
#' Internal: Automatic bandwidth selection
#' @param udata data
#' @param method estimation method.
#' @return a bandwidth specification suitable for the estimation method.
#' @noRd
bw_select <- function(udata, method) {
           "MR"     = bw_mr(udata),
           "beta"   = bw_beta(udata),
           "T"      = bw_t(udata),
           "TLL1nn" = bw_tll_nn(udata, deg = 1),
           "TLL2nn" = bw_tll_nn(udata, deg = 2),
           "TLL1"   = bw_tll(udata, deg = 1),
           "TLL2"   = bw_tll(udata, deg = 2),
           "TTPI"   = bw_tt_pi(udata),
           "TTCV"   = bw_tt_cv(udata),
           "bern"   = bw_bern(udata))

#' Internal: Add multiplier to given bandwidth specification
#' Allows to further control the degree of smoothing.
#' @param bw full bandwidth specification as returned by
#' \code{\link{bw_select}}.
#' @param mult the multiplier, a positive real number.
#' @param method estimation method.
#' @param d dimension (only 2 allowed so far).
#' @return a bandwidth specification where the appropriate entries have been
#' multiplied with \code{mult}.
#' @noRd
multiply_bw <- function(bw, mult, method, d) {
    if (method %in% c("TLL1nn", "TLL2nn")) {
        bw$alpha <- mult * bw$alpha
    } else if (method %in% c("T", "TLL1", "TLL2")) {
        B <- as.matrix(bw)
        if (nrow(B) == 1)
            bw <- diag(as.numeric(bw), d)
        bw <- mult * bw
    } else if (method %in% c("TTPI", "TTCV")) {
        bw[1] <- bw[1] * mult
    } else if (method == "MR") {
        bw <- min(bw * mult, 1)
    } else if (method == "beta") {
        bw <- bw * mult
    } else if (method == "bern") {
        bw <- max(1, round(bw * mult))


#' Internal: Check if bandwidth specification is valid
#' @param bw bandwidth specification.
#' @param method estimation method.
#' @return Throws an error if invalid; returns nothing otherwise.
#' @noRd
check_bw <- function(bw, method) {
    if (method %in% c("TLL1nn", "TLL2nn")) {
        if (is.null(bw$B) | is.null(bw$alpha) | is.null(bw$kappa))
            stop(paste0("For methods 'TLL1/2nn', you have to provide a list",
                        "'bw = list(B = <your.B>,  alpha = <your.alpha>, ",
                        "kappa = <your.kappa>)'."))
        if (bw$alpha <= 0)
            stop("Nearest neighbor fraction 'bw$alpha' has to be positive.")
        if (length(bw$kappa) != 2)
            stop("bw$kappa has to be a numeric vector of length 2.")
        if (det(bw$B) <= 0)
            stop("Bandwidth matrix has to be positive definite.")
        } else if (method %in% c("T", "TLL1", "TLL2")) {
        if (det(bw) <= 0)
            stop("Bandwidth matrix has to be positive definite.")
    } else if (method %in% c("TTPI", "TTCV")) {
        if (bw[1] < 0)
            stop("The smoothing parameter (bw[1]) has to be positive.")
        if (bw[3] < 0)
            stop("The first tapering parameter (bw[3]) has to be positive.")
        if (abs(bw[2] > 0.9999))
            stop("The correlation parameter (bw[2]) has to lie in (-1,1).")
    } else if (method %in% c("MR", "beta", "bern")) {
        if (bw <= 0)
            stop(paste0('bw has to be positive for method "', method ,'".'))

#' Bandwidth selection for the transformation kernel estimator
#' The bandwidth is selected by a rule of thumb. It approximately minimizes
#' the MISE of the Gaussian copula on the transformed domain. The usual normal
#' reference matrix is multiplied by 1.25 to account for the higher variance
#' on the copula level.
#' @param udata data.
#' @return A `2 x 2` bandwidth matrix.
#' @details
#' The formula is
#' \deqn{1.25  n^{-1 / 6}  \hat{\Sigma}^{1/2},}
#' where \eqn{\hat{Sigma}} is empirical covariance matrix of the transformed
#' random vector.
#' @references
#' Nagler, T. (2014).
#' Kernel Methods for Vine Copula Estimation.
#' Master's Thesis, Technische Universitaet Muenchen,
#' \url{https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/node?id=1231221}
#' @export
bw_t <- function(udata) {
    n <- nrow(udata)
    n^(-1 / 6) * t(chol(cov(qnorm(udata))))

