
Defines functions plot.predict_mod

Documented in plot.predict_mod

#' @title Plotting prediction models yield per recruit and Thompson & Bell
#' @description This function plots objects of the class "predict_mod", which are results
#'    of the function \code{\link{predict_mod}}.
#' @param x a object of the class 'predict_mod'
#' @param type a character indicating, which type of plot should be displayed in
#'     case of Beverton and Holt's yield per recurit model. Options are either
#'     "ypr" (default) for line plot or "Isopleth" for isopleth plot.
#' @param xaxis1 which x-axis should be plotted? Either "FM" (fishing mortality;
#'     default) or "E" (exploitation rate).
#' @param yaxis1 which (first) y-axis should be plotted? "Y_R" (yield per
#'     recruit; default) or "Y_R.rel" (relative yield per recruit) for type =
#'     "ypr". For "Isopleth" in addition: "B_R" (biomass per recruit) and
#'     "B_R.rel" (relative yield per recruit). For Thompson and Bell model in
#'     addition also "value" or "catch" possible.
#' @param yaxis2 which second y-axis should be plotted for type = "ypr"? Either
#'     "B_R" (biomass per recruit; default), "B_R.rel" (relative biomass per
#'     recruit), or "B_R.percent" (percentage biomass per recruit)
#' @param yaxis_iso determines label and scale of y axis of Isopleth graph.
#'     Either "Lc" (default) for length at first capture or "Lc/Linf" for the
#'     relation of length at first capture to the infinite length
#' @param identify logical; indicating whether points in the graph are supposed
#'     to be identified by clicking on them (uses \code{\link{locator}}
#'     function). To stop press right mouse click. (default: TRUE).
#' @param mark logical; if value of choosen points should be displayed in graph
#'     (default: TRUE)
#' @param contour used in combination with the Isopleth graph. Usage can be
#'     logical (e.g. TRUE) or providing a numeric which indicates the number of
#'     levels (\code{nlevels} in \code{\link{contour}}). By default TRUE.
#' @param xlab Label of x-axis. If set to NA, then default "Fishing mortality",
#'     or "Exploitation rate" is used.
#' @param ylab1 Label of y-axis. If set to NA, then default "Yield" is used for
#'     the Thompson and Bell model, "Lc" is used for the Isopleth graph, and
#'     "Y/R" is used for ypr.
#' @param ylab2 Label of second y-axis. If set to NA, then default "Biomass" is
#'     used for the Thompson and Bell model and "B/R" for ypr.
#' @param ylab3 Label of third y-axis. If set to NA, then default "Value" is
#'     used for the Thompson and Bell model.
#' @param plot_refs Define reference points to be plotted. Default:
#'     c("F01","Fmax","F05","F04")
#' @param cols_refs Define colours for reference points. Default:
#'     c("goldenrod2","darkred","darkgreen","darkorange")
#' @param ... optional parameters of plot function
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Nemipterus marginatus - age structured data
#' threadfin <- list(Winf = 286,K = 0.37, t0 = -0.2, M = 1.1, tr = 0.4)
#' output <- predict_mod(threadfin, FM_change = seq(0,6,0.1),
#'    tc_change = seq(0.2,1,0.2), type = 'ypr')
#' plot(output)
#' # hake - length structured data
#' data(hake)
#' hake$Lr <- 35
#' select.list <- list(selecType = 'trawl_ogive', L50 = 20, L75 = 24)
#' output <- predict_mod(param = hake, FM_change = seq(0,0.4,0.05),
#'                       curr.E = 0.4, curr.Lc = 40,
#'                       Lc_change = seq(5,80,1), s_list = select.list,
#'                       type = 'ypr', plot = FALSE)
#' plot(output, type = "Isopleth", xaxis1 = "FM", yaxis1 = "Y_R.rel",
#'    identify = FALSE)
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette dev.new rgb
#' @importFrom graphics mtext par plot axis contour identify image legend lines locator points rect segments text
#' @references
#' Sparre, P., Venema, S.C., 1998. Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment.
#' Part 1. Manual. \emph{FAO Fisheries Technical Paper}, (306.1, Rev. 2). 407 p.
#' @method plot predict_mod
#' @export

