t(mat_mz)
    colnames(mat_mz) <- rownames(mat_mz) <- rn_mat_bin

    ## get indices of matching items
    ind <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(transformation)), function(i)
        grep(l[[var]], pattern = transformation[i, var], fixed = TRUE))

    ## iterate through transformation rows
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(transformation))) {

        ind_i <- ind[[i]]

        ## check if observed rt shift corresponds to expected one and
        ## remove connection if necessary
        l <- lapply(.nms, function(.nms_i) {

            ## obtain the list entry at position .nms_i (e.g. the "binary" slot)
            l_i <- l[[.nms_i]]

            ## define the value to which the element is set to
            if (mode(l[[.nms_i]]) == "numeric") {
                vals <- 0
            } else {
                vals <- ""

            ## in case there is a shift to larger retention time for the
            ## addition, check if the mz/rt pairs match with the expected
            ## behaviour
            if (transformation[i, "rt"] == "+") {
                l_i[ind_i][mat_mz[ind_i] < 0 & mat_rt[ind_i] < 0] <- vals
                l_i[ind_i][mat_mz[ind_i] > 0 & mat_rt[ind_i] > 0] <- vals
            ## in case there is a shift to lower retention time for the
            ## addition, check if the mz/rt pairs match with the expected
            ## behaviour
            if (transformation[i, "rt"] == "-") {
                l_i[ind_i][mat_mz[ind_i] < 0 & mat_rt[ind_i] > 0] <- vals
                l_i[ind_i][mat_mz[ind_i] > 0 & mat_rt[ind_i] < 0] <- vals

        names(l) <- .nms

    ## create the AdjacencyMatrix object
    rD <- DataFrame(names = rn_mat_bin, row.names = rn_mat_bin)

    am <- AdjacencyMatrix(l, rowData = rD, type = "structural",
        directed = am@directed, thresholded = TRUE)


#' @name addSpectralSimilarity
#' @aliases addSpectralSimilarity
#' @title Adding a spectral similarity matrix to the "structural"
#' `AdjacencyMatrix`
#' @description
#' The function `addSpectralSimilarity` adds adjacency matrices from
#' spectral similarity into the "structural" `AdjacencyMatrix` object.
#' One or multiple spectral similarity matrices can be added to the
#' "structural" `AdjacencyMatrix` object.
#' @details
#' The function `addSpectralSimilarity` includes functionality to add
#' spectral adjacency matrices e.g. that were created by functionality from the
#' `RforMassSpectrometry` infrastructure.
#' `addSpectralSimilarity` iterates through a `list` with named spectral
#' similarity matrices and adds them to the "structural" `AdjacencyMatrix`.
#' Matching between spectral similarity and "structural" `AdjacencyMatrix` is
#' performed via rownames/colnames. Thus, it is important that the spectral
#' similarity matrices have row/colnames matching to the respective MS1 data.
#' `addSpectralSimilarity` will add the adjacency matrices
#' and will return the "structural" `AdjacencyMatrix` containing the added
#' weighted adjacency matrices in the `assays` slot.
#' @param ms2_similarity
#' `list` containing spectral similarity adjacency matrices with
#' matching row-/colnames of the structural `AdjacencyMatrix`. The name of the
#' list entries should reference to the similarity calcululation method
#' (e.g. "ndotproduct")
#' @param am_structural
#' `AdjacencyMatrix` of type "structural" that was created using matching MS1
#' data of the same data set. The respective spectral similarity matrices will
#' be added into `am_structural`
#' @return `AdjacencyMatrix` of type "structural" containing the respective
#' adjacency matrices in the `assay` slot as specified by `methods`
#' @author Liesa Salzer, \email{liesa.salzer@@helmholtz-muenchen.de}
#' @examples
#' data("x_test", package = "MetNet")
#' transformation <- rbind(
#'     c("Monosaccharide (-H2O)", "C6H10O5", "162.0528234315"),
#'     c("Disaccharide (-H2O)", "C12H20O11", "340.1005614851"),
#'     c("Trisaccharide (-H2O)", "C18H30O15", "486.1584702945"))
#' transformation <- data.frame(group = transformation[, 1],
#'     formula = transformation[, 2],
#'     mass = as.numeric(transformation[, 3]))
#' am_struct <- structural(x_test, transformation, var = c("group", "mass"),
#'     ppm = 10, directed = TRUE)
#' ## load the file containing MS2 similarities
#' f <- system.file("spectra_matrix/spectra_matrix.RDS", package = "MetNet")
#' adj_spec <- readRDS(f)
#' ## run the addSpectralSimilarity function
#'spect_adj <- addSpectralSimilarity(am_structural = am_struct,
#'    ms2_similarity = list("ndotproduct" = adj_spec))
#' @export
addSpectralSimilarity <- function(am_structural, ms2_similarity = list()) {

    ## sanity checks
    if (!is(am_structural, "AdjacencyMatrix"))
        stop("'am_structural' is not an 'AdjacencyMatrix' object")

    if (!validObject(am_structural))
        stop("'am_structural' must be a valid 'AdjacencyMatrix' object")

    for(i in names(ms2_similarity)) {
        ## create empty slots of adjacency matrix based on feature names of MS1
        ## data and where we can fill then similarity values of MS2 data
        am = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(am_structural), ncol = nrow(am_structural))
        rownames(am) = rownames(am_structural)
        colnames(am) = colnames(am_structural)

        adj_spec <- ms2_similarity[[i]]

        am[rownames(adj_spec), colnames(adj_spec)] <- adj_spec

        ## assign the spectral similarity matrix to a new slot in structural
        assay(am_structural, i) <- am

tnaake/MetNet documentation built on Feb. 21, 2023, 12:20 p.m.