#' Bandwidth selection for the transformation local likelihood estimator
#' The bandwidth is selected by a rule of thumb similar to \code{\link{bw_t}}.
#' @param udata data.
#' @param deg degree of the polynomial.
#' @return A `2 x 2` bandwidth matrix.
#' @details
#' The formula is
#' \deqn{5  n^{-1 / (4q + 2)}  \hat{\Sigma}^{1/2},}
#' where \eqn{\hat{Sigma}} is empirical covariance matrix of the transformed
#' random vector and \eqn{q = 1} for \code{TLL1} and \eqn{q = 2} for
#' \code{TLL2}.
#' @importFrom stats qnorm cov
#' @export
bw_tll <- function(udata, deg) {
    n <- nrow(udata)
    3 * n^(-1 / (4 * deg + 2)) * t(chol(cov(qnorm(udata))))

#' Nearest-neighbor bandwidth selection for the transformation local likelihood
#' estimator
#' The smoothing parameters is selected by the method of Geenens et al. (2017).
#' It uses principal components for the rotation matrix and selects the
#' nearest neighbor fraction along each principal direction by approximate
#' least-squares cross-validation.
#' @param udata data.
#' @param deg degree of the polynomial.
#' @return A list with entries:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{B}}{rotation matrix,}
#'   \item{\code{alpha}}{nearest neighbor fraction (this one is multiplied
#'   with `mult` in [`kdecop()`]),}
#'   \item{\code{kappa}}{correction factor for differences in roughness along
#'   the axes,}
#' }
#' see Geenens et al. (2017).
#' @references 
#' Geenens, G., Charpentier, A., and Paindaveine, D. (2017).
#' Probit transformation for nonparametric kernel estimation of the copula
#' density.
#' Bernoulli, 23(3), 1848-1873. 
#' @importFrom stats princomp
#' @export
bw_tll_nn <- function(udata, deg) {
    zdata <- qnorm(udata)
    n <- nrow(zdata)
    d <- ncol(zdata)
    # transform to uncorrelated data
    pca <- princomp(zdata)
    B <- unclass(pca$loadings)
    B <- B * sign(diag(B))
    qrs <- unclass(pca$scores)

    ## find optimal alpha in for each principal component
    alphsq <- seq(nrow(zdata)^(-1/5), 1, l = 50)
    opt <- function(i) {
        val <- lscvplot(~qrs[, i],
                        alpha  = alphsq,
                        deg    = deg,
                        kern   = "gauss",
                        maxk   = 512)$value
    alpha.vec <- sapply(1:d, opt)

    ## adjustments for multivariate estimation and transformation
    kappa <- alpha.vec[1]/alpha.vec
    dimnames(B) <- NULL
    if (deg == 1) {
        alpha <- n^(1/5 - d/(4 + d)) * alpha.vec[1]
    } else {
        alpha <- n^(1/9 - d/(8 + d)) * alpha.vec[1]

    ## return results
    list(B = B, alpha = alpha, kappa = kappa)

#' Nearest-neighbor bandwidth selection for the tapered transformation estimator
#' The smoothing parameters are selected by the method of Wen and Wu (2015).
#' @param udata data.
#' @param rho.add logical; whether a rotation (correlation) parameter shall be
#' included.
#' @return Optimal smoothing parameters as in Wen and Wu (2015): a numeric
#' vector of length 4; entries are \eqn{(h, \rho, \theta_1, \theta_2)}.
#' @author Kuangyu Wen
#' @references
#' Wen, K. and Wu, X. (2015).
#' Transformation-Kernel Estimation of the Copula Density,
#' Working paper,
#' \url{http://agecon2.tamu.edu/people/faculty/wu-ximing/agecon2/public/copula.pdf}
#' @importFrom stats princomp sd
#' @export
bw_tt_pi <- function(udata, rho.add = TRUE) {
    # This function uses the plug in method to select
    # the optimal smoothing parameters.  rho.add = T
    # indicates using the bandwidth matrix H = h^2 *
    # h^2 * (1, rho \\ rho, 1).  rho.add = F
    # indicates using the bandwidth matrix H= h^2 * (1,
    # 0 \\ 0, 1), namely the product kernel.
    n <- dim(udata)[1]
    Si <- qnorm(udata[, 1])
    Ti <- qnorm(udata[, 2])
    # standardization is asymptotically negligble, but prevents invalid choices
    # of the bandwidth parameters when pre_rho^2 > 1
    Si <- Si / sd(Si)
    Ti <- Ti / sd(Ti)