plot.predict_mod <- function(x, type = 'ypr', xaxis1 = "FM",
                             yaxis1 = "Y_R.rel", yaxis2 = "B_R.rel",
                             yaxis_iso = "Lc",
                             identify = FALSE, mark = FALSE, contour = TRUE,
                             xlab = NA, ylab1 = NA, ylab2 = NA, ylab3 = NA,
                             plot_refs = c("F01","Fmax","F05","F04"),
                             cols_refs = c("goldenrod2","darkred","darkgreen","darkorange"),
  pes <- x

  # function for identifying Lc and yield/biomass values in plot
  image.identifier <- function(xyz, markII=TRUE, digits=2){
    intiX <- (xyz$x[2]-xyz$x[1])/2
    intiY <- (xyz$y[2]-xyz$y[1])/2
    newX <- c(xyz$x - intiX,xyz$x[length(xyz$x)]+intiX)
    newY <- c(xyz$y - intiY,xyz$y[length(xyz$y)]+intiY)
    nx <- length(xyz$x)
    ny <- length(xyz$y)
    mesi <- data.frame()
    xy <- locator(1)
      xbin <- as.numeric(cut(xy$x,newX))
      ybin <- as.numeric(cut(xy$y,newY))
      cat("[",xbin,",",ybin,"] = ",xyz$z[xbin,ybin],"\n",sep='')
      lcc <- xy$y * pes$Linf
      mesi <- rbind(mesi,data.frame(i=xbin,j=ybin,x=xy$x,y=xy$y,z=xyz$z[xbin,ybin],Lc=lcc))
      xy <- locator(1)
    colnames(mesi) <- c("i","j",p.FE,"Lc/Linf",p.yield,"Lc")
    # if(mark){
    #   points(xy$x,xy$y,pch=19,cex=.5,col="blue")
    #   text(xy$x,xy$y,format(xyz$z[xbin,ybin],digits=digits),adj=-.2,col="blue")
    # }

  if("totY" %in% names(pes)){

    df_Es <- pes$df_Es

    if(xaxis1 == "FM"){
      px <- pes$FM_change
      xlabel1 <- "Fishing mortality"
        xlabel1 <- "rel. Fishing mortality"

      N05 <- df_Es$F05
      Nmax <- df_Es$Fmax
      N01 <- df_Es$F01
      N04 <- df_Es$F04

      refs <- c("F01","Fmax","F05","F04")
      ind <- which(refs %in% plot_refs & !is.na(df_Es[names(df_Es) %in% refs]))
      legend.lab <- refs[ind]
      if("currents" %in% names(pes)) curr_markX <- pes$currents$curr.F
      px <- pes$E_change
      xlabel1 <- "Exploitation rate"
        xlabel1 <- "rel. Exploitation rate"

      N05 <- df_Es$E05
      Nmax <- df_Es$Emax
      N01 <- df_Es$E01
      N04 <- df_Es$E04

      refs <- c("E01","Emax","E05","E04")
      ind <- which(refs %in% plot_refs & !is.na(df_Es[names(df_Es) %in% refs]))
      legend.lab <- refs[ind]
      if("currents" %in% names(pes)) curr_markX <- pes$currents$curr.E
      xlabel1 <- xlab
      ylabel1 <- "Yield"
      ylabel1 <- ylab1
      ylabel2 <- "Biomass"
      ylabel2 <- ylab2
      ylabel3 <- "Value"
      ylabel3 <- ylab3