    pre_rho <- max(-0.99, min(0.99, mean(Si * Ti)))
    b <- (32 * (1 - pre_rho^2)^3 * sqrt(1 - pre_rho^2)/(9 * pre_rho^2 + 6)/n)^(1/8)

    Xi <- rep(Si, each = n)
    Yi <- rep(Ti, each = n)
    Xj <- rep(Si, times = n)
    Yj <- rep(Ti, times = n)

    B <- rbind(2 - Xi^2 - Yi^2, mean(Si * Ti) - Xi *
    pseudoB <- rbind(2 - Si^2 - Ti^2, mean(Si * Ti) -
                         Si * Ti)

    C1 <- ((B %*% (t(B) * matrix(rep(dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) *  dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b), dim(B)[1]),
                                 dim(B)[1]))) - pseudoB %*% t(pseudoB) *
               dnorm(0)^2)/n/(n - 1)/b^2
    C21 <- (colSums(t(B) * matrix(rep((((Xi - Xj)/b)^2 - 1) * dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) *
                                          dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b), dim(B)[1]),
                                  dim(B)[1])) + rowSums(dnorm(0)^2 * pseudoB))/n/(n - 1)/b^4
    C22 <- (colSums(t(B) * matrix(rep((((Yi - Yj)/b)^2 - 1) * dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) *
                                          dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b),  dim(B)[1]),
                                  dim(B)[1])) + rowSums(dnorm(0)^2 * pseudoB))/n/(n - 1)/b^4

    phi40 <- sum((((Xi - Xj)/b)^4 - 6 * ((Xi - Xj)/b)^2 + 3) *
                     dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) * dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b))/n^2/b^6
    phi04 <- sum((((Yi - Yj)/b)^4 - 6 * ((Yi - Yj)/b)^2 + 3) *
                     dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) * dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b))/n^2/b^6
    phi22 <- sum((((Xi - Xj)/b)^2 - 1) * (((Yi - Yj)/b)^2 -  1) *
                     dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) * dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b))/n^2/b^6

    if (rho.add) {
        phi31 <- sum((((Xi - Xj)/b)^3 - 3 * ((Xi -  Xj)/b)) * ((Yi - Yj)/b) *
                         dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) * dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b))/n^2/b^6
        phi13 <- sum((((Yi - Yj)/b)^3 - 3 * ((Yi - Yj)/b)) * ((Xi - Xj)/b) *
                         dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) *  dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b))/n^2/b^6
    } else {
        phi31 <- phi13 <- 0

    if (rho.add) {
        C23 <- (colSums(t(B) * matrix(rep(((Yi - Yj) * (Xi - Xj)/b^2) *  dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) *
                                              dnorm((Yi -   Yj)/b), dim(B)[1]),
                                      dim(B)[1])) + rowSums(dnorm(0)^2 * pseudoB))/n/(n - 1)/b^4
    } else {
        C23 <- matrix(rep(0, dim(B)[1]), dim(B)[1], 1)

    if (rho.add) {
        M <- function(param) {
            rho <- 2 * pnorm(param) - 1
            C2 <- matrix(C21 + C22 + 2 * rho * C23, dim(B)[1], 1)
            C3 <- phi40 + phi04 + (4 * rho^2 + 2) *  phi22 + 4 * rho * (phi31 + phi13)
            (C3 - t(C2) %*% solve(C1) %*% C2)/(1 - rho^2)

        rho_optimization <- optim(0,
                                  method = "BFGS",
                                  control = list(maxit = 2000))
        if (rho_optimization$convergence != 0) {
            stop("Check the optimization in choosing rho.")

        rho <- 2 * pnorm(rho_optimization$par) - 1
    } else {
        rho <- 0

    C2 <- matrix(C21 + C22 + 2 * rho * C23, dim(B)[1], 1)
    C3 <- phi40 + phi04 + (4 * rho^2 + 2) * phi22 + 4 * rho * (phi31 + phi13)
    h <- as.numeric((1 / 2 / pi / n / (C3 - t(C2) %*% solve(C1) %*%  C2) /
                         sqrt(1 - rho^2))^(1/6))
    theta <- as.vector(-h^2/2 * solve(C1) %*% C2)

    c(h = h, rho = rho, theta1 = theta[1], theta2 = theta[2])

#' @rdname bw_tt_pi
#' @importFrom stats sd dnorm pnorm optim
#' @export
bw_tt_cv <- function(udata, rho.add = T) {
    # This function uses the profile cross validation
    # method to select the optimal smoothing
    # parameters.
    n <- dim(udata)[1]
    Si <- qnorm(udata[, 1])
    Ti <- qnorm(udata[, 2])
    # standardization is asymptotically negligble, but prevents invalid choices
    # of the bandwidth parameters when pre_rho^2 > 1
    Si <- Si / sd(Si)
    Ti <- Ti / sd(Ti)

    pre_rho <- max(-0.99, min(0.99, mean(Si * Ti)))
    a2 <- 19/4/pi^2
    a3 <- (48 * pre_rho^2 + 57)/32/pi^2/(pre_rho^2 -
                                             1)^3/sqrt(1 - pre_rho^2)
    a4 <- (18 * pre_rho^6 + 360 * pre_rho^4 + 576 *
               pre_rho^2 + 171)/(256 * pi^2 * (1 - pre_rho^2)^7)
    b <- (6 * a2/(sqrt(a3^2 + 3 * a2 * a4) - a3)/n)^(1/8)

    Xi <- rep(Si, each = n)
    Yi <- rep(Ti, each = n)
    Xj <- rep(Si, times = n)
    Yj <- rep(Ti, times = n)

    B <- rbind(2 - Xi^2 - Yi^2, mean(Si * Ti) - Xi *
    pseudoB <- rbind(2 - Si^2 - Ti^2, mean(Si * Ti) -
                         Si * Ti)

    C1 <- ((B %*% (t(B) * matrix(rep(dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) *
                                         dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b), dim(B)[1]), n^2, dim(B)[1]))) -
               pseudoB %*% t(pseudoB) * dnorm(0)^2)/n/(n -
    C21 <- (colSums(t(B) * matrix(rep((((Xi - Xj)/b)^2 -  1) * dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) *
                                          dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b),  dim(B)[1]), n^2, dim(B)[1])) +
                rowSums(dnorm(0)^2 *  pseudoB))/n/(n - 1)/b^4
    C22 <- (colSums(t(B) * matrix(rep((((Yi - Yj)/b)^2 -  1) * dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) *
                                          dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b), dim(B)[1]), n^2, dim(B)[1])) +
                rowSums(dnorm(0)^2 * pseudoB))/n/(n - 1)/b^4
    C23 <- (colSums(t(B) * matrix(rep(((Yi - Yj) * (Xi - Xj)/b^2) *
                                          dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) * dnorm((Yi -  Yj)/b), dim(B)[1]), n^2, dim(B)[1])) +
                rowSums(dnorm(0)^2 * pseudoB))/n/(n - 1)/b^4

    phi40 <- sum((((Xi - Xj)/b)^4 - 6 * ((Xi - Xj)/b)^2 +
                      3) * dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) * dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b))/n^2/b^6
    phi04 <- sum((((Yi - Yj)/b)^4 - 6 * ((Yi - Yj)/b)^2 +
                      3) * dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) * dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b))/n^2/b^6
    phi22 <- sum((((Xi - Xj)/b)^2 - 1) * (((Yi - Yj)/b)^2 - 1) *
                     dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) * dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b))/n^2/b^6
    phi31 <- sum((((Xi - Xj)/b)^3 - 3 * ((Xi - Xj)/b)) * ((Yi - Yj)/b) *
                     dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) * dnorm((Yi - Yj)/b))/n^2/b^6
    phi13 <- sum((((Yi - Yj)/b)^3 - 3 * ((Yi - Yj)/b)) * ((Xi - Xj)/b) *
                     dnorm((Xi - Xj)/b) * dnorm((Yi -  Yj)/b))/n^2/b^6