    #save x axis positions
    max_val <- round(max(pes$totV,na.rm=TRUE),digits=0)
    dim_val <- 10 ^ (nchar(max_val)-1)
    max_yiel <- round(max(pes$totY,na.rm=TRUE),digits=0)
    dim_yiel <- 10 ^ (nchar(max_yiel)-1)
    max_bio <- round(max(pes$meanB,na.rm=TRUE),digits=0)
    dim_bio <- 10 ^ (nchar(max_bio)-1)

    #   max_val <- round(max(pes$totV,na.rm=TRUE),digits=0)
    #   dim_val <- 10 ^ (nchar(max_val)-1)

      py <- pes$totY[1:length(px)]
      py2 <- pes$meanB[1:length(px)]

      ## NEW:
      yprFmax <- df_Es$YPR_Fmax
      yprF01 <- df_Es$YPR_F01
      yprF04 <- df_Es$YPR_F04
      bprF05 <- df_Es$BPR_F05
      cols <- cols_refs

    #op <- par(oma = c(1, 1, 1.5, 1),new=FALSE,mar = c(5, 4, 4, 6) + 0.3)
    plot(px,py, type ='l',ylab=ylabel1,xlab= xlabel1,
         col ='black', ylim = c(0,ceiling(max_yiel/dim_yiel)*dim_yiel),

      ## F or E max
      if(any(plot_refs == "F01")){
          points(N01,yprF01, pch = 21, col=cols[1], bg=cols[1])
          segments(x0 = N01, x1 = N01, y0 = -1000, y1 = yprF01,
                   col= cols[1],lty = 3, lwd=1.6)
          ## abline(h = yprF01,
          ##        col= 'goldenrod1',lty = 2, lwd=1.6)
      if(any(plot_refs == "Fmax")){
          ## segments(x0 = -1, x1 = Nmax, y0 = yprFmax,
          ##          y1 = yprFmax,
          ##          col= 'goldenrod1',lty = 2, lwd=1.6)
          points(Nmax,yprFmax, pch = 22, col=cols[2], bg=cols[2])
          segments(x0 = Nmax, x1 = Nmax, y0 = -1000, y1 = yprFmax,
                   col= cols[2],lty = 3, lwd=1.6)
          ## abline(h = yprFmax,
          ##        col= 'goldenrod1',lty = 2, lwd=1.6)
      if(any(plot_refs == "F04")){
          points(N04,yprF04, pch = 24, col=cols[4], bg=cols[4])
          segments(x0 = N04, x1 = N04, y0 = -1000, y1 = yprF04,
                   col= cols[4],lty = 3, lwd=1.6)
          ## abline(h = yprF04,
          ##        col= 'goldenrod1',lty = 2, lwd=1.6)

    # current Exploitation rate or fishing mortality
    if(!is.null(pes$currents) & mark){
      currents <- pes$currents
      if(!is.na(currents$curr.E) & yaxis1 == "Y_R" | yaxis1 == "Y_R.rel"){
        px1 <- ifelse(xaxis1 == "FM",currents$curr.F, currents$curr.E)
        py1 <- currents$curr.Y
        points(px1,py1, pch = 4, col="grey30")
        segments(x0=px1, x1=px1, y0 = -1000, y1 = py1,
                 col="grey30",lty=3, lwd=1.6)

      ## Biomass
      plot(px,py2,type ='l',ylab='',xlab='',
           col = "darkblue", col.axis="darkblue")
      mtext(ylabel2, side=4, line=2.5, col = "darkblue", cex=1)

      ## F or E 05
      if(any(plot_refs == "F05")){
          ## segments(x0 = 1000, x1 = N05, y0 = bprF05, y1 = bprF05,
          ##        col= 'red',lty = 3, lwd=1.5)
          points(N05,bprF05, pch = 25, col=cols[3], bg=cols[3])
          segments(x0 = N05, x1 = N05, y0 = -1000, y1 = bprF05,
                   col= cols[3],lty = 3, lwd=1.5)