    wcv <- function(h, rho) {
        C2 <- matrix(C21 + C22 + 2 * rho * C23, dim(B)[1], 1)
        theta <- as.vector(solve(C1) %*% C2) * (-h^2/2)
        delta <- sqrt(h^4 * (1 - rho^2) * (4 * theta[1]^2 -  theta[2]^2) +
                          2 * h^2 * (2 * theta[1] + rho * theta[2]) + 1)
        eta <- mean(exp(-((4 * h^2 * theta[1]^2 - h^2 * theta[2]^2 + 2 * theta[1]) *
                              (Si^2 + Ti^2) +  (2 * rho * h^2 * theta[2]^2 - 8 * rho *
                                                    h^2 * theta[1]^2 + 2 * theta[2]) * Si * Ti) /
                            2 / delta^2)) / delta

        alpha1 <- -2 * h^4 * (1 - rho^2) * (4 * theta[1]^2 -  theta[2]^2) +
            2 * h^2 * ((rho^2 - 3) * theta[1] - rho * theta[2]) - 1
        alpha2 <- 4 * h^4 * (1 - rho^2) * (4 * theta[1]^2 -  theta[2]^2) +
            2 * h^2 * (4 * rho * theta[1] + (3 * rho^2 - 1) * theta[2]) + 2 * rho
        alpha3 <- -2 * h^2 * (4 * rho * theta[1] + (1 + rho^2) * theta[2]) - 2 * rho
        alpha4 <- 4 * h^2 * ((1 + rho^2) * theta[1] + rho * theta[2]) + 2

        part1 <- mean(exp((alpha1 * (Xi^2 + Xj^2 + Yi^2 + Yj^2) +
                               alpha2 * (Xi * Yi + Xj * Yj) +
                               alpha3 * (Xi * Yj + Xj * Yi) + alpha4 *
                               (Xi * Xj + Yi * Yj))/4/h^2/(1 - rho^2)/delta^2)) /
            4/pi/eta^2/h^2/delta/sqrt(1 - rho^2)

        part2 <- sum(sapply(1:n,
                                as.numeric(eval_tt(matrix(udata[index, ], ncol = 2),
                                                   udata[-index, ],
                                                   c(h, rho, theta))) *
                                dnorm(qnorm(udata[index, 1])) *
                                dnorm(qnorm(udata[index, 2]))
        part1 - 2 * part2/n

    if (rho.add) {
        M <- function(param) {
            rho <- 2 * pnorm(param) - 1
            C2 <- matrix(C21 + C22 + 2 * rho * C23,
                         dim(B)[1], 1)
            C3 <- phi40 + phi04 + (4 * rho^2 + 2) *
                phi22 + 4 * rho * (phi31 + phi13)
            (C3 - t(C2) %*% solve(C1) %*% C2)/(1 - rho^2)

        rho_optimization <- optim(0,
                                  method = "BFGS",
                                  control = list(maxit = 2000))
        opt_rho <- 2 * pnorm(rho_optimization$par) - 1
        obj <- function(param) wcv(exp(param), opt_rho)
        optimization <- optim(log(0.2),
                              method = "BFGS",
                              control = list(maxit = 2000))
        opt_h <- exp(optimization$par)
    } else {
        obj <- function(param) wcv(exp(param), 0)
        optimization <- optim(log(0.2),
                              method = "BFGS",
                              control = list(maxit = 2000))
        opt_h <- exp(optimization$par)
        opt_rho <- 0
    opt_C2 <- matrix(C21 + C22 + 2 * opt_rho * C23, dim(B)[1], 1)
    opt_theta <- as.vector(solve(C1) %*% opt_C2) * (-opt_h^2/2)
    opt_theta[1] <- max(opt_theta[1], 0)
    c(h = opt_h, rho = opt_rho, theta1 = opt_theta[1], theta2 = opt_theta[2])


#' Bandwidth selection for the mirror-reflection estimator
#' The bandwidth is selected by minimizing the MISE using the Frank copula as
#' the reference family. The copula parameter is set by inversion of Kendall's
#' tau. See Nagler (2014) for details.
#' @param udata data.
#' @return A scalar bandwidth parameter.
#' @details
#' To speed things up, optimal bandwidths have been pre-calculated on a grid of
#' tau values.
#' @references
#' Nagler, T. (2014).
#' Kernel Methods for Vine Copula Estimation.
#' Master's Thesis, Technische Universitaet Muenchen,
#' \url{https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/node?id=1231221}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats cor
bw_mr <- function(udata) {
    tau <- max(abs(cor(udata, method = "kendall")[1L, 2L]), 0.2)
    res <- precalc_bw_mr(tau) * nrow(udata)^(-1/6)
    if (res > 1) 1 else res

precalc_bw_mr <- function(tau) {
    # ## constants for kernel
    # sigma_K <- sqrt(1/5)
    # d_K     <- 3/5
    # ## parameter for frank copula by inversion of Kendall's tau
    # family <- 5
    # if (abs(tau) < 1e-2) {
    #     family <- 0
    #     par <- 0
    # } else {
    #     par <- BiCopTau2Par(family, tau = tau)
    # }
    # ## short handles for copula density and derivatives
    # c_uu <- function(u,v)
    #     BiCopDeriv2(u, v, family, par, deriv = "u1")
    # c_vv <- function(u,v)
    #     BiCopDeriv2(u, v, family, par, deriv = "u2")
    # ## integrals
    # require(cubature)
    # bet <- function(w) (c_uu(w[1L], w[2L]) + c_vv(w[1L], w[2L]))^2
    # beta  <- adaptIntegrate(bet,
    #                         lowerLimit = c(0, 0),
    #                         upperLimit = c(1, 1),
    #                         tol = 5e-3)$integral
    # gamma <- 1
    # ## result
    # (2*d_K^2/sigma_K^4*gamma/beta)^(1/6)

    ## the above calculations were done on a grid for Kendall's tau.
    v <- c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, 9.38981068252189, 7.36254398988451,
           5.9934473841143, 5.01438723715381, 4.28489907652576, 3.72151713690116,
           3.27524808116924, 2.91396051165559, 2.61608148151527, 2.36661799041074,
           2.15485773318137, 1.97295862876476, 1.81504529817913, 1.67664440477963,
           1.55428808465057, 1.44524733239357, 1.34727336943063, 1.2588505869573,
           1.17831883935096, 1.10458837918203, 1.03668522552123, 0.973750351604238,
           0.915194628199262, 0.860406562943529, 0.808890181007853, 0.760230558570832,
           0.714051901933609, 0.670076097370562, 0.628067045708522, 0.587716317232067,
           0.548818087457592, 0.51120935335435, 0.474708408418336, 0.439129770121076,
           0.404297062441312, 0.370046576741511, 0.336198423712505, 0.302561619578939,
           0.26895782427755, 0.23518179071423, 0.201000830641606, 0.16613394170313,
           0.13018932667288, 0.0925244955920096, 0.037769121689797)
    ## we choose the value that correponds to the value of Kendall's tau that
    ## is closest to the empirical one.
    tausq <- seq(0, 0.98, l = 50)^2
    v[which.min(abs(tau - tausq))]

#' Bandwidth selection for the beta kernel estimator
#' The bandwidth is selected by minimizing the MISE using the Frank copula as
#' the reference family. The copula parameter is set by inversion of Kendall's
#' tau. See Nagler (2014) for details.
#' @param udata data.
#' @return A scalar bandwidth parameter.
#' @details
#' To speed things up, optimal bandwidths have been pre-calculated on a grid of
#' tau values.
#' @references
#' Nagler, T. (2014).
#' Kernel Methods for Vine Copula Estimation.
#' Master's Thesis, Technische Universitaet Muenchen,
#' \url{https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/node?id=1231221}
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @export
bw_beta <- function(udata) {
    tau <- max(abs(cor(udata, method = "kendall")[1L, 2L]), 0.2)
    precalc_bw_beta(tau) * nrow(udata)^(-1/3)