    # current Exploitation rate or fishing mortality
    if(!is.null(pes$currents) & mark){
      currents <- pes$currents
      if(!is.na(currents$curr.E) & yaxis1 == "B_R" | yaxis1 == "B_R.rel"){
        px1 <- ifelse(xaxis1 == "FM",currents$curr.F, currents$curr.E)
        py1 <- currents$curr.B
        points(px1,py1, pch = 4, col="grey30")
        segments(x0=px1, x1=px1, y0 = -1000, y1 = py1,
                 col="grey30",lty=3, lwd=1.6)

      ## Legend
      if(any(!is.na(plot_refs)) && plot_refs[1] != FALSE){

          legend("top", legend = legend.lab, xpd = TRUE, horiz = TRUE,
                 bty = "n", lty = 3,
                 col = cols[ind], pt.bg = cols[ind],
                 pch = c(21,22,25,24)[ind],
                 seg.len = 2.5, x.intersp = 0.3, merge=TRUE,
                 y.intersp = -2.5, box.lty=0, cex=0.9, lwd =2)

    # Value if present
    if(any(pes$totV != 0)){
      py3 <- pes$totV[1:length(px)]
           col = 'darkgreen',lwd=1.6,
           ylim = c(0,ceiling(max_val/dim_val)*dim_val))    # draw lines with small intervals: seq(0,max(),0.05) but y as to be dependent of x (formula of calculaiton of y)
      axis(4,at=pretty(c(0,pes$totV)),line = 3.6,col.axis="darkgreen",col="darkgreen")
      mtext(ylabel3, side=4, line=5.7,col="darkgreen")

    # #par(oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), new = TRUE)
    # legend("top", c("value", "yield", "biomass"), xpd = TRUE,
    #        horiz = TRUE, inset = c(0, -0.1), bty = "n",lty = 1,seg.len = 0.7,
    #        col = c('darkorange','dodgerblue','darkgreen'), cex = 0.8,lwd=2,
    #        text.width=0.3,x.intersp=0.3)
    # #par(op)


  if("mat_FM_Lc_com.C" %in% names(pes)){
    p.yield <- yaxis1
    p.FE <- xaxis1
    p.B <- yaxis2
    xlabel1 <- ifelse(xaxis1 == "FM", "Fishing mortality", "Exploitation rate")
      xlabel1 <- ifelse(xaxis1 == "FM", "rel. Fishing mortality", "rel. Exploitation rate")
    #ylabel1 <- ifelse(yaxis1 == "Y_R", "Y/R", "rel. Y/R")
    ylabel_iso <- ifelse(yaxis_iso == "Lc", "Lc", "Lc / Linf")
      xlabel1 <- xlab
      ylabel_iso <- ylab1

    Lc_change <- pes$Lc_change
    FM_change <- pes$FM_change
    if(p.FE == "FM"){
      px <- FM_change
      if("currents" %in% names(pes)) curr_markX <- pes$currents$curr.F
      px <- FM_change/(FM_change + pes$M)
      if("currents" %in% names(pes)) curr_markX <- pes$currents$curr.E

    if(p.yield == "Y_R.rel" | p.yield == "Y_R"){
      pz <- pes$mat_FM_Lc_com.Y
    }else if(p.yield == "B_R.rel" | p.yield == "B_R"){
      pz <- pes$mat_FM_Lc_com.B
    }else if(p.yield == "value"){
      pz <- pes$mat_FM_Lc_com.V
    }else if(p.yield == "catch"){
      pz <- pes$mat_FM_Lc_com.C

    # colours for plot
    pal <- colorRampPalette(rev(c(
      rgb(1,0.5,0.5), rgb(1,1,0.5), rgb(0.5,1,1), rgb(0.5,0.5,1))))
    if(yaxis1 == "B_R" | yaxis1 == "B_R.rel"){
      pal <- colorRampPalette(c(
        rgb(1,0.5,0.5), rgb(1,1,0.5), rgb(0.5,1,1), rgb(0.5,0.5,1)))

    m <- list(x = px,
              y = Lc_change,
              z = pz)

    if("currents" %in% names(pes)) curr_markY <- pes$currents$curr.Lc

    if(yaxis_iso != "Lc" & "Linf" %in% names(pes)){
      m$y <- Lc_change/pes$Linf
      if("currents" %in% names(pes)) curr_markY <- pes$currents$curr.Lc/pes$Linf

    if(identify == TRUE){
      dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE)
    image(m, col=pal(100),
          xlab = xlabel1, ylab = ylabel_iso)
      contour(m, add=TRUE, nlevels = contour)
    }else if(contour == TRUE){
      contour(m, add=TRUE)

    if("currents" %in% names(pes) & mark){
      points(x = curr_markX, y=curr_markY, pch=16, col="grey30")
      abline(v=curr_markX, col="grey30",lty=2)
      abline(h=curr_markY, col="grey30",lty=2)
    #mtext("Yield", line=0.5, side=3)
    if(identify == TRUE) image.identifier(m)

  # YPR
  if("list_Lc_runs" %in% names(pes) |
     "list_tc_runs" %in% names(pes)){

    # necessary calculations
    FM <- pes$FM
    if("tc" %in% names(pes)) if(!is.null(pes$tc)) tc_Lc <- pes$tc
    if("Lc" %in% names(pes)) if(!is.null(pes$Lc)) tc_Lc <- pes$Lc
    if(is.null(pes$tc) & is.null(pes$Lc)) tc_Lc <- names(pes$list_Lc_runs)
    if("list_tc_runs" %in% names(pes)) list_tc_Lc_runs <- pes$list_tc_runs
    if("list_Lc_runs" %in% names(pes)) list_tc_Lc_runs <- pes$list_Lc_runs

    p.yield <- yaxis1
    p.FE <- xaxis1
    p.B <- yaxis2
    xlabel1 <- ifelse(xaxis1 == "FM", "Fishing mortality", "Exploitation rate")
      xlabel1 <- ifelse(xaxis1 == "FM", "rel. Fishing mortality", "rel. Exploitation rate")
    ylabel1 <- ifelse(yaxis1 == "Y_R", "Y/R", "rel. Y/R")
    ylabel2 <- ifelse(yaxis2 == "B_R", "B/R", "B/R [%]")
    ylabel_iso <- ifelse(yaxis_iso == "Lc", "Lc", "Lc / Linf")
      xlabel1 <- xlab
      ylabel1 <- ylab1
      ylabel2 <- ylab2
      ylabel_iso <- ylab1

    df_Es <- pes$df_Es
    if(xaxis1 == "FM"){
      N01 <- df_Es$F01
      N05 <- df_Es$F05
      Nmax <- df_Es$Fmax
      if(length(N05) == 1){
        legend.lab <- c("F0.1","F0.5","Fmax")
      }else legend.lab <- c("F0.1","Fmax")
      if("currents" %in% names(pes)) curr_markX <- pes$currents$curr.F
      N01 <- df_Es$E01
      N05 <- df_Es$E05
      Nmax <- df_Es$Emax
      if(length(N05) == 1){
        legend.lab <- c("E0.1","E0.5","Emax")
      }else legend.lab <- c("E0.1","Emax")
      if("currents" %in% names(pes)) curr_markX <- pes$currents$curr.E

    #standard plot (ypr vs. E or FM)
    if(type == 'ypr'){
      #op <- par(mfrow=c(1,1),new=F, mar = c(5, 4, 4, 4) + 0.3)