precalc_bw_beta <- function(tau) {
    # ## parameter for frank copula by inversion of Kendall's tau
    # family <- 5
    # if (abs(tau) < 1e-2) {
    #     family <- 0
    #     par <- 0
    # } else {
    #     par <- BiCopTau2Par(family, tau = tau)
    # }
    # ## short handles for copula density and derivatives
    # cd   <- function(u,v)
    #     BiCopPDF(u, v, family, par)
    # c_u  <- function(u,v)
    #     BiCopDeriv(u, v, family, par, deriv = "u1")
    # c_v  <- function(u,v)
    #     BiCopDeriv(u, v, family, par, deriv = "u2")
    # c_uu <- function(u,v)
    #     BiCopDeriv2(u, v, family, par, deriv = "u1")
    # c_vv <- function(u,v)
    #     BiCopDeriv2(u, v, family, par, deriv = "u2")
    # ## short handles for integrands
    # x <- function(w) {
    #     u <- w[1L]
    #     v <- w[2L]
    #     ((1-2*u)*c_u(u,v) + (1-2*v)*c_v(u,v) +
    #             1/2 * (u*(1-u)*c_uu(u,v) + v*(1-v)*c_vv(u,v)))^2
    # }
    # zet <- function(w) {
    #     u <- w[1L]
    #     v <- w[2L]
    #     cd(u,v) / sqrt(u*(1-u)*v*(1-v))
    # }
    # ## integrations
    # require(cubature)
    # xi   <- adaptIntegrate(x,
    #                        lowerLimit = c(0, 0),
    #                        upperLimit = c(1, 1),
    #                        tol = 5e-3,
    #                        maxEval = 10^3)$integral
    # zeta <- adaptIntegrate(zet,
    #                        lowerLimit = c(0, 0),
    #                        upperLimit = c(1, 1),
    #                        tol = 5e-3,
    #                        maxEval = 10^3)$integral
    # ## result
    # (zeta/(8*pi*xi))^(1/3)

    ## the above calculations were done on a grid for Kendall's tau.
    v <- c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, 4.69204254128018, 3.67817865896611,
           2.99306705888, 2.50600489245533, 2.14070935782172, 1.85882498366308,
           1.63542027413745, 1.45447243427281, 1.30516553259084, 1.18006222840396,
           1.07369616223661, 0.982279653155062, 0.902786075906722, 0.832989698639277,
           0.77116216500065, 0.71594673568386, 0.666226838391616, 0.621283273241791,
           0.580285687536092, 0.542978050804531, 0.508272377148461, 0.476077286848213,
           0.445778127751307, 0.417823893972421, 0.391328969202865, 0.366246870917148,
           0.342361362868933, 0.31955865730248, 0.297652278179634, 0.276344663543029,
           0.255870283604903, 0.235590782152833, 0.215830541690526, 0.196004036954186,
           0.176279793709377, 0.156562165388165, 0.13363202871254, 0.116793384758542,
           0.0963960312149928, 0.0805978666127558, 0.0612707894515751, 0.0402224124093885,
           0.0294236043019451, 0.0162264027190233, 0.00459925701909334)
    ## we choose the value that correponds to the value of Kendall's tau that
    ## is closest to the empirical one.
    tausq <- seq(0, 0.98, l = 50)^2
    v[which.min(abs(tau - tausq))]


#' Bandwidth selection for the Bernstein copula estimator
#' The optimal size of knots is chosen by a rule of thumb adapted from
#' Rose (2015).
#' @param udata data.
#' @details
#' The formula is
#' \deqn{max(1, round(n^(1/3) * exp(abs(rho)^(1/n)) * (abs(rho) + 0.1))),}
#' where \eqn{\rho} is the empirical Spearman's rho of the data.
#' @return optimal order of the Bernstein polynomials.
bw_bern <- function(udata) {
    n <- nrow(udata)
    rho <- cor(udata)[1, 2]
    # Rose (2015)
    max(1, round(n^(1/3) * exp(abs(rho)^(1/n)) * (abs(rho) + 0.1)))
tnagler/kdecopula documentation built on May 31, 2019, 4:43 p.m.