      #plot Y/R & B/R
      label <- ifelse("Lc" %in% names(pes),  "Lc","tc")
      tc_Lc_start <- which(tc_Lc == max(tc_Lc,na.rm=T))
      p.dat <- list_tc_Lc_runs[[tc_Lc_start]]
      py <- p.dat[,which(names(p.dat) == p.yield)]
      px <- p.dat[,which(names(p.dat) == p.FE)]
      offset_text <- py[length(py)] * 0.05
      offset_x <- py[length(px)] * 0.1
      runs <- sapply(strsplit(names(list_tc_Lc_runs),split = "_"), "[[",2)

      plot(px, py, type = 'l', ylim =c(0,max(py, na.rm = TRUE)*1.2),
           ylab = ylabel1, xlab = xlabel1, lty=tc_Lc_start,...)
      text(x = px[length(px)] - offset_x,
           y = py[length(py)] + offset_text,
           labels = bquote(.(label)[.(round(as.numeric(as.character(runs[tc_Lc_start])),2))]))
      seq_tc_Lc <- 1:length(list_tc_Lc_runs)
      seq_tc_Lc <- seq_tc_Lc[-tc_Lc_start]
      for(j in seq_tc_Lc){
        p.dat <- list_tc_Lc_runs[[j]]
        py <- p.dat[,which(names(p.dat) == p.yield)]
        px <- p.dat[,which(names(p.dat) == p.FE)]

        lines(px, py, type = 'l',
              ylab = ylabel1, xlab = xlabel1,lty = j)
        text(x = px[length(px)],
             y = (py[length(py)] +
             labels = bquote(.(label)[.(round(as.numeric(as.character(runs[j])),2))]))
      } # only works with plotting whole graph if values are not getting bigger right? because otherwise graphs is not insed plotting area

      # reference points
      if(length(N01) == 1){
        p.dat <- list_tc_Lc_runs[[tc_Lc_start]]
        py <- p.dat[,which(names(p.dat) == p.yield)]
        px <- p.dat[,which(names(p.dat) == p.FE)]
        # F or  E 0.1
        if(N01 == Nmax){
          add_shift <- 1.005
        }else  add_shift <- 1
        segments(x0 = -1, x1 = N01, y0 = py[which(px == N01)],
                 y1 = py[which(px == N01)],
                 col= 'darkgreen',lty = 1, lwd=1.5)
        segments(x0 = N01, x1 = N01, y0 = -1, y1 = py[which(px == N01)],
                 col= 'darkgreen',lty = 1, lwd=1.5)
        # F or E max
        segments(x0 = -1, x1 = Nmax, y0 = py[which(px == Nmax)]*add_shift,
                 y1 = py[which(px == Nmax)]*add_shift,
                 col= 'goldenrod1',lty = 2, lwd=1.5)
        segments(x0 = Nmax*add_shift, x1 = Nmax*add_shift, y0 = -1, y1 = py[which(px == Nmax)],
                 col= 'goldenrod1',lty = 2, lwd=1.5)
        # Legend
        if(length(N05) == 1){
          legend("top", legend = legend.lab, xpd = TRUE, horiz = TRUE,
                 inset = c(0,0), bty = "n", lty = c(1,3,2), col = c("darkgreen","red","goldenrod1"),
                 seg.len = 1,pt.cex = 2, x.intersp = c(0.7,0.7,0.7),merge=TRUE,
                 y.intersp = -2, box.lty=0,cex=0.8, lwd =2)
          legend("top", legend = legend.lab, xpd = TRUE, horiz = TRUE,
                 inset = c(0,0), bty = "n", lty = c(1,2), col = c("darkgreen","goldenrod1"),
                 seg.len = 1,pt.cex = 2, x.intersp = c(0.7,0.7,0.7),merge=TRUE,
                 y.intersp = -2, box.lty=0,cex=0.8, lwd =2)

        # current Exploitation rate or fishing mortality
          currents <- pes$currents
            px <- ifelse(p.FE == "FM",currents$curr.F, currents$curr.E)
            py <- ifelse(p.yield == "Y_R",currents$curr.YPR,currents$curr.YPR.rel)
            points(px,py, pch = 16)
            abline(v=px, col="grey30",lty=2)

      #Biomass per recruit
      px <- list_tc_Lc_runs[[1]][,which(names(list_tc_Lc_runs[[1]]) == p.FE)]
      py <- list_tc_Lc_runs[[1]][,which(names(list_tc_Lc_runs[[1]]) == p.B)]
      plot(px, py, type = 'l',
           axes = F, ylab = '', xlab ='', lty = tc_Lc_start,
           col = 'blue')
      axis(side = 4, at = pretty(range(py, na.rm= TRUE)), col = 'blue',
           col.axis = 'blue')
      mtext(side = 4, text = ylabel2, line = 3, col = 'blue')
      for(j in seq_tc_Lc){
        p.dat <- list_tc_Lc_runs[[j]]
        py <- p.dat[,which(names(p.dat) == p.B)]
        px <- p.dat[,which(names(p.dat) == p.FE)]

        lines(px, py, type = 'l',
              ylab = ylabel1, xlab = xlabel1, col='blue', lty = j)
      if(length(N05) == 1){
        p.dat <- list_tc_Lc_runs[[tc_Lc_start]]
        px <- p.dat[,which(names(p.dat) == p.FE)]
        py2 <- p.dat[,which(names(p.dat) == p.B)]
        # F or E 0.5
        segments(x0 = -1, x1 = N05, y0 = py2[which(px == N05)], y1 = py2[which(px == N05)],
                 col= 'red',lty = 3, lwd=1.5)
        segments(x0 = N05, x1 = N05, y0 = -1, y1 = py2[which(px == N05)],
                 col= 'red',lty = 3, lwd=1.5)

    if(type == 'Isopleth'){

      tc_Lc_start <- which(tc_Lc == max(tc_Lc,na.rm=T))
      p.dat <- list_tc_Lc_runs[[tc_Lc_start]]
      px <- p.dat[,which(names(p.dat) == p.FE)]

      if(length(N01) > 1){
        Lc_change <- pes$Lc
        list_Lc_runs <- pes$list_Lc_runs

        Y_R.vec <- vector("list",length(list_Lc_runs))
        for(fx in 1:length(list_Lc_runs)){
          yr <- list_Lc_runs[[fx]][,which(names(list_Lc_runs[[fx]]) == p.yield)]
          Y_R.vec[[fx]] <- yr
        mat_FM_Lc_com.Y <- as.matrix(do.call(cbind,Y_R.vec))
        rownames(mat_FM_Lc_com.Y) <- round(px,digits=2)
        colnames(mat_FM_Lc_com.Y) <- round(Lc_change/pes$Linf,digits = 2)

        m <- list(x = px,
                  y = Lc_change,
                  z = mat_FM_Lc_com.Y)

        if("currents" %in% names(pes)) curr_markY <- pes$currents$curr.Lc

        if(yaxis_iso != "Lc" & "Linf" %in% names(pes)){
          m$y <- Lc_change/pes$Linf
          if("currents" %in% names(pes)) curr_markY <- pes$currents$curr.Lc/pes$Linf

        # colours for plot
        pal <- colorRampPalette(rev(c(
          rgb(1,0.5,0.5), rgb(1,1,0.5), rgb(0.5,1,1), rgb(0.5,0.5,1)
        if(yaxis1 == "B_R" | yaxis1 == "B_R.rel"){
          pal <- colorRampPalette(c(
            rgb(1,0.5,0.5), rgb(1,1,0.5), rgb(0.5,1,1), rgb(0.5,0.5,1)))

        if(identify == TRUE){
          dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE)
        image(m, col=pal(100),
              xlab = xlabel1, ylab = ylabel_iso)
          contour(m, add=TRUE, nlevels = contour)
        }else if(contour == TRUE){
          contour(m, add=TRUE)

        #mtext("Yield", line=0.5, side=3)
        if("currents" %in% names(pes) & mark){
          points(x = curr_markX, y=curr_markY, pch=16, col="grey30")
          abline(v=curr_markX, col="grey30",lty=2)
          abline(h=curr_markY, col="grey30",lty=2)
        if(identify == TRUE) image.identifier(m)
tokami/TropFishR documentation built on Feb. 29, 2024, 11 p.m.